I am Elsa how to become an elze. Elsa from the "Cold Heart" want to make the first Disney Princess-lesbian: a comment of the psychologist

I am Elsa how to become an elze. Elsa from the
I am Elsa how to become an elze. Elsa from the "Cold Heart" want to make the first Disney Princess-lesbian: a comment of the psychologist

What could be more pleasant when you possess supernatural abilities And you know how to manage them? Witchcraft - real art, which is under the power only inquisitive and persistent people. How to learn to conjure that miracles be opened and unusual opportunities have become available? How to subjugate the elements: fire, water, air and land? What situations will the magic of a magic stick help? This will be discussed in our article.

Where to start?

Before proceeding with practical classes, you should ask yourself the most important question: what is it for? If you want to punish the offender or boast of our unusual abilities - it is better not even proceeding with the study of spells.

Magic from the sorcerer requires full responsibility and a serious approach. Otherwise, you only confuse and cannot learn to truly make magic.

What should the future magician know?

Before trying to proceed to practice, you need to know several important rules:

  • practicing in witchcraft need every day;
  • before proceeding to practice, read several books about what magic is not necessarily the most serious, you can even for children;
  • it is impossible to tell anyone that you spent the ritual;
  • do not despair if the magic does not work the first time: it will be necessary to simply practice;
  • spell words should be pronounced loudly and clearly;
  • in the room during the ritual there should be no one from the outsiders.

And one more rule: all spells that you learned, have come up with and applied in practice, it is best to record in a special notebook. It can not be shown to anyone in order not to disappear the strength of the climb!

What are the elements of helpers?

Each self-respecting magician or witch necessarily uses the power of the assistant.

Most often, one of the four natural elements is becoming an assistant: fire, air, water or earth. Each of them has its unusual features.

The magic of fire clears the path to new events, helps to leave the past and fill life with bright emotions. Especially helps in spells aimed at the sphere of love and relationships between people.

Air - contradictory and changing the element, primarily responsible for the intellectual features of the magician. With this assistant, you will acquire the innermost knowledge and wisdom of the ancient gods, and also be able to conjure the weather.

Water is the perfect conductor of magic energy. This element assistant over the centuries helped healers and predictors. Conspiracy with the help of water had excellent protection, and fortune telling the water was distinguished by truthfulness and special accuracy.

The Earth's energy is responsible for human health, harmony of the soul and body, as well as for success in financial affairs. They are asked for help from this element most often with the requests of material incubation and recovery.

How to conjure water

You can learn to conjure with water yourself at home. To establish contact with your assistant, it is worth performing several non-hard exercises:

  • type basic cold water straight from under the tap;
  • apply your hands with palms down to the water: Feel a small cold, running from the surface of the water;
  • close your eyes and mentally imagine that we pass the power of water through yourself;
  • ask the element to be your helper: To do this, say the following words Spells: "Water, give me your strength and harmony! Help me master secret knowledge For the benefit, but not harmful! ".

Then you need to be whisper to trust the water your desire. It should be easy to fulfill and not very important: for example, get a gift or to you or the girl who like. After that, you need to thank the water and wash it.

You can also learn to conjure ice: for this a small amount of Pour water into the container and put in the freezer. Frozening water that turned into ice will help properly predict the future, you can read the words of conspiracies.

The strength of the ice will also help you learn to focus and develop an imagination, without which no spelling or plot will be valid.

It is possible to conjure snow in winter near the house: for this it is necessary to take snow in the hands and say the words of the spell: "Snow cleans me, I adds strength and health!". After that, you need to entrust the snow intimate desire, and it will certainly come true.

Exercises with water, snow or learn to conjure ice need as often as possible.

Fire assistant

To learn how to conjure the fire, you can truly yourself with the help of a candle. Light a candle, as long as you can look at her flame. Run your hand to the fire, feel its strength and warmth. Mentally imagine that the power of the fire is transmitted to you.

Ask the fire to become your assistant. To do this, pronounce secret words of conspiracy:

Exercises with a candle is best to spend every night before bedtime. Then you truly make friends with fiery elements and after a while you will feel that they have become much stronger and more vigorous, and your desires begin to be executed as magic.

Do not forget about the cautious handling of the fire!

Air force: how to conjure hands

With the help of air elements, you can learn how to manage the weather. Good imagination and help help come in handy. For example, if there is a rainy day on the street, and you want to be warm and sunny.

What you need to do for this:

  • you can go outside or spend the ritual at home, opening the window or the window;
  • inhale the sip fresh air, Feel the wind;
  • mentally imagine that they accelerate the clouds to come out the sun;
  • to do this, we need to be koving with your hands: do the appropriate movements with them, trying to overclock the clouds in different directions;
  • skind secret conspiracy: « You, cloud, do not be angry, disappear, do not come to my eyes! Mighty wind, run evil clouds! Sun, the land of heating, we are waiting for the warmth of your rays. My word is strong, faithful! Key, Language, Castle »».
  • repeat the words of spells and movement with your hands again and again, while you do not believe it briefly what you have happened.

After half an hour, the weather will begin to change, and instead of frowning clouds will appear sunlight.

Magic land

Independently learn magic with the help of the earthly element of the assistant, if you have live plants at home. Pour them and see how gratefully the land in the pot takes water. Take the rocket of the earth in the hand and say the words of the spell:

"Earth-Mother, generous to the gifts to all alive! Be generous and with me: they put me with force capable of healing and fulfill good desires! "

Feeling that you truly became friends with your assistant, you need to be in nature as often as possible. In good warm weather, you can even lie down on the grass and listen to the ground, trust her your secrets and intimate desires.

Why do you need a magic wand?

She helps her Magu-owner to skip magic energy and "throw away" it into space so that magic worked correctly, in the right direction. For example, if you want to change the weather and resort to witchcraft with your hands, then the magic wand will make your ritual much more efficient.

The magic wand among each mage is only one. He thoroughly stores it and protects out of views and touches to her outsiders - after all, in it the energy of the magician he enjoys in his rituals.

Beginning Magu is best independently, with his own hands. It's not hard. To do this, you need to have a perochny knife and the material from which the present formidable weapon of the wizard will turn out. You can simply find a wand with which you will feel some connection. It will have to call you: you really like.

Usually the wand is made of wood. If you have a favorite tree that you like most, it is best to make a magic wand from it. To do this, you should not make harm to growing trees, otherwise you will cause pain and magic will not work. It is best to make a stick from a strong branch, which can be found on the ground in the trunk.

What should be your magic wand:

  • Comfortable. She should be well lying in his hand and be pleasant to the touch.
  • Beautiful. To do this, it can be covered with paint favorite color.
  • Strong. Too thin wand can easily break, and you have to do a new one.

After you have found or made a magic wand, you need it to feel your energy: for this you need to take it as much as possible, talking to her. Before trying its strength, put it under the pillow for 3 nights. After that, it can be practiced with its help.

How to understand what you learned magic?

Understand that you finally manage your magical abilities And already learned to truly create the spells, it is possible on the following signs:

  • You started to dream of bright saturated dreams.
  • You can come up with your own conspiracy without resorting to a stranger.
  • There was a desire every day to recognize anything new.
  • Children and pets are very comfortable with you, and they are increasingly looking for your society.
  • You have strengthened imagination: you are very clear and clearly imagine what you want to achieve.
  • You learned to focus on the necessary tasks and discard everything too much.

The main thing is that the beginner sorcerers and witches should remember - success in magic and self-confidence will bring a permanent practice, sincerity in their desires and the ability to maintain supernatural abilities.

All the fans of the "Cold Heart" are dedicated!

1. Initially, Elsa was conceived as an evil character.

2. Director Jennifer Lee has become the first woman-director of the full-length animation film Disney Studio.

3. The names of Hans, Cristoff, Anna and Sven were given heroes in honor of the author of the Tazzle "Snow Queen" Hans Christian Andersen.

Hans Christoff Anna Sven

If they pronounce their names quickly, it turns out close on the sound to the writer name.

4. For the American actress Kristen Bell, who voiced Anna, the role in the film was not the first experience of working with frozen objects. Studying in high school, she worked in the company for the production of frozen yogurt TCBY.

5. Since the 1940s, Walt Disney himself wanted to create a cartoon based on the fairy tale "Snow Queen". This was inspired by the creators of the Cold Heart.

6. To consider the design of the Elsa Palace to the little detail, the staged group went to the inspiration to the hotel made of ice.

7. So, the trolls from the cartoon looked in the book:

8. Since the release of the cartoon, the names of Elsa and Anna have become very popular for newborn girls.

9. Little Anna in the film was voiced by the young American actress Livvi Stubenrah.

10. Develop the film began with its ending.

11. The beach from the scene with the Summer Song - reference to the fun advertisement of the Coppeton sunscreen.

12. On the Internet there is a numerous fan fiction community dedicated to the Unzi's union with the main hero of the "Dream Guardians" Jack Frost.

13. Above the scene, where Elsa builds his castle, about 50 animators worked out.

14. At the end of the final titers, a message was published that Disney does not approve the eating of the goat.

15. And the names specified in the reservation about the accidental nature of coincidences belong to the children of the participants in the film crew who were born during the production of the film.

16. In order to enrich the scenario by Norwegian words, emphasis and phrases, the creators of the film hired a professor of the Vidnavandannowan and Scandinavian mythology of the University of California in Los Angeles Jackson Crawford.

17. During the episode of the coronation of Elsa, among guests you can see Rapunzel and Fleas, the main characters of the animation film "Rapunzel. Complicated story".

18. The horse Anna is called the citron that translated from Norwegian means "lemon".

19. Elsa, Anna, Cristoff, Olaf and in general, most of the heroes of the cartoon in the original fairy tale about the Snow Queen are not present.

20. In March in Boston, two firefighters sang "let go and forget" to calm the girl stuck in the elevator.

21. If you look closely, on the shelves in the "trading shop of the Oaksen tramp" you can see a small figure of Mickey Mouse.

22. The filmmakers also consulted with a star stylist given about the hairstyle for Elsa.

23. The picture, in front of which Anna poses in the gallery of his palace, is nothing but a reference to the "swing" of the French painter Jean Hongon Fragonar.

24. In order to most accurately display the snow-covered mountain landscapes in the cartoon, its creators set off for inspiration to Norway.

25. Rooseling - traditional Norwegian folk art, which represents a combination of colors and a geometric pattern. This design was chosen for the costumes of the main characters. And the print itself acquired unprecedented popularity after the cartoon exit.

26. A limited series of dolls Anna and Elzy was sold for 10 thousand dollars on eBay.

27. In the entire history of Cartoons, Disney Anna has become the only princess that fell in love with the villain of Prince Hans. With him, she performed the song "This is my love."

In her defense we can say that she did not know that he is a villain.

28. The film crew specifically went to the Jackson-Holly Valley, Wyoming, to experience himself how the human body reacts to the cold.

29. Producers insisted that India Menzel and Kristen Bell, voicing Elza and Anna, respectively, read their scenes together. Thus, they had to achieve truly nursing relations. In animation films, simultaneous sounding is rare.

30. Olaf dance in the scene with the song "Summer" is a reference to Berta Penguins dance from Mary Poppins.

31. After entering the picture in Norway, the influx of tourists sharply increased.

32. In search services, ticket requests to Norway have also increased 1.5 times.

33. The seller of Oaksen is most likely conceived as a character of unconventional orientation.

When he shows Anna a photo of his family, then it can see a man and four children of the seller. However, when Disney's representatives were asked if they intended to create a profession of gay, they did not confirm any speculations on this matter. At the same time, it was clearly made to understand that everything that was reflected in the cartoon was done intend.

34. In order for the elza's hair to move as natural as possible with each of its movement, the animators had to develop a separate program.

35. In Kosh Elza about 420 thousand strands, each of which moves.

36. It is 15 times more than in Rapunzel's hair.

37. The prototype for the character of Christoff served as representatives of the small Finno-Ugric people of Saami, indigenous people of Northern Europe.

38. American actor, singer, director and composer Santino Fontana, voiced by Prince Hans, also previously tried to play the role of Flight from Rapunzel. Tangled story, "but never got it.

39. The "Cold Heart" became the most cash animation film in the history of Disney's company.

40. In order to make the character as accurately as possible in the cartoon character and his habits, the animators led to the studio of a living deer.

41. The idea of \u200b\u200ba chocolate composition for Anna was taken from the Kingdom of "Sweet Forest" in the cartoon about Ralph.

42. In order to complete the work on the longest cartoon scene, it took 132 hours.

43. In order to understand how the snowflake shape is formed by the creation team consulted with a professor of physics of the California Institute of Technology, Kenneth Libbbrecht.

44. Such a profession like cutting out blocks from ice to the thickness really exists to this day. The cartoon was very accurate.

45. When creating a cartoon, the film crew used about 312 layouts. It is much more than was used for any other Disney film.

46. \u200b\u200bDuring the cartoon in Florida, a two-minute porn roller was rapidly launched.

47. Initially, Megan Mallarly was approved for Elza's voice, known for the TV series "Will and Grace".

48. Initially, the cartoon should have been released in 2D format.

49. First, Amy Winehouse should be the prototype for the image of Elsa.

50. And it looked like this:

51. Originally, the deer was not silent, and the torus.

52. Animation group has developed a whole program to generate snowflakes so that, thus create 2 thousand absolutely different shapes of snowflakes.

53. The English version of the song "Let and Forget" - "Let IT Go" - was written in a week.

The cartoon "Cold Heart" became a favorite for many modern children, and their parents managed to imbued with history, revising the tenth time a beautiful cartoon along with their children. This Disney story from the very beginning differed in many ways from other animated films for kids. In it, the entire plot was focused exclusively on the strength of a woman and her love for her sister. main character Elsa has a gift to create snow and ice, but it is afraid to harm her close, carelessly using its capabilities, so she chooses loneliness. Of course, at the end of the cartoon Elsa realizes that in fact she is not alone, because she has the most expensive - the love of sisters.

However, the viewer could not help but notice that in contrast to others who always have a happy happy hemp with a handsome prince, there were no people in the history of Elsa at all love adventures. And recently in the Western press, this question was decided to raise, offering to make Elza the first princess, which will represent the LGBT community. As it turned out, the fans of such an initiative were the fans of lonely princesses, which were deployed in the social networks of Flashmob with Hesteg #Giveelsaagirlfriend (# Gubteelzevel).

Elzy fans believe that disney Princess No sport was deprived love line In its history. Judging by tweets in support non-traditional orientation Elsa, users believe that Disney film company now has an excellent chance to help children understand that love is not only between two opposite sexes. Some even admit that if they have such a cartoon in childhood, they would have a much faster realized who they really are.

The editors want .Ua inquired at the psychologist Lera Tsychoni, which means such a cardinal change of the orientation of one of the most popular heroines from all cartoons for society.

As far as I understand, there is a strong political preparing in this story. For us, such news has such news more strange than, for example, abroad. If today for Ukraine a big victory of the LGBT community is the ability to hold a parade without human victims, then in the West, it is already serious about increasing tolerance in such areas that we have not thought about. In particular, in America's schools for a long time there are programs that have already received reproaches that they bring up not so much tolerance as the same-sex love is promoted.

And now back to the film. If you analyze many fairy tales and legends, they unfold on a specific scenario, which involves fighting evil, or those who represent it. But besides the plot, there are two storylines in fairy tales (which are often woven in one). This is the line actually effective, that is, overcoming difficulties and the Love line.

So we are brought up with diapers, that somewhere at the end of such stories, we want to hear "and they lived long and happily."

I do not consider the situation that in the normal harmonious personality The achievements must be implemented (for example, professional) needs, and needs for love, and support, and care, and, of course, intimacy. The person is designed so that he almost always wants it.

When for some reason it is not possible to satisfy everything, we can very well rationalize why we do not need it. And here in the arena, I have other priorities, "sexism" or something else, and this is another story. And it seems that the LGBT communities decided to take such an undeveloped love scene line And use it for your own purposes. In order to show that the princesses are different. And it is important that children have been learned from an early age.

I think that in society is important tolerance and tolerance, but these are the qualities that, perhaps, need to raise more jewelry.