"Leningrad Symphony". Music as a weapon

"Leningrad Symphony". Music as a weapon

On August 9, 1942, the famous Seventh Symphony of Shostakovich sounded in Blocade Leningrad, who received the second name "Leningrad" since then.

The premiere of Symphony, for which the composer began in the 30s, took place in the city of Kuibyshev on March 5, 1942.

These were variations on a constant topic in the form of password, according to the plan of Maurice Ravel similar to the "Bolero". A simple topic, at first, harmless, developing against the background of a dry little drum, in the end, crossed the scary symbol of the suppression. In 1940, Shostakovich showed this essay with colleagues and disciples, but did not publish and did not publish. In September 1941, in the already blockade Leningrad, Dmitry Dmitrievich wrote the second part and began working on the third. He wrote the first three parts of the symphony in the house of Benoit on Kamennoostrovsky Prospect. On October 1, the composer together with his family was taken out of Leningrad; After a short stay in Moscow, he went to Kuibyshev, where the symphony was completed on December 27, 1941.

The premiere of the work took place on March 5, 1942 in Kuibyshev, where at that time was in the evacuation of the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. The seventh symphony was first executed in the Kuibyshev Opera and Ballet Theater Orchestra Gabt USSR under the control of Cerizer Samuel Samubood. On March 29, under the control of S. Samoyud Symphony was first fulfilled in Moscow. A little later, the symphony was performed by the orchestra of the Leningrad Philharmonic under the direction of Evgenia Mravinsky, which was at that time in evacuation in Novosibirsk.

On August 9, 1942, the seventh symphony sounded in a blockade Leningrad; The orchestra of the Leningrad Radiocomitte was conducted by Karl Eliasberg. In the days of the blockade, some musicians died of hunger. Rehearsals were cooled in December. When they resumed in March, only 15 weakened musicians could play. In May, the aircraft delivered the sophonian samphony into the deposited city. To replenish the number of orchestra, I had to withdraw musicians from military units.

Execution attached exceptional importance; On the day of the first performance, all the artillery forces of Leningrad were thrown on the suppression of enemy firepoints. Despite the bombs and air strikes, all chandeliers were lit in the philharmonic. The Philharmonic Hall was full, and the public was the most diverse: armed sailors and infantrymen, as well as the fighters of the air defense fighters and loose regulars of the Philharmonic.

The new product of Shostakovich had a strong aesthetic effect on many listeners, forcing you to cry, without hiding tears. In Great Music, it was reflected in the uniting principle: faith in victory, sacrifice, limitless love for their city and country.

During the performance of symphony, the radio was broadcast, as well as on the loudspeakers of the urban network. She was heard not only residents of the city, but also the German troops precipitated Leningrad. Much later, two tourists from the GDR, who flooded Eliasberg, admitted to him: "Then, on August 9, 1942, we realized that we would lose the war. We felt your strength capable of overcome hunger, fear and even death ... ".

The history of the performance of symphony is dedicated to the film Leningrad Symphony. Soldier Nikolai Savkov, artillert 42 armies, wrote a poem during the secret operation "Shkwal" on August 9, 1942, dedicated to the premiere of 7 symphony and the secret operation itself.

In 1985, a memorial plaque with the text was established on the wall of Philharmonic, "here, in the Big Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonic, on August 9, 1942, the Orchestra of the Leningrad Radiocommete under the control of Cerizer K. I. Eliasberg sang the seventh (Leningrad) Symphony D. Shostakovich."

Soviet historians argued that Dmitry Shostakovich began his famous Leningrad Symphony to write in the summer of 1941 under the impression of the war. However, there are reliable evidence that the first part of this musical work was written before the start of military events.

Premonition of war or something other?

Now it is already known that the main fragments of the first part of their seventh symphony of Shostakovich wrote approximately in 1940. He did not publish them anywhere, but showed it his some colleagues and students. Moreover, the composer did not explain to anyone.

Somewhat later knowing people will call this music to the premonition of invasion. It was something anxious, turning into absolute aggression and suppression. Given the time for writing these fragments of symphony, it can be assumed that the author did not create an image of military invasion, but meant the promining Stalinist repressive car. There is even an opinion on the fact that the theme of the invasion is based on the rhythmicity is very revered by Stalin Lezginki.

Dmitry Dmitrievich himself wrote in his memoirs as follows: "Composing the subject of invasion, I thought quite about another enemy of mankind. Of course, I hated fascism. But not only German is every fascism. "

Seventh Leningradskaya

One way or another, but immediately after the beginning of the war, Shostakovich intensively continued to work on these works. In early September, the first two parts of the work were ready. And after a very short time, the score of the third was written in the blockaded Leningrad.

In early October, the composer, together with his family, was evacuated in Kuibyshev, where he began working on the final. According to the idea of \u200b\u200bShostakovich, he had to be a life-affirming. But it was at this time that the country was experiencing the hardest test of war. Write optimistic music in a situation where the enemy stood at the gate of Moscow, the Shostakovich was very difficult. These days, he himself repeatedly recognized the surrounding that with the final of the seventh symphony he does not come out.

And only in December 1941, after the Soviet counterattack near Moscow, the work on the final went to the way. On the eve of the new 1942, it was successfully completed.

After the Prime Minister of the Seventh Symphony in Kuibyshev and Moscow in August 1942 held the main premiere - Leningrad. The blockade city then experienced the hardest position for the blockade all the time. The times, the exhausted Leningraders seemed to have no longer believed anything.

But on August 9, 1942, in the concert hall of the Mariinsky Palace, for the first time since the beginning of the war, music again sounded. The Leningrad Symphony Orchestra performed the 7th Symphony of Shostakovich. Hundreds of speakers who usually informed about air raids, now broadcast this concert for the entire deposited city. According to the memoirs of residents and defenders of Leningrad, it was then that they had a solid faith in victory

The seventh "Leningrad" symphony is one of the greatest chief of the XX century. The history of its creation and first performances, the strength and scale of the impact of this music on contemporaries is truly unique. The name of the name of Shostakovich for a wide audience was forever soldered with the "famous Leningradka," the symphony of Anna Akhmatova called.

The first months of the war composer spent in Leningrad. Here on July 19 began working on the seventh symphony. "I never composed as quickly as now," said Shostakovich. Before the evacuation in October, the first three parts of the symphony were written (during work on the second part around Leningrad, the ring of blockades was closed). The final was completed in December in Kuibyshev, where on March 5, 1942, the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra under the administration of Samuel sulfur performed the seventh symphony for the first time. Four months later, in Novosibirsk, she sounded performed by the deserved team of the republic under the direction of Eugene Mravinsky. The symphony began to execute abroad - in June, the premiere in the UK was held in July - in the United States. But in February 1942, the words of Shostakovich were published in the newspaper "Izvestia": "My dream, so that the seventh symphony in the near future was fulfilled in Leningrad, in his own city, who inspired me to create it." The blockade premiere of symphony is akin to the events, which at the olden times were made by legends transmitted from generation to generation.

The main "acting person" of the concert was the big symphony orchestra of the Leningrad Radiocomitus - the current academic symphony orchestra of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic was called during the war years. It was his share that he had the first to play the seventh symphony Shostakovich in Leningrad. However, there were no alternatives - after the start of the blockade, this team turned out to be the only symphony orchestra that remained in the city. For the performance of Symphony, an advanced composition was required - front-line musicians were addressed to the team. Only Symphony's scores were able to deliver to Leningrad - there were party on the spot. Posters appeared in the city.

On August 9, 1942 - a day, previously announced by the German command of the date of entry into Leningrad, - under the control of Charles Eliasberg, the Leningrad Premiere of "Leningrad Symphony" took place in the big hall of Philharmonic. The concert passed, according to the conductor, "with a completely crowded hall" (security provided the fire of Soviet artillery), broadcast on the radio. "Before the concert ... Upstairs installed spotlights to warm the scene so that the air was warmer. When we went to our consoles, the searchlights repaired. I barely seemed Karl Ilyich, a deafening applause rang out, the whole hall got up to welcome him ... And when we played it, we were allegedly standing ... From somewhere suddenly a girl with bouquet of living flowers suddenly appeared. It was so amazing! .. For the scenes, everyone rushed to hug each other, kissing. It was a great holiday. Still, we created a miracle. That's how our life and began to continue. We resurrected, "recalled the participant of the premiere of Ksenia Matus. In August 1942, the orchestra performed a symphony 6 times, four times in the Big Hall of Philharmonic.

"This day lives in my memory, and I will forever preserve the feeling of deepest thanks to you, admiration for your dedication to art, your artistic and civil feet," wrote Shostakovich to the orchestra to the 30th anniversary of the blockade of the seventh symphony. In 1942, in the telegram Carlo Eliasberg, the composer was more brief, but no less eloquent: "Dear friend. Many thanks. Pass hot gratitude to all the artists of the orchestra. I wish you health, happiness. Hello. Shostakovich. "

"There was an unprecedented, not significant in the history of wars, nor in the history of art, the" duet "of the symphony orchestra and artillery symphony. The formidable control instruments were covered with an equally terrible weapon - the music of Shostakovich. No projectile fell on the art area, but on the head of the enemy from the radio receivers, the avalanche of sounds collapsed on the head of the non-resting stream, proving that the Spirit was primed. These were the first volleys by Reichstagu! "

E.ld, Creator of the Museum of the Seventh Symphony,

about the bottom of the blockade premiere

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Theme of the lesson-excursion: "Famous Leningrad".

The purpose of the lesson:

  • The history of the creation of Symphony No. 7 D.D.Shostakovich in Blocade Leningrad and beyond.
  • Expand knowledge about St. Petersburg addresses related to the name D.D.Shostakovich and his "Leningrad" symphony.

Tasks lesson:


  • Expand the knowledge of addresses in St. Petersburg related to the name D.D.Shostakovich and his "Leningrad" symphony in the process of virtual excursion;
  • To acquaint with the features of the playwright of symphonic music.


  • The acquisition of children to the history of a blockade Leningrad through an acquaintance with the history of the "Leningrad" symphony, and its fulfillment on August 9, 1942 in the Great Filharmonic Hall;
  • Conduct parallels with modernity: the concert of the Symphony Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater under the control of Valery Gergiev in Tskhinvale on March 21, 2008, where a fragment of Symphony No. 7 D.D.Shostakovich was performed.


  • Forming a musical taste;
  • Develop vocal choir skills;
  • Form abstract thinking;
  • Expand the horizon of students through acquaintance with the new repertoire.

Type of lesson: combined

Form of the lesson:lesson-excursion.


  • visual
  • game;
  • explanatory-illustrative.


  • a computer;
  • projector;
  • soundless equipment (columns);
  • synthesizer.


  • slide presentation;
  • videoFragments from the movie "Seven Notes";
  • videoFragments from the movie-concert "Valery Gergiev. Concert in Tskhinvale. 2008 ";
  • musical material;
  • lyrics "No one is forgotten by" Music N.Nikhorova, the words M. Sidorova;
  • music phonograms.

Abstract lesson

Organizing time

Presentation. Slide number 1 (lesson topic)

The "theme of invasion" sounds from Symphony No. 7 "Leningrad" D.D.Shostakovich. Children are included in the class. Musical greeting.

Work on the lesson

Again war
Block again, -
Or maybe we forget about them?

I hear sometimes:
"Do not,
No wound beanis.
After all, it is true that we are tired
We are from the stories about the war.
And blockade scrapping
Poems quite quite. "

And it may seem:
And convincing words.
But even if it is true
Such truth

I'm not in vain worried
So that the war was forgotten:
After all, this memory is our conscience.
She, like power, we need.

Today, our meeting is devoted to one of the most significant events related to the history of our city - the 69th anniversary of the full removal of the blockade of Leningrad. And the conversation will go about the musical work, which has become a symbol of a blockade Leningrad, about which Anna Akhmatova wrote the following lines:

And after me, the secret is sparkling
And named the seventh
On the unheard of the feast ripe ...
Pretending to be a tetrade,
Famous Leningrad
Returned to native ether.

About Symphony No. 7 D.D.Shostakovich. Now I suggest you listen to Dmitry Shostakovich's radio. Transfer from blockade Leningrad on September 16, 1941.

Teacher: Guys, what do you think, why D.D.Shostakovich spoke on the radio with this message, because the symphony has not yet been completed?

Pupils: For residents of a blockade city, this message was very important. This meant that the city continues to live and betrayed forces and courage in the coming struggle.

Teacher: Of course, and then, D.D.Shostakovich already knew that she would be evacuated and he personally wanted to talk to Leningraders, with those who would stay in the blockade city to cow victory, report this news.

Before you continue the conversation, please remember what symphony is.

Pupils: Symphony - a musical work for a symphony orchestra, which consists of 4-parts.

Presentation. Slide number 3 (definition of symphony)

Teacher: And Symphony is a genre of software music or not?

Pupils: As a rule, symphony is a product of non-software music, but symphony No. 7 D.D.Shostakovich is an exception, because it has a program name - "Leningrad".

Teacher: And not only therefore. D.D.Shostakovich, in contrast to other similar exceptions, gives the name to each of the parts, and I suggest you to meet them.

Presentation. Slide number 4.

Teacher: Today we will take a fascinating journey to some addresses in our city, which are related to the creation and execution of the "Leningrad" symphony of D.D.Shostakovich.

Presentation. Slide number 5.

Teacher: So, I suggest you go to the house of Benua, on the Big Pushkarskaya Street, house number 37.

Presentation. Slide number 6.

Teacher: In this house, the great Soviet composer d.D.Sostakovich lived in 1937 to 1941. This is reported to us a memorial plaque with the burner D. D. Shostakovich, installed on the part of a large Pushkinskaya street. It was in this house that the composer wrote the first three parts of his seventh (Leningrad) symphony.

Presentation. Slide number 7.

And in Kurdonera, opening on Kronverkaya Street, his bust is installed.

Presentation. Slide number 8.

Teacher: Final Symphony, completed in December 1941, the composer already created in Kuibyshev, where she was first fulfilled on the stage of the Opera and Ballet Theater and was executed on March 5, 1942 by the Orchestra of the Big Theater of the USSR Union under the control of S. A. Samoku.

Presentation. Slide number 8.

Teacher: How do you think Leningrads thought about the blocked city of the performance of Symphony in Leningrad?

Pupils: On the one hand, the main goal, which stood before the hungry inhabitants of the blockade city, is of course survive. On the other hand, we know that theaters, radio worked in Blocked Leningrad, the enthusiasts who were obsessed with desire, by all means, to execute the "Leningrad" symphony during the blockade to prove to everyone that the city is alive and Support lengrads who were exhausted from the famine.

Teacher: Completely right. And now, when the symphony sounded in Kuibyshev, Moscow, Tashkent, Novosibirsk, New York, London, Stockholm, Leningraders waited for her in their city, the city where she was born ... But how to deliver Symphony to Leningrad to Leningrad. After all, are these 4 sweaty notebooks?

Pupils: I watched the feature film, which was called "Leningrad Symphony". So in this film, the partition in the block for the city delivered a pilot, in my opinion, the captain, exposing his life danger. He is in the block for the city of medicine and delivered the score of the symphony.

Teacher: Yes, the film that you mentioned and is called, and the scenario of this picture was written in accordance with the real historical events, the truth is a bit changed. So the pilot was the twentieth lieutenant Litvinov, who on July 2, 1942 under solid fire of German anti-aircraft, breaking through the fire ring, delivered medicines to the blockade city and four voluminous notebooks with the seventh symphony. At the airfield, they were already waiting and taken away as the greatest jewelry.

Twenty-year pilot-Leningradets
A special flight in the distant rear has accomplished.
He all received a notebook
And next to the helm put.

And beat the enemy guns, and in full
Stuck tight fire wall,
But the pilot knew: we are waiting not only bread,
Like bread, like life, we need music.

And he rose for seven thousand meters
Where only the stars light transparent pour.
It seemed: not motors and not winds -
Powerful orchestras sing to him.

Through the siege iron ring
Symphony broke and sounds ....
In the morning, he handed the score
Orchestra of Front Leningrad!

Teacher: The next day, the "Leningrad truth" appeared short information: "Leningrad was delivered by the plane of the seventh symphony of Dmitry Shostakovich. Public execution will be held in the Big Hall of the Philharmonic. " And we will return to our map with addressees and make the next route.

Presentation. Slide number 5.

Teacher: The only team remaining in Leningrad was a big symphony orchestra of the Leningrad Radiocomite, and it was there that the score of Symphony was delivered. Therefore, our next address: Italian street, house number 22, Radio House. (Hyperlink to Slide number 10)

Presentation. Slide number 10.

Teacher: But when the chief conductor of the Grand Symphony Orchestra of the Leningrad Radiocomitte Karl Eliasberg revealed the first of the four notebooks of the score, he jerked:

Presentation. Slide number 11.

instead of ordinary three pipes, three trombones and four horn, Shostakovich was twice as much. Yes, drums added! Moreover, on the scooter of the Shostakovich hand written: "The participation of these tools in the performance of symphony is required." And "necessarily" is firmly emphasized. It became clear that with those few musicians who still stayed in the orchestra, the symphony does not play. Yes, and they played their last concert on December 7, 1941.

From the memories of Olga Bergoltz:

"The only Radiocomitte orchestra in Leningrad has gone away from hunger during the tragic world's first blockade winter, almost half. Never forget me how the dark winter morning the then artistic director of the Radiocomitte of Yakov Babushkin (in 1943 he died at the front) Dictated Tutorial another report on the state of the orchestra: - The first violin dies, the drum died on the way to work, horn at death ... and all -taki these survivors, scaryly exhausted musicians and the leadership of the radio and the idea began to fulfill the idea, by all means to fulfill the seventh in Leningrad ... Yasha Babushkin through the city committee of the party took out additional pieces, but still there were few people for the execution of the seventh Symphony ... "

How did the leadership of the Leningrad Radiocomitte come out of the situation created?

Pupils: Announced Radio message about the invitation to the orchestra of all the remaining musicians.

Teacher: It is with such an announcement that the leadership of the radio amateur appealed to the Leningraders, but it did not solve the problem. What else there are assumptions?

Pupils: Maybe we were looking for musicians in hospitals?

Teacher: not only searched, but also found. I want to introduce you to unique, in my opinion, a historic episode.

Musicians were looking for throughout the city. Eliasberg, staggering from weakness, went by hospitals. Drummer Zhaudat Aydarova, he found in the dead, where he noticed that the fingers of the musician moved slightly. "Yes, he is alive!" - exclaimed the conductor, and this is a moment was the second birth of Jaudat. Without it, the fulfillment of the seventh would be impossible - after all, he had to beat the drum fraction in the "invasion theme".

Teacher: But the musicians still lacked.

Pupils: And may invite those who wish and teach them to play musical instruments that were missing.

Teacher: Well, it is already from the area of \u200b\u200bfantasy. No guys. We decided to ask for help from a military command: many musicians were in the trenches - defended the city with weapons in their hands. The request was satisfied. By order of the head of the political department of the Leningrad Front, major General Dmitry Holodova,the musicians who were in the army and the fleet received a prescription to arrive in the city, in the radio house, having musical instruments with him. And they reached out. In the documents they have facilitated: "Commanded to Eliasberg Orchestra."And here we need to go back to the map to determine the next point of our trip. (Hyperlink to slide number 5 with map and addresses).

Presentation. Slide number 5.

Teacher: I invite you to the Big Hall of the Philharmonic named after D.D.Shostakovich at Mikhailovskaya Street, house number 2.

Presentation. Slide number 12.

It was in this legendary hall that rehearsals began. They lasted five to six hours in the morning and in the evening, ending sometimes late at night. Artists issued special passes that were allowed to walk through the night Leningrad. And the conductor Employees of the traffic police even gave a bike, and in Nevsky Prospekt could see a high, extremely disgraced person, diligently torque pedal - hurrying to a rehearsal or smithing, or to the Polytechnic Institute - to the FRONT political management. In the interruptions between rehearsals, the conductor was in a hurry to settle many other orchestra affairs.

And now think what group of the symphony orchestra accounted for the harder?

Pupils: Probably, these are groups of brass bands, especially copper, because people simply physically could not blow into brass tools. Some have fainted right at rehearsals.

Teacher: Later, the musicians attached to the city council - once a day they got a hot lunch.

A few days later, posters appeared in the city, which were held next to the appeal of the "enemy at the gate".

Presentation. Slide number 13.

They were notified that on August 9, 1942, the premiere of the Seventh Symphony of Dmitry Shostakovich will be held in the Big Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonic. Playing a large symphony orchestra of the Leningrad Radiocomite. Conducts K. I. Eliasberg. Sometimes right there, under the bill, stood a lightweight table, on which the packs were lying with the concert program printed in the printing house.

Presentation. Slide number 14.

Behind him sat warmly dressed a pale woman - she could not be able to warm up after a harsh winter. People stayed near her, and she pulled them a concert program, imprinted very simply, unhalyaneously, alone with black paint.

On the first page it is epigraph:

Presentation. Slide №15

"Our fight against fascism, our coming victory over the enemy, my native city - Leningrad I dedicate my seventh symphony. Dmitry Shostakovich. " Reduced Large: "Seventh Symphony Dmitry Shostakovich". And at the bottom of the small: "Leningrad, 1942". This program served as an entrance ticket for the first execution in Leningrad seventh symphonies on August 9, 1942. Tickets disengaged very quickly - everyone who could walk, sought to get to this unusual concert.

Prepared for the concert and on the front line. One day when the musicians still painted the Symphony's score, commander of the Leningrad Front Lieutenant General Leonid Alexandrovich Govorov Invited artillery commanders to himself. The task was put briefly: during the execution of the seventh symphony of the composer Shostakovich, no enemy shell should be broken in Leningrad! Did you manage to fulfill the task?

Pupils: Yes, artilleryrs sat down for their "scores". First of all, the time calculation was made.

Teacher: What do you mean?

Students: Symphony execution lasts 80 minutes. The audience will begin to gather in the philharmonic in advance. So plus thirty minutes. Plus, the same on the part of the public from the theater. 2 hours 20 minutes Hitler's cannons must be silent. And therefore, 2 hours 20 minutes should our guns say - to perform their "fiery symphony".

Teacher: How many shells need for it? What calibres? Everyone followed in advance. And finally, what enemy batteries should be suppressed first? Did they change their position? Wasn't new guns? Who could answer these questions?

Pupils: Answer these questions had to explore. Scouts with their task coped well. Not only the batteries of the enemy were applied to the cards, but also its observation points, headquarters, communication nodes.

Teacher: guns guns, but enemy artillery should also be "blinded", destroying the supervisory points, "stunning", interrupting the link, "behead", defeating the heads. Of course, for the execution of this "fiery symphony", artillerymen had to determine the composition and "orchestra". Who entered it?

Pupils: It includes many long-range guns, experienced artilleryrs, many days leading a control-follower struggle. The "Bass" group of "Orchestra" amounted to the guns of the main caliber of the marine artillery of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. For artillery accompaniment of musical symphony, the front allocated three thousand large-caliber shells.

Teacher: And who was appointed "Conductor" of this artillery "orchestra"?

Pupils: "Conductor" of the Artillery "Orchestra" was appointed commander of Artillery 42nd Army General-Major Mikhail Semenovich Mikhalkin.

Teacher: Approached the day of the premiere. Here is a draft rehearsal. This is evidenced by a few photographs that have come down to us.

Presentation. Slide number 16.

Presentation. Slide number 17.

Hearing and discussion

Ninth August ...
Forty second ...
Art Square ...
Philharmonic Hall ...
Front City People
Symphony strict
Heart listen sounds,
Accept the eye ...
It seemed on the moment them
cloudless sky ...
Suddenly in symphony sounds
Thunderstorms broke.
And immediately face, full wrath.
And fingers to the pain in the chair dug.
And in the hall of the column, like a taper gun,
Aimed in the depth -
Symphony of courage
The city listened to
Forgetting about war
And remembering the war.

Teacher: In symphony works, as well as in the works of the stage genre, we continue to talk about drama. I hope you carefully listened to the poem N. Savkova, and they are ready to give me the answer: What is the basis of the drama of this symphony?

Pupils: The drama of this symphony is built on the conflict between the Soviet people on the one hand and the German invaders on the other.

Pupils: the moment of invasion of the "invasion theme" in the "theme of peaceful life of the Soviet people."

Teacher: One of the participants in the legendary execution of the Seventh Symphony of Shostakovich in the Blocade Leningrad Gobistka Ksenia Matus recalled: "... I barely seemed Karl Ilyich, a deafening applause rang out, the whole hall got up to welcome him ... And when we played it, we were applauded too. From somewhere suddenly a girl with a bouquet of living flowers appeared. It was so amazing! .. Behind the scenes everyone rushed to hug each other, kissing. It was a great holiday. Still, we created a miracle. That's how our life and began to continue. We resurrected. Shostakovich sent a telegram, congratulated us all. "

And himself, Karl Ilyich Eliasberg later he recalled: "I do not judge the success of that memorable concert. I just say that we have never played with such inspiration. And there is nothing surprising: the majestic theme of the Motherland, which the ominous shadow of invasion finds, pathetic requiem in honor of the fallen heroes - all this was close, expensive to every orchestrant, to everyone who listened to us that evening. And when the crowded hall exploded with applause, it seemed to me that I was again in the peaceful Leningrad, that the most cruel of all wars ever raged on the planet, already behind that the forces of reason, good and humanity won. "

And the soldier Nikolai Savkov, the performer of the other - "fiery symphony", after her ends will write poems:

And when in the beginning of the beginning
The conductor rose,
Above the edge of the front like thunder, great
Another symphony began -

Symphony of our Guards cannons,
So that the enemy did not beat the city,
So that the city of the seventh symphony listened. ...
And in the hall - a squall,
And on the front - a squall. ...

Teacher: This operation was called "Shkal".

During execution, the symphony was broadcast on the radio, as well as on the loudspeakers of the urban network. What do you think, and the enemy heard this broadcast?

Pupils: I think I heard.

Teacher: Then, try to assume that they were tested at this moment?

Pupils: I think the Germans are mocking when they heard. They believed that the city was dead.

Teacher: Much later, two tourists from the GDR, who founded Eliasberg, admitted to him:

Then, on August 9, 1942, we realized that we would lose the war. We felt your strength capable of overcome hunger, fear and even death ... "

And it's time for us to go back to the map and choose the next addressee of our virtual travel. And we will go to the embankment of the Moika River, House 20, to the Academic Chapel named after M.I. Glinka.

Presentation. Slide №18.

Teacher: I see surprise on your faces, because this room we usually visited when the conversation went about choral music, but there are concerts and instrumental music on this legendary scene, with a light hand of N. Rimsky-Korsky, who organized instrumental in the chapel Classes and symphony orchestra.

Today we have a unique opportunity to look at the "Holy Saints", namely, at the rehearsal of the symphony orchestra, which leads, more precisely led ... Well, there is an assumption?

Pupils: Karl Ilyich Eliasberg?!

Teacher: Yes, my friends, the rehearsal of the rehearsal of the symphony orchestra of the Leningrad Radiocomitte under the control of K.I. Eliasberg, which was made in this room in 1967 were preserved. I think that you guessed and make a maestro with my musicians over what product.

Pupils: Leningrad Symphony D.D.Shostakovich.

Teacher: Yes, the most recognizable topic from this symphony. Maybe someone will risk assumed?

Pupils: Theme invasion from the first part.

Teacher: Completely right. So... (video phrase)

And now the last address of our virtual travel, but I think not the last in the history of the legendary symphony. We go to the theater area, house number 1,

Presentation. Slide №19

At this address is the Mariinsky Theater Opera and Ballet, the artistic director and the main conductor of which Valery Gergiev is.

Presentation. Slide number 20.

On August 21, 2008, the fragment of the first part of the symphony was executed in the South Ossetian city destroyed by the Georgian troops of the Yuzhosetinsky city of Tskhinval, the Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater under the control of Valery Gergiev

Presentation. Slide №21

At the steps of the building destroyed as a result of the art creasement, the Symphony of the Parliament was designed to emphasize the parallel between the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict and the Great Patriotic War. (VideoFragment).

I ask you to answer the following questions. First, why Valery Gergievs for his concert in destroyed by the Georgian troops Tskhinvale chooses the work of D.D. Shostakovich? Secondly, modern music D.D.Shostakovich?

Pupils: Answers.

Crossword decision (fragment of a creative student project)

Path to the goal

Virtuoso was born on September 25, 1906 in the family, where they respected and loved music. Passing of parents passed to the Son. At 9, after watching the Opera N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov "Tale of Tsar Saltan," the boy said he intends to seriously engage in music. The first teacher became a mother who taught the game on the piano. Later she gave the boy to a music school, the director of which was the famous teacher I. A. Glasser.

Later, there was a misunderstanding between the student and the teacher regarding the choice of direction. The mentor saw a guy with a pianist, the young man dreamed of becoming a composer. Therefore, in 1918, Dmitry left the school. Perhaps if the talent remained to study there, the world would not know such a work today as 7 Symphony Shostakovich. The history of the composition of the composition is a significant part of the biography of the musician.

Melody of Future

The next summer, Dmitry went on audition to the Petrograd conservatory. There, a well-known professor and composer A. K. Glazunov noticed him. History mentions that this person turned to Maxim Gorky with a request to assist with a scholarship for young talent. On the question of whether he is good in music, Professor honestly replied that the style of Shostakovich him is someone else and incomprehensible, but this is the topic of the future. So, in the fall, the guy entered the conservatory.

But only in 1941, the seventh symphony of Shostakovich was written. The history of the creation of this work - takeoffs and falls.

Universal Love and Hate

Still learning, Dmitry created significant melodies, but only at the end of the conservatory wrote his first symphony. The work became a graduation work. Newspapers called him a revolutionary music in the world of music. Together with glory on a young man, a mass of negative criticism collapsed. Nevertheless, Shostakovich did not stop working.

Despite the amazing talent, he was not lucky. Each work failed with a crash. Many ill-wishers acutely condemned the composer before the 7th Shostakovich symphony came out. The history of the composition of the composition is interesting - the virtuoso composed it already at the peak of popularity. But before that, in 1936, the newspaper "True" has severely condemned ballets and operas of the new format. Ironically, unusual music from the productions, the author of which was Dmitry Dmitrievich, got on the irony of fate.

Terrible muse seventh symphony

The composer was pursued, the works were banned. The fourth symphony became pain. For some time he slept dressed and with a suitcase near the bed - the musician was afraid of arrest at any time.

Nevertheless, pauses did not. In 1937 he released the fifth symphony, which surpassed past compositions and rehabilitated it.

But opened the world of experiences and feelings in music. Other work. Tragic and dramatic was the history of the creation of 7 Symphony of Shostakovich.

In 1937, he conducts classes on the composition in the Leningrad Conservatory, later receives the title of professor.

In this city, he cares for the Second World War. He met her Dmitry Dmitrievich in Blockade (the city was surrounded on September 8), further than him, as well as other artists of that time, taken out of the cultural capital of Russia. They evacuated the composer with the family first to Moscow, and then, October 1, in Kuibyshev (since 1991 - Samara).

Start of work

It is worth noting that the author began to work on this music, before the Great Patriotic War. In 1939-1940, the history of the creation of Symphony number 7 Shostakovich began. The first to hear her passages became students and colleagues. Initially, it was a simple topic that developed with a small drum kit. Already in the summer of 1941, this part has become a separate emotional episode of the work. Officially, the symphony started on July 19. After the author admitted that he never wrote so actively. Interestingly, the composer made an appeal to the Leningraders on the radio, where he reported creative plans.

In September, he worked on the second and third parts. December 27, the master wrote the final part. On March 5, 1942, 7 Symphony Shostakovich first sounded in Kuibyshev. The history of the creation of the work in the blockade is no less exciting than the premiere itself. She played her evacuated Bolshoi Theater Orchestra. Conducted Samuel Samokov.

Main concert

Master's dream was a performance in Leningrad. Great forces spent so that the music sounded. The task to organize the concert fell out to the only orchestra, which remained in the blockade Leningrad. The broken city was collected in a pile of musicians. Accepted everyone who could stand on their feet. Many front-line participated in the speech. Only music records were delivered to the city. Next, the parties painted and the posters were exposed. On August 9, 1942, 7 Symphony Shostakovich sounded. The history of the creation of the work is also unique in that it was on this day that the fascist troops planned to break through the defense.

Conductor became Karl Eliasberg. The order was given: "While there is a concert - the enemy must be silent." Soviet artillery provided calm and actually covered all the artists. Translined music on the radio.

It was a real holiday for exhausted residents. People cried and applauded standing. In August, the symphony was played 6 times.

World recognition

Four months after the premiere, the work sounded in Novosibirsk. In the summer, she was heard in the residents of Great Britain and the United States. The author became popular. People from all over the world captured the blockade history of the creation of 7 Symphony of Shostakovich. In the first few months, more than 60 million more than 20 million people of this continent listened to its first broadcast.

There were envious, who argued that the work would not get such popularity if not the drama of Leningrad. But despite this, even the most brave critic did not declare to declare that the author's work was notching.

There were changes in the territory of the Soviet Union. Asa was called the Beethoven XX century. The man received negatively responded about the genius composer S. Rakhmaninov, who said: "All artists have forgotten, only Shostakovich remained." Symphony 7 "Leningrad", the history of which costs respect, conquered the hearts of millions.

Music of the Heart

Tragic events sound in music. The author wanted to show the whole pain that not only the war leads, but he loved his people, but despised the power that rules them. His goal was to convey the feelings of millions of Soviet people. The master suffered with the city and residents and defended the walls by notes. Anger, love, suffering was embodied in such a product as the seventh symphony of Shostakovich. The history of creation covers the period of the first months of war and the start of the blockade.

The topic itself is a grand struggle of good and evil, peace and slavery. If you close your eyes and turn on the melody, you can hear how the sky is buzzing from enemy aircraft, like a native land moaning from dirty boots of invaders, how the mother is crying, who escorts the Son on death.

The symbol of freedom was the "famous Leningrad" - so called poetess Anna Akhmatova. On the one hand, the walls stood enemies, injustice, on the other - art, Shostakovich, 7 symphony. The history of creation briefly reflects the first stage of war and the role of art in the struggle for freedom!