What is the sin of Sonya Marmeladova. Mission of Sonechka Marmeladova (Dostoevsky F

What is the sin of Sonya Marmeladova.  Mission of Sonechka Marmeladova (Dostoevsky F
What is the sin of Sonya Marmeladova. Mission of Sonechka Marmeladova (Dostoevsky F

From the lips of Marmeladov in the "drinking room" in the scene of their acquaintance: "Meanwhile, my daughter, from her first marriage, has also grown, and what she, my daughter, only endured from her stepmother, growing, I keep silent about that. For although Katerina Ivanovna is full of generous feelings, the lady is hot and irritated, and she will cut off ... Yes, sir! Well, there is nothing to remember about that! As you can imagine, Sonya did not receive upbringing. I tried with her, about four years ago, geography and world history pass; but as I myself was not strong in this knowledge, and there were no decent manuals, for what books were available ... hm! .. well, they are no longer there, these books, that was the end of all the training. They stopped at Cyrus the Persian. Then, having already reached adulthood, she read several books of romance, and more recently, through Mr. Lebezyatnikov, one book - "Physiology" by Lewis, if you please know? - read it with great interest and even to us fragmentarily aloud told us: that is all her enlightenment. Now I will turn to you, my dear sir, on my own behalf with a private question: how much can, in your opinion, a poor but honest girl earn by honest labor? .. Fifteen kopecks a day, sir, will not work if she is honest and has special talents, and even then worked tirelessly! And even then the State Councilor Klopstock, Ivan Ivanovich - did you deign to hear? - not only has he still not given money for sewing half a dozen Dutch shirts, but even chased her with resentment, stamping his feet and calling it indecent, under the guise of a shirt collar sewn out of measure and a jamb. And here the kids are hungry ... And here Katerina Ivanovna, wringing her hands, walks around the room, but red spots on her cheeks protrude, - which in this disease always happens: "You live, they say, you, parasite, eat with us and you drink and you use the warmth, "but what are you drinking and eating, when the kids don't see the crust for three days!" I was lying then ... well, yes, really! I was lying drunk, sir, and I heard my Sonya say (she is unrequited, and her voice is so mild ... fair, her face is always pale, thin), says: “Well, Katerina Ivanovna, can I really go to such a thing? " And Daria Frantsevna, a malicious woman and known to the police many times, visited her through the hostess three times. “Well,” replies Katerina Ivanovna, in a mocking laugh, “what should we take care of? Eco treasure!”<...>And I see, at about six o'clock, Sonechka got up, put on a handkerchief, put on a burnusik and left the apartment, and at nine o'clock she came back. She came straight to Katerina Ivanovna and silently laid thirty rubles on the table in front of her. She didn’t say a word at the same time, even if only she looked, but took only our big green handkerchief (we have such a handkerchief in common, the old one), completely covered my head and face with it, and lay down on the bed, facing the wall, only the shoulders and the whole body shudder ... And I, as before, in the same form, sir ... And I saw then, young man, I saw how then Katerina Ivanovna, also without saying a word, went up to Sonechka's bed and the whole evening I stood on her knees at her feet, kissed her feet, did not want to get up, and then both fell asleep together, embracing ... both ... both ... yes ... and I ... lay drunk- with.<...>Since then, my daughter, Sofya Semyonovna, was forced to receive a yellow ticket, and on this occasion she could not stay with us.<...>And now Sonechka comes to us more at dusk, and Katerina Ivanovna relieves her, and delivers feasible means. He lives in an apartment with the tailor Kapernaumov, he rents an apartment from them ... "
The portrait of Sonya (like the portraits of the other main characters of the novel - Raskolnikov and) is given several times. At first, Sonya appears (in the scene of Marmeladov's death) in her “professional” guise - a street prostitute: “A girl squeezed out of the crowd, quietly and timidly, and her sudden appearance in this room, among poverty, rags, death and despair, was strange. She was also in rags; her outfit was penny, but decorated in a street style, to the taste and rules prevailing in her own special world, with a bright and shamefully outstanding purpose. Sonya stopped in the vestibule at the very threshold, but did not cross the threshold and looked like a lost one, apparently unaware of anything, forgetting about her second-hand, silk, indecent here, colored dress with a long and funny tail, and an immense crinoline , which blocked the entire door, and about light boots, and about an ombrelle, unnecessary at night, but which she took with her, and about a funny round straw hat with a bright fiery feather. From under this hat, which was worn as a boy, peeped out a thin, pale and frightened face with open mouth and with eyes fixed with horror. Sonya was short, about eighteen years old, thin, but rather pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes. She gazed intently at the bed, at the priest; she, too, was suffocating from the rapid walk ... "
Then Sonya appears, so to speak, in her true form in Raskolnikov's room just at the moment when his mother and sister are with him: “Raskolnikov did not recognize her at first sight.<...>Now she was a modest and even poorly dressed girl, very young, almost like a girl, with a modest and decent manner, with a clear, but as if somewhat intimidated face. She was wearing a very simple home dress, and on her head was an old hat of the same style; only in the hands was, as of yesterday, an umbrella. Seeing an unexpectedly full room of people, she was not only embarrassed, but completely lost, Small child, and even made a movement to go back ... "
And finally, another portrait of Sonya in front of the reading scene and, practically, again through the eyes of Raskolnikov: “With a new, strange, almost painful, feeling he peered into this pale, thin and irregular angular face, into these gentle blue eyes that could sparkle with such fire, with such a harsh energetic feeling, into this little body, still trembling with indignation and anger, and all this seemed to him more and more strange, almost impossible. "Foolish fool! Foolish fool!" - he kept repeating to himself ... "
Fate brought Raskolnikov and Sonya together not by chance: he seemed to have committed suicide, overstepping the Gospel commandment "Thou shalt not kill", she likewise ruined herself, breaking the commandment "Do not commit adultery." However, the difference is that Sonya sacrificed herself for the sake of others, for the salvation of loved ones, while Rodion still in the first place was "the idea of ​​Napoleonism", a test-overcoming oneself. Faith in God never left Sonya. Much for Raskolnikov's repentance, for his “confession” meant his confession to Sonya in his crime, and then the scene of joint reading of the gospel parable of the resurrection of Lazarus with Sonya is one of the key scenes in the novel: in this beggarly room a murderer and a harlot, strangely gathered together while reading the eternal book ... "
Already in Siberia, having arrived there after Raskolnikov, Sonya her selfless love, with meekness, affection thaws his heart, revives Raskolnikov to life: “How it happened, he himself did not know, but suddenly something seemed to grab him and, as it were, threw him at her feet. He cried and hugged her knees. In the first instant she was terribly frightened, and her whole face was dead. She jumped up and, trembling, looked at him. But immediately, in the same instant, she understood everything. Endless happiness shone in her eyes; she understood, and for her there was no longer any doubt that he loved, infinitely loved her, and that this moment had finally come ...<...>Tears stood in their eyes. They were both pale and thin; but in these sick and pale faces the dawn of a renewed future, a complete resurrection in new life... They were resurrected by love, the heart of one contained endless sources of life for the heart of the other. They put in wait and endure. They still had seven years to go; until then, so much unbearable torment and so much endless happiness! But he was resurrected, and he knew this, he felt it with his whole being renewed, and she - she, after all, lived only his life! .. "
The "forerunner" of Sonya Marmeladova was

"Small in stature, about eighteen, thin, but pretty pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes." Daughter of Marmeladov. To help a starving family, she began to engage in prostitution. First, we learn about her from the story of Marmeladov. Having returned home with the money for the first time, Sonechka gave it to her stepmother Katerina Petrovna and lay face down to the wall, "only her shoulders and her body keep trembling."
Raskolnikov confesses to the girl his crime, shifts part of his torment to her and hates her for it.
According to Dostoevsky, Sonya is also a criminal. She transgressed through herself for the sake of others. The readiness for self-sacrifice turned into a desecration of her own soul.
Sonechka fell in love with Raskolnikov. She sympathizes with him, is ready to share the fate of the young man and carry his cross with him. It is Sonya who reads the Gospel to Raskolnikov, the chapter about the resurrection of Lazarus, which symbolizes the possibility of the resurrection of any soul, even the dead one. And it is Sonya who pushes Raskolnikov to repentance. She follows him when he goes to confess. The girl goes after Raskolnikov to hard labor. There, all the prisoners treat her with great respect and love. The heroine herself, with her love, resurrects Raskolnikov to a new life. "Sonechka, Sonechka Marmeladova, eternal Sonechka while the world stands! " - this heroine is a symbol of self-sacrifice in the name of neighbor and endless suffering.

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Marmeladova Sofya Semyonovna (Sonya) is a character in Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. For the first time we get to know her in absentia, during a conversation between the girl's father and Raskolnikov.

The action takes place in a tavern. Then, a few days later, Rodion meets her drunk. Not knowing that this is Sonya, he already wants to help her. What kind of spiritual image can we talk about? As in other works of the author, not everything is so simple. Her life is confused and full of tragedy. But, before moving on to the topic of the spiritual feat of Sonya Marmeladova, it is worth paying attention to her family.

Family of Sonya Marmeladova

Sonya was left without a mother early. Perhaps it played the main role in her destiny. At the time of her acquaintance, she lives with her father (Semyon Zakharovich), stepmother (Katerina Ivanovna) and her three children left over from her first marriage.

Father of Sonya Marmeladova

Sonya's father, Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov is a once respected person, a titular adviser. Now he is an ordinary alcoholic who is unable to provide for his family. The Marmeladovs are on the brink. From day to day they risk being left not so much without a piece of bread, but without shelter over their heads. The owner of the room rented by the family, every now and then threatens to kick them out into the street. Sonya feels responsible for her father, because he took out all the valuable things, even the clothes of his wife. Unable to look at what is happening, she decides to take care of the family herself. And for this he chooses not the most worthy profession. But the word "chooses" doesn't quite fit this situation. Did she have a choice? Most likely no! This is what spiritual feat of Sonya Marmeladova... With a compassionate disposition, she takes pity on her father. In my own way. Not realizing that he is the cause of all her troubles, she gives him money for vodka.

Stepmother Katerina Ivanovna

Stepmother Sonya is only 30 years old. What made her marry fifty-year-old Marmeladov? Nothing less than a beggarly situation. Marmeladov himself admits that he is not a couple for such a proud and educated woman. He found her like this plight that he just could not help but feel sorry for her. As an officer's daughter, she also did spiritual feat, agreeing to marry Marmeladov in the name of saving his children. The relatives refused her and did not provide any assistance. described the life of the poorest strata of the population of Russia at that time in the best possible way: what difficulties they faced, what they had to endure, etc. Katerina Ivanovna - a woman with higher education... She has an extraordinary intelligence and lively character. There are traits of pride in it. It was she who pushed Sonya to become a girl of easy virtue. But Dostoevsky finds a justification for this too. Like any other mother, she cannot bear the crying of hungry children. One phrase, spoken in the heat of the moment, becomes fatal in the fate of her stepdaughter. Katerina Ivanovna herself could not even think that Sonya would take her words seriously. But when the girl returned home with the money, and lay down on the bed, covered with a handkerchief, Katerina Ivanovna kneels in front of her and kisses her feet. She cries out loud, asking forgiveness for the fall of her stepdaughter. Of course, the reader may ask the question: why did she not take this path herself? Not so simple. Katerina Ivanovna is sick with tuberculosis. Consumption, as it was called at the time. Every day she gets worse and worse. But she continues to carry out her household chores - cooking, cleaning and washing all members of her family. At that time, her stepdaughter was 18 years old. Katerina Ivanovna understood what sacrifice she had to make for the sake of people who were absolutely strangers to her. Can this act be called a spiritual feat of Sonya Marmeladova? Of course yes. The stepmother did not allow anyone to speak badly of her, she appreciated her help.

Children of Katerina Ivanovna

As for the children of Katerina Ivanovna, there were three of them. The first - Fields, 10 years old, the second - Kolya, 7 years old, and the third - Lida, 6 years old. Katerina Ivanovna - a woman with difficult character... She is lively and emotional. Sonya has been affected by her more than once, but she continues to respect her. Sonia perceives the children of Katerina Ivanovna not as half-steps, but as her own brothers and sisters by blood. They love her no less. And this can also be called the spiritual feat of Sonya Marmeladova. Katerina Ivanovna treats everyone with strong severity. She cannot stand crying, even if the children are crying from hunger. In a conversation with Raskolnikov, Marmeladov mentions that they too, poor children, fall heavily on their mother. Raskolnikov himself is convinced of this when he accidentally gets into their house. A frightened girl stands in the corner little boy crying violently, as if he had just been severely beaten, and the third child is sleeping right on the floor.

Sonya Marmeladova has a cute appearance. She is thin, fair-haired and blue-eyed. Raskolnikov finds it completely transparent. Sonya wore two types of clothes. For an unworthy profession, she always wore her indecent dress. However, these were the same rags. It was a multi-colored dress with a long and ridiculous tail. A huge crinoline blocked the entire passage. The straw hat was decorated with a brightly fiery feather. I had light-colored boots on my feet. It is difficult to imagine a more ridiculous image. She was humiliated and broken and ashamed of her appearance... V ordinary life Sonya dressed modestly, in clothes that did not attract attention to herself.

Sonya Marmeladova's room

In order to evaluate spiritual feat Sonya Marmeladova, it is worth familiarizing yourself with her room. A room ... This word is too majestic for the room in which she lived. It was a barn, a shabby barn with crooked walls. Three windows overlooked the ditch. There was almost no furniture in it. Of the few interior items - a bed, a chair and a table covered with a blue tablecloth. Two wicker chairs, a simple chest of drawers ... That's all that was in the room. The yellowed wallpaper indicated that the room was damp and uncomfortable in winter. The author emphasizes that the beds did not even have curtains. Sonya was forced to move here after taking an unrighteous path. It was indecent to live with the family, since everyone shamed them for this and demanded the owner of the house to immediately evict the Marmeladovs.

What unites Sonya Marmeladova and Raskolnikov

Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova - two main characters of the work "Crime and Punishment"... They are united by one thing - violation of the laws of God. These are two kindred souls. She cannot leave him alone and goes to hard labor after him. This is another spiritual feat of Sonya Marmeladova. Raskolnikov himself involuntarily associates Sonya with his sister, who decides to marry an elderly gentleman in the name of saving her brother. Throughout the work, one can trace the willingness of women to sacrifice themselves. At the same time, the author tries to emphasize the spiritual failure of men. One is a drunkard, the other is a criminal, the third is excessively greedy.

What exactly is the spiritual feat of Sonya Marmeladova

Against the background of the rest of the characters in the work of Dostoevsky, Sonya is the embodiment of self-sacrifice. Raskolnikov, in the name of justice, does not notice anything happening around him. Luzhin is trying to embody the idea of ​​capitalist predation.

Why Sonya Marmeladova decided on a spiritual feat and took up prostitution? There are many answers. First of all, in order to save the children of Katerina Ivanovna who are dying of hunger. Just think about it! What a sense of responsibility a person must have in front of absolutely strangers in order to decide on such a thing! The second is the feeling of guilt for your own father. Could she have walked differently? Unlikely. Throughout history, no one has heard words of condemnation from her. She never asks for more. Every day watching the children suffer from hunger, seeing that they do not have the most necessary clothes, Sonya realizes that this is a common dead end.

Spiritual feat Marmeladova's dream lies in her willingness to sacrifice herself. Her image and moral considerations are close to the people, therefore the author does not condemn her in the eyes of the reader, but tries to evoke sympathy and compassion. She is endowed with such traits as humility and forgiveness. But it is precisely main character saves the soul of that same Raskolnikov and those who were in hard labor with him.

Sonya Marmeladova is a wonderful combination of Faith, Hope and Love. She does not condemn anyone for committed sins and does not call for atonement for them. This is the lightest image! The spiritual feat of Sonya Marmeladova lies in the fact that she was able to save pure soul... Despite the prosperity of shame, meanness, deceit and malice.

She deserves the highest human praise. He himself calls the couple Sonya and Raskolnikov nothing else than a harlot and a murderer. After all, this is exactly how they look in the eyes of rich people. He awakens them to a new life. Eternal love resurrects them.

& copy Vsevolod Sakharov. All rights reserved.

Key qualities

Sonya Marmeladova is one of the key characters famous novel Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Thanks to this image, readers think about the best human qualities: self-sacrifice, mercy, the ability of devoted love and sincere faith in God.

Ideas and image of Sonya

Sonya is a young girl, about eighteen years old, thin, blue-eyed and blonde. She is the daughter of the former official Marmeladov. After losing his place in the service, he began to drink incessantly, which is why his wife Katerina and her children lead a miserable existence and starve. The girl sacrifices the purity of her body in order to provide food for the family, but she does not blame Katerina Ivanovna for this, who forced her to go to the panel, but simply resigns herself to her fate. Sonia goes to sin for the sake of her family, but she is very ashamed in front of herself and before God, in whom she deeply believes. Due to the fact that she has transgressed moral laws, she is embarrassed to be near decent women - with Raskolnikov's mother and sister; Sonya cannot even sit down in their presence, fearing that it will offend them. Every act of a meek and modest girl is performed not for her own sake, but for the sake of someone; Despite her occupation, Sonya appears before readers as a true Christian and a righteous woman. At the heart of all the actions a girl does is an endless, Christian love for her neighbors: because of her love for her father, she gives him money for a drink, because of her love for Raskolnikov, she helps him to cleanse his soul and goes with him to hard labor.

Sonya as a path to redemption

The image of Sonya Marmeladova and her ideas are a kind of opposite to the image of Rodion Raskolnikov with his theory. The girl is guided in everything by the law of God and therefore does not understand ideas young man; for her, all people are equal, and no one can rise above everyone, let alone take someone's life. It was Sonia Raskolnikov who talks about the crime he had committed, and thanks to the girl, he was able to repent and confess this and the investigation. Sonya is ready to go to hard labor with him, because she, too, has violated the biblical commandments and believes that she must suffer for the sake of purification. “We are cursed together, together we will go,” Rodion Raskolnikov tells her. The young man's fellow prisoners felt the kindness and love for everything around, emanating from Sonya, who treats everyone with respect, and therefore fell in love with her. Thanks to Sonya, Raskolnikov was later able to truly repent of his deed, turn to God and start a new life with new convictions.

Favorite hero of Dostoevsky

Sonya Marmeladova was one of the favorite heroines of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Through the image and beliefs of the girl, the writer reveals his own thoughts and ideas regarding faith in goodness and in God, love for people and justice.

One of the main characters in F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" is Sonya Marmeladova - a girl forced to work "on a yellow ticket" to save her family from starvation. It is to her that the author assigns crucial role in the fate of Raskolnikov.

Sonya's appearance is described in two episodes. The first is the scene of the death of her father, Semyon Zakharych Marmeladov: "Sonya was short, about eighteen years old, thin, but pretty pretty blonde ... She was also in rags, her outfit was decorated in a street style ... with a bright and shamefully outstanding purpose."

Another description of her appearance appears in the scene of Sonechka's acquaintance with Dunya and Pulcheria Alexandrovna: “It was a modest and even poorly dressed girl, still very young, almost like a girl ... with a clear but frightened face. She was wearing a very simple home dress ... ". Both of these portraits are strikingly different from each other, which reflects one of the key features of Sonya's character - the combination of spiritual purity and moral decline.

Sonya's life story the highest degree tragic: unable to indifferently watch her family die of hunger and poverty, she voluntarily went to humiliation and received a "yellow ticket". Sacrifice, boundless compassion and disinterestedness forced Sonechka to give all the money she earned to her father and stepmother Katerina Ivanovna.

Sonya has many wonderful traits. human character: mercy, sincerity, kindness, understanding, moral purity... She is ready to look for something good, light in every person, even in those who are not worthy of such an attitude.

Sonya knows how to forgive.

She has developed an endless love for people. This love is so strong that Sonechka is determined to consciously give all of herself for them.

Such faith in people and a special attitude towards them (“This is a louse!”) Is largely associated with Sonya's Christian worldview. Her faith in God and the miracle that emanates from him truly has no boundaries. “That I would be without God - that would be!”. In this regard, she is the opposite of Raskolnikov, who opposes her with his atheism and the theory of "ordinary" and "extraordinary" people. It is faith that helps Sonya to maintain the purity of her soul, to protect herself from the surrounding dirt and vice; no wonder that almost the only book she read more than once is the New Testament.

One of the most significant scenes in the novel that influenced further life Raskolnikov, is an episode of joint reading of an excerpt from the Gospel about the resurrection of Lazarus. “The stub has long been extinguished in a crooked candlestick, dimly illuminating in this beggarly room the murderer and the harlot, who strangely came together reading the eternal book ...”.

Sonechka plays an important role in the fate of Raskolnikov, which consists in reviving his faith in God and returning to the Christian path. Only Sonya was able to accept and forgive his crime, did not condemn and was able to induce Raskolnikov to confess to what he had done. She went with him all the way from confession to hard labor, and it was her love that was able to return him to his true path.

Sonya proved to be a decisive and active person, capable of making difficult decisions and following them. She convinced Rodion to convey to herself: “Get up! Come now, this very minute, stand at the crossroads, bow, kiss first the earth that you have defiled, and then bow to the whole world ... ”.

In hard labor, Sonya did everything to alleviate the fate of Raskolnikov. She becomes a well-known and respected person, she is addressed by her first name and patronymic. The convicts loved her for good relations to them, for disinterested help - for the fact that Raskolnikov still does not want or cannot understand. In the finale of the novel, he finally realizes his feelings for her, realizes how much she suffered for him. “Can't her convictions be mine now? Her feelings, her aspirations at least ... ". So Sonya's love, her dedication and compassion helped Raskolnikov begin the process of becoming on the true path.

The author has embodied in the image of Sonya the best human qualities... Dostoevsky wrote: "I have one moral model and ideal - Christ." Sonya, on the other hand, became for him a source of his own beliefs, decisions dictated by conscience.

Thus, thanks to Sonechka, Raskolnikov managed to find new meaning life and regain the lost faith.

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