What sports can you do after cesarean? Sports after cesarean section: when to start and what exercises to do

What sports can you do after cesarean?  Sports after cesarean section: when to start and what exercises to do
What sports can you do after cesarean? Sports after cesarean section: when to start and what exercises to do

Not all women, for various reasons, can independently give birth to a child. In such cases, a cesarean section is performed, which very often saves the life of not only the baby, but also his mother. However, in fact, all the fair sex are faced with the problem of excess weight after childbirth. Sports activities help to put the figure in order as soon as possible and get rid of a few extra pounds.

When to start exercising after a cesarean

Caesarean sections are not without consequences for a woman's health. The rehabilitation period takes a fairly long period of time. In the first weeks after childbirth, even minimal physical activity is completely excluded, because at the slightest overexertion, the stitches can disperse and bleeding will begin.

A newly minted mom can start training only 2 months after a cesarean. During this time, the body has time to recover, and small physical activity becomes quite acceptable. Sports should be started with short warm-ups for fifteen minutes. Exercise on a stationary bike is also allowed. Of course, you should not overexert yourself, but even twenty minutes of training will give a good result. Women are encouraged to walk more often in the fresh air. Walking will help you burn a lot of calories and get your legs and buttocks in order.

Four months after the cesarean, you can start full-fledged activities if the postpartum scar has completely healed. It is better to purchase a gym membership, as it is much easier to fight excess weight under the supervision of a professional trainer. He will help you create a training program and select some of the most gentle exercises, as well as give recommendations on the diet.

The most suitable sports are yoga, swimming and aerobics. They help prepare muscles for more serious physical activity and restore ligaments. If you visit the pool three times a week, you can get rid of five extra pounds within a month. If a woman nevertheless decides to do body shaping at home, then light exercises for the muscles of the abdomen and legs should be preferred, but for this you will definitely need at least a special rug.

Some mothers who were involved in professional sports before giving birth want to return to intensive training as soon as possible. But after a cesarean section, great physical activity is allowed only after six months. This is long enough, however, you should take care of your own health and do not neglect this precaution.

Sports after cesarean for a nursing mother

Training for women during lactation has some peculiarities, and there are several good reasons for this. Excessive physical activity is contraindicated for nursing mothers, as this affects the quantity and quality of breast milk, which can lead to the baby's refusal to eat. Moreover, exercise fatigue will not contribute to proper baby care. Therefore, a woman should rest as much as possible and take care of the health of her baby.

In order for sports to do no harm, you must follow some simple recommendations:

  • Exercises that are aimed at developing the pectoral muscles should be completely excluded.
  • Do not allow dehydration. Therefore, it is advisable that you always have a bottle of water at hand during your workout.
  • It is strictly forbidden to bring the body to exhaustion. After childbirth, sports are primarily aimed at restoring muscles and ligaments, body shaping. That is why you should temporarily forget about intense training and muscle building.
  • Despite the fact that the nursing mother sets herself the goal of losing weight, her diet should be filled with nutritious foods.

While breastfeeding, standard abdominal exercises are allowed. In the prone position, it is necessary to raise the torso without lifting your legs off the floor. This will help tighten the belly and shed excess fat in the area.

It is also recommended to do squats with extra weight. But do not think that we are talking about a barbell. Two dumbbells weighing three to five kilograms will suffice. They must be kept in front of you during the exercise.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that playing sports after a cesarean section is quite acceptable, but only after a certain time after childbirth. A woman should be careful about physical activity so as not to harm her own health.

Pregnancy is a joyful event in the life of any woman. For a long nine months, the female body undergoes changes and discomfort. After childbirth, almost all women are disappointed with their appearance: the belly sagged hopelessly, stretch marks appeared, and "pop's ears" appeared. But do not despair: with a certain perseverance, you can achieve the figure of your dreams even after childbirth! When can you start exercising after a cesarean? The answer to this question depends on many factors, and depending on them, it will be different for each specific woman.

As a result of natural childbirth, the abdominal muscles are not dissected with a scalpel, the uterus quickly returns to its previous size - which means that the abdomen quickly returns to its prenatal form. In the case of a cesarean section, things are more complicated. This is a full-fledged abdominal operation performed under general anesthesia. The muscles of the lower peritoneum are dissected with a scalpel, and through the resulting hole, the child is taken out. Then the incision is sutured with a special surgical suture. It is very important which seam took place:

  • horizontal or cosmetic(usually performed during a planned operation, in some maternity hospitals the surgeon performs such a suture only by prior arrangement and for a fee);
  • vertical- usually performed during an emergency operation, when there is a threat to the life of the child or the mother (there is no time to perform a cosmetic suture, and the surgeon does not stand on ceremony with the incision).

The exact answer to the question "when after cesarean you can go in for sports" will be different for every woman: it all depends on the state of health and the speed of healing of the suture.

Much easier restore the figure and return a flat tummy, if there was cosmetic seam made... In this case, already after three to four months you can return the pre-pregnant size of the garment. But if it was done rude, vertical seam- the matter is worse... The abdominal muscles are seriously damaged and it will take a lot of effort to get a flat stomach. Most likely, first you will need to grind the scar with a laser (after the tissue has seized and infection is excluded - that is, approximately one year later after the operation), and only after that get to grips with fitness to hone the desired forms.

The first two months after the operation: I want to, but it injects

When can I exercise after a cesarean section? This question worries all young mummies, because without fitness and aerobics, it is simply impossible to achieve the desired shape! Many make a fatal mistake and begin to torment their body with exercises already a month or two later after operation. It is very dangerous- the tissue at the site of the incision is still poorly fused, and the slightest stress can lead to the divergence of the seam. And if this happens, then the impatient mother will have to forget about sports for a long time.

If you really do not sit still, then you can slowly begin to perform the following exercises (at the slightest pain or discomfort, you should immediately stop any physical activity):

  • Light squats... This is a great exercise that leaves little to no use of your abdominal muscles. But it will help tone the hips and buttocks. Don't use any weights at this stage - forget about dumbbells and a barbell for a while! If it is still difficult for you to squat deep - let it be light squats, light warm-up.
  • Swing your hands- "mill" and "swimmer". Very simple, almost warm-up exercises. You need to perform swings with your hands, reminiscent of a spinning mill. This will tone the joints of the arms, neck and muscles that support the thoracic spine.
  • Lunges with legs back and forth. Do not force yourself - let the attacks be not particularly deep. Remember safety precautions: the knee should not go beyond the toe. Improper performance can lead to knee injury. Remember: at this stage, we are more likely to warm up than to give the body a real load. Abdominal surgery is a serious stress even for the healthiest person, let alone a pregnant woman!
  • Stretching... Do not be zealous: slowly do exercises to stretch the muscles of the legs and arms. Do not touch the abdominal muscles, this may cause the seam to open.

The third month after the cesarean section: we take the bull by the horns!

By the third month after surgery, the tissues grow together in 70% of those who have been cured. But still, you should not be zealous with the load on the abdominal muscles. The use of hula hoops is strictly prohibited.... If the patient does not feel well, then it is better to consult a doctor and get a qualified answer - how long can you go in for sports after a cesarean.

At this stage, you can use free weights - dumbbells, barbells and weights. If you have been involved in fitness before, and you are “you” with sports equipment, you can use weights slightly lower than those with which you were engaged before pregnancy. If you are still new to strength training - start with minimum weights... Let it be 1-2 kg dumbbells or an empty bar from the bar. Do squats, lunges, kick kicks, glute bridges. You can start doing low-intensity cardio workouts.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the gym, but want to work out at home - not a problem! Now you can download video programs from world-famous coaches on the Internet. , - will help you find your dream figure. Don't overdo it if you feel tired or in pain - stop exercising right away. Exercising after cesarean should not cause physical discomfort.

Do not forget about quiet activities - pilates, yoga, body flex... You can sign up for group classes in hatha yoga (if there is someone to sit with the baby): communication with other people will come in handy for a young mother. Sports after a cesarean section will help you quickly get in shape.

Absolute contraindications to sports after cesarean section

Alas, the operation does not always go well and without consequences. There are difficult cases, after which recovery takes six months or longer. Sports activities after a cesarean section should not threaten the health and well-being of the patient. The following diagnoses are absolute contraindications:

  • endometritis and uterine bleeding;
  • poor adhesion and divergence of the operating sutures;
  • subfebrile temperature;
  • pathology of the uterus after childbirth.

Features of performing abdominal exercises after cesarean section

Of course, after nine months of walking with a tummy, I can't wait to quickly become the owner of a flat, embossed press. After the operation, the abdominal muscles are stretched, cut in some places, and lose their tone. So the desire of women to start exercising on the press as soon as possible is quite natural. But you should not rush.

For the first two to three months after surgery, it is better to refrain from any abdominal exercises. You can not pump any abdominal muscles: neither oblique, nor straight, nor lower. It is advisable to listen to the opinion of the attending physician, who, after the examination, can advise - how long after the cesarean you can do fitness. If the young mother is not worried about pain and discomfort, you can start pumping the press about 4-5 months after the operation.

Fitness after cesarean: when is it possible, where to start safely and effectively for the body? Of course, we are not talking about the first days after the birth of a child. The first day the woman is in intensive care, then for several more days she experiences pain in the suture area and has a high risk of its discrepancy during physical exertion. Until about 2-3 months, doctors recommend postponing fitness after a cesarean section. It will only do good. The scar on the uterus should be well formed. Recall that the main thing is not the condition of the skin of the abdomen with a seam, but the uterus. The future reproductive prospects of a woman will depend on this. What you can eat after a cesarean and when you can start doing fitness is very individual. The timing of the body's recovery after surgery is different for everyone. To a large extent depend on the skill of the surgeon and the age of his patient.

But not everything is so bad and complicated. If classes in the gym after cesarean have to be postponed a little, by the way, excessive physical activity also leads to a decrease in the amount of breast milk, then you can work out at home and even in the hospital. You should start with Kegel exercises - the very ones that help the pelvic floor muscles recover faster, and the vagina gain elasticity. It is necessary to strain those muscles several times a day that are involved if a woman tries to stop urination.

But this is something that others do not see. But what about the stomach? We would recommend that you first visit a doctor, undergo an ultrasound scan, and if there are no complaints from the doctors, start restoring the abdomen after a cesarean section. There is one fairly effective and simple exercise - the abdominal pull-in. It can be done anytime, anywhere, whenever it is convenient. It is not superfluous to wear a bandage immediately after the operation, and until the uterus is completely contracted. By the way, this will help a quick recovery.

Abdominal exercises after cesarean section can be started after about 3 months, if everything is in order with health. The loads should be built up gradually. Before doing abdominal exercises, you need to do a little warm-up. For example, you can jump rope or dance. By the way, belly dancing is also great for removing the tummy. And as a warm-up are perfect.

As for the press, you can perform lifts of extended legs from a supine position. Or twisting, if it does not cause discomfort. Since a frequent consequence of a cesarean section is lower back pain, you need to begin to restore your figure gradually. Otherwise, there is a risk that it will not be possible to raise the child because of the pain ... Also, many women like to swing the abs with the help of various simulators. They are also sold for home use, compact.

Walking with a child in the fresh air can also serve a good figure. Make it a rule to walk with your baby for at least 2 hours a day, and not just sit on a bench, but to walk. And with a brisk step. In this way, you can burn quite a lot of calories. And within a month the result will be noticeable. Not to mention, it increases the body's stamina. This means that the operation of a cesarean section will be forgotten faster, and exercises on the abdomen and other parts of the body will be easier to perform. The load can be given more.

Is it possible to do fitness with a hoop after a cesarean section? Yes, this is even welcome. The main thing is to twist the hoop correctly so that there is no excessive load on the back. You can also twist the hula-hoop hoop. It is heavy, which is twice as effective.

Those who are interested in what kind of fitness exercises can be done after a cesarean with the help of any sports equipment, you can try fitball. This is a gymnastic ball that is widely used in training by expectant mothers. But for women who have already given birth, he will come in very handy. And you can practice on fitball together with your child.

And after childbirth, and after a cesarean section, you can and should take care of your body. This will be beneficial for health and will raise self-esteem. Pull yourself together and start exercising when the seam after the cesarean is completely healed.

This means that, just like any other operation, you will need time to recover. Overexertion soon after a cesarean can lead to complications and prolong the healing process, so stay safe, be patient, and gradually return to your old routine.

Attention: the information in this article is for informational purposes only. Talk to your healthcare professional before doing any exercise.


Don't forget about safety

    Check with your doctor before starting to exercise again. Any exercise after pregnancy must be approved by a physician. This is especially true for complex surgical procedures such as a cesarean section, because if the mother is overworked, it creates additional stress on the stitches placed on the incision. Most new mothers will need to see a doctor at least once after surgery to make sure everything is healing properly. At this postpartum checkup, tell your obstetrician / gynecologist that you would like to start exercising and ask when you can start.

    • Note: the content of this article not aims to replace the consultation of a doctor.
  1. Wait at least six weeks before starting your workout. Carrying a baby and giving birth can be a traumatic experience for your body, even if everything is okay. For example, even with a normal pregnancy, a condition called muscle diastasis can occur, in which the abdominal muscles diverge with an enlarged abdomen. In addition, a cesarean section will leave you with a scar that will take time to heal. Therefore, rest during the recovery period is especially important, even if you were in great shape before pregnancy.

    Start with light exercise, without too much stress. Your first workouts after your Caesarean section should be very calm, even if you did some serious strength training or marathon races before pregnancy. Your muscles (in particular the muscles of your thighs and core) have been depleted by pregnancy and the accompanying lack of stress, so you need to work on their recovery gradually. Don't force yourself; If you start doing vigorous exercise too early, you can get seriously injured.

    • In the steps below you'll find a selection of low-intensity strength and cardiovascular exercises that you might want to try. A doctor or physical therapist will also provide you with many ideas to equip.
  2. The return period should take at least several weeks. In a calm rhythm of training, with a gradual increase in intensity, you should return to your previous shape within a few months after the operation. Be patient - you've just experienced a pregnancy and complicated operation, so that the slight inconvenience in the form of a calm rhythm of training is nothing compared to your health and safety.

    Treat your body with care. Returning to your regular exercise routine, it's important to minimize unnecessary stress to your body. Consider the basic precautions below:

    • Allow about five minutes to warm up and cool down during each workout;
    • at first, limit yourself to 10-minute workouts in one set, three times a week;
    • drink plenty of fluids;
    • wear a supportive bra (do not forget about special pads if you are breastfeeding);
    • stop exercising immediately if you feel pain or fatigue.
  3. Wear compression clothing during recovery. To protect a cesarean section wound while exercising, you can use compression garments specially designed for new mothers. These items (names may vary, such as "recovery shorts") use gentle pressure to support cesarean wounds as they heal, making them a useful item for young moms looking to get back in shape. While these items can be expensive, many moms vouch for their effectiveness.

    • Keep in mind that compression garments are not shapers, and if you are concerned about that, you should not be shy about wearing them (but that doesn't mean you should be shy about shaping underwear).
  4. Be prepared for physical and emotional barriers. Even if everything heals well, exercising after a cesarean can be challenging. You will most likely experience tension. You will likely get tired faster than before. You may be overreacting or losing motivation due to hormonal processes beyond your control. Try to overcome these barriers and exercise whenever you can - exercise will help you feel better and give you the energy to take care of your baby.

    • If you often experience fatigue, sadness, lack of motivation, or blues and don't feel the urge to exercise after pregnancy, you may have postpartum depression. Talk to your doctor about a treatment plan that is right for you.

    How to tone muscles

    1. Create a bridge to strengthen your hips. This simple, light exercise will help strengthen the important muscles in your thighs and core. Step-by-step instructions for completing the bridge:

      • lie on your back, feet shoulder-width apart. The knees are bent at a 45-degree angle;
      • squeeze your lower abdominal muscles as you lift your hips off the floor;
      • lift your hips so that they are in line with your lower body. Hold this position for a few seconds;
      • slowly lower your hips to the floor;
      • do three sets of ten reps (or as many as you can).
    2. Try Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor. These exercises will help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which are responsible for balance and stability. In addition, Kegel exercises improve your ability to stop the flow of urine (which is sometimes a postpartum problem in women) and can be done anywhere. Follow the steps below to complete the Kegel Complex:

      • Determine the position of your pelvic floor muscles by squeezing the muscles that help stop the flow of urine (if you have trouble with this, wait until you go to the bathroom). These are exactly the muscles that you will work out during Kegel exercises;
      • focus on squeezing these muscles lightly. You can do this in almost any position, although some find it easier to do this while sitting;
      • hold the muscles in a clamped position for five seconds;
      • relax them gently. Repeat as often as you like, anywhere;
      • take note, some women experience discomfort doing Kegel exercises with a full bladder as this can cause pain and leakage.
    3. Bend forward to strengthen your lower back. A strong back is important for everyone, it is especially important for correct posture and for avoiding lower back pain. Forward bends are performed as follows:

      • put your feet shoulder-width apart and put your hands on your hips;
      • raise your arms above your head. Begin to slowly bend down from the waist;
      • continue to bend over until the body drops to the floor, keep your back straight all the time;
      • slowly return to the starting position;
      • do three sets of four to eight reps (or as many as you can).
    4. Do a plank to strengthen your abdominal muscles. While strong abdominal muscles are important, abdominal exercises or squats can be overly intense for a woman who has recently had a C-section. Start with an exercise called a plank, which will not put pressure on your wound. Follow the instructions:

      • take a push-up stand (knees and palms on the floor);
      • get down on your elbows. Lift your knees off the floor at the same time;
      • straighten your body. Keep your feet, hips and shoulders in a straight line;
      • hold this position for 30-60 seconds, the muscles of the abdomen and hips are tense, the body is straightened;
      • repeat two to four times.
    5. Perform circular arm rotations to strengthen your arms and hips. Most postpartum exercise routines focus on the core, but don't forget about the arms and legs. Try the steps below to kill two birds with one stone:

      • stand up, put your feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides;
      • use your fingertips to describe the smallest circles in the air, and do not move your hands;
      • gradually, over five minutes, expand the amplitude of the rotations. Use your leg muscles to give stability to your body, as the larger the circles, the more it affects balance;
      • when you reach the maximum amplitude of rotation, begin to reduce the size of the circles, and change the direction of rotation;
      • rest for a few minutes before starting the exercise again.

    Do cardio

    1. Walk around the area. Walking is an extremely safe and effective form of exercise. This is not only an easy activity with which you can gradually start postoperative training, it is also an opportunity to go for a walk with your baby. Walking is a great excuse to go outside and get some fresh air, which can sometimes be a real challenge in the first weeks after a baby is born.

    2. Go swimming or water aerobics. In general, water sports are considered light activities. Go to your local pool and swim five to ten laps, or take a water aerobics course, which is a light, balanced, (and most importantly) safe cardio workout.

      • If you are into swimming, simple styles such as crawling, backstroke, or belly swimming are better suited. Don't use intense styles like butterfly.
    3. Ride your bike. Unless you're bumping into big potholes, cycling can be a great workout. The best part is that it can be done both in the gym and at home if you have your own bike. You can attach a special stroller to your bike and ride with your baby (be careful!).

    • In addition to recovery shorts and other gear, you can wear a dedicated harness during your workouts.
    • Try to involve the baby in the training process (of course, very carefully). For example, simply rocking your toddler can be a great exercise if you also wind circles around the room. On average, a newborn baby weighs just over three kilograms and gets heavier as it grows, so in the long run, caring for a baby can be a decent workout.


    • If you notice that you have opened bleeding or the seam has begun to diverge, stop exercising immediately and see a doctor.
    • Make sure that you do not have diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles before starting any sports. This happens when your abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy and then do not return to their original position. Chances are, your doctor will recommend a modified exercise routine until this problem is resolved.

Your task is to quickly return to a beautiful shape after the birth of a child. There are many ways to bounce back quickly. One of these is running. On the beneficial effect of this type of fitness [...]

Your task is to quickly return to a beautiful shape after the birth of a child. There are many ways to bounce back quickly. One of these is running. The beneficial effect of this type of fitness on health and shape is known to everyone - experts and beginners. True, childbirth for each woman is different. In some cases, you have to do a caesarean section. This implies certain problems with women's health and well-being. Running after cesarean is possible, but only after the stitches have healed.

Physical recovery after cesarean

Natural childbirth is good for both the woman and the baby. In the event that the physiological process had to be intervened with a cesarean section, it takes longer and more difficult to recover after childbirth. It is necessary to create all conditions for successful healing of external and internal sutures.

You can slowly take a shower 2 days after giving birth with a cesarean section. It is allowed to fully wash only after discharge from the hospital. It is better to wash the seam area with neutral soap without additives, to protect the crusts from accidental injury. Doctors allow you to take a bath, as a rule, after 6-8 weeks. Usually at this time the suture on the uterus is tightened for mothers and the organ takes on its previous appearance. You should not go to the bathhouse and sauna for 2 months after the operation.

Sometimes it is recommended to use contractubex gel and prednisolone ointment to treat the scar after surgery. It is believed that within 3 months the seam zone can normally go numb. This malaise stops when the transected nerves are restored.

For several weeks after the operation, it is necessary to wear a special high-quality bandage - for a better condition of the tummy. This accessory is worn on the first day. The main function of the bandage is to relieve lower back pain, maintain correct posture, accelerate the restoration of skin elasticity, improve the condition of damaged muscles, and prevent seams from spreading. You should not wear a bandage for a long time so that the muscles work naturally.

An important aspect is the return to normal sex life. After 6-8 weeks, marital duties can be fulfilled. A regular and high-quality sex life is a guarantee of women's health and good physical shape, therefore this area of ​​life cannot be ignored and must be constantly improved.

To recover better, you need to get more rest and give yourself the opportunity to sleep. It is good to sleep with a child who, at an early age, spends many hours day and night in a dream.

When can you run after a cesarean?

Of course, physical activity should be dosed and begin only after consulting a doctor. Sports can be practiced when the doctor permits. There are a number of general guidelines that might be useful to you.

You can start doing light health exercises 6 hours after cesarean. An example of such gymnastics is the Kegel complex. Exercise helps to strengthen the abdominal and pelvic muscles. All loads after the operation should be light, movements should be careful. To systematically increase the duration of the exercises, staying in good shape for 20 seconds, this is the maximum. The simplest Kegel exercise is squeezing and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, pulling in and inflating the abdomen, and lifting the pelvis.

Be sure to check out Kegel gymnastics, it is useful for any woman, especially for successful recovery after childbirth. Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles help blood flow to the pelvic area. Gymnastics helps you regain great shape and well-being faster by increasing the production of endorphins - hormones of joy. Biologically active substances endorphins help to normalize the state of the psyche, relieve stress and anxiety, and raise self-esteem.

After 1.5-2 months after the cesarean, young mothers begin effective exercises to work out the muscles. For this purpose, weights are used, for example, dumbbells up to 3-4 kg.

Simple gymnastics with video tutorials can be done at home. If this is not possible, then it is better to sign up for a gym that has a treadmill, gym, pool and competent trainers.

At around 6 weeks after the cesarean, they begin more serious training. Exercise complexes are selected based on the level of physical fitness. In order not to disrupt breastfeeding, it is necessary to exclude intense exercise for the upper body, strength training should be left for later.

When more than 10 months have passed after the operation, aerobics, various types of gymnastics and much more are shown. Each girl can choose the direction of fitness for herself, for her lifestyle and in accordance with her own goals.

The end of the lactation period is a signal that you can start - start running. Running after cesarean should be sparing. If you start to work out hard while breastfeeding, you can spoil the taste of breast milk by increasing the proportion of lactic acid in the body. The child may well refuse to breast because of the sour taste of food. In order not to cause disruptions in lactation, you must follow the advice of a trainer. Non-lactating women should wait until the menstruation cycle is restored, then think about running and other sports.

The above scheme is relevant for women who have had a cesarean birth without complications. Running after a cesarean section is located on the last step, as this is a serious load that is contraindicated immediately after the operation. You can safely start running if the condition of the seams is good, there is no risk of seam divergence and nothing bothers you.

After a cesarean, you can run if all the stitches have already healed and the doctor has allowed the load (you can usually run 8-12 months after giving birth)

How to run properly after a cesarean section

The following tips are helpful for moms.

For running, you need to purchase comfortable shoes and clothing that does not restrict movement. Breathable underwear and special sports outerwear are welcome. The shoe should cushion perfectly. Better if it's a running shoe from a reputable manufacturer.

It is better to start from small distances, you do not need to make long runs. Short distances need to be increased a little, to monitor the pulse and general condition. To achieve fat burning, you should practice interval jogging - a combination of acceleration and slow movement.

It is not necessary to run early in the morning, an excellent time from the point of view of biorhythms is 11-13 o'clock in the afternoon. Running after a cesarean section will be easy and rewarding because your body is at its most resilient during these hours.

To prepare your body for running, you can walk quickly or do simple exercises.

With the right jogging, any mom can get in perfect shape. Exercise has a positive effect on the whole body and improves health. Most moms start running after 8 or 9 months, some doctors only allow them to run after 12 months.

Summarize. Some sports are available sparingly 2 months after cesarean. And full-fledged classes can be started only after 6-12 months, if everything is in order with health and the attending physician does not mind.

Nutrition for runners

For effective running, it is important to immediately establish nutrition. Starving and overeating is harmful. You need a normal healthy diet so that your body gets enough nutrients. It is useful to learn how to count calories and maintain an optimal balance of BJU. The best foods for runners are:

  • peanuts and peanut butter;
  • 100% whole grain bread - a supplier of fiber and B vitamins (100-200 g per day);
  • Whole grains (granola) - a source of fiber;
  • Whole-grain pasta - low-GI high-carbohydrate pasta, a source of B12, fiber (complex carbohydrates help replenish glycogen stores);
  • greens - a source of highly antioxidant anti-aging flavonoids (all types of greens are useful, in large quantities, without restrictions);
  • frozen vegetable mixes and berries are sources of antioxidants (they do not lose their beneficial properties);
  • Greek yogurt - a source of calcium and protein (100-125 g of yogurt per day);
  • almonds - a supplier of vitamin E, a source of antioxidants, helps to reduce bad cholesterol (a handful of almonds a day, no more than 5 times a week);
  • sweet potatoes or sweet potatoes - a source of beta-carotene, vitamin C, iron, potassium, copper, manganese;
  • Chicken breasts are a good source of protein (you can also eat turkey breasts);
  • chocolate - normalizes blood pressure, lowers bad cholesterol (dark natural chocolate is useful);
  • salmon - a supplier of protein, omega-3 acids;
  • black beans - has a low GI, supplies B vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, does not contain fats;
  • oranges are a source of vitamin C and antioxidants; the peel contains the flavonoid hesperidin;
  • chicken eggs - replenish vitamin K reserves, a source of protein (1-2 eggs per day).

Running is an effective fitness trend for moms to get in shape and burn excess fat. When is the best time to start running after giving birth with a cesarean section - it is wise to ask your doctor about it.