Gillian Anderson: Tom Chemistry, which arose with David, it was impossible to resist. Gillian Anderson and David Spiritual about "Secret Materials

Gillian Anderson: Tom Chemistry, which arose with David, it was impossible to resist. Gillian Anderson and David Spiritual about
Gillian Anderson: Tom Chemistry, which arose with David, it was impossible to resist. Gillian Anderson and David Spiritual about "Secret Materials

SUV Gillian cheerfully rolled according to Wiltshire County Valley in the direction of Little Bedouin village. She returned to his vacation home From Northern Ireland - from the filming of the second season of the series "Krah", where the largest scully role is played from the time of agent. And again - a detective woman, you will not leave destiny. Having moved to England, American Gillian and could not think that in the end it would settle next to one of the most mystical seats On Earth - Stonehenge. Well, where else could it be reached?

Hair did not comb 4 years

Gillian never fifth to Los Angeles and Hollywood especially warm feelings. She started acting career on the theatrical scene New York, who liked it much more. "But I managed to love the guy who lived in Los Angeles," Gillian laughed a lot later. "I went to visit him and stayed, passed the return ticket. That's how I turned out to be there at the time of casting" secret materials ".

On the view, she declared in the whole black: jeans and a baggy sweater. On the head - damn what! Long confused hair was painted with white, red and brown feathers. What else would expect from a girl living like punk?! "I did not comb your hair for four years," Gillian was sincerely admitted. Years later, the creator of the series Chris Carter admits that she made an indelible impression that was aggravated by an amazing ability to conduct a polite conversation using abnormative vocabulary. The producers who were looking for on the main female role Beauty, Anderson wrapped immediately, since Gillian categorically did not comply with the stated requirements. But Chris Carter brought the argument that convinced them to take a chance: he just announced that he would leave the project if the producers denied. And they immediately agreed, under one condition: Gillian must be adjusted under their expectations. About what happened next, the actress still remembers the shudder. "First of all, they cut my hair," she says. "- Looking at yourself in the mirror, I was horrified! God right, I looked like my mother! It should be noted that I never did hairstyles and twigs, so, damn, I do not I understood what to do with the damned straight hair. I could not find myself places, I infoved that they were too clean and cleaned, they move at any movement! ".

Broken, spiritual ...

Shortly after moving to Vancouver, where the shooting of "secret materials" began, the actress rose stormy Roman With decorator Clyde Clold. The novel service, which both of his feasurae preferred to keep secret. The partner of Gillian on the TV series David Davitova initially tried to take adoption after her, but he was unexpectedly resolute. David, who heard the broken down women's Hearts, this breakfast seriously hooked. As a result, once, Anderson heard the spiritual phrase that did not intended for her ears: "On whit, the hell was taken by this low-frequency and not a sexy doll, live mannequin ..." The reason for his failure David understood quite soon: after three more than a month after dating Gillian and Clyde got married in Hawaii. And, if you believe Anderson, the child was conceived in the first wedding night. "I worked until the last week of pregnancy and had to return to the platform ten days after childbirth," the actress recalled. - Nobody expected me to do. cesarean section, Recovery after which takes more time. The first series after the return was made without much effort, I only needed to lie in the bed in the bed. And in the second one with Mulder, I was already running and jumped, and it was very hard, emotionally and physically. I shed a lot of invisible to the world of tears. "

Gillian had to wait a long time before she was able to become a mother again. During the long novel and a short marriage with the documentary, Jullian Ozane, for which she moved to London, - the actress was waiting for a child twice. Once the miscarriage happened once, another pregnancy was ectoped, and she had to interrupt it. The dream was carried out only with the appearance of the Griffiths brand in her life, for which the actress is not too beautiful way - Already being pregnant from the lover - left the second husband.


Castled in Italy with the Russian oligarch

Recently, Gillian has surprised unexpectedly close friend In the face ... Partner of "Secret Materials" David Gukhovani. No one of the fans of the series is no secret that in the process of shooting two stars, to put it mildly, did not get laid and drove a lot of blood. But after seven years, who passed after the release of the second full-length film Based on "secret materials", met as relatives. Moreover, in the future, the third film originated, over the scenario of which the Creator of "Secret Materials" is now working. "In a sense, we are relatives," says Gillian. "For many years, we spent more time with each other than those who loved. Such an instinctive understanding and that I didn't feel sin, I didn't feel more sexual chemistry anymore. With whom from partners. And nothing - even we ourselves - could not interfere with this. "

Gillian and David began to spend a lot of time together and do what they never allowed themselves in the process of work on "secret materials". Namely - to nevent in public. On the kingdom of fans of "secret materials" in San Diego on the occasion of the anniversary of the spiritual series did not release a partner from the hands for a second, pressed to his chest, kissed into a cheek or hair. But, as in the case of "secret materials", the question was whether something between them or not, and remained behind the scenes.

In December last year, a trip actress in Florence with businessman Evgeny Lebedev, son russian oligarch, gave birth to many headlines. The pair stopped in a chic hotel in the city center and enthusiastically examined the sights in the atmosphere of warm familiarity, characteristic of lovers. But no other traces of the novel reporters could not be found. The actress from comments abstained. Must be in a woman some kind of riddle, isn't it?


Dzhillian Lee Anderson was born on August 9, 1968 in Chicago (USA). At school participated in theatrical productionsAt 22, he moved to New York, where he worked as a waitress. Having moved to Los Angeles, received a role in the series "Class-96", after which it was interested in working on the creation of "secret materials" Chris Carter. Most famous films: "Giant", " The last king Scotland "," Agent Johnny Inglish: reboot ". Gillian had two husbands -

artist-director of Clyde Collots and Director-Documental Council Jullian Oreyne. In the first marriage Gillian in 1994 gave birth to a daughter Piper Maru. In marriage with civil husband Mark Griffiths, sons appeared to the world - Oscar (2006) and Felix (2008).

The stars have developed such that Mulder and Scully returned to television, in the series about the conspiracy of aliens and inexplicable. Do you think this is a coincidence?

Yes, contrary to all expectations (and even some concerns), Gillian Anderson and David Gukhovany returned to the "secret materials" on six episodes. A small amount of The series convinced Mulder and Scully to sign a contract. "The number of episodes had probably the biggest impact on my final decision"," Said Anderson about returning to the series "E.! NEWS.»On the set in Canadian Vancouver.« To me it was not interesting. What we then did for television in former times was a huge volume ... I think that the biggest, we shot 24 series, but if we continued too, I would lie in the grave. My brain embraced the idea of \u200b\u200bhow this could exist on television then, and how did I stand it? In addition, I worked a lot on television and did not want to start another television project. "
Anderson said that in his work she follows the balance between films and the theater, in addition to his work in the Drama of the Air Force "Krah". But the spiritual also plays a major role. "And David also said:" But it can be funny! "" (Laughs) Returning to the roles requires a little more than just sign the contract and put on a wig. Anderson had to overcome some obstacles to become a special agent of Dana Scully again. "I think that there (knives) you need more than I can afford now from what I did then ... Probably, I thought it would be easier, but ... suddenly I realized that I successfully pushed this role so far in my Head to do something else that returning to her again with that ... whatever it was, it allowed me to become it again. "
However, the spiritual said that he "did not feel great difficulties." "Maybe a little bit. It turned out to be very familiar when I started working with Gillian and come to the shooting platform. You know, the first couple of days. This guy is extremely talkative, he has a lot of technical vocabulary, "he said. - "If not to do it calmly, then nothing will work. I needed only a couple of days to enter the rhythm. "

Working with Anderson is what the spiritual did almost 23 years ago. Two actors met before the series began to shoot. "We met on listening to the company. It was the first time I met her, and we just began to read the text together ... I think that there were three or four women on listening - for some reason we were divided into pairs and just began to read the text with each other. Like this. Then everything was in the hands of Fox, in fact, whom to choose, "said the spiritualE.! NEWS." Anderson said she remembers exactly how they met, even the fact that she disappointed David. "I remember how he was sitting in the corridor, I spoke to him. He was very disappointed. He asked: "Where are you from?" And I replied: "From New York," because I lived there a year, but he myself from New York, so he clarified: "Where exactly?". And I answered: "For about a year I lived in Greenwich Village or something, and his disappointment was directly tangible," she said with laughter. Since that time, these two became close enough, despite some disagreements while the series was on the air. The chemistry between them two became the defining aspect of the "secret materials". Beling Mulder and skeptical Scully are connected together by their desire to find the truth and faith in each other. Fox angry fans when it turned out that Mulder and Scully are no longer a couple. Attention to such aspects, it seems, does not hurt the spiritual.« it at all not placed w. me in head. We just play the role as good as we can. Since I do not write scripts, I somehow are not interested in similar things. I think that the less I will interfere in all this outside our manufacturing process, the better my work will be, "he said about the new dynamics between Mulder and Scully.« For me so simply it is better. I always so delal. I did not become an actor, trying to listen to 5 million people. " Anderson acknowledged that she heard the disgruntled burrock that the status of their heroes had changed. "Although I knew that they were devoted and passionate, I'm still sometimes shocked by this," she said about fans. The new dynamics was almost necessary to serial to continue. "A part of what fascinates in a pair is the fact that they are against each other (laughs), at the same time they are for each other," she said. "For a scenario, it is too homely to settle them to live in the same house, and that they return home after work in one house, after the whole day is engaged in" secret materials ". After all, the dynamics turns out more intriguing and interesting if we may be in love and there is this spark, this question mark. " Perhaps while they broke up, but it is impossible to lose hope. "I think that at the end, I think that at the very end they should certainly be together, but this is a long way," Anderson said.
But is it the end? At the end of the 6th serial season - is it for goodbye or goodbye?
"I don't know, I learned not to say goodbye at this moment," said the Spiritual. Will it be a suitable end?« Well, and yes, and not. While you do not die, it will never be a suitable end. And I do not think I'm still dying, although we'll see. You can always make edits, "he jokes.
During the interview, Anderson said she did not read the final (we were on the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe fifth series of six), but said: "From what I hear is a good start (laughs), which, I think, at the end to become a good end. Know, if a interrogative sign such large…»

"Secret Materials" are returned with a 6-serial new season, the premiere of which will take place on Sunday on January 24 at 22:00, the next series will be on Monday on January 25 at 20:00 on Fox. Return to "E.! Online"Again, to learn more in the return of" secret materials "from David Gukhovanny and Gillian Anderson.

Quickly and what is called, no noise and dust filmed six episodes of new "secret materials". In January 2015, it became known about the plans of the American channel FOX to reanimate the cult series of the 90s. And so on the nose of the premiere. Where the shooting was taken, why Gillian Anderson was forced to wear a wig who appears as invited stars and other interesting details of the work on new "secret materials" - in our review.

The last official joint appearance of Gillian Anderson and David spiritual in the status of major roles in " Secret Materials"It took place in 2008. The actors arrived at the premiere of the full-length film "Secret Materials: I want to believe" in London. Gillian Anderson was then 39, and she waited for a third child. David the spiritual was 48, and he still wore a strange hairstyle.

David spiritual and Gillian Anderson at the premiere of the full-length film "Secret materials: I want to believe" in London in 2008

Since then, a lot of water has flowed. David Gukhovanov turned into Hank Moody in the "Raunt California" and became a cumier for a new generation. Last year appeared on the screens in the new series - "Aquarius". With a complete meter after the "secret materials", the actor was not very rooted, although he tried himself in him: "Family Jones" in which he played with Demi Moore; " Goats."Where it appeared with madly long beard and hair; " Phantom"About the Soviet submarine and tragic drama" louder words ".

Gillian Anderson turned to many in feminist Stella Gibson from the series "Krah". In addition, the actress received the role of Anna Pavlovna Shero in the mini-series of the BBC channel - new screenization "Wars and the world" Tolstoy. With a full meter, Anderson also did not particularly wondered: in her filmography of the "Bogi-WGOG", " Secret player », « last love Mr. Morgana», « I will track you», « Iron fight"And other unremarkable filmmakes are nothing.

In 2013, David Dukhovan and Gillian Anderson re-appeared together in the status of major roles in the "Secret Materials" - at the Comic-Con festival in San Diego, where there was a special section dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the series. The actors answered questions of fans. Then Gillian Anderson was 44 years old, David the Spiritual - 52.

Gillian Anderson and David Gukhovanie at the Comic-Con festival in San Diego in 2013

In January 2015, that is, exactly a year ago, it became known that Fox Channel will restart the "secret materials", and David spiritual and Gillian Anderson will return to the images of Mulder and Scully agents. At that time, the actors were 54 years and 46 years, respectively. In May, during the concert David, David in support of his new Hell or Highwater album could be appreciated the whole degree of warmth of Mulder's feelings and Scully to each other.

Kiss Gillian Anderson and David spiritual on the stage The Cutting Room in New York in May 2015

June 9, 2015 it happened: the shooting of the 10th selence "secret materials" started in Vancouver. Gillian Anderson published a photograph of two nominal chairs in his microblog, signed by the words "So, we start ...":

Look at Gillian Anderson and David spiritual in the photo from the set - here with such joyful persons, they returned to the images of Scully and Mulder glorified. In the first season there are six episodes. Whether the second will be the question. Will the righteous anger will cause new "secret materials" from the old fans? Judging by the serene persons Gillian and David, they don't think about it, or they are sure that they will not disappoint.

Gillian Anderson and David spiritual on the set of new "secret materials" in Vancouver

David spiritual I. Gillian Anderson Rada meet with each otheron the set of new "secret materials"

Journalists have noted that the 46-year-old Gillian Anderson on the set of new "secret materials" wears a wig. In an interview with ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY, the actress told why. "My hair began to fall out last year," Gillian Anderson admitted, whose hair was survived far from one change color and hairstyle for the role in the series "Crash". - The shooting of "collapse" was in full swing when the stylists were forced to stop using hot tongs, because my hair literally remained in their hands. "

Gillian Anderson and David spiritual on the cover of the July issue of the ENTERTINMENT WEEKLY edition

"Therefore, yes, unfortunately, on me during filming in new" secret materials "a wig. Oh God, it's how to wear vice on your head! " - added in an interview with the actress.

New "Secret Materials" in Vancouver in June 2015

Invited stars in new "secret materials" will be the 27-year-old Robbie Amelle and 37-year-old Lauren Emblez. They will play Agents Miller and Einstein in one of the episodes.

David spiritual on the set

Gillian Anderson on the set New "Secret Materials" in Vancouver in September 2015

Already in October 2015, the premiere of the first episode of new "secret materials" took place at the Comic-Con festival in New York. David Gukhovani with colleagues on the Mitch's film crelers, who played Walter Skinner, and Kumale Nanjiani, who performed the role of Pasha.

David spiritual and Mitch Pillage at Comic-Con Festival in New York in October 2015

David Spiritual and Kumel Nanjiani at Comic-Con Festival in New York in October 2015

Finally, on January 12, the premiere of new "secret materials" took place in Los Angeles. 47-year-old Gillian Anderson and the 55-year-old David Gukhovani appeared on a red carpet in all its glory. The company's major roles were the invited stars of the Robbie Amelle and Lauren Emblez and the creators of the series.

Gillian Anderson and David Spiritual

Robbie Amell with a bride at the premiere of new "secret materials" in Los Angeles

Chris Carter, Lauren Emblez, Gillian Anderson, David Spiritual at the premiere of new "secret materials" in Los Angeles

"We returned to make really fresh and original Material, not in order to just attract attention. We wanted to prove that the series still has the potential, "the resuscitation of" secret materials "was commented by the author of the idea and script, director and producer of the series Chris Carter..

On Sunday, on January 24, at 22:00, the premiere of new "secret materials" on the American Fox Channel will take place, and a couple of days later - on Tuesday, January 26, at 20:20 - on the Russian TV channel TV-3.

David spiritual and Gillian Anderson in Pasadena during a progress in support of the release of new "Secret Materials"

On the eve of his speech on New York Comic-Con, Gillian Anderson and David Gukhovan found time to answer the questions of their fans on the Reddit website.

Is there news about the third film on The X Files ("Secret Materials")?

David Spiritual: As far as I know, Chris Carter is working on a script. IN currently He is engaged in filming a pilot series of one of the serials. But he assured that it works on the continuation scenario. If Chris continues to write, and Fox Studio is of interest ... Gillian is ready, I am also ready, and therefore start signing petitions. Seriously. We are all ready to return. But to solve Fox. Not Mulder, and Studios.

Do you believe in the aliens?

Gillian Anderson: I would not surprise their existence. The universe is more than it seems.

David Spiritual: In the Middle Ages, the expression "ship of fools" was popular. Then they took everyone crazy and sent them on a boat into the open sea. All "stolen" always say that they drilled their teeth, or aliens made things worse. So my theory is that some alien civilization planted in such a "ship of fools" of his dentists and proctologists, sending them to swimming through the universe. When they kidnap people, they know exactly what to do with them.

Who became your favorite monster in the series?

David Spiritual: My beloved was a worm-worm. His played Darin Morgan, one of the best of our scenarios. He was in a suit, and I was not familiar with him before. And on the set, we also did not meet face to face. There was a very complex makeup. A couple of months later I had to fly from Vancouver to Los Angeles. Some guy hooked to me and began to bear nonsense. And I think that I may have to spend three more hours in his company. I was in despair, and he handed me a book with the words "Do not sign my Nemesis?". I did not understand what he meant, while this guy did not say that he was Darin Morgan, a worker man.

Gillian Anderson: My favorite is Tums in the execution of Dag Hatch. When we worked on the episode, I turned 25 years old. Doug said he had a gift for me. But for this you need to go to my room at the hotel. And I refused. And good, that refused.

David Spiritual: I suggested the same thing, and I had no birthday!

Would your children watched "secret materials"?

David Spiritual: My son looked a couple of episodes a few years ago. They frightened him great ... I think that it is always strange to look at your parents on the screen. My son does not even like to play Pinball on "secret materials".

Gillian Anderson: My daughter asked to find a DVD with the series ... We looked at a few episodes together. It was a few years ago. And then I realized that the moment would come when my sons also learn about this show. Now they, respectively, seven and five. It will be fun to watch the series and with them.

Were there such stories in the scenarios that made you stop and ask: "Are you serious?"

David Spiritual: We had a series "Teso Dos Bichos". There were killer cats.

Gillian Anderson: In this episode, there was a scene where Scully was attacked by a cat. There was a scarecrow on a stick, who had arms and legs. And I have allergies to cats, so they used the skin of the rabbit. Her hair was constantly poured and picked up to my lipstick. I could not hold back laughter. And it stretched to endless duplicas. Or I could not restrain, or they had to renew my lips to me.

0 October 17, 2012, 15:58

David Spiritual and Gillian Anderson

Gossip about the novel of the actors for those 20 years, that they are familiar, arose more than once, but official confirmations that they are binding to something more than just friendship has never been. Fans "" sadly sighed, and the heroes of the reports themselves preferred not to spread about themselves and demonstrated happiness in relations with other people.

However, recently gossipped with a new force: it was reported that David and Gillian were found long ago and even gathered. Anderson threw her civil husbandAnd the spiritual was divorced with his wife, so I did not bother anything in love.

They registered a marriage two years ago in Vancouver. But it was a mystery for seven seals.

Obviously, the secret will remain: no confirmation of this sensational statement No - not a single photo in two years! True, the actors with angry refutations do not speak too: the question about the wedding David replied only "no comments." And the press believes that this is not a categorical "no".

Gillian Anderson and David spiritual: husband and wife?

So was the wedding or not? If so, it turns out that the lovers appeared before the altar at the end of 2009, immediately after the spiritual divorced with Tea Leoni. It is logical to assume that, in fact, the divorce was the consequence of the novel with Gillian. Maybe therefore the actors and hid their connection to Anderson do not have to perform in the role of delight?

On the other hand, in 2009, the actress itself was not free, and nothing spoke about the disagreements with the boyfriend Mark Griffiths. Moreover, a year before that, Gillian gave birth to a brand of the second child, and the couple seemed to be in the seventh heaven from happiness.

And again one "BUT": it was at that time on the screens a film "Secret materials: I want to believe," Gillian with David spent a lot of time together in a promotional tour. Maybe then a passion broke out between old friends?