What is the name of the festive bell. From the history of bells and bell tongues

What is the name of the festive bell. From the history of bells and bell tongues
What is the name of the festive bell. From the history of bells and bell tongues

Having loved the church bell ringing, the Russian Orthodox people connected with him all its solemn and sad events. Therefore, the Orthodox bell tall is not only an indication of the service of worship, but serves as an expression of joy, sadness and celebrations. From here, various types of stall appeared and each of them has its name and meaning.

The bell church ringing is divided into two main types: blagovest and actual ringing.

Blagoveste Called dimensional blows into one large bell. With this ringing, believers are convened in the temple of God for the divine service. Blagovette this ringing is called because they are proclaiming, good news about the start of worship.

Announcement is done like this: first there are three rare, slow, lengthy blows (the sound of the bell is stopped), and then follow the dimensional strikes. If the bell is very large or huge, then these dimensional strikes are produced by the swinging language in both edges of the bell. If the bell is relatively small, then in this case, the tongue is attracted by the rope quite close to its edge, the board is put on the rope and the leg pressure is made.

Blagovest, in turn, there are two types:

1. Ordinary or frequent - produced the largest bell;

2. Lean or rare - It is performed by the magnitude of the bell, on the saddemic days of the Great Post.

If there are several large bells at the temple, and this happens at the cathedrals, large monasteries, laurels, then large bells, in accordance with its purpose, differ on the following bells: 1) festive; 2) Sunday; 3) Polyelin; 4) stenter or weekday; 5) Fifth or Small Bell.

Usually in the parish churches of large bells there are no more than two or three.

Actually ringing Call called when they call at all the bells or in several bells.

It happens a few species:

1. Sober - This is the ringing to all the bells, then a small break, and the second ringing to all the bells, a little longer break, and the third time the ringing into all the bells, that is, the ringing of all the bells three times or ringing into three receptions.

Sober expresses Christian joy, celebration.

Nowadays, the sober began to call not only the ringing to all the bells three times, but, in general, ringing to all the bells.

2. Bouncer - This is the ringing to all bells twice, in two receptions.

3. Chime - This ringing is alternately into each bell (one or several shots in each bell), starting with a lot to the smallest, and so repeat many times.

4. Big - This slow ringing is alternately into each bell one, starting from the smallest and ending with the biggest, and after hitting the big bell, they hit all the bells together immediately, and they repeat many times.

Bow "Andreevskaya Oosh"

Bell tongues

Zhuravleva Ekaterina


music teacher

academic year

Brief abstract project

The relevance of the project is due to the need for a deeper study of the cultural traditions of the Russian people, education in children of musical culture, the development of musical hearing, as well as an increase in the level of research activities of children.

Guides questions

Fundamental question:

What is the bell ringing?

Educational theme questions:

1. What is the bell ringing?

2. What are the types of bell tongues?

3. What are the bells?

4. When the bells call?

5. Work bells and bell tower

6. The value of bell tongues

Project plan

Preparatory stage:

· Selection of information resources on the project: Encyclopedia, reference books, list of popular science and fiction, Internet resources

· Preparation of the presentation to identify the ideas and interests of schoolchildren

Stage 1 - Immersion in the project:

* Presentation of the introductory presentation

* Detection of preliminary ideas on educational issues

* Announcement of the creation in the exhibition group "Bells"

Stage 2 - Organizations:

* Joint research planning and results. Choosing a form of performance.

* Analysis of problematic research on research topics, hypotheses nomination, identification of research objectives

3 Stage - carrying out activities:

* Group work on research topics: search, discussion of received information

* Representation of intermediate results

* Collection of different types of bells for the exhibition

* Photographing children at work

4 Stage - Presentation:

* Presentation of final work

5 Stage - Final

* Summing up the work on the project.

We are exploring

The bell in its main function is a musical instrument. In addition, it is a monument of history and material culture, a work of artistic casting, a monument of writing, a mechanical system. All these aspects should be the object of study of relevant specialists.

For many centuries, the bells accompanied the life of the people. They were measured during days, the architect time to work and the time to rest, time to awake and sleep time, time fun and time of grief. They notified about the threatening natural disaster and about the approach of the enemy, they convenered men to fight the enemy and met the ceremonial ringing of the winners, gathered citizens to discuss important affairs and called on the people to the uprisings during the thirage. The sound of the Bell Bell was a signal to the People's Assemblies in the ancient Russian feudal republics of Novgorod and Pskov, "he called his magazine dedicated to the fight against autocracy by" bell ".

Types of bell tower Today in the Christian world there are three types of bell tonguesEach of which presents its requirements and to bells.

1. Orthodox ringing - It is based on rhythm with the dynamics inherent in it and the interaction of timbres. Therefore, the bells are appreciated primarily by the colawering (good-lepi) and the wealth of timbres, and the absolute value of the main tone here does not play. The number of bells in the belfry is usually from 5 to 12. The ringing is fulfilled - the language of the tongue to which certain requirements are presented. Proswly is achieved by the competent selection of bells and the skill of the ringing.

2. Catholic ring - It is based on a single or double blows of a lightweight language about swinging or rotating bell, which is usually equipped with a counterweight so that the center of gravity passes through the axis of rotation. The number of bells in the belfry is usually from 2 to 6. According to the tradition of the bells, they are selected or mold under a certain basic tone with a limited number of overtones. From here, the ringing itself is not as rich and depends on the number of bells, as well as the amplitudes of their swing or speed of rotation, so the skill of a particular importance does not matter. In some countries, along with a traditional ringing, a ringing is also practiced by rolling the tongue.

3. Brown ring - It is based on the execution of the ringtone ringtone on notes using a set of bells, which make up the speaker in 2 - 5 complete octave. The ringing is usually carried out by keyboard device (reminding the organ of the organ). It leads to movement of languages \u200b\u200bor hammers of bells through mechanical traction or electromagnetic drives. The bells are usually pushing exactly in a note, while trying to remove extra obverseon and reduce the time of its sound to 4 - 5 seconds, otherwise it will interfere with the melody execution. If the carillon is equipped with automatic software control in the form of a drum or an electromagnetic device, then it turns into a chimes.

In the church distinguish 4 canonical stall: Blagovest, bust, chime and sober.

Blagovest - One of the most ancient stalls of the Orthodox Church and is called so because it bears the good, joyful news of the start of worship. This ringing also obsesses the making the sacrament of the Eucharist on the Liturgy and the reading of the Gospel in other services. Blagovest can sound both independently and as part of other stons.

Big - Or the funeral (funeral, wired) ringing expresses sadness and sorrow about the mustache and consists of two parts: directly canonical (as such a busting) and free (sober).

Chime - more complicated compared to the Blagovest and Bust. It also consists of two parts: canonical (i.e. the chime itself) and free (sober). Classically chime is a ringing alternately into each bell (one or several times in each), starting from more to the smallest (sometimes with a strike "at all"), and so repeat many times.

Sober - the most complicated compared to other canonical stons, but is the most bright musical attitude of the bell tower, since the sober is not limited to church charters in their form and therefore differ in both the composition of the bells used, and has a diverse form of execution, rhythm, texture and tools.

What are the bells?

In many churches there are usually several bells, and they differ among themselves the magnitude and power of sound, and are combined on these features in three main groups:

I Group - Bass






II group - tenor and altovye (selective)

III Group - Triolny (sprocket)

The following bells differ in many temples:




Simple (daughter)

Small (or fifth)

Bells are different. Church, musical, for livestock, graduate bells, for the last call

https://pandia.ru/text/78/176/images/image005_102.jpg "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Tikhvin bells" width="335" height="301">!}

https://pandia.ru/text/78/176/images/image007_95.gif "alt \u003d" (! lang: pictures" width="302" height="251 src=">!}

The treatment with the bell ringing "notes:" Russian researchers still in the 70s of the last century established that such ailments, such as unfortunate anxiety, fears, nervousness and insomnia, are perfectly healed by a bell ringing.

The conclusions were made (but overwhelmed by the state) were simply stunning. It turns out that the raspberry ringing audio recording actually acts even on the most nervous. And listening to the musical works performed on the bells, heals the most severe types of depression and other mental illnesses. Perfectly heals insomnia and raspberry church ringing. "Very recommends healers, and all people who care about their spiritual well-being use the bell ringing!

Generally, it is noticed when the bell regularly uses the church, the number of parishioners increases by 2-3 times! Therapeutic cleansing effects of such a service also increases at times!


1. Efimenko on ethnography .., p. 168, 141.

2. Israel Bells and Slans. M., 1884.
3. Tinges of bells and bellolite art. M., 1912, p. 42-43.

4. Smolensk Art. About the bell tower in Russia. - Russian music newspaper, 1907, No. 9-10, March 4-11, STB. 265.
5. Encyclopedic dictionary of a young musician. Moscow Pedagogy, 1985

For an Orthodox person, the temple of God and the bell ringing are inseparable concepts. The ancient Russian tradition is to remove the cap when the bells call - it suggests that Orthodox people with great reverence referred to the ringing, which, in fact, is a special kind of prayer. Only this prayer - Blagovest - starts back long before worship, and it is heard for many kilometers from the temple. And both church singing crosses with the prayers of the priest and the Orthodox ringing symbolizes important points of service. And no congestion does not work out without bell tongues.

From the history of bells

The bell has a very interesting story. The bells who were more like a bubbers were known before the Nativity of Christ. They were worn at national costumes in many countries. For example, in the ancient Israel, the high priests-ki decorated their clothes with small bells, who were distinctive signs of certain ranks.

As a Mu-dock tool for a certain canonical form, the bell appeared to the III century. The history of its occurrence is related to the name saint Peacock gracious, bishop Nolansky, whose memory we celebrate February 5 (January 23 under Art. Art.). He lived in the Italian province of Campana. Once, returning home after the clock, he traveled to the field, and saw in a dream, as the Angel of God played on the field bells. This vision is so struck that he, upon arrival in his go-kind, asked the artisan to make it from iron bells like those who saw in a dream. When they were made, it turned out that they had a very good sound. Since then, they have been on-choles to make bells of the most of the different shapes and pages, which subsequently increased and led to the appearance of church bells.

Initially, the bells were cast from a wide variety of metals, but over time the most suitable composition was developed, which is used and now: bell bronze (80% me-di and 20% tin). With this composition, the sound of the bell receives a ringing and singers. The size of the bell gradually age is whether. It was connected, first of all, with the skill of the colocol holders. The casting process was complicated and improved. It is interesting to note that when the bells are overflowed, the weight gained weight. This is due to the fact that the melted copper loses its properties, and the tin burns out, therefore, with each melt, it was necessary to add the number of copper and tin, which increased the weight of the bell at least 20%.

And overflow the bells was necessary, since they also have their own service life - usually 100-200 years. The service life of the bell depends on a lot: on the quality of casting, from Zvel-Ray, from how neatly with the bell appeal. A large number of bells broke only because the rhodes did not know how to call it right. And they were broken by a cup of all in winter - in the cold, the metal becomes more trap-kim, and you want to call the great holiday to the great holiday, push the bell more accurately!

Three lives king bell

The transfusion of the bell was the same significant event, as well as the casting new. He was often given a new name, hung on a new place, and if the bell tower did not allow, built a separate belfry. Lili's big bells right at the temple, because their transportation was sometimes even more complicated than SA-Ma casting and raising the bell tower.

Moscow Tsar-Bell, one might say, had several lives. In 1652, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich commanded the largest "Assumption" Bell in the world in the world (our first king bell) weighing 8,000 pounds (128 tons), which in 1654 was suspended and soon smashed. In 1655, the "Big Uspensky" bell was cast (second king bell) weighing 10,000 pounds (160 tons). He was suspended in 1668 on a specially constructed ringing, but during a fire in 1701 and this bell broke.

In 1734-1735, she completed the epic Tsar Bellolov Anna Ioannovna, a bell of 12,000 pounds (about 200 tons). For further cleaning, the bell raised onto a wooden sting. It was assumed to build a special colo-ring for him, as he did not fit into the bell tower of Ivan the Great or the Assumption belfry.

But soon, a strong fire happened in the Kremlin, and the wooden structure on which Kolocol hung, caught fire, the bell collapsed into the pit. After screamed that the burning firewood was falling on the bell, the people began to water it with water. And after the fire, it was discovered that a piece of 11 tons weighing a piece of 11 tons fell off. What served as a split of the co-lock - its fall into the pit (the foundation of which was carene) or temperature differences when watering it with water - it is known. So never by calling, the king bell lay in the ground for more than a hundred years. In 1836, under Nicolae I, the King Bell was raised from the ground and put in the Kremlin for a pedestal, asked by the Italian scientist engineer Monferran.

Methods of bell tongues

Ways of bell tongue characteristic of our country, two: possibleand lingual.The peculiarity of the first is that the bell is fixed into the movable axis, the lever (sequence) with a rope tied to it is attached to the rope. The ringer stands on Earth and pulls for it, evenly rocking the bell. The language remains free. In the sickness of the ring, you can use the small bells. If the weight of the bells is quite large, the sis-topic of their attachment is complicated, and large loads lead to the rapid wear of the moving parts, as well as the destruction of the sa-mih bell tower walls.

When, with the Tsar Boris Godunov, the bell was cast in 1500 PU-DJs (about 24 tons) and hung it on a clarifier specially built for this, so that it took it a hundred people.


The bells on the belfry are divided into three groups: blagovets(the hardest), which are controlled through the pedal, and with a very large weight the second person has a language; pollvonny(average by weight), which are connected by a system of redesign with the control panel and are powered by the left hand; growing(the smallest), which usually call trill the right hand.

There are four types of Orthodox: blagovest(uniform blows to the largest bell), big(but rarely hit each bell one time from small to large, and then in everything at once - the blow "To the whole", and so several-ki series), chime(several series of alternate single blows into each bell from large to small, then - "To all"), sober(the richest rhythm and composition ringing, in which all three groups of bells are involved in the co-pool). Before the wake of worship, Blagovest is put, then the sober, at the end of the service - the sober. Blagovest calls on Christians to the litagon, and the sober symbolizes the joy of the celebrated event. Busting is laid during the funeral and symbolizes the life of a person: the sound of small bells means the childhood of the human ka and in the increasing - his growing up, after which the blow "To the whole" symbolizes a break of life. The chime (from the big to small) symbolizes the exhaustion of Christ during the signs of suffering, the blow of "all" symbolizes his godfather death. The chime is located once a year - in the great Thursday evening on the removal of the glory.

The bell ringing was applied to Russia not only during the celebration of church services. The bells were used to convene the people in the evening, alerts about the danger or bad weather (fire, etc.), the directions of the road lost to the travelers (at night, in the blizzard) or sailors (if the temple was not far from the sea), at the reason for the defense of the Motherland, When sending troops to war, great-long victories.

Having loved the bell ringing, the people associated with him all their solemn and sad events. It was believed that the bell had some wonderful strength, and he was often identified with a living being. This is also talking about the names of its main chairs: tongue, ears, musician, shoulder, Tulovo(or skirt).It is interesting to note that in foreign languages \u200b\u200bthe main parts of the bell do not have such "living" names. For example, in English or French, the language is called the drummer (hammer), the royaltics with the ears - the crown, Tulovo and the shoulder - the slope.

The influence of the bell tongue per person is still very little studied, but it is just known that the ringing even from a physical point of view is good for health, since the emanating (but inappropriate) ultrasound cleans the air from microbes. No wonder in the old days, with epidemics and terrible mora, it was supposed to tirelessly call the bell. And it was noted that in those villages where the church was constantly called in the bells, the sea was significantly less than in those places where there was no temple. The bell ringing can strongly affect the spiritual (psychological) state of a person. Scientists associate this with the existence of biorhyts and resonant frequencies for each organ. Typically, low frequencies characteristic of large bells are soothered by a person, and the high sap is excited. Today, there were even special techniques for using bell tower for the treatment of mental disorders. And the statement that all the ringing is deaf, completely implausible. Below, talk with any bellioner with experience, and he is probably a SKA, that he does not have any auditory disorders.

The Russian people found a prestant expression of the church idea of \u200b\u200bthe bell in their can, solemn stalls, in their high, peculiar bell tower; He loves the bell and worship him. This is his knowledge of the victorious, his solemn before the face of the whole world is a tale of the best and the mostsessed His orders that he is most expensive and sacred than he is strong and invincible.

According to the materials of the magazine "Slavyanka"

The bell ringing causes a joyful surprise among each person, independently believes he or not. Overflows of bells make people beyond the will to look toward the temple and smile.

The bell tower with several singers - the pride of each temple. The bell ringing with the healing force for the Orthodox souls, depending on the type, "calls" people to the ministry, "sings" during the celebration and sounds like a nabath, with danger.

Hearing the bell ringing, you need to cross and pray

What is the appointment of church bells

In the arrangement of the Christian temple, each thing has its own purpose. The souls of Orthodox Christians when listening to church overfills are filled with light, joy, peace, peace. When the bells sound like a nabath, Christians know, trouble happened.

Orthodox ringing is filled with an amazing force with the ability to penetrate human hearts. In church sounds and overflows, Russian Orthodox people have learned to distinguish the celebration, calling and anxiety, hearing a certain ringing.

An amazing phenomenon - when the sound of bells, pigeons, prototype of the Holy Spirit, do not figure out, but on the contrary, they rush to the temples.

I heard bell tall overflows, the Orthodox people in a hurry for worship, to which the rhythmic bells are called. Merry and joy fill the hearts of believers, announced by the celebration of the Church and festive ministries. Celebration and reverence cause chimes during solemn services.

Types of bell tower

Having loved the church bell ringing, the Russian Orthodox people connected with him all its solemn and sad events. The Orthodox bell tall is not only an indication of the service of worship, but also by filling joy, sadness and celebrations. From here, various types of stall appeared, and each view is name and value.

The ringing can be only a church man with certain qualities:

  • inland ace;
  • a sense of rhythm;
  • knowledge of the sound row;
  • knowledge of the technique of execution;
  • knowledge of church charter.

The rhodes must be a prayerhouse and observe posts, so that through the overflows of sounds to convey to people the celebration of Orthodoxy.

Ring draws a sound as an artist with paints

Hearing uniform blows of a large bell, Orthodox know that it is , calling to the Worship .

The fact that the event is, the bigger the God's voice is chosen:

  1. Festive Blagovest sounds at Easter or on special holidays, for his sound it is necessary to bless the abbot of the temple.
  2. Sunday sponge sounds on Sundays, linen - for special minions.
  3. Daily services begins for a weekly Blagovest, a great post - lean.
  4. Nabat announces trouble, thank God, it sounds extremely rare.

With alternate repeated impact on all the bells available in the temple, the chime, the vibrant prayers, liturgy, temple holidays are announced.

With the actual bell tongue, the rod hit two bells.

The sober spokes for himself, at this time all bells work, large and small, each time it produces three shocks with a short break. Low and ringing sounds fly straight into the sky and the souls of Christians, reporting the beginning of the service or the end of the Blagoves.

Morning, monastic healing from all diseases

The history of the appearance of bells

The first mentions about the bells are found in documents with which more than 6 thousand years. The prototype of the wondrous work is the flower bell, whose petals come in motion at the slightest blowing of the wind. The first task of the bells was to serve a signal. They were put on domestic animals, hung on the door.

China's homeland is considered to be China, where the bells are used in purification rites. According to the legend, the wizard could not mix the necessary metals to achieve the desired sound, all products or gave cracks, or did not sound. On the advice of the monks, the Master's daughter rushed to the molten metal, and the first large bell "the adorable flower" sounded at all China.

Egyptian monks first began to use the bell ringing for convening Christians to ministry.

For information! The greatest dissemination in Russia church chime acquired in the XVI century, surpassing everything available in European countries by weight.

God's voice became an element of Russian culture. According to the belief, the bellows are distilled off with an unclean force, so during the time of Mora, the invasions of enemies church kilns did not cease.

Over time, even a notion grade for playing on these unique works of human hands has appeared. In Russia, the festivals of the bell tongue are often arranged, filling everything around God's glory.

The world's largest Assumption Bell - "King Bell"

The healing power of the bell tongue

Scientists have proven that the bell chimes possess the healing force not only when the space is cleansing from the unclean, but also when improving people.

The amazing discovery made by the researchers shows that church sounds spread in space by the waves in the form of a cross, providing a positive effect on the physical, mental and spiritual state of a person.

Repeated Christians noted recovery, getting rid of generic diseases after staying under the cover of the overflows of God's glaze. Especially the bell ringing has a healing force in psycho-emotional diseases.

Modern achievements allow you to listen to various overflows of church music in the record, while indoors, thereby cleansing the surrounding space from unclean power.

Tip! Turn on the songs of bell tower overflows and enjoy joy and rest in your home, not forgetting that sound therapy lasts no more than half an hour.

Bell ringing. Cleansing space and healing

According to the established church traditions, the bell ringing is divided into two large groups: the sound and evolve.

First look: propually ringing

A properly ringing church ministers call the bell ringing, which is produced using all available or several church bells. Such a ringing is divided into several varieties:
- sober;
- bonus;
- chime;
- Bust.

The sober is performed using strikes in everything. Such punches are carried out three times in three receptions. First, there are blows to all the bells, then make a small break, then hit again and break, then again hit and break. Thus, the bell ringing happens three times.

When sorting after impact, a large bell is hit at once in all the bells and so repeat many times.

The two-link - such a ringing is called shocks that make twice all bells. In this case, they call in the bell in two receptions. The chime is an alternate removal of sound from the bell, which begins with the largest and ends small.

Busting is a slow ringing in turn at each bell for 1 time, starting with the smallest and ending with the most large.

Second view of the bell tower: Blagovest

Blagovette church ministers call dimensional strikes into a huge bell. This type of blows is very well audible at a high distance. That is why employees decided to use this bell tower to convene the people on.

Blagovette was called such a ring because it was pronounced good, good news about the start of worship.

Announces an intrinsic way. At first, the church servant produces three slow and lengthy blow, while waiting for attenuation of the sound, and then makes more measurement strikes. At the same time, the shock exposure may differ, depending on the size of the bell itself. If it is relatively large, they are produced throughout the diameter of the bell. If he is not very big, the tongue of the bell is simply attracted by the rope to its edge and with the help of the board they punish the leg pressure.

In turn, Blagovest is divided into several varieties:
- ordinary (frequent) - such a ringing is produced using the largest bell;
- (rare) - such a ringing is performed using a small bell during a great post.

If there are several large bells at the temple, and this is possible with large monasteries, cathedrals, laurels, then large bells, depending on their destination, are divided into several types:
- Sunday;
- festive;
- Budnichny (priestly);
- Polyelin;
- Small.

A couple who decided to make such a rite should clearly realize their intentions and be sincerely with each other. This is a rather significant and solemn event. Therefore, it should be approachable and prepared in advance, including morally.


If people who have gathered to connect each other's bonds of marriage, there are no obstacles to the rite of wedding, you can continue to prepare for it and choose the temple in which this event will pass. The choice of the temple is usually embarkable in advance: in two or three weeks before the rite. This is done so that the ministers have time to explain the process of passing the wedding rite, determining the location of the invited guests, the possibility of shooting weddings on cameras and camcorders.

When organizing this event, it will be given the opportunity to choose a priest who will hold a rite. The choice can be made from the number of clergy of the temple, in which the wedding will pass, or it may be