Biographies, stories, facts, photos. Christian Gotoban Nef: Biography Life of the Nefa under the French occupation

Biographies, stories, facts, photos. Christian Gotoban Nef: Biography Life of the Nefa under the French occupation
Biographies, stories, facts, photos. Christian Gotoban Nef: Biography Life of the Nefa under the French occupation

Christian Gotoban Nef was born on February 5, 1748 in Chemnitz, Saxony (Chemnitz, Saxony), in a craft medium. He was the son of a tailor Johann Gottlieb Neefe (Johann Gottlieb Neefe) and his wife Rosina Weyrauch. The boy received a musical education in one of the churches of his hometown, where he performed the responsibilities of the singer and at the same time he studied at the organist Johann Friedrich Wilhelmi (Johann Friedrich Wilhelmi), who very much encouraged his aspiration for music. Already from 12 years old nefa began to compose his own plays. At the age of 19, Nefop became the University of Leipzig (University of Leipzig), where he studied jurisprudence from 1769 to 1771, but during his studies he met composer Johann Adam Hiller (Johann Adam Hiller), the founder and owner of the private school of singing in Leipzig (Leipzig ). Nefop became one of his first disciples and under his leadership wrote his first comic operas. Ten arias created for the opera Hiller "der Dorfbarbier" were one of its first major works. As a result of this cooperation, the Nefop turned into Hiller Protege and became his successor to the post of musical leader of the Theater Company Abel Seylers. Together with this opera pipe, he visited the performances in Dresden (Dresden), Frankfurt (Frankfurt), Mainz (Mainz) and Cologne (Cologne).

In Leipzig, the Nefa married the actress Suzanne Zinc (Susanna Zinck), which gave him three daughters, including Margaret (Margaret), which later became the wife of the famous Actor of the Romanticism of Ludwig Devrient (Ludwig Devriant), and three sons, one of which, Joseph Hermann Neefe (Hermann Josef Neefe) became a famous artist. Perhaps it was the big family that was the reason that the Nefa had always lacked money, and, despite the prestigious positions, he lived in poverty.

In 1779, the theater company Zapeler, despite the wonderful achievements and successes in terms of art, went bankrupt, and in the same year the Nefa received a composer and music leader Friedrich Gustav Grossman's ensemble (Gustav Friedrich Großmann) and Karl Helmuth (Karl Hellmuth) in the National Theater (National theater) in Bonn (Bonn).

In 1781, he became the successor of the court bonn organist Gilles Van Der Eeden, and since the duties of the Organist included the preparation of young musicians, he taught the composition, the game on the organ and piano. The most famous student of the Nef was Ludwig Van Beethoven, who did not help in his work on some of his first essays and published part of his early works. In addition, he managed to organize a training trip to Vienna for Beethoven, which at that time was considered the center of European music. In Vienna, the most talented student of the Nefa forced Mozart himself (Mozart) to talk about himself with admiration, but I could not study there - the young man returned home, having learned that his mother was seriously sick and dying.

When in 1794, French revolutionary troops under the command of General Jean Etienne Vachier Championnet (Jean Etienne Vachier Championnet) occupied areas around Rhine (Rhine), 46-year-old Nefa lost his work. For some time, he tried to settle in Bonn, but unsuccessfully, and in 1796 he moved to Dessau (Dessau), where he again became the musical leader of theatrical troupe and held this post until the end of his life.

Christian Goton Nefa died on January 28, 1798, at the age of 50 years. He left behind numerous piano works, choral and chamber music, as well as several operas. It is considered one of the best German composers in the genre of Singspille of his time.

In the articles of this site, we referred to the neopa, calling it one of the most important Bonn teachers of Ludwig Van Beethoven. Today we will talk in detail about the biography of this wonderful musician and teachers.

1. Childhood

So, our today's hero was born February 5, 1748. year in the family Johann Gotoba Nefa, tailor from Saxon Chemnitsa and his spouses Johannna Rosina Vairauh.

Despite poverty, the parents of the Nefa gave the child to the Municipal Church School of Chemnitsa, where in connection with the wonderful vocal data he was recorded in "Pevichy Choir", and Already from twelve sings in the church itself Saint Jacob (city of chemnitz).

Due to the meager financial situation, the boy could not get a normal musical education, although, as it turns out later, in Hohenschinese, literally in three hours drive from Chemnitsa (town Schonburg), Protestant Kantor lived Christian Gothilf Tag. (April 2, 1735 - July 19, 1811) - a very talented teacher, known in his time composer and an organist. However, specifically at that time the boy had no money to regularly overcome it, it would seem that a funny distance to the teacher.

Consequently, the young nefer did not have to choose musical teachers, and therefore he used the fact that there is "in his native chemnitz. The first of their musical lessons, he takes the organist the above mentioned church, Johann Friedrich Wilhelmiwhich cannot be called a bad teacher (at least we do not have any reasons or any information confirming this thought), however, apparently, with some outstanding musical or pedagogical abilities, he also did not possess.

However, from time to time, nefop still took lessons from the above tag, but these lessons were rare, because they were held only in those days when a young musician had a financial opportunity. According to the nefer, they became very close friends with a tag, however "Enjoy his lessons" He could only when he had money, for the nefa never left the tag, not thanking him financially.

Write the music of the Nefop began in twelve aged. In his autobiography, he ironically recalled, as in those days, he tried to compose some minor works, and this creative "garbage" (this in his words) collected enthusiastic applause of listeners who have blocked in music.

2. Training at the University of Leipzig

It is known that since childhood Hef suffered rakhit (more famous while "English disease") that there has been negatively affected not only on the health of his bones (by 14 years old, the Nefa has burned hard), but also on the psychological level - later the neopa admits that for a long time was hypochondrik(like his father), convinced that he could not live for a long time in this world.

About aged 16 years Father Nefa, having predicable his son's desire to receive education, tried to dissuade him from this venture and devote himself tailoringWhat his family has been doing no first year. His father could be understood because a significant part of the family of the family went not only to the current study of the young musician, but also for medicines (the parents of the Nefa sincerely believed that some kind of special sickness could help dutch tincture). However, the young man resisted this in every way, giving it to his father that under any circumstances would not leave his desire to intellectually enriched (for which in the future and deserves a high place in the Great Beethoven).

2.1. Poor student

Already in 1767, nineteen-year-old Nefa went to Leipzig, where he became resident of the school of the famous German philosopher, professor of the theology of the University of Leipzig Christian August Krusiusa (Some translate as crushes). Returning to Chemnitz, the young man worked, giving private music lessons, and the revenue funds most often spent on the purchase of books.

Well, at Easter 1769, the Nefa entered the famous Leipzig University. Later, the Nefop will be remembered by a touching farewell with his parents shortly before admission:

"My father also assured me through the tears, which will never refuse me, even if he has to sell his little house that he has gained grave labor."Further Nefa noted that he entered the university, having "Weak health and no less weak wallet".

Indeed, all the wealth of a new student consisted of twenty talers assembled in the Chemnice, as well as more tangible from a material point of view. scholarship In the amount of 50 florins derived from the magistrate of the native Chemnitz. In Leipzig, the young student helped on one side of savings in a variety of trifles, and on the other hand, the support of good people, including the generosity of some Leipzig professors (among the latter, however, there were quite well-known personality, including writer and philosopher ).

2.2. Disappointment in jurisprudence

The in-depth study of the logic, the philosophy of morality, as well as the right, of course, has provided for the already unlous young man a fairly powerful intellectual feed.

However, it was dreaming at first to become a civil lawyer, nefa as the procedural subtleties study, still disappointed in this case in connection with, in his opinion, the absurd bureaucratic peculiarities of the civil procedure, as well as in connection with the presence of high moral qualities he himself.

After all, only as the nefa learned began to understand that a successful lawyer should not only brilliantly know the laws, but sometimes be guess and, if necessary, silently, that for him was already unnatural.

2.3. Fighting a disease

Another obstacle to obtain education was the aforementioned Nef's disease (we will remind, he suffered rakhita, and was also a hypochondrick).

Arounded between 1770 and 1771, the health of his bones was so weak that he could hardly walk on a more or less long distances. In connection with physical weakness and, as it happens in patients, with strong self-sustainment The young student fell into depression.

Against the background of really existing, as well as invented in the submissions of the unrealistic nefop, was so psychologically depressed that they forgot some elementary circumstances, including the current season. That's what he spoke about this itself:

"My mind was so embedded and so saturated with imaginary ailments that I rarely could work; that I often forgot the current season, as well as a year; That even at the sight of a clear sky, I saw only rain, and that I was often afraid of one or another option of death. Often I was tormented by thoughts about suicide; The most terrible fear pursued me everywhere, and, in my opinion, even the smallest sandy hill turned into an insurmountable mountain. "

However, as he later noted the nefer, reasonable doctors, diet and distraction from problems with the help of studying musical literature (in his free time, he actively studied theoretical literature K.F. E. Bach and Marpurg) helped him get out of the critical state. Moreover, the neopa admitted that he was partly grateful to his illness for several reasons:

  • He became a more religious person. As the nefop noted correctly, the hypochondricks often inspire the inevitability of death - as already noted above, he was not exception in this regard. Consequently, under the fear of an imminent death of the Nef, he tried to lead the correct way of life and sought to know religion.
  • The disease prevented him to participate in amoral students' entertainment. Once comrades inhene still convinced him to escape to the next village, where it would seem to be a "highly religious" time, still stood the "Church of immorality" (it is easy to guess what he spoke in nefa). Seen in this place the immoral behavior of people in combination with frank female outfits left in it the imprint in the form of an insurmountable disgust to all such institutions, to animal instincts and uncleanness as a whole.
  • Cope with this disease, nefa al "Right Tips" to his fatherwhich, we recall, also suffered from hypochondria. Father Nefa, in turn, at the advice of the Son found a qualified doctor, used the appointed "right medicines", and thus, if you believe the nefer, really normalized the state of the soul and body.

Self Himself, surviving this stressful state, and, despite the partial disappointment in the law profession and much more passion for the music, still brought training at the University of Leipzig to a logical completion. The Nefa argues that he needed to prove to close people that the years of study in Leipzig and the scholarship of the scholarship was not disappeared by him.

By the way, in the graduation exam "Dispatch" in 1771, the Nefa reasoned on the topic: "Does the Father have the right to deprive his son inheritance for the fact that the latter dedicated himself to the theater" - On this question, the young graduate answered negatively.

3. Nef and Hiller

Another "positive consequence" of the depression was his friendly communication with a like-minded person, the head of the local singing school, the founder of the famous Leipzig Concert Hall "Gevandhausez" (in the future), known at that time by composer, the creator of numerous singspilles and a publicist, Johann Adam Hiller.

The latter with the nef was too much in common: He also suffered depressed, at one time he also studied the right at the same university, was a talented musician and composer. And, as often happens, a similar fate brought together two wonderful people.

As the nefa confessed later, among all his teachers, this particular person deserves his highest gratitude. Hiller was the source from which the Nef was received by the most essential musical knowledge and skills about which the young student did not even imagine.

Nefop, to put it mildly, admired this wonderful German composer and teacher, his disinterested enthusiasm in the desire to help almost every talented musician, who fell on his way.

Although nefa with Hiller and did not have traditional studies in the format of "teacher's student" (their so-called "classes", rather, they wore the character of friendly conversations in the format "An experienced musician transmits knowledge less experienced"), these classes were for the neopa much more Useful than official lessons at the university (in addition to musical classes, Hiller introduced the Nefa with the most different literature).

For quite a long time, the nefa even lived in Hiller's house for a symbolic fee. At that time, as it will be later to remember the Nef, in Hiller's house, a variety of musicians came to the House of Hiller, among whom were Johann Friedrich Reikerdtwhich literally in a few years has become a court dropletaster at the court of the Prussian king Friedrich Second.

Moreover, living in Hiller's house, the neopa had the opportunity to communicate not only with local and ingenic musicians, but also by scientists, artists and other educated people from his environment. Communication with such people, of course, influenced the worldview of the very neopa. Some rich familiar Hiller even recommended the Nefa as a music teacher, thereby helping him materially.

It is also worth noting that since 1766 Hiller published weekly music news, Introducing readers not only with news content, well, theoretical musical literature.

Having such an experience, Hiller has committed an invaluable contribution in the form of aid to publish the first works of the Nef (for example, operetta: "Raek Amur", "objections", Singspille "Pharmacy" or the first piano sonats dedicated to Karl Phillip Emmanuil Bahu). In addition to works, Hiller also published a few articles of a novice publicist - nefa, including criticizing musical works and theoretical articles of a young musician.

Moreover, Hiller, making sure the composer talent of his junior comrade and the student, invited the Nefa to the co-authorship to edema some of his own works. In particular, we know exactly that the Nefa took direct participation in the composition of the Ten Aria for a fairly large Hillaberic operetta "DER DORFBALBIER". For a young composer, such creative unions were very good "PR."

4. Work at the Zapeler Theater

In 1776, Nefan inherited from Hiller, the position of musical leader of the theater company of the ambitious Swiss businessman, a member of the Masonic movement, Abel Zapeler (his troupe at that time was not far from Dresden).

4.1. New Necfe position

Shortly before that, Hiller himself was invited to the aforementioned position as an experienced musician. However, in a short time, Hiller began to feel that this work greatly prevents it from other cases in Leipzig and therefore suggested this position to the nearest worthy candidate - Nefa, to which the latter agreed.

Thus, the Nefa went to Dresden and concluded with Zayler an oral contract for one year, and Hiller, in turn, returned to Leipzig.

4.2. Changes in the contract

However, before the aforementioned annual contract ended, another agreement concluded between the Zayler and local authorities themselves, and in the new contract there were some points that did not suit the Zapeler, and therefore the latter decided to lead his troupe from Dresden in Rhineland, where it apparently expected more favorable conditions.

However, for the Nef, the new working conditions were unexpected: here he had friends, and to his native Chemnitz had about 80 kilometers while Rhine lands were in half a thousand kilometers from his hometown. Therefore, Nefa asked Zapeler ahead of schedule to terminate the contract, according to which he had to work in the theater company for another six weeks.

But, despite the rapid growth of Zapeler (for one period between 1777 and 1778, he hired about 230 actors, singers and musicians), he could not afford to lose such a frame like a nefer.

Therefore, the tricky businessman Zayler in every way persuaded the nehof not to terminate the contract using a very different tricky: beautifully described the Rhine landscapes (who really unmatched), pointed to the beneficial effects of the Rhine Climate for Health, seduced by his stories about the famous Rhine wines (who, by the way, was selling At one time and) and, thus, in the end, persuaded the Nefa to go with him.

4.3. Marriage nefe

In 1777, the troupe, together with the Nef, worked in Frankfurt am Main, and already On May 17, 1778, in Frankfurt, the thirty-year-old Nefa married the charming singer and actress of the Zapeler Theater, Suzanne Zinc (1752-1821) - a girl with a soft heart, balanced by character and good manners, as she will describe her himself.By the way, the Father's Father Suzanne was a famous Czech composer, Jirji Antonin Benda.

The neopa later admitted that before the wedding was so in love with Susanna that this love had a certain time had a negative impact on the fulfillment of their working responsibilities. However, this did not prevent young marriage and later to produce three daughters and as many sons (subsequently one of them Hermann Josef Nefe, will be a fairly famous artist. Eldest daughter, Louisewill become an opera primary, and the other daughter, Margaret, marry Ludwig Devrite, a famous theater actor).

5. Nef in Bonn

IN 1779 after numerous successful performances in Mainz, Khanau, Mannheim, Heidelberg, as well as in Bonn and other Cologne lands, the famous theater troupe of Zeiler was disbanded in connection with economic problems, but the nehof was not left without work.

The essence is that shortly before the dissolution of the Zapeler troupe with the neopa contacted himself Pascal Bondini "Head of theatrical life in the Saxon lands, including Dresden, and then Leipzig (in other words by Bondini, one can say, took over the business of Zapeler in Dresden and was his opponent).

Nefa, in turn, by that time was already known enough in circles of musicians, and therefore Bondini decided to recruit a successful musician and offered him good conditions. Although the work at Zapeiler was definitely not indifferent to the Nefa, but still a pragmatic musician, who anticipated the universal dissolution of his current troupes, did not frankly ignore the letters of Bondini and supported contact with him.

Moreover, Bondini's proposal was interesting for the neopa and from a geographical point of view - return to the Saxon land, where he spent too much time, it would be only a plus for him.

5.1. Fight for the Nefa: Grossman against Bondini

However, the time went, and Bondini too long slowed down with the final decision, and the nefa, together with his wife, temporarily joined the theater company Gustav Friedrich Wilhelm Grossman and Karl Helmuta (From 1781, the troupe fully belonged to Grossman, and his wife, Carolina, was an actress in this troupe) - former participants in the company ZEILER, and now independent entrepreneurs. As you know, since November 1779, this theater troupe settled in Bonn, where he performed in the theater at the courtyard of Cologne Kurfürst, Maximilian Friedrich.

Soon after joining the new theater troupe, the Nefa finally received a letter from Bondini, where the latter agreed with all the requirements of the Nef and finally called him in Leipzig.

Considering that the work with the troupe of Grossman for the Nef was not fixed by any contractual obligations (they worked on friendly conditions), the neopa expected that he was released with his wife to Bondini, with whom he led the official business negotiations for about six months. But at the same time, he wanted to complete some cases in Bonn, and therefore I sent a letter to the letter to delay my move to Leipzig to the next Easter.

However, this time, Bondini, without any expectations, sent a letter to Bonn with a negative answer. In this letter, Bondini insisted at the arrival of Nef and his spouses by mid-January, and also put a contract and other papers associated with working moments.

Having received a refusal to Bondini, the Nefa immediately reported this to the leadership of his current theater and asked to let him go to Leipzig. However, just as Zeiler has persuaded the Nefop to go along with him from Dresden to Rhineland, Grossman and the companion did not want to let go of the nehof in another city and in every way persuaded him to stay.

However, this time, the neopa, who was not particularly tied to Bonnu, neither the heart nor business contracts on the one side did not want to violate the agreement with Bondini, and on the other, the longing of the native Saxon lands still took her. Moreover, no tangible compensation, his Bonn leaders also offered, but even if they were offered, then a fair nehof would still not violate obligations to Bondini.

After long and unsuccessful attempts to convince the nefa to stay in Bonn, the leaders of the Bonn troupe went to extreme and, one might say, insidious measures. In the autobiography, Nefa said that "his property was withdrawn," after which he was forced to sue.

* From the editor Ludwig TO I regret, I could not find out what exactly was withdrawn from the nefer, as it was "withdrawal", and, therefore, I can not assess the regulatory direction of this issue. If you know, what exactly spoke by Nefa, I really ask you to write about it in the comments under the article.

The court decision on the case of the Nefa is also postponed, and in the end he failed to leave in Leipzig in time, and Bondini was forced to hire another musical leader. Thus, the nef was forced to conclude now official Contract in Bonn And stay here.

Here, as the neopa described this situation:

"I absolutely do not complain about judges. In the next world in which my case was presented to them, and in accordance with some other circumstances, which I did not mention without modesty, they almost could not judge anyhow. However, I am not pleased with the brutal appeal from my own friends, for for an honest person who is not accustomed to such behavior, such an appeal may have a destructive effect. Let this question be deleted from my memory forever ... "

It should be noted that, having survived this unpleasant situation and looking at the concepts in a new way: "Friendship" and "Trust", Nefa still did not just worked in accordance with the new contract, but, on the contrary, perfectly performed his duties with previously manifested loyalty and creative enthusiasm.

Thus, the Nefa eventually became the musical leader of Grossman's troupe, and his spouse continues the acting career in the same troupe.

5.2. Office of the court organist

In connection with the confestant religion confession, some time was the subject of discrimination in the Catholic Bonn. However, in addition to ill-wishers, talent, the good name and the authority of the Nefa attracted a large number of friends, including influential.

In particular, it is known that February 15, 1781 on the recommendation of the court minister, the graph belderbusch background And Countess background Hatsfeld (Kurfürst's nieces), Cologne Ruler Maximilian Friedrich signed the official decreeaccording to which Christian Gotobu Gotobu is the right to apply for the court of court organist without a negative review of his Protestant religionThus, making the neopa by the fact that the receiver of the current court organist.

In June of the same year, the Nefop, together with Troupe, Grossman and the musicians went to Permont, where they remained for two months. After that, Grossman led his troupe to Kassel, where they remained almost also for a long time, and moreover, in this city, Nef was adopted in Order of Illuminati.

From the Cassel Troupe returned to Bonn, where the actors and musicians stayed until June 20, 1782, and then headed to Münster, where Kurfürsh went.

A few days earlier (June 17, 1782) rested Gills van der Eden - Court organist who studied small Ludwig Van Beethoven. As Beethoven himself will noted later, it was this an old organic organist during his life gave him the first basic knowledge about the musical theory and introduced him to the authority.

Cologne Kurfürst kept his word - Already on June 19, 1782, Nefa officially takes on the position of organic court of court chapel, while combining the service in a chapel with work in the troupe of Grossman.

6. Nef and Ludwig Van Beethoven

In addition to working in the theater and service in an organist in the court chapel (for it, 400 florins were paid for him), the Nefa was also engaged in pedagogical activities, teaching the music of various people, including not only young talented musicians, but also influential aristocrats.

However, as you already know from the head of "", the most talented and well-known student of the Nefa was ten-eleven-year-old Ludwig Van Beethoven, who had already studied at a variety of teachers, including the aforementioned late Eden and his own, Johann. However, in fact, all the previous lessons of Beethoven were far from the most effective pastime compared to the fact that he had to have in classes with the Nef.

After all, the neopa, although it was not as a talented composer as Beethoven (as it turns out later), yet he was extremely devoted to his work teacher and the harsh criticism of the current musical trends, which, in his opinion, fell much lower than those standards of skill, which once were laid Bach and Handel(The last Beethoven himself will call in the future "the greatest composer in the entire history").

In classes with Beethoven Nef, put focus on the principles of "clean" or "strict composition" described in the two-volume allowance of the famous German music theorist, Johann Philip Kirnberger, and also relied on the methods of reasonable "Treatise about Fouga" another German theorist and composer, Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurga.

Just as at one time, Johann Adam Hiller helped the neophe (as well as, by other talented and needing musicians) and shared his knowledge about a wide variety of things with him, just the last absolutely disinterested * He was engaged with the Hope of Hope Beethoven. * At the very least, we did not find any data that the Nef was engaged in Beethoven for money.

Similarly, we have no reason in doubt about the sincerity of Beethoven himself in relation to its mentor. In particular, it is known that in October 1793, after , Ludwig wrote his teacher as follows:

"I thank you for the advice that you very often gave me for development in my divine art. If I ever become a great man, then the share of my success will belong to you! "

These words of young Beethoven were prophetic: he became not just great, but almost the greatest composer in the entire history of mankind, and his Bonne mentor Nefa is rightfully considered to be the best of his teachers in Bonn.

As a teacher and mentor of the young Beethoven, it was the Nefa who was remembered in the history of a person who introduced the future of the Great Composer with creativity Johanna Sebastian Baha.

Apparently, hefa, like his mentor Hiller, sincerely believed that the pianist, flawlessly acting all the preludes and fugues of Rare in those days of Bakhovsky "Well-tempered key"With ease, other piano works are given. This opinion, passed from Hiller to the Nef, apparently, passed to the Beethoven himself - when he himself will teach people to the game on the piano, he will be very demanding for his students regarding the execution of the CTC.

Nefa, apparently, looked at the music of Baha, as the highest musical model - and this is despite the fact that most of the works of Bach was still a little known, and it was difficult to find, with the exception of handwritten copies spreading among enthusiasts like the sons of Bach himself , several of his living students and several theoretics devotees of Bach achievements. How nefop was a fan of Baha and how much was devoted to his music, he shows the fact that it was his publisher in 1800 Winter Ask to check the text of the handwritten copy of the HTC for its first printed publication in 1801.

Soon after the start of classes with Nef, the young Beethoven has already worked as assistant organist (though free), and also actively interested and even participated in theatrical life of Bonna. Recall that the Nefa, being a court organist, still remained the musical leader of Grossman's troupe, and therefore the curious Beethoven often spent time with this troupe.

Thanks to the time spent with Troupe Grossman, Beethoven not only got acquainted with the countless number of opera works, but there is also evidence that Ludwig and himself worked in this theater as a concertmaster.

In addition to high-quality musical training, it is important to note that the high intellect of the neopa, a member of the Order of the Illuminati, has a huge impact on the intellectual development of Beethoven generally.Still studying in Leipzig, Nefa contacted well-known philosophers and poets, including Christian Furhtegotta Gellerta and Johanna Christopa Gothda. He had a big impact on the acquaintance of Beethoven with the German Poetry of the Period "Storms and Natisk", as well as with ancient and German philosophy.

Another significant contribution of the neopa in the creative future of Beethoven was his own publications in journals Articles with the mention of their talented student - thus, he did a young composer his first "PR." In particular, in the Hamburg "Music Magazine" Karl Friedrich Kramera Dated March 2, 1787, the Nefa published an article about Bonn Chapel, where he did not forget to mention his gifted student, predicting the fool of the "Second Mozart" in the future, and also asked people to support young talent.

It was under the supervision of "Nef, the first works of Beethoven were composed (for example," and ""), and it was with his help that these works were published. Recall that at one time the Nefa himself used similar help from his mentor, Hiller, who published his own first works.

Apparently, engaged in Beethoven, Nef remembered his Leipzig mentor (who, by the way, will be the Kanner of Leipzig since 1789 church of St. Foma - That very, where in due time served as Kanner and near which I.S. Bach himself was buried) and he considered his duty to accurately help his gifted student.

7. Attacks and falls in Bonn career

Career Nefa in Bonn had not only successes, but also serious difficulties. It is known that from the spring of 1783 to the summer of 1784, he was asked to take over the duties of the court dropleter, while Andrea Luezi, the acting head of the Bonn Court Capella, was on vacation. Nefa performed these duties, however, due to strong employment, it was not easy for him - it was necessary to often connect as an assistant-deputy young Beethoven.

7.1. Financial difficulties

However, a series of sad events that occurred in Bonn a little later, significantly hit the nef career. In particular, it is known that the Cologner ruler died on April 15, 1784, Maximilian Friedrich - That is, a direct employer of the Nefa in the Bonn Chapel. According to the wife of the Nefa, few residents of Bonn felt the loss of the Cologne ruler as well as their family.

Moreover, March 28 of the same year (according to other data on March 29), that is, two weeks before the death of Kurfürst died and Caroline - Grossman's spouse, and part-time one of the main actresses of his troupe. Due to the sad events, Grossman's troupe was dissolved, and her musical leader of the Nefa, in turn, lost a decent complain of 1000 florins (this is the amount that the spouse of the Nefa calls after his death. However, the famous Beethovenist Alexander Wilok Teer calls the amount of 700 florins) .

As we have already mentioned many times on our website, the next Koylena Koylenist after Maximilian Friedrich was Maximilian Franz.

The latter, being the younger brother of the Great Reformer, the current emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire - Joseph Second, Either immediately after his appointment began to spend a variety of "mini reforms", among whom he paid an important attention to the economy. The latter touched as well as frames of court chapel.

Advisors provided by the new Kurfürth reports of each of the members of the Capella, where not only the name of the musician, but also noted its achievements, the degree of ownership tool (or voice, if it was about vocalists), marital status, financial situation, behavior in society, and so on .

For example, below you see reports on both Beethovenov (we recall that Ludwig's father still worked in a chapel):

There was no attention to the Kurfürst and the report on the identity of its court organist - Nef. However, the positions of the latter, after the death of the previous Kurfürst, weakened very much (we recall that the deceased Maximilian Friedrich "closed his eyes" to the religion of the Nefa), and, apparently, the adviser who collected data about the nefa, was Yarym his opponent.

Below is the same report on the nefa:

It should be paid to the fact that the author of this report did not ask to dismiss, for example, the father of Beethoven, whose voice, in his own words, was "unfit", which is unacceptable for vocalist. At the same time, he proposed to dismiss the Nefa, focusing on his religion, as well as, of course, gave his performing abilities of the game on the authority. In other words, this adviser clearly disliked the Nef.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis rapporteur, although not entirely, but still managed: already June 27, 1784. Thirteen-year-old Beethoven was officially accepted for the paid position of the Organist. At the same time, the salary of Beethoven absolutely corresponded to the amount that the adviser suggested.

However, Maximilian Frank is still worth paying proper. Taking the young Ludwig to the official position, Kurfürst did not leave the Nefa completely without work. By decision of the Cologne ruler, the Nefop remained under his post, although his salary decreased almost twice, to the miserable 200 florines per year.

As mentioned above, Grossman troupe, working in which he received a worthy payment as a musical leader, also broke up due to tragic circumstances. By the way, the reforms of Maximilian Franz were touched by the stationary theater itself, the financing of which was now discontinued, and now in Bonn there was no longer theatrical troupe operating on a permanent basis, with the exception of several touring staff, from the time of the time came to the Cologne capital with speeches.

In general, in a short period of time, the Nefa lost most of his earnings, and his main source of income remained a scarce salary for the court of court organist (Kappelmester Lukesei returned to Bonn soon after the death of the previous Kurfürst, and therefore the nehpha no longer replaced him).

As for Beethoven, who was now not just an unofficial assistant inhene, but received a salary, then, on the one hand, this, of course, went to him for the benefit - at least from a material point of view. On the other hand, it is difficult to imagine what was the thirteen-year-old organist to realize that his salary was actually "cut off" from the income of his beloved teacher.

7.2. Nef is coping with financial problems

However, it is worth noting that the Nef himself absolutely did not hold any evil or envy to his talented student. Moreover, if you already be completely honest, then the fact that in due time and the "took away" this potential position from Beethoven was remembered. After all, think about: who would be accepted for the court of court organist in the event of the death of Eden, if in Bonn at that moment there was no authoritative musician ineph? - With a probability of 99%, the next organist after Eden would be his student of Beethoven, who was already well played on the body (in principle, for the service as an organist would have enough of this experience with a margin, because there was no need to perform some virtuoso things ) And in such a case could receive a complete "adult" salary. Well, it is only a specimen speculation.

In general, although at first the nefa even visited the thoughts to leave Bonn, but still the losses of their permanent income, he gradually compensated, thanks to an increase in the number of classes with students, among whom were quite rich people. Moreover, a little later, the new Kurfürst, having studied in detail the achievements and the talent of the previously "reduced" him as a musician, raised the salary of the Nef to the previous amount after the edition of the decree of February 8, 1785.

At one moment, the nefer even acquired a small garden near the city gate. In this garden, the melancholic and inconspicuous hunchback of Nefa loved to spend a minor free time in silence, when he was not busy with teaching or work in a chapel. Later, he sowned this garden on his own, planted the plants and cared for them with such a concern that almost every passerby stopped and enjoyed this neat and beautiful garden.

Enjoying the fruits of independently grown vegetables and fruits, the neopa with her family cope with the current financial difficulties for several years, while on January 3, 1789, the Cologne Ruler decided to resume the activities of the court "National Theater" after a five-year interruption.

This time, Kurfürsh, who has already managed to realize the talent for the previously "abbreviated" of the musician, did not pay attention to any internal conspiracies about his religion or the "unimportant game" - from that moment on, the Nef was officially adopted by Kurfürst to TheaterAnd his spouse again became the actress.

Of course, the financial situation of the Nef family has improved significantly since then, however, together with this, his employment increased noticeably, as a result of which he was forced to abandon the teaching of private lessons.

At about the same time, the "Society of reading lovers", where the Nefe, the Former, is formed in Bonn * A member of the Order of the Illuminati, of course, was adopted (and then, if not he ...). Also from time to time he published articles in local journals. * Recall that the Order of the Illuminati was already prohibited by law.

8. Further dephabit

Thus, the ineph and his spouses finally appeared hope to accumulate money to their own old age and the future of their children. Indeed, for this, the family famous musician had all the prerequisites, but the dreams soon collapsed.

8.1. On the verge of war

In 1792, in the midst of the revolution, the French tightened the troops closer and closer to Bonnu. Given that the Rhine Lands of Maximilian Franz were not protected enough, and the nearby cities were captured by one by one, the situation in the Cologne capital was very tense. Beethoven Just, foreseeing the exacerbation of the geopolitical situation, took a vacation in advance and moved to Vienna, and the Nefop remained in the city - perhaps it was his mistake.

Kurfürst, whose land is about to capture, and whose sister can execute at any time * It was not at all to cultural life, and he was forced to re-close the theater. * Recall that Maria Antoinette executed later, the French Queen was his native sister Maximilian Franz.

It is easy to guess that the Nefop once again lost its main source of income, and, moreover, this time he had no special opportunity to work out, giving numerous private lessons, because the residents of Bonna were not at all to music. But these were only "flowers."

A much more serious misfortune happened in a short time - the eldest son is dying, on whom he laid great hopes.

In 1794, Gunnius was contacted, the head of the theater troupe from Amsterdam, who wanted to recruit as a vocalist senior daughter ineph, Louise. The fifteen-year-old girl has been taught for a long time for a long time and by that time has already managed to publicly prove the presence of musical talent.

Nefa understood that in Bonn, where even all sorts of hints on the theater career were interrupted in connection with the threat of imminent French aggression, his talented daughter would have no prospects. It was a pretty much thought, the Nefa consensus agree to the proposal of the Theater Director of Gunnius and, despite the poor state of his own health, in the spring of the same year he personally accompanied his daughter in Amsterdam, and two days later the girl had already performed a role in public, by the way, Constanta From the Mozartov Opera "Abduction from Seraral".

Literally a month, having arranged his daughter in Amsterdam, the Nefop returns to Bonn, after which she lives for some time almost on the pennies, only occasionally giving piano lessons to students who can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

After some time, the aforementioned Gunnius, together with the part of his troupe, fled from Amsterdam (the French got and did both a duty) in Düsseldorf, after which he somehow visited the Nefa family (Düsseldorf is relatively close to Bonna). Having learned that the latter only twice a week played the body in Chapel, and the rest of the time was practically unemployed, Gunnius offered a talented musician to join his theater company.

The proposal was really beneficial, and the nefa immediately asked the Kurfürst vacation due to small employment - after all, there was practically no work in a chapel, but he was still officially listed in it. However, Kurfürst refused the nefa inthis request.

8.2. Life is nefa under the French occupation

The ruler's decision was, to put it mildly, selfish - already on October 2, that is, literally two weeks after that, "refusal" Maximilian Franz himself escaped from Bonn with his nobles, since the invasion of the French in the Cologne capital was inevitable. In this regard, Kurfürst could be understood: his military forces were clearly potentially lost to the forces of the French occupiers, and the fate of his native sister Mary Antoinette, an executed a year earlier, did not want to repeat the Kurfürsk.

However, if Kurfürste and managed to escape from his own capital, then for the neopa and his family, departure from Bonn was already physically blocked, as the French under the command of the young French general Jean Etienne Your Championna They invaded the Rhine almost immediately after the departure of the Kurifurta.

It is worth noting that before Escape, Kurfürst paid the neopa (and probably another subject) a salary for 3 months ahead, promising to return before this money end.However, the time was going, the prices for products grew from day to day, some of the essentials were almost impossible to purchase even for a lot of money (which was not), and at the same time there was no Kurfürst or a salary.

The situation complicated the fact that the neopa due to the poor state of health could not carry out any complex physical work, otherwise it would be much easier for it. In the end, it came to the point that the Nefa had to apply for the work to the French, which created the municipal government in Bonn.

The French, in turn, went to meet the neopa and, despite the lack of the necessary skills, they took him to work as a small city clerk, for which he paid a pitiful 200 paper livra (for this amount, according to the wife of Necfe, she was not sold Even bread).

Moreover, to get these pennies, the nefa was forced to eat almost living at work. To be more accurate, then he went to work in the municipality in the morning, however, returning home, he only did that he had "moved" a variety of documents. At this difficult time, the family of a former court musician had to sell a significant part of the property of the property only in order to survive.

So it lasted about a year until the new French authorities needed the second registrar (urban official), where the salary was much more serious, and it was given it in a new metallic currency (we recall that from 1795 to replace the French "Livra" known to us "franc").

Nefa, who manifested himself a hardworking and worthy employee was taken to a new position, where at first it was necessary to delve into an absolutely unfamiliar regulation of the work, in which he quickly understood. Over the next few months, the Nef family was pleased with the current material situation.

However, as it was already familiar to the biography of the hero of this article, the black band again changed the White - the Nefa, as well as his work colleagues, was dismissed (probably came under the reduction).

8.3. Theater in Dessau

In a short time (we will remind, it was 1796) it became known that the theater troupe in which the daughter of Nef was worked, was dissolved in Mainz, but a talented girl was immediately accepted into another theatrical troupe, he led a certain Mr. Bossang. The latter, as you know, in August of the same year, I was looking for a musical leader for my troupe, which, by the way, was based in the court theater in Dessau.

Nefa, of course, took it to put it mildly, a tempting offer and, as soon as the opportunity appeared, left Bonn and, together with his family, went to Leipzig, where Bosserga's troupe was expected. It is difficult to imagine what feelings was experiencing a musician, again being in the city, with whom it is associated with countless pleasant moments!

In the same place, in Leipzig, Nefa met Maximilian Franz himself, temporarily located in this city. Taking this opportunity, the musician tried to receive the promised salary from his former ruler, because a couple of years before this meeting, he performed the order of the Kurfürst and, contrary to his financial damage, did not leave Bonn when he received a profitable offer. However, the only thing that hepha received from the Kurfürst is the official dismissal.

In general, having spent two months in Leipzig, on December 1, 1796, Nefop, together with his family, went to Dessau, where he worked in the theater at the court of prince Leopold Third Anhalt Dessau. The first winter, the Nefa family spent in very pleasant circumstances, given that the French's hands did not reach this place. However, unfortunately, the concept of "happy life" was invented clearly not to describe the life of the Nef.

8.4. Illness and death of the Nef

A pleasant time was interrupted by the "bile fever", in which the spouse of the Nefa fell into this time. The latter, despite the very strong torment and disappointing forecasts, coped with his illness, in which she will later thank a certain Dr. Olberg. However, Susanna's disease was exhausted not only by her, but also the inephal himself, which was a very weak organism.

After a few months (January 1798), the nefa is very sick. From day to day, he was intensely coughed, his chest suffered from strong pain, and he could not lie normally nor sit.

This horror lasts a few days, but on January 26, the cough softened. On this day, the Nefa wanted peace and asked close to do not disturb him during sleep. The patient really fell asleep, but this time forever.

The death of Christian Gotoba Nef was as calm and serene, as far as his life was filled with unrest and suffering. The best Bonn Teacher of the Great Beethoven went away for nine days before his fifty-year-old anniversary.

9. Basic works of nef

Finally, we will very briefly list the works of Christian Gotoba Nef. As mentioned earlier, our hero composed music from 12 years.

However, as he himself noted in his autobiography, his first works were insignificant. Therefore, we list the most famous and "serious" composer works:

  • Comic operetta "DER DORFBALBIER" The author of Johanna Adam Hiller was written in conjunction with the Nef. First executed on April 18, 1771 in Leipzig (nefa was 23 years);
  • Comic Opera "Objection" in two actions. The premiere took place in Leipzig on October 16, 1772.
  • Singchpil "Pharmacy" (in two actions) - written on the words of the German writer, philosopher and theatrical director - Johanna Jacob Engel (1741-1802) And dedicated to Hiller. The work was first fulfilled in Berlin on December 13, 1771.
  • Singchpil "Rajak Amura" composed on the words of the German poet Johanna Benjamin Michaelis (1746-1772)For the first time was executed in Leipzig on May 10, 1772.
  • Opera "Zemmar and Azor" The premiere took place on March 5, 1776 in Leipzig.
  • Drama "Heinrich and Lida" For words Bernard Kristfa D "Arion (1754-1793).One action. First was shown in Berlin on March 26, 1776.
  • Music drama "SOFONISBA" written Augustus Gotoba Maisner. The premiere took place on October 12, 1776 in Leipzig.
  • "Adelhaid from Feltheim" - Drama in four actions on Libretto Grossman. One of the earliest German opera works on the "Eastern" topic. The work is devoted to Cologne Kurfürst, Maximilian Friedrich. The premiere took place in Frankfurt am Main on September 23, 1780.
  • Music on "Odes Klopshtok" - Serenada for a key and vocal.
  • Fantasia for harpsile" (you can listen to her amateur design below)

  • "12 Sonatas for Harpsichord" . Having dedicated to these Sonats Karl Phillip Emmanuil Bahu In 1773, the nefa noted that these works should be performed on the "key", under which he, apparently, meant Clausius, not piano.
  • "Songs with key melodies" (1776).
  • "6 Sonatas for Piano / Harpsichord and Violin" (Leupig, 1776)
  • And much more, including songs, operetta, key arrangements operas (including Opera Salier and Mozart), publication of a literary nature and so on.

Nefa K. G.

(NEEFE) Christian Gotlob (5 II 1748, Chemnitz, now Karl-Marx Stadt - 26 I 1798, Dessau) - it. Composer, conductor, organist and music. writer. He studied the right in Leipzig (1769-71). MUZ. Education got under the hands. Composer and theorist I. A. Hill Lera. In 1776-84 and in 1789-94, a Muzik-Director-Rom Theater was worked. Troupe in Saxony, Rhine-Main Region, in the Bonn Kurfürsky Nats. T-re (fulfilling the duties of the composer, Conductor, the director, the accompanist on the quantity). Theatre. The troupes were short-lived and disintegrate, H. was forced to live in constant needs and search for work, only the position of Muzik-director Theater. Troupes in Dessau (1796) improved its financial position. Served from 1780 in Bonn (arriving. Organist and performer on Chebalale); Here he was taught L. Beethoven game on FP., body, as well as compositions. N. was the first to appreciate the talent of Beethoven and helped him in its development; Peru N. belongs to the first published notes about Beethoven (1783). The author of the Singchpille, Opera and Operette, Pieces for FP., Wok. Production., Per. On him. Yaz. Opera Libretto (with Franz. and Ital.), key shutdown. Opero partners operas V. A. Mozart. To music. Heritage N. The greatest interest is of his zingstili, successfully observing the composer, among the re-soldered "pharmacy" ("Die apotheke", Berlin, 1771), "Rajak Amora" ("Amors Guckkasten", Königsberg, 1772), Opera "Adelhaid von Veltheim" (Frankfurt am Main, 1780), Monotonrama "SOFONISBA" (Leipzig, 1782). N. also belongs to the series op. For orchestra, wok. Production, in all. Odas Klopshtock with melodies (1776), "Travel Guide for fusion and piano lovers" ("Vademecum fj Liebhaber des Gesangs und Klaviers", 1780), numerous. Songs, Instrases cit. (including 6 FP. Sonatas with a violin accompaniment - 1776), concert for FP. With orchestra (1782), fantasy for quantity (1797) and others defended the ideas of enlightened. Posted by an autobiography, published shortly after his death F. Rokhlitz ("Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung", I, LPZ., 1798-99), then published in the book: Einstein A., "Lebensldufe Deutscher Musiker", BD 2, LPZ., 1915; "BEITRDGE ZUR RHEINISCHEN MUSIKGESCHICHTE", BD 21, KCLN, 1957.
Literature : Leux I., chr. G. Neefe, LPZ., 1925; Schieldermair L., Der Junge Beethoven, Bonn, 1951; FriedLTnder M., Das Deutsche Lied IM 18. Jahrhundert, BD 1-2, Stuttg., 1902. O. T. Leontiev.

Music encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, Soviet composer. Ed. Yu. V. Keldysh. 1973-1982 .

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