Roma pan biography. Former members and current composition of the group "banderos"

Roma pan biography.  Former members and current line-up of the group
Roma pan biography. Former members and current composition of the group "banderos"

Comedy Woman star Nadezhda Sysoeva often shares her emotions on Instagram. Subscribers are used to seeing the girl as bright and cheerful. In many photographs, Nadya from the TV show grimaces and jokes with her colleagues. However, on Thursday, her microblog entry drew sympathy from fans. Sysoeva recalled that on that day, a year ago, she finally parted ways with Roman Pan from the Band'Eros group.

“So this is weird. Every second of my life, in the present and in the future, was filled with this person. And now we don't know anything about each other at all! Blocked on all networks, removed from phones. We do not meet by chance at airports or at corporate parties, although we are engaged in one thing, we ride the same paths on the boards and have never met in our favorite parks and cafes, although we live in the same area, ”the girl writes on her page.

Recall that Nadezhda and Roman began dating in 2012. Their couple was considered one of the most beautiful in Russian show business. The lovers did not hide their relationship, posted joint pictures on social networks, gave candid interviews and starred in photo shoots. Everyone believed that it was a wedding, because the young people were so similar: both loved sports and travel. But a painful breakup awaited the couple.

“As before, I immediately switch the radio if I hear the familiar notes of the songs of his group, and he probably switches TNT. I honestly still think we were jinxed! There were so many photos in social networks, interviews, posts screaming about our happiness. Still, you need to protect your personal life from extra eyes and evil languages. Hope you are happy now. I wish you to be more tolerant of each other and take care of your loved ones, ”Sysoeva thinks, recalling the past.

Fans of the star supported Nadezhda and urged the girl to hope for the best and believe that she will soon meet a new love. "With all my heart I wish you happiness and love!" It means it will be even cooler "," It is very sad and it is felt that you have not yet been released. It will become easier over time ”,“ I wish you great happiness. Let there be one next to whom not a single evil eye will affect ”, - such comments were left by the fans of the comedian artist.

In 2005, producer and composer Alexander Dulov put together a music team with a unique style of performance - R&B. For the domestic show business, such a team has become a real bomb. The first tracks of the group were immediately picked up by the distraught fans. Since then, popularity and recognition have been the satellites of the BandEros group.

The first composition of the group "Banderos"

At first glance, the collective with the eloquent name "BandEros" brought together completely different participants. It would seem, what could be in common between a guy from Chelyabinsk and a business woman from Moscow? And the common thing was the love for a certain style of music and manner of performance. The original composition of the "Banderos" group gathered spontaneously from guys with common interests and musical preferences specific to Russia. In 2005, there was no alternative to such a team, which is why it so dashingly climbed to the first steps of all kinds of charts.

Of course, the non-trivial texts of the author of music and words, which, contrary to all rumors, is the producer of the collective Alexander Dulov, immediately conquered the viewer, but without beautiful performance and fresh faces on the horizon of the domestic show business, such success would hardly have been achieved. By the way, the producer of the group prefers to stay in the shadows, you will not find his photo in the daytime with fire on the pages of newspapers or at least on the Internet.

Initially, the team consisted of five people: Batishta, Rada, Natasha, Ruslan and Nazim. And now about all in more detail.

Rada is a business woman from Moscow, a historian by education. Before working in a team, she sang in several little-known groups.

Natasha - Natalya Ibadin, vocalist, originally from Buryatia, graduated from the Gnessin School. For some time she lived and received her education in Holland. He is raising two children.

Ruslan is one of the best break dancers in Russia.

Nazim is Ruslana's colleague, bottom break dancer.

Batishta is the unofficial leader of the team. One of the most popular MCs in the country. Hip-hop performer and composer, collaborated with the Legalize team and Decl.

First transformations

The group "Banderos" originally consisted of five people. Contrary to the opinion that the collective was formed by itself, there was a producer of the group. Alexander Dulov signed contracts with these guys for five years. But after the second video - "Do not renounce" - one of the dancers, Nazim, dropped out of the collective. Either the leadership of the group decided to replace him with a more colorful participant, or Nazim made such a decision due to some circumstances, it remained unknown.

Most successful group line-up

In 2006 the group is replenished with a new member. Garik mastered his education in directing. In the team since 2006. Today, in parallel with his participation in "BandEros" he performs with the solo project "Burito". Igor is a famous Moscow MC and DJ. Master of Sports in Mountaineering.

From this moment on, the triumphal march of the unique band "BandEros" begins in the vastness of our homeland.

The composition "Columbia Pictures does not represent" took first places in the charts for several months. And after the release of the video, it became clear who took possession of the millions of hearts of our country. The group "Banderos", the composition, age of the participants, the smallest details were of interest to journalists and fans of the guys, but there is not so much information about outstanding performers to this day. The guys cherish their personal space, so they try not to shine in camera lenses outside of concert activities.

In 2008, the blonde Rada left the team. The producer and the participants themselves did not comment on this situation in any way, but simply shot the video "Manhattan" in which they introduced the new participant. She was a pretty girl Tanya.

Collapse of the collective

This composition of the group "Banderos" - Tanya, Natasha, Garik, Ruslan and Batishta - performed until 2010. They won a lot of awards and recorded 6 singles, on which interesting video works were shot. The group constantly toured, not only in Russia and countries, but also in Europe. In 2010, the dancer Ruslan Khainak left the group, but the group's popularity did not fade away. It would seem that he simply re-transformed into a purely vocal one.

In the spring of 2011, the fans of the group suffered a real shock: the frontman and one of the founders of the band "Banderos" left him. Kirill Petrov decided to go on a solo voyage. The reason was the singer's dissatisfaction with the current format of the group, which with each new track became more and more pop. As the performer himself said, relations in the team also heated up. At this time, the contract of Cyril, better known as Batishta, just ended.

The new composition of the group "Banderos"

Today, from the former glory of "BandEros" there are only glare. The guys perform, shoot videos, but their lyrics are no longer so sharp and relevant, and the style of performance has become commonplace. After all, more interesting groups and solo performers appear every day in Russia and neighboring countries. Four people are soloing in the group today: Tanya, Natasha, Garik and Roman. It was the latter who appeared in "BandEros" after Batista left. Roman Pan is a talented hip-hop beginner who has organically joined the team.

Roman Panich is a famous Russian rap artist. A member of the well-known Russian group - "Band'Eros". The future R'n'B star was born in an ordinary provincial town. His parents were ordinary workers who worked hard to provide for their child.

While still very young, he was drawn to music and dancing. Of course, the parents did not see, or maybe they did not even want to notice these qualities in him, and that is why he did not have the proper education.

Parents decide to send him to sports, to mixed martial arts. At first it was very difficult for Roma to adapt to this place, but slowly and rapidly, he walked towards his goal, as the boy liked to take part in various events. Ultimately, he becomes a multiple winner of some worthy awards.

Already in high school, he began to get involved in rap. He visited many places where people had various battles, where he quickly grasped the particular style of each rapper. After much effort, he manages to find his own special, original style.

Arrival in the group - "Band'Eros"

The Russian group "Band'Eros" began its activity back in 2005. At first it was a small, unremarkable group, in which there were only a couple of people.

2006 was a special year for the band, this year a new member comes to them - DJ Burito. After a long preparation, the guys manage to record the song "Columbia Pictures Can't Imagine". This song blew up Russian TV channels, and ultimately became the hallmark of the group.

Throughout its existence, the collective has managed not only to record a large number of songs, but to part and meet new members of the group.
In 2009, Roma smiles with great luck and the guys of the team, seeing in him, something more mysterious and interesting, decide to take him to their group.

Since that moment, the rapper has changed not only the style of the songs, but also the appearance itself. Every year more and more new tattoos appear on his body.

Personal life

Like any other man, there were many different women in Roma's life, but sooner or later a special girl appears in the life of every bachelor.
His special girlfriend was Nadezhda Sysoeva. The guys met in the summer, and when they saw each other, they immediately fell in love. Roma himself was speechless in front of his beloved, he was delighted with the beauty of Nadia.

It all started when Nadya, walking down the street, saw a guy naked to the waist who was training on a horizontal bar. And when, he saw Nadia, he began to train hard and show what he is capable of. But it was a big shock for him that Nadezhda herself approached him and stretched herself several times on the horizontal bar. The guy was very surprised and made an appointment with her.

But in 2015, the happiness of two lovers comes to an end! The guys met for several years, and their parting shocked not only their fans, but also the relatives of Nadia and Roma. Nadezhda still regrets the lost happiness, and hopes that in the future they will be able to become just good friends.


On September 14, ex-member of the band "Banderos" Rada Zmikhnovskaya (Rodika Vasilievna Zmikhnovskaya) died in the USA. This was reported by representatives of the group. As it became known, she was in a coma for several days after a cerebral hemorrhage.

"A few days ago, Rada flew to a friend in California. In America, she had a cerebral hemorrhage. Rada was admitted to the hospital, they tried to pump it out, but nothing helped. She died this morning. Rada was the founder of the group. then they attracted the boys - Garik and Batista. Rada maintained relations with the team, but did not take part in their lives, "said the representative of the Banderos group.

Rada (Rodika Vasilievna Zmikhnovskaya) graduated from the Higher Komsomol School (Moscow Humanitarian University), where she came to study on a voucher of one of the district committees of the Komsomol of the Chernivtsi region. During her studies, she married classmate Alexander Zmikhnovsky.

Died Rada Zmikhnovskaya: Bandaros group, biography

Zmikhnovskaya became famous as a member of the pop group Banderos, created in 2005. Moreover, the team was created for it. Later Natasha Ibadin, rap singer Batishta (Kirill Petrov), Igor (DMCB, DJ and dancer) and Ruslan (top break dancer) were added to it.

The most famous and popular hits of the band "Banderos" were the songs "Columbia Pictures Does Not Present" and "Do Not Renounce".

In 2007, Rada left the Banderos group, as she was preparing to become a mother. After that, she produced films and was also involved in various businesses.

The Band'Eros group was created in early 2005 in Moscow. It consisted of rapper Batista Riva (Kirill Petrov), Rada (Rodika Zmikhnovskaya), Natasha (Natalya Ibadin), DJ Igor DMCB (Igor Burnyshev) and Ruslan Khainak, break dancer. The group's most famous songs are "Columbia Pictures Doesn't Present", "Manhattan" and "Do Not Renounce."

Zmihnovskaya left the group in 2007. The official reason for leaving was the singer's pregnancy.

Zmikhnovskaya was born in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. In 2014, she served as executive producer on Desert Dancer.

Rada was the founder, co-founder and one of the first soloists of the team. The Band'Eros group was created in early 2005 in Moscow. Initially, the team included rapper Batishta Riva (Kirill Petrov), Rada (Rodika Zmikhnovskaya), Natasha (Natalya Ibadin), DJ and rapper Igor DMCB (Igor Burnyshev) and break dance dancer Ruslan Khainak, writes the Rsute portal. Then - in 2005 - the group released their first hit "Do not renounce". Alexander Dulov has been the producer, author of music and lyrics since the founding of the group.

Died Rada Zmikhnovskaya: cause of death, diagnosis, where she died, how she was ill when the funeral

Members of the Band'Eros group named the cause of death of ex-soloist Rada Zmikhnovskaya.

On September 14, Russian media reported that ex-member of the popular Russian group Band'Eros, Rada Zmikhnovskaya, died of a cerebral hemorrhage in the United States.

According to the members of the Band'Eros group, in which Rada sang until 2008, the official cause of death is a hemorrhagic stroke.

"Our former soloist Rada passed away. She was one of the founders of the group. Rada was between heaven and earth for several days - in a coma. We all held our fists for her, but, unfortunately, the doctors were powerless," the group said in a statement. on Instagram.

According to the participants, despite leaving the group, Rada maintained warm friendly relations with the Band'Eros members and participated in the group's affairs. Rada Zmikhnovskaya left the group due to pregnancy in early 2008.

After leaving the group, Rada was engaged in cinema. She was one of the creators of the film "Dancing in the Desert" - she acted as a producer from the Russian side, - added to "Band'Eros".

Subsequently, Rada took part in many entrepreneurial projects of her spouse - at the beginning of the 2000s, he, in particular, with the help of his wife, began to engage in show business and media, becoming the chairman of the board of directors of the Moscow concern "Radio Center", which then included the radio station "Says Moscow" , "Main Radio" and "Radio Sport".

After leaving Band'Eros, Zmikhnovskaya also headed the investment company IVA Invest, owned by her husband.