Nozdremen landowner from the dead souls. "Dead souls" image nozroid

Nozdremen landowner from the dead souls.
Nozdremen landowner from the dead souls. "Dead souls" image nozroid

In the poem "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol before us appears gallery bright images Russian landowners. They are in turn visiting Paul Ivanovich Chichikov with a proposal to buy dead souls. Gogol with details shows the originality of each landowner.

One of them is the nostrils. Chichikov meets with him in the Kabaska. Nozdrev immediately begins to tell what he lost to the card at the fair, while he does not give chikchiku and insert words. Nostrotev has an attractive appearance, it resembles folklore hero. At first he seems to be an active man, but in fact it turns out to be empty. His appearance Contrasts S. internal appearance. From his wife, Nozdrev remained two children, but they are not interested in them. Lives today, without thinking about the future. The life of Nozdreva is meaningless, the whole it consists of bushes and mothers. He is an avid gambler. Wins in the cards, and then winnings exchange to unnecessary things, and the next day these things loses. Its nozzles is meaninglessly wet. He always falls into some stories, loves to go to the clumsy and has a passion for lies. Chichikov gives him a fertile definition - " historical man" It is talking to the nostrils loudly, emotionally, often screams.

The estate of the landowner is in the launched state, he is not interested in doing their own estates. The economy is managing the order, whom he constantly scolds. Roads in the household Nostride Bad: bumps, dirt. The pride of the landowner are horses. First of all, he shows Chikchiku in his estate stable. And also in his estate there are many dogs whom he loves very much. Still nosdrev is contained on the leash real WolfFood raw meat. As the landowner himself says, "I want him to be a real beast!" In the house a mess, neglence. There is no papers or books in the Nozder office, but there are a lot of weapons and smoking pipes. And there is still a shaman. Nozdrev can wrap anyone. He is bounce and has a passion for lies. He tells the chikchikov that huge fish are found in the pond. In fact, it is not.

Despite the fact that the manor of the Nozdrev in a deplorable state, he has dead SoulsAnd Chichikov is going to buy them. But he doesn't get out of this, because the nostrils are trying to sell chikchiku that stallion, then the dogs, then the scarmer, and when he refuses, makes you play checkers, cards. Chichikov resists. Buying and selling did not take place, and Chichikova is very sad. It was the nostrils on the Ball of the Governor who breaks the secret of Chichikov with the aim of "nagging the neighbor."

Satirically depicted in his poem of the landowners, Gogol, in any of them, does not find the future with whom the future of Russia can be associated.

Option 2.

The gallery of the landowners writer continues Nozdrev, whose image the writer outlined is no less bright than other characters. We meet this landowner at the dinner at the prosecutor.

Then we transfer to the restaurant, where the chicter stopped dinner and also meets the nostroid there. And although Pavel Ivanovich pretended that she did not know the landowner, he begins to talk to him as if they were familiar for a long time. He immediately tells him about what he played at the fair in large. And for him such behavior is normal.

Yes, and the nostril himself, judging by the description of the reckless man. Even in his face it is clear that he is open with people, and speaks directly. It can easily manage to get acquainted with people, and immediately begins to lead them in its own. In addition, he loves once again to play gambling, and spends money by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe case. And although he is 35 years old, he behaves like an inexperienced young life.

He is not engaged in raising children at all and is not interested in how their day passed. The rapidity of his children was engaged in a nurse. Houses Nozdrev does not sit at all. It can be seen constantly at fairs, congresses and balas. As we know, the landowner was a player, however, during the game on the map he was often fraud, and therefore he was often beat for it. But Nozdrev was not offended, at no one, and after a while he could talk in a friendly with those people who insulted him and cosham.

However, the author displays that this character loves to lay down, and at all opportunities can arrange a quarrel near, but it does without anger. When Chichikov offered him to sell dead peasants, Nozdrev does not directly call him a fraudster, and, of course, he was right. He was not interested to sell dead and therefore refuses. The landowner offers him and stallion, thoroughbred dogs, scarmer. It has been the thing before the nostrils do not give the Horse of Chichikova oats.

In the morning, the landowner did not leave his adventurous quiet and forced Chichikov to play checkers with him on the dead, as a result of which a quarrel arose between them. True, Chichikov managed to escape from the beatings thanks to the Captain-Corps, who came with a visit. And of course Pavel Ivanovich made a huge mistake that he confessed to Nosdreva. After all, this particular landowner contributed to the spread of woven to Chichikov.

Overall on the topic of the Nostrove

Nozdrov it secondary character The poems of Nikolai Gogol "Dead Souls", released in a thousand eight hundred and forty-first. One of the contemporaries of the writer expressed an interesting idea that discussing the poem, it is possible to talk in a literally about all Russia, since it is addressed almost every layer of the population, its morals, actions and values.

So, Nozdrov. One of the landowners with whom Chicchiki had the case to get acquainted and visiting. Gogol immediately notes that this man seems to be a good friend, cheerful, progress, capable of easy people to have people, but absolutely unreliable. Moreover, this unworthy extended with him to thirty-five years. Starting from eighteen, the young man began to kut, walk and did not think about serious affairs. Such people are sometimes called idle, careless, because the threshold of thirty years old, having survived his wife and having two children a man in the hands of two children continues to behave as if he is a free young man busy fairs. He did not want their children and quickly passed them on the hands of Nyan.

Nozdrov had a passion for gambling. But from other players, it was distinguished far from fair game, Special shoe techniques, as a result, did not bring to the game, but to the Boy. The man could beat the boots, upgrade a few clocks of pretty thick and beautiful babenbards. It is worth noting that the nostril had good health, his black hair was always glistened, and full cheeks were shone by a blush. This allowed Benbardam to grow with a new force.

Constantly happily in various stories. For Nozdrov, you can say it was the meaning of life. He periodically came across the gendarme, drove to a piggy squeal, brazen himself and rosychyril. Many have heard all sorts of unprecedented, lie.

Nozdrov is definitely of those people who have hypocritical nature. This manifests itself in the fact that such a person in an instant with one can be pleasant to communicate on the sublime themes, and after a while take and push him. Pogging very brutally, unpleasant. To come together with the nozzles on the basis of "Friendship" meant in the future to get trouble on my head. Whether it was absurd rumors about themselves, an unsuccessful wedding and auction. But at the same time, after some time, he again proclaimed himself a replicious friend to whom he was inserted by sticks in the wheels.

This landowner was rich and owned the whole village. Only in managing his estate he did not succeed at all. Partly this is all from the fact that engaged in the waking up of his condition, nozzles completely forgot that he also has peasants and a courtyard and estate in the end, followed by. To the arrival of Chichikov he had nothing ready. In addition to the estate, Nozdreva had a stable with empty stalls, a wolk on a tanning, a pond and a dog wrap.

Nozzles man unreliable, he should not rely on him important issues. It is rather changed by nature, and much depends on its current mood. Suitable this man Only as a nice acquaintance for the evening.

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Characteristic of the hero

Many writers of the first half of the 19th century, a huge role in their work took the topic of Russia. As none other, they saw the gravity of the position of fortress peasants and the ruthless tyranny of officials and landowners. Moral values \u200b\u200bare departed into the background, and the first is the money and position in society. The serfdom is based on the state system of Russia. People do not seek for the better, not interested in sciences and art, do not try to leave later spiritual Heritage . Their goal is wealth. In his desire for profit, a person does not stop before: will steal, deceive, sell. All this can not not worry people of thinking, which is not indifferent to the fate of Russia. And, of course, NVG could not leave it without attention. The meaning of the name "m-souls" is very symbolic. G does not regret the paints, showing the reader spiritual poverty, threatening Ros-Sii. We can only laugh at that unable to fix. The whole gallery of the landowners pro-goes in front of the reader as the plot of "m-souls" is promoted, the direction of this movement is very significant. Starting the image of the landowners from the empty idle dreamer and fantasist Manilov, the city completes this portrait gallery "the terrible band on the human shoe" - Plushkin. Somewhere in the middle not between them is the nostrils. There is something in it from the insane fantasies of Manilov and something from the greed of Plushkin. For the first time we meet with N in the city of Nn and we will not know anything special about it, except that he is a card shoeler. But on the way to the estate of the companion of the roads of the N-BA and the C-Wa, they intersect once again. And then g did not regret the paints to describe the habits and the character of this messenger. In my opinion, n is one of the most ridiculous characters of the poem. Everything is ridiculous: Everything is ridiculous: the funny manner will brag, obvious nonsense, which he sometimes bears without thinking about the consequences, and much more. R calls him a broken guy, and it is. H lives today and does not think about tomorrow: winning the card, he exchanged all his winnings on all sorts of unnecessary things, which the next day he played another, more successful player. The author says that this happened due to some kind of "restless youths and a cattleness of character." The same aobility was forced to make other rapid acts, such as its excessive boasting. All that is in H, the best, the most thoroughbred dogs, the most expensive horses, however, in fact, often boasting does not even have a real basis. His possessions end in someone else's forest, but it does not prevent him from calling him. This landowner constantly falls into all sorts of stories: it will be deployed from the noble assembly, he will participate in the "applying a landowner Maximov's personal offense by rugs in a drunken form." There is another feature of N, which deserves special attention: he loved to shit familiar people, and the closer he was familiar with the man, the stronger he sues the landowner. He frustrated weddings, trade transactions, never considered his leprosy with something offensive, and was often surprised, having learned about the offense of any friend. Despite the fact that in the work there is a complete share of humor, "M D" can be called "laugh through tears." What awaits Russia: full loss of spirituality or complete inability to serious actions? This question is tormented by the author. People changed little, so "M D" is a warning for us.

Nozdrev - Molded 35-year-old "Govorun, Kutila, Likhach"; The third landowner, with whom Chichiki is underdeveloped bargaining about dead souls.

Acquaintance occurs in the 1st chapter, at dinner at the prosecutor; It is renewed by chance - in the restaurant (ch. 4). Chichikov is heading from the box to the Schemevich. Nozdrev, in turn, together with the "son-in-law" returns from the fair, where it was propyl and lost everything, right up to the crew. N. Immediately lures Chichikov to his estate, in passing the owner of the Society "Limitomor", and the Hero of Roman himself (not too accurately agreed to follow N.) - Ombolock Ivanovich. Having delivered guests, it immediately leads to the economy. He starts with a stable, continues to be fed with a wolken meat, and a pond, where (according to N. stories, invariably fantastic) pikes are found, each of which can be pulled out only two fishermen. After Psarni, where N. among dogs looks "absolutely as a father's father", guests are sent to the field; Here Rusakov, of course, catch their hands.

N. Not too concerned about dinner (per table is sitting only at 5 o'clock), since the food is far from the main thing in his violent life. But drinks in N. in abundance, and not content with their "natural" quality, the owner invents incredible "compositions" (Burgunion and Champagnon together; Ryabinovka "with a taste of cream", which gives, however, Sievum). At the same time, N. Himself gently; Noticing this, chikchiki slowly pours their glasses. However, the owner "sparing" himself is to Chikchiku in a bathrobe, under which there is nothing but an open chest, which brought a "some kind of beard", and with a tube in the teeth - and, as it should be the existent hero, assures that he has in his mouth "Squadron spent the night." There is a hangover or not it is not important at all; It is only important that the decent walking should suffer from a caster.

The motive of the "false hangover" is important to the author in another respect. On the eve in the evening, during a bargaining, N. Doried to death with Chikchikov: he refused to play with a bright "seller" on the dead souls in the card; I refused to buy the stallion "Arab Blood" and get the souls "in addition". But like the evening slope N. It is impossible to write off on the pairs of alcohol, and the morning peacefulness can not be explained by the oblivion of all that was done in a drunken ugar. N.'s behavior motivated by one and only spiritual quality: unstability bordering with uncondition.

N. Nothing thinks, does not plan, does not "mean"; He just does not know anything. Imprichly agreed to play with him on the souls in the checkers (since the checkers are not closed), Chichikov almost becomes a victim of the nosdrevsky-go rampant. The souls put "on the con" are estimated at 100 rubles; N. Shifts the sleeve with a crust at once three checkers and thus carries out one of them in the ladies - without leaving chikchiki of a different exit, how to mix the figures. The disgrace seems imminent. Mighty porphyry and parsley grab the hero; N. in Azart shouts: "Bates him!" Chichikova saves only the phenomenon of the Terrible Captain-Corps with huge mustache, paroding and Deus Ex Machina ("God from the car") ancient Greek tragedy, and at the same time the final of the "auditor".

The retreated Chichikov hopes that the first meeting with N. will be the last; However, they have two more meetings, one of which (ch. 8, the scene of the Gubernsky Bala) will almost destroy the buyer of the "dead souls". Suddenly encountered with Chichikov, N. Shouts into all: "A, Kherson landowner, Kherson landowner!<...> He is traded dead souls! " - What causes the wave of incredible rumors. When officials of the city of NN, finally confusing in the "versions", call on N., he confirms all rumors at once, not embarrassed by their contradictions (ch. 9). Chichikov bought dead souls for several thousand; He is a spy, a fake; going to take away the governor's daughter; Ven in 75 rubles was supposed to be pop sidor from the village of Trukhmachevka; Chichikov - Napoleon; Cums N. Complete Okolzitz. And then itself (in the 10th chapter) reports the Kherson landowner about these rumors, making a visit without an invitation. Again, forgotten about the disadvantage, N. offers chikchikov assistance in "UHZE" of the governor's daughter, and in just three thousand.

As all the other heroes of the poem, N. seems to "transfers" the outlines of his soul to the outlines of their life. His houses all stupid. In the middle of the dining room there are wooden goats; There are no books and papers in the office; On the wall hanging "Turkish" daggers (on one chicker sees the inscription: Master Saveli Sibiryakov); Favorite Sharmannka N., which he calls the authority, starting to play the motive "Mulbrug went to the campaign", completes the acquaintance of Waltz, and one bobbin twin cannot calm down for a long time.

Surname N. connects it with comic characters of Russian "nosologic" literature, whose humorous flavor was provided by endless jokes over the noses of heroes. Clothes (striped arcoholuk), appearance (blood with milk; thick black hair, bundles), gestures (discharges the card), manners (immediately goes to "you", climbs to kiss everyone, naming or "dulls", or "fetkzhi") , continuous lies, slope, excitement, infamous, willingness to nail to the best friend Without any goal, all this creates a recognizable literary and theatrical image of the rain-end clutch from the very beginning. N. Recaranteedly associated with the water-wing type of Buyanov, with Khlestakov from the "Auditor". But unlike the "complex" husking, which in its inspirational lies is silent by the wretchedness of its own existence, N. nothing "believes." He is simply lying and shit "from the weakness and breastness of character." It is characterized by an episode in which N. shows his possessions to chikchiku and intersaev - and, by applying them to the "border" (a wooden column and narrow ditch), suddenly unexpected for himself begins to assure: "... all that you see this way All this is mine, and even on the other side, the whole forest, which is shine, and all that is behind the forest, all mine. This "prosperity" calls in memory to the unrestrained fantastic lie of the horstykova. But if N. that overcomes, it is not the wrong, not its social damage, but only spatial closeness of the surrounding life; his truly limitless lie is overseas Russian remove, which N. is endowed in excess. And, unlike the "North-German" characters, from Buyanov, from Pirogov, from the Blackwhat and the like empty heroes, N. not to the end is empty. His brown energy that is not due to proper use (N. can weeks to launch solitaire for weeks, forgetting everything in the world), nevertheless gives it the way strength, bright personality, puts in a kind of hierarchy of negative types, derived by Gogol, for a relatively high place - " Third bottom. "

Essentially if to N. Chichikov (and reader) meet with hopeless, mentally dead charactersWithout and there can be no place in the coming, transformed Russia (the image of which was to create in the 3rd volume of the poem), then from N. Begins a series of heroes, which retained something alive in themselves. At least alive, with all his stupidity, character and living, rude-duty, but expressive speech (Countess, the knobs of which is the most subtitle superflu, the dogs with the "Fortress of black meats" and others). That is why N. is endowed with a certain conditional similarity of the biography (while manilov biography is completely deprived, and the boxes have only a hint of a biographical history). Let this "biography" and parody-monotony: "robbery" adherents " historical personality" That is, personality ever falling into all sorts of stories. That is why, having arisen on the pages of the novel back in the 1st chapter, it is not just actively operating in two chapters, the 4th and Br, but participates in chapters from the 8th to the 10th. Its image as if it does not fit in the closed boundaries of a separate episode; Relations N. with the romance space are built on the same type as its relationship with space as such - "All this is mine, and even on the other side<...> all is mine". It is not by chance that the author drives Chichikov with N. In the restaurant - that is, on the return path to the Lost Kucher Selifan side road, symbolizing the path to the future.

In the first half of the XIX century, many writers assigned a huge role in their work the topic of Russia. At that time, the ruthless tyranny landowners and officials reigned, and the life of the peasants was unbearably severe. The life of fortress Russia was reflected in many works. One of them became a novel-poem who wrote N. V. Gogol, "Dead Souls". The image of Nozdrev, as well as Chichikov, Manilov and other heroes, is very born and outlines attitude to the reality of all representatives of the aristocracy of that time. The author in his work tried to convey to readers reigning at the time immorality in all its manifestations.

Common mood of Russia early XIX century

The domestic state system of that time developed emphasis on serfdom. Important moral values They were moved to the background, and the priority was considered the situation in society and money. People did not strive for the better, they were not interested in any science, nor art. They did not try to leave the descendants absolutely no cultural heritage. In achieving its goal - wealth - a person does not stop before. He will deceive, steal, betray, sell. The current situation could not not worry people of thinking, those who were far from distressing was the fate of the Fatherland.

Representatives of the aristocracy in the work

The name "Dead Souls" was chosen by the author not by chance. It is very symbolic and perfectly reflects the mood of serfs of Russia. The author did not regret the paints, by portraying a whole gallery of persons, showing a spiritual decline, a threatening Fatherland. At the beginning of the story, the reader appears Manilan - a celebratory dreamer, a van. A series of portrait of a plush way is completed. This representative of the nobility appeared as "riding in humanity." In the work of the "Dead Souls", the image of the nostril appears in about the middle. In it you can see something from Plushina, something from Manilov.

Characteristics of the image of Nozdrev

For the first time in the work, he appears in the city of NN. The reader does not know anything special about him except that he was a card shoeler. All his being was somehow ridiculous: he rides, says nonsense, without thinking about the consequences of his statements. The author himself, depicting the image of Nozdrev, speaks about him as a "broken guy." Actually, this is true, and all the actions of the hero emphasize it. Nozdrev got used to a little thinking about the future. So, for example, winning the card he exchanged on absolutely unnecessary items and things that he played on the next day to other, more successful players. All this, according to Gogol himself, was due to some kind of weakness, the cattleness and restlessness of the character of the hero. This "energy" forced the nostride to perform other actions, most of the rapid and spontaneous.

Vices of the hero

Everything that is available at Nozdrev is purebred dogs, horses, - all the best. But the hero's boasting does not have often foundations. Despite the fact that his possessions border it with a stranger forest, he speaks about him as his own. Illustrating the image of the Nozdrev landowner, it is impossible not to mention all in which it turned out. It is removed from the noble assembly, he takes part in a fight. One of distinctive features The character is his tendency to make the dirtiness to people. And the more he climbed with a man, the stronger the desire to pump. So, Nozdrev upsets weddings and trade transactions. However, he himself perceived his actions as leprosy, not counting them offensive. Moreover, the nostrils were even sincerely surprised if he heard that some of the acquaintances were offended by him.

The main features of the hero

Opening the image of Nozdrev, the author depicts vulgarity in a certain falsehood. Its origins can be traced in the comedies of Aristophane and Float. However, a lot in the character and the original Russian, national. The main nostrils are boasting, arrogance, a tendency to debrief, unpredictability, energy. As the author himself notes, people of such a warehouse, as a rule, "Lihachi, Kutilov, Govoruna," and in their faces you can always see something direct, remote, open. Among other things, they love to walk and are avid players. They are distinguished by sociability combined with unceremoniousness. Sometimes it seems that friendship with them can last for a very long time, but with "new acquaintances" such people can fight the feast at the same evening.

Contrast internal and external in the character

Description of the image of the nostroid in the work is quite clear. Depicting the hero, the author does not regret artistic means. Expressive character portrait. Externally, this is a middle-height person, it is difficult to thumb, with ruddy, full cheeks, snow-white teeth and resin bench. It was a fresh, healthy well done who had physical strength. In the episode of the poem, the reader can trace the tradition of Russian hero. However, the image of Nozdrev is a comic reflection of epic motives. The contrast of its internal and external features is very noticeable. The lifestyle of the nostroid is the direct opposite of action epic warders. Everything that the character of the poem does not make sense, and his "feats" do not apply further to fights at the fair or card chairs. The image of Nozdreva comically reflects the motive of the "broad soul", "removed raglen" - invalid Russian traits. The entire appearance of the character is only the visibility of the national "latitude" in good sense. The hero not only cannot claim "spiritual latitude", but also shows absolutely opposite qualities. Nozdrev - drunkard, fuck and liar. At the same time, he is a cowardly and completely insignificant.

Character farm

Depicting a landscape present in the episode of visiting Nozredeva Chichikov, the author indicates the carelessness of the owner. The farm consisted in a very frustrated form and was completely declining. This, again, speaks of the lack of orderliness and purification of the lifestyle of the Nozder. In his stable stall were empty, the house was launched, a mess reigned in it. The only place contained in the appropriate form was Crash. On her, the landowner felt like the "Father of the Family". According to a number of critics, the hero himself is somewhat like a dog: it can simultaneously go and shake. The characteristics of the nature of the nostril are also reflected in the interior of the house. There are no paper or books in his office. However, the walls are hung with sabers, rifles, Turkish daggers and various tubes. Symbolized in this interior of the shaman. In this subject there is one twin, which did not want to calm down. This item was a certain character character symbol. It shows irrepressible energy, the restlessness and the bogidity of the hero.

Behavior Nozdrev

The energy of the hero pushes it to various exploits. So, for example, having a tendency to exchange, everything that he has, at the moment changes for something else. The hero-emerged by the hero immediately spends at the fair, buying all sorts of completely smoking candles, clamps, pistols, pots, tobacco, raisins, and so on. But all purchased things are rare to the house, because on the same day he can lose everything. Despite the fragileness of his life in general, the nostrils exhibits an amazing sequence for him when making a transaction with chikchikov. The landowner tries to sell everything that can: dogs, stallion, scarmer. After the nostrils climbs the game in checkers, sharing Britons. But Chichikov notices the rods and refuses the game. People and manners of Nozdrev. Its speech is always emotional, diverse in composition, he says loudly, whisening often. But the image of Nozdreva is statical in terms of what he appears to the reader already fully formed. The prehistory of the hero is closed, and in the course of the narratives with the character there are no internal changes.


Gogol, depicting Nozdrev, created a flavor and easily recognizable. Hero - Typical Bouncen, Likhach, Boltun, Knife, Deboshir, Kutil. He does not mind drinking and loves to play. However, despite all the "typiciousness", some details and individual trifles attach individuality character. All narration is permeated with a fair fraction of humor. However, the work depicts heroes, their characters, manners, actions and behavior, reporting a rather serious problem of that time - loss of morality, spirituality. Roman-poem Gogol is "laughter through tears." The author created a work, tormented by the question of whether people do not catch up and will not start changing.

  • Nostrils Character Poem N. V. Gogol
    The image of N. represents the type of broken small, the ridiculous, because N. Whether it falls into history: either it is removed from the gendarm hall, or pushed their own buddies, or he gets drunk in a buffet. N. Also Herk to the female, he does not mind to use about the strawberry (it is frequent of provincial theaters and fan actresses, his children raises a cute nurse). Main passion N. Madrid Middle: N. Dissection of Nesbylitsy, frustrated the wedding, but still he read himself a friend of someone who rushed. The passion of N. Universal, does not depend on the rank, nor by weight in society. According to Gogol, like N., shits a man with a noble appearance, with a star on his chest (and nagituat as a simple college registrar). Surname N. Nos Metonimia (absurd double compartment is happening: nostrils from the nose, nose from the body). Portrait of N. Also built on the female metonimia and is consistent with his metonimic name: he returned home sometimes with one only Bennbard, and that is rather liquid. But healthy and full cheeks were so well created and contained so much plant forces that Bengnembards soon grew again, even better than the previous one. Things around N. are identical to his boastful and gambling. On the one hand, they illustrate the chaoticness of N., on the other hand, his giant claims and passion for exaggerations. In the house of N. Everything is glad to paint: the men whiten the walls. N. shows Chikchiku and Mijuev stable, where the stands are mostly empty; The pond, where before, according to N., there was a fish of such a magnitude that two people hardly pulled out a piece; Crane with gustops and purebnovy, who were astonished by the strength of black meats; The field, where N. caught a hare of Rusak for the hind legs. N. Cabinet reflects his warrior spirit: instead of books on the walls, sabers, rifles, Turkish daggers hang, on one of which, by mistake, was cut out: Master Savelius Sibiryakov (Gogol's alogyrism emphasizes the absurdity of Vranga N.). Even fleas in the house N., all night buskened Chichikov, like N., Fixed insects. Energetic, the active spirit of N., as opposed to the feast of Manilov, nevertheless devoid of internal content, absurd and ultimately dead. N. Changes anything: rifles, dogs, horses, scarmer not for the sake of benefits, but for the process itself. Four days, without leaving the house, N. picks up a ruined deck on which it would be necessary to hope for true friend. N. Schuler, he sweeps Chichikova Mader and Ryabinovka with the smell of Syuchi to beat in the card. Playing with chikchikov in checkers, N. Tells the walker of the robe sleeves to promote checkers in the ladies. If Manilaov takes care of delicate details, the Sobehevich about the whole, then N. neglects the other. Food in N. expresses his reckless spirit: something burned something, something did not cook at all. It can be seen that the cook was guided by a more inspiration and put the first thing that came across LT arm; ... gt; Pepper cabbage, pickel milk, ham, peas Word, Katay-Valya, would be hot, and some kind of taste, right, will come out. N. impulsive and angry. In a drunken form, N. Schets the Rogging of the Maksimov landowner, it is going to beat Chichikov with the help of a dozen servant. N. Can simultaneously praise and scold, not embarrassed in expressions: I put my head that you are lying! , because you are a big fraudster lt; ... gt; If I were your boss, I would hang you on the first tree (about Chikchiki); It is just a fluidore (about the Sobevich). N. The initiator of the scandal around the dead souls, he was the first to give the secret Chichikov on the Bale from the governor, after which he sat down in the middle of the Cotillon and began to be enough for the floors of dancing. N. In a conversation with officials confirmed, as if chikhiki was a spy, even in school was a fiscal that he prints fake banking and what the guard was put on the night for the night, but the chischiki for one night all the offignments changed the real, that he, N., helped chikchiku kidnap the governor's daughter, etc.