In what year the circle died. How Michael Krug died

In what year the circle died.  How Michael Krug died
In what year the circle died. How Michael Krug died

Mikhail Krug, whose biography is full of interesting, sometimes inexplicable facts, earned the status of "King of Chanson" during his lifetime. He was a cheerful, purposeful, talented, generous person, had a tough disposition and clearly knew what he wanted from life.

Childhood and adolescence

The birthday of Mikhail Krug (Vorobyov) is celebrated by his family and fans on April 7. In 1962, a boy was born in one of the Tver maternity hospitals. The baby was born a real hero: 4800 kg for a baby is a decent weight. The midwives immediately called the sturdy man "Mishutka", my mother did not object.

Misha Vorobyov's childhood unfolded according to the standard scenario of the average Russian families. Living in a "small family", working everyday life of parents, kindergarten, life from "paycheck to paycheck". When he was a year old, Misha started talking, at three he went to kindergarten, at seven - to school.

The future bard did not like to study, he often skipped lessons. As a child, he told his mother that he wanted to be a chauffeur. He studied at the music school, accordion class, but dropped out. When, at the age of 11, his parents gave their son a guitar, he became interested in music in earnest. Having mastered the instrument on his own, Mikhail began to write poetry. The young talent was carried away by the work of Vysotsky and imitated his manner of performance, since his vocal abilities allowed him.


After school, Mikhail entered the school, decided to master the profession of a car mechanic. After graduating, the young man went to the army, he served in Ukraine. After a while, his childhood dream came true - he got a job as a driver in the Association of Freight Vehicles. He worked as a driver for 10 years. Due to his leadership abilities, great experience and responsibility, he was appointed head of the convoy.

The company sent him to study at the local Polytechnic. Mikhail did not want to master the basics of science, long couples were too tiring for his cheerful disposition. Vorobyov dropped out of the institute, and the honorable place of the chief was replaced by a driver's steering wheel. Many of Mikhail Krug's songs were written during this period, although he composed them "on the table". An interesting fact of this period: once, returning from work, Mikhail rescued a neighbor's boy who accidentally fell out of the window and was hanging on the railing from the side of the street.

First wife

The first wife of the future artist Svetlana decided to promote the talented guy to the big stage. She was a creative person, performing in a local ensemble. Misha's compositions touched her to the depths of her soul, and she decided to produce her chosen one. Svetlana sent her husband to song contests, persuaded to record songs on cassettes, sewed concert costumes. In 1987, the lovers got married. A year later, they had a son, and the next year the couple divorced.

The parting turned out to be painful for Svetlana. Leaving, Mikhail sued her son. The woman called her husband's constant infidelities as the reason for the breakup, and Mikhail, in turn, stated that his wife was not a real mistress, did not know how to lead a life.

Carier start

In 1987, thanks to his first wife, Mikhail began to seriously study music. In 1994, his first album, Zhigan-Lemon, was released. The songs of Mikhail Krug were so soulful that both romantic girls and thieves in law found personal in them.

Interesting fact: Michael took the pseudonym Circle, believing that this geometric figure is able to protect you from trouble. The audience enthusiastically greeted all the new compositions of the bard. The singer-composer began an active touring activity. In 1998 he received the prestigious Ovation Music Award and came second in the Russian Chanson show jumping. After several albums of the composer, it became clear who sits on the Russian chanson-Olympus. The circle has consistently led all the charts.

Mikhail and Irina

Mikhail Krug, whose biography is full of interesting facts, in 1999 he met a girl Irina, who worked as a waitress in one of the restaurants in Chelyabinsk. The famous singer had a concert in this city. After the performance, the musician planned to stop by for dinner at one of the city's restaurants. The director of the institution instructed his prettiest waitress to serve the table of the star. At the end of the evening, Mikhail offered Irina Glazko to work with him as a costume designer. The girl did not agree. A few months later, the singer came again and offered to work together again. For a long time, their relationship did not develop in any way. After a while, Mikhail and Irina decided to live together.

For two years they lived in a civil marriage, and when Mikhail found out that Irina was pregnant, he immediately offered to formalize the relationship. According to close family friends, they were very happy. After the birth of their son, the couple moved to the house of Mikhail Krug, which he himself built. It is a pity that their happiness did not last long.

Songs of Mikhail Krug

Mikhail Krug made his soul compositions in the chanson style truly folk. They were known to everyone who at least once, sorting through the waves of radio stations, got on the channel "Russian Chanson". The song "Vladimirsky Central" became his cult composition. The hit "Golden Domes" immediately gave rise to a lot of gossip around the person of the famous bard. Fans began to attribute a criminal past to him, although in reality the Circle was a law-abiding citizen.

Songs such as "Pai Girl", "Come to My House", "We Drink Vodka", "The Stage Is Going", "Kolshchik", "One, Two, Three on the Kidneys", "Let's Talk" and many other fans could listen for hours, and the whole audience sang them at the bard's concerts. During his lifetime, the composer recorded eight albums. According to his wife Irina Krug, who after the death of her husband decided to continue his songwriting, Mikhail had dozens of drafts with unfinished compositions. An interesting fact is that Mikhail Krug dedicated songs from four albums in chanson style to his first love - Marina. This girl was his youthful, but very strong affection.

Death of Mikhail Krug

Mikhail Krug, whose biography tells about the forty years of the artist's life, died under unexplained circumstances. In the summer of 2002, the singer's house, located in the suburb of Tver, was attacked. Three unknown persons entered the apartment and opened fire. The events of this tragic evening on June 31 unfolded very rapidly. Almost at midnight, when the Krug spouses were putting their children to bed, they heard a noise on the third floor of their house. At that moment, Irina's mother was there. Mikhail's mother-in-law said that when she was watching TV, people in masks burst into the room. The woman was hit on the head, one of the attackers tried to strangle her, at that moment the spouses came running. A shot rang out, then another.

Mikhail Krug covered his wife and received two wounds. Irina started to run. Mikhail lost consciousness when he came to, was able to reach the neighbors and call an ambulance. The doctors failed to save him, he died in the hospital. How events unfolded on that unfortunate night, no one knows. The narrow corridor in the star's house was smeared with bloody footprints. The singer's dog was shot, and a piece of cloth from one of the criminals remained in its teeth.

Versions of the crime

The death of Mikhail Krug was a real shock for his family and fans. Theories of crime began to emerge. The police, friends and admirers of the singer's talent were looking for those who were involved in the murder of this man. One of the versions was the singer's disputes with the Tver "thieves in law", but, as it turned out, Mikhail Krug was making friends with many of them, and at the singer's grave some swore to punish the guilty.

The second, most plausible version is an accidental murder for the purpose of robbery. During that period, several rich cottages were robbed in Tver. A group of masked people was acting. The singer just happened to be at home. On this day, there was a great holiday on the embankment, the robbers thought that the owner of the house would not be.

The third version - Mikhail Krug, whose biography is full of interesting facts, became a victim of a contract murder. It was rumored that the artist's mega-popularity haunted some of his fellow musicians.

Another theory is that the death of the Circle could have been planned by his wife Irina. This version is similar to the gossip of the "yellow press", but still it took place. The wife of the deceased even gave testimony on a lie detector. Many noted that immediately after the death of her husband, Irina began to arrange her solo career, taking his pseudonym. On the fortieth day after the death of the bard, a concert in memory of Mikhail Krug was organized in Tver. The singer's group "Hitcher" did not participate in this concert, but Irina sang. Some close to Mikhail's family argue that the spouses have recently had serious disagreements against the background of creativity. Irina wanted to sing solo, but Mikhail was categorically against it. After all, the popular singer was a conservative to the marrow of his bones and believed that the lot of a woman is life, children and family.

Ten years after the death of the artist, his friends said that they found out who committed this audacious crime and punished those responsible. They clarified that the murder of the beloved performer of millions of people around the planet was an accident.

One of the loudest and longest investigations of recent times has been completed. All the circumstances of the murder of the famous singer Mikhail Krug have become known. One of the participants in those events on the spot, told in detail and showed how everything happened.

Alexander Ageev, convicted of murders for life, was specially convoyed from the special regime colony "Polar Owl". After 17 years of silence, Ageev decided to confess and reveal the details of the murder of the "king of Russian chanson" Mikhail Krug.

On June 30, 2002, half an hour before midnight, putting on masks, Ageev, together with his accomplice Dmitry Veselov, climbed over the fence of a country house on Osvobozhdeniye Street, where Mikhail Krug lived. According to Ageev, they were sure that neither the singer nor his family members were at home. At that time, the city day was celebrated in Tver.

“The third floor, where we immediately went up to look around. We heard that someone had entered the house and decided to hide, ”Ageev said.

The target of the raiders from the Tver Wolves gang was antiques and valuables in the mansion. And, as Ageev says, they were not going to kill anyone. Hearing the noise upstairs, the mother-in-law of Mikhail Krug was the first to rise to the room where the robbers disappeared. Dmitry Veselov stunned her by hitting her with the handle of his pistol.

“And at that moment the door opens - the wife of the Circle came in. She saw that I was wearing a mask, and Veselov with a pistol. She screamed and ran down the ladder, ”said Ageev.

The robbers also ran after her. Suddenly the owner of the house came out to meet them. According to Alexander Ageev, Veselov, without hesitation, pointed the pistol at Krug, shots rang out

“We went down the ladder, he fired, and we ran,” he said.

After a severe wound in the chest, Mikhail Krug died on the way to the hospital. Members of the gang, behind whose shoulders there were already many crimes, managed to escape. Searches in hot pursuit did not bring any results. But investigators continued to work out all versions. Every acquaintance of the singer, people associated with the organization of the artist's concerts, was checked. Every inhabitant of the village was interviewed.

But only 17 years later it was possible to establish all the details of the murder. As it turned out, Ageev, together with Veselov, went to the robbery at the direction of the Tver crime boss named Lom. According to his plan, after the theft, the Circle had to turn to him for help. He would “find” the stolen things, and the singer would be obliged to him and pay part of the royalties from concerts.

Scrap was killed in 2006 during a criminal showdown. And Dmitry Veselov, the killer of Mikhail Krug, was shot by another member of the Tver Wolves gang, Alexander Osipov, who, as it turned out, knew everything and thus avenged the death of his beloved singer. In the late 1990s, in Russia it was hardly possible to meet a person who would not have heard the name of Mikhail Krug. Recognized legend of domestic chanson.

In connection with the death of the identified killer, Dmitry Veselov, the investigation put an end to the criminal case on the attempted murder of Mikhail Krug.

Several times I had to visit Tver and Vladimir: in every tavern, from every car and window, songs of Mikhail Krug were heard. It is not surprising, because Tver is his homeland, and Vladimir praised the song "" almost more than the "Golden Ring of Russia". The death of Mikhail Krug has not yet been solved and, probably, time has already passed. it is not known for certain, although there is talk that the killers were punished by his friends from criminal circles. Let's talk about the work of Mikhail, as well as his iconic acquaintances.

Classic thieves' songs are considered "Murka" and something of the same ancient type. However, now in the prison circle, first of all, they sing Krug and his namesake Tanic in the person of the group "Lesopoval". There are two songs of the Circle - "Golden Domes" and "Vladimirsky Central". Domes are an essential part of iconic prison tattoos. Their number on the body is equal to the number of "walkers" of the urka (sometimes - years of imprisonment). “Only they are blue! And not a speck of gold ... ”Yes, in contrast to the salon, it has a pronounced light blue color. Indeed, in its creative production, ink and or burnt rubber from the heel are used. This is how such a specific color turns out, especially over time.

I remember another, or rather in the St. Petersburg colony No. 6, in Obukhovo, a festive concert took place. The relatives and wives of the convicts were invited. They sang for them. In fact, there weren't many blatnyak. Vysotsky, even romances. "Domes" were performed for dessert. The young convict sang them very well. I noticed that I liked not only people in robes, but also people in uniform. It is no coincidence that the singer and the song were asked for an encore.

Was Mikhail Krug sitting in the zone

Mikhail Krug himself never sat. But he knew this topic very well. So "Kupola", according to the people who knew him closely, is a favorite. "I would have waved a glass now if they had put it down." This is also about the Circle. In the last years before his death, he worked like a squirrel running on a wheel. I can't breathe. Popularity took away almost all of his personal life. I couldn't even get a drink. Due to the tight concert schedule, the Circle group had a dry law for three years. Most likely, popularity has robbed the Circle, among other things, of life. He caused black envy.

The second super hit - "Vladimirsky Central" - Mikhail Krug shone specifically on the thief in law (North). This is a very curious lawyer, the last of the Mohicans "of the true thieves' suit. Alexander Severov (if according to his passport) spent 29 years behind bars (according to other sources - 20). These years consisted of eight convictions for hooliganism,
theft, robbery, possession and narcotic drugs.

Circle and friend North

Both Severov and Krug lived in Tver. In the early 90s, the North was appointed to look after Tver, and soon after that he was put in the famous "Vladimirsky Central", famous for its strict order.

Trying to force the thief to obey the prison rules, the administration for some violation placed him in the coldest cell, but they failed to break Sasha Severa (he allegedly admitted that he probably set a world record for push-ups for sugrev). Subsequently, he told about his stay in the Central to the singer Mikhail Krut, who wrote about this the famous song "Vladimir Central, the North Wind ...".

In the original, the song sounded a little different - "Vladimirsky Central, Sasha Severny", but Alexander Severov, for some reason, forbade the singer to mention his name in the song. Either he did not want national glory, or something else. In any case, the fact that he is the main lyrical hero of the song quickly became the "secret of the Open".

According to another version, set forth in the book "The Life and Death of Mikhail Krug" by Evgeny Novikov and Galina Zhirnova, it is said that in 1995 Krug himself came to "Vladimirsky Central" to see his friend Severov on a date. And, they say, after this meeting, the song was written. Although she became known only in 1998 (she was released in the album "Madame"). At the funeral of Mikhail Krug in 2002, among other wreaths, there was a wreath "From Alexander Severov."

Mikhail Krug, of course, is a phenomenon of domestic chanson. His popularity just went through the roof. The songs are, on the one hand, simple and intelligible, on the other, very lyrical and touching. There is a basis for primordial thieves' songs - talking with the mother, bad cops, real sidekicks. Of course, there is also love.

Mikhail Vorobiev

As for the Circle as a person, Mikhail Vorobyov (real name) was born into an intelligent family. Father is an engineer, mother is an accountant. Misha himself studied poorly, he also quickly dropped out of music school. He played hockey as a goalkeeper. He learned to play the guitar at the age of 11. He sang in the style of Vysotsky. After school he served in the army, and then for ten whole years he worked as a truck driver (until 1993).

The first wife Svetlana, who is related to the music industry, convinced Mikhail to go on stage. And he wrote poetry constantly, on the table. At first, the Circle roamed around the taverns,
but there he just "rolled" his songs.

The political and social views of the Circle are curious. He was a member of the Liberal Democratic Party and an assistant to Vladimir Zhirinovsky. He was a staunch monarchist. I hated the communists and the leftist idea in general. He was an ardent homophobe (quote - "the entire Russian scene is crammed with homosexuals"), and also hated feminists. In short, a real man, the image of which he rebuilt for the stage.

According to the largest Russian collector of thieves folklore, Vladimir Okunev, Mikhail Krug in the last years of his life obviously “starred”: he already felt like a celestial, including in terms of fees. He could refuse an autograph, moreover, to fans who were waiting for him for hours.

On the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002, an attack was made on the Circle's house. Two of the hijackers shot him with two shots. And they disappeared. They have not been found so far, despite the fact that not only the police were looking for them, but also the lads. Information appeared several times that the killers had been found, however, already in the form of skeletons. However, the investigation denied this information.

As for the motives of the murder, according to law enforcement officers, it was still a banal attempt to rob a prosperous-looking country house.

Mikhail Krug (real name - Vorobyov) was born in 1962 in Tver and was brought up in a simple working-class family. Since childhood, the boy also dreamed of helping Soviet society and working as a driver. Mikhail was also fond of music from an early age and especially loved the work of Vladimir Vysotsky. The latter quickly became his idol, and the boy, imitating him, began to learn to play the guitar. During his school years, he performed both well-known songs and tried to compose his own. Additionally, Mikhail attended the accordion playing class and the choral singing section.

After graduating from school, Vorobev went to study to be a car mechanic, still cherishing the dream of getting a profession related to cars. He served in the army and then got a job as a carrier of dairy products and in 10 years rose well up the career ladder, having received a leadership position. Mikhail took his famous pseudonym in 1989. Before that, he had already won a standing ovation at various bard festivals, where he most often performed original songs on the theme of the war in Afghanistan that was relevant at that time.

It was at the end of the 1980s that Mikhail Krug's first album, Tverskiye Streets, was released. After that, he continued to release solo compositions, the recordings of which sold throughout the country like hot cakes. Soon, the Circle met with musicians from the Tver DK "Metalist", and together they formed the group "Hitcher". In the future, it was the "metalworkers" who helped the chansonnier in recording his songs and holding concerts. In 1994, the official record of Mikhail Krug "Zhigan-Lemon" was recorded, and the audience fell in love with his exotic "thieves' romance". The most famous song of the musician "Vladimirsky Central" was released as part of the album "Madame", which was released in 1998.

In total, during his life, Mikhail Krug has released more than ten albums, the last of which, "Confession", was released after the death of the artist. In his work, his relatives actively supported him. In 1987, Krug first married a woman named Svetlana, and soon they had a son, Dmitry. And yet the couple divorced, and in 2000 the singer married the costume designer of his band Irina Glazko. They had a son, Alexander.

Death of Mikhail Krug

On July 1, 2002, masked men burst into the private house of Mikhail Krug and his family. They beat the musician's mother-in-law, and then fired several pistol shots at Mikhail himself. Fortunately, his wife and children were not injured in the attack. Mikhail found the strength to get to the next house and call an ambulance. He was taken to the hospital, where surgeons fought all night for the bard's life, but the injuries were too serious, and in the morning he died.

The death of their beloved artist shocked the inhabitants of Russia, who came in droves to the Tver Drama Theater, where the requiem was being held. People accompanied the funeral cortege to the very Dmitrovo-Cherkassky cemetery, where Mikhail Krug found his last refuge. At the same time, an investigation began on the criminal case initiated for the murder, which lasted more than ten years.

The criminals were identified in 2008: they were members of the Tver Wolves criminal group, Alexander Ageev and Dmitry Veselov, the last of whom was already dead by that time. Ageev was sentenced to life imprisonment on the basis of a set of previously committed crimes. Mikhail Krug became a victim of rackeriters, refusing to pay them a large part of his patronage fee. Today, fans of the chansonnier continue to remember and listen to him, and the loving widow Irina Krug performs bardic compositions in memory of her husband.