What is a competitive score how to calculate it. How to calculate a competitive score for admission to universities

What is a competitive score how to calculate it. How to calculate a competitive score for admission to universities

Competitive score - this is the amount of applicant points for each certificate of external independent estimation, the average score of the document on the full general secondary education, the score for the contest of creative or physical abilities (if it is carried out) multiplied by weight coefficients whose amount is equal to one.

Applying points for special successes and / or for the successful end of the preparatory courses of the university for admission to this university on natural and mathematical and engineering specialty are attached to this university.

KB - competitive score;

P1, p2, p3, p4 - the results of the delivery of it in the subject of 1, according to the subject 2, on the subject 3, on the subject 4 (or score for the contest of creative or physical abilities);

BUT - the average score of the document on the full general secondary education;

Bow - score for special successes Prize-winners of the IV stage of all-Ukrainian student olympiads on basic subjects or score for special successes Stage III All-Ukrainian competition-protection of research works of students - members of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, whose list of sections in accordance with the areas of preparation during admission to higher educational establishments To obtain a bachelor's degree (specialist of medical, veterinary and medical directions, are given in Appendix 5 K " The conditions of admission to higher educational institutions of Ukraine in 2015", Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of October 15, 2014 No. 1172" On approval of the conditions for admission to higher educational institutions of Ukraine in 2015 ", registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 4, 2014 under No. 1390/26167).

BPK - Point for the successful end of the preparatory courses of the university.

Wherein K1 + K2 + K3 + K4 + K5 \u003d 1.

Additional points: Bow and BPK There are ranging from 0 to 10 points.

In practice, educational institutions may establish specific fixed values \u200b\u200bof additional points - to 10, which will be up to 5% of the main competitive point.

The list of external independent estimation items necessary for receipt and specific weighting coefficients assigned to each of the components of the competitive point should be contained in the rules of admission to a specific higher education institution.

EXAMPLE. Specialty "Philology"

Competitive objects and their coefficients, as well as the middle point of the certificate:

  • ukrainian language and literature (basic level) - 40% of the competitive point (CEF.0.4);
  • the history of Ukraine is 25 percent of the competitive point (CEF.0.25);
  • foreign language - 25 percent of the competitive point (CEF.0.25);
  • the average point of the certificate is 10 percent of the competitive point (CEF.0.1).

Suppose the applicant has the following results:

  • ukrainian language and literature (basic level) - 186 points;
  • history of Ukraine - 170 points;
  • foreign language - 140.5 points;
  • the average point of the certificate is 174.3 points.

186x0.4 + 170х0,25 + 140,5х0,25 + 174.3х0,1 \u003d 74,4 + 42,5 + 35,125 + 17,43 \u003d 169,46

Passing the procedure of external independent estimation (ukr. Zno), participants often can't figure out: how to count the scores for the exam and, then they are transformed into an assessment of the sound or assessment of state final certification (UKR. DPA), as these points affect the competitive score when admission . Explains Eduget.

Test score

When performing a task in a test notebook, the participant knows a certain amount of points. It depends on how many tasks and how correctly it was fulfilled. For an exam for each subject you can dial a different maximum score. According to the points for each task, how much time is reserved for execution and how much you can dial for the exam - see.

The transfer of points in both cases occurs on the principle of ranking the results of all participants in the way of this subject. The lowest score of the test is awarded the lowest score (1 for DPA and 100), and the high score is the highest score (12 for DPA and 200 for Sign). The remaining results are evenly distributed among these two indicators.

Only after checking all the work will be known which assessment of the DPA and knowing the specific test balloon. But an approximate view can be obtained by using test points for test points last year.

The only difference in this algorithm is the lowest value for DPA, and the value of the threshold point will be the lowest value.

Threshold score

The threshold score is determined only for knowing. This is the minimum number of points that the exam is considered. Applicants often in front of the exam are interested in how the threshold point is (or the score passed / did not pass) on this subject. There is no answer to this question, since the passing score determines the expert commission after all the results of the participants are obtained. Take into account the complexity of the assignments received, and the level of the results shown by the participants, and other factors.

In 2016, the threshold score in the Ukrainian language and literature was 23, in mathematics - 9, on the history of Ukraine - 25.

When the threshold point is defined, it is assigned to 100, and the maximum variable number of points is 200. The remaining results of the program evenly distributes between them.

Score of the school attestation

The score of the school certificate is the average arithmetic final estimates for the objects of the mandatory program and estimates of the DPA (3 subjects), rounded to the tenths. To take into account it when admission, this ball should be translated into the scale of 100-200. This is done according to the following scheme:

Translation table of the middle score of the school certificate in the scale of 100-200

For example, if a graduate 22 annual estimates have developed in 231 points, and for 3 subjects, it received 10, 11 and 12, then the score of the school certificate is calculated so:


According to the table of the transfer of points in the scale of 100-200, the score of the school certificate is 186.

Competitive score

The competitive score is the final amount of various points multiplied by the coefficients with which the applicant will participate in the competition for a place in the higher educational institution. Consists of bad points, a school certificate score, situationally can take into account points for special successes, creative competition. Additional points receive winners Olympiads, members of the Small Academy of Sciences.

The formula for calculating the competitive point:

KB \u003d K1 * P1 + K2 * P2 + K3 * P3 + K4 * A + K5 * OU

Used components mean:

  1. KB is a competitive score.
  2. K1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - the coefficients to multiply a certain indicator. They are determined by the university itself. Depending on the importance of the subject for a particular specialty, this coefficient will be higher or lower. But it is necessary to comply with the conditions:
    The coefficient for the subject of knowing should be at least 0.2;
    The coefficient for a creative contest may not exceed 0.25 (0.5 for specialties from the "Culture and Art" and "Architecture and urban planning");
    The coefficient for the school certificate should be no more than 0.1;
    The coefficient for special successes cannot exceed 0.05;
    The sum of all coefficients for each specialty is always equal to 1.
  3. P1, 2 - points for certificates ZNO (or entrance exams), P1 - for a certificate for the first subject, is Ukrainian language and literature, p2 - on the second, this is a mathematics or history of Ukraine, or biology (for universities of medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary directions ).
  4. P3 - an assessment for the third item knowing entrance examination or creative contest.
  5. A is the middle score of the school certificate translated in the scale of 100-200 points.
  6. OU - score for special successes, successful end of the preparatory courses of the university, if we are talking About the specialties, especially supported by the Ministry of Education.

To obtain the final value, the competitive score is multiplied (balanced) to the coefficients:

  1. Regional coefficient (RK). Equal is 1.00 for universities in Kiev, 1.01 - in the cities of Dnipro, Lviv, Odessa and Kharkov, 1.03 - for the cities of Donetsk and Lugansk regions, displaced higher educational institutions, 1.02 - in other cases.
  2. Industry coefficient (GC). Equal to 1.03, if the statement with high priority is submitted to separate specialty, which especially supports the Ministry of Education.
  3. Rural coefficient (SC). Equal to 1.02 for persons registered and received school education In villages.
  4. Priority coefficient (PCC). Equal to 1.10 for persons entitled to priority enrollment in higher medical and pedagogical educational institutions, and 1.00 in other cases.

Important! The maximum value of the competitive point is 200. If after balancing, additional points competitive score exceeds 200, then it will still be considered as 200.

In the draft law "On higher education"The concept of" Vakhi Koyfіqіnti "was introduced. What is it and how to count? The opinion of the author

Hello, dear readers!

A couple of years ago, I first encountered this concept. And already tried sort outin this matter. Then the question quickly lost the relevance and we "postponed it until better times."

The best times have come 😉 and today we will try to figure out - how competitive score can be considered on the draft law " About higher education«.

Let's start with simple:
The weight coefficient is a numerical coefficient, a parameter reflecting the importance, relative importance, "weight" of this factor, indicator in comparison with other factors affecting the studied process (Raisberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern Economic Dictionary. - 2nd ed., Act. M.: Infra-m. 479 s .. 1999).

Since this is "simple" - not very simple, let's take a simple formula from the past material. As the competitive score of the incoming:

T1 + T2 + T3 + SBA + dB \u003d KB

SBA - Middle Point of Certificate
KB - competitive score

Now let's see carefully bill and try to collect the formula that meets the new conditions:

T1KHVK (min \u003d 20%) + T2XBK (MIN \u003d 20%) + T3XBK (MIN \u003d 20%) + Sbahvk (Mach \u003d 10%) + dB \u003d KB

T1, T2, T3 - Estimates for tests ZNO for competitive subjects
SBA - Middle Point of Certificate
DB - extra points (for training courses, Victory in the Olympics ...)

T1KhvK (min \u003d 20%) + T2xBK (min \u003d 20%) + TKXBK (Mach \u003d 50%) + Sbahvk (Mach \u003d 10%) + dB \u003d kb

T1, T2 - Evaluation for tests ZNO for competitive subjects
TC - creative contest (sing, draw, run ...)
VC - weight coefficient (in brackets are minimal or maximum coefficient values \u200b\u200bfor each component
SBA - Middle Point of Certificate
DB - additional points (for preparatory courses, victories in the Olympics ...)

For me, it was always difficult to perceive such formulas 🙂 therefore - let me try to explain on the example - what it is and why we need it.

I passed the following tests knowing the following estimates:

- Ukrainian language and literature - 150

- Mathematics - 175

- History of Ukraine - 140

english — 125

Middle Point of Certificate - 150

I choose - where would I do what directions? I will stop the company in the economy of the enterprise, jurisdiction and computer sciences.

In a university N, where I am going to file documents, the following is recorded in the reception rules:

Enterprise economy:

- Ukrainian language and literature (30%)

- Mathematics (30%)

- History of Ukraine or Geography (30%)

- SBA (10%)


- Ukrainian language and literature (25%)

- History of Ukraine (45%)

- Mathematics or foreign (25%)

Computer science

- Ukrainian language and literature (20%)

- Mathematics (38%)

- Physics or foreign (40%)