Cealous construction: Why the Russian oligarchs "picked up" on vegetables. Ministry of Agriculture will no longer subsidize greenhouse projects

Cealous construction: Why the Russian oligarchs "picked up" on vegetables. Ministry of Agriculture will no longer subsidize greenhouse projects

At the end of 2018, it was announced that, starting in 2019, the state will not reimburse the cost of building new greenhouse complexes. But still, at a meeting of the Commission on the selection of investment projects, held in mid-December, subsidies were approved in the direction of "greenhouse complexes" in the amount of more than 7 billion rubles. How to survive to those projects, who did not have enough money?
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, by September 2018, Russian agrarians were collected 692.8 thousand tons of greenhouse vegetables, which is 20.4% higher than the same period of 2017 (575.3 thousand tons).
In total, the amount of harvest of vegetables of protected soil collected by Russian agrarians in 2017 exceeded 920 thousand tons. So the forecast of the Ministry of Agriculture for 2018-2019 is about and 1.3 million tons looks quite achievable. According to him, by 2024, Russia may increase the commercial production of greenhouse vegetables up to 2 million tons.
Risk-margin production
Of course, if the growth rates of the areas allocated for greenhouse cultures are on average 15% increase in the year, 1- will persist. First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Dzhambula Hatuov, who spoke at the investment forum "Greenhouse complexes of Russia", voiced quite optimistic figures: the total area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouses, according to the results of 2018, will exceed 2.5 thousand hectares, which is 10% more than in the past year.
Greenhouse production is called investment-attractive and profitable margin - the shortage of non-seasonal vegetables and greenery affects. Thus, according to the "growth technologies", 880-900 thousand tons of domestic greenhouse vegetables should be grown to satisfy the existing demand.
However, in 2018 there were changes in the Unified Subsidy Program - from 20 to 10%, compensation of material costs (CAPEX) were reduced. In 2019, in the direction of "greenhouse complexes", the amount of subsidies will amount to more than 7 billion rubles, while the estimated cost of projects is 76.5 billion rubles. Earlier, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Elena Fastova reported that in 2019 "Caps" in this area will be canceled. What will wait for the greenhouse in 2020 - it is unknown, but it is clear that the production has paid off and make a profit, it is necessary to minimize the risks already at the project stage.
How to stay afloat
According to the estimates of the "INTERAGRO" specialists, the payback period of greenhouse farms under state support - 7-8 years. In a situation where the owners of the greenhouse complexes of greenhouse complexes will not receive the subsidies to which they calculated, the payback period of projects will be projected to increase to 10-12 years. To reduce the payback period of the agrarians will have to increase the price of its products. Another way, the Inteagro experts say is to increase yields. It should be noted that the maximum yield is achieved not in the first and not in the second years - it all depends on agronomy.
With the applied technology of cultivation from the square meter, you can collect 60 kg of tomatoes per year - this is the European figure. In Russia, they are collected only 30, 40%. To reach a new yield, companies need to improve the cultivation technologies, and for this you will have to spend money on a highly qualified technological technologist. This, as well as the purchase of new high-tech equipment, which will allow processing increased volumes, are the costs that need to be considered when calculating the payback periods of the project.
"It is clear that the purchase of new equipment, the costs of agrotechnologies increase the payback period of the project," says Ekaterina Babayev, General Director of Inteagro. But the sooner the agriculture produces it, the faster the costs will pay off, will begin to make a profit, which will allow it to introduce new capacities. The reality is such that the benefits will remain in winning, which in foreseeable terms will take a large share of the market. "
Those investors who only plan to invest in the greenhouse business, the Inteagro experts advise, first of all, to study the market. According to Alexei Stolnikova, Project-manager "Inteagro", global greenhouse projects that will be launched in the next few years will be enough for the production and saturation of the market with the main types of vegetables of domestic production.
"Now there is a need for the creation of small - from 0.5 hectares - greenhouses for growing greenery. Small farms can cope with this, using a relatively inexpensive film, instead of polycarbonate and glass. "
In search of new product investors could pay attention to cultures that are practically not grown in Russia - pepper and eggplants. However, according to the expert, in the countries of the European Union, which includes, for example, Bulgaria, pepper is cheap - it will be happy to buy it. In Russia, the culture of consumption is not formed - in such quantities, as in Europe, it is simply not eaten, too expensive.
So the most important issue for the greenhouse was the market for the market.
"The investor must understand whether he is ready to wait 10 years before starting earning. During this time, other manufacturers will come to the market - competition will only increase, - Reminds Ekaterina Babayev. "In addition, if you build a modern greenhouse complex and invest in automation, you must take into account that it implies packaging, this means that you should immediately plan access to trading networks." Ekaterina Babaeva recalled that many large greenhouse projects that arose and arise in Russia today - are based precisely because of the need for large retail chains. A vivid example is a white cottage JSC, which builds greenhouses for the cultivation of salad for the Russian segment of the international fast-food network "McDonalds".

The first and foremost of the greenhouse complex was completed in the Tambov region
In the Tambov region, on the basis of JSC "Greenhouse" completed the construction of new greenhouses of the fifth generation. The first phase of the investment project on year-round production of vegetables was implemented this year.
"With the introduction of modern greenhouses with year-round growing of vegetables on an area of \u200b\u200b1.1 hectares, the company annually plans to produce 950 tons of cucumbers. Investment project worth almost 380 million rubles. It is implemented since May 2018, "the Ministry of Agriculture said.
It is noted that about 90% of investments are borrowed funds obtained within the framework of preferential lending. In new greenhouses, the harvest will be twice as high as in anthracite type greenhouses. Another issue of production is implemented in the Michurinsky district on an area of \u200b\u200b92 hectares.
The region also contains the construction of a wholesale-distribution center for storage and primary processing of fruits and vegetable products with a capacity of up to 75 thousand tons.
In Dagestan, will launch the second line of the greenhouse complex "Agromyr"
The second stage of the greenhouse complex "Agromir" will be launched in Dagestan. The company will introduce a drip irrigation system and advanced technology for growing vegetable products. The total investment in the project amounted to 700 million rubles.
"Almost all processes are automated here: the optimum temperature for tomatoes is constantly maintained, the air is regularly moistened. A Tomato Pandaroza F1 Tomato-grown in the greenhouse complex is a laureate of the "100 best goods of Russia" competition, "commented in the department.
Currently, all work has already been completed at an area of \u200b\u200b5 hectares, the seedlings are found and the territory is landscaped.
The project for the development of potato seed production is implemented in the Kaliningrad region
Manufacturers of potatoes of the Kaliningrad region are implemented on the basis of the Kalina peasant farm, the project for the development of seed production of Russian varieties of potatoes. For these purposes from the federal budget, a grant of more than 52 million rubles was allocated.
"The project involves the development of the production of high-quality seed material of potatoes, an increase in the yield of this culture, the development of a potato protection system, including phytoophulas, in the conditions of the Kaliningrad region," said the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
Refineed that researchers of the Baltic Federal University will work on the varieties. I. Kant and FGBU "All-Russian Research Institute of Potato Economy. A.G. LORAKH ".
Construction of the greenhouse complex "Renova" in Kamchatka suspended
Renova has suspended the construction of a greenhouse complex as part of Tosar "Kamchatka". According to Governor of the Kamchatka Territory, Vladimir Ilyukhina, Renova faced financial difficulties in the implementation of the project.
"The company's arrangements with the Bank at the interest rate do not allow it to go on profitability. This is one problem. And the second is a confirmation of the required volume of gas for the work of greenhouses, "Vladimir Ilyukhin explained.
Despite the fact that the required volume of gas guaranteed the boundary power, the optimal financial scheme is still not. At the moment, the company has no necessary funds with which it could enter this project. Requires the assistance of credit institutions of the Far East.
The company covers an area of \u200b\u200b15-20 hectares in the framework of Tosar "Kamchatka".
A new investment project is built in the Stavropol Territory
A new greenhouse complex for the cultivation of strawberries is built in the foothill area of \u200b\u200bthe Stavropol Territory. This is writes the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
"The project will build a new greenhouse complex for the cultivation of strawberries with a garden area of \u200b\u200b6 hectares. Planned production volume - 720 tons per year. Upon completion, 50 new high-tech jobs will be created, "said Oleg Yurchenko, Deputy Minister of Agriculture.
The project of the greenhouse complex will be ensured by creating optimal technological conditions, selection of the range of landing material, control of all cycles of production and the use of biological methods for protecting plants from pests.

State support for small businesses is considered a priority area of \u200b\u200bwork, and special programs are issued for this back since 2013. 4 large programs were developed, each of which possessed its appointment, the period of holding and purpose. For the Krasnodar Territory, subsidies were proposed in the event of the creation and development of greenhouse. To obtain cash, it was necessary to apply with certain documents to local authorities. Also, after receiving the money, they needed to spend on their intended purpose, after which they submit evidence of their targeted use.

How to get a greenhouse subsidy

This process suggests that initially an entrepreneur must build or buy a greenhouse, while maintaining the relevant payment documents, after which it can contact the local authorities for receiving funds that compensate for its costs. With you, it is necessary to have the following documents if an individual entrepreneur is drawn:

  • extract from Jerip;
  • help from the tax inspection, which suggests that the entrepreneur has no debt or postponement;
  • the number of the bank account, where, with a positive solution, the issue will be transferred to the purchase or construction of the greenhouse;
  • estimation, compiled when creating a greenhouse and during the most economic activity;
  • originals and copies of the necessary payment documents, which can be attributed to accounts or receipts, checks or other elements that prove the purchase of materials and various equipment, the greenhouse itself or items for watering;
  • if the construction was performed by hired workers, then the estimate approved by the contractor, acts of work performed and other documents should be provided;
  • the commissions of the local settlement should be examined, as a result of which the corresponding act is issued.

It should be remembered that if the entrepreneur is issued a subsidy for the construction of greenhouses or their acquisition, during the next few years he must grow exclusively agricultural products on his soils.

Subsidies for greenhouses in the Krasnodar Territory in 2019 is paid in the following sizes:

    1. 309 rub. For 1 square. m. on a greenhouse, built of glass or cellular polycarbonate, but its size should not exceed 1 hectare;
  1. 300 rub. For 1 square. m., If other materials with more affordable value are used as a covering material.

Possible difficulties

It should be noted that getting subsidies is easy, but you can encounter in the process with certain problems. The most significant complexity is that local authorities may simply be fundamental to finance the construction and purchase of greenhouses by local entrepreneurs. Therefore, there are simply huge queues for receiving data subsidies, as a result of which to say exactly when an entrepreneur can receive funds from the state in accordance with the federal program, simply impossible.

It is not known, until what year, this program of allocation of funds for greenhouse economy will act, and there is also no certainty that all those entrepreneurs who are in line for funds will be able to really count on them. This is due to the complex economic situation in the country, when the budget of the country is limited, therefore costs are cut in various areas of activity.

Thus, although subsidies for the Krasnodar Territory, intended for the purchase or construction of the greenhouse, are beneficial and effective, actually receive funds not all entrepreneurs. It is also impossible to say what the situation in this area will be formed in the future.

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What are subsidies for greenhouses in the Krasnodar Territory of 2019 and what can I really get material assistance? For the first time, integrated state support of enterprises and IP was launched back in 2013 within four large-scale programs, each identified their goals and timelines. For the Krasnodar Territory, the primary support program has become the Program of Target Support, when the KFH or the owner of the economy may apply to obtain a subsidy for greenhouse in local authorities. The target use of funds must be confirmed documented.

Feature of the compensation mechanism

What is the procedure for obtaining a subsidy in the Krasnodar Territory 2019? Unlike other types of assistance, it is first required to purchase or build a greenhouse, and after that, to apply for assistance documentation. For individual entrepreneurs or farms, the package includes:

  • extract about the State Registration of IP or Yurlitz from the Unified State Registry;
  • certificate from the tax on the absence of overdue, debts;
  • account number to which funds will be listed;
  • estimated to the construction of greenhouses and the maintenance of the economy;
  • originals, copies of all paid accounts, receipts for the purchase of materials, equipment, construction of the finished greenhouse by contracting method, drip irrigation systems;
  • estimates approved by a contracting organization, all the originals of acts of carrying out work during construction, carried out by third-party organizations;
  • the act of examinations conducted by the Commission of the local settlement, approved by the Head of Administration (performed for the ready-made structure fully equipped to start rules).

If the censes for the greenhouse in the Krasnodar Territory will receive the owner of the personal farm, the list will be a little different:

  • original / copy of the passport;
  • an extract confirming the registration of a citizen as a person leading the subsidiary farming, the presence of a land plot with the targeted purpose (is made from the employment book of accounting in the administration of local authorities);
  • help with an indication of the account number to which cash will be listed;
  • estimation of the cost of construction, signed by a citizen and a representative of the Contractor (in case of work by third-party organizations);
  • originals / copies of all documents confirming the acquisition of materials and equipment for the construction of the greenhouse;
  • originals / copies of acts of work, acceptance confirming the completion and payment of contracts for contractors;
  • the original inspection act conducted by the Commission of local self-government bodies.

ATTENTION: The state subsidy applied for several years to grow only agriculture products on protected soils!

How much can you count on?

What kind of subsidy for the construction of greenhouses in the Krasnodar Territory can be obtained? According to Appendix No. 1 to the Decree of the administration of the city of Krasnodar No. 4219 of September 19, 2017, payment for growing vegetables and berries on protected soils is provided in the following volumes:

  • 350 rubles / sq. M
  • 150 rubles / sq. M When using other underfloor materials (with the above limitations).

Is everything so easy? Those who want to take part in the subsidy program are faced with a number of problems. The main thing is the lack of financing and the inconsistency of the funds allocated to real requirements. Already last year, to get a power, it was necessary to stand in long queues to submit an application and package of documentation. Some farmers have additionally encountered a problem when Mattheck is appointed, that is, a positive decision is made on a subsidy, but in reality, the funds just do not come.

Will the subsidy program work further and will it bring real results? It is quite difficult to predict, even if we take into account the government's assurances of the priority tasks for the development of agriculture. Despite the facilitation of the procedure for obtaining assistance, the amount of funding leaves much to be desired, that is, the material tools simply do not come in the necessary volumes to those who need them.

Hello! Today we will talk about subsidies and grants to agriculture in 2018.

In connection with the sanction rhetoric in relation to our state, serious measures are being made to develop and increase the level of agriculture. In the current year, the state plans to allocate even more serious amounts of funds for this industry.

Types of grants to agriculture

Grants issuing programs allow farmers and owners to enter a new level of development, build a farm, which will be successful in economic terms.

Now consider what grants are:

  • Grants allocated for communications at agricultural enterprises for, for the construction of various facilities in agriculture;
  • Subsidizing measures for modernization of the economy;
  • Subsidies for paying off payments by;
  • Partial compensation of funds spent on construction work on the construction of production facilities;
  • Grants for the purchase of agricultural animals;
  • Compensation of facilities spent on fertilizers.

In general, there are 2 options for supporting the agricultural industry. Grants that the state allocates novice farmers and family farms.

For the receipt of such a grant, a beginner farmer, which corresponds to certain criteria, is discussed below.

Criteria for professional assessment

  1. Professionalism of a farmer who submits an application for a grant for the development of agriculture. This criterion corresponds to: farmers with higher education (better profile), which have recommendations from local authorities;
  2. The presence of a competently compiled, in which: formulated goals for the future, how to achieve them, the resources used, the end result.
  3. Availability ;
  4. Availability of objects for the implementation of the goals;
  5. Plans to carry out sales of finished products.

The final criterion for the assessment is the following: how much the proposed project is significant for society.

Given all the above criteria, the Commission allocates the most decent participant in the competition.

Requirements for applicants

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • Position of the head of the CFC, and the current less than 2 years;
  • With experience in the agricultural sector at least 3 years;
  • The applicant did not receive state. support earlier;
  • The applicant should live in the terrain where its KFH is located.

Procedure for obtaining grant

To implement all the ideas of a novice farmer in any case, the presence of a certain amount of funds is required, without them anywhere. That's just the problem is that not everyone has these funds, and not everyone knows. It is in such cases that the state is ready to assist in the form of a grant for the development of farming.

Grant - type of material assistance that does not need to return, but received it, must provide reports for the tools spent.

To get such help, you need to perform several tasks. Therefore, we will dwell on some subtleties and nuances of the procedure for obtaining support from the state.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the proposed project should be interested in members of the expert commission. It must be analyzed until the application is submitted.

The funds received as a grant will not be able to spend at their discretion: they will need to report for them.

Now consider what documents are needed, for the successful submission of the application:

  • Filled application blank;
  • Photocopy of a document certifying a person;
  • Photocopy of the diploma;
  • Business plan;
  • True filled questionnaire;
  • Recommendations;
  • Consent for processing personal data;
  • Copies of the charter;
  • Help, which will confirm that the applicant is indeed a small business entity.

If the Commission needs a number of documents, they will need to be provided.

The entire amount of the grant is not completely issued, the listing occurs shares.

If the farmer receives a grant for the development of agriculture, he will also need to pay taxes after receiving each tranche. Another important point is: if the purpose of obtaining funds is any equipment, it will be provided to the entrepreneur, and not financial funds for the purchase.

Regarding grants for the creation of a farmer, it is worth saying that they can be obtained not only from Russian investors, but also in foreign. Therefore, before applying, you should clarify who exactly is an investor, since their requirements differ significantly from each other.

Having studied in advance these requirements, it is possible to correct your business plan in accordance with their requests. For example, investors from other states are especially important to the target use of the funds received, and domestic sponsors are more interested in the number of potential jobs that will be created if the project is implemented.

If we talk about obtaining a grant for the development of peasant farm and farms, here the preferences are obtained by those persons who are willing not only to ask for money from the state, but also to invest their funds.

Other types of support

In addition to the grant, young farmers can take advantage of the one-time assistance of the state. The decision on its extradition also adopts the Commission of Experts, and you can spend it for repairs or purchase of housing, the acquisition of furniture, office equipment, internet, conducting various communications, etc.

Conclusion of the contract and transfer of funds

After the farmer is recognized as the winner in the competition for the distribution of funds, between him and the Ministry of Finance concludes a contract on the basis of which a grant is charged. Funds will be accrued within 5 days from the date of signing the contract.

The contract includes the following items:

  • The amount of funds that will be highlighted;
  • The purpose of the allocation of funds;
  • The obligation to carry out agricultural activities within 5 years after the grant was issued;
  • Stipulated reporting periods;
  • The level of responsibility of the Parties to the Treaty for violating its items;
  • The return procedure not used to implement the project.

Financial funds are listed from the front account of the ministry to the account, which is open to the recipient of the money. The transfer period is usually negotiated in the contract concluded earlier.

The maximum amount of the grant that can be allocated to one person is - 1500,000 rubles, and the support provided to the support - 250,000 rubles.

How to get a grant from private investors

A beginner farmer can apply for a grant not only from the state, but also from the private fund. Typically, such funds gradually finance the grantee. If the first amounts have been developed successfully and the reporting for their use does not contain violations, the following part of the funds is paid.

An important point of appeal to private investors is that small projects are hardly interested in them. But if you think globally and you can justify your plans, it is quite possible that you will be interested and will provide the necessary financial support.

Taking the basis of the experience of people who have already participated in the competition for grants, you can give several practical recommendations to those who only plan to try to receive government support.

  1. Each region has its own specific moments of the competition. This must be taken into account and specify such information in advance to be fully prepared;
  2. It is necessary to register in the FTS only after a detailed study of all documents on the holding of the competition. Otherwise there is a risk of being unaccling to it.
  3. Consider the validity period of all references so that you do not have to collect them again;
  4. Require with all seriousness to business plan. This document, the Commission studies especially carefully;
  5. Explore all the conditions for granting a grant in its area of \u200b\u200bresidence;
  6. Strictly follow the deadline for the provision of reporting documents.

Responsibility for misuse of grant

If during the proceedings it will be proved that the grant recipient did not plan to use it for its intended purpose, but only received and assigned the funds of the funds, or did not report on them on the time being, this act could be qualified under the "fraud" article.

Also such misconduct can be qualified under the article "Incoming use of budget funds", which entails criminal liability.

What would I like to say by completing today's conversation? In case of receipt of the grant farmer, many win: the inhabitants of a particular area will buy the products of the local producer, the farmer will receive a profit, and therefore the possibility of expanding its business.

And what's the benefit of the state? The less imported agricultural products will be sold in our country, the less external influence will be rendered on it. But this story is already from another area.