Draw a wolf from a kolobok. Fairy tale kolobok russian folk text with pictures

Draw a wolf from a kolobok.  Fairy tale kolobok russian folk text with pictures
Draw a wolf from a kolobok. Fairy tale kolobok russian folk text with pictures

Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman.
So the old man says to the old woman:
- Come on, old woman, scratch the box, mark the bottom, if you can scrape flour onto a bun.

The old woman took the wing, scraped it along the box, swept it along the bottom of the barrel, and scraped up two handfuls of flour.
I kneaded the flour with sour cream, concocted a bun, fried it in butter and put it on the window to chill.

The gingerbread man lay down, lay down, took it and rolled - from the window to the bench, from the bench to the floor, on the floor to the door, jumped over the threshold - and into the passage, from the entrance to the porch, from the porch to the courtyard, from the courtyard to the gate, further and farther.

A bun rolls along the road, a hare meets him:
- Don't eat me, hare, I'll sing you a song:
I'm a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man
I'm scraped along the box,
Swept along the bottom,
On sour cream meshon
Yes, yarn in oil,
There is a chill on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother,
I'll leave you, hare, even more!

And he rolled along the road - only the hare saw him!
A bun is rolling, a wolf meets him:
- Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, I'll eat you!
- Do not eat me, grey Wolf, I'll sing you a song:
I'm a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man
I'm scraped along the box,
Swept along the bottom,
On sour cream meshon
Yes, yarn in oil,
There is a chill on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother,
I left the hare
From you, wolf, I’ll even leave!

And he rolled along the road - only the wolf saw him!
A bun is rolling, a bear meets him:
- Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, I'll eat you!
- Where are you, clubfoot, eat me!
I'm a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man
I'm scraped along the box,
Swept along the bottom,
On sour cream meshon
Yes, yarn in oil,
There is a chill on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother,
I left the hare
I left the wolf
From you, bear, I'll leave even more!

And again he rolled - only the bear saw him!
A bun is rolling, a fox meets him:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, where are you rolling?
- I roll along the path.
- Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, sing me a song!
The gingerbread man began to sing:
I'm a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man
I'm scraped along the box,
Swept along the bottom,
On sour cream meshon
Yes, yarn in oil,
There is a chill on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother,
I left the hare
I left the wolf
I left the bear
It's easy to leave you, foxes!

And the fox says:
- Ah, the song is good, but I can hear badly. Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, sit on my toe and sing one more time, louder.
The gingerbread man jumped on the fox's nose and sang the same song louder.
And the fox again to him:
- Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, sit on my tongue and sing for the last time.
The gingerbread man jumped on the tongue of the fox, and his fox - din! - and ate it.

The fairy tale is over, who listened to that fellow.

“I left my grandmother and left my grandfather” - all of us in childhood must have heard these lines. And rejoiced at how cleverly main character dodges everyone who meets him on the way. Except for the fox, of course. The tale about Kolobok is one of the "reference" works of the Russian folk art... And if you want to plunge into the atmosphere of children's fairy tales again, combining it with fine arts, you can learn how to draw a kolobok.

Yellow cheerful bun - draw a prankster

If you loved Russian folk tales as a child or read them at night to your children, then you will probably want to know how to draw a fairy tale kolobok. In addition, it will be a great decoration for a child's room.

The first step is to draw a circle. This is a general form, which will then take shape in fairytale character... Do not be afraid if the figure turns out to be not very correct - we are in a fairy tale.

Then we will depict the "muzzle". Nice eyebrows "house", smiling eyes, a button nose and an open smiling mouth.

Now let's add colors: make the character itself yellow-orange, eyes blue. Also add a red blush to the cheeks.

Now everything is ready - the drawing is completely complete.

Sat on a tree stump, ate a pie - we draw a fairy-tale character

If your favorite hero of fairy tales in childhood was a bun, then you probably want to remember him in adulthood. Or, for example, tell your kids about him. And also The best way tell about who the bun is - draw with a pencil.

First, we will depict a cheerful face with laughing eyes, a smiling mouth and raised eyebrows. And where without a round nose?

Then we will draw the general shape of our hero (of course, it will be a circle), as well as the objects surrounding him: grass, two mushrooms, a flower similar to a chamomile.

Apparently, the hero is tired - that's why he rolled onto a tree stump. Well, let's draw him a low, wide, many-ringed stump.

Finally, the most interesting thing. We need to give our picture colors, right? Pick up paints, crayons or felt-tip pens - they will come in handy. The gingerbread man will be warm yellow, the stump will be brown, the grass will be rich green. But with mushrooms, everything will be even more interesting. Let's make them red with white dots. Yes, you are not mistaken, these are fly agarics.

Surprised gingerbread man - draw with the kids

Gingerbread man is a very unusual character. Indeed, how can the dough come to life be ordinary? And if your son or daughter is seriously interested in this fairy tale, then you can combine business with pleasure and learn how to draw a kolobok. After all, this will not only provide an opportunity to have a great time, but also help your baby to develop their talents, creative thinking and many many others.

Let's start with the simplest - general form... In the case of a kolobok, there will be only one auxiliary figure - a circle. Immediately draw the axis of symmetry. It will be slightly curved, located closer to the left edge - this is how we indicate that the character is turned half-round towards us.

Then we will draw his facial features. Since this is a fairy tale, then the features will be exaggerated, cartoon: big eyes in the shape of a semi-oval, a horseshoe nose, a large smiling mouth.

Let's add some colors. For this purpose, pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, watercolor or gouache. The gingerbread man will be yellow and blue-eyed. Also add some details: blush on the cheeks, eyelashes and a clearing of lush green grass below.

Now we have completely completed our picture. Do not forget to praise your son or daughter, because your child is a real artist.

Gingerbread man with a bouquet of flowers - a new approach to an old children's fairy tale

Few people in childhood did not read the fairy tale about the kolobok. But we will approach the image of this mischievous, restless character from a new angle. And if you want to join (and also develop your artistic skills), then let's figure out together how to draw a picture "Kolobok".

The first step is to depict general outline- circle. And from the very first stage, unusual details will begin. Namely - the disheveled hairstyle of our character.

Then we will draw a neat nose, big eyes and a wide smile. And also - gentle spring Flower in hand. Although, it would seem, where did this character get his hands from?

In the next step, add the second hand, a tree stump and a clump of fresh grass. The stump will be very low so that our hero can climb it.

Now is the time to start with paints, crayons, wax crayons, markers or felt-tip pens - after all, we have to color the picture. As in the previous cases, the bun will be yellow, the grass will be green, and the stump will be light brown.

Natalia Semenova

Target: Teach children to draw a plot fairy tales.


1. Transfer characteristics characters, while maintaining a proportional relationship.

2. Develop memory, fantasy, imagination.

3. To cultivate love for Russian folk fairy tales.

Equipment: sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, illustrations for fairy tale« Gingerbread man» , cards with heroes fairy tales, puzzles « Gingerbread man» .

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello my dears! Today it is cloudy and damp on the street, but in our the group is light and fun! And it's fun from our bright smiles, because every smile is a little sun, from which it becomes warm and good. Therefore, I suggest that you smile at each other more often and give those around you a good mood!

2. Receiving a mysterious envelope. Country Invitation Fairy tales.

I'm starting my fairy tale,

I'm in Magic world I open the door.

The time of good fairies and sorceresses,

Stars and fabulous travel,

Time to keep the way with the wind together.

Good deeds by the thread of wanderings

Fabulous friends will lead to the goal.

Here you know it was difficult.

Find the emerald city.

You will see the world, this wonderful one.

You and I are standing at the door

A candle light twists in the wind.

These sounds are already close,

The clock is already striking the road,

Together we are with you on the doorstep. (A. Morsin)

Guys, do you love fairy tales?

A lot you know fairy tales?

We'll check it out now!

3. Fairy riddles

1. The girl is kind in lived a fairy tale,

I went to visit my grandmother in the woods.

Mom sewed a beautiful hat

And I didn't forget to give the pies with me.

What a sweet girl.

What is her name? ... (Little Red Riding Hood)

2. For each other in a chain

They all gripped so firmly!

But the assistants will soon come running,

Friendly common work will win against the stubborn.

How firmly! Who is this? ... (Turnip)

3. I am a wooden boy,

Here is the golden key!

Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -

They are all friends with me.

I stick my nose everywhere,

My name … (Pinocchio)

4. And washed on my stepmother

And sorted the peas

At night by candlelight

I slept by the stove.

As good as the sun.

Who is this? ... (Cinderella)

5. Three of them live in a hut,

It has three chairs and three mugs,

Three cots, three pillows.

Guess without hints

Who are the heroes of this fairy tales? (Three Bears)

6. In a dark forest at the edge,

All lived together in a hut.

Children were waiting for mom,

The wolf was not allowed into the house.

This a fairy tale for children ...(The wolf and the seven Young goats)

7. Mixed with sour cream

The window is cold.

He has a rosy side

Who is this? (Gingerbread man)

In the course of guessing by children fairy tales, showing the book with the given a fairy tale.

All the books have such colorful illustrations, but this one has blank pages. What can we do to make this book colorful and interesting? (Draw illustrations for fairy tale.)

3. Game "Who is behind whom?"

Now, I will lay out the character cards in front of you. fairy tales« Gingerbread man» ... You will need to determine the path to follow Kolobok along the forest path and tell a fairy tale« Gingerbread man» .

4. Collect puzzles « Gingerbread man»

5. Fabulous charging

Fidget - Gingerbread man

I rolled into the woods.

Is it possible to hold

Those who want to run away? (imitation of rotating hands Kolobok)

Grandmother looks out the window,

Grandpa looks from the porch: (words are accompanied by a show)

Have you seen the tomboy? (No)

The gingerbread man does not get tired,

Rolling forward quickly. (hand rotation)

I saw a forest ahead

Where the trees are up to heaven. (stand on tiptoe, reach out)

On the left, a mouse ran,

On the right, a frog croaked.

Magpies crackle incessantly,

Sitting on an old tree. (all words are accompanied by a show)

Looking for a long time at the clear sky,

Tired of a ball of bread.

He has come a long way

And I was going to rest. (sit down)

6. Finger game "Favorite fairy tales»

(Children alternately bend their fingers.

The last line is slammed into

We will call fairy tales

Mitten, Teremok,

Gingerbread man

ruddy side.

There is a Snow Maiden

Three bears, Wolf

Let's not forget Sivka

Our prophetic cow.

bird we know the tale,

We do not forget the turnip

We know the Wolf and the kids.

7. Practical part

Today we are with you let's draw a plot from a fairy tale« Gingerbread man» ... The moment the fox holds kolobok on the nose, and he sings his own song.

Our fox will be orange. To do this, we mix yellow and red paints on a palette.

Just above the middle of the sheet draw a circle.

Pull out the triangular nose, starting from the bottom of the muzzle.

Draw a sundress, it is triangular in shape. From the head we extend the lines down to the sides, connect with a wavy line, paint over.

Now draw fluffy long wriggling tail, front and hind legs.

While our chanterelle dries up let's draw a kolobok... He yellow color and sits on the nose of the fox.

We animate our characters with white paint. Draw with black gouache eyes, we decorate a sundress and a fox fur coat using patterns.

How to draw a bun eyes, nose and mouth.

So our plot is ready from fairy tales« Gingerbread man» .

8. The result of the lesson. Analysis of works.

Well done! See what interesting illustrations you did it!

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Hello everyone! Today's lesson will be about drawing famous hero Russians folk tales- Kolobok!

In general, of course, we will avoid giving precise definitions and characteristics, as in our lessons about real-life objects - grapes or mushrooms, otherwise it turns out that today we are drawing a bakery product that has a mind.

This cute has, by the way, his relatives in folklore. Western countries, take at least the American Gingerbread Man (I think many have watched the cartoon about Shrek, the Gingerbread Man is just there). But we will draw exactly the traditional Russian Kolobok, who left his grandmother and from - let's get down to it!

Step 1

So, first let's draw a slightly flattened circle. Feel the déjà vu? This is not at all, it is just from the same step that we began to draw and.

Step 2

Let's mark the ball. Let's draw a vertical line of facial symmetry and a horizontal line of the eyes. Pay attention - the vertical line is curved and shifted to the left of us (this is necessary to convey a small turn of our hero to the side), but the horizontal line is even and divides Kolobok exactly in half.

Step 3

In this step, we will again use only rounded lines. It is with such lines that we outline the silhouettes of the eyes, cheeks and nose - recall that the eyes are drawn according to the outlined in the previous step horizontal line and are above it, and the nose, respectively, below.

Step 4

Now we will outline the facial features outlined in the last step and draw a perky smiling mouth. By the way, about rounded lines - they are often used in drawing facial features. overweight people when it comes to cartoon style. Strictly speaking, in such a situation, they should generally make up the whole drawing, especially if the character we are drawing has a kind character or if we need to convey the cheerful smile of some fabulous fat man.

Step 5

Erase the extra guide lines from the previous steps - you will get an almost finished drawn Gingerbread Man.

Step 6

The final stage, which we will start by drawing the pupils. Pay attention to their position - it should transfer the gaze in our direction, despite the fact that the Kolobok itself is deployed. Then, with strokes, draw the eyelashes and a couple of wrinkles that are present in order to convey the smiling facial expression. After that draw in the eyebrows (they look like commas) and lightly draw the mouth.

This was the lesson in which we told you about how to draw a Kolobok from a fairytale. I hope every artist has succeeded - but if suddenly your result differs from what you would like to see, trace the step in which you made a mistake and correct it. It will not be difficult to do, because our lesson came out quite simple - we didn’t even draw a stickman.

The lesson was prepared for you by the members of the Drawingforall team, see you soon and be healthy!


Fine art lesson grade 6

"Illustration of a fairy tale".

Prepared by the art teacher Denisova I.A.



Fairy tale will not keep up

Let's remember the most famous fairy tales... Who are the heroes of these tales?

  • An illustration is a drawing or any image placed in a book.
  • This word comes from the Latin "illustratio" - lighting, visual image.

Fairy tale will not keep up.

The illustrations for these tales were done by the artist Evgeny Mikhailovich Rachev. EM Rachev is a magician, under whose brush the fairy tale comes to life. You look and look at these hares, foxes, bears, and you just can't get enough of it. The heroes of Rachev's drawings are "dressed" as people, in human clothes, so the artist wants to show what kind of fabulous plot and fabulous images hiding real life... Rachev's colored drawings are colorful and decorative. The artist worked with watercolors, which he laid with a thin transparent layer, gouache and charcoal.


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A fairy tale is a fold, a song is a reality.

All illustrations by Vasnetsov are distinguished by the brightness of their colors. Vasnetsov worked very hard, drawing his favorite fairy tales many times. He studied in our city (in Petrograd), in search of earnings, the young artist began to work in the department of children's and youth literature State publishing house, where he found himself in illustrating children's books.

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"Kolobok" eyes

other artists

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Artist V. A. Zhigarev

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Artists A. and N. Balzhak

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Sunrise Sunset




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Draw trees

By "wetting" the brush

Draw trees



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Draw a tree stump

Practical work

Let's consider how to draw a kolobok on a stump with a pencil step by step from a fairy tale Kolobok is a character of a Russian folk tale, round bread who ran away from his grandfather and woman. On the way, he met animals and sang a song, they did not touch him, but he does not know what a cunning fox and succumbed to her tricks and was eaten

First, draw an oval, this will be the top of the hemp. In perspective, we see it as an oval, and when viewed from above, it is a circle. Draw lines from the oval on the sides and on the stump itself the head of the kolobok, i.e. circle. So that there is an even circle, you can take something round ,

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