Dice guessing meaning. Fortune telling on dice

Dice guessing meaning. Fortune telling on dice

In ancient times, when “telling fortunes for the future” was as commonplace as it was for us to turn on the TV to find out what the weather would be like, many issues were solved without unnecessary red tape by means of a lot.

The ancient Jews distributed plots of land in this way, identified the culprit, the Greeks forced candidates for public office to draw lots.

The lot, however, was originally a bone, namely the epigastric bone of the leg of a cow or a bull, "grandmother", in Greek astragalos. It has an almost cubic shape and different faces; one is smooth, the other with a notch, the third, on the contrary, with a bulge, etc. The ancients believed that this form was not accidental, that it was with the help of this bone that the will of the gods could be most accurately recognized.

However, already in the 7th-6th centuries BC. beef bones have lost their sacred character, becoming an attribute of the game. For the game and the "drawing of lots", other, very different objects began to be used - two-color shards, beans and coins that had just appeared then. Therefore, the word astragalos began to denote any "lot", regardless of the material from which it was made.

Even later, the Latin alea (lot, dice) had nothing to do with dice at all. The soldiers of Alexander the Great and Gnaeus Pompey no longer threw "grandmothers", but shells or shards, painted dark on one side, and light paint on the other. So on the shards of the Roman soldiers at the foot of the cross played the tunic of Jesus.

The Romans also taught how to play cuttings by the conquered peoples of Europe. While playing, they said to the enemy: "Des!" - "Walk!", Hence the French (des), and then the English (dice) name of the dice game.

In the East, in Asia Minor, they continued to play ordinary "grandmothers". From there they penetrated to the Byzantines, and through them, probably, to Russia, becoming a famous game that many of your grandfathers still remember. The Byzantines were the first to make artificial "bones" - cubes and carve letters or numbers on them. In the 7th-8th centuries, this game was already very widespread. The Arabs borrowed dice with inscriptions from the Byzantines.

However, the Christian Church, which had won a fairly strong position in Europe by that time, but for. with her emperors and kings began to strenuously eradicate pagan beliefs and customs; astrologers, dream interpreters and fortune-tellers began to persecute, gambling was also banned in many countries. Fortune-telling became a risky business, they were engaged in it in secret, much was forgotten.

Only the XI century, the century of the split of the Church into Western and Eastern, the Crusades, the spread of magic and Kabbalah, became the century of the revival of interest in fortune telling. The Byzantines returned to the old, still ancient methods of fortune-telling, modified them and invented their own. This is how astragalomancy developed - the art of predicting the future using dice. On their edges, letters were written, which, when thrown, folded into words. They also continued to play dice - even more actively than before. The Crusaders also brought dice to Western Europe as a new gambling game.

From here, it was not long before the dice acquired their modern form. In 1453, Constantinople fell, and the Renaissance began in Europe. Ecclesiastical and royal bans on gambling lost their force, and Europeans began to gamble. It was then, by the way, that the Tarot cards (also not without the influence of Byzantium) began to turn into ordinary playing cards.

In the 15th century, the Italian, followed by the French and German nobility, began to play in dice with six numbers (dots) inscribed on their edges. In the 16th century, the game of dice had already become the property of the common people. In the 17th century, this simple-looking game gave birth to the foundations of probability theories (Blaise Pascal). Fortune telling on the bones again receded into the background.

However, the game was still most widespread in the East, within the then Ottoman Empire. In the cities of the East, dice were played in bazaars, in baths, in taverns and simply on the streets. We can observe a peculiar renaissance of this tradition in our country lately.

Now in the world there are about four dozen different games where only dice or dice are used, plus any other objects (board, checkers, cards) - this is not counting board games with chips, cards and their own rules, which are simply impossible to list. One, two, three, four or more dice are thrown, scoring the points together or on each one separately.

For any purpose other than the game, dice are now rarely used. Only relatively recently, after World War II, mathematicians began to use them to study the paradoxes of probability theory ("non-transitive bones" by B. Efron with unusual numbers, for example: 0, 1, 7, 8, 8, 8); even such a discipline arose, aleatorics, which studies the principles of random distribution of quantities. Lovers of all sorts of entertainment again began to use dice for fortune telling.

But this was not a return to Byzantine astragalomancy. The methods of such fortune-telling go back rather to the salon games of the times of Kaiser Franz Joseph and Queen Victoria: those who wish are invited to roll the dice or draw the domino, and then a “prediction” is read out from the list of questions and answers. Such a method is described, for example, in a quote from Walter B. Gibson. The complete illustrated book of the psychic sciences, New York 1966.

General divination

It is most convenient to guess using one, two or three dice. You can take more bones, say, six or even twelve (according to astrological houses), but then the dropped numbers and their sums will not so much answer the question posed as characterize the situation as a whole. However, we will talk about this a little later. For now, let's dwell on the simplest method.

When fortune-telling, it is also advisable to determine the period of time for which the forecast is made, for example, one day, week or month. You can also guess for a year, several years, or for a lifetime, but this requires a lot of experience - and more dice (or throws).

Having conceived a question, you take one, two or three bones in your hand or put them in a special "glass". Traditionally, such "cups" or cases are made of leather, but you can also take any small wooden or earthen vessel. After shaking the bones several times, let them fall onto a table or other smooth surface. The numbers on the upper edges will serve as the answer to the question asked.

If you throw more than one dice, the interpretation should take into account not only the total amount of points, but also the "readings" of each dice separately: for example, if you have rolled 3 and 5, then this is not just 8, but first of all a combination of a three and a five, different from both two fours and a two and a six.

We will not describe all possible combinations of bones due to lack of space; we will give only the value of single throws (however, you can throw several dice, taking into account only one, the prevailing number) and pairs of dice.

Single shot values

1. Stability.

One, two, and even more so three units mean the underlined "I", a person capable not only of winning a victory, but also of preserving its results. As a rule, this number falls out to people who have already achieved their goal, but have fears about the future. There is nothing to fear, this number says: if you stick to the chosen course, nothing threatens you. You don't need any changes (change of residence, change of place of work, change of partner). Forecast for the near future (up to two weeks): good news. The forecast for the year (counting from the date of the request) is favorable. Travel, including overseas, is beneficial. Possible health problems: heart, eyes, hypertension.

2. Changeability of Fortune.

One or more twos indicate an unstable situation. The questioner is required to take initiative, to intervene in the course of events, but not by force, but diplomatically: try to find a compromise, join in something, and they will also yield to you. From classes now it is better to devote yourself to spiritual work, scientific or creative activity: material (financial) success is not yet guaranteed. Change of residence or place of work no earlier than three months later. Forecast for the near future: important information, learning new things. Forecast for the year: increased income. Possible disorders: liver, digestive tract.

3. Contact.

A good number for entrepreneurs. The business started recently will be completed successfully. However, the questioner, apparently, has a habit of overestimating his strength, he does not know how to rest. Meanwhile, constant stress can cause nervous and even physical disorders. Now it is better to give yourself a rest, to spend more time with your family than to embark on new adventures. It is worth changing the sphere of interest or place of residence only if they offer a win-win chance. It is better to start new business only next year. The forecast for the near future is favorable, for the next year it depends on the questioner himself. Possible disorders: joints, skin.

4. Labor.

A figure favorable for creative people - artists, writers, musicians. Successful performance, exhibition, concert: your inspiration is finally gaining public recognition. For employees or businessmen, this is the time of family changes: weddings (for one or one of their relatives), the birth of a child. Forecast for the near future: trip (tour).

Most likely, the job (area of ​​interest) should not be changed. Forecast for the year: chores, worries. Possible disorders: kidneys, back pain, headaches.

5. Risk.

The person asking the question is adventurous or is going through a period of adventure. First of all, he is tormented by the fear of losing money. To get rid of this fear, he needs to make a plan or adhere to an already drawn up plan of action, regardless of his own feelings and moods. This applies to both business and personal spheres: jealousy in this case is groundless, it is better to overcome it and be more attentive to your partner. Forecast for the near future: the period of luck is ending, so do not look for new adventures, live in peace for now. The forecast for the year is favorable. If you missed doing something this year, don't worry; next year will bring you long-awaited good luck. Traveling abroad is risky, you better be at home in the next few months.

6. Harmony.

The state of your personality does not cause fear: you are confident in yourself, and no little things can unsettle you. However, the objective situation requires reflection. So far, everything is going well, but overconfidence can lead to a loss of control over the situation, and then any surprise can be unpleasant. You should control your temperament and make decisions not immediately, under the influence of emotions, but after thinking carefully. Forecast for the near future: everything will end even better than expected. Forecast for the year: things won't go as expected, but not bad either - if you don't expect too much. From travel, only trips to familiar places are recommended.

The values ​​of the sums of numbers

2 (two units) ... Happiness in love and marriage, as well as in financial matters. For now, it is better not to change anything in your life: both you and your partner should adapt to the existing circumstances.

3 (one and two) ... For a woman - marriage for the sake of money, for a man - entertainment that money can buy. In the professional field: a leadership role. The prognosis is favorable. Short-distance travel.

4 (one and three) ... A situation fraught with conflict (up to a court case). The prognosis is poor, be careful, especially in small things.

4 (two deuces) ... Success in business or affairs of the heart; for family people - the success of children. Income growth. And nevertheless, one should not wait, but act, show initiative in order to consolidate this success.

5 (one and four) ... The main thing is movement: you can't sit still! The more activity, travel, movement, the more money, and money for you now is a guarantee of stabilization of the situation. If there is money, many other problems can be solved.

5 (two and three) ... A good combination for your own affairs and a disturbing one for relationships with children: conflict is possible. Children go out on their own way, there is no need to teach them and provide them with valuable advice. But you should always be ready to listen to them.

6 (one and five) ... A lot of trouble, worries, but also a lot of joys. Perhaps the birth of a child from one of the relatives. Financial difficulties. At work - a difficult, conflict situation, but do not rush to change jobs: changes will soon take place. If you intend to go abroad, then the departure will most likely be final - “for permanent residence.

6 (two and four) ... The situation is twofold: on the one hand, there is the possibility of a big win, on the other, special care must be taken.

6 (three and three) ... Money. You will receive a very large amount, and in the very near future. In personal life, too, everything is fine, conflicts do not have serious grounds.

7 (one and six) ... Period of vigorous activity. You need; do not refuse those who turn to you. You should behave in the same way in relation to your partner (spouse): go to meet him! Otherwise, a serious crisis may ensue in your relationship in a few years.

7 (two and five) ... Now calmness is required of you - and tolerance for other people's opinions. Do not hurry! This is especially true for business people. In personal matters - a difficult period. Bad time to get married.

7 (three and four) ... "Great Combinator": a lot depends on your entrepreneurial spirit. Better not put off anything for tomorrow, do it today.

8 (two and six) ... Conscientiousness. You will have to do difficult, troublesome work; hack-work is unacceptable in this case. If you work conscientiously, without trying to deceive others, success is assured. Otherwise, it is a complete failure.

8 (three and five) ... "Quiescent period", as the Chinese astrologers say. A good time for learning, learning new things, developing new views and discovering the Americas. It can also be used for relaxation. Improving a bad situation and keeping a good one.

8 (four and four) ... Another attempt. Something starts over. A condition common to scientists or artists, but stressful for others (wedding, adventure vacation). However, the result of the "attempt" will be even better than you might expect.

9 (three and six) ... Home, family - or the disclosure of secrets (the work of an investigator, space exploration, occult studies). Perhaps your partner is a citizen of another country or has a different religion. During this period, you can finally understand each other. Those seeking to master secret knowledge should try not for the sake of money, but for the sake of knowledge. 9 (four and five). Difficulties, financial problems. Losses are possible. In marriage (union) and / or in the sphere of secret knowledge - a serious test, an exam. Don't ask too much of others, demand more of yourself.

10 (four and six) ... Large scale of activity, major success: power, money, influence. However, behind political and social ambitions, one should not forget about the family: it is better to behave with loved ones, children, friends and, first of all, think about them all the same.

10 (five and five) ... Success and money, but the situation is unstable. To maintain success, you need settledness and planning: do not look for happiness around the corner, do not take risks in vain. It is better to continue the business that you started without accepting new offers.

11 (five and six) ... You have a difficult situation, there were losses and defeats, though not through your fault. Don't worry: everything will work out. There will be new opportunities and new friends. The main thing is not to give up the effort! So far, nothing needs to be changed in life.

12 (six and six) ... Very favorable bones. Good, stable situation with a tendency for further improvement. Change is possible - it's up to you, but it really won't change anything. And at a new job, and with a new partner, only the same awaits you. So is it worth changing?

In a similar way, by the way, fortune-telling with dominoes is carried out. True, there, in addition to numbers from 1 to 6, there are also zeros - "blanks". However, the above system is quite applicable to dominoes; it should only be taken into account that the combination of any digit with a zero ("dummy"), let alone a double-empty, makes the prediction negative or postpones the implementation of a positive prediction for a long time.

Assessment of the situation

Now that we have already learned a little about how to read the bones, we will try to use them for one more purpose, namely for "assessing the situation." This can roughly designate the analysis of your position in a certain structure, your energy potential and the usual (natural, administrative) or occult dependence on others.

The number of bones does not matter here. However, the more bones you take, the better: one bone describes the state of only one of your energy communication channels, and a person has 7 +/- 2. So it is better to take at least five bones, and even better - nine.

Now choose your own number. This can be done according to the rules of numerology, or you can arbitrarily choose the number that you like, for example, "one", "two" or "six".

Then you will have to spend at least a day, or even several days, to "train" the bones, to accustom them to the owner. You take the bones (in this case, it is better to take them in your hand, and not put them in a glass in order to establish direct contact with them) and order your number. Thrown once, twice, three times - it rarely falls out. Throw it again: soon your number will become dominant, and the bones will most likely show it. In persons with occult abilities, and even more so trained, this happens very quickly (in one day). For beginners, this may take three to four days.

If you are interested in another person (for example, a girlfriend or a son who has left far from home), you can also assign a number to him. Now, by throwing a large set of dice, you can get information about him - whether he is doing well, how is he doing, etc. Its number can be taken for the form ("the questioner's card"), the rest can be interpreted according to their meanings. If your number and his number fell out together, this means that your relationship is harmonious, an invisible connection between you is maintained. If among the bones there is only your number or only his number, this connection has weakened, it needs to be strengthened: write, call, or even go to this person, support him in difficult times.

If you have a rival, enemy or ill-wisher, pick the number for him too. Often he himself, unknowingly, gives you his key number; if you don't know it, just roll the dice at random after thinking about it and they will point it out to you.

After that, two rules should be taken into account: do not give your oracle bones to anyone and not tell anyone your number. Now you can assess your energy status (or administrative, astral, cosmic - depending on the level that interests you) by rolling the dice "on the current situation."

Let's say you rolled five, six, or nine dice. Of these, your number fell four times, your opponent's number twice. This means that you are all right, your energy is stable, your opponent cannot do anything with you.

If your number (after you have "trained" the dice to throw this number!) Falls out only two or three times or does not fall out at all, but the number of your opponent always turns out to be dominant with two, three, and even ten throws, then in your defense is breached, you are actively influenced, they want to damage you. Be careful and take action.

Bones can serve as the first defense measures; you need to start "training" the bones over and over again forcing them to throw out the number you want. When you succeed, you can consider that the hostile influence has been neutralized, at least for the moment; however, it is better to repeat this operation tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

It is generally better not to leave bones "unattended" for a long time; if you are actively engaged in esoteric research, or even simply pursue some interests, you cannot but have rivals or ill-wishers. Do not let the bones wean from you, warm them as often as possible with your attention. Then they will help you in a difficult situation.

All of the above means that in fortune telling on the bones, two types of work should be distinguished: fortune telling itself in order to obtain an answer to some question (yours or another person's) and a general assessment of the situation. For this, of course, it is better to have two different sets of bones: one or two bones and a glass, which will be used by the questioners, and five to seven bones, which will be used only by you.

You can use one set, but then you must also throw the bones for others, taking on yourself, so to speak, the role of a medium. For others, you will naturally not roll all the dice, but one, two, or three.

If you like this method, then over time, having learned to interpret large combinations of numbers, you and others will be able to give five or more dice to assess situations for them. In this case, only one rule should be taken into account: if a number is repeated twice or three times, this means an increase in its quality, if four times or more - an excess, a transition of quality to its opposite. This rule does not apply only to "your number".

Try it yourself though: experience is the best teacher.

Fortune telling with cubes or dice is an old and accurate witchcraft way of predicting a person's future. The mention of fortune telling on bones is repeatedly found even in the Old Testament - the first and oldest part of the Bible, which was partially taken from the ancient Holy Scriptures of the Jewish people - the Tanakh.

The subtleties of the ritual

Usually fortunetellers and sorcerers use one, two or three dice to perform the ritual. It is not uncommon when, when fortune-telling on a cube, six, or even all twelve, cubes are used for prediction, then the specificity of the answer is significantly blurred, but a large number of questions allows one to give a general description of a particular life situation. To tell fortunes, special skills are not required, and the predicted will most likely come true.

To carry out the ritual, it is desirable not only to know the basics, but also to determine the period of time for which the forecast of the rite is designed. It can be one day, week, month, year, several years, or even a whole life. In the latter cases, a great deal of experience in witchcraft divination is required. After the question of the future has been conceived, the fortune-telling cubes are taken in the palm, and then they must be thrown into a specially prepared container (for example, a glass or case) made of leather, wood or clay. After a few shakes, the dice are thrown onto any smooth surface.

In the case when a fortune-teller threw several dice (in the process of fortune-telling, 2 dice or more are used) fortune-telling on dice, then the sum of all indicators is taken into account for interpretation, and they also delve into the meaning that each individual dice carries. If, during the witchcraft ceremony, two dice with the values ​​of four and two fall out, then this is not just the sum of two numbers equal to six, but also a combination of four and two, which differs from a combination of triples or one and five. Accordingly, each existing combination requires a separate interpretation.

One dice prediction

To carry out fortune-telling on cubes, you need to know the peculiarities of the interpretation of the meaning of each face that fell out.

  1. The unit is responsible for stability. She falls out of a strong personality who is able to resolutely achieve victories where she thinks, and also maintain these achievements. Usually, such a meaning falls on those who have already achieved what they want, but are careful with their plans for the future. This figure assures that you should not beware, because the person is not in danger, changes are not necessary. In the near future, i.e. within two weeks, good news is possible. The forecast for the year is also good, a change of scenery is desirable. However, cardiac and ophthalmic diseases are possible.
  2. The deuce signals the instability of the life situation, therefore, in this position, the questioner is obliged to intervene in what is happening, finding a compromise: forceful methods are not welcome. In the next period of time, it is worth paying attention to spiritual, research and creative work, because there is a problem with a financial issue. Big changes should happen no earlier than in 2-3 months. Some significant new information is expected in the near future. Income will increase throughout the year. Of the diseases, one should be afraid of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. If fortune-telling on dice gives a three, then this is a good sign for those who are engaged in entrepreneurial activity. Any previously started business will be successfully completed. For a person who does not know how to relax, physical and mental disorders are dangerous, provoked by constant stress. This is a good time for a pleasant break from work in a family circle that will bring about a change. It is better to postpone new ideas and deeds for the coming year. The long-term prognosis depends on the person himself. On the health side, dermatological problems and joint diseases are possible.
  4. The four patronizes creative people. Your inspiration will bring the desired results in the form of a successful exhibition, presentation, concert. It is useful for the military and businessmen to survive family changes: a wedding or the birth of a new family member. In the near future, we should expect a trip, and the year will be filled with troubles. Be careful with your health: kidneys can fail, and head and back pains are not uncommon.
  5. A 5 is often associated with risk, so the person asking is an adventurous or adventurous person who values ​​their money. A detailed and well-developed action plan for the future will help. This applies not only to money, but also to love: jealousy and the thought of betraying a beloved man or woman are groundless.
  6. Fortune telling on dice predicts harmony if a six fell. A person is absolutely confident in himself, no unpleasant little things will lead him astray. Reconsider a lot for yourself and get rid of excessive self-confidence, which will lead to irreversible consequences. An impulsive decision in this situation is wrong, it is important to carefully consider the next step.

Divination by the sum of two divination dice

Two (1 1). If, during fortune-telling, you get this combination, then this means success in love relationships and money matters. Change is now irrelevant.

Three (1 2). For a woman, the answer will be a selfish marriage, and for a man, entertainment. It is allowed to obtain a high position. A trip is expected.

Four (1 3). Extreme caution is necessary as a conflict situation will happen.

Four (2 2). Success in all areas of life. Income increases significantly. The initiative is welcome.

Five (1 4). Any activity and movement guarantees profit growth.

Five (2 3). If success is expected in work or personal affairs, then communication with children will come to conflict, therefore, the child should be given the opportunity to decide and do on his own, but on occasion it is necessary to listen.

Six (1 5). The combination of numbers suggests that there will be a lot of both trouble and reasons for joy, but in the financial sphere there are difficulties. The next trip will be a decision on a new place of residence.

Six (2 4). Any changes are definitely welcome.

Six (3 3). In the near future, it is possible to purchase a large amount of money. Serious conflicts are not expected.

Seven (1 6). This is a period of active work. Others need help, do not refuse them. Love relationships also require attention.

Seven (2 5). Calmness and tolerance will be indispensable helpers of business personalities. It's not worth getting married.

Seven (3 4). The most important skill at the moment is being entrepreneurial.

Eight (2 6). Difficult and troublesome work requires conscientiousness, otherwise you should not expect success.

Eight (3 5). At this time, it is useful to engage in learning new things, reconsider views and values, and relax.

Eight (4 4). The opportunity to start something from a new leaf, severe stress is possible. The result will exceed expectations.

Nine (3 6). In a relationship with a loved one or loved one, the desire of both will help to understand each other.

Nine (4 5). This combination of numbers promises difficulties in the financial sector, the occurrence of losses is likely. In a loving relationship, there will be a test.

Ten (4 6). The scale of the work will be great, as will the success. Expect power, big money, and significant influence. We need to remember about the family.

Ten (5 5). In the field of work and business, the situation is ambiguous, it is important to be able to plan and not take risks. New proposals should not be accepted.

Eleven (5 6). Despite the past difficulties, faith and optimism are needed, because soon everything will work out. There is no need for change now.

Twelve (6 6). The news is favorable, it will only get better. Changes are optional.

Gypsy bone divination

Gypsy bone divination has a special power. Gypsies have a different opinion on the ritual, so they prefer to guess on the bones in their own way. For the ceremony, a leaf in the form of a circle is required, which is divided into 12 sectors; 3 dice are rolled on it. Then the value of the sum is interpreted, which will be the answer:

  • 3 - fulfillment of desire;
  • 4 - disappointment;
  • 5 - the wish will come true;
  • 6 - spiritual enrichment;
  • 7 - silly gossip;
  • 8 - injustice;
  • 9 - forgiveness;
  • 10 - family harmony;
  • 11 - parting;
  • 12 - letter;
  • 13 - sadness;
  • 14 - a reliable friend;
  • 15 - temptation;
  • 16 - travel;
  • 17 - guest;
  • 18 is a great benefit and a good position.

Fortune telling! Fortune telling on cubes.

TIBETAN FORECASTING MO. Cubes MO. The meaning of divination. Tarot school

Fortune telling on dice (forecast for the day). Part 1


Fortune telling on bones is a simple and effective way to find out about the near future for yourself or another person. There are dice fortune telling, dodecahedron prediction and mahjong according to the above principle.

There are many ways to read dice. The following divination method is called "Filibuster", or "pirate".

Fortune-telling technique on bones:

Roll one die four times in a row, noting each time the even ( H) or odd ( H) the number dropped on the die.

The meaning of the dropped combinations:

Hhhh- Your thoughts are in complete chaos, no answer to your question will be given - either the question is incorrectly formulated, or there is no answer to it. You can re-ask the question after a while.

CHCHN- You are not having very good days at the moment. But you should not rush things, dramatize the situation, and even more so unnecessarily volunteer about this. Do not lose control of yourself, be calm and self-possessed. Do not pour out your soul to others, your time has not yet come, but soon everything will work out.

CHNCH- Now is not the best time to make important decisions. While your problems are such that now it is better to postpone their solution.

CHCHNN- You have resolved a difficult situation in your favor, and so far everything is fine in your life.

CHNCHCH- You already know what you need. Take the first step and continue on without fear, without rushing, but without slowing down.

CHNCHN- from now on and for a long time, a streak of financial success will begin in your life. Now is the time to look for new ways to make money.

CHNNCH- in the near future you will have a meeting with a person that will change your life for the better. Go towards change and remember: the same goal can be achieved in different ways ...

CHNNN- soon your life will change dramatically for the better. Do not be afraid of anything - now is your time.

LCHCHCH- success accompanies you. Soon everything will work out - you will be accompanied by joy and well-being in everything. Act constructively and don't be afraid of anything - this is your chance!

NCHCHN- You are confused in your doubts and problems, someone limits you in something. Difficulties in business may begin. Wait out this time. But if you are firmly confident in your abilities - act. You have a chance.

LFNCH- You are losing control of the situation, there is a streak of failures in your life. It is better to wait for a better moment and only then do something.

NCHNN- the situation is in your favor. You can safely act. And now your main strength is personal charm. Act confidently and without haste.

develops safely. You can get down to business. Now your main argument and trump card is personal charm. Take your time, confidently.

LNCHCH- great chances of success, and the main thing now is not to miss your chance and not build unnecessary illusions. And remember: what is easy to get, can just as easily be lost. Do not hang in the clouds - you can fall and hit the ground.

NNCHN- now is the right time for spontaneous action. The time when feelings and emotions decide everything. Don't sit back.

NNNCH- clouds are gathering around you. You feel lonely, you are disappointed in people. Consider your every action, beware of gossip. Concentrate and gather strength.

NNNCH- time of cardinal changes. Be prepared that you will have to change your lifestyle and look at the world from a completely different point of view.

My name is Anastasia. I predict the future, fate, help find a way out of a difficult situation and eliminate problems. In my work I use Tarot cards, Runes, Astrology and Numerology.

Let's guess today on the bones. Busy is ancient and invented by wise people.

Divination on the dice is as old as the world. Even the Old Testament repeatedly mentions predicting the future by means of dice. Dice were popular all over the world and were found literally everywhere in one form or another.

The use of dice for fortune telling probably comes from fortune telling by casting lots, and the original instrument of such fortune telling was the direct "ancestors" of modern dice - astragalus (vertebrae or ankles of a sheep). Astragalus had four clearly visible surfaces, they were easy to throw, each surface had a specific meaning. Astragalus were popular in ancient Greece and ancient Rome; they were used along with other generally recognized types of bones until the 10th century. n. NS.

Dice have different shapes and sizes, sometimes they have up to 30 faces. Previously, they were mainly made from wood, bone or ivory, sometimes from more valuable materials, which supposedly enhanced the latent power of bones. Modern bones are cubes made of plastic. The standard western marking bone has 1 and 6, 2 and 5, 3 and 4 points on the opposite edges.

For fortune telling on bones, in our time, usually on a table or some other plane, a circle with a diameter of 30 cm is drawn, then three (less often - two) dice are thrown from the hand or from a cup, trying to get into the circle.

Some people believe that dice can be thrown only by guessing at someone else and not at yourself. There is also an opinion that one should roll the dice in complete silence and that cool weather and a calm state of the atmosphere are a condition for correctly predicting the future.

Fortune telling on three bones

To divine fate, you must have three numbered cubes.

Draw a circle on the table with chalk and throw a dice at it on behalf of the person you are guessing for. The bones rolling out of the circle say nothing. Those who fell to the floor indicate the upcoming troubles and complications in life. If all the dice have rolled out of the circle, they should be picked up and thrown again. If the bones are again outside the circle, this may mean that fate has nothing to say and fortune-telling should be postponed until a more favorable moment. If a number appears more than once, this means that important news should be expected. If the bones fall on top of one another, which happens very rarely, this is always a warning about the need to exercise the greatest possible care in all commercial and love affairs.


Three dice are thrown and you have a certain sum of numbers. If one bone rolls out of the circle, and the total is less than three, the prediction did not come through.

Now look at the value of the sums of the dropped points:
3 - a good omen, a wish may come true unexpectedly;
4 - disappointment and troubles in the future;
5 - your desires will come true, but in a completely indefinite way; some stranger will bring good news;
6 - material losses, which, however, will lead to spiritual enrichment;
7 - stupid gossip will cause trouble;
8 - the upcoming action was not well thought out and could lead to injustice; very strong outside influences;
9 - success, especially in love affairs; forgiveness after a quarrel;
10 - consent in the family and, possibly, a good deal; the birth of a child is likely;
11 - someone is sick; parting with someone close;
12 - a letter will come, requiring an answer; you need to consult with someone;
13 - sadness, probably for a long period, perhaps even throughout life;
14 - a stranger will become a close and dear friend; help of a friend;
15 - the temptation to enter into a dark or even illegal deal;
16 - a pleasant and rewarding journey;
17 - a guest from abroad, possibly a foreigner, with a promising commercial offer;
18 is a very good sign: promotion, benefit and joy.

A new version of the old fortune-telling was created by the American psychic Warren Freiberg. The period for which you can look into the future with the help of this fortune-telling is not long - only 9 days.

Draw a circle and divide it into 12 equal sectors. Number them from 1 to 12, starting with the upper right sector.

Each sector is some specific part of your life:

The first sector - events of the distant future; the second is money matters; the third is travel; fourth - family, household chores; fifth - business; sixth - health; seventh - intimate and friendly relations; eighth - losses; ninth - spiritual development; tenth - work or profession; the eleventh is friends; the twelfth sector - enemies.

Roll the dice so that all three dice fall on the segments of the circle. If any of the bottom rolls out of the circle, throw it again. Do the same when two or all three dice fall into one sector. The latter should not be done if the same numbers fell on the dice in the same sector.

The number on the top of each die indicates how much the corresponding aspect of your life will change. For example, if the 10th segment has a "5" or "6", you can safely expect a promotion. If "1" or "2" - expect a change for the worse. "3" or "4" - small changes will occur.

If two or three dice with the same numbers lie in the same sector, this means that the likelihood of changes increases much. Fate warns: this will surely happen.

Fortune telling on two bones

The modern form of such divination involves the use of two bones.

Concentrate on the question and roll the dice in a circle. Add the number of points dropped on both dice and see the answer table. If the bone is outside the circle, it is not counted.

1. Yes
2. No
3. Be careful
4. Be wise
5. Luck
6. Of course
7. Believe
8. Be patient
9. Definitely
10. Doubtful
11. Nonsense
12. Accident

Fortune telling on one cube

Much can help us to know our present and future. Including dice. Today we will teach you just such fortune telling.

1. Take one die.
2. Think of something, clearly state the desire.
3. Roll the dice 4 times.
4. Write down or remember only the odd numbers drawn. Even numbers are not counted in fortune telling. To get the answer, you need to add the written numbers. For example, you rolled the dice 4 times, but of them there were only two odd numbers: 3 and 5. So, adding 3 and 5, read the answer under number 8.

Interpretation of results

1. Ambiguity of thought or poorly formulated question. In any case, the oracle bone is at a loss to answer. Throw it again (but for the last time).

2. You are melancholy or depressed. Don't be so dramatic. Don't talk too much about your problems. Analyze them honestly with yourself. Be practical. Take action.

3. This is not the time to act. Moderate your desires, do not insist, withstand time. Try to make your relationship with others more relaxed, without pressure.

4. The moment has come to express everything that you think, to live actively, to act, to try to change the situation. It takes courage and determination.

5. A good omen. This is success, prosperity, prosperity. If your ideas are constructive, they will lead you to great achievements. Bravo!

6. A wonderful omen. Happiness, luck, success ... You have the most successful figure!

7. An opportune moment to grab luck by the wing, but remember: it is fleeting, do not build illusions.

8. You are in the phase of development, progress, in particular in the material field. Success at work, promotion, improvement, satisfaction ...

9. Unfavorable moment. You are not in control of the situation. You are in a bad luck phase. Wait a bit before proceeding with the problem or action.

10. Union, association, exchange of ideas. Getting to know someone awaits you, and this will become a very positive event in your life.

11. Coercion, violence, imprisonment, difficult, uninteresting work. If you are confident in yourself - act, if not - refrain from acting.

12.Very good prediction. Good changes await you. Any venture will bring you good luck. Go for it.

13. Your destiny is developing in a positive direction. You take everything to heart. Your trump card is your charm. Act calmly, but firmly, decisively.

14. Attention is passion! Time to act, react, conquer. Don't stay passive.

15. Adverse prediction. This is a sunset, a breakup, a separation, this is a lie (about you or someone close). Strive for clarity of thought, only after deep analysis and reflection, proceed to action.

16. Your destiny is leading you into a period of change, and very soon you will see everything in a completely different light.

Fortune telling on two dice

The technique of this fortune-telling is the simplest. You need to take two dice, shake and throw, and then read the interpretation of the resulting combination.

2 (1 + 1) - Happiness in love and marriage, success in financial affairs. For now, you better not change anything in your life.

3 (1 + 2) - For a woman - marriage for the sake of money, for a man - entertainment that money can buy. Try to avoid long trips and spend more time at home.

4 (1 + 3) - The prognosis is generally unfavorable. A serious conflict is possible, up to legal proceedings, with people you trust. Trouble can come from an unexpected direction. Be careful, especially about the little things.

4 (2 + 2) - Good luck in business and personal affairs. Your children will delight you in the near future. Interesting trips and useful acquaintances are possible. It is recommended not to wait, but to act, to show initiative in order to consolidate and deepen the success.

5 (1 + 4) - The main thing is movement. You can't sit still! The more activity, travel, new information, the more money. By solving financial problems, you will be able to resolve many others.

5 (2 + 3) - A good combination for your own affairs and disturbing for relationships with children - conflict is possible. Try to avoid preaching and grumbling admonitions. Now your children expect understanding from you first of all.

6 (1 + 5) - A lot of trouble, worries and joys. Perhaps the birth of a child from one of the relatives. Financial difficulties. At work - a difficult conflict situation, however, do not rush to change your place of work: changes will soon take place. If you intend to go abroad, then the departure is likely to be final - for a permanent place of residence.

6 (2 + 4) - A period of changes is coming for you. Do you want to change your place of work, apartment, partner? Think and get ready. Whatever is done, everything is for the best.

6 (3 + 3) - You will receive a very large amount of money, and in the very near future. In personal life, everything is also going well, conflicts do not have serious grounds.

7 (1 + 6) - Period of vigorous activity. You are needed, do not refuse those who turn to you.
You should behave in the same way in relation to your partner (spouse): go to meet him. Otherwise, a serious crisis may ensue in your relationship in a few years.

7 (2 + 5) - Now you are required to be calm and tolerant of other people's opinions. Do not hurry! This is especially true for business people. In personal matters - a difficult period. Bad time to get married.

7 (3 + 4) - Much depends on your imagination and enterprise now, try not to postpone anything until tomorrow, do it today.

8 (2 + 6) - You will have to perform difficult, troublesome work, while hack-work is unacceptable. If you work conscientiously, without trying to deceive others, success is assured. Otherwise, it is a complete failure.

8 (3 + 5) - The time is favorable for quiet, serious studies. It is best to devote it to study or reading. However, you won't make the mistake of choosing to get some good rest instead. Bones promise to improve a bad situation and keep a good one.

8 (4 + 4) - Violation of the usual schedule of events, surprises await you. Whether they will be pleasant depends only on you.

9 (3 + 6) - In the near future you will learn a lot of new things. Period favorable for research, creative work. Advice: try to distract yourself from pragmatic interests, do what you love, without thinking about the possible benefits. If your partner is a citizen of another country or has a different religion, during this period you can finally understand each other.

9 (4 + 5) - Difficulties, financial problems. Losses are possible. In marriage or in your professional life, these are serious trials. Don't ask too much of others, demand more of yourself.

10 (4 + 6) - You like to act in a big way. In the near future, the numbers promise major success:
power, money, influence. However, the family should not be forgotten behind political and social ambitions. Behave easier with family and friends, and think about them first.

10 (5 + 5) - Success and money, but the situation is not stable. If you want to stay on top, proceed with caution and foresight. If possible, avoid risk, do not take on new business, it is better to continue the one that you have already started without accepting new offers.

11 (5 + 6) - The worst is over for you. In the past, there are defeats and losses that have occurred through no fault of yours. Don't worry: everything will work out, new opportunities and new friends will appear. The main thing is not to give up effort. It costs nothing to change in life.

12 (6 + 6) - Very favorable bones. Good stable situation with a trend towards further improvement. Changes are possible, but they will not bring anything fundamentally new.


This fortune-telling is very popular in Mongolia, with the help of it you can look into the future, find out what awaits in the family, work, with colleagues or friends, and also point out the points that are worth paying attention to in the first place.

You need to roll the dice in complete silence. Cubes fit better in good weather and low temperatures.
Draw a circle with chalk on the table or use a special rug, throw cubes into it on behalf of the person for whom you are guessing.

Cubes rolling out of the circle do not say anything.
Those who fell to the floor indicate the upcoming troubles and complications in life.
If all the cubes have rolled out of the circle, they should be picked up and thrown again.
If they again rolled out of the circle, then this means that fate simply has nothing to say and fortune-telling should be postponed to fortune-telling on the bones until a more favorable moment.
If a number appears more than once, it means that you need to wait for the arrival of important news.
It makes no difference which hand to throw the dice with - no.
The main thing before starting fortune-telling is to focus on current affairs, thoughts or problems. And the better you focus on the question of interest, the more accurate the prediction will be.

In the process of fortune-telling, it is allowed to ask a question concerning one of the eight areas of a person's life: family, work, friends and enemies, health, spiritual life, otherworldly black forces and possible misfortunes.

The most difficult and tedious thing is fortune telling about human health. At the same time, experts in Tibetan medicine believe that without fortune telling, the treatment process may be ineffective, because every step of the physician must necessarily be consistent with the wisdom sent from above.

In all other cases, the purpose of such fortune telling is to assess the current situation and provide recommendations on the client's further behavior. Of course, a person cannot radically change his life and completely change the future, but he can still accumulate a certain positive potential in order to cope with the upcoming misfortunes.

Fortune-telling technique.
Choose the question. Take all the cubes in the palm of your hand and roll them. Then add up the dropped numbers and see the interpretation. If the numbers added together form a number of 10 or more, add those numbers as well. This process continues until an elementary number from 1 to 9 is obtained.

As a simple example, let's take the sum of the numbers 13 - it will be reduced to 4 (1 + 3), as well as 31 (3 + 1). None of these numbers will have any other vibrating meaning than that represented by the final number 4.

A more complex example: the dice rolled 64351. Add: 6 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 1 = 19; further: 1 + 9 = 10; further 1 + 0 = 1. Thus, 1 becomes the vibrating symbol of this number.


Number 1. You will become the leader, master of the situation, the driving force behind what is happening. The desire will come true without hindrances and problems. Any, the current situation will be favorable, the circumstances will be for you. You can act boldly and without thinking too much: you will succeed!

Number 2. You may have a competitor. Take a close look at your surroundings. Maybe you will be able to "figure out" the ill-wisher. If not, be very careful. You never know what? After all, they can take away luck right from under the nose.

Number 3. The wish will come true, but a little later. The delay is due to your own stubbornness. Perhaps you are fixated on one thing, considering it necessary for the fulfillment of a desire. In fact, this is not the case. However, you did not make a fatal mistake, you just complicated the situation a little. Everything will be fine soon.

Number 4. You want your wish to come true, but for some reason you are doing a bunch of extraneous things. This distracts you from your main goal. Concentrate in the end! Why waste yourself on trifles when you can go global? Rebuild and everything will work out. And at the same time you will make life easier for yourself and those around you.

Number 5. You are in a nervous state. And not in vain. Your position is precarious. One careless step, and all your plans with dreams will fly into the abyss! Pull yourself together, enlist the support of friends and acquaintances, but do not talk too much. The situation will clear up in a few days. The desire will come true if you have a reliable rear, which you are able to create for yourself.

Number 6. Your desire should be somewhat reformulated, because in its present form it will not be fulfilled, but will only bring harm. Adjust it, try to identify your weak points, and you will succeed even better than you expected. Remember: there are no hopeless situations.

Number 7. If your desire is associated with a family hearth, it will come true without hindrance and delay. If its sphere is somewhat different, then no. It is useless to look for the guilty. These are simply unfavorable circumstances. However, everything is not so bad: fate will find compensation for you, and you will not be left as a loser.

Number 8. You are lucky now. All your undertakings will be approved by the higher powers, but their location extends only to the material sphere. Profit? Yes! New business partners? Easily! But everything else is quite problematic. Try not to get discouraged and take this opportunity to get rich a little.

Number 9. Find a good patron who can help you get out of this unpleasant environment. Who knows, maybe soon he will cease to be your patron, but will turn into a legal support. If there is such a person, your desire will easily come true.


Three dice are thrown and you have a certain sum of numbers. If one bone rolls out of the circle, and the sum is less than three, the prediction did not happen. Now look at the value of the sums of the dropped points:

3 - a good omen, a wish may come true unexpectedly;
4 - disappointment;
5 - some stranger will bring good news;
6 - material losses, which, however, will lead to spiritual enrichment;
7 - stupid gossip will cause trouble;
8 - the upcoming action was not well thought out and may lead to injustice;
9 - success, especially in love affairs; if there was a quarrel, expect reconciliation;
10 - consent in the family and, possibly, a good deal;
11 - someone is sick;
12 - a letter will come, requiring an answer;
13 - sadness, probably for a long period, perhaps even throughout life;
14 - a stranger will become a close and dear friend;
15 - the temptation to enter into a dark or even illegal deal;
16 - a pleasant and rewarding journey;
17 - a guest from abroad, possibly a foreigner, with a promising commercial offer;
18 is a very good sign: promotion, benefit and joy.


The technique of this fortune-telling is the simplest. You need to take two dice, shake and throw, and then read the interpretation of the resulting combination.

2 (1 + 1) - Happiness in love and marriage, success in financial affairs. For now, you better not change anything in your life.

3 (1 + 2) - For a woman - marriage for the sake of money, for a man - entertainment that money can buy. Try to avoid long trips and spend more time at home.

4 (1 + 3) - The prognosis is generally unfavorable. A serious conflict is possible, up to legal proceedings, with people you trust. Trouble can come from an unexpected direction. Be careful, especially about the little things.

4 (2 + 2) - Good luck in business and personal affairs. Your children will delight you in the near future. Interesting trips and useful acquaintances are possible. It is recommended not to wait, but to act, to show initiative in order to consolidate and deepen the success.

5 (1 + 4) - The main thing is movement. You can't sit still! The more activity, travel, new information, the more money. By solving financial problems, you will be able to resolve many others.

5 (2 + 3) - A good combination for your own affairs and disturbing for relationships with children - conflict is possible. Try to avoid preaching and grumbling admonitions. Now your children expect understanding from you first of all.

6 (1 + 5) - A lot of trouble, worries and joys. Perhaps the birth of a child from one of the relatives. Financial difficulties. At work - a difficult conflict situation, however, do not rush to change your place of work: changes will soon take place. If you intend to go abroad, then the departure is likely to be final - for a permanent place of residence.

6 (2 + 4) - A period of changes is coming for you. Do you want to change your place of work, apartment, partner? Think and get ready. Whatever is done, everything is for the best.

6 (3 + 3) - You will receive a very large amount of money, and in the very near future. In personal life, everything is also going well, conflicts do not have serious grounds.

7 (1 + 6) - Period of vigorous activity. You are needed, do not refuse those who turn to you.
You should behave in the same way in relation to your partner (spouse): go to meet him. Otherwise, a serious crisis may ensue in your relationship in a few years.

7 (2 + 5) - Now you are required to be calm and tolerant of other people's opinions. Do not hurry! This is especially true for business people. In personal matters - a difficult period. Bad time to get married.

7 (3 + 4) - Much depends on your imagination and enterprise now, try not to postpone anything until tomorrow, do it today.

8 (2 + 6) - You will have to perform difficult, troublesome work, while hack-work is unacceptable. If you work conscientiously, without trying to deceive others, success is assured. Otherwise, it is a complete failure.

8 (3 + 5) - The time is favorable for quiet, serious studies. It is best to devote it to study or reading. However, you won't make the mistake of choosing to get some good rest instead. Bones promise to improve a bad situation and keep a good one.

8 (4 + 4) - Violation of the usual schedule of events, surprises await you. Whether they will be pleasant depends only on you.

9 (3 + 6) - In the near future you will learn a lot of new things. Period favorable for research, creative work. Advice: try to distract yourself from pragmatic interests, do what you love, without thinking about the possible benefits. If your partner is a citizen of another country or has a different religion, during this period you can finally understand each other.

9 (4 + 5) - Difficulties, financial problems. Losses are possible. In marriage or in your professional life, these are serious trials. Don't ask too much of others, demand more of yourself.

10 (4 + 6) - You like to act in a big way. In the near future, the numbers promise major success:
power, money, influence. However, the family should not be forgotten behind political and social ambitions. Behave easier with family and friends, and think about them first.

10 (5 + 5) - Success and money, but the situation is not stable. If you want to stay on top, proceed with caution and foresight. If possible, avoid risk, do not take on new business, it is better to continue the one that you have already started without accepting new offers.

11 (5 + 6) - The worst is over for you. In the past, there are defeats and losses that have occurred through no fault of yours. Don't worry: everything will work out, new opportunities and new friends will appear. The main thing is not to give up effort. It costs nothing to change in life.

12 (6 + 6) - Very favorable bones. Good stable situation with a trend towards further improvement. Changes are possible, but they will not bring anything fundamentally new.