Bachelor Ilya Mlinnikov with a foot. The new "bachelor" Ilya Mlinnikov is now moving in a wheelchair

Bachelor Ilya Mlinnikov with a foot. New
Bachelor Ilya Mlinnikov with a foot. The new "bachelor" Ilya Mlinnikov is now moving in a wheelchair

In the past Saturday, May 27, on the air of the TNT channel, the penultimate issue of the Show "Bachelor" was released, season 5. Ilya Mlinnikov decided on the finalists of the project, and already on June 3, the audience will learn who will choose the actor - Madina Tamova or Catherine Nikulin. However, according to many fans of the show, in the heart of the bachelor, the other girl - Aglaya Tarasova, with which Mlinnikov was filmed in the "Interns". The fact is that he has repeatedly raised the topic of his past relations in a conversation with the participants of the project and said how his beloved was betrayed. Moreover, Ilya was even confessed to Madine Tamova, which wanted to commit suicide, learning about treason.

Aglaya Tarasova prefers to keep silence that actually happened between her and Ilya Mlinnikov, and the causes of their parting. She has long been a novel with a star of Sitkom "Hotel Eleon" Milosebia Bikovich. However, immediately after the release of the release of the show "Bachelor" with the next revelations of her former beloved in the microblog in the microblog, her photo was appeared near the lake, on which Swan signed by Briefly signed: "Swan song about loyalty." Numerous fans of Glinnikov took this post as a mockery over Ilya and fell asleep by Aglaja outstanding comments, as she could mock the feelings.

« I recently looked "Bachelor", where Ilya told how he suffered from a knife in his back. I was so sorry for me, and here such a post in Aglai Tarasova! " - So sounds the most soft from the comments in the microblog of the actress.However, the loyal fans of Tarasova immediately embarked on her defense, stating that no one had the right to judge and condemn the girl, especially since no one knows the whole truth. Some put forward their assumptions about why Aglaya left Ilya Glinnikova: " Or maybe they broke up with Ilya, because he drank forever, he was hanging out with friends in the bars and on biker clubs. And Aglaie a real man needs a decent look ... "Same, Aglaya Tarasov again chose to keep silent.

Recall, in 2013, Mlinnikov began to meet with a colleague on the TV series "Interns" Agela Tarasova, the daughter of the famous actress Ksenia Rappoport. In May 2015, it was even about the wedding of Ilya and Aglai. Relationships have been launched until the summer of 2016, when information appeared in the media that the Aglaya was left from Ilya to the Serbian actor Milos Bikovich ("Spirieless 2", "Hotel Eleon Season 1"). On the eve of the start of the Show "Bachelor", season 5, the actor put all the points above I: "In Aglai Tarasova, a long time ago, a long time, and I have my own."

Aglaya Tarasova, the former beloved Ilya Glinnikova, published near the lake, which signed: "Swan song about loyalty"

February 15, 2017.

The actor appeared in public with a cane.

Some time ago it became known that the new hero of the show "Bachelor" was the Star "Interns" Ilya Mlinnikov. Previously, he was associated relationships with the daughter of Ksenia Rappoport Ageli Tarasova, but the lovers broke up, and without reaching the registry office. In one of the interviews, Mlinnikov confessed that the shooting in the project is very serious. Participation in the "bachelor" he considers one of the most serious tests in his life. Still, because the actor has to not only check their feelings on strength, but also to sacrifice health. Like Alexey Vorobiev in the previous season of the show, Ilya Mlinnikov got injury to the leg. In public, he appeared with a cane and told fans that anyone in the struggle for love could happen.

"I am going on the office of TNT with a press conference, suddenly a cry from the cabinet: -" Hi Father! "- Wait witness - I want to walk with your wedding! And what's up? - Art requires victims, and for love, sometimes it is necessary to fight, what happened and right P.S. Havre, old friend is better than new two, "- signed a joint photo with a Gavr from Comedy Club.

Recall, last week were named

Ilya Glinnikov

personal archive Ilya Glinnikova

Acting fate is life in life. Moreover, the screen is absolutely not similar to the one that in reality. Playabev plays more often playing, which easily manipulate the feelings of women in love. And in life a lot of suffering fell into his share. I had to face betrayal, and fight for your beloved, and even choose between love and life itself. He rarely communicates with journalists, but agreed to give an interview - and unexpectedly at home, at a private territory. Our conversation became like a revelation for both.

"Ilya, you give a little interview, which takes place here in your apartment." Did you need support for native walls?

- I do not need anyone in anyone, but I really need rest. I just have a zadietot. For forty-eight hours of shift in the Show "Bachelor" on TNT. And I broke my knee. And to blame for this, because it entered the project after the operation, which was in early September. This is reality, and there can be no doubles. I should be in the frame myself. And we came up with a lot of extreme. So what happened to what I was afraid. I once again broke my knee and, as you can see, I go with a wand. After filming, everyone will go rest, and Ilya Mlinnikov will go on a re-operation to heal wounds. Well, maybe in the honeymoon - how lucky. (Smiles.)

- What feeling you went to the project? It seems to me that for a normal man is a test.

- With fear. Because all my life actor Ilya Mlinnikov played Lovelaes, majors, some sweet boys. Everyone was considered beautiful. At one time I even wanted to make a tattoo on the floor and neck, so that you stopped seeing handsome in me. And it will sound strange now, but the main fear of life in life is to come up and meet a girl.

- Why?

- It is necessary to start with the sources. I have a difficult fate. My father has never been in my life. They met at Mom when he studied in Moscow on the neurosurgeon. But they were not destined to be together. Everything decided the Georgian diaspora. Therefore, I have a mummia. But I remember from distant childhood, as mom came the suitcases of roses ... And Papa lived alone in Georgia, with a dog. Once we talked to him on the phone, I was already eighteen years old.

personal archive Ilya Glinnikova

When I was seven, I had stepfather, my father's younger brother Vladislav. Oleg - formed, intelligent person, member of the Union of Artists. He insisted that I studied in the gymnasium ... He taught me to draw. No one in school believed that these are my drawings. Oleg I consider my friend, he instilled me taste to many things in life. Most of those books that you see here in my office, he presented me. But I grew up without my father. I was always a dipped guy, low growth. In the yard I often got it. And I was still such a surveillance, everything seemed interesting to me. I remember some times the adult boys came from fishing. Raughty: "What kind of fish do you have? Caught a lot? " And I was thrown under the roaring of some half the goal. Pinky also diluted. How did I disappoint that there was no one to get up for me! I shouted: "I am now a father call!" - "You do not have any father!" And I walked down the street, smearing the tears. Probably at that moment and realized that if I could not stand in this life for myself, no dad would help me. Signed in the Taekwondo section, then I began to do wushu, even got a red belt. Won the championship of the Tula region by kickboxing. So now on the street does not fight, my hands are recognized as cold weapons.

- And what have the fear of girls? The history of the relationship of the Father and Mom produced so much impression on you?

"There was no day that my mother would not remember him ... Probably, this is some kind of inner fear that my personal life may be unfortunately. Suddenly, the circumstances will turn around that and my children will remain without a father. I really lacked at some moments of his men's board. I admit honestly: I'm afraid of women, because I'm afraid of frustration, deception. He was taught bitter experience. At sixteen years I entered the relationship with the girl who was eight years older than me. We danced together. I arrived in Moscow at sixteen years old with one backpack and danced on Hip Hop Street. I do not want to disturb the hearts of my former beloved, but she probably is the only one of all who I could create a family.

- Why not?

"I myself am guilty that we parted, because I entered the theater." Studying there took all my time. And her parents were simple people-hard workers. They did not take me seriously. In addition, our difference in the age seemed considerable at that time. Then I had an institute love. Then - tragic relationship with one actress. You know, there is love that inspires, and is - which destroys. We looked at her in such a precipice ... There was a moment when I almost left my hands when she said: "I don't need you anymore." And just waking up in resuscitation, I realized that I had to stop - for my family, for the sake of love for my loved ones, God. Live on, breathe. Today I am grateful to this woman for the experience that I received. To get up on a new step of spirituality, you need to fall. It was a very good vaccination. But with all this your experience, I am sure: love is the only thing for what to live.

- But, probably, are already afraid of building relationships with actresses?

- I think it all depends on a person. For me there is an example of an actress, which I am immensely respect. This is Chulpan Hamatova. She took place in the profession, and as a mother - she has three children. This is a wonderful, clean, enlightened person. I am happy that we had a chance to work together on the same scene. In the play "Zhanna d" Ark "I play the monk Dominica, and Chulpan - Jeanne. In general, we, media people, it is very difficult to meet their soul mate. Alien mercantility causes all the time to be alert. Someone is looking for a money bag in us, who "It sees the opportunity to touch popularity, glory. But, probably, I will soon be married.

- Are you seriously?!

- Itself I can not believe, but perhaps I found, finally, happiness. "Bachelor" is a show that allows you to build boundaries between you and participants. But at the same time to see the essence of girls. Frankly: I'm not like the previous bachelor. And I immediately said that a kiss only one girl on this project, which I really enjoy. My way is the path of mistakes, disappointments and hopes. But in the end, it seems to me, here I met a person with whom I want to go on life further. Although my mind resists: you can't be happy, you suffered all my life. But maybe miracles are still possible? And, perhaps, I will make this girlfriend offer, because I already dream to find a family. I refused this project three times. For the first time, having received an invitation, I decided to see what the show was. I was enough for six minutes fifty three seconds. After that, I turned off the TV, called the agent and asked if she was crazy. She replied that her business was to convey the offer. Then the attacks from producers began. I refused: "Guys, you chose a wrong person! I am not playboy, not a hearty. I'm completely different in my life, I have all a ruin. " But in the end, they still persuaded me. At the very first shooting day I told the girls: "For me, blasphemy is what you, girls fighting for a man. I have to do it. Let me seek you. " In relation to all participants of the project, I have different feelings, but from the very first day I allocated one for myself ... in general, this show I call Loner - loner. Bachelor does not need love, he is not looking for her, he has everything well. And the loner dies without it. Look at me from the side. I am a successful actor, producer, I have money: an apartment in the center of Moscow, a convertible - you can envy. But in fact, everything is cold for me. And now there has been hope for new love, and life was filled with meaning. As if something in me was opened - the energy creative beats through the edge.

- Ilya, but in two months it is impossible to find out so well to decide on such a responsible step.

- Time will tell. I'm not hurrying. I have a rich experience, it is not easy to deceive me. And I want to introduce a girl with his "heavy artillery" - my main women. So far, I have two of them: the grandmother, which buried all his children, my dad, including, and mom, who dedicated all his life to us - to me and brother. Not enough only her, my wife. And when it appears, it will be necessary to stand by all others - at an inaccessible height.

- For a short time you looked like in "enviable grooms."

"You know, everyone writes about me:" There is a lot of fans with such a whirlpool. " Nothing like this. When I was in a serious relationship, I behaved honestly and did not betray anyone. Although there were rather piquant situations. (Laughs.) I will not call the name, it is also an actress, we shot together. After filming, bring it to the house, she starts to undress right in my car. I say: "What are you doing! I have a love girl. " She does not surrender, climbs with kisses. It came out of the car: Well, sit here. Ten minutes passes, twenty. I look out the window: "I really need to go home. If you don't get out now, I call a taxi. " Jumped, slammed the door. Offended. Of course, she was vividly spectacular. And I would like to tell my son once: "Your mother I never changed."

- Ilya, they say that a man is looking for a woman like a mother ...

- I love my mother very much. But God forbid me such a wife! (Laughs.) My mother has so many blood - and the Cossacks are, and the Jews. Also the Sagittarius on the horoscope is a fiery woman.

- What kind of person do you need?

- In the film Emir Kusturica about Diego Maradon, I heard a phrase that a successful woman stands behind every successful man. It seems to me that it is very true. The woman first should be wise. One will turn you on the path of creation, and the other will destroy.

- What do you want to take place, where should a real woman behave?

- I want to take place as a man, the head of the family, the father of at least three children. As for the profession, I no longer want to take a movie for popcorn. Only if in the author's movie. Or in their projects. I myself will produce, I write scripts, take off. Now there is one interesting idea to make a movie about my life. And my younger brother will play me.

- As far as I understand, you have a very warm relationship with my mother, my brother. Having moved to Moscow, you transported here and family.

- At sixteen years I left home to Moscow. And achieved everything himself. I already understood that I want to tie my life with creativity. (At that moment, Mlinniki participated in the theatrical dance show, played in the musical. - Approx. Aut.) But I refused to go to theatrical for a very long time, because I was told: you will never be able to combine work with learning. I also worked. In 2005 he took the family to Moscow, and it was necessary to live on something and pay for removable accommodation. And I accepted this decision because my younger brother - he was then eight years old - jumped into a dispute from the garage and crushed his heel. I realized that he contacted a bad company. And decided that everything is time: we need to live in the same city. Already then felt his responsibility. And Dmitry Kharatyan, my eldest friend and colleague, said that I would be a complete idiot if I don't get an acting education. He even offered to pay for my training. I remember how we were consulted with my mother, how to be. The sum is rather big. And here (apparently, it was a sign!) I flew a good advertising contract. Thus, the problem with the payment fee was solved. And Marina Grigorievna Blue, Kingdom of Heaven, prepared me. She always said that the dancer teach to play easier than the singer. We are plastic, we already own our body. You can say this is my godfather mom in the profession.

With Chulpan Khamatova Mlinnikov plays in the play "Jeanne D" Ark "

- It was not easy for you to work and learn?

"Sometimes after a night shift I came to six in the morning to the institute, the guard opened me a trap, and I slept there before the start of classes. At nine in the morning my classmate Andrei Samoilov came, walked me and said: "Ilyukh, we are talking about speech." And so I, the whole marked, went into the audience, and teacher Alexander Rogozhin said: "Ilya, I have the impression that you just woke up." - "You are not mistaken" - I answered. It was hard. But nothing, coped. And many guys from my hometown of Novomoskovsk helped to move here, one even entered Gitis. And my younger brother is now studying the operator in Vgika. And I consider him a brilliant photographer, one of the best in Moscow.

- Ilya, for some reason it seems to me that in life, in life you are a difficult person.

- And I do not hide it. But I leaving. Now you see the tired person in front of a challenge period, and even with sick knee. There are many different energies in me. I have learned how to drive a car with the right steering wheel on the mechanics, the thickness of three hundred horsepower. And one familiar psychologist me said that in this way I launched a second hemisphere to work.

- Are you left-hand or right?

- I am equally well in both hands. In general, answering the question about who I say: I am a man, soul, essence. I used to consider myself bad and thought that the world was so. And now, it seems to me, I became better. And the world already seems kind. (Smiles.) In life there is always a choice and the ability to carry the light. So I am a lighthouse that selects the light that managed to find.

On March 12, the fifth season of the Show "Bachelor" began on TNT. The main character this time was the actor Ilya Mlinnikov, who admitted that it was configured to find real love on the project: "I would like to create a family, I would like to have a feeling, but girls who go to the" Bachelor's show "pursue Other goals, as I thought. It turned out, not all. "

Ilya took an active part in the creation of the show: he himself came up with contests, often extreme. For example, in one of the issues, he jumps with a parachute over the island-palm tree in Dubai.


For such risky competitions had to pay. So, one of the girls was injured on Sri Lanka. Get and Ilya. He badly damaged his knee - broke all the bundles. True, it is not yet known in which of the issues it happened.

However, the actor nor a drop does not regret that he chose risky tests. He is convinced that it was worth it: "It happened, because for love you need to pay!"

In the near future, Ilya has a knee operation and rehabilitation. Meanwhile, the country observes the development of events in the "Bachelor" show. The actor fans want to believe that he will be able to build strong relationships, without betrayal and deceptions. After all, despite the opinion of Ilya that you can all forgive everyone, somehow he admitted that "when you deceive you, life turns into hell."

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Bachelor" project was borrowed from the show The Bachelor, which successfully goes on the US television since 2002. The transfer was so accounted for in taste and participants, and our audiences that the fifth season of popular reality was started in March of this year.

For whose heart girls fight?

The main hero and the "prize" for the maiden hearts became a young, but already familiar actor starring in the TV series "Interns", Ilya Mlinnikov. The fans of the comedy TV project know him as a performer of the role of such a major boy, Lovelace, prone to adventurous actions.

What is actually a new "bachelor"?

What will Ilya be in a new role for himself and is it in life, like on the screen? It turns out that the actor is a fan of extreme sports. His addiction played a foul joke with him. During the shooting of the next plot for the show "Bachelor" Ilya damaged his leg. After hospitalization it turned out that the injury is not a simple bruise, and the actor requires surgery, since it has damaged ligaments. Now I. Mlinnikov moves on a wheelchair, and on the knee of his left leg "bangs" a special tire.

Responsibility primarily

But Ilya - a person responsible and decided to continue shooting in the transfer, so as not to bring a huge number of people involved in the program. As the most desirable "bachelor" admitted today, this show is perhaps the most serious and harsh test in his life. Recall that at the heart of Ilya Glinnikov, 25 girls are fighting, but only one of them can ultimately smile luck. If lucky, of course ...