Unhappy star "Inhabitable Island": the tragic fate of Vasily Stepanova. "That's how it happened"

Unhappy star
Unhappy star "Inhabitable Island": the tragic fate of Vasily Stepanova. "That's how it happened"

Full Vasily Stepanov became famous for the whole of Russia thanks to the ribbon "Inhabited Island". But then he suddenly disappeared from the screens. Where did the young and attractive actor disappear? How is his life develop today? You can find answers to these and other questions in our article.

short biography

Full Vasily Stepanov appeared in Moscow in 1986 (January 14). He was brought up in a simple family. Our Hero's mother received a higher pedagogical education. But in recent years it works as a seller. And his father is a former police officer (now retired). The actor has a younger brother whose name is Maxim.

Vasya grew up an active and uncontrollable child, often climbed fights with boys in the yard. He graduated from the technical school of physical education and sports. During the training in this institution, he became interested in hand-to-hand fight, worked as a bartender. Entered the legal admission, but he left there after the first course. Later he became a student "Pikechi" (Course V. Poroza).

Stunning success

At one of the castings, Vasya met Pavel Teplovich, who was engaged in the selection of actors in the "inhabited island". This man organized him a meeting with Fedor Bondarchuk. The director estimated the appearance of Stepanov. The tall and attractive guy fully approached the role of Maxim Cammeror. The only thing that had to be changed is the hair color.

In 2009, the premiere of the tape "Inhabited Island" took place, the main role in which brilliantly performed Vasily Stepanov (actor). Personal and creative biography of blue-eyed beauties immediately interested thousands of spectators aged from 14 to 40 years. No one could imagine what woves for the guy suddenly filled with Glory.

Let's list other filmmakers of our hero:

  • comedy melodrama "My boyfriend - Angel" (2011) is a policeman;
  • detective "Insurance Case" (2011) - Artem Nevolyaev;
  • the criminal series "Sword-2" (2014) is an episode in the 14th series.

7 years of oblivion

Many directors and viewers would like to know, Vasily Stepanov (actor) where now. Photos have not been printed in magazines and newspapers for a long time. Thousands of Russian girls still remember the handsome from the "inhabited island." They are interested in any information about his life.

In July 2016, actor Vasily Stepanov appeared in the Studio of the Transmission Studio "Direct Ether" ("Russia-1"). He spoke about the period of oblivion, which stretches for 7 years.

The first thing that rushed to the audience is the external changes to Vasi. The face was very thin, the cheekbones were stronger. There is no trace from the embossed figure. Disappeared and shine in the eyes.

The story of the "disappearance" of Stepanov from the screens chose a variety of rumors. Some people were confident that Russian Handsawa went to conquer Hollywood. Other citizens adhered to opposite opinions. They believed that the guy got into the "mental hospital" after he was thrown by the Bride Dasha Egorov. Being on the program "Direct Ether", Vasya denied similar rumors. He did not leave the movies anywhere. Just the directors forgot about him. He could not even get a tiny role.

Our hero, together with parents and brother, live in the west of Moscow in a two-room Khrushchev. The apartment has not been repairs for a long time. Yes, and make it meaningless. After all, at any time, the house can demolish, sewing tenants to another place. There is no separate room from the former sex symbol of Russian cinema. He divides the bedroom with the younger brother Maxim. In the absence of offers from directors Vasya does not sit idle. The actor goes to the library, park and shops. Also the guy 4 times a day is engaged in the playground near the house.


After the release of "direct ether" with the participation of Stepanov, the director Alexey Pimanov contacted him. He offered Vasily cooperation. Our hero was approved for an episodic role (Soviet officer) in the Military tank "Tankists".

The young actor appeared several times on the set. On his pages in social networks, he laid out the "working" photo - in the military form of the Soviet sample, a pilot and round glasses.

Evil rock

It would seem that the life of our hero began to improve. He returned to the cinema industry. But here fate prepared him a new trouble. Want to know details? Now we will tell about everything.

In mid-December 2016, actor Vasily Stepanov, together with friends, returned from the supermarket. They scared gifts for the new year. Going to the entrance, our hero slipped and fell on icing steps. He could not stand on their own. Friends immediately called "ambulance".

A day later, many Russian media began to distribute information that Vasily was broken by the spine, and he will remain disabled. But it is not. He has damaged pelvis and two vertebrae, which do not affect the functional activity of the body. A special corset was installed by the affected actor. New Year Guy met in the hospital ward. The date of its discharge is not yet known.

Actor Vasily Stepanov: Personal Life

The first serious relationships began to have our hero in student years. In the walls "Pike", he met with a charming girl Darya Yegorova. In a short time he managed to conquer her heart.

For several years, the couple met, and then began to live under one roof. Vasily's bride rejoiced his successes. And when there is nothing left of the fees for the film, the guy moved to the parental apartment.

Dasha threw Vasya after she understood that he would not be able to pull her beloved from the protracted depression. Several years of Stepanov was in the status of a bachelor.

In 2015, he had a new chosen. Her name, the surname and family of activity are not disclosed. It is only known that the bride supports the beloved in a difficult moment. She comes daily to him to Hospital, brings homemade food and clean clothes. Let's hope for their love story ends with a wedding.


Now you know where all these years was disappeared by Vasily Stepanov (actor). Photo, creative activity and details of his personal life - all this is presented in the article.

Full Vasily Stepanov, who played a major role in the film "Inhabited Island", fell out of the fifth floor window. The incident has become known on April 12, but, according to the acquaintances of the actor, it happened in the morning of April 10. Stepanov received multiple fractures, including a fracture of the pelvis, the right shoulder, both heel bones and numerous bruises. The actor claims that the fall was not accident and nobody pushed him. We tried to figure out why a young handsome man loudly debuted from one of the most cash Russian directors, disappeared from the screens than he was engaged in recent years and which led him to such a act. Childhood, Sport and Technical School Publication from Vasily Stepanov (@Vasiliystepanov_official) May 2 2016 at 1:11 PDT Vasily Stepanov was born in 1986 in Moscow. His family is not at all actors at all: the Father is a policeman, originally from the village of Bruzhnikh in the Smolensk Region, the mother used to worked as a teacher, then the Seller-Cassion. There is a younger brother Maxim. In childhood, boys often spent vacation at grandmother in the village. After nine classes of school, Vasily entered the technical school and learned to physical education teacher. During the training, he was engaged in hand-to-hand fight and even became a candidate for the master of sports. In the last year, I managed to work at the school at school: "I have passed the practice in an ordinary school at the Metro" Youth ", three lessons per day. Work is severe and in many ways ungrateful, because most children are not completely interested in physical education. Girls are generally completely refused to do it. If the child since childhood does not instill love for sport, he just does not understand why he should spend at this time. But, on the other hand, I do not regret that he left the school, where he studied, for the sake of a technical school: there was much more interesting there. Very many objects that differed from school: psychology, for example. Yes, and teachers were qualified - they really tried to ingreate something in us. " Vasily Stepanov The beginning of the career and the "inhabited island" after the technical school, the young man studied at a lawyer, but he studied for a long time and, according to him, "with a big disappointment" went with a student bench in Bartenda. At about this age, Stepanova was offered to participate in social advertising, and he starred in the video "I choose a contract service": agitated for the contract service in the army, although he did not serve himself. Then, on the advice of acquaintances I decided to try myself at the acting courses at VGIK. Publication from Vasily Stepanov (@Vasiliystepanov_official) May 2, 2016 at 1:18 pdt, having talked to students, the young man decided that it was better to enter theatrical universities, and not in VGIK. I passed the exams immediately into several specialized institutions, as is customary from future actors. At one of the tours at the Studio School, Pavel Kaplevich, who was engaged in Casting for the film "Inhabited Island" on the novel of the Strugatsky brothers. Not having time to become a student of the Schukinsky Theater School, a beginner actor was approved to the main role - and this despite the lack of skills and moldability, because of which his hero eventually voiced by another person, Maxim Matveyev. "I caught a terrible. I was given a trial in the institute in the institute in the first year: for the year it was necessary to correct the reprimand, and otherwise they would have just expelled. On the set I listened to Gosh Kutsenko - and he was in his youth too, - then it came up to me and said: "Listen, you need to do something." And began to engage with me. Then I myself scared different speech therapy books, I suffered long with them, I went to the set on the site and growled, why all around just rushed. And when I was tried on the voice acting, my language was very tired - I am still difficult to say "P". Since this film, in particular, how Maxim is looking for a relay center, and the letter "R" has to be pronounced even too often, Fedor Sergeyevich, apparently, did not have exit, except to invite to the voice actor of another actor. As a result, everything turned out very harmoniously, and I really liked it - for some reason I was experiencing that we would take an actor with a higher voice. But the voice turned out to be pleasant, low and very similar to mine. " Vasily Stepanov

Fyodor Bondarchuk, who tried to the role of Cammeror of many young actors with experience, appreciated the appearance of Stepanov first. He explained that Stepanov at the first meeting seemed to him by a young God, and Maxim Cammeror in some way and there is a young God from the parallel ideal world. For the role of Stepanov, the muscles also pumped up and brightened the hair - so the fans after the release of the film rhetorically exclaimed how to live with such beauty. The partners of the novice on the set were such famous actors like Gosh Kutsenko, Sergey Garmash, Andrei Merzlikin, Evgeny Sidikhin and Alexey Serebryakov. "I was sent a script and pointed out the scenes that I had to play. Fyodor Sergeevich on samples very well explained that I need to do, I think I didn't work out - but I liked Bondarchuk anyway, and producers as a result. As he said, for him the main thing - so that I knew the text. The rest, he spoke, I will do everything. " Vasily Stepanov The candidacy of Stepanov appreciated the co-author of the story "Inhabited Island" Boris Strugatsky: "He is almost the perfect performer of this role - with his glorious, slightly confused smile, with his ridiculous (but such a conquering!) Review that every counter-friendly man, disinterested , honest, worthy of all sorts of support and help. " Debut on screens. Depression The high-budget blockbuster "Inhabited Island" was released in 2008 and made Stepanov Star: thousands of fans, glossy covers and new proposals appeared in the life of a 23-year-old actor. The whole country admired a curly two-meter handsome. At this time, the personal life of the actor was also developed: he began to meet with a classmate Darya Yegorova, then they began to live together. Vasily is happy in love, famous, provided.

After filming Stepanov decided to completely devote himself to study at theatrical university. The fee with filming in the "inhabitable island" Vasily quickly I spent: when he wanted to buy a car, only enough for the "nine". "I was slightly fruitlessly entered the fee. Just lived for this money, existed, the girls drove somewhere - and as a result almost everything has already spent. True, this fee was not measured not in millions, the debutants do not pay a lot about ... In addition, a large amount of money, I'm slightly confused, I still, unfortunately, I do not know how to manage with them. It would be possible to buy a "Toyota", but the more expensive the car, it seems more expensive maintenance ... In general, I somehow dropped this thought. " Vasily Stepanov remains unclear whether the actor received proposals for new roles after the debut from Fedor Bondarchuk. There is evidence that he made a lot of proposals, but he all rejected. Stepanov himself said that he "do not want to agree to cheap serials and comedies who are filmed in twenty days." Judging by Life interviews, in 2014 he did not show enthusiasm to work in the cinema. "I was told that after Fedor Bondarchuk, no one would take me to good projects, because he has a certain reputation. I asked: "Ah, Vasily, you do not know what kind of bondarchuk is a reputation? Well, you do not need to know. " I tried to understand this scheme, but alas. I came to the conclusion that Bondarchuk is not a director and as a director he does not position himself, rather, he is just a clipmaker. And in the movie I was already raised, I'm not interested in the movie to be uninteresting ... But what should I play a bum with a bruise under the eye to play? Alcoholic? Guy 28 years old, and he will play an alcoholic? And who should I play something else? I got some big space with my movie, very many times were not realized. Now I define with my destiny. " Vasily Stepanov would seem to be a handsome actor a straight road in the model, but also did not work out: Stepanov argues that he did not approach the agencies externally. In the end, he was diagnosed with "Manic depression" and came into account in a psychoneurological dispensary. There was no longer before filming, performances and interviews. Stepanov Agent, Actor Sergey Rublev, suggested that he could not stand the test of popularity: "This suddenly fallen glory, the hardest conditions for filming and load could be abandoned." These words sounded in the program "Direct Ether", published in February 2017 on the channel "Russia". The former girl of the actor Daria Egorov also believes that Vasily simply could not stand heightened attention to his person, and the world of Tusovok was alien to him. "From Epopea, which lasted for one and a half years filming, I still can't come to myself and believe that all this finally ended. During the filming, we were constantly watching: I was photographed in a bathrobe while I was on the smokers, and the barely removed, somehow penetrated into the costume. I restore strength and find something in the next five years. For example, the restoration of the hairstyle after that, stupid, which I was done in the "island". Vasily Stepanov on the advice of Vladimir Porzov, who taught at Stepanov in the Schukinsky school, a young man lay down in the clinic of neurosis. When the actor was offered to be held in the series in the lead role, he had sharply broken a thrombus. Stepanova was emergency hospitalized and saved, but he had to refuse him. In addition, the media appeared in the media that Stepanov began problems with alcohol.

In August 2009, Stepanov became the face of the project "Attraction" - a novel released by the Publishing House "Eksmo". In 2011, there was a leading music and entertainment program "I have not seen a long time!" On the channel "TV Center". He played in the play "Veronika decides to die" on the novel of the novel Paulo Coelho in the theater of Yuri Vasilyev, but left the project a few months later; Also performed the role of Eduard (the role of a schizophrenic). Another noted by participation in the films "Insurance Case", "Kiss Socrates", "Porifutball". That's all his works after a loud debut. "The only thing I could do after the painting" Inhabited Island "is to execute the roles. I starred in several projects, went to Ukraine and Belarus, and then in Saratov starred in advertising sausages. There were a lot of actors from the Saratov Theater, I personally introduced me to each other, we shook my hands. And these shootings are a fuss. Further work in this area I just have no desire. " Vasily Stepanov Personal Life

Vasily Stepanov with Darya Yegorova met for several years, two years lived together, and the actor even made the girl a sentence, but weddings did not follow. The pair broke out due to the problems of Wasi with health. Egorova argues that the actor himself refused roles: "When we were together, Vasya was a very popular actor. He had a lot of proposals from worthy directories. He himself refused them. And now he is invited to act, but he rejects suggestions. Do not even read. Just says no, and that's it. And then for some reason it tells everywhere that they forgot about him. I have been engaged in the health of Vasya for five years. I had a strong feeling for Stepanov, I went with him in the hospitals, drove it to psychologists. Doctors put him a diagnosis of "Manic depression." Today, Mom Vasi forgot it and in all his trouble blames me. " Actress Daria Egorova, former girlfriend Stepanova

The mother of actor Lyudmila Stepanova really accused the sown girl in indifference: "When misfortune happened to him, she did not beat the bell. She herself took Vasya to the clinic and threw it at the last stage, "the woman said. After that, Stepanov had no serious relationship. He himself says that the case is in his inset and the lack of money: "In his personal life, I am now alone. I did not get married, I don't rented the apartment and moved back to my parents. Girls need stability, they tell me: "You work, then you don't work, that is, you have money, then there is no money, so I don't want to meet you. I want to live together, buy a car, go to the store together, and you did not take place in life. " And I have all the money that earned, lowered in a cafe, in the cinemas. I even really did not buy anything. Everything went to entertainment. I spent on the meal, on the buffet at the university - I drove there 3-4 times a day, because I really wanted terribly from all these stresses. I just had five, I did not have the release of another. So on the cafe I did not leave. I sometimes offer my friends to meet, drink, at least on beer. But they have all his wife, children, they are busy family. And I still have no family. " Vasily Stepanov washing trolley buses The family tried to persuade Stepanov to go to work, but he did not have enough strength and self-confidence to go on castings again. There was no permanent job about the former debutant, he decided to put a cross on the acting work and began to look for work in other areas. To pay the actor of a psychiatrist and pills, his parents took a loan for about half a million rubles. Vasily had to help them pay debt, and he was looking for a job where he would have: at some point and soap at night the trolley buses. He was not taken by the police and the seller in the store of household appliances from fear that they would be broken for autographs. Publication from Vasily Stepanov (@Vasiliystepanov_official) Aug 3 2016 at 5:16 pdt In 2015, Stepanova again proposed to be held in the main role in the series, but it did not work with this: the actor came off the thrombus in his left leg, and only the operation was saved. . Because of the professional sports in his youth, Stepanov had problems with vessels, he even had an operation on his leg like shunting, but because of a long depression ceased to engage in health, which led to complications. In 2016, Vasily turned 30 years old, he met his anniversary with his parents in Khrushchev. The actor complained to journalists that he could not find a job: "I was on a pile of casting, but I'm not taken anywhere. I led negotiations with the producers, but in the end everything was calming. I was offered to play in the video in Germany, but, unfortunately, I did not have a foreign passport, and connections to get it in three days, too. I am looking for any job, I even tried to get a set in the police. " The new project and a new failure at the end of 2016, Vasily finally began to be filmed for the first time - he took part in the historical project of Alexey Pimanov "Tankists" and was very inspired by this work, even began to lead instagram. Publication from Vasily Stepanov (@Vasiliystepanov_official) Oct 20 2016 at 5:01 PDT However, in December, shortly before the new year, Stepanov slipped on the steps and broke two vertebra, because of which the shooting had to postpone. "Walked, fell, open a fracture. Then it was in the hospital. I was not drunk. Previously lay on psychosomatics. I had to make an operation, but for some reason she was postponed, "the artist told.

The younger brother of the actor Maxim Stepanov explained: "We ourselves do not understand - how can you fall ... But the doctors have already given a comforting forecast, the brother will walk. But the rehabilitation period is likely to be long, from three to six months. And we, of course, we will be grateful to any financial support. " The jump from the window is a source familiar with the situation, told RIA Novosti that the incident occurred on Monday. According to him, the actor fell from a small height - from about the third floor. The fact of an accident in the house on the street Davydkovskaya was confirmed in the press service of the metropolitan department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There, however, they refused to name the name of the victim. "Yes, I fell, it was not an accident. And no one pushed me ... It is a pity that there were people with the shooting, thorough time, "said Vasily Life. Vasily says he jumped from the third floor, but his neighbors are confident that the actor dropped from the fifth floor of the apartment in which he lives. The actor himself explains: "I had the necessary medical care, however, the psychiatrist recommended the next time to choose the floor higher. It seemed the impression that I attract attention, but it was far from that. " Publication from Vasily Stepanov (@Vasiliystepanov_official) Oct 5, 2016 at 12:43 pdt According to the newspaper Moscow Komsomolets, now Vasily is in the clinic of Neuroses named after Alekseev, he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Not less than a month of Stepanov will be treated if the relatives will not take him home under their responsibility. Maxim Stepanov assured journalists that they and her mother would look at Vasily in turn. It is optimistic: "He will heal before the wedding. Until next, his career will be fine, he will be ready for creativity. I talk to him every day, but I try not to raise this question - why? I asked, he replied: "That happened." Alive, healthy, and thank God! Thank you. He has an angel-keeper, you see, guard him. Still running and jumping. All right". Publication from Lena Lenin (@LenaleninaOfficial) Apr 12 2017 at 12:11 pdt Girlfriend Artist Lena Lenin wrote in his instagram words of regret and support the family of Stepanov: "After the spine's injury, he was lying in the hospital for a long time, and the state of permanent pain did its existence unbearable. He wanted to commit suicide. And came out of the window of his apartment. Fortunately or unfortunately for him, he could not succeed, and he remained to live, but he was very cracked. But it is difficult to list all the damage that he inflicted it easier to say that he did not break. Poor his mommy! Poor Dad, Sergey Vasilyevich, who courageously puts all the problems of the family on his shoulders! Poor his brother Maxim, who, though younger, but always took care of his brother as a senior. And even poorer Samasya, who, with unearthly beauty and a great success, turned out to be broken by glory to him. Now he will forever remain disabled. His friends will try to help him and mourn that they were not near the tragic moment when he stepped out of the window. Courage Vasya and his long-suffering family! And I will not pose him in a wheelchair with horror! I will always remember him easily dancing with me on a housewarming at my mom in Marseille on Kaluga highway in a beautiful tuxedo! "

In contact with

An incredible handsome man, blue-eyed brunette with an excellent physique ... Spectators remember him by role in the film Bondarchuk "Inhabited Island". It is not even believed that such a person may experience problems in personal life and have reluctance to continue this life. Where does such a beautiful young and talented man took depression?! The purpose of this article is to try to figure it out. And also to highlight the latest news related to actor Vasily Stepanov. You should consider all the biography from the very beginning.

Full Vasily Stepanov was born in 1986. His biography began in Moscow. In his family, no one was involved in the world of art. Father worked by a policeman, and Mom is a teacher. In addition to Vasily in the family was another last child. Vasily studied mediocrely, was often punished for violation of school discipline. For parents, it was an unpleasant news that the Son in high school was addicted to smoking.

At one time, Vasily was fond of struggle. He even became a master of sports in this form. After the end of the ninth class, the young man decided to enter the technical school of physical education and sports.

Vasily decided to receive a specialty teacher of physical education. At the end of the technical school, Vasily wanted to enroll in the legal admission. However, he soon realized that this was not his vocation at all.

After that, the young man in order not to listen to the constant reproaches of the parents, began to look for work. By the way, the situation in their family has always been far from peaceful. The boy received not enough love and care. By the way, when the correspondent of one of the newspapers came home to the already famous actor Vasilyev in order to congratulate the round date and interview, he heard on the other side of the doors of the father's passionate father. When the jubilee opened the door, he was in a hard T-shirt. In their house, they were clearly not going to celebrate his birthday. There were no guests, no colors, no gifts.

Let's go back to the life of the actor. The young man after he threw his studies at the university began to work as a bartender. Then, thanks to beautiful appearance, he was taken on the shooting of video clips. So, for example, he agitated the service in the Armed Forces of the Army of Russia, although he never happened there.

Many noticed his artistic talent along with external beauty. Then he was advised to advise to go to the theater university. Vasily decided to try and filed a statement to the Schukin school. What was his surprise when he was taken from the first time!

Creative career Vasilyev

Vladimir Porozov became the mentor Vasily Stepanov. During his studies in Shchepkinsky, Pavel Kaplevich was noticed to the young man with Hollywood appearance. He just searched for a suitable candidate for the role in the film Bondarchuk "Inhabited Island". The director of this film liked Vasilyeva's candidacy, and he took him to the role.

For this role, Vasily had to change the color of the hair using a melting. The director decided that the girls like more blondes.

At the time of filming, Stepanov had to take an academic vacation in the university. After returning to study, Vasily mentor replaced. I became Y. Ovchinnikov.

The first film with the participation of Vasily Stepanov came out in 2008. The main character of the film, filmed on the work of the Strugatsky brothers, a resident of the planet Earth in the future. He is abandoned with a new planet, where he must fight with militant aliens. The latest news of the time called the young actor sex symbol. Many girls went crazy. Everyone was waiting for the continuation of his dizzying career. After all, with such appearance it is possible to go to Hollywood. However, for some reason, Vasily preferred to be removed from the large screen. Many rumors went about this.

Stepanov on the filming of the film "Inhabited Island"

However, he starred in the continuation of the film "Inhabited Island" in 2009. And also in several kinocartes: "My boyfriend is an angel", "Kiss Socrates", "Insurance case". In the 13th year, the film "Porifutball" was released, where Vasily Stepanov plays a small role of the speaker. According to the latest news, the actor is filmed in a film about the war "Tankists", which will be on the screens in 2017. There he plays an episodic role of an officer. Vasilya is glad at least some suggestion to film. He lays out a photo in a new way in social networks.

Later Vasily Stepanov tried to work by TV presenter. He led the show "I have not seen it for a long time." In 2009, the actor starred in the photo session along with Olga Golovna. The latest news was talking about their novel and about the upcoming wedding. However, this did not happen.

It was also an assumption that Vasily Stepanov will be filmed in the domestic version of "Twilight" in the latest news. But the actor did not confirm this fact.

Frame from the film "Insurance Case"

In the 11th year, Vasily Stepanov was invited to the theater of Yuri Vasilyev. There he played in the play "Veronica decides to die." His hero suffers from schizophrenia. Many believe that this role turned out to be a prophetic. But about this later. By the way, the performance of this role actor the latest news was called very talented.

Personal life

A beautiful young man, of course, there has always been no postback from a beautiful sex. With one of them, Darya Yegorova he spent the most time in his life. These were the most serious relationship. With Dasha Vasily met, still learning in theatrical university. I liked the girl, they began to meet. Soon, Daria moved to him home.

And here began to occur strange things. Dasha began to notice problems with the psyche of his beloved. He was closed at times, closer, as if he was seriously thought about something.

That suddenly attacked the attacks of aggression. At night, Dasha wake up from noise. This is Vasily pounded on the door of the fist. So repeated quite often. Once Daria tried to stop him, hanging on his hand. But it did it in vain. The guy hit her, pushed and continue to dust by the door.

Dasha decided that in all the unfavorable atmosphere in the apartment was to blame. Once, when Vasily was not at home, Dasha woke up from noise. Someone went around the apartment and talked. But when she turned on the light, trembled from fear, he was surprised to see that she was completely alone in the apartment.

When the fee from filming in the film ended, they had to leave a disadvantaged apartment, the attacks of aggression from Vasily continued. Dasha put forward a version that he suffers from a bad attitude towards him relatives. As if they would spread bad rumors about him. The guy literally was shaking when he sat and repeated the offensive words of the parents, spoken in his address. In the end, the girl could not stand and left him. Now she says that nothing regrets about anything. But for Vasily, it was a real blow below the belt.

Black line

The guy remained alone in a terrible spiritual disorder. There was no one to support him, to say a gentle word. At work, he was also waiting for continuous failures. After deafening success in the film "Inhabited Island" there was not a single successful offer. He went to many castings. But it was not accepted anywhere. Once there was an offer to play in the clip, but for this it was necessary to urgently fly to Germany. And he did not have a passport. And connections to get it quickly, it did not turn out.

Vasily began to experience material need. He even was satisfied with the busher of buses, a loader. At that time, health problems began. Doctors have diagnosed him: Manic depression.

And in 2015, the young man broke away the thrombus. He was fortunate enough that the doctors had time to catch him in time, and then the death would be inevitable. Further more. When he, together with friends, he returned from the shop with purchases, suddenly slipped and fell. It turned out that Vasily - the fracture of the spine. For a long time he lay in immobility in the hospital. Doctors even questioned that he will someday be able to walk.

But everything cost. Vasily rose to his feet and began to walk again. In April, a new trouble happened. The guy grabbed the heart, and he called "ambulance". However, doctors noticed strange changes in the mental state of the actor. As a result, he found himself in a psychiatric hospital with a diagnosis of "schizophrenia". Although the latest news, allegedly deny the treatment of Stepanov to Psycho. hospital.

It is difficult to figure out in many rumors walking around the actor name. Some of them claim that the injury of the spine, obtained in December last year, is an attempt of suicide.

And here in April of this year a scary event again. Own apartment. As it is on the fifth floor, few people hoped to find him alive.

However, the fishery of God left him alive. The guy just got multiple fractures. The latest health news suggests that Vasily was written out of the hospital and feels satisfactory.

According to one of the versions, which Vasily himself spreads, that he tried to get a cat, but he could not resist, slipped and fell out of the window. On the other (which is often mentioned by the media), it was an unsuccessful attempt to reduce scores with life. Moreover, at that time Vasily suffered from a strong attack of depression. And after the fall, he passed a course of treatment in a psychiatric clinic.

But again, this is unconfirmed. However, the same as those that the guy has a new passion. She regularly visited him in the hospital, wore foods and clean things. It remains to hope that the poor sufferer has finally visited real love. And that all now in his life will change for the better. It's time to end the black strip.

Now he is doubt materially. Vasily lives with his parents and younger brother in a two-bedroom apartment.

The third floor of a five-story building, where he lived with his parents. The media argue that the star of the film "Inhabited Island" made it intentionally, since for a long time he suffers from depression. There is another version - it was an accident. As a result of the fall, he got fractures of arms and legs.

Later it became known that in the hospital Stepanov did not want to lie, he was taken home, but soon the actor was worse. Then he allegedly, since it has long been suffering from a severe depression.

Lena Lenin: accidentally fell

Information about Suicide denied the editor-in-chief of Womanhit Lenin Lenin, who met with the relatives of Vasily - Brother Maxim and Mother Lyudmila Viktorovna. According to them, the actor not only was not going to end the life of suicide, but did not even be depressed. In his nearest plans, there was an end of the filming in the new film "Tankers".

In fact, Vasya in a ridiculous accident, which even embarrassing to speak, fell out of the window not an apartment on the 5th, and the rise of the 3rd floor, and, slipping, grabbed the visor, but could not resist, and then pushed his feet in Hope to fall at least on the lawn. It turned out that all numerous injuries attributed to him were actually drove to less significant damage in the form of a hand and leg fracture, "she said.

A psychiatric care caused a "ambulance" doctor by reading the history of suicide in the press - I decided to take nearest.

Alarmed parents and brother Vasi are trying to return him home, being confident that Stepanov is absolutely healthy, but doctors continue to keep him against his will in the hospital put on the law of 48 hours, although Vasya did not sign any consent to stay in the hospital or on treatment. All the friends of the actor hope that in two days, this error will spread the competent commission from psychiatrists, who will prove that Vasya is healthy mentally, and it will be sent to trace their fractures home, "Lenin's press service noted.

Note that 9 years after the first film "Inhabited Island", Stepanov starred in just four films - and then in episodic roles. In the theater played one role of a dumb schizophrenic Eduard in the play "Veronica decides to die."

Casting-Director of the "Inhabited Island"

Producer, artist, Honored Art Worker of Russia Paul Toplevich, who He was engaged in casting "the inhabited island", told how opening Stepanov. According to him, at one of the auditions, he met a young student of the Schukinsky school, showed him Fedor Bondarchuk, who appreciated the data of the actor and immediately approved Maxim Cammeror to the main role.

I will not talk about Vasya Stepanov. All that was possible, I did for him! Thank you! - KP.RU KP.RU knocked shortly.

Alexander Rodninsky, the famous producer who worked on the film "Inhabited Island" was also not very verminated about the tragedy of Stepanov:

We do not comment. This is a human tragedy. It would be better if you did not write about it, but sympathized, "he answered.

Former girl: suffered from depression

The former girl of Vasily, the actress Daria Egor, told "KP.RU", that the actor suffered from manic depression and refused roles. However, this comment was given in January after Stepanov at the end of 2016 unsuccessfully slipped and damaged the spine. Then the actor was diagnosed with a fracture of the pelvis and two vertebrae.

When we were together, Vasya was a very popular actor. He had a lot of proposals from worthy directories. He himself refused them. And now he is invited to act, but he rejects suggestions. Do not even read. Just says no, and that's it. And then for some reason it tells everywhere that they forgot about him. I have been engaged in the health of Vasya for five years. I had a strong feeling for Stepanov, I went with him in the hospitals, drove it to psychologists. Doctors put him a diagnosis of "Manic depression," she said.