A brief biography of Emil Zol. French writer Zola Emil

A brief biography of Emil Zol. French writer Zola Emil
A brief biography of Emil Zol. French writer Zola Emil

Emil Zola's biography

Writer Emil Zola was born on April 2, 1840 in Paris and grew up in the Italian-French family. His childhood and school period, Emil spent in an ex-en-provence. When he was not yet 7 years old, the father died and the family was in a very difficult financial situation. But Mrs. Zola with the expectation of the support of the friends of the late spouse along with her son in 1858 moved to Paris.

In early 1862, Emil is arranged to work in the Publishing House "Ashet". Here he earns well and can free time spend on literary classes. He reads the mop, follows new publications, writes reviews for recent book news for magazines and newspapers, makes acquaintance with popular writers, tries in prose and poetry.

In the Publishing House, Zola worked for about 4 years and quit, hoping that he could live at the expense of his literary talent. And in 1864, he publishes the debut book "Ningon's fairy tales", united stories different years. This period of creativity is characterized by the influence of romanticism. In the novels "Confession of Claude", "Testament of the Dead", "Marseille Secrets" shows the history of sublime love, the opposition of reality and dreams, transmitted the character of the perfect hero.

Special attention deserves the novel "Confession of Claude". This is a tough and weak veiled autobiography. This ambiguous book made the identity of Emil Scandalous and brought long-awaited popularity. Writer only imagined his fame, when E. Mana's painting positively appreciated artistic exhibition.

Approximately in 1868, Emil had an idea of \u200b\u200bwriting a series of novels, which would be devoted to one family - Ruggig Maccaram. The fate of these people has already been investigated by several generations. The first books from the series were not very interested in readers, but 7 Tom "Western" was doomed to big success. He not only increased the glory of Zola, but his condition. And all the subsequent novels of the series of fans of creativity of this French writer met with great enthusiasm.

Twenty volumes of the large cycle "Roigon-Makcara" is the most important literary achievement of sol. But earlier he still managed to write "Teresa Raken." After his stunning success, Emil published 2 more cycles: "Three cities" - "Lourdes", "Rome", "Paris"; As well as the "Four Gospels" (there were 3 volumes in total). Thus, Zola became the first novelist who created a series of books about the members of one family. The writer himself, calling the reason for the choice of such a structure of the cycle, argued that he wanted to demonstrate the laws of heredity.

During this period, the aesthetic and political views of the Zol are finally established. Republican and Democrat cooperates with opposition printing, writes and distributes articles that expose the French military and the reaction regime of Napoleon.

When Zola intervened in the scandalous case of Dreyfus, it became a sensation. Emil was convinced that the officer of the French General Staff of Alfred Dreifus, who by nationality was a Jew, in 1894 unjustly condemned for the sale of military secrets of Germany. So the writer exposed the army leadership, indicating their responsibility for a court error. Zola was planted his position in the form of an open letter and with the headline "I blame" sent him to the President of the Republic. For the slander of the writer sentenced to the year in prison. But Emil escaped to England and returned to his homeland in 1899, when Dreyfus was finally justified.

Zola became the second after Viktor Hugo in the rating of the popularity of French writers. But on September 28, 1902, the writer due to an accident suddenly died in his own Paris apartment. He poisoned with carbon monoxide. But, most likely, it set up his political enemies. Emil Zola was a passionate defender of humanism and democracy, for which he paid for his life.

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IN last period In the life of his life, Socialist worldview, without leaving the framework of radicalism. how highest point The political biography of Sol must be marked by his participation in Dreifus, which exposed the contradictions of France in the 1890s, is the famous article "J'accuse" ("I blame"), for which the writer paid exile to England (1898).

Death [ | ]

Zola died in Paris from carbon monoxide poisoning, according to the official version - due to the malfunction of the chimney in the fireplace. His last wordsFolded to his wife were: "I feel bad, the head splits. Look, and the dog is sick. Probably we ate something. Nothing, everything will pass. Do not disturb anyone ... ". Contemporaries suspected that it could be murder, but the irrefused evidence of this theory could not be found.

In 1953, the journalist Jean Borel published in the newspaper "Librason" the investigation "Is Zola killed?" By stating that the death of Zola may be a murder, and not an accident. He founded his approval on the revelations of the Norman pharmacist Pierre Akin, who said that Henri Buonfoss was told to him, which was deliberately blocked by the chimney of the Emil Zola's apartment in Paris.

Personal life [ | ]

Emil Zol was married twice; From the second spouse (Zhanna Ryro) he had two children.

Memory [ | ]

In honor of Emil Zol, named Mercury.

In the Paris Metro there is a station of Avenue Emile Zola on the 10th line next to the same street.

Creation [ | ]

The first literary speeches of Zola refer to the 1860s - "Ningon Tales" ( Contes à ninon, 1864), "Confession of Claude" ( La Confession de Claude, 1865), "Cereal Died" ( Le Vœu D "Une Morte, 1866), "Marseille Secrets" ( Les Mystères de Marseille, 1867).

Emil Zola with his children

Young Zola rapidly approaches his main works, to the central node of his creative activity - 20-languid series "Ruggong Makcara" ( Les Rougon-Macquart). Already the novel "Teresa Raken" ( Thérèse raquin., 1867) lies in itself the basic elements of the content of the grand "natural and social history of one family in the era of the second empire."

Zola spends a lot of effort to show how the laws of heredity affect the individual members of the Rugon-Makkarov family. The entire epic is associated with a carefully developed plan based on the principle of heredity - all the members of the series are members of the same family, so widely extensive that it penetrates it both in the highest layers of France and in its bottom.

Emil Zol (1870)

Emil Zola with a camera

Emil Zol

Family Zola

The unfinished series "Four-Genuine" ("Fruitness" ( Fécondité., 1899), "Labor", "Truth" ( Vérité., 1903), "Justice" ( Justice., not completed)) expresses this new stage In the work of Zola.

In the interval between the series "Roigon-Makcars" and "Four-Gear" Zola wrote the trilogy "Three cities": "Lourdes" ( LourDes., 1894), "Rome" ( Rome, 1896), "Paris" ( Paris., 1898).

Emil Zola in Russia[ | ]

Emil Zola acquired popularity in Russia a few years earlier than in France. Already the "Ningon Tales" were marked by a sympathetic review ("domestic notes.". T. 158. - P. 226-227). With the advent of translations of the two first volumes of Roigon-Makcarov ("Journal of Europe",. KN. 7 and 8) began assimilating by his wide reader circles. Translations of the works of Zola went out with bills on censorship reasons, the production of novel "mining", published in ed. Carbasynova (1874) was destroyed.

Roman "Verevo Paris" translated at the same time "case", "Bulletin of Europe", "domestic notes", "Russian Herald", "Spark" and "Bible. Shed. and public. " and released in two separate publications, finally approved the reputation of sol in Russia.

The last Romanes of Zola went out in Russian translations in 10 or more editions at the same time. In the 1900s, especially after, the interest in Zola was noticeably asleep in order to revive after. Even earlier, Zola's novels received the function of the campaign material ("work and capital", the story on the novel of the Zol "in the cops" ("Zherminal"), Simbirsk,) (V. M. Friece, Emil Zol (to whom the proletariat puts monuments), M. ).

Work [ | ]

Novels [ | ]

  • Confession Claude ( La Confession de Claude, 1865)
  • Covenant deceased ( Le Vœu D "Une Morte, 1866)
  • Teresa Raken ( Thérèse raquin., 1867)
  • Marseille secrets ( Les Mystères de Marseille, 1867)
  • Madelene Fera ( Madeleine Férat., 1868)

Ruggong Maccara [ | ]

Three cities [ | ]

  • Lourd ( LourDes., 1894)
  • Rome ( Rome, 1896)
  • Paris ( Paris., 1898)

Four-Genuine[ | ]

  • Fertility ( Fécondité., 1899)
  • Labor ( Travail, 1901)
  • Truth ( Vérité., 1903)
  • Justice ( Justice., not finished)

Tale [ | ]

  • Siege mills ( L'Attaque du Moulin, 1880)
  • Mrs. Surdis ( Madame Sourdis., 1880)
  • Captain Burl ( Le Capitaine Burle., 1882)

Novella [ | ]

  • Ningon's fairy tales ( Contes à ninon, 1864)
  • New Tales Ningon ( Nouveaux Contes à Ninon, 1874)

Pieces [ | ]

  • Heirs of Rabielden ( Les Héritiers Rabourdin., 1874)
  • Pink bud ( Le Bouton de Rose, 1878)
  • Rene ( Renée, 1887)
  • Madelena ( Madeleine., 1889)

Literary and journalistic works[ | ]

  • What I hate ( Mes Haines., 1866)
  • My salon ( MON SALON., 1866)
  • Eduard Mana ( Edouard manet., 1867)
  • Experimental Roman ( Le Roman Expérimental, 1880)
  • Novelists-naturalists ( Les Romanciers Naturalistes., 1881)
  • Naturalism in the theater ( Le Naturalisme Au Théâtre, 1881)
  • Our playwrights ( Nos AUTURS Dramatiques., 1881)
  • Literary documents ( Documents Littéraires., 1881)
  • Hike ( UNE CAMPAGNE, 1882)
  • New campaign ( Nouvelle Campagne., 1897)
  • The truth is marching ( La Vérité en marche, 1901)

Publication[ | ]

  • Teresa Raken. Germinal. - M.: Fiction, 1975. (Library of World Literature).
  • Career Rugs. Mining. - M.: Fiction, 1980. (library of classics).
  • Trap. Germinal. - M.: Fiction, 1988. (Library of classics).

Selected literature about Zola[ | ]

List of writings

  • Complete essay of E. Zola with illustrations. - P.: Bibliothèque-Charpentier, 1906.
  • L'Acrienne. - 1860.
  • Temlinsky S. Zolaism, criticism. Etude, ed. 2nd, copy. and add. - M., 1881.
  • Boborakin P. D. (in " Domestic notes, 1876, "Bulletin of Europe", 1882, I, and "Observer", 1882, XI, XII)
  • Arsenyev K. (in the "European Herald", 1882, VIII; 1883, VI; 1884, XI; 1886, VI; 1891], IV, and in the "critical etudes", vol. II, St. Petersburg.,)
  • Andreevich V. // "Journal of Europe". - 1892, VII.
  • Slonimsky L. Zola. // "Journal of Europe". - 1892, IX.
  • Mikhailovsky N. K. (in the Communion of Coll. Sochik., T. VI)
  • Brandes G. // "Journal of Europe". - 1887. - X, K in the Camp. Sochi
  • Barro E. Zola, his life and literary activity. - St. Petersburg. 1895.
  • Pelije J. French literature XIX century. - M., 1894.
  • Shepelevich L. Yu. Our contemporaries. - St. Petersburg. , 1899.
  • Kudrin N. E. (Rusanov). E. Zola, literary and biographical essay. - "Russian wealth", 1902, x (and in the "Gallery of Modern French Celebrities", 1906).
  • Anichkov Evg. E. Zola, "Mir of God", 1903, V (and in the Book "Forerunners and Contemporaries").
  • Hungarian E. Zola, Critico-biographical essay, "Journal of Europe", 1903, IX (and in " Literary characteristics", KN. II, St. Petersburg , 1905).
  • Lozinsky Evg. Pedagogical ideas in the works of E. Zola. // "Russian Thought", 1903, XII.
  • Veselovsky Yu. E. Zola as a poet and a humanist. // "Bulletin of Education", 1911. - I, II.
  • Frice V. M. E. Zola. - M., 1919.
  • Frice V. M. Essay in the development of Western European literature. - M.: Giz, 1922.
  • Eyhengolts M. E. Zola (-). // "Printing and Revolution", 1928, I.
  • Trunin K. Emil Zol. Criticism and analysis literary heritage. - 2018.
  • Rod E. A Propos de l'Assomoir. - 1879.
  • Ferdas V. La Physiologie Expérimentale Et Le Roman Expérimental. - P.: Claude Bernard et E. Zola, 1881.
  • Alexis P. Emile Zola, Notes d'Unmi. - P., 1882.
  • MAUPASSANT G. DE. Emile Zola, 1883.
  • Hubert.. Le Roman Naturaliste. - 1885.
  • Wolf E. Zola Und Die Grenzen Von Poesie und Wissenschaft. - Kiel, 1891.
  • ENGWER TH. Zola Als Kunstkritiker. - B., 1894.
  • Lotsch F. Über zolas sprachgebruch. - Greifswald, 1895.
  • Gaufiner.. Étude Syntaxique Sur La Langue de Zola. - Bonne, 1895.
  • Lotsch F. Wörterbuch Zu Den Werken Zoola Und Einiger Anderen Modernen SchriftStelter. - Greifswald, 1896.
  • LaPort A. Zola vs Zol. - P., 1896.
  • Montae J. L. Real Rome: Replica Zola. - 1896.
  • Rauber A. A. Die Lehren V. Hugo, L. Tolstoy und Zola. - 1896.
  • LaPort A. Naturalism or eternity of literature. E. Zola, man and work. - P., 1898.
  • Bourgeois, product of sol. - P., 1898.
  • Brunety F. After the process, 1898.
  • Bürger E. E. Zola, A. Daudet Und Andere Naturalisten Frankreichs. - Dresden, 1899.
  • MacDonald A. Emil Zola, A Study of His Personality. - 1899.
  • VIZETELLY E. A. With zola in england. - 1899.
  • Ramond F. C. Characters Ruzhon Mackar. - 1901.
  • Conrad M. G. Von Emil Zola Bis G. hauptmann. Erinnerungen Zur Geschichte der Moderne. - LPZ. , 1902.
  • Bouvier.. L'œuvre de Zola. - P., 1904.
  • VIZETELLY E. A. Zola, Novellist and Reformer. - 1904.
  • Lepelletier E. Emile Zola, SA VIE, SON œUVRE. - P., 1909.
  • Patterson J. G. Zola: Characters of the Rougon-Macquarts Novels, with a BIOGRAPHY. - 1912.
  • Martino R. Le Roman Réaliste Sous Le Second Empire. - P., 1913.
  • Lemm S. Zur EnttehungsGeschichte von Emil Zoola "RUGON-MACQUARTS" Und Den "Quatre Evangiles". - Halle a. S., 1913.
  • Mann H. Macht und Mensch. - München, 1919.
  • Oehlert R. Emil Zola Als Theaterdichter. - B., 1920.
  • Martino P. Le Naturalisme Français. - 1923.
  • Seillère E. A. A. L. Emile Zola, 1923: Baillot A., Emile Zola, L'Homme, Le Penseur, Le Critique, 1924
  • France A. La Vie Littéraire. - 1925. - V. I. - PP. 225-239.
  • France A. La Vie Littéraire. - 1926. - V. II (La Pureté d'e. Zola, PP. 284-292).
  • Deffoux L. Et Zavie E. Le Groupe de Médan. - P., 1927.
  • Josephson Matthew.. ZOLA AND HIS TIME. - N. Y., 1928.
  • Doucet F. L'Esthétique de Zola et Son Application à la critique, La Haye, s. a.
  • Bainville J. Au Seuil Du Siècle, Études critiques, E. Zola. - P., 1929.
  • Les Soirées de Médan, 17 / IV 1880 - 17 / IV 1930, Avec Une Préface Inédite de Léon Hennique. - P., 1930.
  • Piccanov N. K., Two centuries of Russian literature. - ed. 2nd. - M.: Giz, 1924.
  • Mandelshtam R. S. Artistic literature in the assessment of Russian Marxist criticism. - ed. 4th. - M.: Giz, 1928.
  • Laporte A. Emile Zoola, L'Homme et l'œuvre, Avec Bibliographie. - 1894. - PP. 247-294.

Shielding [ | ]

Notes [ | ]

Links [ | ]

Language of works french Awards Works on the site LIB.RU Files on wikisklad Quotes in Wikitatnik

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    ✪ 2001239 Glava 01 audiobook. Zola Emil "Dame happiness"

    ✪ 2000632 03 Audiobook. Zol Emil. "Dame happiness" (chapter from the novel)

    ✪ 2000632 02 audiobook. Zol Emil. "Blacksmith"



Emil Zol was born on April 2, 1840 in the city of Paris in the family of an engineer adopted by the French citizenship of Italian origin (in Italian surname is read as Dzola.), built a canal in EXSA, and Mother Frenchwoman.

Zola began his literary activity as a journalist (cooperation in "L'Evénement", "Le Figaro", "Le Rappel", "Tribune"); Many of his first novels are typical "fake novels" ("Marseille Secrets" - "Les Mystères de Marseille", 1867). On the last length of its creative path, Sol retains communication with journalism (collections of articles: "Mes Haines", 1866, "UNE CAMPAGNE", 1881, "Nouvelle Campagne", 1886). These performances are a sign of his active participation in political life.


Zola died in Paris from carbon monoxide poisoning, according to the official version - due to the malfunction of the chimney in the fireplace. His last words addressed to his wife were: "I feel bad, my head splits. Look, and the dog is sick. Probably we ate something. Nothing, everything will pass. Do not disturb anyone ... ". Contemporaries suspected that it could be murder, but the irrefused evidence of this theory could not be found.

In 1953, the journalist Jean Borel published in the newspaper "Librason" the investigation "Is Zola killed?" By stating that the death of Zola may be a murder, and not an accident. He founded his approval on the revelations of the Norman pharmacist Pierre Akin, who told that the carbusement Henri Buonfoss, admitted to him that he was deliberately blocked by the chimney of an apartment of Emil Zol in Paris.

Personal life

Emil Zol was married twice; From the second spouse (Zhanna Ryro) he had two children.


In honor of Emil Zol, a crater on Mercury was named. In the Paris Metro there is a station of Avenue Emile Zola on the 10th line next to the same street.


The first literary speeches of Zola refer to the 1860s - "Tales for Ningon" (Contes à Ninon,), "Confession of Claude" (La Confession de Claude, "Testament Died" (Le Vœu D "Une Morte,)," Marseille Secrets. "

The young Zola rapidly approaches its main works, to the central node of his creative activity - the twenty-diving series "Road-Makcara" (Les Rougon-Macquarts). Already the novel "Teresa Raquen" (Thérèse Raquin,) entered into itself the basic elements of the content of the grand "natural and social history of one family in the era of the second empire."

Zola spends a lot of effort to show how the laws of heredity affect the individual members of the Rugon-Makkarov family. The whole huge epic is associated with a carefully developed plan, based on the principle of hereditary - in all the novels of the series are members of one family, so widely extensive that it is penetrating it both in the highest layers of France and in its deepest bottoms.

The last romance of the series includes a pedigree tree of rugon-maccar, which must serve as a guide to an extremely confusing maze of related relationships based on the system of the Grand epic. Of course, the actual and genuine-deep content of the work is of course this side associated with the problems of physiology and heredity, but those social images that are given in "Ruggig Makcars". With the same concentration, which author systematized the "natural" (physiological) content of the series, we must systematize and understand its social content, whose interest is exceptional.

Zola style controversial in its essence. First of all, it is a fine-bourgeois style in an extremely bright, consistent and completed expression, - "Ruggur Makcars" is not by chance " family Roman"," Zola gives here very complete, immediate, very organic, in all its elements the vital disclosure of the existence of a small bourgeoisie. The vision of the artist is distinguished by exceptional integrity, capacity, but it is the mesh content that is interpreted with the deepest penetration.

Here we enter the field of intimate - starting with a portrait that occupies a prominent place, to the characteristics subject environment (Let us remember the magnificent interiors of the sol), before those psychological complexes that arise before us, everything is given in exceptionally soft lines, everything is sentimentalized. This is a kind of " pink period" Roman "The joy of living" (La Joie De Vivre,) can be considered as the most holistic expression of this moment in the style of sol.

It is planned in Zola's novels and the desire to turn to idylls - from the real alloying for a kind of burgher fantastics. In the novel "The Love Page" (UNE Page D "Amour,) is given an idyllic image of a small-bourgeois medium with preservation of real household proportions. In the" Dream "(Le Rêve,) Real motivation has already been eliminated, Idille is given in nude fantastic form.

Something like this is also found in the novel "Abbot Moore's crime" (La Faute de L "Abbé Mouret,) with his fantastic parade and fantastic albina." Meshchanskaya happiness "is given in the style of sol as something falling, displaced, extending in non-existence. All this is worth By the sign of damage, the crisis, has a "fatal" character. In the novel "the joy of living" next to a holistic, complete, deep disclosure of the petty-bourgeois being, which is poeticized, given the problem of tragic doomes, the impending death of this being. Roman is built peculiar: melting money determines The development of the Drama of Virtuous Chatetene, the economic disaster that destroys "Meshchanskaya Happiness" seems to be the main content of the drama.

Even more fuller, this is expressed in the Roman "Wilight of Plassan" (La Conquête de Plassans,), where the disassembly of the Meshchansky well-being, the economic disaster is interpreted as a tragedy that is monumental. We meet with a whole series of such "falls" - constantly realized as the events of space importance (confusing in an unsolvable contradictions Family in the novel "Man-beast" (La Bête Humaine,), old Bodia, Burra in the novel "Dame happiness" (Au Bonheur Des Dames,)). When his economic well-being collapses, the tradan is convinced that the whole world collapses, "economic disasters in Romans of Zola are marked by such specific hyperbolization.

The petty bourgeois experiencing his sunset receives a full and complete expression at the sol. It is shown from different sides, detecting his essence in the era of the crisis, it is given as the unity of versatile manifestations. First of all, it is a small bourgeois that is experiencing a drama of the economic decay. That is Mura in the "Wilight of Plassan", this new Meshchansky Jobs, such a virtuous Earlier Chanto in the novel "The joy of living", these are heroic shopkeepers, sour cream in capitalist development, in the novel "Dame happiness".

Saints, martyrs and sufferers, as a touching Polina in the "joy of living" or an unfortunate rene in the novel "Mining" (La Curée, 1872), or gentle Angelica in the "Dream", which Albina is so closely reminded in the "Crime of Abbot Moore", - here new form Social essence of "heroes" of Zola. These people characterize passivity, brushlessness, Christian humility, humility. All of them are characterized by idyllic beautiful, but they are all crumpled with brutal reality. The tragic doomes of these people, their death, despite all the attractiveness, the beautifulness of these "wonderful creatures", the rocky inevitability of the gloomy fate of them, - all this is the expression of the same conflict, which defined the drama Moore, whose economy collapses, in the pathetic novel "Won of Plassan " The essence here is one, is only a form of phenomenon.

As the most consistent form of psychology of small bourgeoisie in Zol novels, numerous leges are given. All of them seek somewhere, covered by some hopes. But immediately it turns out that their hopes are vain, and the desires of the blind. Solded Floran from the Roman "Ventre de Paris,), or unfortunate Claude from" creativity "(L" œuvre,), or a nominal romantic revolutionary from the "Money" novel (L'Argent,), or rolling Lazar From the "joy of living" - all these seekers are equally groundless and looseless. No one is given to reach, none of them rises to victory.

These are the main aspirations of the hero of the Zol. As you can see, they are versatile. Especially complete and concrete is the unity in which they converge. The psychology of the falling minor bourgeois receives an unusually deep, holistic interpretation.

There are in the works of Zola and new human figures. These are no longer burghers, not sufferers, not vain seekers, but predators. They succeed. They all achieve. Aristide Sakkar - ingenious undergoing in the novel "Money", octave Moure - a capitalist high flight entrepreneur, the owner of the shop "Dame happiness", bureaucratic predator Eugene Ruggigon in the novel "His Excellency Eugene Rugon" () - Here are new images.

Zola gives a fully complete, versatile, discrepanied concept of him - from the predator-chaser like a flavian abbot in the "winning of Plassan" to the real knight of the capitalist expansion, which is octave Mura. It is constantly emphasized that despite the difference between the scale, all these people are predators, the invaders who displacing respectable people of the patriarchal burglary world, which, as we have seen, was poeticized.

The image of a predator, a capitalist dolza, is given in the same aspect with a real way (market, stock exchange, store), which occupies in the system of Sali's style such a significant place. Evaluation of predation is transferred to the real world. So, the Paris market and the universal store are becoming a monstrous. In the style of sol, the subject image and the image of a capitalist predator should be considered as a single expression, as the two sides of the world, knowing the artist adapted to a new socio-economic structure.

In the novel "Dame happiness", there is a clash of two entities - mesh and capitalist. A huge capitalist enterprise arises on the bones of the ruining small shops - the entire course of the conflict is presented in such a way that "justice" remains on the side of the closest. They are defeated in the fight, they are actually destroyed, but they are morally triumph. This resolution of the contradiction in the novel "Dame happiness" is very characteristic of sol. The artist is divided here between the past and hereby: on the one hand, he is deeply connected with the sovereign being, on the other - he already thinks herself in unity with the new way, he is already so much so to imagine the world in his actual connections, in full content.

Creativity Zola scientifically, it is distinguished by the desire to lift the literary "production" to the level scientific knowledge His time. His creative method received a rationale in special work - "Experimental Roman" (Le Roman Expérimental). Here you can see how consistently the artist holds the principle of unity of scientific and artistic thinking. "Experimental Roman" is a logical consequence of the scientific evolution of our century, "says Zola, summing up its theory of the creative method, which is transferring to the literature scientific research (In particular, Zola relies on the work of the famous physiologist Claude Bernard). The whole series "Roigon-Makcara" was carried out in terms of scientific research conducted in accordance with the principles of the Experimental Roman. The scientific difference is evidence of the artist's close relationship with the main trends of his era.

The Grand Series "Road-Makcars" is oversaturated by planning elements, scheme scientific organization This work was aware of the essential necessity. Plan of a scientific organization scientific method Thinking is the main provisions that can be considered source for the style of Zol.

Moreover, he was a fetishist plan of the scientific organization of the work. His art constantly violates the boundaries of his theory, but the nature of the planned and organizational fetishism of Zola is quite specific. This affects a characteristic way of representing, distinguishing ideologues of the technical intelligentsia. The organizational shell of reality is constantly accepted by them in full validity, the form replaces the content. Zola expressed in his hypertrophy of the plan and organization the typical consciousness of the ideologue of the technical intelligentsia. The approach to the era was carried out through a peculiar "technical plant" of the bourgeois, who realized his ineulsion to organize and plan (for this inability to be abuse of Zola - "happiness of the ladies"); The knowledge of the epoch of the capitalist rise in Zola is implemented through the planned, organizational and technical fetishism. The theory of the creative method, deployed zola, the specifics of his style, exposed in the moments addressed to the capitalist era, goes back to this fetishism.

Roman "Dr. Pascal" (Docteur Pascal,), the final series of "Ruggur Makcars," can serve as an example of such fetishism - questions of the organization, systematics, the design of the novel is allocated here in the first place. This novel is revealed and new human image. Dr. Pascal is something new in relation to the falling breasts and to conquer capitalist predators. Engineer Gamelen in "Money", the capitalist reformer in the "Labor" novel (Travail,) - all these are varieties of a new image. He insufficiently deployed from Zola, it only is planned, only becomes, but his essence is already quite clear.

The figure of Dr. Pascal is the first schematic sketch of the reformist illusion, in which the fact that the small bourgeoisie, the form of the practice of which represents the style of Zol, "TRAINING", is reconciled with the era.

Typical features of the consciousness of the technical intelligentsia, primarily fetishism of the plan, system and organizations, are transferred to a number of images of the capitalist world. Such, for example, octave Mur from "Ladies' happiness", not only a great predator, but also a great rationalizer. The reality that has recently been estimated as a hostile world is now realized in terms of some "organizational" illusion. The chaotic world, the brutal cruelty of which was recently proved, now begins to be in pink clothes "Plan", it is planned on the scientific foundations not only a novel, but also public reality.

Zola, always heavily to turn his creativity in the instrument "reform", "improvements" of reality (this was reflected in the didactics and rhetorism of its poetic technology), now comes to the "organizational" utopia.

The unfinished series of "Gospels" ("Fruitity" - "Fécondité", "Labor", "Justice" - "Vérité",) expresses this new stage in the work of the Cola. The moments of organizational fetishism, always peculiar to Zola, here are especially consistent development. Reformism becomes more and more exciting, dominant elements. In "fertility" creates utopia about the systematic reproduction of humanity, this gospel turns into a pathetic demonstration against the fall in fertility in France.

In the interval between the series - "Roigon-Makcara" and "Gospel" - Zola wrote his anti-chiller trilogy of "cities": "Lourdes" (Lourdes,), Rome (Rome,), "Paris" (Paris,). Drama Abbot Pierre Froman, seeking justice, is given as the moment of criticism of the capitalist world, which opens the possibility of reconciliation with him. The sons of the rolling abbot, who shot the risas, act as evangelists of the reformist update.

Emil Zola in Russia

Emil Zola acquired popularity in Russia a few years earlier than in France. Already "Contes à ninon" was marked by a sympathetic review ("Patriotic Notes.". T. 158. - P. 226-227). With the advent of translations of the two first volumes of Roigon-Makcarov ("Journal of Europe",. KN. 7 and 8) began assimilating by his wide reader circles. Translations of the works of Zola went with bills on censorship considerations, the circulation of the La Curee novel, published in the ed. Carbasynova (1874) was destroyed.

Roman "Le Ventenre de Paris", translated at the same time "case", "Bulletin of Europe", "domestic notes", "Russian Bulletin", "Iskra" and "Bible. Shed. and public. " and published in two separate publications, finally approved the reputation of the Zola in Russia.

The last Romanes of Zola went out in Russian translations in 10 or more editions at the same time. In the 1900s, especially after, the interest in Zola was noticeably asleep in order to revive after. Even earlier, Zola's novels received the function of the campaign material ("work and capital", the story on the novel of the Zol "in the cops" ("Zherminal"), Simbirsk,) (V. M. Friece, Emil Zol (to whom the proletariat puts monuments), M. ).

Selected bibliography

List of writings

  • Complete essay of E. Zola with illustrations. - P.: Bibliothèque-Charpentier, 1906.
  • L'Acrienne. - 1860.
  • Ningon's fairy tales. - 1864.
  • Claude dedication. - 1865.
  • Thérèse raquin. - 1867.
  • Madelena Fera. - 1868.
  • Ruggong-Makcars, the social history of the family living during the second Empire, 20 VV. - 1871-1893. - Lourdes, 1894; Rome, 1896; Paris, 1898; Fertility, 1899; Work, 1901; True, 1903.
  • Experimental novel. - 1880. - Naturalism in the theater, s. a.
  • Temlinsky S. Zolaism, criticism. Etude, ed. 2nd, copy. and add. - M., 1881.
  • Boborakin P. D. (in "Domestic Notes", 1876, "Bulletin of Europe", 1882, I, and "Observer", 1882, XI, XII)
  • Arsenyev K. (in the "European Herald", 1882, VIII; 1883, VI; 1884, XI; 1886, VI; 1891], IV, and in the "critical etudes", vol. II, St. Petersburg.,)
  • Andreevich V. // "Journal of Europe". - 1892, VII.
  • Slonimsky L. Zola. // "Journal of Europe". - 1892, IX.
  • Mikhailovsky N. K. (in the Communion of Coll. Sochik., T. VI)
  • Brandes G. // "Journal of Europe". - 1887. - X, K in the Camp. Sochi
  • Barro E. Zola, his life and literary activities. - St. Petersburg. 1895.
  • Pelije J. French literature XIX century. - M., 1894.
  • Shepelevich L. Yu. Our contemporaries. - St. Petersburg. , 1899.
  • Kudrin N. E. (Rusanov). E. Zola, literary and biographical essay. - "Russian wealth", 1902, x (and in the "Gallery of Modern French Celebrities", 1906).
  • Anichkov Evg. E. Zola, "Mir of God", 1903, V (and in the Book "Forerunners and Contemporaries").
  • Hungarian E. Zola, Critico-biographical essay, "Journal of Europe", 1903, IX (and in "literary characteristics", KN. II, SPb., 1905).
  • Lozinsky Evg. Pedagogical ideas in the works of E. Zola. // "Russian Thought", 1903, XII.
  • Veselovsky Yu. E. Zola as a poet and a humanist. // "Bulletin of Education", 1911. - I, II.
  • Frice V. M. E. Zola. - M., 1919.
  • Frice V. M. Essay in the development of Western European literature. - M.: Giz, 1922.
  • Eyhengolts M. E. Zola (-). // "Printing and Revolution", 1928, I.
  • Rod E. A Propos de l'Assomoir. - 1879.
  • Ferdas V. La Physiologie Expérimentale Et Le Roman Expérimental. - P.: Claude Bernard et E. Zola, 1881.
  • Alexis P. Emile Zola, Notes d'Unmi. - P., 1882.
  • MAUPASSANT G. DE. Emile Zola, 1883.
  • Hubert.. Le Roman Naturaliste. - 1885.
  • Wolf E. Zola Und Die Grenzen Von Poesie und Wissenschaft. - Kiel, 1891.
  • ENGWER TH. Zola Als Kunstkritiker. - B., 1894.
  • Lotsch F. Über zolas sprachgebruch. - Greifswald, 1895.
  • Gaufiner.. Étude Syntaxique Sur La Langue de Zola. - Bonne, 1895.
  • Lotsch F. Wörterbuch Zu Den Werken Zoola Und Einiger Anderen Modernen SchriftStelter. - Greifswald, 1896.
  • LaPort A. Zola vs Zol. - P., 1896.
  • Montae J. L. Real Rome: Replica Zola. - 1896.
  • Rauber A. A. Die Lehren V. Hugo, L. Tolstoy und Zola. - 1896.
  • LaPort A. Naturalism or eternity of literature. E. Zola, man and work. - P., 1898.
  • Bourgeois, product of sol. - P., 1898.
  • Brunety F. After the process, 1898.
  • Bürger E. E. Zola, A. Daudet Und Andere Naturalisten Frankreichs. - Dresden, 1899.
  • MacDonald A. Emil Zola, A Study of His Personality. - 1899.
  • VIZETELLY E. A. With zola in england. - 1899.
  • Ramond F. C. Characters Ruzhon Mackar. - 1901.
  • Conrad M. G. Von Emil Zola Bis G. hauptmann. Erinnerungen Zur Geschichte der Moderne. - LPZ. , 1902.
  • Bouvier.. L'œuvre de Zola. - P., 1904.
  • VIZETELLY E. A. Zola, Novellist and Reformer. - 1904.
  • Lepelletier E. Emile Zola, SA VIE, SON œUVRE. - P., 1909.
  • Patterson J. G. Zola: Characters of the Rougon-Macquarts Novels, with a BIOGRAPHY. - 1912.
  • Martino R. Le Roman Réaliste Sous Le Second Empire. - P., 1913.
  • Lemm S. Zur EnttehungsGeschichte von Emil Zoola "RUGON-MACQUARTS" Und Den "Quatre Evangiles". - Halle a. S., 1913.
  • Mann H. Macht und Mensch. - München, 1919.
  • Oehlert R. Emil Zola Als Theaterdichter. - B., 1920.
  • Martino P. Le Naturalisme Français. - 1923.
  • Seillère E. A. A. L. Emile Zola, 1923: Baillot A., Emile Zola, L'Homme, Le Penseur, Le Critique, 1924
  • France A. La Vie Littéraire. - 1925. - V. I. - PP. 225-239.
  • France A. La Vie Littéraire. - 1926. - V. II (La Pureté d'e. Zola, PP. 284-292).
  • Deffoux L. Et Zavie E. Le Groupe de Médan. - P., 1927.
  • Josephson Matthew.. ZOLA AND HIS TIME. - N. Y., 1928.
  • Doucet F. L'Esthétique de Zola et Son Application à la critique, La Haye, s. a.
  • Bainville J. Au Seuil Du Siècle, Études critiques, E. Zola. - P., 1929.
  • Les Soirées de Médan, 17 / IV 1880 - 17 / IV 1930, Avec Une Préface Inédite de Léon Hennique. - P., 1930.
  • Piccanov N. K., Two centuries of Russian literature. - ed. 2nd. - M.: Giz, 1924.
  • Mandelshtam R. S. Artistic literature in the assessment of Russian Marxist criticism. - ed. 4th. - M.: Giz, 1928.
  • Laporte A. Emile Zoola, L'Homme et l'œuvre, Avec Bibliographie. - 1894. - PP. 247-294.




Zol Emil (1840-1902), French writer. Born on April 2, 1840 in Paris, in the Italian-French family: the Italian was the Father, the construction engineer. Children's and school years, Emil spent in the ex-en-provence, where the artist P. Sezann was one of his nearest friends.

He was incomplete seven years when his father died, leaving a family in plight. In 1858, counting on the help of friends of the late husband, Ms. Zola moved with her son to Paris.

The only happiness in life is a constant desire forward.

Zol Emil

At the beginning of 1862, Emil was able to find a place in the publishing house "ASHET". After working for about four years, he quit in the hope of ensuring his existence of literary labor.

In 1865, Zola published the first novel - a tough, weakly veiled autobiography Confession of Claud (La Confession De Claude, 1865). The book brought him scandalous fame that the hot defense of the painting E. Manem in his review of the art exhibition was 1866.

At about 1868, Zola had an idea of \u200b\u200ba series of novels dedicated to one family (Ruggong Makcarov), the fate of which is investigated for four or five generations. A variety of romance plots gave the opportunity to show many parties french Life During the second empire.

There were no time the terrible words were uttered: "Blessed with the Spirit", "because of this fear of misconception, humanity suffered two thousand years.

Zol Emil

The first books of the series did not cause much interest, but the seventh volume, the Western (L'Assommoir, 1877), has gained great success and brought Salo as a fame and wealth. He acquired a house in the honey near Paris and gathered the young writers around himself (among them were J. K. Gyuismans and Gi de Maupassan) who formed a short-lived "naturalistic school".

Subsequent novels of the series were met with huge interest - they were with the same diligence and extroduced. Twenty volumes of Cycle Ruggong Makcars are the main literary achievement of sol, although it is necessary to note the previously written by Teresa Raquen (Thérèse Raquin, 1867) - a deep study of the feeling of repentance, the murder and his report.

IN last years Zola's life created two more cycles: three cities (Les Trois Villes, 1894-1898) - Lourdes, Rome (Rome), Paris (Paris); And the four Gospels (Les Quatre Évangiles, 1899-1902), which remained unfinished (the fourth volume was not written).

The writer is simultaneously a researcher and an experimenter.

Zol Emil

Zola became the first novelist who created a series of books about the members of one family. His example followed by many, including J.Dyuhamel (Chronicles of Paskier), D.Golsuorci (Furovight Saga) and D. Marsters (books about Savage). One of the reasons who prompted the zola to choose the structure of the cycle was the desire to show the action of heredity laws.

Ruggur Makcars are siblings of a low-minded woman who dies in latest Tome Series, reaching old age and fully lost the reason. From her children - one legitimate and two illegal - the three branches of the genus originate. The first one is represented by prosperous rugs, members of this family appear in such novels, as its Excellency Eugene Rougon, 1876) - a study of political fraud in the reign of Napoleon III; Mining (La Curée, 1871) and money (L'Argent, 1891), where we are talking about land property speculation and securities.

The second branch of the family is the Moore family. Octave Moure, ambitious Volokita in scale (Pot-Bouille, 1882), creates one of the first Paris department stores on the pages of the Ladiesky Happiness (Au Bonheur Des Dames, 1883), while other family members lead more than a modest life, like the village priest I am Serge Mura In the mysterious and poetic novel of the misdemeanor Abbot Moore (La Faute de L'Abbé Mouret, 1875).

Superstition relaxes, stuns.

Zol Emil

Representatives of the third branch, Makcars, are distinguished by extreme unbalance, since their ancestor Antoine McCar was an alcoholic.

Members of this family play an outstanding role in the strongest Romacles of Zola - such as Paris's womb (Le Ventre de Paris, 1873), where the atmosphere of the central market of the capital is recreated; Western, in which harsh colors are depicted by the life of the Paris Workers in the 1860s; Nana (Nana, 1880), whose heroine, a representative of the third generation of Makcarov, becomes a prostitute and her sexy magnetism leads to confusion the highest light; Germinal (Germinal, 1885), the greatest creation Zola dedicated to the strike of miners at the mines of Northern France; Creativity (L'Oeuvre, 1886), which includes the characteristics of many famous artists and writers of the era; Land (La Terre, 1887), narration about peasant life; The Beast's Man (La Bête Humaine, 1890), which describes the life of railway workers, and, finally, the defeat (La Débâcle, 1892), the image of the French-Prussian war and the first major military novel in French literature.

By the time of completion of the cycle (1903), Zola enjoyed worldwide fame and, by a general opinion, was the largest after V.Gugo writer of France. Ever sensational was his intervention in the Dreyfus case (1897-1898). Zola came to be convinced that Alfred Dreyfus, officer of the French General Staff, a Jew for Nationality, in 1894 he was unjustly convicted of selling military secrets of Germany.

The artwork is a piece of nature, filtered through the temperament of the artist.

Zol Emil

The exposure of the army top supporting the main responsibility for an obvious judiciary took the form of an open letter to the President of the Republic with the title, I blame (J'accuse, 1898). Sentenced for slander by the year of imprisonment, Zola fled to England and was able to return home in 1899, when the situation has changed in favor of Dreyfus.

Zola (Zola.) Emil (1840-1902), French writer. The main work is the 20-languuous series of Roman-Makcars (1871-93) - the history of one family in the era of the second empire. In the novels of the "Paris" series (1873), "Western" (1877), "Germinal" (1885), "Money" (1891), "defeat" (1892) with a large realistic force depicted social contradictions. Zola - a supporter of the principles of naturalism (the book "Experimental Roman", 1880). He spoke with protests against the business of Dreyfus (pamphlet "I blame", 1898).

Zola (Zola.) Emil ( full name Emil Eduar Charles Antoine) (April 2, 1840, Paris - September 28, 1902, there), French writer.

Creative way

Zola was born in a mixed Italian-French family. His father - an engineer who came from the old Venetian family, concluded a contract for participation in the construction of the channel, which was supposed to provide water for ex-en-provence. In this town, which became the prototype of Plassan in the cycle "Roigon-Makcara", the writer spent the childhood years and was educated. He studied with a sesanne field, who later introduced him to the circle of artists-Impressionists.

In 1857, Emil's father suddenly died, leaving the family of very modest savings, and in a year the widow decided to go with her son to Paris, hoping to get the support of the friends of the deceased her husband. Zola was interrupted by random earnings, until at the beginning of 1862 he did not enter the service in the "Ashkes" publishing house, where he worked for about four years. At the same time, he wrote articles for periodic press, and in 1864 published the first collection of the stories of the "Tales Ningon". In 1865 its first - semi-autobiographic - Roman "Confession of Claude". The book brought him fame that increased even more thanks to the bright speech in defense of Eduar Mane's cloths on the Art Exhibition Ferris Pages 1866.

In the preface to the novel "Teresa Raken" (1867), Zola first formulated the essence of the naturalistic method: he was carried away by the ideas of the document's literature, he set as a goal of creating a "scientific novel", where data from natural sciences, medicine and physiology will enter. In the novel "Madeleine Fera" (1868), the writer took the first attempt to show in action the laws of heredity. At about the same time, he arises the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a series of novels dedicated to one family, the fate of which is investigated for five generations.

In 1870, Zola married Gabriel-Alexandrine Mel, and in 1873 acquired a house in Medan (not far from Paris), where young writers who formed a short-lived "naturalistic school" began to gather. In 1880, they published a collection of stories "Medansky Evenings". Zola himself issued collections of articles "Experimental Romance" (1880) and "Naturalist Romanists" (1881) - Theoretical writings designed to explain the essence of the new method: the character, temperament and human behavior are due to the laws of heredity, environmental and the historical moment, and the task of the writer is an objective image of the exact moment under certain conditions.

In the last years of life, Zola created two more cycles: "Three cities" ("Lourdes", 1894; "Rome", 1896; "Paris", 1898) and "Four-Genuine" ("fertility", 1899; "work", 1901; "Truth", publ.1903). Books of the first cycle combined ideological quests The main character is Pierre Foman. The second cycle, which remained unfinished (the fourth volume was not written), is a social utopia in which the writer tried to embody his dream about the upcoming celebration of mind and labor.

Business Dreifus

At the end of the life of Zola enjoyed worldwide fame and was considered - after the death of Viktor Hugo - the most prominent figure among all Healthy French Writers. His reputation was strengthened by interference in Dreifus: Zola came to the conviction that this officer of the French General Staff, a Jew for Nationality, was in 1894 unfairly convicted of espionage. The exposure of the army top, supporting the main responsibility for an obvious judiciary, took the form of an open letter to the President of the Republic with the headline "I blame" (1898). As a result, Zola was convicted of "slander" and sentenced to the year in prison. He had to hide in England, and he returned to his homeland only in June 1900, when the situation has changed in favor of Dreifus. The writer died suddenly: the cause of death was a carbon monoxide poisoning, but this "accident" was most likely made up with his political enemies. At the funeral, Anatole France called his fellow "conscience of the nation." In 1908, Zola remains were transferred to Pantheon. During his lifetime, he was never elected to the French Academy, although his candidacy was put forward at least nineteen times.

Family Saga

In his grand epopea, Zola gave the name "Ruggong-Makcars. Natural and social history of one family in the era of the second empire" (1871-1893). The initial plan included ten novels, however, the turbulent historical events (Franco-Prussian War and the Commune) prompted the writer to expand the cycle framework, which in final form numbers twenty novels. Ruggong-McCares are siblings of a low-old woman who dies in the last volume of the series, reaching a century and fully lost the reason. From her children - one legitimate and two illegal - the three branches of the genus originate. The first of them is represented by prosperous rugs. Members of this family appear in such novels as "Career Rugs" (1871), whose action unfolds in a small town of Plassan in December 1851 - On the eve of the coup, Louis Bonaparte; "His Excellency Enough Rugon" (1876), where political frauds are being investigated into the reign of Napoleon III; "Money" (1891), decent to land ownership and securities. The second branch of the family is the Moore family. Oktall Moure, ambitious Volokitis in the "scale" (1882), creates one of the first Paris department stores on the pages of "Lady Happiness" (1883), while other family members lead a very modest life, like a village priest in the novel "Amplippays Abbot Moore" ( 1875).

Representatives of the third branch are extremely unbalanced, since their progenitor was an alcoholic. Members of this family - Makcara and Lantale - play an outstanding role in the strongest Romacles of Zola. In the "Paris" (1873) depicts the central market, against the background of which the story of the Floran brothers and Keny unfolds: the first one was sent to the cautious participation in the December events of 1851 - Returning, he saw at the place of the former fighting giant trade; Keny during this time grew up and married the beauty of Lisa - Makcarov's daughter from Plassan. Floran everyone considers "red", and he really dreams about a new uprising. On the bottom of several merchants, including Lisa, he is sent to the link again, from where he will not be destined to return. The novel is completed by the fact that a friend of Florana, the artist Claude Lantier, bypassing the market, where the incarnating triumph of the womb Lisa lays tongues on the counter languages \u200b\u200band ham. In the novel "Nana" (1880) the main acting person He is Anna - the daughter of the spokes of the booster of the Gerbera Makkar and the crude working coupon from the novel "Western" (1877). Economic circumstances and hereditary inconsistencies make it an actress, and then the curtains. It comes from a crazy call of flesh, which drives crazy and enslaves men. In 1870, before the start of the fatal for France of the war with Prussia, Nana is sickless and dies eighteen years old: her wonderful face turns into a purulent mask for joyful screams of patriots: "in Berlin! In Berlin!". In "Zherel" (1885), a strike of miners, which is headed by a man's succulent - Mechanic Etienne Lantie. He meets the Russian Socialist of Socialist, who in the name of the celebration of the revolution squeezes supports in the mine. Etienne's beloved dies in the stream of water, and he leaves the village himself: from under the ground, the deaf blows of Kaila are to him - in all recently awake mines, work boils. In the novel "Creativity" (1886) both main characters come to Paris from Plassan. Sandoz novelist and artist Claude Lantie (whose prototypes contemporaries considered Zola and Cezanna) are advocates of new art. Dreaming about the synthesis of literature and science, Sandoz thinks a gigantic romance series, which covered and explained the whole history of mankind. Claude is even more obsessed with its ideas, and creativity becomes a real torture for him. In November 1870, he was found in the loop before the unfinished picture, for which Christina's wife posed. Sandoz in rage burns this failed masterpiece, and at the funeral of the genius, from which there is nothing left, vinites the end of the century with his rot and decomposition: the air of the era of poison - century, which began with clarity and rationalism, ends with a new wave of obscurantism.