How will the full name be given. The meaning of the name is given, history and fate

How will the full name be given. The meaning of the name is given, history and fate

The name Dana has several origins. So, according to one version, it is the form of the male Hebrew Daniel, the meaning of which can be translated as "God is my judge." According to the second version, it has ancient Slavic roots and is interpreted as "bestowed" or is the modern name of the names of Denitsa, Danitsa, derived from the word "dennitsa", which means "morning star". The next version says that the name Dana is a short form of the female name Danuta, formed from the Lithuanian “daughter of heaven” or from the Latin “donata” - “given”, “given”. A number of scholars believe that it came from the name of the Irish (Celtic) goddess of creation Danu.

Astrology name

  • Astrological sign: Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Patron planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: beryl, hyacinth
  • Color: blue, crimson
  • Plant: violet, basil
  • Animal: elephant, partridge
  • Auspicious day: Thursday


The characteristic of the name Dan is a description of an energetic, charismatic leader who knows how to captivate with him. Perhaps the reason for this lies in her ingenuous, open and honest disposition that others feel. But it should be remembered that this is far from an angel in the flesh, she is capable of immoral acts, trying to achieve her goals. Although such actions are rather the exception to the rule than the norm.

In childhood, her leadership traits do not appear. Such a name for a girl as Dana is more characteristic of an obedient, quiet child who does not need excessive parental care and finds something to do on his own. But with age, a woman's temperament becomes more ebullient and active, stubbornness begins to appear in it, a desire to be useful and engage in public, and not personal life. She still does not tolerate rudeness and rudeness, does not know how to mask her mood and emotions, is an "open book" for the interlocutor.

The secret of the name hides a person who is unable to mope for a long time, being in a bad mood. The only thing that can unsettle her is criticism, which Dana cannot stand. She tries not to give anyone any command and does not accept recommendations and advice, politely but firmly suppressing all attempts of others to do so. She is absolutely not characterized by greed and pettiness - the girl is ready to share with the whole world, but at the same time and in return she expects the same generosity towards herself, taking offense when this does not happen.

Among Dana's shortcomings, one can single out her impudence and tactlessness, which she is able to show in communication with her acquaintances and friends. This also includes obstinacy, the desire to prove their advantage over others and unshakable confidence in their righteousness, multiplied by the unwillingness to admit mistakes and change something in their behavior.

The summer spokeswoman for the name has a more solid character than her winter namesake. She is characterized by courage and amazing strength of mind. Born in winter, she has a soft, kind disposition and good intuition.

Hobbies and hobbies

"Team" classes, games, competitions are not suitable for Danya. She's a solo player who wants to be the center of attention. He is friends with sports, loves good literature, music, art. She likes to visit openings and exhibitions, theater premieres and parties, discos and nightclubs. Her hobby is to be around people, literally absorbing the energy of the crowd.

Profession and business

The girl who received the name Dana is a strong professional in everything that she will not undertake. Shows an enviable determination in achieving career heights. A sense of duty developed to the limit forces her to take on and bring to the end the most difficult projects, therefore she is rightfully considered an indispensable worker.

A successful area for Dana is pedagogy, she is able to work well both with children in kindergarten and with students at school. Can work in television, choosing a career as a radio or TV presenter, becomes an excellent psychologist or pediatrician, as well as a social worker.


Despite the fact that Dana is in good health, she is often sick as a child. Sore throats, colds and a runny nose can become her constant companions, so a baby with this name needs to be seriously tempered. In order to prevent scoliosis, to which she is prone, the girl should be given for swimming. With age, her immunity is noticeably strengthened, and diseases bypass the woman.

Sex and love

Dana translates her leadership character traits into the plane of love relationships, not hesitating to take the first step towards the man she liked. Often it also becomes the initiator of a break, because, without forgiving a dismissive and inattentive attitude towards oneself, it may well allow more than one harshness in communicating with a loved one. Her desire to "crush" her partner leads to serious quarrels.

Being jealous to the limit, it can make scandals out of the blue. It is extremely difficult for a man with a normal psyche to withstand, so often a girl is left alone.

Family and marriage

Dana is also a leader in the family. He chooses as his husband a man who is able to agree to "supporting roles", but deep down he dreams of a "prince on a white horse" - handsome, intelligent, strong-willed, rich. Such an obvious discrepancy does not prevent her from sincerely loving her chosen one, becoming a devoted wife to him, and a great mother to her children. She is able to take care of the well-being of people close to her, sometimes even to the detriment of her interests, and in difficult moments she is ready to take on the financial support of the family, taking several jobs and part-time jobs. A woman named Dana loves to cook, keeps her house perfectly clean and has rare hospitality.

Main characteristic


Origin of the name(Persian, Slavic, Turkic, Jewish, Celtic, Tatar)

General characteristics of the name "Dana"

The name "Dana" can be confidently called international, because it is found among the most diverse peoples and nationalities inhabiting our planet. Among the Slavs, the name "Dana" means "given", "given" (as an option, "Bogdana" - "given by God"). In the variation of Danuta, the name is used in modern Czech Republic and is translated as “Goddess of the Moon”. Among the Jews comes from the male name "Daniel" and means "God is my judge." Among the Celts, the name Dan is dedicated to the goddess of creation Dan. And among the Türks, Dana is revered as "Glory" (female derivative from the male name "Dan"). The Arabic name Dana means educated, learned, knowledgeable, chaste. The Danes are well protected from the hardships of life and enjoy the special patronage of others.

Given in lovefamily

Dana is a rather jealous woman. She can restrain herself and smile, even if the spouse gives a good reason for jealousy. Or maybe bring her husband to white heat due to the fact that he "according to the protocol" courted a spectacular colleague at a corporate party. This is not to say that Dana does not know the art of family diplomacy and cunning female maneuvers. No, this is exactly what she is doing well. Children's vulnerability may simply "emerge" out of place. Dana really needs her husband's love. But she herself is ready to love selflessly. Dana has a kind and devoted heart, and if her husband gets sick (even a banal sore throat), Dana will give up all her affairs to bring him tea with raspberries, carefully adjust the pillow and read aloud her favorite detective story. She is very devoted to her family and ready for any sacrifices for the sake of her husband and children. A rare quality in our time!

Given inaffairs, in society

Dana is inclined towards the exact sciences and, despite her emotionality, has a scientific mindset. These women are attracted to the professions of scientists, engineers, designers and tailors. Taking away their souls in the family, in the work collective Dana is usually "buttoned up", observe business etiquette and are not at all inclined to intrigue and enmity with colleagues. Danes usually move up the career ladder easily, overtaking male colleagues. At the same time, they practically do not use female charms, relying on a more prosaic "tool" - composure, professionalism and an impeccable sense of justice inherent in these rare women.

Feature for children

Dana as a child

Baby Danochka is vulnerable and emotional, and at times can react very painfully to the injustice of the adult world. Dana sublimates her experiences, displacing them into the world of dreams and games, the plots of which she invents herself. Often the baby sleeps restlessly, she has terrible dreams, from which, waking up, Danochka begins to cry. Parents should be very patient and wise with this sensitive child. Growing up, Dana become possessive, demanding unconditional devotion, both from their beloved girlfriend and from their chosen one.

The female name Dana has two versions of its origin: one is an Old Slavic name meaning "given", and the other comes from the name of the Irish goddess Danu. On the territory of our country, the name Dan has not been popular in the last century, but now interest in him is growing.

Characteristics of the name Dan

The owner of this name is a real leader, she is energetic, open, who knows how to gather people around her, make them believe her every word, but at the same time she is ingenuous and honest, a real idealist. In childhood, Dana is a gentle and obedient child, but even then she was always busy with something, stubborn, very active. Adult Dana largely retains her temper: she can still cry if someone is rude to her, always tries to be in the center of socially useful affairs, but at the same time she no longer differs in special obedience, does not give anyone command or persistently advise her how better to do. It is unusual for the owner of this name to cheat or hide emotions - everything that she feels at the moment can be "read" on her face. At the same time, you can rarely see Dana in a bad mood, she is unable to be sad for a long time. Dana does not accept criticism, sometimes being overly confident in her abilities. That is why she suffers her failures painfully, she can commit an immoral act in order to achieve the goal.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Dana is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio or Aquarius. Scorpio (October 24-November 22) is similar to Dana in leadership qualities, he will endow her with mystery, decisiveness, courage, make her respected among colleagues and a stronger spirit. Aquarius (January 21-February 19) is a softer sign, under his influence Dana will be kind, imprudent, very perceptive.

Pros and cons of the name Dan

What positive and negative qualities can be noted in the name of Dan? Its advantages are in its beauty, solid and "strong" sound, unusualness and rarity, as well as the ability to choose for it several euphonious diminutive-affectionate forms, such as Danochka, Danka, Danusha, Danulechka. In addition, this name goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and its owners, as a rule, have a rather good character. There are no obvious disadvantages to this name.


Dana's health is strong, but usually she is often sick in childhood, especially with angina.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, the owner of this name loves to hold leadership, sometimes she even proposes to her beloved herself. But at the same time, she is devoted to her family, always takes care of loved ones, loves to cook, maintains perfect order in the house.

Professional sphere

In the professional field, Dana shows a strong will and a developed sense of duty. She can make a successful pediatrician, television or radio presenter, kindergarten teacher, dancer, social worker, psychologist.


Dana's birthday is not celebrated, since this name does not appear in the calendar.

Dan's name is an interesting monument of world culture.

The name is an integral part of the personality of each person, therefore it is so important to know what a particular name means, the history of its origin, as well as the fate of people who previously possessed it.

Our ancestors believed that each word carries a certain charge of energy, and the naming of a person has truly magical power. This is due to the fact that each of us hears his name dozens of times a day, and, therefore, its meaning has a huge impact on our behavior, mood and hobbies.

The origin of the name Dan is difficult to determine unambiguously, since it could arise at different times and among different peoples. This name can be worn by representatives of various nationalities both women and men.

According to the most common hypothesis, Dan's name is an abbreviated form of the Old Slavic word "given." Like many other peoples, the Slavs did not doubt that a child is a gift from God, a sign of God's mercy to the marriage of a man and a woman.

In this interpretation of the name Dan, you can find a deeper background. So, in a number of countries during pagan times there was a myth about the "tribe of the Goddess Danu", who arrived either from heaven or from the islands in the north of the world. According to this myth, the name of the goddess meant "Water of Heaven" / "Stream". From the available historical and mythological information, it can be concluded that for many European peoples Danu / Dana was the goddess of rivers (perhaps the names of the rivers Don, Danube, Dnieper are related to the name Danu), the goddess of the beginning of all that exists, the source of life and knowledge. And if we take into account that most of these myths were especially widespread in the era of transition to Christianity, then the name Dan could be associated, first of all, with the new faith and mean “the beginning of faith”, its “given”.

It is on behalf of the goddess Dana that researchers produce the male Irish name Dana. However, according to another version, it comes from the Gaelic "mischievous, playful".

There is another version of the formation of the name Dan. According to her, the name Dana is an abbreviated form of the Greek name Danae ("Greek"). In this case, it can be argued that the name Dan appeared in Russia along with the adoption of Christianity. After the Christianization of Rus in 988, every Slav received a baptismal name from a priest. They came to the Eastern Slavs from Byzantium through Bulgaria, where Christianity was adopted even earlier, in 865.

The Arabic origin of the name is also not excluded. Translated into Russian, the Arabic root "dan" means "red, beautiful". This theory has every right to exist, tk. this semantics is quite typical for Muslim names. The name Busayna, for example, literally means "Beautiful in body", the name of Gada is "beautiful," and the name Bahiya means "beautiful, radiant." Close to this etymology and the Adyghe "dane" - "silk". The Adyghe language is part of the West Caucasian family of languages. It is widespread in the Krasnodar Territory of Russia.

Bearers of the name Dan can rightfully be proud of their euphonious and unusual naming.

Sources: Selishchev A.M. The origin of Russian surnames, personal names and nicknames. Selected Works. M. Enlightenment, 1977. Petrovsky N.A. Dictionary of Russian personal names. M. Sov. encyclopedia, 1973. Muslim names. Dictionary-reference. SPb. Dilya Publishing House, 2007.

When choosing a name for their daughter, parents try to dwell not only on a beautiful name, but also one that carries a deep meaning. To do this, they select a name based on its interpretation. What does the name Dana mean? What is the origin and history of the name Dan?

The meaning of the name Dan

Dana - received, given from above. This child is long-awaited and so beloved in the family that it brings everyone pleasure and happiness. The signs of the zodiac that patronize the girl are Pisces and Sagittarius.

They endow her with natural charm, deep intelligence. The planet that rules Dana's life is Neptune. The color that suits her more than others is blue. The stone that will protect her from trouble is lapis lazuli.

Origin and history of the name Dan

The name Dan has several versions of its origin. So, according to the first meaning of the name Dan - God is my judge. Based on this version, the name has Jewish roots. It comes from the male name Daniel.

What does the name Dana mean, according to the second version of the origin? It means given, given from above. The name is also considered an abbreviated form of the names of Doenitz, Danitsa. These names meant the morning star.

Historians claim that the ancient names used the form of the name Danut. There is also a version of the Celtic origin of the name Dan. It came from the name of the Goddess Dana. The goddess was a soothsayer and had tremendous power over the Celts. Dana does not celebrate her birthday, because in the church tradition there is no saint of the same name. The name is popular today in many countries of the world.

The character and fate of Dana

It is worth noting the positive character traits of Dana:

Strength of will;


Fast reaction;



The girl very quickly makes important decisions and can, in a matter of minutes, resolve those issues that others considered unsolvable. Dana is very curious, but she immediately begins to use all the knowledge gained in her everyday life.

The negative traits of the girl's character include:


Mood swings;


Dana is so principled that she can defend her innocence even at the cost of relationships or friendship. She works tirelessly, so she is in danger of a nervous breakdown or nervous exhaustion. The name Dan corresponds to the number four in numerology. She characterizes a person who is prone to scientific activity and technical innovations.

She is always surrounded by friends and admirers. Her dedication inspires many. But Dana does not consider herself unique in this. She just can't do otherwise. As a child, Dana is very mobile, she constantly plays with her peers, invents new entertainments for them and herself.

Parents find it difficult to cope with her changeable character. Everything is given and always strives to be the first to know, therefore, she also gets mistakes and disappointments first. She is often sick in childhood, so she is very irritable and restless.

She very quickly expands her social circle and just as quickly breaks up with people from this circle. She has a subtle and always appropriate sense of humor. But not everyone wants to understand her jokes. Some consider her to be a superficial person who simply fills her own worth. Dana does not pay attention to such an attitude towards herself, because she always has her own personal opinion.

Dana is very hardworking. She takes on any job. She is also diligent in her studies, although she does not have enormous innate abilities. She tries more to comprehend the truth, to find out the truth, to draw the right conclusions, than to prove that she is smart.

It is difficult for her at school with her peers, at work with colleagues. Dana always sees several possible scenarios for the development of events, she always tries to be at her best. Dana really lacks the support and care of loved ones. She spends a lot of time helping the people around her.

Due to her fighting nature, Dana quickly loses touch with her mother, who believes that a woman should be affectionate, should be the keeper of the hearth, and not conquer the world. But Dana is trying in every possible way to prove to her mother that she is a worthy daughter. At the same time, she can flare up, allow herself too much.

Hot temper is Dana's main enemy. She suffers in many situations precisely because of her temper. If Dana chooses a creative profession for herself, she will achieve incredible success.

Dana is successful in business, but she spends money at lightning speed. Therefore, it is difficult to say that she will quickly put together significant capital. Dana tries more to realize herself in career growth than in interpersonal relationships. She often yells at subordinates, can be too rude. It is difficult to work with her and this is one of the reasons why it is better for Dana to get a personal business.

With age, Dana understands that the risk is not always justified and is already trying to calculate her strength not to be nervous about work. Dana is difficult to please, so she has only faithful and proven friends over the years, whom she cherishes.

Dana's love

Dana's character and destiny determine her success with men. She is ready to change for the sake of the relationship, in many ways to yield to her partner. But at the same time, it is unnecessarily demanding. Dana can start a relationship with a man and after that demand the impossible, impossible tasks from him. It's not enough for her all the time.

Since Dana is successful, she also selects an ordinary man for herself. She does not like to associate fate with older men. She is impressed by men younger than not, who listen to her advice and fulfill her wishes. But Dana is not grateful, she does not know how to appreciate someone else's love and attention, so very quickly a bright union turns into an unbearable routine.

Dana loves children, but she does not plan to stay at home and raise them for a long time. She has a huge number of plans for self-realization, she does not consider it necessary to devote her life to her children and her husband. Despite her complex nature, Dana is very understanding and affectionate. She is generous. There is a lot of love and light in her heart. It's just that Dana is more successful than many of her peers and therefore is not always understood by them. Dana herself does not consider it necessary to change something in herself.