Russian State Library ("Leninskaya"). History: Russian State Library

Russian State Library (
Russian State Library ("Leninskaya"). History: Russian State Library

The Russian State Library is the largest public library in Russia and continental Europe. It existed as part of the Rumyantsev Museum since 1882. Since 1924 - the V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian Public Library. In 1925 it was transformed into State Library of the USSR named after V.I.Lenin (GBL), in 1992 - to the Russian State Library.

How to purchase a subscription and library card

Enrolled in the Russian State Library of Russian and foreign citizens upon reaching the age of 14, in the main building (on Vozdvizhenka), in the branch in Khimki, Jewish Museum and the center of tolerance. Documents - passport, for foreigners - passport and visa, for citizens with an academic degree - passport and diploma. Plastic library card(free) with a photo. If you lose your ticket, a duplicate costs 100 rubles.

A subscription is issued with a library card, in the information desk for the desired number of orders (10 orders - 100 rubles). This makes it possible to order books in advance by phone, informing the title, author, and imprint of the publication.

How to work with the "Leninka" funds

  1. Use the electronic catalog (or paper in the library building), search for the necessary publications, print out or write down the code, title, author of the book.
  2. Come to the library with a library card, fill out a questionnaire at the entrance. In demanding sheets of paper you enter the data of the editions with which you want to work. Give the demanding sheet to the library staff. After 2-3 hours (maximum waiting time), you will receive the publications upon presentation of the questionnaire completed at the entrance and the library card. The waiting time depends on the number of orders for a certain storage tier; it is better to place an order in advance - by phone (with a subscription) or via the Internet. The publications that are in the reading room, and not in the repository, are available for work without ordering.
  3. You work with books within the walls of the library without lending to your home. In case of dilapidation or the absence of paper versions of the publication, they issue microfilms.
  4. When handing over books, a corresponding mark is put on the questionnaire, which must be handed over when leaving the library.


Readers have access to the central main fund (a universal collection of continuing publications, books, magazines, documents for official use in Russian, foreign languages except for the Eastern languages, the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia), the central subsidiary fund (duplicate editions), collections of maps, sound recordings, rare books, manuscripts and other publications.


  • Copying (chargeable) from paper source and microfilm - scanning, transfer to paper, transfer to film.
  • Free Wi-Fi for regular readers.
  • Virtual reference service (free).
  • Excursions to all buildings and foundations, visiting the Museum of the Book (paid).
  • Individual user account (paid) - for personal and group work(up to 4 people). PC with Internet access, Skype, office and sound programs.
  • Canteen.

    Sergey Krutiev

    There is little confusion, the staff is polite and understanding. Themselves, of course, do not come up to you and do not climb with advice, but if you ask "they will take you by the handle" and they will explain everything in detail. Computer program certainly rather weak. Search will find only if the exact name is in the request - no "similar" or "see also". Some dissertations are not digitized at all, but these are trifles. You can use the dissertation site and just take the title of the dissertation from there. There, the search is much more convenient, but a sneaky deception in the price of documents! You can download abstracts for free on the website of the RSL in the dissertation fund, and the dissertation requires 250 rubles for this. Based on the author's abstract, you can calmly understand whether you need this dissertation and go to the RSL already "with a shopping list." So for a young scientist with an appropriate mind, the library is a great place where it is easy to navigate.

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    Ekaterina Bakulina

    Visiting for the first time Lenin Library I was somehow at a loss: where to go, where to get a library card. But everything turned out to be easier than I thought: the friendly employees explained clearly how the registration process goes and what to do next. The choice of literature is truly immense. But in order to get a book, you first need to make a request for it, and then return in a couple of hours or the next day, and only then get it. This, of course, is very inconvenient, but it is probably impossible to build the work of such a huge library in another way. The reading rooms have a pleasant smell of yellowed book pages, female employees control the observance of silence, the atmosphere is intelligent-working. The only upsetting thing is the library's opening hours ... It is ideal for students and retirees, but working people have to first stop by in order to place an order for a book, the next day to get it, and there is only an hour or two left for reading before closing.

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    Anastasia Myasnikova

    I was in Leninka only once. Probably the first and the last. But not because I didn’t like it there, no ... It’s just somehow too cool for me, a razdolbaik student, to go to Leninka. Too big, too crushing building. Too much smart people around. Too much a complex system registration. Too many books. Prohibitions are too strict.

    On the other hand, there is practically everything in Leninka. Amazing place- on Vozdvizhenka, 3/5. It even has a buffet to eat and a wardrobe. There are many reading rooms there. There are many smart and interesting readers, next to whom you feel connected to great science.

    But still, the student is extremely uncomfortable there. Precisely because students rarely want to be involved in science ...

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    Anna Peshkova

    The Russian State Library "Leninskaya" at Vozdvizhenka, 3/5 is in complete chaos and confusion for ordinary visitors. First, it is big, and not just big, but huge! So huge that you can get lost there. Pleasing to the eye in the exterior and interior views, beautiful. Books there are excellent, but in fact, all this pluses end. Then there are only cons. As you enter the library, you can see from the inscriptions that you need to make yourself a card. Filling out the questionnaire, and then? What do you want to do next? To whom should I give this very questionnaire. There it turns out that between different rooms some passes are needed, but where can I get these passes? In general, the confusion is terrible among the visitors. Especially for beginners, but it shouldn't be that way! Everything should be extremely clear and understandable, without these problems. Okay with these troubles, I figured out these passes and went to the right room. But that is not all. The library has a book delivery terminal. After ordering a book, you need to wait 3-4 hours for it. And even then, not the fact that the same book will come. A mess, in a word. And why the consultants are sitting in the premises is not clear! For them, as if the people around them do not exist. Blinded to see. I give this institution an average rating, maybe even slightly below average.

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    Alena Kazarova

    The largest library in Moscow. There are really many books and textbooks, among which there are those that can not be found anywhere else except this library. But I go there only when I need it, when I really need it. Since this place terribly annoys me with its unstructuredness. Everything in it is so uncomfortable and incomprehensible that the devil himself will break his leg. And no one can really explain anything (or does not want to). It all starts with the creation of a special plastic card for entering the library: you come in, then there is an announcement at the door that you must take a pen to fill out a questionnaire. and that's it ... no where to go with this questionnaire, no more to do, not a word. Naturally, you have to ask everything from those who are sitting in line. Next, you need to go to another building, and write to your aunt on a piece of paper which hall you are going to (how do I understand how your halls are distributed here and in which of them I specifically need? Especially if I have never been here yet), it is absolutely impossible to understand the arrows on the floors, and in the reading room, in general, it turned out to be an amazing system, I did not find the books I needed in other rooms and went there in the hope that there would definitely be something there and I would at least rewrite what I need ... but it turned out that without an application on the Internet, reading room does not issue books; the site should say they have the same incomprehensible, I tried to submit an application, but I also did not understand anything - I gave it to me, they wrote to me that the book could be postponed in the library for 5 days, but the next day the application magically disappeared, and it was it is written that I have zero books pending. Having tried to figure out what was the matter, it turned out that after confirming the application, it was necessary to climb somewhere else and do something there (which I just can't remember). In general, if there is an opportunity to find a book elsewhere, then my advice to you is not to go there. Well, if you did, then expect that it will take you at least two hours to analyze what is where why and why, so come earlier, the library does not work until late at night.

      Location Moscow Founded on July 1, 1828 Collection Subjects of the collection books, periodicals, sheet music, sound recordings, art publications, cartographic publications, electronic publications, scientific work, documents, etc ... Wikipedia

      - (RSL) in Moscow, the national library Russian Federation, the largest in the country. Founded in 1862 as part of the Rumyantsev Museum, since 1925 the State Library of the USSR named after V.I. Lenin, since 1992 modern name... In funds (1998) approx. 39 million ... ... Russian history

      - (RSL) in Moscow, the national library of the Russian Federation, the largest in the country. Founded in 1862 as part of the Rumyantsev Museum, since 1925 the State Library of the USSR named after V.I.Lenin, since 1992 its present name. In funds (1998) about 39 million ... encyclopedic Dictionary

      RSL (Vozdvizhenka street, 3), national library, research and scientific information center of the Russian Federation in the field of library science, bibliography and bibliology. Founded in 1862 as part of the Rumyantsev Museum, in 1919 ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

      Founded in 1862 as the first publ. b ka Moscow. The original name. Moscow Public Museum and Rumyantsev Museum. Placed in the so-called. Pashkov House Memorial architecture con. 18th century, designed by V.I.Bazhenov. The basis of the book. fund and ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

      1. ABC of Psychology, London, 1981, (Code: IN K5 33/210). 2. Ackerknecht E. Kurze Geschichte der Psychiatrie, Stuttgart, 1985, (Ref: 5:86 16/195 X). 3. Alexander F ... Psychological Dictionary

      Russian State Library- The Russian State Library (RSL) ... Russian spelling dictionary

      Russian State Library- (RSL) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

      Russian State Library (RSL)- The Moscow Public Library (now the Russian State Library, or RSL) was founded on July 1 (June 19, old style), 1862. The fund of the Russian State Library originates from the collection of Count Nikolai Rumyantsev ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

      Location ... Wikipedia


    • Russian National Library,. Imperial Library (1795-1810), Imperial Public library(1810-1917), State Public Library (1917-1925), State Public Library. M. E. ...
    • Russia and Russian emigration in memoirs and diaries. Annotated index of books, magazine and newspaper publications published abroad in 1917-1991. In 4 volumes. Volume 4. Part 1,. This index takes into account and describes those published abroad in Russian in 1917-1991. memoirs and diaries of three generations of Russian emigration, as well as memoirs ...
    • Russia and Russian emigration in memoirs and diaries. Annotated index of books, magazine and newspaper publications published abroad in 1917-1991. In 4 volumes. Volume 3,. This index includes those published abroad in Russian in 1917-1991. memoirs and diaries of three generations of Russian emigration, as well as memoirs of Soviet ...

    “The dead live here and the dumb speak” - this expression is suitable for the Russian State Library ( former Name Lenin) - the largest library in Russia. Created on the basis of the library of the former diplomat Rumyantsev, it has a unique collection of domestic and foreign priceless documents, books, manuscripts, maps in many languages ​​of the world.

    Let's take a short excursion. In the first hall we can see filing cabinets, which are a kind of database for a collection of maps, scores and sound recordings of great composers and musicians (including broadcast with “ Leningrad Symphony"Shestakovich, first sounded in 1941 in besieged Leningrad), rare handwritten books, as well as dissertations and newspapers.

    Here, the courteous library staff will always be happy to help you find required document... With the help of the modern electronic database, which is now beginning to "supplant" filing cabinets, this process takes less than a minute. So, we found out which hall we need to go to, and we follow on.

    The next “stop” will be the Rare Books Research Department, where there are archival cabinets displaying the rarest handwritten books such as the Gospels of the times. Kievan Rus, in the department of rare books - the first editions of the works of N. Copernicus, archives of N.V. Gogol, A.S. Pushkin, A.P. Chekhov, A.A. Blok, L.N. Tolstoy (the one with whom he worked on "War and Peace") and others.

    This department is regularly visited by future candidates and doctors of historical, psychological, humanitarian and other sciences, when they are working on their dissertations.

    In the stock of newspapers located nearby, we can see well-worn bookcases in which files of newspapers and magazines known in the past are kept: “Russkaya Pravda”, “Russian Invalid”, “ TVNZ" etc. We especially took a closer look at the May 10, 1945 issue of the Pravda newspaper with portraits of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill on the main page.

    The main fund of the library, the so-called. The "main reading room", has more than 35 million books and magazines. It is a key repository of documentary funds. The fund is formed on the basis of the collection principle.

    Of particular value are private book collections of well-known historical characters... Among the most significant are the collections of Rumyantsev, Veltman, Sheremetyev, Chaadaev, Norov, Empresses Alexandra Feodorovna and Catherine II ( complete collection the works of Diderot and Voltaire, with whom the empress was personally familiar).

    Employees of this department told us that in the dashing 90s they were repeatedly tried to buy for fabulous money, not only by ours, but also by foreign collectors. Unfortunately, some part of this fund was stolen after the collapse of the USSR and since then nothing is known about these lost books.

    Over its almost 200-year history, the Russian State Library has been awarded the Order of Lenin, the highest award of the USSR, as well as the Symbol of Science medal.