How to draw clown in the circus. How to draw clown forum closed

How to draw clown in the circus. How to draw clown forum closed

Clown is a cheerful circus character who is designed to mix and merry the public. In its activities, it can use a variety of circus techniques: tricks, jokes, buffoon, or grotesque, acrobatic techniques, pantomime. This profession has other names: paints, jester or gaer. It seems that this is one of the easiest professions, because the mistake here is punishable by no indignation, but the promotion of the viewer. However, these people have good training and execution technique, which is not inferior to any other serious number.

And now we go to a part that will tell how to draw a clown. They always have a wig on the head. There is only a piece of red. On the nose, the Red Round Nozzle, which replaces the nose, the mouth of the clowns make a big and wide, do not regret the makeup. They are dressed in bright pants and shirts, and on legs are usually large shoes.

Clown with balls

Let's wonder how to draw a clown in stages. We use several additional constructions that later extract the eraser. We draw oval head, which is slightly lower than half we divide the horizontal line. I go a little on the head, we make one more oval smaller. It will be a torso. On the sides, stretch your hands with rounded ends. The same is done with the lower limbs, adding the ovals of the foot.

We return to the head and detail it. On the line we make two round eyes. They need to paint black, leaving the glare. We raise wide, but short eyebrows. At the level of the eye draw a large and round nose. From the border of the eye, we drove the cheek to the chin itself. In it we make a small smile mouth and two zones of the Rumyant. We add small ears on the sides of the head. A little above eyebrows draw a zone of curly hair using a wavy line. From the cheek we conduct the second border of the hair, goes above the border of the head. On the top of the wig we cling to a small hat.

Torch with striped. Under your head draw a bow. The same strip must be on the sleeves, and it ends with a wavy cuff. Add one finger on your palm. Legs in wide pants who hold on clown due to suspenders. Pants material is painted by a big pea. Detailing long round wear shoes. Clown will juggle five balls that need to draw on it in flight. To each ball add a glare.

We carry the black felt-tip pen all the boundaries.

I wipe the auxiliary lines. Funny small ready.

In large pink pants

And now consider another version of the drawing, which is often depicted in American films and cartoons. So how to draw a clown with a pencil? Making an elongated head, which on the sides has two cheeks hilly. From the sides, we draw a wig so that Lysin was on the head.

Under your head we make a huge butterfly. Above his head draw a hat with a strip and flower.

We decorate the character's torso. He is dressed in a free cut shirt with two big buttons in front. Clown hands weighing on the sides.

On suspenders hang wide pants.

Add your palm with four fingers, and on the legs we draw boots so that their soles are clearly visible. Detailing face. On the lines of the hills of the cheeks make a number of three circles. It will be the nose and blush cheeks. Right over the nose must be drawn closely arranged huge glazes with pupils inside. Even above, we draw raised eyebrows. Below we make your mouth, open in a wide smile, add the upper band and tongue.

It remains to open work. Hands and mouth line make yellow, a wig will be green. Language, nose and cheeks - red. The hat is apart in orange, and the strip - in yellow. Butterfly and suspenders will be black, shirt - blue, and buttons on her - yellow. Violet pants and red shoes will finish the image of a modern clown.

Children's option

And now we will relax and find out how to draw a clown to a child. We will place only his head. We draw a big circle, clinging the ears from the side, and on top we get a small hat.

Under your head we draw a bow, add a flower to a hat. Behind your head I draw a big curly wig.

We draw up two closely planted huge eyes with black pupils inside. Above we make a thin strip of eyebrows. Under the eyes draw a large and round nose, and on the sides, small circles of the rug. A smiling mouth zone describe a wide make-up.

Draw a clown. Wig make a red, hat - yellow with green stripe and red flower. The head will be painted with light pink pencil, blush and nose - red, like a bow. To add a picture of a special charm, you should walk through the white pencil on all borders and make small and thin glare.

With balloon

This is one of the most difficult and detailed drawings that can be drawn after such good preparation (previous options). So how to draw clown from the circus? Draw a character's head with all the familiar attributes.

Add a shirt with a wavy collar. I raise your hand, and the second is kept lowered. Add your palm with your fingers.

Pants at clown will also be on suspenders.

On the sides, the piano makes the pockets, and they draw them with a big peas. He will have long shoes.

In the hand of clown clinging the ball. It remains to decoke in the colors you like.

Today I will find out how to draw a clown with a pencil in stages. Our lessons are suitable for any degree of preparation. We have gathered for you a few examples of lessons, you can choose the lesson you like and start drawing a clown in steps. As a result, you will be easily and beautifully drawn by a clown with a pencil easily and simple. Start right now. Write comments under the article, share with friends.

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Draw it easier than it seems. Phased Drawing will help you learn to draw anything.


Repeat the same head and auxiliary lines. Picture hair on the sides. And below the gate.

Step 2.

Draw a wide smile from the chin to the auxiliary line. Between other two lines, draw small eyes and eyebrows. On the forehead depict a triangle. Draw ears and wavy lines.

Step 3.

On the other hand, also draw wavy hair. Gate make petals like in the picture. Circle your mouth. Draw in the eyes of pupils and make eyebrows wide.

Step 4.

Draw a droplet on the forehead and a big oval nose. In the mouth of the teeth. Dorisite ears and fold on the collar.

Step 5.

Cheeks will complement curls and triangles. In the eyes draw glare and on the nose too. In the mouth of the language.


Now you can paint the clown with colorful colors.

Today we will be draw a clown. We can say that we will have a holiday. Only it is not enough \u003d) a clown has ever seen something: a prime fun with a large bright nose and disheveled hair. Now you will find out how to draw a clown with a pencil phased.

How to draw a clown with a pencil

Step one.

Let's start with the nose. He is round and in the center of the sheet. From it up there are two more circumference - it is. And now we need to draw forehead: put the point on the circumference of the eye, draw a small bulge and pull the line up. Similarly, do it and on the other hand. Make sure that it turned out symmetrically! And now at the bottom of the sheet, under the resulting forehead, we will show the chin. Under the round nose, we draw the arc lowered downstairs.

Ready? Then go on!

Step second. A rather difficult stage. Carefully consider the details of the drawing, before continuing. First, the cheeks: from the line of the arc to the chin we carry out convexity. First - on the one hand, then, with the other exactly the same. Between the eye and cheek - the ear, it is small. You can see in a separate lesson. And now the mouth: big and open.

Step Three. Put the pupils in the center of the eye. Draw wavy hair bundles behind the ears, as well as fluffy bangs on the forehead. Step fourth. It remains to paint our clown to give him Zador. Here you can dream and make your nose and hair of any bright color. I have, for example, green. What about you?

I hope this lesson helped you find out how to draw a clown with a pencil? Write your comments on the lesson " how to draw clown ". AND

Elena Derbysheva

Hello, dear colleagues! Finally, a minute appeared for communication. I want to tell O. master class By drawing gouache portrait of clown.

This week I acquainted children with circus artists. Decided to draw portrait of a clown. As you probably remember, I really like to use different non-traditional techniques in drawing with children. So this time decided to take a whole range of non-traditional techniques - it is drawing with fingers, and disposable forks, and cotton sticks, and tiles. Of course, I did not forget about the traditional drawing with a brush - it was the main drawing technique portrait, and non-traditional techniques have become auxiliary elements. The work carried out individually with each child, the benefit of it was time. The children on this day were a bit, and I worked in the morning and until the evening. Portrait invented Sama, Internet resources did not use. I propose to see the sequence of drawing our cheerful clown.

1. At the beginning, I drew oval faces clown. Together with the hand of the child, there was a painful face with a brush, and painted the child alone. We made these billets in the evening.

2. In the morning, who came first, continued to draw portrait. Brush loomed big

white mouth and eyes.

3. Then they took a plug, looked into the orange gouache and painted a red wig, leaving a place on the top of the cap.

4. Then painted the brush of black paint pupils and eyebrows with a house.

5. Smile painted with cotton chopsticks, and nose with a twist.

6. The cap again painted with a brush with blue paint. Children tried a triangular cap

draw yourself.

7. At the bottom, under the mouth, they painted the bow of the bow and decorated with peas with fingers. At the cap, the pump attached a pomponchik and painted the fingers of the junction.

8. These are so wonderful clowns.

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Clowns are circus and pop comedians designed to mix children and other spectators. Red nose, drawn wide smile and facial expressions make them fun in the eyes of others. There is an opinion that clowns, in fact, unfortunate and depressed people, and seeing all the flaws and imperfections of this world, they try to make a viewer. They say that it's all as a facade, and after him - pain. So this or not - we do not know, but in this article we will look at how to draw a clown with a pencil: fun and scary.

Tools and materials

In order to draw a clown, you will need a blank sheet of paper, a simple pencil and an erasing gum. If you have already prepared everything you need, let's start drawing!

How to draw a clown gradually

Another option: a terrible clown

With the release of the film "It", and before its exit, clowns are associated not only with good, laughter and fun, but also with a soul with a horror. Let's try to draw a terrible clown.

  • We draw a nose, and on the sides of it, on top, we depict the eyes, tilted to the nose, so that the clown looks evil. Eyes leave empty, without pupils, it gives even more horror look.
  • We add a wide evil smirk and draw sharp fangs on the sides.
  • Pain the contour around the mouth, depicting the lips.
  • Draw a head circumference.
  • Add ears.
  • Now let's see how to draw a clown of a bow. Externally, he should remind rather not a bow, but bone.
  • Draw curls on both sides. Unlike the clown shown above, this curry is less and more.
  • And, for a consistent effect, teach the scar on the forehead.

Here is such a terrible clown we do!

Draw a clown face

How to draw a clown, we looked at you, let's now try to portray his head separately.

  • Quite unusual, but start with eyes. We draw two black oval and paint them.
  • We make an army over the eyes and cite the nose.
  • Testing the lower eyelid and eyebrows.
  • We draw the upper part of the head - a huge arch over all previously drawn.
  • Look further, how to draw a clown mouth. We carry out a slightly curved line, we depict the language from its middle.
  • Draw your cheeks and clown lips.
  • He retreating a little from above from the head, start drawing curls, bringing them almost to the end of the cheeks. We draw the same curls on both sides.
  • It remains to portray only a bow. And all, the head of the clown is ready!

If you did not get these drawings from the first time, wash and try again until you are satisfied with the result. Good luck!