Collective games for children in nature. Nature games for children

Collective games for children in nature. Nature games for children
Collective games for children in nature. Nature games for children

Fostening funny moving games for children, the counselor in the camp should be able to competently explain the rules so that it is clear to all participants. So, an adult can stand to the kids face (therefore, best of all babies to place a semicircle). The explanation itself should be clear, brief, understandable for everyone (for this you do not need to use specific words or terms, it is necessary to tell you the language available for children). If the rules are very complex, you can spend a small rehearsal before the game, which will clearly show and explain all the nuances. Another very important point: the choice of leading to entertainment. The main player must be cheerful, active, "infect" the game of others. Therefore, it's good if an active cheerful child is leading. However, it often happens that during the game the leading changes. In this case, to not offend anyone, it is best to resort to reading. Example:

One, two, three, four, five,
We go to walk with you.
One two Three
In the game you will lead you!

Who will hit the finger considering at the very end, to be leading at the moment.

The game "Searches for treasures"

So, choose the most exciting moving games for children. In the camp you can organize a game that will be called "Treasure Search". This will definitely like all kids, regardless of age. Inventory that will be needed: pointers (signs), you can also stock up with a small shovel (if the treasure will be swarped). So, if you want to entertain this game of younger children, the pointers must be no more than 10, if the participants are the students of the senior or high school, there may be much more signs. The essence of the event is that players divided into teams, you need to find a previously hidden treasure (it may be a toy, candy, etc.). And for this it will be necessary to go through the signs and, perhaps, even perform small tasks to find the next pointer. The winner team as a prize receives a hidden treasure.

Game "hide and seek"

What other standing games for children? In the camp you can also play hide and seek, why not? So, this game is best able to do on the street. You will need one child who will be sought. To do this, he closes his eyes and slowly welcomes the following reader: "I think up to five, I can not up to ten. Once, two, three, four, five, I go to look. Ready or not, here I come!" At that time, while the counting is pronounced, the rest of the children should find themselves a secluded place where they will not find them. If the chief player finds someone, he must be the first to reach the place where the countie was uttered, and knock on it. And so to the last player. Who found the last, he won.

Game "Temple Eye"

We look at the following funny moving games for children. So, the guys can offer a game that is called a "angry eye". However, there is such a terrain where children can hide. For example, behind trees. In this case, the leading becomes in the center of the clearing, other children are hidden behind the trunks. The essence of entertainment is that it is necessary to approach the hardest as close as possible. To do this, you can move unnoticed by running from the tree to the tree. If the player has noticed, he calls it by name. If the name is called correctly, the player joins the hardest and helps him follow the other children, if there is no - the participant simply will not respond. That person will win, which at the time of the end of the game will be closest to the hardest.

Game "Find Cubes" (for kids)

What else have children's games for children movable? So, the smallest can be entertained by the game, which is called "Find Cubes". Pre-lead the lead should be hidden on the site of about one and a half dozen cubes. Players can be divided into two teams, also each participant can play for itself. Essence: Every child should find as many cubes as possible. Who has them turned out to be the maximum number - the winner.

Game "Fishing"

We look at the following summer moving games for children. So, in the camp you can play in "fishing". To do this, on the asphalt, it is pre-drawing a small circle with a diameter of five meters, which will be denoted by the sea. Two people are chosen as fishermen who all the time should hold hands. For the team of the Wenty fishermen run into the drawn water (drawn circle) and fish (other children) are caught - one after another. For this, the hands of participants must come together around caught fish. In this case, it goes to the side of the fishermen, and the network is constantly increasing. The goal of the game: stay last fish.

Game "Crocodile"

There are also mobile educational games for children. One of them is the famous "crocodile". So, for this you need a lead that will constantly change. Himself whispers on the mind of the word, which he should seem to show as clearer. At the same time, it is impossible to say anything, you can only show: gestures, hands, with all body. Who first guess the show showed, he becomes the lead. Etc. This game can be played to infinity, because She does not bother. She will suit for children of middle and older school age.

The game "Wolf and hares"

We choose the following moving games for children. You can also play the "Wolf and Zaitsev" in the camp. To do this, on the edge of the site you need to draw a forest where the hares can hide. The wolf is a kind of leading. It becomes in the center of the site and on the department team of therapy begins to catch all the hares who move from one forest to another, located on the opposite side of the site. If the wolf touched the hare, it stops in the same place and becomes a wolf assistant. To do this, he simply puts his hands and blocks the way to other hares-shoots. When most hare are already assistants, the leader announces that they all came to visit the wolf about his birthday. Then the wolf is surrounded by children who have headed hands, sing his songs, and the birthday girl is dancing.

The game "The sea is worried"

There are also moving songs for children. However, some of them completely consist of small quadruses, and some are only partially. An example may be the well-known game "The sea is worried." So, the leader is selected, which will pronounce the following text: "The sea is worried - once! The sea is worried - two! The sea is worried - three! Sea figure in place - Zanri! " At this time, children dance when the last word of counting was sounded, they should measure in the form of nautical figures. The lead must guess all the figures. Whose remained unsolved, he becomes new leading.

Game "Owl"

The maximum number of children can take part in this game. It will also be necessary to choose the leading - owl. When the leader says "on the street day!", All kids who depict birds or spiders, jump, dancing, having fun. At this time, Owl sleeps. When the counselor says "the night is coming, Owl goes to hunt!", All kids freeze. Sovice must find those who move or giggles. She takes these babies outside the game, in the so-called his nest.

Sport games

There are also mobile games for 2 children. An example may be various entertainment for which sports recorder may be needed. So, it can be a badminton, where players rackets must beat the Wolishchik. You can also popinate the ball, trying to score him into the opponent's gate. As an option - the game "Hot potato" for two: a couple of guys will simply be thrown away until one of the players drops it.

The game "Fashion Designer"

For this game, you will need several pairs of participants (boy-girl). So, each pair is a roll of toilet paper. The essence of the game: come from this inventory and make the best suit to your partner. First, the boys create designer dresses on girls, then girls on boys make trendy trings. That couple wins, whose creatives will surpass the rest.

"Witch" game

You can also offer children a game called "Witch". However, there is nothing terrible here. You will need a couple of participants to play, which should be riding a broom to run past the obstacles, not hooking any. He wins the one who broke down not a single barrier or hit the smallest number. As a barrier, you can make small towns from sand or cubes.

Game "Shoefer"

To do this, you will need the following inventory: glasses with water, cargo cars. Several participants are selected for the game. Each typewriter must be tied to the rope that will be wrapped on the wand. A glass of water is put in the truck trailer. The goal of the game: as quickly as possible to pull the machine, winding the rope, and at the same time do not pour water. The participant wins, who does not only reach the machine most quickly, but also who in the glass remains the maximum amount of water.

Game "Dance"

Children, however, like most adults, are very loved by music. Why not hold the game, which will be musical accompaniment? Excellent musical mobile game for children - "Dancing". For this, participants are divided into pairs, the best thing is a boy. Under the feet of each of them you need to put a newspaper. When the music turns on, the couple dances on the newspaper without going beyond its limits. After the music stops, you need to fold the newspaper twice. Next, everything, again, is done by the scenario described above. That couple will win, which will be able to dance on the smallest piece of newspaper, without going beyond its limits. The rules at the same time easily install a variety of: you can allow you to take a partner into hand, you can not be allowed, etc.

Game "Robot"

This game is suitable for two participants. One of them will be a robot, another - tester. The tester in the room (class) should hide the thing that the robot is obliged to find. At the same time, the tester for the teams robot uses the following words: "Forward", "Back", "Right", "Left", etc. The game ends when the robot finds a hidden thing.


You can also pick up various moving competitions contests for children. One of them is "Boxing". So, for this you will need two people who will be boxers, as well as two inflatable balls that are awarded to each player. The essence of the game: you need to get into battle not with your hands, but balls. The winner is the player who for three round will retain his ball: it will not burst it, will not release out of her hands. Another cheerful and pretty good contest for kids: Team you need to transfer apples from a full basket to empty. What team of apples will be more - she won. The prize winners are the same apples.

Competition "Housewives and Households"

In this competition, the girls must protect their title of the main thing in everything related to the house. So, each team has a table, tablecloth, plates, glasses, forks, napkins, and so on. They need to serve the table. The volume must be done on etiquette. That team wins, which will make it the first, and at the same time will not violate any etiquette rules. After that, you can have a holiday on these cooled tables and continue.

Competition "Not female this case"

In this competition, the wonderful half of the company will compete with a strong in kind of purely male lesson. Both teams will need to jointly cut the board in half, and then knock it off with nails. Participants are in turn suitable and make something from the above. Each one is given for 20 seconds. Who is faster, better and more beautiful, he wins this competition. He will help women show that they are not only able to wash the plates, but also to do men's work.

Competition "Ears on Makushka"

For this game, you will need a tape recorder and a pre-recorded record of various noise. Players must listen to the tape recorder, consisting of a series of fragments, each 10 seconds, with pauses between them 5 seconds. Sounds must be the most diverse: and bird sinking, and the sounds of the technique, etc. The task of the participants: to determine the source of the heard sounds. Moreover, it is necessary to do it as concise - in one or two words, with humor. Wins the one who successfully and quickly cope with the task.

Competition-entertainment "hypnotized"

For this entertainment, a small preliminary preparation is needed. 10-15 minutes before the start, start talking about new hobbies, hypnosis courses. And someone (planned in advance or who can simply force due to the nature) asks you to conduct a hypnosis session. The most relaxed men are chosen and the monologue is pronounced: "- I still don't know everything completely, but I can not enter you in hypnosis, but to a state preceding hypnosis. I recently learned to call pleasant memories from childhood that you forgotten. The main thing is to close your eyes and perform my instructions. " Invite guys to come forward. "And I'll close your eyes ... (the main condition that everything is performed with eyes closed). Imagine yourself with small children. Summer. You are the first time with your parents on the sea. Waves affectionately tick your heels. You are running ... (participants need to mimic run).You go down to your knees and see something brilliant in the sand (It must be imitated again).You stretch your hand ( participants stretch hand)to this brilliant treasure (The role of the treasure performs the sausage mug on a plate or a piece of bread, which keeps your helpers), But you still do not know what is a diamond. You see a boy who did not have time to grab a diamond, turn and show him the language (Show language).In this moment ( when the guys stand on her knees, stretching his hands to sausage or bread and showing the tongue to each other)you say loudly: "Gentlemen, a squad of combat dogs to find the missing sausage is ready!" And then the drill laughter. It is advisable at this moment to take a photo of the "combat squad".

Competition "Nature"

This competition is held between the teams. The competition is similar to the game "Cities". Teams in turn call trees or animals, and subsequent words should begin with the last letter of the previous word. For example, Iva - Antelope - Quince - ... Wins in the competition that team that will call the last word. The most active participant can be given a gift, for example, the Encyclopedia of Nature. Competition can be complicated if you enter the limitation of the habitat of the animals and trees. For example, you can call only animals and the trees of the middle strip.

Competition "Leaflets"

This competition is carried out in order for the teams to come up with their name. For the competition, leaflets from artificial colors and two baskets will be needed. On the opposite sides of some leaves are written letters. All leaflets are scattered around the room where the competition is held. According to the leading team, the leaflets in their baskets begin to collect. A minute later, the teams must give their baskets leading. The presenter browsing the leaves, those leaflets on which the letters are written, he gives the teams. Next, the commands are given a minute to come up with a name for the team composed of the letters on the leaflets found. A minute later, the teams pronounce their names. That team that will be the longest name, wins.

Competition "My outfit"

This competition is carried out among adolescents at the birthday. For the competition, artificial flowers, small rags, pins, threads, tape (all in large quantities) will be needed. All participants get up around the lead. The presenter is in the center of the circle with all things. The presenter announces that participants should dress like Pandora residents. To do this, they will use the things that he has. But these things he just won't give it away, so the participants will have to perform the tasks of the lead. The presenter asks the question: "Who agrees to pronounce a toast in honor of the birthday name for this thing?" And raises up the thing for which the participants will fight. Participants who agree should raise the hand up. The rest of the participants are still out of the circle. After pronouncing a toast by participants leading to everyone gives the same thing as she showed. Then all the participants get up again in the circle, and the presenter sets the following question. So continues until all things are disassembled or no one will agree to fulfill the task for the remaining things. Next, the second stage begins. Participants must come up with an outfit earned out of earned things like Pandora residents. The transformation gives 5 minutes. The winner defines a birthday boy.

Competition "Festive Make-Up"

This competition is held at the birthday. For the competition, white paints will be needed ( gouache or paint for body art). Each participant is issued a jar with white paint and the mirror. According to the signal of the leading participants in three minutes, they must draw a festive coloring on their face and body, as Pandora's residents in the film "Avatar" painted. After the time expires, the participants must submit their festive coloring to the court. The winner is determined by the vote, or it determines the presenter. The winner is awarded an album for his further creations.

Competition "Blue Leather"

For the competition, they will need special paints for body art or blue blue ( the quantity depends on the number of participants).This competition is held at the holiday for adolescents. In order to participate in the competition, teenagers must be dressed in swimsuits. Each member is issued a jar of paint and a glass with water. According to the signal of the leading participants must smear all their body with blue paint. The participant defeats the participant who earlier will decoke himself. It can be handed soap and sponge as a prize.

Competition "Hairstyle A-La Pandora"

This competition is held on the birthday of teenagers (girls). Competition will need combs, gum, feathers and large beads. Each girl is awarded a set consisting of a comb, 10 rubber bands, 10 feathers and 10 beads. According to the leading girl's signal, African pigtails should begin to weave from their hair, at the ends of the braids need to be fixed or a feather, or a bead, or both items. After 5 minutes, the presenter stops the contest and calculates how many braids weave the girls and how many items fell into pigtails. The winners are determined by two nominations: 1) the largest amount of braids, 2) the greatest amount of woven feathers and beads. Both winners are awarded incentive prizes, for example, combs.

Game "Family Adams"

The whole company is going to in one room. Leading - Two, preferably a guy with a girl - go to another room. Inviting one participant, they start it to themselves, put right in front of them and say the phrase, accompanied by gestures: "Hello ( bowing head), we are the family of Adams ( show your hands on yourself), You are our guest ( show your hands on the experimental), now you will entertain us ( show your hands on yourself) as long as we ( show your hands on yourself) To you ( show your hands on the player)do not coarlody ( clap in your hands) ". After this phrase, the presenters shook and wait for the player's actions. The essence of the game is that in order not to do the player leading ( family Adams.) repeat everything after it ( complete similarity is optional). The game with this player ends after, naturally, when the family cools the player. Next, the player joins the family, becoming the lead, and the new victim is introduced. Experiments have shown that the larger the people, the more fun.

Competition "Anatomy in the Song"

This competition is perfect for repetition of biology and anatomy lessons. Two teams participate in the competition. Rules are extremely simple: each team must remember as many songs as possible as possible, in which there are some parts of the body and organs, for example: if we are talking about a heart, you can choose the songs of the Silk Heart or Unbreak My Heart and etc. Thus, songs can even be in foreign languages. It is important that the songs are counted only on condition that the team will sing together. The team wins the team that will remember more songs.

Game "Volleyball blind"

If at your life path suddenly an overwhelming wall arose, then this game will help you use it as a mesh for volleyball blind. One and on the other side of the walls are two teams. Next, you can play in the following ways: - Appliances for feeding and chopping the ball is the same as in volleyball; "Just try to throw the ball with any ways over the wall to score the" ball "to the enemy. Thus, the main goal of the game is to score as many goals as possible in the enemy. The difficulty lies in the fact that you see the ball in most cases after it flies on your side. The game greatly develops the reaction.

Game "Sharks and Fish"

This game is best done in the pool. For a start, it is selected 3 leading. They become in the middle of the pool. Players become at one edge of the pool. Watering play the role of sharks, and the remaining players are fish. Sharks first call any color or geometric shape. If players on clothes or accessories ( barcasts, bracelets, clock) There is a named color or figure, they freely swim by sharks on the other side of the pool, and those who stayed must slip so that the sharks are not "eaten." "Eaten" fish are dropped out of the game. Next, the fish are trying to twist the pool again, and sharks ask questions. So continues until the sharks are boring all the fish.

Competition "Walking Alphabet"

This competition for cohesion of the team. To begin with, cook about 5 questions. You can answer every question in one word short enough. Next, write down the letters from these words on large A4 sheets and distribute each young man. If the guys are small, then you can give 2 letters per person. The main thing is that the participants attach these sheets to sweaters or t-shirts with a pin. After that, you ask the question of the question, and the guys must allotten so that the letters that are indicated on their clothing amounted to the words and answers. This competition can be held for two teams. In this case, prepare two instances of letters, and the competition itself is "for a while".

Competition "Shaokok Box"

This contest will probably have to all participants to taste. In advance, purchase a box of chocolate chocolates "Assorted" or independently pick up different candies in the store: with cream filling, with nuts, with nutga or marmalade, with candied orcuts or air rice, iris and caramel. Next, we invite the participants and explain them the rules of the competition: before each of them is a plate with the same set of candies and a sheet of paper with a handle. The sheet indicates the names of the candies that must specify the participants to the filling of the candies, for example, if candy with nuts, name it "Nutcracker" or "whiter". Participants on the sheet should write that, in their opinion, is contained in sweets. For this candy need to be "tasting". For convenience, number the packaging of candies, and on the sheet, smell the numbers denoting candy. The participant wins, which first calls the exact composition of the filling of each candy. What can get the title "Miss Sandy".

Game "ABC Morse"

This is an old fun game in schools. There were craftsmen who, on the basis of this game, wrote dictates, staging in this way "correctly" commas, points and other punctuation marks. For the competition you will need a rope ball, for example, the twine. Next, you dial two boys teams. Put them with each other. Cut the rope and link the "chain" the right legs of the participants of each team (The right foot of the first participant is associated with the right foot of the second, the right leg of the second is associated with the right foot of the third participant, etc.).Thus, we obtain two chain transmitters commands. The first player of each team is issued by the message recorded by the Morse alphabet, the last player - the alphabet-decoding and sheet of paper with the handle. The first participant must "convey" the second each signal, the second - the third, etc. Until the latter, which will write all the characters, after which it will have to solve encryption. The cipher is transmitted as follows: the point is a short movement foot forward, dash - a long foot movement. Encrypt better simple phrases.

Game "Surprise Bag"

For the game you will need a bag in which you need to fold various funny things, for example, adult diapers, underwear, colored brazers, funny hats. All players go to the dance platform. When music includes, everyone should dance and transmit each other bag with things. At that moment, when the music stops, the person who had a bag should get from the bag, without looking, one thing and put it on. Then the music is turned on again, and the game continues on. The game goes until all things are put on participants.

Competition "Expert of etiquette"

Prepare for the competition. Prepare the following: Cut out of paper or cardboard a tablespoon of a dining room, a tea spoon, a spoon of coffee, the fork ordinary, the plug is dessert, the usual knife. This is for one set, and the number of sets depends on the number of participants. Plus, add one plastic cup to each set. Next, on ordinary leaves, print a picture table setting, without images of the position of glasses (glasses, etc.) and cutlery. The number of such leaves must correspond to the number of participants. Next about the contest itself. At the beginning of each participant, there is a set of forks, spoons, knives, cups and one sheet, on which the participants must correctly decompose the cutlery and put the cup. The participant who is the first to cope with the task, wins the competition.

Game "Whistle"

You will need a whistle, a pin and a thread about 20 cm long. Take three people from the room that never played this game. The remaining players sit on the chairs into a dense circle face inside. Now you invite one of those outside the door. He gets into a circle, and while you tie your eyes, someone from the players carefully pins him on his back, thread with a whistle so that he does not notice it. Then you say that one of the players sitting around him stole a magic whistle and he needs to find the guilty. At this time, one of the players whistles in the whistle and carefully lets it. It can pass a lot of time while the player with blindfolded eyes, turning on the whistle every time, guess that the magic whistle is tied to his own back! Then they also cause other of those three who were removed from the room.

The game "cradle"

We need a rope with a length of 2-3 m. The rope hold two, holding each one of the ends. You can one end to tie to the column or wood, and then one person can hold. The rope is not twisted, but only rock over the ground at different heights - from 10-20 cm to 50 and higher. Participants one by one ( or couples)they scatter and jump over a swinging rope or begin to jump in different ways: with closer legs, on one leg, with crossed legs, with a turn when jumping, etc. Jump until you make mistakes. Allowed the error replaces one of the swinging rope. An error is considered not only the wrong leap, but also any rope hiding. However, if this happened due to the fault of the rope, the jumped has the right to re-attempt.

Competition "Festive Set"

This competition is based on a well-known word game. On the board you write "Vinaigrette" from the letters, which, with the right construction, form the phrase "Valentine's Day". The task of contestants - on the sheets to build as many words as possible from these letters. For each word - on the point. The participant wins the participant who will give more points. Also, a separate prize is awarded to the participant who first guess which phrase is encrypted in this "Vigrette" letters.

Entertainment "Broken Hearts"

This competition is perfect for young men and girls who are embarrassed to get into the pairs. He will help to choose a couple. Cut in advance so many hearts, how many pairs you need to make up. Then each heart cut in half, creating the most unusual cuts. Some halves go to young men, other girls. In order for your holiday, there were no broken hearts, because to offer all guests to quickly find their "halves". As an option to continue entertainment, you can offer all the audience to choose a better couple by voting.

Competition "Diver"

This competition is held in the pool. To hold it in advance prepare various pebbles ( or any other subjects), the color of which will coincide with the color of the bottom. Then throw off all these "treasures" to the pool. Each participant is given mask and time ( for example, seconds 30),for which he dives into the pool and tries to find as much "treasures" as possible. After time, the following participant starts to the test. In the end, he wins the participant who for the allocated time will collect most of the pebbles.

Entertainment "Detective"

Choose one detective, it goes beyond the door, allegedly in order for the remaining word. At this time, the presenter explains that the remaining must answer the question of the detective "yes" if the question ends at the vowel, "no" - if on the consonant and "possibly" if the question ends at b. Then they have a detective, he begins to ask questions, trying to guess the word, and the rest respond to pre-established issues. Entertainment can continue until you get bored or while the detective will not understand what it fools.

Competition "Recipes"

This contest for real owners. The lead explains that not so long ago, so that the girl would take in his wife, her parents needed to take care not only about the fallen and chastity of the future bride, but also to be able to prepare a hearty borsch and sweet blood. To participate in the competition, several girls choose. Each of them must be remembered and record a classic recipe for the preparation of borsch and oat mat. After a minute, the master reads recipes. Winner choose viewers.

Competition "Check intuition"

For this contest you will need two sheets, two candles and milk. Take the sheets in advance and, using milk as ink, email a pussy on every sheet ( the mystery may be the same).Now about the contest itself. You choose two participants who are confident in their intuition and smelting. Put a candle, matches and a sheet of paper with a mystery, while explaining that in front of them the mystery on the sheet (They do not know about milk, because they see absolutely white sheet)And they need to guess how it can be read and unravel. In fact, to read your mystery, written by milk, you need to light match with a candle and hold the leaflet with a mystery - the milk begins to burn out and manifest themselves with chocolate color, but the participants must "reach" themselves. The one who first will give the right answer to the riddle.

Entertainment "Hobby"

Three guys are chosen from the hall, it is desirable that these are unmatched young people. The presenter says they will ask questions about the hobby, and they must answer these questions without issuing what their hobby really is. Then the guys go beyond the door, allegedly in order for the rest of those present to come up with questions. But in fact, this competition is comic, the presenter proposes to submit to everyone that the hobby of these guys kissing. Then the leading calls guys. They are asked the following questions: Where did you learn to your hobby? Who taught you? How much time do you devote to your hobby classes? What sounds are present when you do your hobby? Where do you do your hobby? When did you start doing your hobby? How are you preparing for your hobby? Given that everything except guys will apply the answers to the hobby kissing, it will be very funny.

Competition "Keep Rhythm"

All participants sitting around the table, on sofas, etc. Each participant chooses a name from two syllables, with an emphasis on the first (for example, ka-ka, sa na, bird-ka, fish). Leading (man with a good feeling of rhythm)specifies the tempo, everyone supports cotton palms on the table, knees, etc. The initial pace is one cotton per second. The presenter speaks his name twice, then two times the name of any other person ("Katya, Katya - Petya, Peter") is one name for one cotton. After the person whose name is named, should also say his name twice, twice someone else. The pace is gradually increasing. Pause should not be, the name should pronounce on each cotton. If someone bets, he is assigned some cool nickname - a brake, chukchi, woodpecker - and after that it can not be called Petei, but only a new name. For the third time, the mistake drops out of the game. Merry it becomes when the tempo is increasing to just mad, and all participants have new interesting names.

Game "Promotion of Liberation"

Liberation share is a dynamic game, well-developing hearing, attentiveness, coordination and reaction from the lead player and agility and reaction from other players. The presenter forms a circle of chairs in order to limit the movement of players. Participant with related hands and legs (n lennick)sits in the center of a circle formed from chairs. Next to it is a player blindfolded ( security guard).Rest participants of the game ( liberators)they are trying to free the captive, that is, trying to unleash it. The guard should prevent. Revised any participant, he brings him out of the game, he should go for the circle of chairs. A player who manages to free the captive and not be caught, becomes a security guard next time.

Game "Want to know everything"

Any number of players can participate in the game. All distribute sheets of paper and handles. The sheet is divided into six columns called: "City", "River", "Animal", "Plant", "Name" and "Points". On the signal one of the players ( leading) Begins to pronounce an alphabet for himself, someone stops him, and he calls the letter on which he stopped. All quickly begin to fill columns with words on this letter. As soon as one of the players fill all the columns, he screams the "stop", everyone stops and starting to count the glasses. Who the first filled the speakers, reads his words, for each name that did not meet anyone, put 20 points; If coincided, then the glasses are divided between players equally. If someone has no word at all, then 10 points are recorded by the lead, and the remaining 10 divide players who have a word in this column. Wins the one who has most points on the results of the game.

Competition "Culture"

This competition is designed to celebrate international women's day. The presenter should distribute tissue, threads and buttons to all participants. Then, according to his signal, participants should start sewing buttons, moreover should be at least three stitches. By his signal, everyone stops their needlework. Which participant for the allocated time sewed more buttons, she won.

Game "Statue of Love"

The first sculptor creates a composition called "Love Statue", and when he is satisfied with the result, he is offered to take the place of the character of his sex. The next room is invited to the girl who improves this statue in the measure of his understanding. When the ideal, in her opinion, is reached, it also becomes a female part of the composition. Further, a man comes into the room, who says that it is a statue of love, only some kind of she is not true and a little art, it is necessary to improve it ... There is a variant of this game when the floor does not matter. Then the topic of the composition is free, but you can sculpt only one member, the place of which is subsequently the sculptor.

Game "Dance"

Participants get up in a circle of couple a guy-girl. In the center of the circle, the presenter throws several headscarves. Guys must catch them until they touch the earth. If some guy does not have time to catch a handkerchief, then it is punished, for example, forced for five minutes to keep his girlfriend on his hands. The guys who caught the handkerchief are suitable for their girls and put a handkerchief on their shoulder. Then the presenter includes Russian folk music, the couples move to the tact of music, the guy tries to pick up a handkerchief, and the girl does not allow it to do. The game ends when all the guys take scarves.

Flower Riddles game

This game is well suited for holding it on the birthday of the girl. The presenter takes the name of the flower and changes in it the letters in places. For example, Tulip - Namutpal, Narcissa - Sirstzan, Gandiolus - Sodulliag, and so on in this spirit. Guests must guess what the presenter came for the flower. The participant wins the name more than any time. He is awarded with candy "Iris".

Competition "Collect the Petals"

This competition will be the most relevant at the celebration of the birthday of the girl. All participants are broken into pairs. Then all the guys tie their eyes, and the girl's petals fasten on the girls. You can hide them anywhere: in pockets, in shoes, on clothes, and even under the clothes. Well, in general, it is where the fantasy of the fixers bring. Then guys are summarized to their second half, and they need to find all the petals blindfolded. Wins the same couple that will find the petals first. Girls must be silent.

Competition-entertainment "Go there I don't know where!"

4-6 people are invited. Depending on the conceived and pre-prepared tablets. Put in a number of chairs. Back to viewers. Participants are seared on the chairs. The backs of the chairs are playing plates, type of bedroom, toilet, institute, store, etc. Each participant in turns leading or viewers ask questions like: why do you go there? What do you usually do there? Do you like to go there? How often do you go there? What is there? Etc. Since the participants in the tables do not see, answer what will come to mind. It turns out ridiculous and interesting.

Competition "Silent Students"

The presenter offers participants, 4-6 people pull out, as on the exam prepared on the paper sheets. It may be quotes from fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, lines of songs. The goal of the game is that the participant needs to convey the meaning to the guests and gestures. To try as accurately able to convey meaning to be understandable viewers. Member, whose magic language The gesture will be more understandable to guests. Which will be able to pass the meaning of the specified phrase faster and wins this competition. Also can be handed, albeit not the victorious, but the most talented participant a special prize. People's Choice Award.

Competition "Hands away!"

The presenter invites 6-8 pairs of participants. Couples are broken into two teams. The presenter reminds how in childhood everyone loved to participate in relay. Now they had such an opportunity again. Since the New Year's competition, the main propulsion and the prize in it there will be a constant symbol of the new year - Mandarin. Two dishes on the chairs are made trays with tangerines. On the opposite side of the room empty trays. The task of participants without the use of hands to transfer all tangerines on an empty tray take turns. What the team will cope with this task faster, that will win.

Competition "Find your half"

It will take: balloons, inside which you need to put notes with the names of present girls. The master spreads the balls in the center of the hall, then invites several young men from the hall to find a half "old people's way." Players must clean balls without help and legs. The best pair is chosen by visual applause. This competition is well suited in order to gain couples in the company where people are familiar little.

Entertainment "Serenade for Beloved"

The presenter invites one pair. Youth and girl. And it offers a young man to fulfill a serenade for his beloved. The young man dresses the headphones in which music, some famous love song. Also music at the beginning sounds in the hall. The young man becomes knee and begins to sign a song sincerely. Sound operator disables music in the hall. And the sound is only in the headphones with a young man. It turns out very funny. Since the music in headphones sounds loud, and the young man is trying very hard.

Game "Portrait of all for memory"

It will take: Watman, a couple of markers, eye bandage. The lead is recruiting several people in the team and invites them to carefully look at the birthday room, remember His characteristic features - the birthday name at this moment is best chaismatically posing. Then, at a short distance from the team, Watman is hanging. Each participant ties eyes and give felt-tip pen. He must reach Watman and draw that part of the body that the presenter will name.

Competition "Cracked Loda"

It will take: Make two such squares as on the picture from the cardboard ( on the lines to make cuts)- Thus, a set of figures that make up a full square. The lead is typing 2 commands. Then each team is given such a square in disassembled form. The task of commands - how quickly you can collect the shapes and parts in the square. Wins the one who will cope with the task. Be prepared for the fact that in the process of the competition, hear that the square is to collect from all "this" impossible and the task is impartial.

Game "No words"

This game is perfect for holding it at the celebration of the birthday. From the whole company, two people are selected. The first must come up with the word, it is desirable to designate the subject, otherwise one and a half hours of bewilderment are provided. Then he says this word to the second. And I must show this word, without uttering a word. If someone is guessing, he takes the place of who made the word. He, in turn, turns into a place of one who shows.

Competition "Four Monkeys"

This contest is most appropriate at birthday celebration. He will delight both the participants themselves and those who will observe this entertaining process. So, for a start, you need to find four volunteers. They are kneeling on four sides of the chair. Before each of them is a banana. Participants must clean and eat their banana without hands. In this competition, the one who first captures and Eat Banana wins. If a company has gathered sweets, then the same can be done with chocolate.

Competition "MPK (Great and Excellent Competition)"

It is that each participant must come up with a name for himself, while the name-abbreviation, that is, cuts the words most well-characterizing it. For example, movies - beautiful intelligent normal organized. Then each participant says this abbreviation to everyone else, and they must guess what is hidden under it. Wins a player who has invented the longest, original and cheerful abbreviation.

Competition "Feel yourself with Serdyuchka"

The presenter causes all players one by one and gives them props: balloons, bright dress, hat and glasses. The participant should wear it all this to be as much as possible to the Verka Serdyuchka. Then the phonogram of some songs and the participant must act under it. Wins the one who will be as close as possible to the original.

Competition "Merry dressing"

To begin with, so many chairs are put in the circle, how many people participate in the competition. Then, when the music turns on, everyone runs around the chairs. When the music stops, everyone is removed from themselves one thing and put on the chair standing nearby. Then the music is turned on again. When the participants refuse to continue to undress, then other music is included, and they begin to dress. Moreover, when the music stops, they must wear one thing precisely from that chair, in front of which they stopped. As a result, it turns out a company very strangely dressed people. Wins the one who will have the most cheerful outfit.

Game "Hanging Cucumber"

All participants are in the shoulder shoulder ( their hands must be behind)And in his center is the leading. After that, he closes his eyes, and one of the players is given a cucumber. Then the presenter opens his eyes. Participants must transmit the cucumber, and if the case becomes, then to bite the part of it. The lead is guessing, in whose hands is the cucumber. If he guess, then the one who noticed becomes leading. So continues until the cucumber is over. The most interesting part is, of course, the bite of cucumber, which is usually accompanied by smiles of the rest.

Game "Bird"

Everyone becomes a circle. The presenter tells the participants, so that they presented that he had a small and beautiful bird in his hands. Everyone must say where he would like to kiss her, and convey the next participant. When the circle completely passes the lead says that everyone should kiss the next standing in the circle to the place he called. The main thing is that the participants do not know in advance the meaning of the contest, and so far from funny situations are obtained.

Game "Circle"

All participants are going to a dense circle. Pull in the center of the circle of hand. Exhibit up thumbs up. The presenter puts on the ball's fingers. They must carry this ball for some distance. At the same time, they must be silent. If the ball fell, someone touched with several fingers, it does not concern at all, or said the word, then everything starts first. Fingers should be strictly below the ball. If the participants cope too quickly, the presenter may complicate the passage, for example, replacing the usual ball tennis.

Young parents often think that it would be nice to bring the child to nature, the sea. Everyone understands, breathe fresh forest or sea air is useful. In order to improve, maintain immunity, rest outside urban conditions is recommended by many pediatricians. Yes, and many parents are important for psychological equilibrium to change the usual landscapes to forest, field, sea. But with the benefits and joy of the upcoming rest, there are many questions related to the organization of entertainment, nutrition and day regime.

How to take the baby on vacation, how to ensure its safety, probably the most difficult issues that appear in the head of the mother when preparing. If adults can perfectly spend a long time just enjoying the surrounding species, it is not enough to communicate in the rays of the sun, to communicate, then children such a pastime rapidly annoying, the moment comes to come up with what to take his child to be interesting and helpful.

To help you in this matter, we have prepared a selection of simple and fascinating classes for children of different ages and a memo in which security nuances are written and it is advisable to take into account even before departure to the road.

What to take a child in nature

Campfire rest, on the banks of the river or in the forest with kebab and fried potatoes - a popular type of entertainment, which are often resorted by many in the warm season. Running from the city on the Lono of Nature, people want to relax, enjoy beautiful species and relax in a good company. Families with young children are no exception. Children are useful to get acquainted with the outside world not only in the pictures, but also live, looking at the grass, pebbles, trees. Giving the opportunity to enjoy clean air, run freely, scream and study new items for him, adults create conditions for the development of physical skills, curiosity and other important qualities for the kid. The basis for high-quality rest in nature becomes the ability to find a useful and interesting occupation.

Classes and games for children 1-3 years

Going on nature with young children, it is advisable to prepare. Take some items for entertainment, think where the baby will be able to sleep (do not forget the mosquito net to protect the sleeping crumb from insects). It is nice to think about compliance with the purity, changing diapers, spare clothes in case of changing weather or an unforeseen situation.

When all the basic questions are allowed, think good on entertainment. Among the simple ways to take children 1-3 years:

  • See what it is. With children up to 3 years old, looking at the time, considering the surrounding items, listening to the sounds of nature, focusing on the beauty of small objects. Many different pebbles, patterns on the leaves, the smell of colors will pass the little researcher, and if you tell what color, the form of the subject, call his name, then the baby will get more information than on the most fruitful occupation at home. In addition to major knowledge, he will have tactile, sound, visual sensations that cannot be conveyed at home;
  • Dig and pour out. A little place among things will take the usual bucket with a spatula, several molds for the sandbox. Give the kid to blow the earth next to him, let him look like it is different from smooth sand in the sandbox, try to pour a slide, loose with your help with a hive, use the usual methods of working with bulk material. The land is different from sand with its texture, filling, humidity, temperature. Such an occupation will give additional tactile knowledge. If the karapuza is difficult to accumulate the earth on their own, help him, remove the top layer of the turf, explode and look at unwanted objects;
  • hidden treasures. When the baby gets tired of digging in the ground, offer to collect beautiful pebbles, leaves, bumps or other items that it will find. After return, you can make a craft or applique that resembles a vacation. Children who already know the numbers can consider the assembled material, sort it in size, quantity or other proposed features;
  • Pictures on Earth. The kids up to three years are still not very able to draw, but their fantasies are already enough to create excellent plots from pebbles, leaves, etc. Let your little creator create his picture from that abundance of natural materials that are. Show, like from stones and several sticks to make a little man, sunshine, typewriter. Discuss with him what he did, look for familiar images in the surrounding area, try to transfer them with the help of girlfriend. Such an occupation is well developing fine motility, imagination;
  • Bubble. Entertainment not only for kids, but also adults. Just shove, catch up or try to catch. It is not bad to purchase not ordinary bubbles, but large, from which huge balls are made. Give the opportunity not only to watch, but also to try to inflate the bubble, but be careful that the kid can not drink the solution. Riding, jumping, trying to catch a soap bubble, the child will get an excellent physical activity, takes off coordination, accuracy;
  • If there is warm summer weather on the street, and your rest will pass around the reservoir, then take with you inflatable pool. Most children are happy to splash and play with water. Additionally, give a ball or ball, suggest to ride it on the water, build a shields from a twig and leaflet, arrange sea adventures;
  • Children's tent. An excellent option when the company will not be one child, but several. In such a tent just just put the plaid or several road pillows and the place for games is ready. Tell me the children to play catchings, hide and seek around the facility. If children are still too small for independent games, it is convenient to read the book in the tent, carry out stages of dolls made of flowers and twigs;
  • Ball. With the child up to 3 years old, it's good to just throw each other, kick or arrange a small gate from the branches. Holidays in nature allows the baby to feel freedom, shouting insert, do not be afraid to break something or damage;
  • Catching, Salcers or other mobile games, In which you play at home or on the playground are suitable for nature. Make sure that the baby is dressed in comfortable shoes and clothes, allowing him to move freely. If you are going to the company, then ask your friends, what they had favorite games in childhood, suitable by age for crumbs - an excellent option to learn a new occupation.

Holidays in nature with children up to 3 years - a useful and interesting event, but it is worth being prepared. Do not forget to take a pot or pampers with you. Baby in the fresh air is better eaten, so basking the necessary number of food. At the time of sleep, find a quiet place and be sure to protect the crumb from the sun and insects. And using the proposed classes with the child, you can easily entertain him anywhere.

Tasks and games for children 3-6 years

Holidays in nature with a baby over three years old - an exit occupation for the knowledge of the world, a wonderful way to develop new skills, consolidate knowledge about nature, breathe fresh air. Little researchers who have mastered speech, with great pleasure learn new things for them, spend more time to study unusual items. Useful and interesting options for entertainment in nature. Here are some examples of classes:

  • With children older than 3 years well at the beginning familiarize, Melting and suggest seeing familiar images. Give a crumb time to study the new space for it under your control. Help find familiar items, name new, tell us about them;
  • Badminton, Ball, Rope, Rubberand other interesting active games. If children are children, these toys can take them for a very long time. In the absence of companions of peers, play yourself. Attach your satellites, let them remember their childhood and show what they are able to in ordinary, but very interesting activities;
  • Pool. Children over 3 years old gladly play with water. Invite them the aquatic pistols, the ball and various figures from the girlfriend. Do not leave them alone;
  • Games with a ball. Depending on the knowledge of the baby, play "Edible - inedible", "I know 5 ..." and other games from your childhood. Chadam, who knows the numbers, suggest the "Uno" maps or by age;
  • Catching and Salki. Coordination of movements in 3-6-year-old children is already pretty good, so play moving games on a certain territory. To create a competitive moment, install additional rules, limiting the time, territory;
  • Collections and bouquets. Departure to nature is good to use for collecting material for crafts and applications, start collecting herbarium or a collection of interesting pebbles and other items of different shapes and / or coloring;
  • Foldable furniture, tents or fishing rodsIf the fishing is planned. For kids who are glad to play role-playing or are interested in adult classes, it is convenient to capture the toy analogue of adults or take the ability to keep silence by offering catching the fish. Children - imitators in their nature, so let them be able to play adult life;
  • Materials for drawing. Lovers reiterate recommend to capture the necessary accessories, and when you get tired of a classic look, offer to paint the pebbles and make a bright rug or drawing of painted stones;
  • Loupe and binoculars. A little researcher will surely interest the opportunity to learn how the smallest particle of leaf, land looks like. If there is a sunny day on the street, then strictly under your supervision show how the fire is extracted with a magnifying glass, the name or pattern is burned. By offering such an occupation, you will definitely tell the Cross on the rules of security and the importance of neat handling of fire. Binoculars will allow developing its spatial thinking, will clearly show the difference in the concepts far and close, entertain;
  • Kite. When resting in windy weather on a rather free space, an interesting occupation for children is becoming the opportunity to launch an air snake. The basic rule for such entertainment is your ability to do, if you doubt your own knowledge, check the launch technique before the trip.

Holidays in nature is a wonderful way to distract from everyday life and allow the child to learn a large number of new information for him, to practice his physical skills and supplement the arsenal with new skills. Resting with the children in the forest, at the reservoir, you can get a large number of positive emotions and help the child in its development. If the company will be children, then in addition to knowledge, the baby will receive invaluable communication experience and, perhaps, will lead new friends.

Honestly, to spend such a holiday is quite difficult. FirstlyBy being a picnic, children least want to play organized - everyone has its own interesting thing. SecondlyThe organization of the children's holiday in nature requires certain physical data. For example, a loud voice :-).

If you still decided to collect guests on a picnic and plan an entertainment program, without having a clown temperament and an experienced animator skills, take advantage of my selection of contests.

I chose only those games and contests in nature that is easiest to organize (most of them can be carried out with the number of participants from 4 people).

So far, only 20 ideas, but I plan to add interesting contests in nature in this article, so over time they will be much more!

Throwing and kidalki 🙂

I like this contest for simplicity and objectivity in identifying the winner. Easy to install who hit the target more times.


  1. At a distance of 10 children's steps to get a shishk in the trunk of a tree. Everyone, let's say 10 attempts.
  2. Kit a stick any design of dry twigs (let's call it "Forest Lapta").
  3. Put a few steps with an empty pan (pelvis, bucket) at a distance of several steps. Compete in the accuracy, throwing small rubber balls there, toys or the same cones same. If there is no empty tank, we are just looking for a hole in the ground.
  4. Tie the rope to the horizontal tree branch so that it takes it to the earth. To the lower end of the rope, tie a small package with a ball (plummers, toys), if only it was some kind of innocuous "Georgian." Players take in the hands of the "Georgian" and depart on how much steps to side. You need to knock down the items that are located at some distance from the center. Here is a drawing.
  5. Another option of the previous game. You need to choose a lead that will rock the "pendulum", and things (bottles, boxes with juices, sticks, pebbles, toys) need to be folded in the center. Players need to have time to run up and pick up the subject while the "pendulum" has not returned.
  6. Make a fishing rod. To a stick of 1.5 - 2 meters Tie a rope with a ship at the end. You need to bring down the small items at a distance, slightly more than the length of the stick, swaying the rope.

Games are catching


Spread toys, saucepans, packages and things that you brought for a picnic on the clearing. Place the center of this bear, at a distance of 5-7 steps to read the line on Earth, followed by a "house". Lead screaming: "The bear woke up!". Children must save the property and fold it behind the line, and the bear can only catch the one who has nothing in their hands (at the moment when the child returns for things from a safe line). Wins the one who will collect the most things. And the pool becomes a player who was in the paws of the bear.

Catching "Short legs"

Catch up and run by the participants of the game will need with an empty plastic bottle, sandwiched between the knees.


Players become in line. The master turns away and departs 5 steps.

- Knock Knock?
- Who's there?
- I do not know myself.
- Why did it come?
- for paint.
- What?
- For blue!

Everyone who has such a color on clothes, keeps his hands for this color and remains in place, the rest run away from the lead. The next one who caught the one.


Duel with balls

In nature, it is fun here such a game. To the right ankle of the players to bind small balls (the rope is not more than 30 cm). Only 2 players participate in the duel. Hands do not participate, they need to be tightened behind their backs in the lock. Wins the one who is able to burst the ball of the winner of the foot. To who won, a new opponent comes with a ball on the leg. So continues until one player remains with a whole ball on the leg.

Knight Tournament

If there is a relatively smooth and not a thick log, you can fight with long thin balls. The winner must resist the log.

Comic Games

Game "Layer with obstacles"

1 stage of the game.

Between the trees at an altitude of 30-40 cm tension the rope with zigzags. All participants in the holiday become in the train at each other, holding the waist. To the music, the first player begins to move with small margins, choosing a complex route. You need to step over the rope, bypassing around the tree, and so on. It's just fun, especially if the participants are more than five.

2 stage of the game.

One of the players take aside and tightly tie their eyes with a handkerchief. At this time, the rope needs to be removed, bring it to the beginning of the route. And now the presenter suggests how to raise the leg how much to go steps where to turn. The player performs teams, thinking that the rope remained in place and diligently overcomes non-existent obstacles. Try it's fun!



Most suitable for the autumn picnic, as we need fallen leaves. As usual, we divide children to teams. We collect leaves in advance. Determine the distance for running (no more than 6-7 meters). At the end of the route, put for each Shafur command (a stick to which you want to drive a sheet). The player runs, hangs a sheet on the wand, returns to the team. That team, who, naturally, will be the most chic kebab by the time, when the cheerful children's song is over.


The distance of 5-7 meters and back to be overcome, firmly holding the ball between the knees. You can close in the "mink" of the bumps, nuts or small pebbles. The winner team again detected by the end of the songs.


We divide children for two teams. We collect small pebbles or cones on the number of participants. Little boxes with juices will come. It is necessary not just to reach and put the corner into the fire, but to move, throwing down the skin up. This is the same corner, he burns his hands! The team will defeat his fire faster.


Game for hot weather. The participant of each team is empty disposable cups. Teams need to be built in a ride, right side to the direction of movement.

The last player in the rank should be a complete glass of water. On the team, he transfers the water to the neighbor in an empty glass as much as much as possible, runs and becomes the first (necessarily next to the previous participant). It comes the queue of the one who has now a full glass of water. He also transfers her neighbor. So you need to get to the goal. A team that at the end of the relay will remain more water, wins.

On Zavalinka

All fought, tired. Slies on a breve ...

Time for sedentary games and contests, which, by the way, is also very fun.

Conductor -Dresser

The presenter divides guests into groups (if there are few children, everyone gets a separate role). Let you have frogs, cows, dogs, cats, pigs, ducks, poles, sheep and so on at the holiday.

They have to perform a song for the birthday room on the melody " Happy Birthday to You ". First, each sings on the line. The conductor indicates a wand, and ...

Kva-kva-kva-kwa gav-gav

Hrew-Khryu-Khrew-Hrew meow-meow

Varya-Varya-Varya-rus zhu-zhu-zhu

Mu-Mu-Mu Beee-Beee ....

Now all together!

The main thing is that there are no other vacationers nearby, as the choir turns out very solemn :-).

Tale revived

We take the most simple children's fairy tale. All guests receive roles. Those who did not have enough main characters become trees, sun, clouds, wind.

For the forest, "Masha and the Bear" is best suited. Just think about whom will give the role of hemp, because the bear will sit on him!

Crocodile on a picnic

One of the participants in gestures shows a thing that is necessary in nature, the rest are guessing. Fun looks in such a pantomime match, firewood, meat for kebab, thermos, backpack and pump.

Scarecrow vegetable

What did parents play with you while walking in nature? This question asked by many of my friends caused confusion. At best, they remembered football, volleyball, badminton. At worst - nothing. But those rare lucky people, in the families of which joint games in nature were honored, remember this with great warmth. Games with parents - an integral part of the development children. The benefits of this is huge. In addition to strengthening health and good mood, joint games contribute to improving family relationships, bring together children and parents. The kids will come delight, seeing his forever serious and busy dad playing in the leaps. As stated by a wonderful psychologist V. Levy: "Remember, did you not dreamed of such parents? How many hopes were how much patient waiting, that someday, finally, this holiday will open! .. And then, without waiting ... This bitter precipitate, it is secret regret that childhood did not take place ... "for child the game- "The only way to get rid of the role child, remaining a child. " Just as for adults, "the only way to become children, remaining adults."

Mom, Dad, I and Ball

Usually every family, going into the forest, grabs a ball with me. But often he is so bothering all day, absolutely not demanded. And, meanwhile, besides the well-known beach volleyball, there are many other fun games with the ball, which will be able to deterre. Even the most common football will deliver many joy to kids. Especially if the mother appears as a goalkeeper. Try learning children play In volleyball, although for most kids it is too complicated. For them, the game is suitable, where the ball must not be discarded, but catch. For example, such. All the big and small players become in a circle and begin to move the ball in a circle. The pace is gradually growing. If any of the players drop the ball, he leaves the game - comes out of the circle. The remaining players remain in their place. So, gradually, the distance between them increases, and catching the ball becomes harder. Wins the one who remained the last. This the game- Not only cheerful entertainment, but also a good dexterity training and coordination of movements. Can play And a little different. All players stand in a circle, in two players standing against each other, in the hands of the ball. At the command, players begin to transfer the balls in a circle in one direction, trying for one ball to catch up with another. The one who will have two goals, gets a penalty point. You can come up with some funny task for him. If your company has a desire to move a little, play a wonderful yard game "Stander-Stop" . And at the same time, tell the kids, as they once played in her, when they were the same mischievous boys and girls. So, all players stand in the middle of a flat platform or a clearing. Drinking up the ball, calling the name of one of the participants of the game. That player whose name was called, trying to catch the ball, and everyone else is running out in different directions. As soon as the player caught the ball, he shouts: "Stander stop!" Everyone gets freeze in place. Now the new leading should get the ball into any of the players. The one who hit, becomes leading. If he thrown missing, he remains. Playing this gameDo not forget in Azart about the fact that you are kids. Allow the opportunity to become equal participants in the game. Calling child, throw the ball is not high and do not run away too far so that small handles can thorough up the ball. But what joy of children's eyes will glow! After all, nothing brings the parents and babies like joint games. It is part in the adult game on a par with a child, gives the baby the opportunity to feel that mom and dad - they are the same as he can be trusted. And here's another employee the gameusing the ball. To the tree branch, hang the ball on the rope so that it is almost touching the earth (the ball can be put in the grid, and already tie the rope to the grid). Under it, put a few small items (cones, pebbles, match boxes, apples). The player assigns the ball to the head level, then lets it and runs to collect what is laid out on Earth. You need to assemble as many items as possible and return to the place so that the swinging ball does not hurt you. In this game can play in turn, and then count the collected items and determine who the players turned out to be the fastest and clever. And you can play with the kids in the same beach volleyball , just a little change the rules: the ball must not be discarded, but catch. Who did not catch - sits in the center of the circle. It can be "reversed" - to get on it.

Merry relay

And not to arrange us relay ? It is quite suitable for a smooth forest glade, a green meadow and even a sandy beach. You can compete with families, denoting the start and finish. First, moms and dads overcome the distance, showing the defector way of movement. And then try your strength and kids. You can run like a horse, high raising your knees, you can rotate like a penguin. Try to run back, sideways, on all fours, jump, holding the ball between the knees. Scroll to riding a stick. Page like a spider, moving on the hands and legs face up. Lift legs childAnd let him try to walk in his arms. Build the bar of obstacles, where it will be necessary to go through the sovereign tree trunk, crawl under the branch, jump over the pocket or pennies. Arrange competitions on the most sensitive family member. Who can, not dropping, carry a bump on the head? Who will pass without cooling, along the ribbon lying on the ground or painted on the sand winding path? You can spend the relay and a little differently. We share two commands (in each team there may be one or more families). Mom with dad grips hands with "chair" or "armchair", the kid sitting on the "throne", and the competition begin. Each family comes to a conventional tree, circles it and returns to his team. Now only dads come into fight. They are issued two goals. They lead one ball with their feet, the other - throw and catch. If some of the balls fell or rolled to the side, raise it and continue the race. Handling these unimaginable exercises, dads run the required distance and return to the start line. Now it came to a turn to compete to moms. They can, for example, overcome the distance to the tree and back, throwing a racket with a badminton racket. And for the kids in advance, blank a bunch of cones. Competerant Datvora runs to the cones, takes one and returns to his team. Then goes behind the next bid, and so until all the bumps are moved to the start line. Who brought the last earlier - he won. And the prize for everyone will be lunch in nature. After all, after such an active movement does not prevent how to eat. If the false tree caught you in the forest, arrange such a cheerful game. Slide to two commands and stand up from two ends of the trunk. The first two players go through the "bridge" towards each other. Their task to disperse in the middle of the trunk, without encounter each other, and move on the opposite direction. If someone from the players did not resist, the pair performs the task first. Then show their dexterity the following two players, etc. Let the kids imagine that this is a narrow bridge over the abyss. Then they will perform a task with special zeal and excitement. Try different ways to overcome the obstacle. For example, pass by sideways and keep each other by hand. Or: One player squats, and another over him overgrown.

Bumps, just not on the forehead

In the pine forest you will find wonderful assistants - bumps. With this natural material that literally lies under your feet, you can come up with many fun games and fun. And even dedicate one of the family walks to the bumps, calling her, say, "Shishkin holiday" . Imagine, you wake up on Sunday morning and inform the baby: "College, we are going with friends to the forest on a picnic!" "URA-A-A!" - Young joyfully shouts. And you add a mysterious voice: "Today we will have a Cischkin holiday." Of course, the baby is intrigued, and it means that the day will be full of riddles and surprises. So, what games can you play with bumps? For the warm-up, arrange hunting for dad, driving them a little over the forest with cones on manufacture. Just do not throw dad to pieces too much - they still shook the kebab ... and then you can exercise in throwing. Where else to do this, how not in nature? After all, there is no danger to get into the chandelier or break the favorite Mamina Vaza. To do this, set a short distance from the defers of a bucket or a bowl, and let them train the cones there until adults are engaged in the preparation of the fire. And you can arrange a competition: who can throw a bump further all or a plastic bottle from hemp. The winner is the honorable right to try the kebab. For a while, small shorts will be neutralized. But the game in which it will be interesting to play and the defector and adults. Drop in the Line in the line three small pits at a distance of one or two steps one from another. Now go away from the first pits a few steps and try to throw a bump in it. If the attempt succeeds, throw in a brush to the second and third pits. Then repeat the throws in the reverse order. Missed - give way to the next player. To compose a little chances, let the kids throw cones from a close distance, and moms and dads will go away. The most damage receives the prize and the honorary title of "faithful eye". Now play in "Potions on the rope" . As clearly out of the name, we need a rope for the game. We learn it to the tree so that it is free to rotate, and on Earth, they draw a circle with a radius equal to the length of the rope. Now we spread out there are several dozen cones inside the circle and put one of the dads to guard the "Treasures". One hand dad is kept for the rope, and the other is trying to "spot" (touch) to adults or kids seeking to collect bumps. Who caught - he comes out of the game or becomes a "spot" - replaces dad on his battle post with a rope. After moving games it's time to relax a little, sit by the fire and play games calm. Put several cones in an opaque package and offer the kids to guess how many there are, suggesting them with the words "more" and "less." Who guess - checks: poured a bump and recalculate. Or play a little otherwise: offer everyone to kid In turn, determine how many cones in the bag, recalculating them to the touch. For the smallest Put in the package of only 2-3 cones. Then you can play So. Organize the guys to collect more cones in a pile. Now let everyone bring so many cones from a bunch as much as they can convey in two hands. We translate prey. Who was the most "greedy" - he won.

Isn't it time to run?

In the outdoor forest, you can run away. Playing sals, or stained, has many varieties. Here is one of them, called "Snacks with home" . Good in her play It is with the kids, because they always have, where to hide from leading and staying. On the ground, draw a stick two circles. It's at home. The goal is to catch up and touch someone from players (osal, stain). Running, you can run into a circle, where you can not pinch the player. The game is movable and cheerful. Just be sure to adjust the tempo of the kids, giving them the opportunity to catch up with adults. And how do you tricks called "Baskets" ? Choose two watering - a spin and running away. The remaining players are located on the clearing in pairs and take hands, forming a circle-baskets. The spot chases the second player who, running between couples, calls the name of any player. He whose name was named, runs away, and fleeing a player becomes in his place. And here is another cheerful version of the spots, only Brazilian. Called O. "Sick Cat" . One of the players tries to stain the rest, he depicts a "healthy cat." The players who have been stained must put the hand exactly to the place that the leading driven is touched. They also become "cats", but "sick" and should help to drive in fishing, and they can only stain with free hand. The last remaining player wins and becomes a "healthy cat" in the next game. And in the Russian variety of this game, called "Pike", the stained players cling to a steam room to a watering and so all continue game. Another simple and cheerful the game"Chur at the tree" . Before you start the game, choose a leading, using read. The kids will gladly tell the favorite reader learning in kindergarten. But you can surprise them, remembering the readings of your childhood or introducing beautiful folk patches: the car was covered with a dark forest
For some interest.
Come on the letter "C".
Bubakers, Bubakers,
Paleniki flew
In the morning dew,
On the green strip.
Slies on the barn.
Run, catch up! That player who "falls" the last word becomes leading. He gets up in the center of the clearing. The rest are in the trees. Each tree, which has a player, mark bright ribbons. Only these trees will participate in the game. Then players begin to walk from the tree to the tree. The task of the leading is to take a tree without a player. He whose place at the tree is busy, becomes leading. Baby probably will have to taste and the gamein "Cats-mouse" . This is an old Russian game, very light and cheerful. First chosen two driving - a cat and a mouse. The remaining players get into the circle and take hands. "Mouse" runs inside the circle, "Cat" - outside. "Cat" is trying to break into the circle and catch the "mouse", and the players try to prevent her, not to miss. "Cat" can wade into the circle in any way: to break through the chain of players, to be subject to adhesive hands or leather through them. If she succeeded, the players quickly produce from the circle "Mouse", and the "cat" is trying to delay again. If the "cat" managed to catch the "mouse", the new leaders are selected. Choose someone from kids "mouse", and "cat" - dad. Unforgettable fun you guaranteed!

Forgotten old

And let's play in czechard ! This is a very ancient game that exists in Russia for more than five centuries. It develops dexterity, coordination of movements, courage and power. Pope are on all fours, and kids and moms, breaking up, jump over them, leaning on their hands on their backs. The smallest enough simply climb through the dad. And older kids can jump, but first of time they need to be substituted. Very fun to change places. We jump through moms, and then through kids (of course, relying on their backs purely symbolically). Undeservedly forgotten game-fun "Rouh" Give you a lot of fun minutes. Play it so. All players, besides one, become pairs with each other, couples are taken by arms and raise them up, forming a corridor. The remaining player passes through the corridor, towards someone from the players along the way. Coming out of the corridor, the new couple becomes in the "tail" chain. And the player who remains without a pair dives into the "corridor" and chooses a new couple. The game continues until you get bored. The faster the crossings will be "flowing", the more fun. And with the defone play In general, it's fun, because you have to literally prolonate under the low arch of children's handles. Even with a small company you can start game "Poksok" . This childish the gamefamily performance looks very fun. All players sit down in circular. It runs on them behind the backs of an external circle, holding a handkerchief in hand. It is unnoticed by he throws a handkerchief behind someone from players. If the player did not notice this, and leading, making a circle, touched it, he becomes new leading. If the player noticed a raised handkerchief, he grabs him and runs in a circle after leading. If caught up - the older remains. If you can't catch up and driving time to sit on the vacant place, the player becomes leading. Surely you yourself remember the many fun games in which they played with friends in childhood. Many of them are quite forces to kids, you only need to easily simplify the rules. This is I. "potato" , I. "Above the legs from the Earth" , I. "Grandma, threads are confused!" . Forgot, as play In the grandmother? Not trouble, now remember. Collect adults and kids in a circle. It will be a "tangle". Choosing a leading - "grandmother". If you relax in the country with the whole family, you can choose a role and real grandmother's role. "Grandma" turns away, and the "tangle" keeps hands and "confused". Here you can go over the hands of each other, spin, but keep the main condition: Hands do not let go. Now everything shouts loudly: "Grandma, grandmother, threads are confused!" Grandma must unravel the funny bunch of Malu, so that the circle turned out again, while the hands of the players can not exercise ...

Sowdings by the fire

Running, jumping around and having fascinated kebabs, it's time to stay and sit down the entire honest company around the fire. Great if someone from adults plays the guitar. Then you can sing with kids a few songs. There are games in which well play That is how, sitting in the circle. And despite the seemingly uncomplicatedness, they are very useful for kids: develop attention, teach concentration. Play, for example, in "broken phone" . The first player quickly utters a neighbor in his ear. He, in turn, transfers what he heard the next player. When the word goes around a circle, the last player calls him. Very rarely, the word corresponds to the original option. And there is a similar game called "Associations" . It can be played with senior preschoolers. Only first intelligently explain to the defector on specific examples that such an association. So, the first player utters a word to her ear, and he should quickly pass on its first association with this word. Let's say "Elephant - Africa" \u200b\u200bor "Coffee - Black". So, from the player to the player, the word will be transformed, and the final version can be quite unexpected. And remember the cute children game in "Gardener" ? For her, kids will need some knowledge in the botany. Each player is called some flower. The leading says: I was born gardener,
I didn't get angry
All the flowers are fed up,
Besides ... Tulip. The named flower must respond quickly: - Oh!
- What's the matter?
- in love!
- In whom?
-In rose! Now the "Rose" responds in a similar way, and the gamecontinues.

In blue water stroit

Rest from the water is remarkable in itself. How much joy causes the defensive the opportunity to splash, sabotage on warm sand, build sandy locks and dug deep wells and trenches. But sometimes you just get tired of all this, and I want something more. On the beach you can also organize funny family games. For example, such. Announce to friends in advance that there will be on the beach "Competition of splashing devices" . Let each family jointly invent and build the original spray. In the hot summer day of the Devora, it will be happy to test the invention, and adults will choose the best splashes in different nominations: "originality", "long-range", etc. In order to keep the guys on the shore and give them the opportunity to warm up in the sun, play in game "frog" . Collect adults and children, sit in a circle. In the middle - driven with closed eyes (for loyalty, so as not to spy, the eyes can be tied). Player says: Here is a frog on the track
Rides, stretching the legs.
He saw a mosquito,
Shone ... At this moment, someone from the sitting in the circle says: "Kva-kva!" And the leading should guess by voice, who is a frog. Continue the "frog" topic and warm up after a long bathing will help you the game"Pike and frog" . We choose mom or dad pike, and for small "frogs" we draw a mug-house on the sand. "Flagshate" frolic on the square, and with the appearance of "pike" hide in the houses. Caught frogs become pikes and take part in the hunt. After each hunt, two "house" is erased on the sand, and the task is frogsyat complicated: now they need to crawl into one small house for several people. And when it's time to get home (but I don't want to go so much!), Organize fun fun on high-speed exercise . Adult participation is welcome. Draw a stick on the sand with a radius of about 3 meters. Fold the shoes of all players in the center of the circle and mix. On the team "Travel began!" Players flee the circle, find out their shoes, wear it and return abroad. Who saved the longest, performs any task of the whole company. With such a good mood and leave the beach will be more fun. Have a nice rest and fun games!