What is the name of girls from the new Viagra. As now they look and what are the former participants of the group "VIA Gra"

What is the name of girls from the new Viagra. As now they look and what the former participants of the group are engaged.
What is the name of girls from the new Viagra. As now they look and what are the former participants of the group "VIA Gra"

In 2018, the composition legendary group « VIA Gra"Once again updated. Konstantin Meladze invited Olga Megana Replace Misha Romanov, and soon instead of Anastasia Kozhevnika in the group began to sing Ulyana Setskaya.

In general, 18 years of existence The group involved 18 of a variety of soloist. Whose stay was limited to months, and someone spent in the group long years. "VIA Gra" has undergone a lot and in 2012 even closed for a while, but some miraculous project is still alive.

Our editorial office invites you to remember the solts, who made the story of one of the most successful female groups in the post-Soviet space.

Alena Vinnitskaya

One of the first soloists standing at the origins of the Group's creation was in a team of three years. Alena's singer's career worked on television, and after leaving " Via Gry"Beginning solo career. Vinnitsa replaced Brezhnev, but the fans assure that without Alena the group lost charm.

Nadezhda Granovskaya

At first, the producer of the group refused the idea of \u200b\u200bthe trio and limited to a duet. Parabe with Vinnitsa in Via Greece sang charming hope Granovskaya. In 2006, after the departure, the Granovsky group was hardly closed.

Tatyana Nyikin

Tatiana sang in Via Greece, since 2002, replacing the hope of Granovskaya, who went to the decret. She counted for long-term cooperation, but two brunettes in the same group did not fit in the head of the producer. Now Nijnik is married and raises his daughter.

Anna Sedokova

Many remember the group exclusively in the saddle. She was part of the Golden Trio, which also included Brezhnev and Granovskaya. It is saying that Anna did no less for the group than Konstantin Meladze. Left from the team in 2004 due to pregnancy.

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Sergey Stasyuk

The most frank and alert editor of the team, Praldorb man. Before publishing the article, the facts carefully checks the facts, and the accuracy of the information perceives for due. Real Expert in computer GamesWhere and draws knowledge of English. When it comes to technologies, Sergey will certainly state interesting material In an accessible form.

The group "VIA Gra" is a real pop phenomenon. Its composition is constantly changing (in 17 years in the team managed to light 16 girls), but this does not reduce popularity!

In the initial composition of "VIA GRA" there were only two girls: Blonde Alena and Brunette Nadia.

Alena Vinnitskaya was the first to leave the group. As a recognition of the singer itself, she turned the level of the maiden group and decided to do more serious music.

However, the skills to seduce men are not going anywhere. From time to time Alena pools his fans, publishing in instagram very spicy pictures.

Although now the hope does not associate anything with the "VIA GRAY", it is still a magnet attracts the views of men.

In April 2002, Nadezhda became pregnant and had to leave the team for a while. It was then that "VIA Gra" turned into a trio - a redhead Anna Sedokova appeared in the group.

Anna Sedokov is not found in the participant of the Golden Makeup of the Group, the pictures from its instagram confirmation.

I myself also replaced Tatyana Nyign for a while. Although in the group Tanya stayed only a few months, she managed to remember the fans due to the clip on the song "Stop! Stop! Stop!".

In instagram, Tatiana is dominated family photosAnd spicy pictures appear only in the form of rare exceptions.

In 2003, Vera Brezhnev came to change Alena Vinnitsa. Perhaps it was she who became the most famous of all participants of this team.

After 4 years, faith left the group and went with success solo Career. However, her name is still associated with "VIA Gray".

In 2004, Svetlana Loboda changed Svetlana. She failed to take root in the group and stayed there only 4 months.

But the Sollana's solo career turned out to be mega sucked, and now her songs sound on all radio stations.

Albin Dzhanabayeva became the next redhead. With her name, a huge period of the group's creativity is connected. Joke Lee, Albina stayed there for 9 years!

Fans of hot snapshots Instagram Albina will seem boring. Its modest image is absolutely not associated with what was in Via Gre.

When Nadezhda Granovskaya took away from the group for the second time, Christina Kots-Gotlib took her place. Newly not delayed in the team and left after 3 months ...

3 years after leaving the "VIA Gra", Christina took part in the "Miss Universe - 2009" contest and managed to win! From myself, let's say that completely deserved.

Olga Koriagin came to change Christine. She would also not long stayed and stayed in the team just a year.

Staying in the team did not pass for a gift for Christina - her instagram is very hot!

After Olga, the brunette place occupied Mela Bagaudinic.

Now Mesla is engaged in solo career and skillfully use social networks to attract attention.

Tatyana Kotana was not easy to replace the universal favorite faith Brezhnev, but it was worthily coped with the task assigned to her.

After the "VIA Gra" Tanya was engaged in a solo career for some time, and in November 2016 she became one of the participants of the Queens Trio.

Eva Bushmina became the fourth blonde (the real name of Yana Shvets).

After parting with the project, Konstantin Meladze took up a solo career. For some time she spoke under a friend to all the name Eva Bushmina, and then became the singer Layah.

The recent participant of the pre-reform composition "VIA GRA" was the burning brunette Santa Dimopoulos.

As it should be a woman-vamp Santa Dimopulos likes to drive men crazy!

At the end of 2013, the composition "VIA GRU" was completely updated. Eric Herceg, Anastasia Kozhevnikov and Misha Romanova became new idols of millions.

The place of the new redhead got Miche Romanova.

In his instagram, the girl corresponds to the image and regularly indulges the fans of hot shots.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova became a new brunette.

Of the entire composition of the updated "VIA Gra", Anastasia behaves more modest.

The role of blonde performs the winner of the show "I want V VIA GRU" Eric Herceg.

It is she who is most relaxed from the new composition of the group!

As it is not surprising, but the last composition The VIA-Gra groups lasted longer in the entire history of the female Band. The composition of Misha Romanova, Anastasia Kozhevnikova and Erica Hertz lasted together for more than five years. But recently there was information on the network that the group soloist decided to leave it.

Misha Romanova (real name Natalia Moglianets) still finally leaves the WIA-Gra a female pop group, but the producers have already managed to find her replacement.

New soloist Viagra instead of Misha: what happened

Misha Romanova made an official statement that it is really no longer a soloist of the VIA-Gra group, and she has already managed to find a replacement, nevertheless the team did not update the composition, and fans in confusion and crave to find out: who is New participant.

Back in 2014, the media said that the team had a conflict among girls, despite the fact that Misha Romanova quarreled with Nastya and Erica, that is, both participants were tuned negatively on the girl.

But despite all this producer of the group denied all these news, reporting media that girls are friends not only at work, but also in life, and no conflicts between them can be.

Apparently, it was really that there were only rumors, because for 5 years of joint work, there was not a general scandal among the participants of the pop group.

New soloist Viagra instead of Misha: Reason for Romanova

Fans of the female pop group were stamped by the news about the care of Romanov. Versions about Misha's leaving there are many, but the girl herself in his instagram said that she changed her priorities in life, and now for her in the first place is love, that's why she leaves the team.

"The most important vocation of a woman is love. And sometimes it needs a solid solution. For a while, the artist gave me a woman in me ... Therefore, I'm leaving from the group, but I leave the part of my soul in it," the girl wrote.

"It was years filled with beautiful music ingenious man, adorable producer Konstantin Meladze. Thank you, Kostya, for this chance, for faith and support, for beautiful songsthat warmed the hearts of many listeners! Erica and Nastya, we were a team, one, I will be very, very much to miss you! This page will forever remain in my memory, "she summed up.

But the fans are confident that Romanovskaya just decided to engage in its solo cause, since it was for this reason that all ex-participants "VIA-GRA" left.

New soloist Viagra instead of Misha: who is new

The media appeared in the media that Romanova had already found a replacement and VIA-Gra not to turn into a blow. New soloist WIA-GRA has become Olga Meganskaya from St. Petersburg.

About this fans "VIA-GRU" learned the day before yesterday at the concert group in Casino Iveria in the center of Republic in Tbilisi (Georgia). Instead of Misha, a new girl appeared on the scene.

It is known that in the near future "VIA-Gra" will perform in a new composition: March 30 in Moscow, and on March 31 in Kiev at the restaurant Alaska.

New composition "VIA Gra"

Misha Romanova

Eric Herceg.

Unlike Misha, Erica was not preparing for the career of the artist seriously, and even more so did not count on the fact that she would have to conquer russian show business. The girl with Hungarian and Ukrainian roots, she grew in the village almost on the very border of Ukraine and Hungary, did not speak Russian at all and more than 80 kilograms were wearing in his youth! But if someone believes that she was not lucky in something, then only not Eric.

I think I was everything wonderful. I just wanted more.

Six years ago, Erica said: "Enough!" And began to "sculpt" a new one. She sat on a diet, thanks to which more than 30 kilograms dropped, and at the end of the institute in Hungary moved to Kiev and became the model. Three years ago, Erica began to learn Russian, which now owns practically free. And although he speaks on it with a noticeable accent, it is not in a hurry to get rid of it.

This is my personality. If I will accumulate, then it will not be Eric Herceg.

By the way, today Erica is the only soloist of the group, whose heart is not free. For two years, she meets with a businessman who holds the name in secret. According to the girl, after the victory in the show "I want a V VIA GRU" She seems to be extremely rare with chosen, but hopes for understanding from his part. Anyway, despite the feelings for his beloved, Erica's team is not going to leave the team.

I believe that "VIA Gra" is my fate.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova, 21 years old, Yuzhnoukrainsk

Anastasia Kozhevnikova

Anastasia "Roman" with music began in early childhood. She grew in musical family, houses stood piano. With six years, Nastya began to sing in a children's choir, and at eight years old began to perform solo. Before getting to the project "I want V VIA," Nastya managed to take part in large quantities Competitions - both regional and national, but did not achieve great success. She has almost broken up with the hope of becoming a singer and entered the university for the specialty "Management". But Mom, who always believed in the ability of his daughter and accompanied her at all contests, convinced her to try her strength again. On the show Nastya went, not too counting on a victory, according to her, she was ready for refusal, and the most important for her was to hear the opinion of the producer of the group of Konstantin Meladze. But it turned out that she was in the final troika and became one of the winners. Now Nastya, who, according to her own recognition, was a kind of "Patzanensky" in childhood and was always friends with the boys, gets used to his new status of the Russian-Ukrainian "sex symbol" and enjoys a new stage of his life. Even the fact that she has almost no free time, Nastya considers it rather a plus and admits:

VIA Gra "is not work, this is my life!

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New formula "VIA GRA": soloists of the group about themselves and their career path

Six months ago, the show was completed "I want V VIA", whose winner is Misha Romanova, Eric Herceg and Anastasia Kozhevnikov - became new soloists of the popular team. Hello! He talked with the girls and found out how their life changed after the project and why they consider themselves with modern Cinderellas.

New composition "VIA Gra"

Passion and sexuality - these words instantly come to mind when it comes to the group "VIA Gra". And not only because the name of the team is consonant with the title of the drug to increase male potency: all 13 soloists who changed over 13 years of the Group's existence - both on the selection, clever and beauties, - were designed to become an object not only male, but also of universal adoration .

In zero interest in the team of his music producer - Composer Konstantin Meladze - was phenomenal, even despite the frequent change of participants. Having received the starting "capital" of fame in the group, the girls either went into solo swimming, or they got married and gave birth to children, sometimes combining both. Over time, "VIA Gra" turned into a sort of "stars factory" for performers, through which Anna Sedokova, and Vera Brezhnev, and Albin Janabaeva, and Albina Janabaeva, and the status of ex-soloist "VIA Gra" became something like a quality mark .

And yet at the end of 2012, after several years, Czechards with soloists who could not repeat the success of the "golden" group of group - Faith Brezhneva, Anna Sedokova and Hope of Granovskaya, Konstantin Meladze announced the dissolution of the collective.

Konstantin Meladze announced the launch of the music television show "I want V VIA GRU", the winner of which will become new participants of the new "VIA GRA". The multistage television store was completed in October last year, and the right to act in the group received three girls from Ukraine - Misha Romanova, Eric Herceg and Anastasia Kozhevnikov. In this composition, they have already managed to record the debut composition "truce" and remove the clip on it, and now they are preparing another premiere. Speaking of his participation in the group, Misha, Erica and Nastya go to enthusiastic exclamations. Girls who are very sad during the show, admit that they want to work for the benefit of the project at least during all five provided for by the contract years. And all three in a good ambitious ambitious, full of enthusiasm is so ready to disappear on rehearsals and it seems, not yet fully believed in what happens to them.

Misha Romanova, 23 years old, city of Kherson

Misha Romanova

Misha Romanova is confident: if something very much wants, it will definitely come true. From childhood, the girl, whose real name Natalia Mogilev, dreamed of becoming an artist. One serious drawback could prevent this - she stuttered greatly. As therapy, the doctors advised her to make singing, and on listening to the local DC Misha was surprised to find that he did not stutter when she sings. She began to do in vocal StudioAnd soon the music has become her passion. True, I failed to completely get rid of problems with the speech, but Misha does not bother it.

Surprisingly, but I never stutter on stage.

The stubborn and purposeful, she decided to devote his life to the music and after the ninth grade to conquer Kiev after the ninth grade. Entered the pop and pop academy and circus Arts, Solo took up musical career, and when the castings began in the show "I want V VIA", then on the advice of a friend, ukrainian singer And the composer Max Barsky, joined the fight for a place in the team. Today, Misha's life, as well as two other participants, consists of rehearsals, concerts, filming, dancing and scenic speech, but it is only glad to have such changes - after all, he is engaged in a loved one. The only thing that is afraid of Misha is to pick up a star disease.

I am afraid of losing that sincerity, which in me there is. I want to stay by a person, no matter what.

Eric Herceg, 25 years old, Small Dobust village

Eric Herceg.

The Viagra project has existed for 17 years, and during this time a lot of amazingly beautiful soloists visited him. We remember the brightest of them.

What happened to the former soloists "Viagra"? All of them are still successful and beautiful! See yourself.

Alena Vinnitskaya, 42 years

Alena Vinnitskaya became one of the first soloists of the Viagra group. In his youth, the girl was a fan of the "Cinema" group. Under the influence of the creativity of Viktor Tsoi, she began to write songs and organized his own group "The last unicorn". In 2000, Alena was invited to the music team "Viagra", where he sang in a duet with the hope of Granovskaya. Already after the first clip, the group became popular, but Alena chose to leave the project and make a solo career.

Now Alena lives in Ukraine, gives concerts and leads entertainment transmission on television. She is fine with her personal life: for more than 20 years, the singer is happy in marriage with producer Sergey Alekseev.

Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya, 35 years

According to the memories of the producer of the group, Konstantin Meladze, at the beginning of his career Nadezhda Granovskaya was similar to Mowgli. The girl who grew up in the Ukrainian village of Zbruchevka was dyed and could not connect two words, but her sexiness and extraordinary acting talent allowed her to become one of the brightest soloists of the team. According to producer Dmitry Kostyka:

"Nadka ... born for a scene. In life, modest, closed, can quietly sit in the corner, do not even notice her. But only goes to the scene, fills all the space "

Hope spent several times from the team and returned again. In 2011, she finally left the group and dedicated herself solo projects. I must say that hope is very creative person: She was engaged in academic vocals for three years, released a collection of verses, as well as on October 1, 2017 presented his author's performance "Historia de Un Amor". The singer is the mother of three children: Son Igor, she gave birth at the dawn of her career from the Ukrainian businessman. Two daughters, Anna and Maria, appeared in marriage with Mikhail Urzhamtev after the hope left from the team.

Anna Sedokova, 34 years

Although Anna Sedokova was a soloist "Viagra" just two years and left the team for more than 10 years ago, it still considers the soul of the group and its quintessence. Ambitious Anna Since childhood, he was engaged in music and dancing, and, joining the team, immediately won the hearts of his fans. However, in two years later, she married a football player Valentina Belkevich, pregnant and decided to leave Viagra, providing mass discontent among fans.

From Belkevich Anna gave birth to Daughter Alina, but the marriage soon collapsed. A few years later, Sedokova married Maxim Chernyavsky's businessman and gave birth to the second daughter Monica, but this time divorced her husband. In April 2017, the son of Anna Hector appeared on the world, the father of which was a businessman Artem Komarov. After a few months after the birth of the child, his parents broke up.

Anna continues to actively engage in his career: writes songs, shoots clips. In 2011, together with Dmitry Dyughz, she starred in the film "Pregnant".

Tatyana Nikin, 39 years

Tatiana replaced the hope of Hope Granovskaya when she was on maternity leave, and managed to play only in two clips: "Stop! Stop! Stop!" And "Good Morning, Dad!". After leaving the "Viagra", Tatiana organized the Maybe group, which, however, did not achieve success and quickly broke up. For some time, Nijnike worked as a model, and then on her family, unhappiness collapsed one after another: First, Tatyana's father died, then a favorite dog died, after this, the girl was attacked by hooligans and in addition her mother had cancer. The psyche of Tatiana could not stand so many terrible shocks:

"I was covered by all-consuming fear. I clogged in seizures on the floor, the body was like on fire. I screamed, wielded, cried ... "

The girl on the "ambulance" was taken to the hospital, where she diagnosed an alarming-depressive disorder accompanied by panic attacks and convulsions. Treatment lasted more than 7 years, and to pay it, Tatiana had to sell his jewels and two apartments.

In 2014, Nijnieck married Alexander Terekhov's actor - the son of Margarita Terekhova. In 2015, they had a daughter faith. Now Tatiana is engaged in her upbringing.

Vera Brezhnev, 35 years

When Vera Brezhnev still studied at school, no one thought that this shy girl in glasses would ever become a star of pop and a sex symbol. Yes, and the faith itself did not dreamed of the scene at all; After graduating from school, she entered the Economic Faculty and hoped to become an accountant. Somehow fate brought her to the concert of the Viagra group, where the girl responded to the call of soloist to sing along with them on stage. The producers liked the speech of faith, in addition, they just looked for replacing the leaving team of Alain Vinnitsa, so the blonde from Dnepropetrovsk was invited to casting. So faith fell into the group and along with Anna Sedokova and the hope of Granovskaya entered the so-called "golden composition" "Viagra". According to the producer of Dmitry Kostyka, Faith was the most advanced of the soloist of the group and deceased to the essential of touring life.

In 2007, faith left the group and took up the solo career, which develops very successfully. She recorded several popular songs, and also starred in the cinema.

Faith has two daughters born in two marriages: 17-year-old Sonya and 8-year-old Sarah. In October 2015, a wedding of faith with producer Konstantin Meladze took place in Italy.

Svetlana Loboda, 35 years

Svetlana Lobod was taken to the group when Anna Sedokova left it. The fans took a new one in the bayonets, it was not too similar to it was not a saddle. In addition, Svetlana had disagreements with producers, therefore, without worrying in Viagra and the Year, she left the team. It did not prevent her to make a pretty successful solo career, and recently Svetlana was declared the "singer of the year" in Russia.

Svetlana's personal life did not work out. Marriage with Andrei King broke up, but the daughter of Evangelina remained from him. On the this moment Singer all the time devotes her upbringing and creativity.

Albina Dzhanabaeva, 38 years

Albina Dzhanabaeva was a permanent soloist "Viagra" for 8 years: from 2004 to 2012, up to the closure of the group. Even before his arrival in the team, Albina gave birth to the son of Constantine. For a long time she hid the name of the father of the child, but in the end, it became known that it was Valery Meladze, who was married at that time.

In 2014, Meladze divorced his wife inna and married Albin. They were born the second son, which was called Luke. Albina pays a lot of time to his family and children, but at the same time does not forget about the career. She records songs, removes clips, and also performs the role in the entrepreneurs of "bad habits".

Olga Koriagin (Romanovskaya), 31 years

Olga came to the project in 2006. She starred in the clips "Flower and Knife" and "L.M.L.", and then left the team due to changes in his personal life. The girl married a businessman Andrei Romanovsky and gave birth to two sons. In the first years family life Olga devoted himself to homemade troubles and child education. She leads healthy image Life, is engaged in boxing and dancing on Pilon. Love for sports Ex-soloist "Viagra" handed over to her sons.

In 2016, Olga tried herself as the leading Transmission of Audioralo, but worked in it only a few months. She then became one of the soloists of the Queens group, which was organized former soloists "Viagra", but soon left her.

Mesolated Bagaudinova, 34 years

Mesheda came to the team to replace Olga Romanovskaya, but after 1.5 years was forced to leave him because of the return of the Hope of Granovskaya, since two "black" in the group could not be. Meshed tried to do a solo career, but did not achieve special success. In 2011, she married a businessman named Alan, in a year she gave birth to a son, and in 2015 divorced her husband.

IN lately Messeda became very similar to Angelina Jolie. Fans suspected that she increased her lips.

Tatyana Kotova managed to become famous before his arrival in the project: In 2006, she was awarded the title "Miss Russia", Tatyana also took part in the Miss Universe and Miss World contests. In Viagra, she fell after the departure of the faith of Brezhnev and immediately fit into the team, but after 2 years it was unexpectedly for everyone announced his care and began to perform solo.

In 2016, Tatiana joined group Queens.that the ex-soloists of the Viagra group organized, but soon left it.