Galina Volchek moves in a wheelchair. Wolf in the wheelchair shocked the sore husband of Galina Volchek - Mark Abaleev

Galina Volchek moves in a wheelchair. Wolf in the wheelchair shocked the sore husband of Galina Volchek - Mark Abaleev
Galina Volchek moves in a wheelchair. Wolf in the wheelchair shocked the sore husband of Galina Volchek - Mark Abaleev

This film about a person who is half a century holds firmly in his hands the famous theater "Contemporary", but it remains wounded and in something even naive. This is a film about an incredible attraction, thanks to which today in the "contemporary" there is such a bright and starry troupe, consisting of actors of popular and demanded in the cinema, but absolutely devotee. Which is always in the first place for them.

Once Actress Chulpan Hamatova came to the rehearsal with his two-month daughter. To nobody woke up her daughter, she left her in a stroller in the Wolchek's office, put a radionan and went to rehearse. Very soon in the cabinet entered the wolf.

Chulpan Hamatova: "We rehearse and suddenly hearing this:" Well, who threw you a mother? " Then she begins to talk to her as an adult man. "You are not offended by her," she says. "

Amazing intuition for talent. Hamatov Volchek accidentally saw in the popular television program "Look". And said: "She must play in our theater!" Exactly, she once called Kristina Orbakayte and said: "I see you in the main role in the play" Two on the Swing ". Come, try! "

Actress Olga Drozdova generally considers Galina Volchek his second mom: "He had only 17 years old with her mother, and with Galina Borisovna - 30". And this is again the story about the intuition of the wolf. " Return me this intense! ", "said Volchek, when Olga came along with other graduates of theatrical universities to show in the" contemporary ". And "Eyesome" she will leave in the "contemporary". And it will take care of her, and put it, what is called, on his feet.

Leia Ahacedzhakova played the roles in the children's theater, and the wolf took her to himself, believed and gave "adults" roles. Konstantin Raykin immediately after the theatrical university was invited to the "contemporary". Mikhail Efremov and Anton Tabakov also called her mom. Because she and the "contemporary" are their childhood.

The musician Garik Sukachev became the director of the "Anarchy" on the scene of the "Contemporary" - the play with the "explosive" content. Elena Yakovlev left the theater twice and returned twice. And twice the wolf took it again.

And, of course, the son of Denis, who does not hide that he was always jealous to mom to the theater. But, the growing, understood that the "contemporary" is more than the theater.

« I do not have, - says wolf, - n and the moments are free, everything takes the theater. " Still! No, no one who created the "contemporary", and it is. And she is the theater. Mark Abeliev, her second husband, in an interview for our film said that the wolf is "Special state of madness."

On the day of the anniversary of Galina Volchek, December 19, after a major repairs, which lasted for several years, the building "Contemporary" opens on pure ponds. Repair, reconstruction - test. And even more so, for a person who does not know life without the theater. Happy completion of this stage is and happy starting another. In the life of the theater, and therefore in the life of Galina Volchek.

The popularity of Galina Volchek has long been out of Russia. It is simply unrealistic talented and hardworking, even in the distant 70s it was called to America and Europe to speak with lectures, engage in performances, and provided any scene to her choice. She practically raised the "contemporary", for many years he is his permanent leader and ideological inspirer. Volchek not only puts performances, but also is always ready to help any artist, if suddenly he does not have a role.

People's Artist of the USSR Galina Volchek glorified the theater. She is a famous director, actress and teacher. In her piggy bank, a great many theatrical productions. She has no leading role in the cinema, but its secondary heroines never forgotten.

Childhood and youth

Galina Volchek was born on December 19, 1933 in Moscow, in the family of cinema workers. Father Bar Volckek (changed the name on Boris) The famous master of cinematography, operator and director, written scenario to many paintings, has numerous awards and awards of the USSR. His homeland Vitebsk.

Mom Faith Maimmina, Writer, graduated from Vgik. Parents were Jews, but Galina itself recognized only Russian culture. She never saw her Jewish ancestors, Yiddish did not know, brought up Russian nanny. However, it was not shy of its origin. For many years, she wore the patronymic of Berovna, and the father's code became Boris, straightened his documents.

In the photo Galina Volchek as a child

Parents divorced when Galya still went to school. Mostly after the divorce, children remain with moms, and Galina chose her father.

She had a very difficult character, the girl early learned the taste of cigarettes, repainted her hair and imposed a bunch of cosmetics on her face. It all led to the horror of her calm dad.

But it was after the divorce of the parents, and before that she was the usual "gray mouse," wearing unchanged pigtails on the head and did not let down the book. The first role of the girl played at fourteen years, she risked for the baby she liked. His parents were called to school, and the girl attacked his aunt. Mamina's shoes on heels, on the head of a unthinkable hat with a veil, rushing her lips, and went to the school's department. The most incredible was that the head did not notice the trick.

In the same years, she became friends with a neighbor, a student VGIK, who were and classmates. She often disappeared into their company, and despite the fact that was much younger, found a common language with them.

When it was time to go to the institute, Dad strongly recommended the daughter to try his hand in the literary institute named after Northa, but Galina insisted on his own, and became a student of the MCAT School Student. Diploma on the end of the university wolf received in 1955.


After the release from the Institute, only a year was held, and a lot of events had already happened in Galina's biography. It was at this time that she decided to create a "studio of young actors", subsequently the contemporary theater.

Galina Volchek in the theater "Contemporary"

In the late 50s, Galina was involved there as an actress, and from 1962 she became the director of this theater. Ten years later, she took the chair of the main director of this theater, and in the late 80s became his artistic director.

In 1984, Volchek was the last time appeared before the theater public as an actress. It was March in the play "Who is afraid of Virginia Wolfe." After that, she all the forces gave directing activities.

Galina absolutely did not think about the career director's career, it was the advice of her comrade. At first she was even offended by him, because he decided that he considers her a nicuddy actress. But life showed that she made the right choice and reached unprecedented heights.

The debut of Galina Volchek as a director was triumphal. She put the play "Two on the swing", and for the thirty seasons she was part of the repertoire of the theater. After that, there were "Ordinary History" and "Three Comrades". The first work is marked by the State Prize of the USSR, and the entire theatrical public of Moscow was delighted with the second.

Galina managed to become the first among the Soviet director who left for tour in the United States. Thus, the cultural blockade between the two countries collapsed. Her performances in Russian classic works were successfully held in the US theaters. The troupe was even in their famous Broadway, and it was the first performance of the Russian troupe after 1924. After these tours, Galina Volchek received the most prestigious American award - the Drama Desq Award, which before that was awarded exclusively to American theaters.

There are in the biographies of Galina Wolchek and teaching activities, which she was engaged exclusively abroad. Most recently, she returned from New York University.

In 2015, Galina Volchek introduced the audience to the audience their latest production "Two on the swing." This is exactly the performance from which the triumphal career of the eminent director began. The fans decided that the wolf specially chose this performance to make it clear to all that the cycle was closed, and this production puts the point in her career.


Cinematographic Career Galina Volchek began in 1957, when she starred in the Don Quixote tape. After that, there were work in the paintings "Bridge", "Sung Angel", "King Lear".

Galina Volchek in the movie "Don Quixote"

Very often, the actress is called on episodic roles, but they did not remain unnoticed. In the tape "Beware of the car" wolf lit up in the role of the buyer of the tape recorder, but this minor frame did not escape the attention of the audience.

After that there was a number of paintings in which the actress again played the role of the second plan or flashed in episodes. In 1996, the wolf disappeared from the artistic cinema to participate in the documentary every year.

The new millennium brought pictures of the Life and the work of her colleagues in the piggy bank of Galina -, Oleg Efremova, Evgenia Lebedeva, Evgenia Evstigneev ,.

Galina Volchek in the film "King Lire"

The creative path of the Galina of Wolf was not shielded, although many books have already been written about it. Galina Volchek has directed work and cinema. At first she was engaged in the shielding of the brightest theatrical productions, and then began shooting the real movie. Wolche took off the paintings "cool route" and "echelon".

Return of Galina Volchek to the cinema took place in 2015. She starred in the picture "The Mysterious Passion", where she got the role of herself. The picture tells about the life and work of the artists of the last century, protruding in the invented names that are very well deciphered.

Personal life

In the personal life of Galina Volchek, there were two official marriage. The first time she married, and their marriage lasted nine years. In 1961, they had a son of Denis, who also became the successor of the glorious director dynasty. The birth of a child this marriage did not bore, soon the spouses divorced.

Galina everyone has always said that it was initiated by this divorce. After she had a relationship, but she no longer have children. Son Denis is the only child of Galina Wolf.

The second time Galina married a scientist Mark Abelian. He was a doctor of technical sciences, a teacher of the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. This marriage was also short enough.

With the third husband, Volchek lived in a civil marriage for ten years, but she tries to strike these years from his memory. Galina always jokingly said that she was twice married, had several novels, one of whom was a misunderstanding. After parting with a civil husband, Volchek no longer tried to arrange his personal life.

The woman came to the conclusion that he would not be able to break into two parts between the theater and a happy family.

Galina Volchek considers his biggest hobby to open new stars. And this corresponds to the truth, because through her hands a great many young actors passed, which thanks to her care and the participation of something in this life. Woke up the talent of the director and in the field of clothing modeling. Wolf knows how to create original outfits.

In 1995, Galina Volchek was running on the elections to the State Duma. For four years, she participated in all meetings of the Duma and was part of the Culture Committee. In 1999, the actress went out of politics.

Health status

Galina Volchek often enters the hospital. In March 2016, the director was hospitalized and the doctors diagnosed with her pneumonia. After the course of treatment, the wolf was discharged home.

Photo: Galina Volchek in a wheelchair

Now it can move only with the help of a wheelchair, but what caused it, it remains secret. According to some statements, Galina does not walk at all and is forced to move in such a way. And others believe that the wolf decided not to give the body a greater burden, and allows him to rest.

Galina Volchek now

Even in such an unusual form, Galina Volchek did not disappear from theatrical life. She is still the organizer of creative evenings, meets with friends and happens in secular parties.

In the spring of 2017 Galina Volchek was awarded the title of the Hero of the Russian Federation. Thus, the government recognized its invaluable contribution to the development of domestic culture and art. 2017 was the year of the twin anniversary of Galina Wolf. Sixty years have passed its work in the "Contemporary" theater, and forty-five years in the post of chief director.

Galina Volchek 19 December 2018 celebrated its 85th anniversary. Naturally, in such a replenish age she has health problems.

Theatrical setting

  • 1962 - "Two on the swing"
  • 1964 - "Wedding Day
  • 1966 - "Ordinary History"
  • 1968 - "At the bottom" M. Gorky
  • 1976 - "Cherry Garden"
  • 1982 - "Three sisters"
  • 1988 - "Flah"
  • 1989 - "Cool Route"
  • 1990 - "Murlin Murlo"
  • 1994 - "Pygmalion"
  • 1999 - "Three Comrades"
  • 2013 - "Gin Gin"

On the state of the health of the eighty-year-old Galina Borisovna Volchek spoke after the award ceremony with the stars of labor hero in the Kremlin on April 28, 2017, it appeared in a wheelchair. Among those who have been awarded awards on the eve of the International Day of Solidarity of Workers were the artistic director of the Moscow Theater "Contemporary".

During the awarding, Galina Volchek did not rise from a disabled chair, which indicates that the state of the musculoskeletal system actresses and the director requires a gentle regime. The reason lies in the displacement of the spinal disks.

It all started a few years ago with back pain. For advice, Galina Volchek appealed to the Israeli Clinic Center of Spinal Surgery Ilya Pekarsky. Many stars were treated there at one time, including with the consequences of sports injuries. There she was diagnosed and announced a possible surgical way to solve the problem.

In the case of age patients, concomitant problems are:

  1. degeneration of bone and connective tissues;
  2. weakening muscle tissue;
  3. bone fragility.

To avoid the possible risks of Kryuku, the "contemporary" moves with the help of a wheelchair. However, it does not prevent it from continuing productive creative activity.

Rumors about Galina Wolf

Galina Borisovna herself prefers not to talk about problems. In not the image of a strong person who once has no time. In part, it generates a mass of speculations, relative to its health status.

In 2016, Galina Volchek was hospitalized due to complications after influenza.The diagnosis made by doctors sounded like pneumonia. However, before it was made public near Galina, the media spread hearing about the oncological disease.

Age makes itself felt this courageous woman. So she left the political field in 1999, as it was more complicated with public and theatrical affairs.

Forecast for the disease: Apparently, the therapy of Galina Volchek passes ambulatory. At its age, surgical intervention is carried out very difficult, therefore it is possible to apply this method only as a last resort. If experts give her a chance to solve the problem of becoming a gentle way, you need to use it. As for the work and probable overload, it is difficult to determine them as a destructive factor. Very often a man dresses exactly when he is taken off from his beloved business.

Galina Volchek - Soviet and Russian Theater Director, Actress and Pedagogue, in 1989, received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. In the theatrical environment, it, according to example, is called "Iron Lady" - they are idle and fear, respect and bow. Galina did a lot for his life in order to raise the culture to a high level, for which he became the cavalier of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland".

Galina Volchek was born in the early 1930s in Moscow, in the family, which was directly related to the scene and cinema. Mom Galina, Faith Maimmina - Soviet Kinostenerist, and Father Boris Volchek - the famous director and operator, who shot Soviet Film Schirts "Push", "Thirteen", "Lenin in October" and others.

As a child, Galya adored reading, so the girl was rarely free time without a favorite book in her hands. Seeing his daughter's interest, Father pushed Galina to enter the only literary institute named in the Union. But it is hardly a child, with a diaper absorbed acting and directorial life, would have chosen a different way. Galina entered the MCAT Studio School, where he studied until 1955.


Theatrical biography of Galina Volchek is saturated with iconic events from the very beginning. A year after the release of Galina Volchek, together with, Lily Tolmacheva, and base the new "studio of young actors", which will soon turn into the contemporary cult theater.

And if at the end of the 50s wolf went on stage as an actress, then since 1962 Galina Borisovna begins directing activities, which will enter the history of Soviet and Russian art. Looking in advance, we note that after 10 years Galina will become the main director of the theater, and in the late 80s the theater will be headed as an artistic director.

In 1984, Galina Volchek plays Marta in the production "Who is afraid of Virginia Wolf", and this role becomes the last advent of the Volchik in the theater as an actress. From this point on, the actress focuses on the director's career.

The first director's experience of the wolf brings a tremendous success. It was the placement of the play of William Gibson "Two on the Swing", which has not reached more than 30 seasons from the scene of the contemporary. Two more significant works of the director - "Ordinary History" on the novel and the play "Three Comrades" on the novel of Erich Mary Remarka. The first of them brought Galina Wolchek State Prize of the USSR, and the second in 1999 "raised the ears" in Moscow and produced a real extension.

Galina Volchek was the first Soviet director who broke through the cultural blockade between the Soviet Union and the United States. She delivered several performances in Russian classics in American theaters, including the famous Broadway, where the Russian troupe played for the first time after 1924. And these were not just performances "for the tick." Trolley wolf is marked by one of the most prestigious national awards of the United States in the area of \u200b\u200bthe drama theater - the Drama Desq Prize, which for the first time for the long history of the existence of this award was awarded to the Naramerican theater.

The famous director shared experiences and with the new generation, and he taught mainly not in Russia, but abroad. For example, recently Galina Volchek conducted a course of lectures and practical classes in New York University.

The latter at today Galina Volchek has become the play of William Gibson "Two on the Swing" in 2015. This is the very work from which the director's career wolf began. Fans see in this mystical and cyclic meaning and with sadness note that the first work can be chosen by the director to the formulation specifically in order to become the latter.


On the screen, Galina Volchek made his debut in 1957 in the screening of the Spanish classical novel "Don Quixote", fulfilling the role of the strong maid of Mariornems. Then there were roles in the films "Sunny Angel", "Bridge", "King Lire" and others.

Sometimes the actress appeared only in episodes, but also made them bright and unforgettable. For example, in tragicomedy "Beware of the car" she simply played the buyer of the tape recorder in the store, but managed to take the attention of the audience over a tet of a tet of a century.

In the fairy tales "About the Red Hood" and "Mermaid" with a wolf, the negative roles of the Mothers and Sea Witch, but also in them the actress perfectly implemented their own talent. Also had the success of the film "Autumn Marathon", "Unicum" and "Tevier-milkman".

In 1996, the actress stopped being filmed in artistic paintings, but began to appear annually in documentary projects.

In the new millennium, Galina Volchek was starred in a number of films dedicated to colleagues Actress: "Life of Dzentemon. "," Unknown ",". Furious lyciser "," Three love ",". From hate to love "," A man with the past "and others.

Also, the actress starred in multi-sieves documentary projects "To remember", "idols" with and "film about the film", where also told about colleagues, and not about himself. About Galina Borisovna, only books are written: "Galina Volchek. In the mirror with a ridiculous and tragic "Gleb Schiphodov," Galina Volchek. As a rule outside the rules, "and" Galina Volchek. By itself, "the authorship of Marina Raykina.

I tried myself in Cinema Galina Volchek and as a director. True, for a long time she simply shielded their best theatrical productions "Ordinary History", "Hurry to do good", "Cherry Garden" and many others. But she had experience in filming and in original scenarios, for example, heavy psychological drama "Echelon" and "cool route".

Galina Volchek on the set of the series "Mysterious Passion"

In 2015, Galina Volchek suddenly returned to television screens as an actress of the artistic series. The actress played itself in the drama "Mysterious Passion", the screening of the novel of the same name. The series tells about the real creative people of the last century, which for the sake of artistic narration are fictional, but easily decrypting names.

Personal life

Officially, Galina Volchek was married twice. The first spouse actresses - the famous actor Evgeny Evstigneev, with whom she lived for 9 years and gave birth to a son. The son of Wolf and Evustigneeva was also unable to leave the world from the world and became the director. The child did not save the acting marriage, wolf and Evstigneev diverged.

Wolche argues that she was the initiator of the divorce with Evgeny Alexandrovich. Despite the subsequent relations, the actress no longer started the children, the son from Evstigneeva remained the only child of Galina Volchek.

Galina's second husband - Soviet scientist Mark Abelian, Doctor of Technical Sciences, taught at the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. Their union also did not last long, and the spouses divorced.

The third marriage of Galina Volchek was civil, lasted almost 10 years, but the director prefers not to remember about this period. According to her own expression, she "had two husbands, several novels and one misunderstanding." After these relations, she did not try to create a family more, considering that it is impossible to completely give up theatrical activity and at the same time be a happy family man.

The main hobby of Galina Wolf, how does the director love to say, it is "to make stars." Of course, you will not argue that thanks to Galina Borisovna, the world found out about the huge number of artists. But if we talk about hobbies, it is worth noting that the wolf models thumbs up with clothes and created a number of memorable outfits.

In 1995, Galina Volchek agreed to nominate his own candidate for elections to the State Duma and entered the Obligaral List of the Electoral Association "All-Russian socio-political movement" Our House - Russia ".

Four years, the director met in the State Duma and worked by a member of the Culture Committee, but in 1999, the walls of parliament left his own decision.

Galina Volchek now

Last time Health 83-year-old star began to bring. The director often falls into the hospital, the last time Galina Volchek was March 21, 2016 with suspicion of pneumonia. After the health condition of Galina Borisovna stabilized, the director returned home.

Today, Galina Volchek moves in a wheelchair, but the details of the health of the director are not disclosed. The press did not come to a uniformity on this: some claim that Galina Borisovna was chained to a wheelchair and no longer walks, others adhere to the optimistic theory that the director simply tries not to load himself and give the body a rest.

At the same time, the wheelchair does not prevent Galina Volchek to arrange creative evenings, meet with friends and attend secular events.

On April 28, 2017, Galina Volchek received the title of Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation with the wording "For special labor services to the state and the people." Also in 2017, Galina Borisovna celebrated the double theatrical anniversary: \u200b\u200b60 years, as it works in contemporary, 45 of them - the main director.


  • 1970 - "King LIR"
  • 1975 - "Black Sea Waves"
  • 1977 - "About the Red Hood"
  • 1979 - "Autumn Marathon"
  • 1983 - "Unicum"
  • 1983 - "Black Castle Olshansky"
  • 1985 - "Tevier-milkman"
  • 1992 - "Who is afraid of Virginia Wulf?"
  • 2008 - "Contemporary"
  • 2010 - "Ekaterina III"
  • 2015 - "Secret Passion"

In contact with


Galina Volchek

On the mourning ceremony of Nina, the dersitian artistic director of the theater "Contemporary" 84-year-old Galina Volchek was brought in a wheelchair. Black glasses in combination with a mourning handkerchief added a mournfulness of the actress and director from the blooming species. She had a kind of exhausted and sick.

Galina Borisovna This year will celebrate the 85th anniversary. She is older than all the leading artists of the Sovremennik - Lii Ahacedzhakova, Valentina Gafta, Marina Nelaova. And I survived everyone, with whom I started to create a "contemporary" - Nina Doroshin, Oleg Tabakova, Oleg Efremova. But over the years it is more difficult for her, to put the performances, to be in service ...

Galina Borisovna has many health problems. Many, the first time to see her in a wheelchair, even whispered that the famous director was paralyzed. In fact, she has big problems with the spine - the intervertebral hernia. Wolf - a lady with forms, because of this, the weight of her body presses on intervertebral discs, creating painful pain and interfering to move without support. Moreover, since 2014, the disease is noted in the theater, it makes more and more about yourself.

Wolchek was observed at the doctor of Ilya Pekarsky - one of the most famous vertebrolov and spinal surgeons in Israel and the world, which at one time he treated Evgenia Plushenko. But Galina Borisovna's surgery did not do. Since everyone who is familiar with this problem knows that the operations on the spine are one of the most dangerous. MRI is done, and only if it becomes clear that hernia squeezes the spinal cord or its roots, surgical intervention is assigned, but it does not guarantee 100% success. And the wolf make the operation does not allow a patient heart. It must be said that endless stresses and nerves in the life of the Derukok and the director also led to problems with the lungs and to hypertension.