Ballerina Volochkova and plastic: what the beauty actually changed in herself. The swollen Volochkova with a red face was sent to a narcologist. Apparently, the change of the eyebrow tattoo artist turned out to be an unsuccessful decision ...

Ballerina Volochkova and plastic: what the beauty actually changed in herself.  The swollen Volochkova with a red face was sent to a narcologist. Apparently, the change of the eyebrow tattoo artist turned out to be an unsuccessful decision ...
Ballerina Volochkova and plastic: what the beauty actually changed in herself. The swollen Volochkova with a red face was sent to a narcologist. Apparently, the change of the eyebrow tattoo artist turned out to be an unsuccessful decision ...

Today, when many stars of show business who are 40+ are told - “time has no power over them” or “they know the secret of eternal youth”, 42-year-old ballerina Anastasia Volochkova is completely unlucky. Alas, she hears only criticism about her appearance, and rightly so!

It would seem that if you spend most of your life in training and rehearsals, sit on strict diets (ballet, after all!), Love the bathhouse and have the opportunity to use the best cosmetics, then in your hands it is not just to turn back the clock, but to be an example for everyone others ...

But, apparently, something went wrong ...

And if you also remember that the same age as Volochkova, "young" Tina Kandelaki and gorgeous Yana Rudkovskaya (they are 43 years old), one of these days will hit fifty dollars to the charming Svetlana Bondarchuk, and the 72nd year has gone forever young Sofia Rotaru, then it becomes scary how the Russian ballerina will look like this in 10 years!

1. Mid 90s. This is just the beginning…

2. Photos from which it is impossible to look away!

3.12001 Love for pink eyeshadow and pink lipstick!

5. It is good that there are still pictures, otherwise we would not have believed that a ballerina once looked like this ...

6. Calm down - this is stage make-up!

7. In 2003, the irreparable happened - Anastasia Volochkova got her eyebrows tattooed!

8. Although, let's be honest - she is a hostage of the profession, and the catchy makeup was to her face!

9. But why did she stop washing her hair at all?

10. It seems that stage make-up began to "move" into ordinary life ...

11. So what if I didn't have time to wash my head. But the chignon hitched!

12. Apparently, changing the eyebrow tattoo artist turned out to be a bad decision ...

13. 2008 year. But Nastya was only 32!

14. It seems that she has already crossed the point of no return ...

15. 10 years ago, Anastasia was mocked by her eyebrows. Well, today -. By the way, have you seen them?

16. Over time, a complete lack of a sense of taste and style was added to the inept makeup of the ballerina ...

17. Effect (or not effect?) Of dirty hair - favorite hairstyle!

18. Overweight does not paint a ballerina ...

19. Who can tell - Anastasia Volochkova in the image for the sake of performance or is it her everyday life?

22. By the way, she announced that Anastasia went to hair extensions on Instagram!

23. And under this post, subscribers called the 42-year-old ballerina a grandmother!

24. We were not ready for such a photo ...

25. They say the truth, beauty is a terrible force!

Anastasia does not need any special introduction. Her pictures have appeared on the covers more than once. We have selected photographs that mainly relate to the “pre-secular” period of the ballerina's life.

Anastasia does not need any special introduction. Her pictures - her signature sleek hairstyle, a three-quarter turn of her head - have appeared on the covers more than once. We have selected photographs that mainly relate to the “pre-secular” period of the ballerina's life.

In the heart of Anastasia there was always one, but a fiery passion - she dreamed of a ballet stage. Despite the fact that the teachers unanimously insisted that nothing would work for her, the girl stubbornly walked towards her goal. The main milestones of this path can be traced from the photographs from the personal archive. On them, together with Nastya, the teachers from whom she took an example - the legendary personalities of the Russian ballet Andris Liepa, Maya Plisetskaya. Early photos helped to find out who was Volochkova's first love, and also shed light on the relationship of people close to her.

I am with my dad Yuri Fedorovich. He is an athlete, champion of the USSR in table tennis, coached children. In general, dad was a busy man. When he picked me up from kindergarten and we went for a walk together, it was like a holiday for me every time. Dad has always been an authority for me. From him I inherited resilience, willpower, the ability to withstand difficulties. We specially took this photo in a photo studio. I've been here for about five years. By the way, I don't like to be photographed, but I like to look at my successful pictures.

- Dad takes my mom and me from the hospital. I was born in St. Petersburg, in a maternity hospital on Tchaikovsky Street. Unfortunately, I don't know his number. Mom told me that it was a bright sunny morning and I was literally born in a shirt (obstetricians know what it is). It means I'll be happy. Mom always dreamed of a daughter and even in advance thought of a name for me Nastenka - in honor of the main character of the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower".

- It's 2002, I'm in Vienna, wearing a dress from Yves Saint Laurent. It is one of my favorites, I still keep it. After touring the UK, I got an engagement with the English National Ballet and lived in London for a year and a half. There I had a fan, wonderful romantic encounters ... In general, I remember this period of my life as one of the happiest. From London I have traveled all over the world. It was a good time.

- I, my mother, ex-husband Igor and daughter Arish are resting in the Maldives, wincing from the sun. We went on vacation all together this year. It is interesting that earlier my mother had a rather difficult relationship with Igor, she did not accept him in any way. But after our parting, she began to treat him much warmer. Now they are inseparable.

- My beloved Arisha riding a pony. The photo was taken in Bitsevsky Park - there is an equestrian center there. Here my daughter is three years old, this is one of her first trips. Now she is already learning to ride even on big horses and is not at all afraid! Igor was the initiator of his daughter's introduction to horse riding. He recently bought himself a horse, his name is Zholtik. And now Igor and Arisha ride together on weekends.

- This is a ballet school. I am with my teacher Natalia Mikhailovna Dudinskaya. Natalya Mikhailovna is a legendary person. She was the wife of the artistic director of the Vaganova Ballet Academy, Konstantin Sergeev, and had the right to choose her best students. I am proud that she took me to her class and did everything to make me a professional. It was Natalya Mikhailovna who brought me onto the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. And the fact that I was accepted into the troupe a year before graduation from the ballet school says a lot.

- And this is Nina Zubkovskaya, a teacher at the Mariinsky Theater. A wonderful person, my friend and patron. A talented ballerina with excellent manners and an unusually beautiful woman! Until her last days (she was seventy-eight years old when she died), she came to the hall with ballet hair, makeup, high heels. Looking at her, I wanted to "spread my wings and fly." She supported me in difficult moments when I was survived from the Bolshoi Theater. She helped me a lot with the creation of programs for the tour in London. By the way, please note: I'm a brunette in this photo. My real hair color is dark blond. But, it seems to me, light shades suit me much more.

- Legendary Plisetskaya! I became the first Russian ballerina to whom Maya Mikhailovna gave her blessing to dance the part of Carmen, in which she once shone. And she personally rehearsed this ballet with me at the Bolshoi Theater. Do you see Maya Mikhailovna put her hand on my shoulder? It shows how proud the heroine should look at Jose. At rehearsals, Plisetskaya always came in high heels. And imagine: in such shoes she danced her entire part - from start to finish! No one understood how this was possible ... Maya Mikhailovna is still an ideal for me - both as a woman, as a ballerina, and as a person. This is a person who has the power of will. She had to face injustice, envy, hypocrisy on her way, but she withstood the test with dignity.

- Another legend of Russian ballet is Andris Liepa. He helped Farukh Ruzimatov and me rehearse the Swan Lake ballet. I liked dancing with Farukh - he has amazing plasticity. He was not only my partner, but also the first man I fell in love with. We were bound by sincere, tender feelings. Farukh is a man of amazing beauty. Such an open face and benevolent smile can only belong to a noble person.

- I'm in kindergarten. There is a photo of Arisha, where she looks like two drops of water like me small. You can say that my life began at the age of five: I saw The Nutcracker and fell ill with ballet. Unlike the teachers who said that I would not become a ballerina, my parents believed in me. And they did everything possible to make my dream come true. We didn't have much money, but Mom and Dad paid for private teachers and bought me pointe shoes at the Mariinsky Theater.

- Thailand. We are celebrating our wedding with Igor for the third time. The first day we had in St. Petersburg, the next - in Moscow. And six months later, when we went on a romantic trip, Igor decided to surprise me. We woke up early in the morning, and he said: “Nastya, get ready. We are going by boat to the islands. " And there everything was already decorated with flowers and ribbons, they were waiting for us. A wedding ceremony according to Thai traditions was held with us. It was very beautiful.


Many fans have long noted that Anastisia Volochkova began to look older and more vulgar in the last short period of time. Rumor has it that Anastasia has problems with alcohol, although on her Instagram she testifies only to a healthy lifestyle with her posts.

Why Volochkova looks so bad: photo of Volochkova from Lena Miro

Lena Miro is a scandalous lady, she posted a terrible photo that disgraced Anastasia Volochkova. In this photo, the ballerina looks in her 40s, 50 years old. Her face and neck are swollen, her face is swollen, she looks tired and distant. Thick makeup does not hide flaws.

Lena Miro often criticizes people and writes far from flattering comments about them. In her blog, the girl also posted and signed a photo of Volochkova with offensive words. Miro said she is pissed off by those who argue with the obvious and don't do any facial treatments. Then she venomously expressed herself, hinting that Nastya Volochkova, in the past the prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater, is a miserable and backward creature. Just like that, tough and short. Although looking at this photo, Volochkova's fans are sure that this is photoshop and Lena's desire to promote herself at the expense of others. She casts doubt on the fact that Anastasia looks so awful, although the ballerina herself constantly uploads photos in the bath, demonstrates excellent stretching. And her face there is completely different, more lively and looking at her or even less age.

Why Volochkova looks so bad: the figure of the broad-shouldered ballerina has recovered

As much as the ballerina wants to look perfect, as if she does not put her legs forward, pulling, it is still clear that Anastasia Volochkova has noticeably recovered. A celebrity has a naturally imperfect figure. She is a very broad-shouldered person. In addition to natural data, constant training in the profession was added and her already very broad shoulders became even more voluminous. Apparently, especially after leaving the main stage of the theater, Volochkova abuses training for the muscles of the torso, arms and shoulders, she pumps them. This makes her figure massive and unfeminine.

And Nastya positions herself as a very feminine lady. She takes care of manicure and pedicure, wears heels. Anyway, during the height of work, touring and endless rehearsals, Anastasia Volochkova burned more calories than now. And if you look at the figure of Nastya, you can see that she has been eating well lately. Although the prima in the past shows exceptionally proper nutrition on Instagram, by her tummy, sitting next to a plate of salad in the photo, you can understand that Anastasia eats not only what she is positioning.

Why Volochkova looks so bad: what care products and diets she uses

In her interview for Komsomolskaya Pravda, the ballet star shared her secret. It turns out that she uses only rubbing with salt and honey as a care in the bath, and also washes herself with water, where a broom for the bath was insisted. And that's all, no creams or wrinkles. The breakfast diet always consists of coffee and eggs. The main secret of Anastasia Volochkova is to lose extra pounds, it's just nothing. This is very silly and typical sounds and she advises never to repeat it. The maximum that she allows herself on diet days is boiled meat, fish without salt, eggs and cucumbers. Volochkova began to look much worse immediately after leaving the ballet, and after all, everyone adored her before.

The name of Anastasia Yuryevna Volochkova has become famous for a long time, many have heard about the merits of the ballerina and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Her career began back in 1994, and she is still famous for her performances to this day. Anastasia Volochkova is a very multifaceted personality, in addition to ballet, she is engaged in music, acting and tries herself in the role of a model.

The future ballerina grew up in the family of a table tennis coach. Seeing the Nutcracker ballet at the age of 5, I decided to become a ballerina. At first, the girl was told that she had no data and talent, but the stubborn Nastya achieved her goal.

The most important career stage of the ballerina was performances at the Mariinsky at the Bolshoi Theaters. She was the main heroine of the production "Swan Lake" in 1994, performed the Swan Princess. Then Anastasia gradually began to play more than one major role ("Kosar", "Giselle", "The Firebird", "Raymonda" 1998).

Already in 2000, Nastya received the title of the most talented ballerina in Europe and took the desired Golden Lion in her hands.

In 2001, Volochkova played the role of Carmen. Then, the famous ballerina, performed in London several times and received awards. In 2007-2009, Nastya participated in the Russian television project "Ice Age". The achievement of 2011 is the opening of the Moscow children's creative center A.Yu. Volochkova.

Volochkova before and after plastic surgery

Anastasia is getting prettier over the years, it seems that the celebrity is not aging at all. Did the girl have plastic surgery? According to Nastya:

“I am against such procedures, they only have the opposite effect and spoil the woman's face. And mesotherapy and botex harm not only health, but also life. "

The ballerina says:

“I pay great attention to my appearance. Sport gives me youth and thanks to an active lifestyle, I am always at my best ”.

But, comparing the old photos of Volochkova and the current ones, it is very noticeable that the breast has increased by three sizes.

Anastasia repeats with confidence that sports and hormones have done their part.

Another photo of young Anastasia in her youth before plastic surgery:

Personal life

According to rumors, a young ballerina in 2000 fell in love with Suleiman Kerimov. The relationship lasted two years, and then ended in parting.

As Nastya says: "The discontent of the relatives has borne fruit." After parting, the ballerina began to have big problems in the theater, according to rumors it was the revenge of her former lover.

In 2005, Volochkova gave birth to Ariadne from Igor Vdovin. And in 2007 he became the husband of a spectacular girl. The couple did not live long, only a year. Separated due to different religious views. And the ex-husband's yoga classes also interfered with the couple.

In 2011, the ballerina decided to take part in the show "Let's Get Married", but nothing came of it.

After a two-year hiatus, the actress, at the beginning of 2013, met businessman Bakhtiyar Salimov. The romance was not long-term, only 9 months, and the couple broke off relations.

In 2013, scandalous photos of the star with Nikolai Baskov were published in the press.

There were rumors that the star couple had an affair, but Anastasia denied this information.

For this period of time, the celebrity is hiding his personal relationship. What can not be said about her frank,

Now Anastasia Volochkova is associated by the public with anything, but not with serious classical ballet. the site decided to remember how the star looked at the beginning of her stage career. And the beginning, by the way, was brilliant.

Now the rare news related to Anastasia Volochkova can be read without an ironic smile. And outwardly, she is so different from her colleagues that it becomes more and more difficult for journalists to call this stately dancer a "ballerina" every year. But if you look back, you can find that Volochkova was one of the brightest (in a good way) about the end of the 90s of the last century and the beginning of the “noughties”.

The teachers of the St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet, where the future star first stood on pointe shoes, predicted a great and truly brilliant future for the talented student. Even the great Maya Plisetskaya appreciated the girl's talent then.

Therefore, it is not surprising that immediately in her sophomore year, Nastya got into the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater, and immediately took the position of the leading ballerina and performed the main roles in such productions as Giselle, Raymonda and The Firebird.

In 1998, choreographer Vladimir Vasiliev invited 22-year-old Anastasia Volochkova to the Bolshoi Theater to dance the Swan Princess in his new production of Swan Lake. Yuri Grigorovich himself believed in the blonde Petersburg woman, who approved her for the leading roles in The Sleeping Beauty and La Bayadere. And four years later, Anastasia, already in the status of the prima of the country's main theater, was awarded the prestigious international prize in the field of ballet Benois de la Danse.

In parallel with work at the Bolshoi, the star also begins a solo career. However, at that time even the incipient conflict with the leadership seemed to Volochkova something frivolous - she was applauded in Paris and London, and the choreographer Derek Dean from the English National Ballet, especially for the Russian star, composes a new image of Fairy Carabosse from the ballet The Sleeping Beauty.

Also Anastasia Volochkova was the face of the Chopard jewelry brand.

Moreover, participants in the Forbes rating, including Sergei Polonsky, Vyacheslav Leibman and Suleiman Kerimov, with whom she met (despite the fact that the billionaire, of course, was married), are lining up for a kiss from the Bolshoi prima for 2.5 years. Later, Volochkova connected her dismissal from Bolshoi with Kerimov's personal revenge. But the ex-director of the theater, Anatoly Iskanov, argued that the whole thing is in the changed dimensions of the artist - in his opinion, it is unforgivable for the ballerina to recover, and she often began to prefer numerous social events and talk shows to rehearsals, where the girl was regularly invited.