Class hour on the topic: "Snow white winter. Class hour in elementary school on the topic: Winter

Class hour on the topic:
Class hour on the topic: "Snow white winter. Class hour in elementary school on the topic: Winter

Class hour.

Winter winter.

Purpose : expansion of the horizons of students, the upbringing of love for nature, the impulse of love for Russian poetry, the upbringing of the feeling of the beautiful, development of cognitive activity.

Equipment: figures on the topic "Winter", Cards with proverbs, cards with words: December, January, February, Studin, Lutowing, Lutowy, Priminier, Schen, Massie, Snezhien, Window, Birdhogray, Letters from Fabulous Heroes, Crossword, Exhibition of Winter Books .

1. The introductory word of the teacher.

Here is the north of clouds, catching up

Duffled, overlap

And here -

There is a wizard winter.

What time of year speaks this quatrain?

Today is a cool hour we will dedicate to this wonderful amazing time of the year - Winter. (Although there is no snow, overcast, sad, but with the help of your answers, drawings, messages, pictures, we will fall with you in the winter fairy tale and how the weather forecasters promise us at the end of January a real frosty and snowy winter will be established.)

Raise your hand, who likes this time of year? Why do you like winter?

(Knock on the door)

Guys, look at how many letters came to our class.

1 letter from elephant:Hello guys! I live in hot Africa. We never have winter. And I really want to know about winter, about winter phenomena, about when you have winter?

Guys, so you told about the winter elephant?

1 student: The winter calendar lasts 3 months: December, January, February. But on the calendar of the meteorologists of winter is allocated for about five months, that is, all the time when the air temperature holds below the zero degrees.

2 student: The people of the same month believes that winter begins with frosts, and ends with droplets.

3 student: Radiant winter - three months of Vladyka. Find out what month the winter is said in the riddle:

Name-ka, guys,

Month in this riddle:

His days - all the days in short

All nights no longer night

On the fields and on the meadow

Before spring lay down snow.

Only our month will pass

We meet New Year.


Teacher: For what signs did you find out that it is December?

(The shortest days in December, the longest nights in December, the new year January 1 after December.)

Which of you knows what is the day -December 22 - Day of the Winter Solstice, the shortest day, the longest night. And now days are added, and the nights decrease.

4 student: Now guess my riddle:

Pluglet ears, pinch nose

Climbs in boots frost

Splash water - falls

Not water is already, but ice.

Even the bird does not flies

From frost is a bird

Turned the sun by the summer

What, tell me, for the month it?


Teacher: - What features have you determined? (It became cold, turned the sun by the summer, i.e. the sun shining became brighter.)

What is the birds at this time of year? (It is difficult for them.)

What is so worse than hunger or cold?

Who has feeders?

Do not forget to feed the birds in winter.

5 student:

Snow Bags Walit from Sky

From the house there are snow drifts.

That buran and blizzards

At the village fled.

At night Frost Silen

Daily droplets are heard ringing.

The day was noticeable

Well, so this month is it?


And now the guys will tell about these months.

1 student: His present name December received in ancient Rome from the Latin word "the" Deter ", which means ten, because He was the tenth month of the year. In Russia, December took his

the twelfth place in 1799, for two hundred years ago. This month in the people is called Jelly: For the whole winter, the land is a Studit.

2 student: In Russian dialects, December is Poetic: Sobrozon, vetrozim, freeze - the first month of winter with frosts, cold winds and snowfall. December, the wind is oppressed, the eyes of the winds in the snow, yes, the ear frost is rock - leutle, and therefore Lyutny. In December, the rivers freeze, so he is also an ice station. This month ends year, and winter begins. December - midnight of the year, the warmer month, the winter hat.

3 student: Is it always January started? Open the year January became relatively recently in Russia. Ancient Slavs, for example, have made the new year on March 1, and then began to celebrate on September 1. But more than three hundred years ago, by the decree of Peter the first new year began to celebrate on January 1. And about January put the proverb: "January Batyushka year began, winter mid". January is the coldest month of the year, the roof of winter. In January, there is an ancient Russian name "Prosinets". Because the sky in January clarifies, shows his blue.

4 student: In Ancient Russia, February was considered the last month of the year, therefore he was called "Sechen" that cuts off the year. Another category "Mezhny" - meza, i.e. The border between the winter and spring, February - "Snezhlen" and "Lyutny" - from heavy snowfall and jubilate frosts. Because of frequent blizzards and blizzards called him "wind fruit." It was also a gentle nickname of this harsh month - "Bokogray", because in the second half of the month began to harbor the sun.

Teacher: Thanks guys! I believe that you gave the idea of \u200b\u200bthe elephant about the winter.

2 Letter sent usBear Mishutka.

"Guys, I made you a crossword, solve it, the Winter Word should get along the vertical."

1. Less tiger, more cats,

On the ears of brushes-horns.

Seemingly rabbit, but do not believe:

Terrible in anger this beast!

And he does not cry: "Stick!"

Because it …(lynx)

2. It flies white packs

And sparkles on the fly

He is a cool melting star

On palm and mouth.(snow)

3. Who falls to bed in the fall,

And in the spring rises? (bear)

4. I lived in the middle of the courtyard, where the played of the defortion.

But from sunlight

I turned into a stream.(snowman)

5. What is growing head?(icicle)

6. Without hands, does the door open?(wind)

7. Behind the White Door of Footage, Ice,

There Santa Claus, friends, lives.(refrigerator)

8. Came from the forest Bird in Red Kochka Cubes to calculate.(chanterelle)

9. White Moshcar Piece

Goes, spinning in the morning

Do not sing and do not bite

Just so-so fly.(Snowflakes)

10. Jumping through the forest then back, then ahead,

Warter, buzzing and trees shakes.(winter storm)

Well done boys!

Teacher: Loves the Russian people winter-winter. And you can ride on the sledding, and play snowballs. And long winter evenings, under the upgrade of blizzards, you can listen to fairy tales, and read books. And how many proverbs in winter have invented! Their winter has many. And in a letter that sent ushedgehog there is a task: Collect the proverb and explain its meaning.

Many snow - a lot of bread.

The frost is lazy for your nose, and in front of a prompt hat removes.

In February, two friends are frost and blizzard.

Prepare Sani in the summer, and the cart is in winter.

Love to ride - love and sosochos to carry.

Frost is not great, but not to stand.

In late December, the sun for the summer, winter on the frost turns.

Many poets devoted their verses of this wonderful time of the year.

And last letter frombunny koski. He wants to check you. Do you know the poems about winter?

I read the beginning of the poem, and you will continue. And who is the author of this poem?

1. White Bereza

Under my window.

(S.Senin "Birch")

2. Not the wind rages over the boron

Not from the mountains ran streams.

(N.Nekrasov. Excerpt from the poem "Frost-Red Nose")

3. Buru Millet Heaven Croot

Vorki snowy twist.

(A. Pushkin "Winter Evening")

5. Here is my village

Here is my home native.

(Ivan Zakh. Survings "Here is my village")

Our ancient ancestors were observed and knew that on the behavior of animals and the state of nature, it is possible to determine the upcoming weather, and what summer will be. So the signs were created.

Read them.

Smoke from the pipe is a pillar - to the frost, smoke from the pipe is steel on the ground without wind - to the snow or rain.

Cat muffle hides - to the frost, the wall scratches to the bad weather, lies with a belly up - to the heat.

The chicken is on one leg - to fitness.

Snowy winter - summer rainy; If winter is warm - in the summer cold.

Winter frosty - summer roast.

If January is dry and frosty, then summer is dry and roast.

February is cold and dry - August is hot.

If the stars shine brightly to the frost.

Little stars in the sky - to bad weather (snowstorms).

Cat on the furnace - to the frost, a cat on the floor - to heat.

The crow goes on the road - to warmth.

So observe and remember.

Exhibition of books.

The task: Who wishes to write a letter to the elephant and tell him about winter games, fun, phenomena of nature, you can draw snowflake in a letter, and so on.

Class hour on the topic "Winter holidays"

1 class

Objective: to acquaint students with winter holidays, their features and history; develop curiosity, analytical abilities, criticalness of thinking, memory; Relieve a sense of collectivism, spirituality, form the ability to work in groups.

Equipment: computer, audio recordings of songs, presentations, props for games (snowballs), letters - templates, pencils, markers.

Acting faces: Snowman, Winter, Snowflakes, presenter.

Preliminary work: the learning of the song "Kaba was not winter."

Event flow

1. Music sounds from the "Seasons" cycle - Winter.

Host: Today, an unusual guest came to our occupation. We waited so long ago. And who it is, you will learn if the riddle is guessing.

Cold came.
Wrapped in ice water.
Long bunny gray
Wrapped white bunny.

Who is to blame

Defused everything in a row? (Winter)

It includes winter: Hello guys. How long did I get to you. Something I do not see joys on your faces, Il are not happy for me at all? Do not want to ride a sleigh, play snowballs, sculpt the snowman, building locks? (Children's responses)

But I came not alone, but with all my retinue:

Her house on white cloud,
But she is terrible to the sun.
Silver fluff
Hexagon……..(snowflake). Snowflakes run.

Snowflake dance "White snowflakes are circling in the morning .." (children repeat the movements of snowflakes ")
White snowflakes are circling in the morning, (spin around him)
Suggested drifts in the middle of the courtyard.(Show high fluids with hands)
Became the street of Sveley from snowflakes,(raise and bred hands up)
Only dressed need warming. (Show cold)
It's just impossible to love winter, (Handles on the heart)
Soon we will be a snowy bubble. (imitate the movement of the snowman modeling)
If on a walk in the snow we fall, (sharply squatted)
Stand up, we smoke and again go. (shake down, walking in place).

Leading: We were not in vain called you

That's what we wanted to know

What kind of holidays are taiting? ...

Why are you silent

Winter: So be, I will tell you, all the shelves will decompose,

I only need help. Call of Snowman?

(Kids name "Snowman") comes out of a snowman

Snowman: All salute! Hi friends! You did not wait? Here I am!

Winter: Friend, my, snowman, tell you kids about my holidays.

Snowman: I would be happy, the winter, but so far I was standing on the street, the sun hit my head, and I completely forgot what, why, yes, yes, but I will try it .. On January 19, the celebration of St. Nativity comes, February 31, the old year, and on December 7, Christmas Christ ...

Winter (interrupting): Oh-yeah, you all uploaded everything. Wrongly you say everything.

Snowman (Scratching the back of the head): Yes, the guys are right? (No children shout)

Winter : Sit down, snowman and listen carefully but remember. Snowflakes, help me, my daughters.

Winter: I'll tell you, perhaps, you guys about my biggest three holidays. The first comes on December 19 and is referred to as the "Holiday St. Nicholas". Do you know what kind of name? (Assumptions of children)

Snowflake number 1. Story + presentation about the holiday.

Saint Nicholas lived in the 4th century. His parents were already old people when he was born. Their prayers were helped by the Lord, and they had a son. From early childhood, he was distinguished by love to neighbor. Glory about his affairs was great, so he was still appointed a young man with a bishop. He settled in the city of Izmir to Greece (now it is the territory of Turkey). Saint Nicholas was rich, and in every way helped the poor, and always did it secretly - laying gifts in the window.

And somehow once, wanting to help the poor family, in which there were three daughters,nobody wanted them in his wife because of the lack of a bold.Saint Nicholas threw them under Christmas three bags with gold coins. (So \u200b\u200bit continued until they had accumulated sufficiently led to get married.) But somehow, one day, all windows in the house were not locked. Then Saint Nicholas threw the bags with gold in the pipe.

Another legend says that gold coins thrown into the pipe hit the dryer sneerchurch socks. Therefore, Catholics now put gifts in socks that hang by the fireplace.

However, Saint Nikolai became famous not only with his secret gifts, but also wonders who worked and during his lifetime after death.

St. Nicholas considered their sailors and fishermen. He provided patronage abducted and destroyed children: found them and returned to life. There was a legend that the feast of St. Nicholas Bishop distributed gifts, but only obedient children, and Shaluns punished.

Winter: I hope that there are no Shaluns in this class, or quite a little bit. And let's check.

The game "This is me": This is me, it's me, these are all my friends.

Who promises not to be lazy, but just go well?

Who neat and cheerful early in the morning rushes to school?

Who always in order of handles, books and notebooks?

Who is in bed all day and who learn too lazy?

And tell me the guys who in the morning makes charging?

Who does not offend friends, mom helps mom?

Who at the last change untied the pigtails Lena?

Who fled down the corridor, hooked the cornice and the chart?

Who does the lessons perform and the diary does not forget?

Who will help everyone around, real who is here friend?

Well, guys, then wait for gifts from St. Nicholas.

Winter: My second most important holiday is a holiday of gifts, salutes, Bengal lights, the exercise of desires. Guess? New Year! He comes on the night of December 31 to January 1.

Snowflake №2. Story + presentation about the holiday.

Tradition to celebrate the beginning of the New Year goes its roots in the distant past. In the ancient peoples, the celebration of the New Year usually coincided with the beginning of spring and field work.

In Russia, since the introduction of Christianity, they also started a year or in March or, less likely, on the day of the Holy Easter. In 1492, the Grand Duke John III finally approved the Resolution of the Moscow Cathedral to be considered as the beginning of both church and civil time, September 1. On this day, it was ordered to pay tribute, duties and various regulations.

On the eve of the 1700, Peter I issued a decree to celebrate the New Year on the European Custom - January 1. Peter commanded all Muscovites to decorate their homes and large passage of streets with pine, firing, juniper branches. Everyone had to congratulate their relatives and familiar with the holiday. At 12 o'clock in the morning, Peter і went to the Red Square with a torch in his hands and launched the first rocket into the sky. The celebration of the New Year "throughout Belokamennaya" began: they fell out of guns, in the dark sky, multicolored fireworks unprecedented fireworks flashed, the illumination was blunted. People have fun, sang, danced, congratulated each other and gave New Year's gifts. It was from January 1, 1700, folk New Year's fun and fun received their recognition, and the celebration of the New Year began to wear a secular (non-church) character.People dress up the Christmas tree, there are gifts under it.Since then, this holiday has firmly entrenched in the Russian calendar.

Snowman: Oh, yes this is my favorite holiday. How could I forget about him?

And what are you knowing New Year's traditions guys? (Children's responses)

And let's now write a letter to Santa Claus. Think what you most in the world want. (Letters-templates are heard, children write). A snowman collects in a mail bag.

Now your letters in reliable hands, I will soon go to visit the Grandfather Claus and give them to him. True, my desire has not yet come up with .... Yeh, so that I have to guess this? I want a new carrot, no ... a new scarf, also not that ... Blue eyes instead of these karich, no ... Well, I'll think about it, and you will continue your story. (goes for the scenes)

Winter : From January 6 to January 7, the most important holiday of all Christians is coming - this is the Christmas of Christ. It was a long time ago, in the city of Bethlehem in one wonderful incredible night ... (Presentation slides in parallel)

During the reign in Judea, Herod, who was Under the rule of Rome, the Roman emperor Augustus issued the command to make a nationwide census in his subordinate land. Every Jew had to sign up where His ancestors lived. Joseph and Virgin Mary took place from the genus David and therefore went from Nazareth to the city of DavidBethlehem . Having come to Bethlehem, they could not find themselves places in the house, in the hotel, and stopped outside the city, in the cave, where shepherds knew cattle in rainy weather. In this cave at night, the Baby was born in the Most Holy Virgin Mary, the Son of God, Christ the Savior of the World. She ripened a divine infant and put it in Nursery, where the feed for livestock.

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem Jews in the days of Tsar Herod, came to Jerusalem Magi from the east and they say: where is the Born Tsar Judaian? For we saw a star in the east and sewed to bow to him. And, the star, which they saw in the East, went to them, as she finally came and stopped over the place where the baby was. Seeing the star, they rejoiced to the joy of very great, and, by entering, they saw the baby with Marieu, his mother, and, surfactant, bowed to him; And, opening his treasures, they brought her gifts: gold, incense and Smyrna.

Snowflakes sing the song "Christmas is a holiday of light."

Snowflake: Guys, I hope we have told you a lot. I wonder if you remember all. And let's check. I have magic snowballs. On every snowy question. I will throw them, and you catch and answer the question.

1. When is the celebration of St. Nicholas?

3. Where did Jesus Christ born?

4. Why Nicholas nicknamed saint?

5. When did the new year noted before?

6. Where did the star shone, pointing the way to the wax?

7. What gifts presented the Magi to the Son of God?

Winter: So I told you about the holidays, as they asked. It's time for me to go back to work: to open snow, blizzard to call, frost on the will to release.

Snowman ( looking into the hall): I came up with! Hooray! I figured it out!

Winter: What are you talking about? Again the sun hit the head?

Snowman: I invented the wish of the Grandfather Frost. I want all children on the planet happy and healthy !!!

All together sing the song "Kaba was not winter ..." (from M.F. "Prostokvashino")

Class hour on the topic "Winter", 3 class

Cool hour on winter topics for grade 3

Egorova Galina Vasilyevna
Position and place of work: Teacher training at home, KGBE "Motginskaya School - boarding", p. Motginino Krasnoyarsk Territory
Description of the material: This class hour is devoted to the topic "Winter". Through the game form, the children remember signs of winter, winter sports, some wintering and migratory birds. The result of classes is an exhibition of children's work.
purpose: Formation of interest in the winter season.
- Educational: Recall signs of winter, the names of some wintering and migratory birds;
- Developing: develop memory, speech, attention, imagination;
- Educational: Brief friendliness, interest in nature, birds and sports.
Equipment: Tokens, puzzles of the year, snowballs from newspapers, buckets, drawing paper, illustrations of birds.
- Hello guys! The topic of our entertainment class hour you are guess yourself. But first collect puzzles that lie in front of you (Children collect)
- What did you do? (Autumn winter spring Summer)

What illustration describes our time of year? (Winter)
- What do you like in winter? (Children's responses) So what is the topic of our class hour? ( Winter)
- And now you need to divide for 4 teams ( Children are combined into groups at the time of the year shown on puzzles)
- Molders! Everyone is ready and we can start! First Competition "Erudite". It is necessary to guess the number of letters of the departure to multiply on 2. For each correct answer, the team gets a token.
1. White asterisk from the sky fell, I lay on my palm and disappeared. Snowflake - 16.
2. Walks in the field, and not a horse. Flying on the will, yes not a bird. Blizzard - 10.
3. I come with gifts, shook the lights bright. Elegant, funny, for the new year I am glorious. Christmas tree - 8.
4. The last month of winter. February - 14.
5. Abundant sediments in winter. Snowfall - 16.
6. First winter month. December - 14.
7. Once, two, three - from the snow there appeared ... Snowman - 16.
8. On them we rush among the forest, go to them for everyone. Ski - 8.
9. There are guys, I have two silver horses. I go immediately on both. What kind of horses do I have? Skates - 12.
10. She grows down the head, does not grow in summer, and in winter. But the sun pays her down - she will pay and die. Soselka - 16.
11. After the fall, he sees ... - Winter! Winter - 14.
12. On the New Year, he came to the house with such a ruddy fatty, but every day he lost weight and finally completely disappeared. Calendar - 18.
13. All summer stood, winter expected. Waited for pores, rushed from the mountain. Sanki - 10.
14. Frequent phenomenon in winter with wind and snowy drifts. Blizzard - 12.
15. Pluglet ears, pinching nose, climbs in Filk frost. Splash water - no water will fall already, but ice. Even the bird does not flies, the bird will blow on frost. Turn the sun by the summer. What, tell me, for the month it? January - 12.
- Molders! Next contest Snowballs. Each team throws into the snowball bucket from newspapers. Wins the one that makes most. (Teams throw snowballs, count)
- Molders! Next contest "Experts". You need to call as much winter sports as possible. The team wins, which the latter will call the word ( Guys in groups remember and call)
- Molders! Next game "Birds". I call a bird. If it is winter, everyone is sitting on the ground. If the migratory, got up and mad hands. Defeats the team that least will be mistaken (Klest, Soyuch, Lazorovka, Sparrow, Tit, Drozd, Bullfinches, Forty, Crow, Swallow, Skzorets, Gracch)

-Wonderful! And the last contest "Artists". Each group is working on the winter picture and participates in the exhibition of work (the teams draw and exhibit a picture on the board)
-What you all well done! Works turned out beautiful! Winter is a wonderful time of the year! Walk in the fresh air, ride on sleds and skates, go skiing and be healthy! And now let's summarize our contests. ( By the number of tokens, the teacher awards participants in small souvenirs)
- Thanks to everyone for work!

State budgetary educational institution for students, pupils with limited health opportunities Secondary school boarding schoolVIII. View of the village of urban type Ilskiy Krasnodar Territory

Class hour

"Winter gatherings"

Gusakova V.V.

Kravchenko Z.S.


Goal :

Expand the knowledge of children about Russian traditions, customs, holidays.

To form the moral qualities of the child's personality, the concepts of good and evil.

Educational challenges:

    upbringing morality, patriotism;

    the formation of a humanistic attitude towards the environment;

    education of love for the edge of the region, to the Motherland;

    organization of interesting, meaningful extracurricular activities;

    ensuring moral, spiritual, intellectual, aesthetic, ethical, cultural development, as well as the self-development of the child's personality;

    development of creative abilities and creative initiatives of children;

    development of collective-creative activities.

Actualization of the topic.

It is not surprising, but winter with her early twilight and cruel frosts has long been in Russia the most cheerful time of the year.

Our ancient ancestors were observed and knew that the future crop depends largely on the winter months. They believed that nature is managed by special gods and they can be abandoned.

Winter tried to please in every way. This is explained by the abundance of folk holidays in winter (for example, the shints, etc.)

In Russia, it was customary to turn to winter in a respectful form.

Majika Winter -

I want to call it

Not named simply

And by name - patronymic.

Oh, winter, you are Morozovna!

Oh, Winter, you are Metselne!

The main form of leisure in the winter was gathering. Let us turn to the dictionary V.Dalya:"Sowing - there is a gathering of peasant youth on the autumn and winter nights under the guise of needlework, yarn, and more for Rosskaznaya, fun, songs".

It was believed that the gatherings were, first of all, a reason for communication. And he must be lightweight, joyful, pleasant.

Indeed, each of us strives to know the world around us, learn a lot of new and interesting. But you can make a step forward only when the foot is repelled from something, namely, from the centuries-old experience of people who lived before us.

As you need to know the knowledge of the culture and life of the ancestors! The main thing in folk life is the way. This is the desire for perfection, simplicity, beauty in life, consent and peace in relationships.

The experience of our ancestors helps us create the future, makes us richer and more beautiful.

Many glorious and kind holidays

We got from the old

Put them in inheritance

By tradition, we must.

The culture of homemade gatherings did not go to the fly. She today can be something like a bridge into the world of original Russia.

I suggest you your option. Let's sit row, but let's talk to a swing

The main part of the lesson.

Long winter evening. It burns-crackles birch mud, shadows run through the wall, the heat from the Russian oven ...

Folding and fun to spend winter gatherings our ancestors.

They knew - they were bought their secret of fun. They understood: to make friends with luck, it is necessary to be not only clever, but also smart. In addition to exercises on agility and endurance, they loved the trials for the intelligence, for example, riddles.

Winter riddles.

    What is the girl:

Nor seamstress, nor master

Nothing herself sews

And in needles all year round? (Christmas tree)

    No bucket, nor brushes, no hands,

And he will turn all the roofs around. (winter)

    Came for a day, and went in a year. (new Year)

    Rose forest, white all,

Walk in it not to enter

At the horse, do not leave. (frosty pattern)


Bridge Brostil,

Without a saw without an ax

Bridge paved.


The riddle is a small key from the mystery. With it, it is easier to find out what kind of person is your friend, as he has a sense of humor, whether he guess is smart, as he behaves in difficult circumstances. Riddles came to us from antiquity.

Especially popular use on the holidays "funny" questions.

Cheerful questions.

    Why do lions eat raw meat?

(do not know how to cook)

    Can the rooster call himself a bird?

(No, I can not say)

    Who is with a head plunge into work?


    What is the name of a woman who was the first rose to the night sky?

(Baba - Yaga)

    What spoils from words?


And what holiday without a song!

The musical composition of the "White Birch" performed by the State Ryazan Folk Choir sounds.

And now is the time to call the proverbs and sayings about the winter.

Proverbs and sayings about winter.

    Love to ride, love and sosochos to carry.

    December cums year, and the winter begins.

    January - year beginning, and winter - middle.

    Blizzards, but blizzards flew under February.

    Prepare Sani in the summer, and the cart in winter.

    Month January - Winter Sovereign.

    In February, two friends - a blizzard yes blizzard.

    February - Month of Lutch: asks like a hooped.

    February - and warm will warm, and frost fits.

    Winter without snow - summer without bread.

    Snow deep - bread is good.

    In winter, snow inflated - bread will arrive.

Same moment: "Snow game".

You need to call as many words as possible, which includes the wordsnow . For example: Snowman, Snow Maiden, Snowfall, etc.

Poetic page.

Winter, winter! Frost cracks;

Moon in the ring on solid blue;

SNOW SNOW; Azure Inay

On ferrous wood glitters ...

At the amazing season, we gathered at the gatherings.

This is her poets in winter, the poets are admired.

Sergey Yesenin.


White birch

Under my window

Snapped with snow

Precisely silver.

On fluffy branches

Snezhoy Kaima

Brushes bloom

White fringe.

And worth Bereza

In sleepy silence,

And burn snowflakes

In gold fire.

And dawn, lazily

Coming around

Sprinkle branches

New silver.

Winter special time of year. Everything becomes white, clean, sparkling, everything changes, as in a fairy tale.

A.S. Pushkin called the winter by a wizard: "This is the wizard-winter itself." Wonderful time of year!

And what poems about winter do you know? (Children tell poems by choosing)

It is interesting.

Christmas shints

From January 7 to January 19, within 12 days, in the number of apostles - Orthodox Christians celebrate shtiks, holy and joyful days.

Sit twelve days after the Nativity of Christ the Church began with ancient times. These days were festive. A long-lasting Christmas post ended, removed all restrictions in food, in fun. Young people on these days and evenings arranged playing, dances on the streets, fortune-telling, who survived from pagan times. The church looked at the soda fun through the fingers.
The shints are holy days, winter holidays, started from Christmas, at that time he was honored with a wheelchade, accompanied by a walking funny games, rude, singing carol, gadanami. The shints were noted noisily, rarely, was created a unique atmosphere of a blessing fun.
The celebration of the Holyness was a mixture of pagan and Christian rituals, as Christian holidays coincided with the ancient pagan rites that celebrated the winter Soliver. The main content of these rituals was communication with the world of the dead, which depended on the well-being of alive.
The shints were celebrated by everyone, but mostly the holiday of young people. For racing and funny games, guys and girls, ahead of the Masks of Beasts and Birds, judovo robes. It was crazy as whom we wanted both in masks with jokes-booms managed at home, performed the best, ritual songs about how Christ the Messengers came to visit the owner and others danced, the owners were congratulated.
The main goal of the rank is the wish of happiness, wealth and good harvest. Russian carols, as a rule, were intended for the whole family as a whole.
Each hostess, in turn, generously gave guests, treating birds and animals baking from the dough, candy and other sweets, showing mercy.


Extracurricular event "Winter fun"

Prepared and spent: Domvertsorodova L.A., Kotkina I.V., Teachers of primary classes MBOU SS No. 8, Litvinova I.V., Music Teacher.

The event "Winter Fun" For children with ATS, introduces the guys of primary classes with games in the winter season, contributes to the formation of vital qualities. Tasks include sports, intellectual and entertainment moments for agility, speed, attentiveness.

purpose : Formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle in children through playing exercises,expansion of children's knowledge about winter games and fun.

Tasks of the event :

to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe northern winter fun based on artistic and musical works, folklore and games;

consolidate knowledge of children about winter sports;

work out the skills to act agreed in the team through game exercises;

develop dexterity, speed, resourcefulness, curiosity, movement coordination,

bring up confidence in their forces;

correct motor skills, emotional and ethical perception.

Methods: verbal, gaming, visual, auditory

A short plan of the event

1. The riddle of the leading winter.

2. Poems and winter.

3. The song "Kaba was not winter"

4. Snow dance.

5. Competition "Lepim Snowman"

6. Song "Snowman". Snowman comes (second lead).

7. Competition "Play in Snowballs."

8. Song of Snowballs.

9. Mysteries on winter sports.

10. Cheerful game "Hockey".

11. The relay "Sledge"

12. Horticulture "along the street Metelitsa Metset"

13. Program.

Presentation slides as screensavers to the holiday stages.

Event flow

(1 Slide - Winter Fun)


Hello, dear guys!

Hello, dear adults!

We are very happy to meet you and confident that everyone will be fun and interesting.

Leading :

Who is whiten whites whites
And on the walls writes chalk,
Sews down pouche
Did everyone showcases? (Winter)

That's right, it is winter. Now she entered their rights.

( 2 Slide - Winter)

Leading :

We start a winter holiday,

There will be jokes, it will be laugh.

And merry fun

Cooked for everyone.


The guys have prepared the poems about winter. Let's listen.

1 child:

In the ice carriage rushes

Winter winter

The wind is knocking on the wings

In sleepy houses.

2 child:

Parks bloom, parks

Snow white.

And frost builds arches

Over the forest path.

3 child:

White Snowpill,

All trees in more than.

We go to play

This morning winter.

We are not afraid of frost,

Let be frightened.

With it cold winter.

We are very tightly friends!

4 Baby:

Winter came Wiering

With skates and sleds,

With a skiing sorry,

With a magical old fairy tale.

On the Christmas tree decorated

Lanterns are swinging.

Let the winter cheerful (choir)

Later does not end

The song about winter "Kaba was not winter"

Kaba was not winter
In cities and villages,
We never knew we
These days are fun.
Did not circulate the baby
Near the snowbabs,
Would not loop ski
Kaba, kaba, kaba ...
Would not loop ski
Kaba, kaba, kaba ...
I did not have winter,
There is no secret -
From the heat b fled away
Tired of the summer.
Would not come to us a blizzard
On the day at least
And bullfinch did not sit on a fir,
Kaba, kaba, kaba ...
And bullfinch did not sit on a fir,
Kaba, kaba, kaba ...
I did not have winter,
And all the time summer,
We would not know the cattle
This New Year.
I would not hurry to Santa Claus
To us through bumps,
Ice on the river is not a frozen
Kaba, kaba, kaba ...
Ice on the river is not a frozen
Kaba, kaba, kaba ...
(Composer: WORDS E. Word author: Uspensky E.)

The snowball flies, spinning,
On White Street.

( 3 slide - snow is spinning)

Dance Snowflake


How many fluffy snow fell. How beautiful it became around.

Let's arrange the contest unusual

For many guests are generally unusual.

Show Snorzka, Total

And here is the task.

( 4 Slide - Lepi Snowman

Contest "Snowman" - 2 magnetic boards, 14 magnets, details for 2 snowmen, eye dressings (2 teams are collected from the details of the snowman, 1 team member attachs 1 part, etc.)

Leading: What fun snowmen turned out. Let's do the song "Snowman"

(Snowman comes under the song "Snowman" and performs with the guys of movement in accordance with the words of the song, plays with children in the snow)

1. There was a cheerful, funny snowman,

Messenchak, melagurn, mischievous.

The snowman got up early in the morning,

Immediately ski put on their own.


You will look at me soon!

I was driving an hour, I drove two, drove three!

You remember me soon!

2. He came to dinner came home

Younger brothers from snow lepil.

Here is one, here is another snowball

Snowman with this business sign.


You will look at me soon!

Like an hour, sculpts two, sculpt three!

You remember me soon!

3. To those snowmen,

And all evening played snowballs.

White snow under legs creaks,

And the snowball flies and flies.


You will look at me soon!

Threw, threw two, threw three!

You remember me soon!


I guys, snowman,

To the snow to the cold got used:

You blinded me deftly

Instead of the nose there is a carrot.


Let's play together

Snowballs - Komki you throw here!

(5 slide - play in snowballs)

Competition "Get to goal" - 2 baskets, snowballs ( 2 teams)


From the places it's rather to get up

Sat a song together!

Song "Snowball game"
The words: N. Veresokina
We play in snowballs boldly,
Oh, what it is,
We love frosty day,
We play snowballs are not too lazy.

Clap, slate, do not yaw
You do not run away from us.
Clap, slate, do not yaw
And now I throw in me.

Let the winter frost us
We will get worry now:
Praises praise,
Fur in the legs!


Snowman I am not simple -

Curious, mischievous.

Know I want than guys

Do they do in winter?Children answer

( 6 - 8 Slide - Riddles, Radiation by clicking)

Mysteries on winter sports

In the yard in the morning game,
The defortion was played.
Screams: "Washer!", "Mim!", "Bay!" -
So there is a game - (Hockey )

It is difficult to say
Migration at speeds from the mountain!
And obstacles are worth -
There are a number of flags.
Skier to go through them.
For the victory is waiting for the award,
Fuck congratulations to the shaft.
This sport is called ...(Slalom)

The question is not easy with me
As they call
When athletes on sleigh
Do you take a gland? (Bobsled )

Such a pleasure
Beautiful sliding,
Rotations, jumping,
Ships, tags. (Figure skating)

And at the target athlete shoots,
And on skis, he rushes.
And the sport is called
Very simple:(biathlon).

Sports in the world is there such
It is popular in winter.
You run on the clauses,
For the opponent in a hurry. (Ski race.)
