Church of the origin of honest trees of the Cross of the Lord. The origin of honest trees of the life-giving cross of the Lord

Church of the origin of honest trees of the Cross of the Lord. The origin of honest trees of the life-giving cross of the Lord
Church of the origin of honest trees of the Cross of the Lord. The origin of honest trees of the life-giving cross of the Lord

Save, Lord, your people and bless your doctrine, the victories of Orthodox to the resistance granting and yours preserving your residence.

Farmer of the holiday

Will ascended to the cross, the tesen of your gift to the new resident of your groin, Christ, God, have built us with strength, victory giving us to the sacrament, the allowance of your weapon of the world invincible victory.

Kondak Holiday

Brothers and sisters!

1 (14) August, on the first day of the Assumption post, our Holy Church solemnly celebrates the "origin of the honest trees of the Cross of the Lord." "Origin", that is, "predition" ("carrying ahead", "meal"), marries a prayer procession with a part of the Tree of the life-giving Cross of the Lord, commemorates with ancient times. Custom such procession (otherwise: cross Stroke) I existed in Constantinople: the holiday of local significance was installed in the Greeks in the 9th century. Subsequently, he was established in various Orthodox churches. Like on the day of the Exaltation and on the Day of Origin, on the memory of the Mernel's Cross; orthodox people The victims of the enemies, the church equally makes worship and pray to the Holy Trinity about the salvation of the flock and to give the power to the authorities for victory over the enemies.

The modern church is only 150 years old. There was the parish church of St. Eusevia, not leaving the traces of the building. It was nine chapels. Two churches are now one coming, depending on the diocese of Grenoble. His income is a hundred florines. Then the village of Mairinov left, and her church collapsed.

A few years later the Church of Alberen in very poor condition was also destroyed. Before the active Protestant house, in which there was a temple, a Catholic community could not remain without church. The second church was raised in the same place, a little ahead of the current church, at the level of the high street. The cemetery adjacent to the church was in post office, behind the apse church.

About the procession on the day of the holiday in Greek character, the following is said:

"Due to diseases, quite often in August, has long been in Constantinople established the custom of making an honest tree of the cross on the roads and streets to consecrate the places and disgust. On the eve, on July 31, departing him from the royal treasury, believed in St. The meal of the Great Church (i.e. St. Sofia). Since the present day, further, before the Assumption of the Virgin, lithium over the entire city and the cross offered the people to worship. This is a preload (PROT) Honest cross».

Two centuries after its construction, a new building was dangerous to destruction. In the old building, rescue materials were provided, but the font that was lying on the column was not used again. This is a round limestone tank, which can be seen on the street of the trough.

The lousy was the repertoire of parishes, basic administrative cells under the old regime. This table could be used to collect revenues from religious values. During the work, Mass was noted in a barn leased for two hundred francs. The finished church did not have spies for the municipality experiencing financial difficulties.

From 1168 in Russia, the holiday of origin gradually becomes nationwide. The reason for its establishment was the victory, obsessed with the Grand Duza Andrei by the Bogolyubsk Russian troops over Volzhi Bulgars on August 1. In the memory of the victory, it was ordered to pull an honest cross from the altar and to assume it to worship Christians. On the same day, a small sanctification of water took place. Along with the celebration of the honest of the honest of the Cross of the Lord, after the victory over the Bulgarians, also, following the example of Orthodox Greeks, established the festival is equipped with sussu and Most Holy Virgin In memory of the signs from honest icons of the Savior and the Lady during the battle of Russian troops.

Here is the report of the city council, which passed four months later. In 1835 and in the sixteenth November, at two o'clock in the morning, members of the Municipal Council of Albens gathered in the usual hall of his meetings, with the assistance of the strongest members of the commune, chaired by Mr.

The building, which is quite recently, is barely more than 150 years old, does not have a large architectural interest, but you still can observe some features. At the end of the choir, the marble altar was originally proposed by the Bishop of Philip De Bruyird, Bishop Grenoble.

In the right side of the passage there is a copper reliquary of St. Anthony. The clock at the Outer Frontone of the Church was presented by Jean Batist Bellissima, a doctor in Albense for many years, and his name is still picky under the clock. Father The Father tells about it in the parish bulletin of that time: consolation on August 15 had a sad day this year, one evening closed his church in good condition and opened the next day on a pile of bricks and plastered from a fallen arch, what a painful awakening!

According to the charter, the origin relates to small holidays "with a gloriousness", but has one day of the prepress. By tradition, the color of liturgical closures is taken for the holiday - purple (dark red).

Here, as noted the origin of the honest trees of the Cross of the Lord in Moscow at Queen Alexei Mikhailovich:

"On the eve of the holiday, that is, on the eve of Savorov's spellings, in the evening of July 31, the sovereign went to Simonov the monastery, where he listened to the evening, and the feast himself was coming. Opposite Simonov of the monastery, Jordan arranged on the Moscow River, as on the day of the Epiphany. Above the water was built in the four pillars with a cornice, which painted and crowned with a golden cross. At the corners of Jordan, holy evangelists were depicted, inside it - the apostles and saint. The Jordanian Seña was decorated with flowers, leaves, images of birds, and about her two places were arranged - for the sovereign, in the form of a round five-chapted temple, and for the patriarch, - which were painted and decorated with carvings, filled with a gilded lattice; The platform around them was lit by scarlet cloth. At the appointed time, under bell ringing The sovereign went on water surrounded by boyars and servilators, for a solemn consecration of water.

However, we thank the Divine Providence for saving us from more unhappiness that this collapse actually happened, a few hours earlier, during the service, then we had to cry and pity the victims, the misfortune, which significantly exceeded the material losses, which we regret.

The marble board, engraved in the right side pass, reminds of this accident and thanks notre-ladies de l'assomment, under whose patronage is the church. The municipal council decided to "participate only in a small extent" in financing repair. Piro's father opened a subscription to help finance work, which was completed in June. Maintaining religious buildings is responsible to municipalities.

After reading the prayers and immersing the cross into the water, the sovereign with the boyars lowered to Jordan, having placed on the usual outbound dress Holy Crosses with relics - golden, downgraded precious stones. Changed under the "Senyu" in a dry dress, the king was applied to the cross and took the patriarchate blessing. The clergy of the consecrated "Jordanian" water was frozen troops and an example, and the holy water would be poured. Two silver vessels with this water went to the royal palace.

Since then, the Albens's Church was the subject of several campaigns. He stood to the right of the road to Chapuisier, immediately after the brown stone road. Pekkat played an active role in the times of the Reformed Church in Olbense. The house belonged to the Pekkat family to Gioma Pekkat, who left only two daughters, one of whom was married to Berrne work. Thus, the castle quickly passed by inheritance in the family of work.

A impressive building of about 40 meters long appeared in the castle of De Pekkatier, with towers as a fortified house, but, above all, it is a beautiful residence with average windows. The renaissance period, it was built on three levels with French ceilings on the first floor. It had at least seven chimneys.

Also in the Russian church, the festival was connected with the memory of the Baptism of Russia on August 1, 988. In the "Talking of the effective chins of the Cathedral and Apostolskaya Velikiya Church of Assumption", compiled in 1627 on the command of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, is given such an explanation of the holiday on August 1 : "And the origin on the day of the honest cross is the course of consecration for the sake of water and enlightenment for the sake of human, in all hazards and weighing."

This private chapel was paved. At the beginning of the revolutionary era, a prison was created in the castle and could accommodate suspects or convicts that were brought to the House of Justice and Peace in the Barillon House. What remains today in Pekkatier Castle? Very few things, unfortunately. It is impossible to guess that the base of the tower at the edge of the road and the stone from the main entrance threshold. The storages are not available, their access is covered.

IN modern era The castle has long been rented by farmers. A chapel that belonged to the central part of the building. Restoration work was too important and expensive. The castle elements were scattered. Several stones in Masas were taken by the direction of St. Antoine. Alone, old stored in the memory image of a pecatier lock. Should this article give you some explanations in this area.

Unfortunately, for most of our fellow citizens, the day of origin of the honest trees of the Cross, the Lord is associated only with the "first (honey) savage": on this day, on the pious tradition of our ancestors, honey is being consecrated in churches. Only by the end of worship, and often later, the temples are filled with the people. Usually, when the communion of the believers of the divine, saints, the most distorted, immortal, celestial and life-giving, terrible, terrible secrets, who appear to take the place of "disadvantaged", looking forward to the end of the liturgy and the most important "act": reading the priest "Some Prayers "and the subsequent sprinkling of holy water of brought jars with honey.

Many thanks to Mrs. Jean Noel Bowherand and Alena Chupard for their help. Screams float along the line, and President Emil Portra is not the last, who encourages his troops. For several minutes, the albino team monopolizes the ball and multiplies offensive actions.

As usual, Derby is intense and perfect, and Vinos and Albinis fight with each other violently, and the sporting cannot lose this match in the first round in the league on his native field - this is a matter of honor! When Lily singing gets the ball on the right flank, Albinis spends the draw. He immediately sends him to his captain Pierre Burgate in the middle of the field. It raises his head and sees the ball challenge his accomplice of Jean Shepani. Two fronts are heard as thieves, at the fair. Jean Chabanis controls the ball in the middle of the race.

By itself, the tradition of consecration of Honey is not something predictive. Even on the contrary: it is not by chance that our pious ancestors likened the honey of paradise sweets in the kingdom of heaven. However, unfortunately, the consecration of honey for many of us is replaced by the divine liturgium in the temple.

Behind the trees we do not see the forest. As in Easter, when the consecration of coulichs and eggs become the center of our aspirations, and on the day of the holiday of the origin of the honestree crosses of the Lord most important for us is the consecration of honey, and not thanks to the Lord. Everything gets downside on the head: eggs and cakes, instead of the risen Christ, swimming in the hole, instead of preparing for communion on the day of the Epiphany, honey, instead of worshiping with the God's suffering. Formalism and Phariseesy replace Christianity for us. Therefore, we come to the temple by the end of the service, we swear and pushing in order to rather take the "your" or "best" place, look forward to the end of the liturgy, to consecrate the brought brought faster. And go from the temple with irritation and offend, and without realizing that it is the main thing, and what is secondary.

He shot a powerful shot, which was in the clearance of the Unfortunate Keeper of Wine. The result of the match remains unclear because the local goalkeeper Roger Heck, high and talented, immersed to reflect last attempt The enemy, keeping its pure cells to the final whistle.

This team of friends is Grozny. The sports club had his flourishing at the end of the forties. Players were dressed in a blue shirt. White star, a simple special sign, was amazed by their hearts. And yet they did not think they stars, and they did not win the title of champion! Kaiaat recovered. Sporting evolved on another land located near the northern entrance to the village, for the sawmill barnier.

The Great Russian writer A.P. Chekhov is a story "Cossack". In it one young married couple The landowners went to Easter day from the church home. In the way, they met the sick Kazakhs, who could not get to Easter worship, and in exhaustion lay on the road. Seeing a couple, the Cossack asked them a piece of herrock to join Easter joy. However, the young spouse with indignation refused the patient, referring to the fact that it was not a pious in the steppe to deal with the sin to cut the cake, without reaching the house. So not hijacked the Cossack, the couple had safely reached the estate. The end of the story is sad: After this incident, there was raids inside the family, the worm of Judhovsky's despondency was tormented by a young landlord, who, instead of repentance, began to "stir" a mental pain in vodka. So, not rarely, it happens with a soul of a person who gives paramount importance to traditions and formalism, and not love to neighbor. It is because of such a pharysey attitude to faith, Judea and crucified Christ.

After the departure of the president, the club went out of himself, but without leaders he disappeared at the end of the fifties. Sitting squatting in the first row: Louis singing, Andre Gilard, Pierre Bierat, Jean Chabanis, Camilla Zhilla. Debuts: Emil Portra, Gilbert Perrard, Albert Birmat, Andre Blanc, Roger Heck, Robert Vernier, Maurice Lambert, Luis Belier, Bero.

Thank you so much Mrs. Andre Blanc, Jean Shebanis and Edmond Portra for their feedback. After World War II, some young albinos represented themselves to pamper themselves with the pleasures of bathing, the opportunity to develop a peninide sawmill near the northern entrance to the village.

You can not put a cake, eggs or honey above love. Liturgy is embodiment heavenly Love The Lord to people living on earth, Christ himself is sacrificed to her. Honey will wait, wait for eggs with herbs, and swimming in the hole, and the consecration of apples (the second saved), nuts (the third saved), etc. Can not wait only love for God and neighbor. Let Liturgy be on this day will be a central aspiration for us, and the help of neighbor is the main thing in this holy day. And seeing our inner dispensation, the Lord will send us a joyful consecration of earthly fruits. So it will be, even if we do not have time to take "your" place in consecration or cannot help, helping the neighbor, get into the temple.

He gave his consent to the construction of a swimming pool with the help of services of bridges and motorways. The "solar situation and clarity of constantly changing waters" completely justified the location of the pool. The works presented by the penin allowed to build.

From wooden pontoon along the coast and diving boards. The swimmers had a reservoir about 25 meters long and a width of 6 meters and up to 2 meters downstream. Rustic facilities that respected countryside, not too strained in the commune budget.

In the summer, this natural pool attracted many young people at the end of the day and on Sunday. The distracting moments were not as common today, as the most bold boys, do not hesitate, committed exciting dives to impress girls! Sometimes surprise: the pool is empty. Every year it was necessary to clean the feed to empty it with mud and alluvia, brought lying.

"We are looking for the same first of all the kingdom of God and the truth of him, and it will make it all" (Matt.6: 33).

Celebration The origin of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord performed August 14 (August 1, Art. Art.). On the same day, we celebrate the all-consant rescue.

The origin of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord. history of the holiday

According to legend, in Constantinople sincecore (no later than the VIII century) was the custom of making an honest tree of the cross on the roads and streets to consecrate the places and the outlock of the disease. From August 1 (Art. Art.) And before the holiday of Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary, creating lithium throughout the city, offered a cross to the people to worship. In the Russian Orthodox Church, this holiday has connected with the memoir of the Baptism of Russia on August 14, 988. This has been preserved news in chronograph of the XVI century: " Cut grand Duke Vladimir Kiev and All Russia of August 1" In the Charter of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, compiled in 1627, on the instructions of the Patriarch of Philaret, the following explanation of this holiday is given:

Students of the school under the leadership of Mr. And Mrs. Frereri and Mrs. Ann often visited the pool, some of which learned to swim using belts made with oil banks as floating. Many children from Albena and Chanthess have even received swimming certificates.

For considerations of hygiene and security, this municipal pool visited only until the beginning of the year. Is it not bothering for cases of typhoid or poliomyelitis? In any case, Albens's pool disappeared before getting blue flag! The word serves as a synonymal greenhouse, means a reservoir that can serve as a reserve, reservoir or dam. Thanks to the gentlemen Hubert Falke and Edmond Portra for their evidence and photographs, as well as Mr. Hilla for proofreading section L. At that time, hydropower makes it possible to conduct different enterprises. . Jean Vinai was recognized as the "artist of Paris".

And on the origin on the day of the hurry, the cross is the consecration of sanctification for the sake of Water and Enlightenment for the sake of Lyudskago, in all hazards and weighing.

The celebration of the All-Security Savior and the Blessed Virgin Mary was established on the occasion of signs from the icons of the Savior, the Major Virgin Mary and the Honest Cross during the battle of the holy prince Andrey Bogolyubsky (1157-1174) with Volzhsky Bulgarians (1164), in which the enemies were defeated. At the same time, the Greek Emperor Manuel defeated Saracin in the battle, and in his troops there were also signs from holy icons. This is the first of their three holidays to the all-consutational exasue performed in August (the second - and the third - the transfer of the non-manual image of the Lord of our Isus of Christ from Furnaces to Tsargrad).

Do we can't consider it today "artist Dofina"? To convince yourself, just visit the temporary exhibition in a great second: "Jean Vintai, my happy valley." Child dofine, Jean Vinai born in Saint-Marcelline from early ageHe is interested in drawing, he makes a lot of sketches drawing inspiration from nature.

To avoid the occupation, he went to Algeria, where he met with Lucien Mainsie and Albert Mark, and returned to Paris, where the exhibition of Durane-ruel showed it to the general public, which made Jean Vintai with a great name in painting. Foreign museums buy his work: portraits and landscapes.

The holiday was installed in Constantinople in the IX century originally as a local. In the XII-XIV centuries, he established in all Orthodox churches. In Russia, it appeared with the spread of Jerusalem charter at the end of the XIV century.

The origin of the Cross of the Lord. Tropean and Kondak Holiday

Tropear, voice 8

Blyushnaya prison, the wiseness of accepting, the proud of the saches, and visit us the angry sins, the lords of the gloomy, the prayers of the Virgin, give the souls of our Grace.

He does not forget his native dofine, which he returns every summer. Charter Ot parisian lifeHe retired forever into his family house in Albense, who was weakened by the disease, Jean Vintai died on August 23. His knife painting gives the cliffs of Verkors. His brush causes the colors to sing with constant care to emphasize the light, "the highest conquest of the artist." Jean wine works on the surface: sequential paint layers, scratches, sharp points to make us feel emotion or movement.

But the technical break, let's talk about a person with whom I had the opportunity to meet. Jean Vintai was not only a rustic and independent person, which some spoke about. His simplicity and prudence hid the wealth of the artist who dedicated her life to painting. He was a self-taught man, engaged in the teachings of great masters. He was a curious and wise man, a lovedness of nature, which was interested in the affairs of the world, his spirit of independence allowed him to abandon any compromise, any easy order.

Kondak, voice 4

Every sorts of foul-in-law Savior, Az Boew detergent, and in despair there are ships. But the wall from the heart, and yelling for you, speeding generous, and sweat to the aid of our, Yako merciful.

The origin of the honest Cross of the Lord. Icons

The composition consists of two parts: at the top presented a worship of a save in the form of a deesus, and under it - a miraculous source with patients receiving healing. On the icon, angels are depicted from the Pokrovsky monastery above the source, and behind them - a cross, crowned with a wreath. It reminded O. main topic The holiday is worshiping the life-giving Cross of the Lord. As for Deesus, his image on Russian icons corresponded, apparently, the traditional Russian dedication to the holiday on August 14 not only the cross, but also a save and the Virgin. Icon from the Pokrovsky Monastery is one of the earliest icons to this plot to us. According to the late legend, it was invested in the monastery Vasily III. In 1515. Picturesque techniques do not contradict this date and also make it possible to confidently assume that the icon was performed by Dionysius followers. It is possible that the direct addition of the iconography of the "origin of the trees" was connected with Dionysia: it is known that in the 1480s they were painted the church of the Savior in Chigas, who was opposite the Kremlin, and the died of 1547 in the fire. Dedication to the church in the chigasa to the guessing sauce directly indicates the holiday on August 14, and the temple icon fulfilled by Dionysia could serve as a model for later works.

At the Solvychygodskaya (?) Icon in the center of the composition, a cross-shaped well - a source to which people with an icon and a cross are suitable on both sides. At the head of the godfather - the saint. Angel, soaring over the source, lowers the cross. The architectural scenes presented on the background at the top indicate that the action occurs at the walls of the city. The patrons and intercessors of the residents of the Grad, the Mother of God and John the Baptist are the patrons and intercessors of the residents of Grad, about which the image of a three-ponym deesus raised over the "urban landscape" is evidenced. From the source down the mountain flows a wide aqueous stream to which people healing from various ailments fall. The healing scene of patients occupies a significant part of the icon composition.

Folk traditions of the holiday of origin of the honest Cross of the Lord

The people of the origin of the honest Cross, the Lord called the "honey" spas, and in some places and "wet". These names occurred because of the first save, i.e. Honey, the peels and the second time cubed the hives with honey and, choosing the best lime honeycomb, carried to the church "on the Parishev". By the same day, "Copper" kvass cooked and treated everyone who came to visit. "Wet" the first saved was called because, to establish a church, on this day there was a procession for rivers and sources for sanitization. And since the peasants not only bathed after the procession, but used to bathe in the rivers and all the cattle, which would probably be healthy after that, it was not surprising that the very holiday was called "wet". The first Savior was especially revered in the southern strip of Great, where the bread and fruit ripened earlier and where this holiday was attributed to the role and value of the second save, since the sanctification of bread and vegetables in the south was very often made before the transformation of the Lord, it was 14 August.

August 14 - the day of the memory of seven Old Testament Martyrs Maccabeev, who took the death in 166 to N. e. National etymology rethought the name of the holiday in connection with the poppy seed, which matures by this time. On this day, the Maccasters were baked, stuffing - lean pies, rolls, buns, gingerbread mas and honey. The meal often started pancakes with poppy. Poppy Machine-Machine mass prepared to the pancakes, which looked in pancakes. Poppy Machine was preparing in a special dishes, which in Russia was called the Makalnik, in Ukraine - Makitra, in Belarus - Macter. Mac is mentioned in a variety of proverbs, sayings, choral songs and mysteries: "Mace with honey - mustache", "Black Mac, yes boyar eat", "Rad Yakov, that Poppy Pie", "Pominouschi Mac, do not projeed and so" "On the chip of the town, there is a seven hundred governor." On McCowa's Day, youth drove round dance with the song "Oh, on Mak Mac", with joking dance pleasures, the girls showered the guy's man, pinch him, taught, delivered: "Maks, Maks, Makovitsa, Golden Heads!".

In some Serbian villages, water and young basil was sanctified in honey. From this day they stopped swimming in reservoirs. It was believed that the one who works on this day can get sick incurable disease. In Macedonia, the weather during the Makaveev (6 or 12 days of the Maccabeev holiday) served to predict the weather for the forthcoming 6 months or on the whole next year (The weather for the first of August predicted the weather for January next year, etc.). Bulgarians from 1 to 12 August watched the sun, wind and precipitation and thus wondered about the weather for the next 12 months, that is, the next year, which earlier began on September 1. In the north-west of Bulgaria, the son-in-law went to visit the parents of his wife, where they were met by bread from the new harvest and wine, and therefore they called "Zailoveden".