Draw the theater. Draw the theatrical curtain in Photoshop

Draw the theater. Draw the theatrical curtain in Photoshop

The scene is the most important part of the theater. It is usually located in front of the audience, on a small elevation. There are varieties of theaters in which this area is circular, and the audience places are placed around it. To learn how to draw the scene, it is worth knowing which elements it consists.

How to draw the scene of the theater in three steps

Studying steps, how to draw the scene of the theater, you need to decide what kind of kind to be depicted - open or closed. Mostly scene-box or closed option It consists of an arc-input and the mirror itself, where the presentation occurs. Each site is divided into separate blocks.

Starting creating a simple place of the main theatrical action, Start better with the Kulis, as they occupy the front of the picture. To do this, we carry out a horizontal line at the top of the sheet - it will be the ceiling. From him on the sides will be to move on sides of the sides - two dense curtains, which at the end of the presentation will close the game part from the audience. Our curtains will be tied in the middle of thick rope.

Further draw walls, in the form of vertical lines behind the scenes. And the site itself is depicting in the form of a semicircular circumcised on the sides. The viewer sees the front part, called the outstanding, the main scene, and the arierarssen is almost not visible. It was there that the rear curtain contains props and scenery, as well as interchangeable dance sites or furs. The ceiling is brought until readiness, drawing several slats on the front of the box. From above there is a curtain, wipe almost horizontally, the so-called hollow, hiding lamps, various attributes. It can still be a curtain that closes gaming zoneAfter the end of the presentation.

Complete the drawing, drawing the bands on the floor of the scene, which is also called the tablet, imitating wooden planks. To ensure the safety of artists, there should not be even the smallest slots between the boards, and the tree should be well polished. On the upper and lateral curtains, the strips that create the visibility of the folds. Now the theater scene is practically ready.

Draw a scene in color

Even a drawing with a pencil can fully convey the volume and beauty of a particular part of the theater. And if adding flowers to the image, bright picture It will be more realistic. Therefore, you need to know how to draw a scene with a pencil so that later, in different ways, apart, get all new and new images.

We start drawing with curtains. For this, in the form of incorrect oval, we make sketches for the next steps. To do this, it is better to take some kind of bright color so that it was clearly visible on a gray background.

Then against the background of these strokes do simple pencil Soft folds of curtains - side and upper. Lines are soft semi-rises.

Now erased outline. We still draw a horizontal line separating the wall from the site. Then vertical lines, wooden planks.

Next, go to the most pleasant - deactors. The rear wall can be made blue, the curtains are contrasting, for example, red, and the wooden floor is yellow, under the tree. Although the choice of colors remains behind the artist.

Wanted to visit the puppet theater and for this purpose sold his letter?! So, today you can learn to draw it with colored pencils in stages. Externally, it will look like a large tent, where there will be a beautiful entrance from multi-colored columns and covers. Also there will be a bright garland from flags and musicians.

Necessary materials:

Stages of drawing:

  1. We plan a simple pencil general shape puppet Theaterwhich has a big tent shape. To do this, draw a horizontal line in the bottom of the sheet. From her ends we spend two vertical lines. At the top add a corner that will become a dome. On the left side will add a tent corner.

  2. Dorify in the foreground entrance to the puppet theater. On the sides will place vertical columns of small length and connect them long stripe. Under it draw another horizontal line to give the volume.

  3. We supplement the columns with wide ribbons that will be worn around the elements. To show this in the picture - depict the arcuate lines on the items. Also detail low part Input. Add the inscription "Puppet Theater". It should also be drawn under the visor a small window that will be a cash register.

  4. From the left to the right side, we draw a long arc. On it we depict checkboxes that will turn from the wind in the air. Fix the garlands from the checkboxes on both sides using vertical lines.

  5. Add the top of the theater in the form of a circle. Now give dolls that will stand on the top of the canopy and play different tools. It is a violin, and a drum, and flute, and tambourines. In total there will be four characters. All of them are different outwardly.

  6. We start painting in gradual black and white drawing Puppet Theater with colored pencils. First we will select two shades of red and as much green. Color the poles and the bottom of the canopy with light shades of red and green, alternating colors. Then add more dark shades to create volume.

  7. The puppet theater itself will have yellow. Therefore, the tent is painting a bright yellow pencil. Then we give an orange tone along the contour using a pencil. Also, they will also paint near the box office.

  8. Take three different colors Pencils and paint the top point of the dome of theater and flag on the thread. To do this, use red, green and blue pencil.

  9. Go to the dolls that play different musical instruments. We take pencils for this purpose dark green, yellow, orange, red and burgundy tone. Combine them between themselves and, if necessary, add new shades.

  10. On the last stage You should take a black pencil and spend on all the contour lines. The drawing of the puppet theater has become much expressive and attractive.

Phased Drawing theater

Olga Gurkina
Cracking "Ticket to theater"

Plan-abstract classes on drawing.

Subject: « Ticket to theater.» .


O - form skills draw a gouache; transmit in drawing features external view animals;

P - develop the imagination and perception of the surrounding world;

B - educate accuracy during operation.

Sl. R.: ticket, theatre.

Ind. R.: From Bones B. - to learn how to keep the brush in your hand when working.

Methods: Visory, verbal, practical.

Materials: pictures with the image of fox, hare and rooster; Flangegraph, brushes, paints, paper strips with inscription « ticket» For each child, stands for brushes, cups for water.

Travel course:

Children are included in the group. On the flannelhemphraph, pictures with the image of fox, hare and rooster are posted.

Hello guys. I want to invite you again to theatre. Look at the board, who do you see?

Guys, and fox and hare are wild animals or home? And the cockerel is an animal or a bird? That's right - this is a poultry. Guys, despite the fact that these animals are so different, they still met in one fairy tale. I will start this fairy tale now, and you try to guess how it is called? Right "Zyushkina Hut". Guys, we are all invited to the performance just on this fairy tale. And remind me that the viewers should be in order to get into auditorium? (tickets) . Of course tickets. Yes that trouble, the box office already closed and now tickets do not reach. How to be? How else can we get tickets? (draw) . Right, and before starting paint, let's play. Fizkultminutka:

There is a chanterelle on the bridge - children are hugged

Carries knitting a brushwood - depict that you carry the severity

Why is the trust?

Oven stump - movement of hands from side to side

Why does she have a stove?

Dinner cooking - circular movements with hands

Why dinner?

Guests feed - tilt forward

And the bear come, and the wolf come, and the hare come, and the cock come!

Oh please! - end of the game.

That's what a hospitable fox!

And now let's go beyond the tables, and we do our tickets. (Children sit down). Guys and what we will be on them paint? Of course, we will draw our fabulous heroes. Someone draws a bunny, someone chantech, and someone cock, and someone, maybe wants draw everyone together? We proceed to work, and do not forget that our animals should be the same color as they really are. (children draw).

Ah-yes well done guys what beautiful and bright we got tickets. I think in our theater will be a lot of guests. Well, I'm waiting for you on the performance!


Draw a rectangle. Divide it conditionally into four parts. On the sides and from above will be placed parts of the curtain. And at the bottom - the immediate place of performance is the floor.

Draw straight vertical lines in the left side. They should be at least 5. Then draw another 2-3, but already shorter. And after that, very short, somewhere half the first lines.

Do the same on the right side. Only everything is in mirror reflection.

Put the point in the middle of the top line of the rectangle. Draw the curved lines from it. As if portraying a widely stretched letter "L". Draw over them some more. It will be the folds of the fabric. Strokes should not be the same. Make them differently both in length and thickness. Ends should reach the very short vertical lines. In place of their joint, spend the lines smoothly diverged to the sides. These will be the curtain holders.

Draw a few parallel smooth lines At the bottom of the rectangle. They will portray the boardwalk.

Dimming the deep hatching in places that should designate folds. The same applies to folds in the top of the curtain. Here the shadow must repeat the arcuate lines. For the effect of illumination by spotlights, sketch the circle and sketch everything on the floor is lighter. Separately, pay attention to the color of the militant floor. It can not be completely monophonic. Mix a few species brown paint. Or add a chute black. Lines of gaps in the floor Mouse over the bold line.

Having gathered to draw a portrait, a landscape or still life, a novice artist invariably faces what you need to portray folds. It can be the folds of clothing or drapery. They draw them differently, depending on the nature and purpose of work. Draw folds sometimes required and fashion model. The folds on the skirt is the most accessible option, so it is best to start with it.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - simple pencil;
  • - Color pencils or paints.


Draw a skirt model you need. If this is a model with a counter fold, then the bottom line of the belt split in half. These currents draw down 2 divergent lines. Drive lines to Niza skirt. A piece of fabric located between the folds seems to be slightly shorter than the length of the product. Therefore, retreat a little from the bottom and move between the folds of the folds direct or slightly curved line. When painting such folds, no tricks are required, pour the skirt in one color, and the contours of the product and folding folds circle darker or paint.

To skirt or skirt with longitudinal folds, divide the bottom line of the belt to an arbitrary number of parts and put points. From these points, spend down slightly divergent lines. Draw them longer than the skirt itself. Connect the end point of the folds with the point of intersection of the nose skirt and the neighboring fold. In the same way, connect all other points. You should have something like ". Color the skirt in the same way as in the previous version.

Soft folds are transmitted mainly. Draw a product with such folds - for example, or the back of the Musketeer Cloak. Please note that if the bottom of the product is present in the projection on the plane, it will seem not direct, but wavy. Change this line.

In this lesson we will create red curtains using filters, vector objects and layer styles. You will learn how to create realistic textures, draw beautiful ropes, create shadows and work on the shape of vector elements.

Final result:

Step 1

Create a new document in Photoshop (Ctrl + N) with a size of 1000x1000 pixels.

Step 2.

Set the default colors (D), create a new layer (CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + N) and apply fiber filter (Filter\u003e Rendering\u003e Fiber) (Filter\u003e Render\u003e Fiber).

Step 3.

Apply filter Applique (Filter\u003e Imitation\u003e Application) (Filter\u003e Artistic\u003e Cutout).

Step 4.

Apply filter blur in motion (Filter\u003e Blur\u003e Blur in motion) (Filter\u003e Blur\u003e Motion Blur).

Step 5.

Click twice on the layer with the resulting texture to open the styles window. Apply Style Color overlay(Color Overlay): Mode - Multiplication.

Step 6.

Create a copy of the texture layer (Ctrl + J) and hide the original by clicking on the layer's eye icon. Tool Rectangular region (RECTANGULAR MARQUEE TOOL) (M) Highlight the left half of the texture, cut it out from the layer (Ctrl + X) and insert on a separate layer (Ctrl + V). You will notice that after inserting the red color will disappear. To add color again, copy the color of the color of the color from the previous layer through the context menu and insert it to the new layer.

Being on a layer and a half texture, activate deformation mode (Edit\u003e Transform\u003e Warp) (Edit\u003e Transform\u003e Warp) and change the texture form as shown in the screenshot.

Place the resulting curtain from the left edge, and then create the same on the right.

Step 7.

Select a tool Pen (Pen Tool) (P) and draw the bottom of the curtain, as shown below. Reduce the opacity of the layer to change the curvature of the lower edge. The color of the figure is not important.

Highlight the drawn figure (holding the Ctrl, click on the layer thumbnail). Go to the menu Editing\u003e Clear (Edit\u003e Clear).

Change the lower edge of another curtain.

Step 8.

Return to the original layer with the texture and create a rectangular selection. Copy it to a separate layer (Ctrl + J). Place the texture B. horizontal position Using the mode Free transform (Ctrl + T), activate the deformation mode, select the type of deformation Arc from below (Arc Lower) and set the bend (bend) by 70%.

Change the size of the new part of the curtain and place it in the center from above. Create two copies and place them on the sides.

Step 9.

Now we will create tassels for the curtains. Select Color # ECC242 as the main one. To draw the rods, we need to prepare a brush. Create a new document in photoshop in size of 200x150 pixels with transparent background. Tool Pen (Pen Tool) (P) Draw such a figure:

Apply the following styles to this figure:

Stroke (Stroke): position - Outside, mode - normal, stroke type - color.

Inner shadow


Go to the menu Editing\u003e Determine Brush (Edit\u003e Define Brush Preset) and save the brush under the name "Rope". Return to the main document, open the brushes panel (F5), select the created brush and configure it like this:

Select a tool Pen(Pen Tool) (P) In Contour mode (Paths) and draw a line as shown in the screenshot. Click on it right-click and select item. Perform circuit stroke (Stroke Path).

In the window that appears, select Brush (Brush) and the outline will be encountered an early confused brush.

Step 10.

Select all layers with ropes and combine them (Ctrl + E). To the resulting layer apply the following styles:

Inner shadow (Inner Shadow): Mode - Multiplication.

External glow (Outer Glow): Mode - Lightening, Method - Soft.

Drop shadow

Step 11.

Select for tool Pen (Pen Tool) (P) Figure mode (Shape). Draw two elements as shown below.

Apply the following styles to the bottom element:

Inner glow INNER GLOW: Mode - overlap.

Gloss (Satin): Mode - overlap.

Drop shadow (Drop Shadow): Mode - Multiplication.


To the top element apply the same styles, except for style Gloss(Satin). Create a copy of two items, turn them to the other side (editing\u003e Transformation\u003e Reflect horizontally) (Edit\u003e Transform\u003e Flip Horizontal) and place on the right curtain.

Step 12.

Create a new layer under the upper curtains. Choose a soft brush with 20% opacity and draw shadows under them.

Step 13.

Now create shadows from the side curtains. Create a copy of the layer of the left curtain and lower it under the original. Apply Style Color overlay (Color Overlay): Black. In deformation mode, change the shadow shape slightly.

Reduce the opacity of the shade layer to 30%. Then do the same with the right curtain.

Step 14.

In the same way, create shadows from tassels. To draw shadow on the floor, use the tool Pen (Pen Tool) (P). The opacity of the shadows on the floor is 30%.

Step 15.

All available layers place in the group (Ctrl + G). Combine the group on one layer (Ctrl + E) and apply the filter Gaussian blur (Filter\u003e Blur\u003e Blur in Gaussian) (Filter\u003e Blur\u003e Gaussian Blur) with a value of 5 pixels.

Final result.