Mathematical fairy tales for schoolchildren with a pattern. Entertaining mathematics - fairy tales and vintage stories

Mathematical fairy tales for schoolchildren with a pattern. Entertaining mathematics - fairy tales and vintage stories
Mathematical fairy tales for schoolchildren with a pattern. Entertaining mathematics - fairy tales and vintage stories

For the child-preschooler, the fairy tale is especially the road. A mathematical fairy tale can become an excellent learning tool. In such fairy tales, the characters meet magical numbers and incredible geometric shapes. Thanks to the good actions and sorcerer, the child makes an idea of \u200b\u200bthe time, quantity, form and other mathematical concepts. Mathematical fairy tales are not a means of memorizing information, but a way to successfully comprehend the azov of science.

What is a mathematical fairy tale

Mathematical fairy tale - artistic text based on adventure genre. In the plot, the main characters are associated with certain mathematical concepts that have an unusual, living look that attracts readers. The fictional characters during the features carry out logical operations, and the child turns the process in his head, which is the primary task of gaming training. It is amazing that in fairy tales there is often no logic, but in mathematical fairy tales, it imperceptibly settles in the memory of listeners with valuable knowledge.

In kindergarten, the comprehension of mathematical foundations begins with the younger group. The educator must prepare the guys to the gradual development of the initial laws of logic and other important learning processes. If we are talking about fairy tales, then in the younger group, children cost more often to read them before a quiet hour, since the majority of parents prefer television and games on the tablet and smartphone. This fact confirms the statistics compiled in Russia online Market Intelligence (OMI) in 2012.

The percentage of parents who are ready to convey their gadgets to children (indicating the age of a child). About 4,000 people took part in the survey

If the parents are ready to do with the child on their own, the books for the smallest fairy tales will come to the aid. For example, the "Adventures of Kubarika and Tomatika, or Merry Mathematics" G.V. Sapgira and Yu.P. Meadow. This book offers children to meet the adventures along with friends - Tomatikom and Kubarik - and find out what is one, much, above, below, is longer, shorter, etc.

Objectives and objectives of texts for preschoolers of the younger, middle and older groups

In the younger group, the educator with the help of mathematical fairy tales introduces children with the simplest quantitative concepts, such as "a lot", "one", "none". In the usual fairy tales, it indicates the forms of items associated with geometric shapes. In the middle group, mathematical fairy tales are synthesized with folk fairy tales that children know well. Take, for example, a kolobka. The educator, read, will highlight the sequence number of each "step" of the kolobka, thereby demonstrating how the main character is moving in stages. And the tale of "Teremok" will help to count the number of heroes in the house. Between the fairy tales, the teacher applies a finger gymnastics with which the numbers are being studied.

Learn using fairy tales of geometric shapes and their names

In the middle group, the following tasks are delivered:

  1. Learn to count to five.
  2. Master knowledge of quantitative and sequence numbers, fractions and a whole part.
  3. Secure the ability to navigate time.
  4. Secure the skill recognition of geometric shapes.
  5. Training spatial orientation (awareness of the child of trends: between, under, for, in front, etc.).

In the senior group (children 5-6 years), mathematical concepts become the characters, whether it is zero or square. When familiarizing preschoolers with a fairy tale, the teacher should not forget to ensure that the children understand the plot and the meaning of the narrative. Auxiliary instruments will serve fascinating games associated with logic, such as:

  • selection of identical pairs;
  • production of a rectangle equal to the provided pattern;
  • the definition of which items are more.

Games will help the child to approve the idea of \u200b\u200bthe equality and integrity of numbers and things. The operations carried out by children contribute to mental development, the development of skills to synthesize, analyze and compare the data.

In the senior group, mathematical fairy tales are used to achieve the following goals:

  1. Learn to count to twenty, find out the missed number and account in the reverse order.
  2. Recall the number of things with a number.
  3. Understand the value of quantities: width, length, height, volume (capacity) and weight (weight).
  4. To be able to distinguish and understand complex geometric shapes: cut, angle, polygon, bulk figures.
  5. Develop the ability to focus on the clock, quickly define an hour and pronounce it out loud.
  6. Be able to perform the simplest arithmetic action.
  7. Develop the ability to replace the hero of the fairy tale in a certain subject ("Cube Rubik" - we take into the hands of the cube).
  8. Remember the name of the days of the week and months and their oddness.

In kindergarten is approved by the curriculum for the year. It must comply with the documents:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 43, 72;
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989);
  • Concept of pre-school education;
  • SanPine;
  • The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (as amended by the Federal Law of January 13, 1996 No. 12 - FZ);
  • Typical Regulations on a preschool educational institution, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2008. № 666.

A clear indication of the skills that the child must have, no, but in the GEF, it is indicated:

Child ... ... ... has elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; The child is capable of making his own decisions, based on his knowledge and skills in various activities.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Rosiy Federation

Order 1155.

At the request of the parents, they can provide a kindergarten curriculum, where all the skills are prescribed, which are taught by children. Educators will tell how and in what form will be trained, provide additional information.

In the preparatory group, fairy tales include tasks for simple mathematical actions (in two actions), logical operations and solutions. It is important to introduce children with the standards of length measures: a meter and a centimeter, tell in a fabulous form about money, their proper use. The school will begin classes in which the foundations of mathematics and the fairy tale will help to understand and master more complex information.

Correctly use texts depending on the age of the child

Fairy tales are classified by genres: fairy tales of animals, socio-household and magical. Each variety has its own rules for building the plot and the creation of characters.

Senior preschool children attract magic fairy tales. The key specific features of the magical fairy tales of the mathematical warehouse are substantially developed by the plot action. This is expressed not only in special techniques and methods of composition, narration and style, but also the need to overcome the hero of a number of obstacles, making mathematical actions for the achievement of the goal.

N.I. Kravtsov; S.G. Lazutin

Russian folk creativity

Types of mathematical fairy tales:

  • digital;
  • oriented temporary;
  • geometric;
  • comprehensive;
  • concepts.

Each fairy tale has a structure consisting of three main parts: an imaginary country, conflict between heroes, conflict resolution, happy end. The mathematical fairy tale certainly has a slope into some one region of mathematics: arithmetic or simple geometry. If the figures are presented in the plot, the child will remember the names of the forms and their appearance, and if the numbers are rather learned to count.

The fairy tale for preschoolers should be with the drawings: it is difficult for them to reproduce unusual characters in their head, especially if the understanding of mathematics is reduced to zero. Only images accompanied by the text (exactly in this order!) Are able to fully reveal the content of the fairy tale. Theatrical fairy tales are also good, but often in carefree fun passes past the share of the meaning that just should stay. The child will need time to work out logical turns in the actions of heroes, because mathematical fairy tales carry a certain intelligent load. If you do an idea, then children's perfection will evaporate.

When reading the fairy tale, it is important not to forget to indicate the appearance of the heroes and their actions. In the senior group, in addition to images, it would be nice to take real objects, similar to characters - so the child will compare figures or numbers with rational actions occurring in adventures. Taking a book in the hands, you are not in a hurry to read. If the fairy tale without images, then print and provide them separately, or draw. Strive to the child, in case of difficulties with understanding, asked questions, and not just listened. The increasing complexity of the presented material was previously stated.

Popular mathematical fairy tales

Consider several examples of popular fairy tales that will help us teach the child's child.

0 and 1.

Lived - there were numbers and numbers in the city of mathematics. They always argued, who is more important and older, even invented unusual signs for themselves "<», «>», «+», «=», «-».
Among them lived a single and zolik.
They really wanted to study at school, but they were not taken, since they were small.
Friends thought, thought and invented that they need to stay together.
And it turned out of them figure 10.
They became more than more, and they were taken to school.
In the city they began to respect. So they began to live together numbers 1 and 0, or the number 10. And other numbers looked at their friendship and began to live more friendly.
So the numbers appeared more than 10.

Tales vaccinate love for mathematics

G. N. Neousan


In one fabulous kingdom, there was a girl named Cinderella. She was an orphan, brought up her stepmother, who had two her daughters. The daughters were very lazy, and all the work on the house had to do Cinderella. That's one day the king invited everyone to the ball. But the crawling stepmother was not allowed to go to the ball. She ordered Cinderella to decide to solve all the challenges who did not solve her daughter:
In the room 4 corners. In every corner sat cat. Opposite each cat - 3 cats. How many cats in the room?
How to bring in the water?
What kind of dishes do not eat anything?
And also Cinderella was supposed to wash the dishes: 5 spoons, 5 cups and 5 plates. How much did the washware work out? Cinderella quickly coped with the task of stepmother and sat behind her needlework.

G. N. Neousan

Blog Galina Nikolaevna

Three princesses

In the distant kingdom there was a king with three daughters. They loved to solve the challenges and solve riddles in the evenings. For each correct answer, the princesses received a gift. The older Tsarevna loved receiving gifts from gold, the middle priniment from diamonds, and the youngest loved flowers and animals.
One evening, the king said: "I brought many different gifts from distant countries. Which of my daughters will correctly solve the tasks - he will receive gifts.
Task # 1 - for the senior princes: Sorrow with one apple tree 5 yellow apples, and on the other hand 5 red apples. How many apples have you threw?
Task number 2 - for the middle princess: 6 rings with diamonds lie in your box. I brought you another 2 rings. How much will you have a rings?
Task number 3 - for younger princess: you had 9 kittens, and 2 ran away. How much can kittens left? "
All the princes have decided their tasks correctly, and the king presented the high princess Golden chest, the middle princess 2 rings with diamonds, and the younger princess of a cheerful puppy.
Here is a fairy tale, and I cry oil.

G. N. Neousan

Blog Galina Nikolaevna

Video: Plasticine mathematical fairy tale about zero

Video: Multi-story based on the animated series "38 Parrots"

Card file of useful literature

  1. "Journey to numbers: Mathematical fairy tale" Shoryina Tatyana Andreevna (3 books).
  2. "Mathematical fairy tales. Handbook for children 6-7 years old "Yerofeyev Tamara Ivanovna.
  3. "Mathematical fairy tales. Handbook for children 5 - 6 years. In 2 issues, "Yerofeyev Tamara Ivanovna, Stozharova Marina Yuryevna.
  4. "The Adventures of Thugs: a mathematical fairy tale for children from 2 to 4 years old" Shevelev Konstantin Valerevich.
  5. "On the king of rabbit and a cunning fox: a mathematical fairy tale for preschoolers 5-7 years old" Lukyanov Antonina Vladimirovna (Hood. Dushin M.V.).
  6. "The Adventures of Kubarika and Tomatika, or Merry Mathematics" Sapgir Henry Veniaminovich, Lugovskaya Yulia Pavlovna.
  7. "Adventures in the country of geometry" Yerofeyev Tamara Ivanovna.
  8. "Mathematics for kids in fairy tales, verses and riddles. For children of 3-6 years old, "Lyudmila Borisovna deryagina.
  9. "We learn to count. Merry journey, or how to find new friends and learn to count to ten "Gorbushin Oleg Yuryevich.
  10. "Figures, account and pencil Kolya" Rick Tatyana Gennadievna.

Mathematical fairy tales Collection of students 3 "A" class 2013 g 5 2

Journey kolobka in the kingdom of geometry. There was a bun. Once he fell into the kingdom of geometry. He found out that he had a brother, similar to him, but he did not know him name. Rolling-rolled the bun and rolled into the valley of the squares. All the figures were not at all looked like a kolobkin. He asked the squares as he finds his brothers. They told him to roll on a square path. Skolobok rolled and rolled to the grief of triangles. And here it was not his brothers, he rolled down further and rolled into the lake of the circles. Here all the inhabitants were equally round. -What can I distinguish your brother? Said Kolobok. "We are all your brothers and sisters," the figures said. Svorchavskaya Polina

The new friendship lived was 9-ka, she lived in the kingdom called arithmetic. Once she walked and wandered into the kingdom of geometry. 9-ka saw unusual residents of this country and decided to meet them. The very first approached the 9th round, then his brother oval. They told the whole evening, and then the circle and oval introduced 9-ku with a square, a trapezium, a triangle and other residents of the kingdom of geometry. Since then, the numbers and figures are tightly friendly and even every evening communicate on Skype. Sorokin Ilya

Magic story had two cities - arithmetic and geometry. One day, 5-ka could not find the perimeter of the square, only one side was known. I went to the country of geometry to visit the square. Square said the 5th that all of his parties are equal and to find its perimeter you need to simply fold them. 5-ka and invited the square to visit itself. Sotrikhina Anastasia

As arithmetic actions made friends in the thirty kingdom, in the mathematical state, there were arithmetic actions. But minus and plus always quarreled with multiplication and division due to the fact that they first perform * and:, but only then + and -. Somehow a good fairy flew to the house in the house and said: "Actions, why do you quarrel, let me give you brackets. When they are put, then you are + and - to perform the first. " Actions thought and decided that it would be very good. They said the fairy greatly thanks. Since then, the arithmetic actions began to be friends and in their house there were always joy and fun. Row Sergey

The dispute between 6 and 9 lived was 6 and 9 next door. Somehow 6 went for a walk and saw 9. 6 asked 9, why is her tail at the bottom? 9 replied that if 6 stands up, then they will become similar. 6 and 9 were very friendly and never quarreled, were almost like sisters. Sarandine Valery

The spore of the zero and the units were zero and the unit. Once they argued, Zero said that he was more united, and the unit was smart, she knew that more zero. But Zero did not believe her, the next day he asked his mother arithmetic, which of them more. The arithmetic said that more unit, but if they are friends, they will be even more and stronger - it will turn out to be 10. Then the unit took zero and taught him to count! Myrzayev Odin

The stubborn task lived was the task. She was very, very stubborn. Its condition was like this: "Petit had 4 balls, and Ani 5 times more." And the question is: "How many balls were Ani?" The stubborn task said that it was addressed by addiction, and the teacher told her that she was solved by multiplication. Now it's time to raise estimates, and the stubborn task received a two. She was sitting and bitterly cried. Nastya girl approached her and offered her to help, together they decided to stubborn task. And now the task receives some five and gratitude recalls the girl Nastya. Verchinina Polina.

Poor 2 lived - there were 2 in the city of Excellent. Everyone did not love her, they said that she was bad. Once she met 5. 5 advised 2 to get up with but on the head, 2 turned over and became 5, she was all loved immediately. Ivanov Dmitry

Masha's arithmetic and girl once went to the girl Masha walk and met the wizard. The wizard said Masha that she can pose three of any desire. Masha was guessing 10 ice cream, 5 chocolates and 1 big-pre-established cake. The wizard said that he would fulfill the desire, if Masha responds to such a question: "How many sweets she guess?" Masha guess, and got his sweets, and you can count, how many sweets Masha guess? Ivanov Evgeny

Figure 2 lived - there was a digit 2. It was always sad and sad. She did not have friends. All the numbers laughed at her, because nobody loved her at school. Once she went along the lake and saw a beautiful bird. Figure 2 sat on the shore and began to admire the bird. What it was beautiful! And suddenly 2 realized that they are very similar. And then the swan swam to the shore and nodded his head. 2 I understood everything, she was glad, Thu found himself a faithful friend. Shmakalov Andrey

Night spores

Once, when the evening later ended, and the morning did not start, the next story happened on the school chalkboard. Since the duty forgot to erase the board, there were examples on it that the children solved in the lesson.

"But the characters," said the minus sign. "In the world, everything decreases: in spring snow, and melting water, and money."

"Who is this so there?" - asked a sign of multiplication. "In the world, everything is multiplied: both spring shoots, and spring warmth, and summer berries."

"And here is not," said the sign of division. "In the world, everything is divided: both joy, candy, and the harvest of each year."

"For a long time I listened to everyone and I have to say that you all are wrong here," said the sign of equality. "In the world, everything is equally, and adding, and loss. The world holds on the law of equality: if somewhere he wonders, then else will definitely arrive. "

In the country of unbearable lessons - 2

He lived in the light of Kolya Contekin. He was a terrible lazy. The lessons did everything carelessly, especially mathematics. The textbook has everything was painted and torn. But once the tutorial came to life and sent Kohl to the country of mathematics, where the negligent student was supposed to overcome various obstacles.

And here it is a country of mathematics. They met the candykin number -5 and 5, connected by the sign\u003e. Numbers to him and say:

One boy, Kolya Contenkin, put a wrong sign between us, "says 5. And I am now less than -5.

Put between us a faithful sign, - asks -5.

Equal, - said Kolya.

Are we similar?

Not. Then maybe

Glory great mathematics! - said 5.

Overcoming the first obstacle, Kolya went further. It was very hot and the coland wanted ice cream. He saw a kiosk with sweets. Confelkin ran to the kiosk and asked ice cream. When he put money on the counter, the saleswoman told him:

I do not need money. Better tell me how much 2x (-2)?


Wrong, so I won't get ice cream.

Oh, it will be -4.

The answer is correct, keep ice cream.

Having bought ice cream, Kolya went to the palace to the queen of mathematics. Near the gate stood an expression a

Boy, help! Kohl Confelkin claims that I mean a positive number.

No, I now know for sure that you mean a negative number.

Thank you so much. Here is the key from the gate to the Queen Garden.

Kohl turned the key in the castle, and the gate opened. In the garden on triangular trees there were round fruits, and in the depths of the garden, the queen itself was sitting. When she saw a boy, he ordered him to approach.

Hello, "said Kolya and walked over to the queen.

When you decide the example -2/7 · 0.14, then you will return home.

Hooray! Home!

But you have not yet decided an example.

Answer: -0.04.


Everything spoke, disappeared, and confedecin was at home at his desk.

How numbers found signs and learned to make examples

In one city, numbers lived, there were three friends, numbers three, five and eight. Once, when they having fun in the sun, the one came to mind the idea that you can build an example. He offered it to friends, and they began to think how to do it. The numbers became different, changed places, but they could not do anything.

But here five realized that there was not enough signs of "+" and "-", and friends went to seek help to the country of signs. They walked and met the sign "-". Littlely saying hello, numbers asked if he knows if there are other signs. Minus replied that he knew and led them to the plus. Friends met and plus and invited plus and minus to the city of numbers. They really liked it there.

The numbers told the signs that they thought to build an example, but they did not come out, and they asked if the signs could help them. Signs happily agreed and said it is very easy. Friends began, playing, build examples: 5 + 3 + 8, 8-5-3, 8-5 + 3 and many others.

Signs remained living in the city of numbers, in the houses that they helped build three, five and eight. And they lived-matured and the examples were composed.

I lived - there was a figure 1. She was always the first and therefore very proud of his position. But here it came to her the opposite number -1, and the proud unit disappeared, leaving after himself only a little zero. And why? Yes, because -1 did not put your outfit - bracket. After all, in mathematics everything is very accurate, and the bracket is crucial!

A fairy tale about how it turned out plus

He lived, there was a minus, and he had a twin brother. The first minus did everything right, but the second is the opposite. Once the right minus solved examples, and the other ran and jumped. Suddenly he stumbled, fell on his brother and they had a cross-cross. Five seconds did not pass, as the cross turned out, which was later called a plus. Since then, two minuses of the prevailing cross will call the "plus".


Once, the scientist invented a very strange figure. She looked around like this.

The scientist called her quadrocuy. He revived her, and she began to live like a living person. She lived, lived on his health and once saw almost the same figure. Only this figure was just a square. The quadroca envied the square, and when morning came, he rushed into the hairdresser to sprinkle his semicircles. When they were squeezed, the extraordinary quadrocer turned into an ordinary square. Envy to good does not bring.


There were two friends, five and two. Once, the five went to visit to a twice, but when he entered the house, it was very frightened. The top five saw her twin, the top five, and ran home from fright. Soon the two came to the top five, and the five told him everything that saw. Two laughed and explained to his friend that he did charging and standing up the legs, so the five and took his friend for his twin five. After all, it is not for nothing that the inverted twice looks like a five, and the inverted five looks like a twice.

Fairy tale belonging

Once, two, three, four, five, the fairy tale should begin.

About merry friends. You find them as soon as possible.

Figure a number in the eyes of finding, and one is looking for in the eyebrows,

The number is two - a smoky nose, you accept her to seriously.

As a figure is good! In it, the Four is hidden.

And beautiful, and slight, as if the girl is the beauty.

The number is six pleasant to the eye, you will not find it right away.

She along with the figure five hand goes walking.

As beautiful is your bang, the seven hid behind it.

And the eight of Raughd pretended to be like a bow.

Do not find you a nine digit, hid that not to find.

If you believe us, then a piece of flour.

That's a fairy tale about friends. Figures count soon.

Well, a fabulous end. Who found everyone - well done!

Fairy Tale of the Mudrome King

He lived in the kingdom of mathematics king named module. And he had two sons - plus and minus.

The brothers very often argued between themselves, which of them is more important. Plus said all the time: "Iger than me, because I do more than any numbers, both small and large, both positive and negative. You can only make any number. " Minus him in response: "But I can make a large number of small, but little less."

They argued, argued and decided to go to the fathe module so that he would judge them. "Which of us is more important, father? And from whom one of us is more benefit in our state? " - asked him brothers. The wise king smiled at him and said: "You are both important for our kingdom. And for me you are equal. "

Dispute figures

They argued somehow in the kingdom of knowledge, or rather in the city the textbook of mathematics circle and square. They began to find out who is better of them. The first began to brag the square. He says that he has corners, and a diagonal, and a perimeter, and the area. The circle was not confused and began to explain that it also has the area, as well as the perimeter, which, however, is called the length of the circle. But besides, it has a center, diameter, radius, chord, arc and number π.

What to do, how to be? All the figures are good in their own way. Then the triangle figures were called and asked to find the corners from the circumference, and the square had a radius to prove each other that each of them could be all. But no matter how hard the triangle tried, he did not succeed, because each figure is individual, but we need all the figures.

Fairy tale about how the numbers argue

Once digits gathered: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 and began to argue, which of them is more important. One said:

I will have 1 master!

Two replied:

Not! Not true! Do not believe him! He has one head, and I have two! And two heads are better than one! I am the smartest! So I am the most important!

The triple intervened in the dispute:

You look at me! The most important is the most beautiful. Do you even look in the mirror? And in general, God loves the top three!

Four only could be resent:

Isn't I not?

It shouted five:

More important than all - five. This is because me schoolchildren love me. So I, with all my favorite, I will be your empress !!!

An arrogant six indignant:

Only six here and there is! Fall in front of me on your knees, insignificant numbers!

Slender beautiful seven said:

All of you now eat, will not leave anyone. I will reign!

Thick eight began to mock the seven (she envied her that she was a model):

Well, and above who will you reign, if you eat all? Skill and drive you from work. I will be the queen!

And then something came up with a nine, such that even jumped at 999 meters. Having calmed down, she got up in a puddle (nine - water digit and therefore loves water) and said:

To whom the zero will run, the one will win us! So let him and will be the king!

The numbers approved such a solution. Only the six first stubbornly staminated, but, a little more thought, agreed.

Zero was very modest and never argued with anyone. He was generally the youngest among the numbers. When Zero heard that he was wanted to make a king, it was scared! But zero was smart. And he decided to stay. Zero very loved his older numbers and did not want them to constantly quarrel, so I installed such a law: "If all the numbers are friends, then everyone will be the main thing, because friendship is the most important thing in life!" And all the figures were composed of such a poem:

Numbers came out somehow

Looking, which is an hour.

One, two, three, four, five…

The value of minus

Two brothers lived in one magical country - plus and minus. Plus considered himself very important and said: "I am the most important on earth, because I add numbers so that they become more. And you all just reduce, what is the benefit of you? "

Minus was offended and left home. He goes and suddenly hears that someone calls for help. He came running and sees that the numbers attacked the city. There were a lot of them, and plus did them even more. There were 5,000 of them, and already the moment after 10,000. What to do? Minus thought-thought and invented. He took and took away from April 1999. So he did, and it turned out 1, which was captured. After that, minus became important in the city, because it is also a great benefit.

Two and five

There were two and five. Two jealous of the top five. The top five loved everyone, she wanted to get children, and they were very happy when a beautiful puzzled five appeared in the diary.

Next to the top five lived two. Nobody loved her. There was no such a student who would want to see her in the diary.

Two wonderfully envied the top five and therefore decided to change places with it. When the diary was put on the diary, the twice immediately turned her and turned it into himself. Began confusion. Two in the diary everyone tried to fix a good assessment. Tired of the deuce that everyone is corrected, and she decided to go to her former place, and no longer turned over the top five.

To make up with the top five, she suggested to meet with it in equations, examples and tasks. The top five agreed, and since then they began to be friends. Sometimes they are found in numbers: 25, 52, 525, 252 and in others.

And sometimes the two and five come to visit the name day, revealed by dates. For example, a two-liter, five-liter, twenty-five.

Now the twice and five are satisfied, because both are needed by people.

Comparison of numbers

Many years ago, in one mysterious country there was a city called mathematics, and there were numbers there. Once, two decimal fractions argued between themselves. One name of 0.7, and another 5.3. They argued who are more of them, and who is less. The one called 0.7 says:

I'm more than you, because in my name there is a figure 0.

No, "says that called 5.3, - more I!

So they argued all day, and one of them says:

Let's go to the uncle to the coordinate beam and ask him.

Another agreed. And so, when the ball (so called the sun) changed the nodes (so called the night), decimal fractions went to the uncle to the coordinate beam. He asked them, what happened, and they say they argue and do not know who of them are more, and who is less.

Then the uncle ray called his daughter (her name was coordinate direct) and asked to draw himself on the boombaby (so called the paper). She painted him. It looked like this:

Then the uncle divided the beam and painted zero. It looked like this.

After that, he drew the numbers. It looked like this:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Then Uncle explained to frauds that those numbers that are right, those and more. This rule is general for all numbers, and not just for decimal fractions.


We lived in the mathematical world two signs: plus and minus. They always enused each other. The addition sign argued that only he should dominate in mathematics, but did not agree with him. They went to solve their dispute to the advice of numbers and signs. The Council tried to convince two stubborn fools that both sign needed in mathematics, because both of them needed.

Imagine that there will be no sign plus. The child fell ill. A doctor came to him. And how will he prescribe a treatment when Comrade Sigdusman cannot tell him his decision. But without minus, we also do not do. Who will tell us when the cold starts?

And in the end both signs agreed that for life and mathematics they are both important.

Knowledge of rules

When Olya came home from school, she decided to first relax, and then do lessons. Resting, she turned on the lamp and sat down to make mathematics. Having reached examples, Olya decided to first repeat the rules, and then decide.

But suddenly she noticed something strange. There was noise in the textbook. Olya leaned and listened. All numbers whispering with each other, but the louder of all and actively argued two numbers with different signs in the example, which was to solve the girl. Olya decided to help them.

What are you arguing about?, She asked.

The numbers said that they argue about whose sign to put in response, or a sign of positive or negative.

So why argue, "the girl said," for this you just need to follow the rules.

What other rules? Behavior or what? - asked Choir disputes.

No, - the girl laughed, the rules of addition of numbers with different signs.

And Olya told them the rule: To fold two numbers with different signs, it is necessary to subtract less from a larger module and put a sign of that number in response, whose module is greater.

Suddenly, Olya woke up. In front of her lay a notebook and a textbook of mathematics. "So I repeated the rules," Olya thought and smiled.


There were lived five and four. They loved to argue, which mark will put Stas in mathematics. Once said the five Four:

Hey, Four! Where are you? Watch Rather, our stassik at the board!

We argue that he will be supplied to me, "the four said brand.

And what will we argue? Maybe for interest?

Come on!

They look, and Stas frowned. He came to the desk, and the fourth and five ask:

Well, what did you get?

Two, "said Stas and sat down at the desk.

Since then, the five and the fourth have agreed to help Stas, so that it receives five and the fours, and not two.


Chapter 1. Bananas.

There were two brothers: plus and minus and heard about the bananas of longevity. Wanted to get them by anything. They learned from the stories that the bananas are growing in the cave of equations and went on the road. They walked three days and three nights and finally saw this cave. The cave stood a plate: "In this cave, X is inhabited." "We are here," said Plus. "First, I will arrange the halt," said minus. Plus agreed.

Chapter 2. X.

"We must go to the cave," said Plus minus. They entered the cave, but did not pass and become a hundred meters and ash. Before them stood palm trees with bananas, and some old man was sitting nearby. They approached closer, and the old man said: "If you decide the equation, then I will give you 6 bananas." "Okay," the brothers agreed. "Here is my equation: x + 2 \u003d 6". "X is four," said minus. "That's right," found an X. "Keep your bananas, but they should be divided equally, so that the magic affects."

Chapter 3. Equally and divided.

Minus kicked pebbles. "How can we divide if we didn't pass this at school," the plus said angrily. "And they went to the equal," suggested Plus. "Good idea," the minus agreed. And they went to the equal. Going to his house, they knocked out the window. "Equal, come out!" - shouted minus. Equally came out. "Hello," he said. "Hi," said plus and minus. "How to divide these 6 bananas equally?" - asked in one voice plus and minus. "You need to divide, he lives across the road," - showing the direction with his hand, said the equal. "Thank you," said Plus. And they went to divide.

It was sitting on a bench and gnawed seeds. "To divide, help us divide these 6 bananas equally," he asked him plus. "Look you two, and there are six bananas, it means 6: 2 \u003d 3, three bananas each," explained to them to divide. "Thank you!" - thanked him in one voice plus and minus. They ate these bananas and began to live long (very long) and happily.

Mathematical fairy tales of students 6 B grade Maou Sosh number 26 of Veliky Novgorod.



Maou "Secondary school number 26 with in-depth study of chemistry and biology"

Mathematic teacher:

Keli Marina Leonidovna

Velikiy Novgorod

Tale of numbers.

In one town under the name "Froy" there were numbers from 10 to 20, as well as division, multiplication, addition and subtraction. Somehow the king of the figure 10 ordered the whole city to collect fruits and vegetables. Who did not bring them, that King brutally punished. Three sisters lived in the town: figure 11, digit 12 and digit 13. They loved to walk along a beautiful park. In the park stood fractional trees - one quarter, two fifths and many others, there was a fountain with numbers 100 and 200. The palace stood a knights with weapons that guarded the king. One of the Knights King has awarded the medal for salvation on the water of a sinking digit. It happened for a long time. As always, the knight guarded the throne of the king and heard that someone shouted. The knight saw the figure of 19 tone in the river, he rushed into the water and saved her. For this, the king and awarded the knight medal. Next to the city was a big forest, but none of the residents did not go to it, because terrible figures from 21 to 30 lived there. These numbers loved to scare residents of the city, steal fruits and vegetables.

Friendship numbers.

A long time ago there were numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9. Each of them lived on one and therefore always missed. The smallest digit - zero could not designate anything. Zero denotes emptiness. But even a big figure 9 felt a little because there was one and could not compare with anyone.

Digits 5 and 6 met once. At first glance, they were like something like. 5 and 6 decided to play. But they wanted not only or face strength, but 6 was stronger, and 5 is weaker. So the signs "more" and "less" appeared. 7 and 9 also decided to play. But they wanted not only anyone else, but at how much. Thus, a "minus" sign appeared. Numbers 2 and 8 wanted to live together, so the "Plus" sign appeared, and their small family received the meaning of the "ten". So the first two-digit number appeared. Since then, friendship numbers have become called arithmetic.

Country of numbers.

In the country numbers lived Heroes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0. And among them the dispute happened: who will rule?

Figure 1 began this dispute:

I am digit 1 and therefore I have to rule.

Figure 2 was indignant:

I am digit 2 and I must edit. After all, two heads are better than one.

Intervened digit 3:

I have to rule, because God loves the Trinity.

Figure 4 was indignant even more:

Is there no me at all?

Figure 5 triggered:

I have to rule, because students love me, and I love it.

Figure 6 said:

Fall in front of me on your knees, I will rule.

The figure 7 was in shock:

I am most beautiful and therefore I will rule!

Figure 8 was a shame:

Why figure 7, and not me (after all, she envied the figure 7)?

Digit 9 did not claim the throne and therefore said:

Will edit 0!

All figures agreed with this. And the figure of 0 began to rule the country number.

Tale about the number.

There were two kingdoms. And only numbers lived in it, and the rules there are king 7. There were only positive numbers in this city. At 7 one enemy, he envied him due to the fact that the king was not chosen. This -13 enemy. Once it turned out - 13 in one servant of King 7 and went to the king. When he approached 7, there was no one next to him. - 13 took a huge bag and shoved there 7 and disappeared with him from the city. She passed a week, the other. The king all began to look. And then the smartest servants went to look around throughout the kingdom. When they came out of the city, they heard the sounds and recognized the voice of the king. The servants went voted. - 13 knew that the king would look. He put the traps everywhere, they could only go through the smartest scientists of the world.

The first trap for the servant was the appearance of a board with a coordinate straight line in the air. It was necessary to find the distance between numbers - 3 and 3. The servants easily realized that from positive 3 to negative - 3 will be a distance of 6 units. The first trap they went fast.

The second trap turned out to be very close. It was necessary to divide the numbers. This servants also knew and quickly decided examples.

After passing along the corridor, they saw the king in the cage and immediately ran up to him. After 3 minutes came out - 13 and said: "If you answer my five questions, then I will let go of the king." And asked them such questions:

Compare numbers.

Perform actions with numbers.

What is the point coordinate?

What numbers are located on the coordinate direct?

What is the module number?

The servants responded correctly on all the questions, because in their kingdom all the inhabitants have definitely visited classes. And then - 13 I realized that I would have to let go of the king. The king with the servants went to the goal, but they suddenly closed. It was the last dirtycy - 13. It was necessary to solve a large example of action with fractions. But the king and his servants quickly coped, because they knew all the rules. As soon as they uttered the answer out loud, the gate opened.

The king and his faithful servants reached the kingdom, they were all glad! King 7 collected all the people to celebrate in his castle. He announced: "I am awarding my servants and appoint them with new teachers! So that the children were as smart! ". Everyone was very happy.

A - 13 I heard everything, he sat and thought: "And I - what to do?" And he went to ask the city the next day. He was allowed to live in the city, but they said: "You will sit behind bars 2 years for stolen the king and you will learn." And then in the city of King 7 all residents became educated.

Tale "Reducing fractions".

Lived - there were three fractions: 3/6, 1/2, 6/12. They were twin sister, but they did not know about it. One day the fraction 3/6 was a birthday. And she invited her girlfriends - fractions. Invited a friend - a rule to reduce fractions. Girlfriends presented their gifts Birthday and were looking forward to, and what will the rule give? A friend said: "My gift will be like this: I cut you." And the rule read their spell, and then the fraction of 3/6 was the fraction of 1 / 2. Her girlfriend 6/12 also asked to cut it. And then the rule reduced the fraction by 6, and it became a fraction of 1 / 2. And the third girlfriend, the fraction of 1/2, the rule could not cut, because it was non-interpretable. And they understood the girlfriends that they are twin sisters.

Tale about triangles.

He lived yes there was a triangle. Once he flew on a rocket into space. I flew, flew, looking at the constellation of the parallelepiped and square. Long flew a triangle on the rocket. And suddenly ba-bah! The rocket landed on a round white planet into a cage. Nolikov planet. The triangle got out of the rocket and began to repair it. Nothing turned out. Suddenly, the triangle turned and saw that there were several hundred of the same zoliks behind him.

The poor triangle was frightened and said: "Saints Squares!". But then I decided to get acquainted with Nolikov. They helped him repair the rocket and fly home.

Tale about rational numbers.

Long ago in the kingdom of numbers and signs, rational numbers lived. Some of them were negative, others are positive. They were in a quarrel with each other, and therefore divided the kingdom into two halves. Argued due to the one who is the main one. Positive numbers said that they were the main thing because they were kind to other numbers, and the negative did not know why they are most importantly, but they still argued.

In one day, positive numbers decided to reconcile with negative numbers, because they are all important in mathematics. They were opposite numbers. Negative numbers agreed. De Half kingdoms again joined one. Since then, numbers have never been quarrels, and they have always been together.

Numbers and signs.

Previously, numbers were not friendly with signs. They interfered each other. Some times, the number 10 went to visit the number 2, and the number 2 at that time went to visit the number 10. 10. The obstacles came across, for example, commas, minuses of pluses and other signs. This time he was on the way the sign of the division was caught, which no one could get around. The number 10 began to bypass with cunning, but he failed. The number 2 did not know that his friend in trouble did not hurry. But when it climbed on a high mountain, it saw what was happening and ran to the rescue. The number 2 jumped the sign of the division on his back and so they were able to unite with Number 10. The division sign now has always served. In his life, the number often met signs plus, minus, multiplication, division. And already experienced and the best numbers could make sure that the signs serve them. For example, from a positive number to make a negative number, and then add them or subtract, multiply or divided.

Country number.

Far and far far from the mountains, seas and oceans were the country of numbers. Negative and positive numbers lived in it. Four rivers flowed in the country - this is multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. And there were still mountains that were called comparison.

All numbers were friendly and honest, and did not love only one zero. He was evil and dishonest and did not want to be friends with. He was a big lazy.

The queen in the country numbers was mathematics, and Zero always dreamed of occupying her place. He said to everyone that he would become king and everything would change the numbers in the country, but everything was laughing at him.

For some time, no one saw zero, everyone was very surprised. The unit went to zero, to hold it, maybe he fell ill and he needs to help. She approached the door, knocked and asked:

Is there anyone at home?

Yes, come in one!

What's the matter? She asked.

We must all laugh, "he murmured.

Why do you think everyone laughs over you?

I tell everyone that I will become the king and everything here is cheating, but I will never become them, because I'm just zero and I don't know anything, "said Nul.

Not sad, we go to the queen of mathematics, well, she will come up with something! - I told a funny voice.

And they went to the queen of mathematics. Zero and the unit entered the castle, saw the queen, bowed to her. Mathematics met them friendly and asked them:

Why did you come to me?

The unit answered:

Your Majesty, Zero says that he does not mean anything, help him, please!

Well, I will help you! - answered the queen and thought.

She was silent for a long time, and then continued the conversation:

I substituted different numbers to zero, then they were multiplied, Delila, read, folded, but I did not work out.

And then the unit exclaimed:

Queen, you forgot about comparison!

Here, too, nothing will happen, one. If you compare the number 5 and 0, then 5 is always greater than 0.

And you forgot about negative numbers, for example, if you take the number - 5 and 0, then it is 5 less than 0.

Oh, I completely forgot about negative numbers. Thank you, you have been right.

And then the unit said zero:

You zero still mean something!

Zero was very happy, after that he had changed a lot for the better. After that, he had many friends.

Fairy tale "Comparison of numbers".

Many years ago, in one mysterious country there was a city called mathematics, and there were numbers there. Once two decimal fractions argued with each other. One name of 0.7, and the other is 5.3. They argued who are more of them, and who is less. The one called 0.7, says:

I am more than you because in my name there is a figure of 0.

No, "says that called 5.3, - more I.

So they argued the whole day, quarreled until finally, one of them says:

Let's go to the uncle to the coordinate beam and ask him.

Another agreed. And in the morning, the decimal fractions went to the uncle to the coordinate beam. He asked them, what happened, and they say that they have long been arguing and do not know who of them more, and who is less.

Then the uncle coordinate ray called his daughter (her name was coordinate direct) and asked to draw himself on paper. She drew herself. It looked like this:


Then the uncle divided the straight point and drew zero.


After that, he placed the number:

_ ________________________●_________________________________

10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Then the uncle coordinate ray explained to frauds that those numbers that are eligible, those and more. This rule is general for all numbers, and not just for decimal fractions. Dried fractions and went home together.

Tale about natural numbers.

In the kingdom, mathematics lived the king nine and his daughter had a one. And she did not have friends. Ordered the king to collect all the natural numbers. Natural numbers and zero arrived in the kingdom. Natural numbers laughed over zero all the time. But he really liked the princess. Then the king allowed zero to live in the castle. And zero asked the king to all natural numbers lived together. And once we went natural numbers and zero. On the way they met two brothers plus and minus. They could not decide which of them more important. But Zero stopped them and said: "Guys, let's live together! You are both important, we, numbers, cannot do without you in the kingdom of mathematics. " They went on the number and reached the principality, where multiplication and division lived, zero denied the pass, because it is impossible to divide to zero. Then all natural numbers went along with zero home. They could not live without zero, because some numbers do not exist without zero.

Fairy tales of mathematical content for children 5 - 8 years

Mathematical fairy tales for senior preschoolers and younger students

A family project "Teaching children mathematics using artistic works was organized in kindergarten. Fabulous stories with mathematical content about the amazing adventures and friendship of extraordinary characters. Stories turned out to be such interesting and entertaining that we wanted to publish our book.
Work description:The fairy tale is made up and illustrated by children and parents of the senior group. The content of a fairy tale of a mathematical nature. This material will be useful for teachers of kindergartens, parents, teachers of junior classes. The material is intended for children 5 - 8 years old.
Purpose: Increase in children of senior pre-school interest in mathematics through the use of artistic works.

"Prince Circle and sorcerer minus."

In a distant country, mathematics lived - there were a king of a triangle and queen trapezium. And they all had good, except that they did not have children.
Then the queen decided to go to the evil sorcerer minus to help her. The sorcerer minus gave the Queen of Zernyshko and said: - put him in the pot and walk every morning, but for it you should give me the voice of your child. The queen was so glad that her would finally appear a child, and agreed to the sorcerer. When the Queen of the trapezium returned to the palace, immediately planted the grain into the pot from the ground and watered it. There was a time to grow and turned into a wonderful flower when the flower dismissed, there was a beautiful kid.
The king of the triangle and the Queen of the trapezium were very happy, they decided to call the little prince circle. Prince Ros, but did not say, and then the queen remembered that she gave the prince's voice to evil sorcerer minus. She told everything to the king of the triangle, and they decided to go together to the sorcerer, and ask him to might remember and return the voice of the prince circle. When the king and queen came to the evil sorcerer minus, they heard a wonderful voice. It was the voice of a sorcerer, or rather Prince of Circle. Then they fell before the sorcerer of the minus on his knees and began to begging him to give him a voice to the prince.
The sorcerer was humbled over them and said:
- I will return the voice of the prince circle, but for this you will no longer call me an evil sorcerer.
"We agree," the king and queen said.
The king of the triangle spoke before his subjects, said:
- From now on the sorcerer minus good sorcerer, and not angry.
The prince of the circle at the same minute a voice appeared. And everything in the country mathematics began to live happily.


Once Masha went to the forest for mushrooms and got lost. Suddenly I saw, rolling on the road Kolobok. Says Masha Kolobka:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, where are the mushrooms grow?
And he answers her:
"I don't know, I have a hurry, I have no time, I'm looking for, looking, I want to eat it." Ask a better number two, "barbed", she knows everything about mushrooms.
Masha went to the number two and asked:
- Hey Numen two, where do you grow mushrooms?
-The near the house.

Answers the number two.
I saw Masha mushrooms chanterelles and rather and they began to collect them.
Suddenly, from the house Bear - a bear as popping up and buried on Masha. Masha frightened and easier ran away away from the bear. He came running on the clearing sees Prenok standing. Masha sat down on Pozook and began to cry. And the bird flew past three. She heard that the girl cries, flew to her and asks:
- What are you crying here on the whole forest?
- I'm lost! - says Masha.
- Do not cry, I will help you, I'll show you the way home.
- Hurrah Hurrah! - shouted joyful Masha.
- Only promise that never more than one in the forest will not go without adults.
- Of course, I promise - Masha replied, and they went home.

"Two - Swans"

In one magical kingdom, a digital state, there were a tsar of a dozen and queen nine.
They were rich and noble, but at the same time good and fun. And they had two children, the son of the seven and the daughter of the fifth. The daughter was the most beautiful and clever, everyone envied the king and affectionately called her pyaterochka.
Wanted Baba Yaga to steal a bowl to get the redemption of the king for her. She called her loyal servant the six and gave him a punishment to steal the bowl. Sixer listened to Baba Yagu, went to the barn, where they had two-swans, harnessed them in Sanya and flew to steal the pyateloch.
And at that time, the pyatochka walked in her favorite flower garden, considered the unprecedented beauty of the rose and sang a song. Suddenly, all the sky was tightened with black clouds, flew to her six on her twos-swans, grabbed her hands, sat in the sleigh and flew back to the Baba Yaga. Screamed the five, what is urine:
"Batyushka, Mother - Help !!! Save, he takes me a sixth in a dense dense black forest to Baba Yaga! "
Her cry of servants of the king heard her cry and ran to him inform about the happening of the mountain.
Cherry Tuchi became the king from grief, having learned about the inconsistent misfortune, the queen slightly. Here it comes to the royal chambers to the king of the son of Semyon and says: "Do not grieve Tsar-father! I will go and save sister! I will collect my army from units, and let's go to the war on Babu Yagu! "
The king is responsible: "No, the son of Baba Yaga is not stupid, here the trick is needed! Go, go to the eight of the eight and advise him how best to do? "
I went, Seedark to Magu, told about trouble. And I advised the eight to take a decrease wand and the invisible hat. I explained how to use these things if you hit the faithful servant of Baba Yagi Sisters six times, it will decrease to such sizes, which will disappear, and if you hit two-swans twice, then it will decrease too to such sizes, which disappears. By this you most disarm Babu Yagu, having deprived her faithful servant and twees.
Thanking a mage eight of the seven, took a decrease wand with him, the invisibility cap and went to renounce the sister's pyatёrch. For a long time, he walked through the fields in the forests finally reached the dense forest of Baba Yaga.
She put a hat-invisibility, burst into the house of Baba Yaga and saw the hearse.
I hit it once with a decrease with a decrease, decreased, six sizes and shouted: "Oh-oh! What? Who's here?"

I hit the seven another five times and Sixer disappeared, as if it was not. I went, a seven in the barn and began to whip in the double-swans with a decrease with a decrease until they all disappeared.
After that, he went to the house of Baba Yaga, without removing, invisible caps and saw his nistener a bowl.
She sat on a bench and bitterly cried. Seed came to her and whispered in the ear: "Hello sister! Do not cry, I'll cut you now! "
He took off the quickly invisible hat with himself and dressed her and sister, they came out of the house of Baba Yaga and ran that there are urine home to the father and Mother.
The king of the tent was very happy when he saw his believed beauty daughter a bowl. Queen nine recovered, and again they healed fun and happily as before.

"In the tenth kingdom"

In the distant place, in the tenth kingdom there was a good chubby king zero. And he was married to a beautiful unit - proud and harmful maiden. And there was a king and queen two daughters. The older was twin. She looked like a mother - the same slender, the greatest and the same harmful and entered. The youngest daughter of the Five - all in the Father - Merry, Hochotka, in general - a nice-male!
Once the princesses went to walk to the river at the forest. The guys bathed there. Five girls, seven boys. How many kids were there?
- Hey, princesses, where are you? Come here! We will have fun together, joke, jump and play, swim, run, sunbathing!
The top five immediately agreed. Kubarem rolled to the guys. Well, a twice was angry:
- I'm a princess! How to call me! Noine me to play with you! This whole river! I will swim here alone! Get away who is where!
It became sad to the defector, and everyone said all:
- You are not swan, you are harmful!
- Zluk!
- Zluk!
- And Dyadyuk!
Here, two got angry ... Already in the face I changed ... She swung her head - and the children frowned as the wind. We forgot to tell you that I could find our harmful princess.
Since then, all kingdom children in the lessons began to receive the worst school rates - twos. There is nothing terrible if the twitch occurs one or other numbers somewhere in the book, on the poster or, let's say on the tag in the store. But if the two appears in your diary - this is a real school trouble! Who needs a bad mark?! And the tenth kingdoms and girls in the diary and notebooks were now only such marks. Yes, and in the neighboring kingdoms, children increasingly and more often brought home diaries with twins. Like a virus, the disease spread harmful witchcraft around. And as if the teachers did not try, as if the parents were not harvested - the children still studied badly.
It became sorry for the five guys. Who will grow up of them now - two people who know nothing and do not know how in life? She decided to help them - open the secret of getting rid of the spell. She heard him at night when her older sister muttered in a dream. But the deuce guessed that her sister wants to tell these harmful children to the secret of getting rid of bad estimates. It was angry with her sister. There was a high tower - 22 meters, far, far from his kingdom, and stubcounted her younger sister five there. Like, let him sit a little, and then he was heard, the older sister is to first. All their magic forces spent tweak to this witchcraft. And so weakened, which was forgotten about its harmful magic, and, that's the trouble, and about the secret of the healing of children, and about his sister, too, forgotten.
The King and Queen and the Queen were alarmed and saddened, having learned about the disappearance of her younger daughter. In all four sides of the world, the king zero of his messengers with the Royal Decree was sent out. To the one who finds and return the princess five home, promised Zero his younger daughter in his wife to give away when the princess will grow up and give the polish!
Many tried to find the missing princess - everything is in vain! And somehow once heard about the princess five, the brave prince of the distant kingdom of the Four. He was very persistent, stubborn and hardworking. I decided to find the top five in order to find the top five. He wandered around for a long time, many difficulties and tests had to survive a brave prince. But he did not give up! And here one day he saw a high tower. He tried to penetrate her, but he had a new obstacle on the way. Princess Double won the tower so that she did not let anyone, while the traveler does not guess her riddle.
"The apple mouse was carried and found one more," the tower dropped, "Owl flushed loudly:" You now have them ... ". How many apples have a mouse? ". The prince with ease gave the correct answer. The tower let him in. But on the second floor he had to be considered again.
- Three bunny on the swing with the appetite of the drying ate. Two came to them to chat. How many jacks? - asked the tower.
"Exactly ...," the prince replied. And again right. So the floor behind the floor, the mystery behind the riddle - the four recently got to the last.
- Nine caterpillars crawled, seven of them went home. In soft silk grass, they are left only ...?
- Two !!!
And about the miracle! The door to the room opened open, and the prince saw a wonderful young princess. It was a five! The prince fell in love with her without memory. He returned his daughter to parents. How happy was the king and queen to see the native Pyaterochka !!! Queen The unit ceased to harm after the disappearance of the youngest daughter, and now was the same kind as her husband zero. Two did not remember anything about his act and also from the soul rejoiced to the return of the younger sister.
They played a magnificent wedding - the fourth and five became her husband and wife, and from the promised half of the kingdom the prince refused. Not for the sake of him, the young man was looking for a princess! Yes, besides, he has its own - the whole kingdom was!
- What about children-two? - you ask. Everything is fine! Do not worry. They became excellent! The secret is that it is not necessary to be lazy, you need to work, no matter how difficult it was not. Home tasks must be diligently and on time. In the lessons are not distracted, but listen carefully to the teacher. Reliable parents and listen to their advice. You need more to read useful and interesting books about nature, animals, our planet. Do not forget about fairy tales! And, of course, to carry charging in the morning, in time to go to bed in the evenings, walking out in the fresh air, to play sports, so that not only our head worked well, but also the body. So that we always felt well and could achieve a lot in life!
Performing all these simple rules, the guys of the tenth kingdom and neighboring lands quickly corrected all the twins on the fives - the fives they got so much that the two themselves disappeared from the diary. And now they had some four and five! And they became all excellent doctors, teachers, singers, chefs, pilots and cosmonauts! And who do you want to become? Will you learn well for you to be proud of everything?!

"Two - Swan"

The river in Bor was crying twice. She was afraid to enter the river, because he did not know how to swim.
A number one came up to her and told her: - Do not be sad girlfriend!
And then the number of three came to her and told her: - Wash his tears!
The fetter came to her and the fifty and began to console her:
- You look like a swan, it means you can swim, you can also!
Two happily sighed, the neck swung her long, he went into the water and as a real swan swam. On the shore, the unit was happy with a three and four and a fifty.

Friendship strong

In the distant, a distant country of digger lived - there were different numbers.
Once, two of them "Unit" and "Pyatlyka" met.
The unit was very proud, high, always even kept his back and loved with whom - neither argue.
The pyaterochka was fun, bright, but very big Zakona.
And they started the dispute, which of them is more and more important. "1" - says: I'm higher, which means I'm more! "5" - she is responsible for: and I take more space on a notebook sheet, then I am more!
They argued for a long time and could not figure out who of them more, then they decided "1" and "5" to go for advice to other numbers.
They came, but there was no time. And only "zero" said - all the figures are important! You do other numbers to dozens of other numbers, and you are the very first of all numbers. And you too much more and put the children at school good grades. If you confuse closely, you will become one digit.
Greeting "1" and "5" came together to each other, and turned out to be "15"
So they became inseparable friends !!!
Always and everywhere together!

Mathematical teremok

Somehow early in the morning there was a one-year on the table, and on the table lay a book Unnamed. She wanted to sleep on her meal lists - snow-white sheets. He knocked, everyone is silent, it means here and I will sleep.
By the swan swan the number two out of the far, he saw our book and was delighted, healing in her forever.
Tuk, Tuk, Tuk who lives here?
- This is me a single, thin as a match.
- And I have two numbers like swan and beautiful, and slim.
- Come in, if you came, we will live together then.
And the Troika was jumping nearby that she jumps so Boyko, he knocked and she, you let live me.
So gathered in our book numbers all that are, we now list them:
There are four - hands in Boki,
Five - what loves to play
And the sixth - that legend, very loves to sleep hard,
Here and the seventh - we call we are a poker,
And the eight - two mug as a sister of a snowman,
And the ninth is the oldest all gray and with a beard.
It was not enough only to zero, did not make himself wait for the grocerath, not in a hurrying with her side on his side.
Well, how are you so friends without a name, our book, what gathered everyone from nine - to zero?
You learn how to count soon and then you will know, it is called Mathematics Friends !!!

Hare named Nolik

She walked through the woods of the hare named Nolik. He walked alone, because he had no family. But he really wanted to live in a cozy house with his family.
The bunny by the name of a single piece fled to the meeting on the path. Nolika really liked a single one and he suggested to build a house and live in it. So they began to live together.
The house was beautiful and comfortable, and around him a big and strong fence so that the wolf could not get to them and they had 9 wonderful wish: Two, Troika, Chetverik, Pyaterochka, Hamsherik, Seedry, G8, nine and ten.

Cheerful traffic lights

He lived - there was a cheerful light light. He stood at the intersection. But one day he fell ill and broke, and he went out all 3 lights: red, yellow and green.
A girl passed by, she called the rescue service number 3.

The figure brought a traffic lights a magic cookie. It was different color and different shapes. The red cookie was triangular, yellow biscuits square and green cookies were round. When the traffic light ate the cookie, then his lights earned again.
But now they were different shape, from this he looked even more fun.

Magic planet mathematics

There was one girl, her name was Nastya. She had square bunnies, they lived on a magic planet, where everything was pink and the sea, and the forest, and the mountains.
When Nastya was swimming in the magic sea, she also became pink.
She asked the bunnies: "Why am I pink?"
But they could not answer her.
And they went all to the mermaid named Ariel to answer them all their questions.
She was strange, very round, like a ball.
Ariel said that the planet, on which they live, magic and entertaining. Because all the inhabitants of the planet love to make each other's joke riddles in mathematics, and since they are very funny and funny all the inhabitants are having fun and rejoice and from it all around becoming pink and beautiful.
And Ariel began to make her riddles:
Say the number to 5. Add to it 2, and I guess what number you have conceived. How much did you do?
Birds flew over the river: pigeon, pike, 2 tits, 2 steps and 5 acne. How many birds? Answer speeds.
Chicken standing on one leg weighs 2 kg. How many chicken weighs, standing on two legs? (2 kg)
Nastya and her square bunnies listened for a long time Mermaid.
After all, the mysteries were so much that they did not notice how evening came.
And the sunset on the planet was also pink - it was so beautiful.
And then everyone went to bed in their houses of pink color.
And all the night they dreamed of only pink dreams.
That's the fabulous end, and who answered well done!