Unnamed graves and used people. About witchcraft on unmarked graves

Unnamed graves and used people.  About witchcraft on unmarked graves
Unnamed graves and used people. About witchcraft on unmarked graves

I often receive letters in the mail with words of gratitude, stories and questions. And recently a request came to tell about some rituals and ceremonies on unmarked graves. Honestly, from such letters, horror takes straight. I immediately think: “Well, Liana, you have made a reputation for yourself ...” I must say right away that I am not a witch or a conspirator, but since you ask, I will answer.

Once I noticed an abandoned grave in the cemetery - no monument on it, no nameplate. Just a crooked cross. Attention was drawn to some piece of paper tied to the cross with red threads. My curiosity always takes over, I began to find out and find out what was what. Thought it might indicate something.

Turned out to be a spell. And that piece of paper is a photograph of the one who is bewitched. Only it is tied with its face to the cross. This is how love spells are done on unmarked graves.

I also found out that in addition to love spells on a grave without a name, they make conspiracies for money, for reconciliation, they remove damage, evil eyes. But as they shoot, they point at them. Damage on an unmarked grave is considered terrible and strong, they say that a person completely loses his health, mind, and may even die. Generally, last resort Useless, forgotten poor fellows are used by all sorts of old ladies, both for good purposes and for bad ones.

And now the fun part: how does it all work?

Conspiracies, love spells and similar rituals exist and sometimes even work. But this is not just some kind of fuck-tibidoh - they conjured, and it all worked. No. Rituals on graves without a name work according to a certain mechanism. Offerings are brought to the burial place and some words are read, evoking the soul of the deceased. She is “asked” to intervene. That is, even if the conspiracy is aimed at a good cause, for example, you decide to reconcile the warring or distract the evil eye, you still attract someone else's soul into your own and in people's lives. And what can this lead to? Yes to anything! Maybe the disturbed dead man will fulfill your request, but in what way - only God knows. And no matter how later you have to regret, because with good intentions, as you know ...

Rites on unmarked graves are a very big risk. You don’t know what kind of person is buried there, why there is no tablet, and how this intervention will then affect you and your loved ones.

They told the following story: a woman's affairs suddenly went wrong, there were problems in the family, her health weakened - in general, a complete set. And some "well-wishers" taught her how to remove damage on an unmarked grave. She made up her mind: she found an abandoned grave without a sign, did everything. And in a dream, her grandfather appeared to her. “Okay,” he says, “I’ll help.” And things seemed to go smoothly, but only that grandfather visited her more than once - he would scatter dirt around the house, or something else.

I think so - there is no need to disturb the dead, who knows what they will do to you and whether they will want to go back to their grave ... It's better not to joke with such things.

I am writing this article about a love spell for those who are in a situation of unrequited love and want to change something. But he does not strive to forget and get rid of his feelings, but tries to change the situation in a different way, that is, to evoke a loving feeling in his chosen one (or chosen one). Cemetery love spell on an unmarked grave it suits very well for this, but remember that it simply evokes a feeling of love and will not be able to develop relationships for you, you will have to make these efforts on your own.

I also note that a love spell is best applied on free man unencumbered by responsibility or feelings for someone else. After all, what happens if the person you are bewitching already loves another? Or is he so dependent on circumstances that he can’t let you into his life? In such conditions, a loving feeling for you can cause suffering and become a corruption. So in difficult situations it is better to look for magical help and seek magical services from good specialist to take into account all the difficult moments in advance and carry out a change in the situation without negative consequences. I provide such assistance, and some other magicians. Personally, you can write to me at email [email protected] and about magical help, and if you have any questions about this love spell, something will be incomprehensible. Now I will tell you how work is carried out at the cemetery on an unmarked grave.

How is the ritual of a cemetery love spell performed?

For this strong love spell you need to go to the cemetery, find a burial place that no one has looked after for a long time, and all the identification marks have worn out with time. It can be a grave even with a lopsided cross or just with grave stone. Such graves are found in abandoned cemeteries or very large and old graves.

Arriving at the grave, you need to discreetly place a photograph of your lover on it so that it would be convenient to set it on fire later. That is, it would be better to put it on, and then set it on fire from below.

Now focus your thoughts on your loved one and, at the same time, turn to the Spirit of the cemetery. Nameless graves just make it possible, like a portal, to penetrate into the world of the living energy of the dead world.

Ask the Spirit of the cemetery for a love spell, that is, for your chosen one (or chosen one) to love you.

I note that in this love spell you do not set how exactly the love of the bewitched will manifest itself. Therefore, the results of the love spell will come naturally, as it is typical for your chosen one to show a love feeling. By the way, his love may not manifest itself the way you expect it and how you want, because all people are different and reactions, especially how they feel, are individual for everyone.

After you ask, express your desire, you need to complete the ritual. To do this, set fire to the photo and let it burn completely to ash. Sprinkle the ashes with earth or place a stone on top. After that, a cemetery love spell on an unmarked grave, that is, done with the help of the Spirit of the cemetery, takes effect and begins to work.

What to do when you get the result

1-2 weeks will pass, and you will notice that your beloved, whom you bewitched, began to show interest in you, began to understand his feelings for you, love affection. It means that love spell worked and then you need naturally develop relationships. But just remember to do ransom To the spirit of the cemetery for helping you.

For ransom for a spell you need to come to the same nameless grave and bring this ransom. As a sacrifice for a love spell, there may be something important for you personally that you are ready to give for the love of your chosen one. Think what it could be. But a ransom must be done, it is a must.
With respect to you, magician-practitioner Andrey Viktorovich (http://astarta.info/)

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In February 2011, Vera Drobinskaya, who is raising disabled children taken under guardianship from this institution, applied to the Prosecutor General's Office. She, in particular, asked to verify compliance with the law when burying children who died in the boarding school and to give a legal assessment to the departments of the region responsible for the treatment of disabled children.

Cemetery in Raznochinovka. Photo: Vera Drobinskaya, drobinskaja.livejournal.com

“I could not resist and drove to the village cemetery, where they also bury children who died in this kindergarten. I was shocked by what I saw,” the appeal says. — Lots of little bumps, not even signed. In some places, the monuments, apparently, were erected by relatives of deceased children, where the inscriptions have almost disappeared. One monument attracts attention, it says: "From my mother - I'm sorry." The name of the child is Vasily F. He died, as follows from the entry on the monument - November 6, 2007. However, Galina S., the chief volunteer of this child from the Invisible Children community, assures with all responsibility that in March 2008 this child was still alive. At least that's what her teachers told her. Some graves give the impression of "fraternal". I could not find where the children I personally knew were buried, namely: Aliya, who died in January 2003 at the age of 14 from a spinal hernia, and Vanya P with with a diagnosis Dawna, celiac disease, who died in the summer of 2002. The moral aspect of this picture is monstrous.”

“The inspection did not establish any violations of the law during the burial of pupils. Burials are made on the basis of a medical certificate of death at a local public cemetery,” the Astrakhan prosecutor’s office said in a statement published on March 22 on the agency’s official website.

“At the same time, during the inspection of the cemetery, it was established that there are unmarked graves with crosses in the conditionally allotted area, the registration of burials of which by authorities local government is not conducted,” the inspectors admit. A submission on this matter has been submitted to the local village council.

However, some violations were found out by check and in a boarding school. For example, untimely passage of periodic medical examinations by employees of the institution. Or lack of a diploma medical education one of the nurses.

“The next check of compliance with the law in Raznochinovsky orphanage The regional prosecutor's office took control. Since 2009, this is the fifth inspection: scheduled and extraordinary, they are carried out with the participation of the district prosecutor's office almost every six months, not counting inspections of other departments: Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Health, State Fire Supervision and others, ”said Yulia Svitina, assistant to the regional prosecutor, to RIA Novosti.

In addition to the prosecutor's office, investigation and internal affairs, representatives of the commissioner for human rights in the Astrakhan region, Rospotrebnadzor, Roszdravnadzor, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Social Development and Labor of the region are also participating in the current audit. Each expert, upon completion of his examination, draws up acts and submits the collected material to the district prosecutor's office.

According to Svitina, violations in the organization of the activities of the boarding school have been identified, but not the same, and not at all on the same scale as it was presented by the media.

The accusations are indeed much more serious: violence, exploitation, cruel treatment with the disabled. The investigation continues, they say in the prosecutor's office.

Since many players have problems with passing side quest related to the character Patty, I decided to write a walkthrough guide for the entire branch! To do this, I had to go through the game again, but it doesn't matter :) Well, let's get started!

Part 1. Who is Captain Steelbeard?

First of all, we approach Patty, she is in the tavern, near the central warehouse! She invites us to drink beer, which we, by the way, do not refuse, and start talking about her life! Through a short story, she says that she wants to get out of the city and go in search of her sailor father, Gregorius! We agree to help her and go to Captain Romanov, who is imprisoned.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

But, alas, we can’t talk to him, the guard interferes with us, we talk with him and understand that he really wants female affection. We run to Sonya's brothel, pay her 50 gold coins for the girl and run back, but on the way, near the warehouse, we talk with a girl named Anika, about her work in this matter, she goes behind the camera, we run to the guard and say that Anika will make her company, he also goes behind the camera, follow him and take the key from him!

We run to the door, unlock it, go in and see Captain Romanov!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

We start a conversation with him about his life, and about relationships on the island, but we don’t need it! By the way, it will be possible to take a separate quest in which you will need to find and bring him his box (in a warehouse, 2nd floor)! Let's move on to Patty. We tell Romanov that Patty is looking for her father and then we find out that her father's name is Captain Gregorius Steelbeard, we ask where he can be found, but alas, he does not know. We continue the dialogue until the replicas run out, then we run to Sonya's brothel, a drunken Erickson will sit there, knock out or steal the key from him! Now we run to Patty. She says that the key has her father's initials on it, which means that he has his hut somewhere in the port. We run in search of a hut, and its hut can be seen in the screenshot below.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

We go into it and open the chest in which we find a note from Captain Steelbeard and some trash. We return to Patty, show her a note, she will give us 200 gold and hurry to get out of the city.

Part 2. Patty's escape from the city

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

Everything is simple here, no matter who you play for - the result is the same! In Sonya's brothel, there is a secret passage to the pantry. The entrance is in the left room, you just need to click on the picture and a secret passage will open! But we will be able to inform Patty about this only when we complete all the quests in the city for the Don or the Order (it depends on who you are playing for). If you have already completed them, then we say Patty and wait for her where Skordo sits (or sat). When she arrives, she will ask you to check the secret exit from the city first. At the end of the tunnel there will be a door that you need to open with Skordo's key (if you play as Don, then Skordo himself will give the key, if for the Order, then you need to either steal the key or kill Skordo).

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

After checking the tunnel, we go back and tell Patty that the path is clear. Patty will thank you for your help and take refuge on the shore!

Part 3. Nameless graves

This part will become available only in Chapter 2 of the game!

We approach Patty on the embankment and ask her to tell us everything, she will tell you that her father has not been on the island for a long time, but he left a cache that is buried in the grave. We tell Patty that we will help her and follow her.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

Run for Patty before west coast, namely in the cemetery, if you fall behind Patty or lose sight of her, then you can find her there! Two skeletons will be waiting in the graveyard, one of which is a warrior skeleton.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

As soon as we run to the cemetery, we deal with the skeletons and talk to Patty, she will give us a key and ask us to dig out one grave, which is to her right. We dig up the chest, take the box in it and give it to Patty, thereby we learn that Captain Steelbeard buried his treasures on the island. From excitement, we ask how we can help Patty, and then she will ask us to find 5 unmarked graves on the island and dig them up, they will contain clues! To make life easier for us, Patty will mark the location of the graves on our map.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

It's up to you, let's go and dig these five graves, while feeling like Sam and Dean from the Supernatural series. In some places we will be met by Erickson and Vasily, they are the thugs of Romanov, who so badly wants to get the treasure of Captain Steelbeard.

Once you've dug up all five graves, return to Patty in the cemetery where she was. But, alas, when we run there, we see not Patty, but Erong.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

He will tell us that Romanov wants to talk to us and if we want to see Patty, we must go for Erong, well, we'll have to go. We follow Erong.

Part 4. Make a choice

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

Erong will lead us to the ruins, teeming with skeletons, so I strongly recommend buying a couple of three healing potions, and better weapons. After the purchases, we return and walk along the path, gradually descending lower to the embankment, until we reach the next ruins, where Romanov will stand next to them, with his thugs.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

We start a conversation with Romanov, and an attempt to find out where Patty ends in failure, during the conversation we will have 3 options to solve the situation.

Regardless of the choice, we need to explore the cave. In the cave we will find a chest that cannot be opened and a corpse. You can also dig 5 chests, all of them with traps, except for one. The chest we need is called "Dillinger's Chest".

Offer to share the treasure
If you offer Romanov to divide the treasure in half, he will answer that he does not need gold, he only needs the “Steel Beard Sea Chart”. At the exit, it will be possible to say that you deceived him, after killing him and his team, while Patty will remain alive and all the treasures will remain with you.
Kill Romanov and his team
If we kill the whole team of Romanov and Romanov himself, then we will get all the treasure, and then we can find Patty but killed.
Exchange treasure for Patty
After the exchange, Romanov will give us the key and tell us where Patty is closed. The screenshot shows the place where Patty is closed. This is the east side of the first ruins.

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

"Captain Steelbeard's Treasure"!

After we save Patty, she will scold us for giving the sea map to Romanov and Patty will offer to find Romanov in order to take the map back. We agree to this, not surprisingly. Patty will say that we must detain Romanov. We tell Patty to come with us and intercept Romanov on the way to Harbor Town, while killing him and his team. Having taken the card from the corpse of Romanov, we give it to Patty. She will thank us and return to the city. This is where the quest and adventure with the pirates ends :)


Let me tell you a story that happened to me last year. I still don't feel like myself. I didn't even want to describe it.
Actually, it all started at the end of spring. Things have gone wrong for me - in everything. I was very sick, and my husband, and Native sister thundered to the hospital, and in the summer my brother died of a hemorrhage. In addition, we suffered from a catastrophic lack of money, and a lot of other troubles. By the summer, absolutely absurd phenomena had begun. In the morning I'll cook the soup - it's rotten in the evening, I'll cook it in the evening - in the trash in the morning. Milk turned sour in half a day. And once I cooked a couple of hard-boiled eggs - I think I'll make a salad. But she postponed cooking for a day. I threw the eggs into the fridge. So, friends, when I looked at the eggs a day later, I saw that they were SHITTING! I touched it and almost threw up - there were huge fat maggots in there! It is known that in order for worms to appear, a fly must lay eggs. Suppose a fly did fly into the refrigerator (!), but how could the whole process take place in such a short time?
In general, they told me that a strong evil eye or damage was on me. And they suggested a way to remove it. Looking ahead, I’ll say, never get involved in a place where you don’t understand anything, especially in occult affairs. I had to stomp on the cemetery and find an unmarked grave. You know, in any cemetery there are such. Without a cross, a monument, overgrown and forgotten by everyone. I was required to read an eerie spell, standing at the feet of the grave, and put some kind of offering. Like a fool, I ran into our small cemetery, which has been closed since the age of 10, did everything as taught, put something.
It started to rain, I got wet and, cursing everything in the world, flooded home. By the way, I was alone at home, my husband went fishing to Karelia, there weren’t even any neighbors. My neighbors and I have a common dressing room for two apartments, we put in a common door so that outsiders do not wander. The neighbors were on the sea, I went to them to water the flowers and feed the fish.
Went to bed. I have an eerily realistic dream: an unfamiliar grandfather came to me, thanks for something, thanks. Then he smiles so maliciously, says: “I barely found you! But now I'm going to…”
I woke up in horror, I don’t know why, because the dream was not terrible.
In the afternoon I went to the store when I opened the first door - gasped! The entire dressing room was covered in mud, both on the floor and on the walls. After all, no one could come in!
Then I still dreamed about this grandfather, but the products stopped disappearing, and things went smoothly. So, really, the dead man took my evil eye. But even his visits did not suit me; however, he no longer “followed”. Later, I went to church, read the prayers that I needed, and everything seemed to stop.