How to learn to draw a circle from hand. How to draw an arbitrary circle or an even circle in Photoshop

How to learn to draw a circle from hand. How to draw an arbitrary circle or an even circle in Photoshop
How to learn to draw a circle from hand. How to draw an arbitrary circle or an even circle in Photoshop

The question is important not only for newcomers, but sometimes for experienced artists. Understanding how the circle is drawn in perspective, we can draw great amount Objects, not only pots and plates.
Generally brief essence: Usually we rarely see round items frontal. For example, a plate like that

We see much less often than this.

Therefore, we need to understand how to correctly depict a plate in a promising horizontal plane. For this there is a simple scheme.

The most important thing left. We see ovals and a line of the horizon, with respect to which they usually draw all objects. At the level of the horizon line, the oval either turns into a line, or very narrow. The higher or lower, the oval becomes a circle, all the lines that closer to us by the prospects will be thicker, all that is further thinner. If oval is much lower than the level of view, it can become almost round. It can be very clearly seen, taking Scotch's Motor, your ideal nature to work out this skill. We raise the dog to the eye level - ideally we will see a rectangle, raise above and below and immediately see visually all changes.
In the vertical plane, the story is absolutely the same, only the scheme must be flipped over 90 degrees.

Thus, all the plates and pots are subject to us, we look at the previous picture of the plates, taking into account new knowledge.

You can draw another oval to show the thickness of the plate, the end result depends on your observation. Oval drawing skills are very well trained in detailed drawing of simple items, perfectly suitable at first, all the same Scotch motility for example.

When drawing oval, there is another common error. Many paint two arcs instead of oval. This can not be allowed, even if your oval is very narrow, always draw roundings in the corners.

Over time, you will perfectly find a perspective in almost any object.

Well, after the circles are born, you can try to draw squares - the principle is the same. There is the truth of the nuance with a gathering point, but about that another time.

I hope you no longer have problems with a circle in the future and your drawings will be correct and accurate. In addition to this post, you can see the same

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How to calculate the radius and draw a circle without a circulation.

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Good afternoon, dear novice seamless self-taught. Today I decided to write an article that would help us in the future to cut children's panamas, adult beach hats, as well as the Sun skirt, and naturally the swiss. How did you guessed we are talking On the ability to calculate the radius of the circumference, and can be able to draw it without a circulation. Because it is possible that we need to draw a circle of this size for which the circuses are not sold. Yes, and not all at home has a circulation.

So, on the agenda the following:

  • Calculation of the circle radius, for Panama, Vacan and Sun skirts.
  • Three ways to draw a circle without a circulation.

How to calculate the radius of the circle.

Why is it needed, this calculation of the radius? To draw a circle, we need to know radius This soma is circumference - that is, the distance from one feet of the circulation to the other.

Suppose we need to draw a circumference of the Panamka Panamka, and all that we know is the scourge of the baby's head. How do you need to push the feet of the circulation widely to get a circle that coincides with the sizes of the baby?

Or we need to draw the circumference of the Sun skirt, knowing only that the length of the circle must ideally coincide with the girth of our waist.

Now that everything is extremely clear and understandable, we will analyze 2 specific cases that are most often found in the work of Shvent.

This is the calculation of the radius of Panamki. And the calculation of the radius on the pattern of the Sun skirt.

So let's go ...

I painted this story beautifully in pictures directly with the text-inspection. So that the whole sequence of brain work is clear.)))

It means to find out the radius - we need our scum of the baby's head to divide by 6.28.

Take mobile phone, we find a calculator in it and divide our 42 cm of scalp to 6.28 - we get 6.68 cm \u003d that is, 6 cm and 6 mm. This is a radius.

So we need to push the feet of the circulation to a distance of 6 cm 6 mm. And then the circle drawn by us will be 42 cm - that is, it will fall like a smoothly on the child's head (just do not forget it will break down by 1 cm for points on the seams).

The situation is the second - you need to draw the Sun skirt circumference. All that we know is the waist girth and the length of the skirt that we eventually want to get.

In the drawing of the Sun skirt there are 2 circles. Little (internal) should lie down Rovenko on our waist. That is, the length of this circle must coincide with the waist girth. Cooking waist 70 cm, it means that the circumference of the circle should be 70 cm (well, except that there are all sorts of centimeters there and here in the form of an allowance for the seams, or what additional finish in the form of a belt or coquette)

So we need to know what radius to draw a circle to ensure that the circle is resulting in length in these necessary us70 cm.

In the picture below, I did everything and how to calculate the radius of a small circle and how to learn the radius of a large circle.

And when the small circle is drawn. All that we need is to a small radius add the desired skirt length - and we get a large radius for a large circumference of the edge of the skirt.

With the calculations we figured out. We will sew skirts and panamans - I will send you to this article.

Now let's figure out how to draw a circle of any size without a circular.

How to draw a circle without a circulation.

Here, I illustrated three ways for three pictures. I hope that everything is clearly painted and spelled out.

Yes this fast way - But you need to ensure that pencils do not spoke to the side. The angle of inclination of the pencil change the radius. Or it is necessary that one person smoothly holding one pencil, and the other exactly perpendicular to the second pencil.

Actually, the lower the thread is tied, the more accurate will be a circle. Therefore, some use small pins. The error with the deviation of the pin to the side is small, and when it is sewing it can be printed.

And yet the most right way Draw an accurate circle without a circulation, it is with the help of a conventional line and pencil. Here's what it looks like:

And then in a circle, move the centimeter (as a watch arrow in the clock) and mark points at the same distance - that is, on the same digit of centimeter tape. Instead of a ribbon, you can use the twin with a marker applied on it - the main thing is to make sure that the twelley does not stretch at all.

Well, that's all - another gap in knowledge eliminated - now it is possible to turn on the skirt-sun and we can count on the panama - we can count the radii. It's only the beginning! Soon we will so wonder that without fear we will take for the most complex models. Here you still tell you about the volani and about the pattern - the foundation - yes - yes, we draw a real adult pattern with you in 30 minutes - and as they say, it started ... We will sew everything in a row))). And not only .

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the "Women's Conversations" site.

Article. you can copy only On a personal computer or on the pages of a personal Internet diary with the mandatory preservation of all links within the article.

The ability to create a circle is not a vital skill. And yet it is sometimes necessary to know how to draw a circle when there is no circular or some round item at hand. Therefore, it will be further proposed ways to draw different circles.

Smooth circle - what to do if there is no circulation

Everyone is useful to know how to draw a circle without a circular. Usually this subject is not at hand. This situation may be a student who left at home required tools For a drawing, which should have a lesson on a schedule. Or adult who for some reason should urgently depict smooth circle. What to do in these situations? For example, schoolchildren can replace the missing belonging to the transporter, which is often in the penalty. Just attach it to a sheet of paper, find the center in a straight part and put the point. This place is considered the center of the circle. Then you need to circle a semicircle along the inside, deploy the transportation for 90 ° and carefully to accurate another third of the circle. After that, once again repeat the instrument's turn and draw the remaining part of the figure.

If you are not a schoolboy for a long time, and therefore you do not have a foam with drawing tools at hand, then you can fix the situation with a CD. It is easy to create a figure as little size (If you bind the inside of the disk) and large (if you bring the outer part of the disk). Employees of the office in a similar situation will help the glass used for water. Just put it on paper and spend the bottom of the bottom with a pencil. Thus, we were convinced that it was possible to draw a circle without a circulat, using hard objects for this.

Ways to draw circles without using additional items

How to draw a circle if there are no drawing tools and other auxiliary things at hand? Everything is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance. Put and fix one hand on paper, while make sure that the Mysinette turns out to be the center of the planned circle. Two hand twist the sheet and see that it turns out a smooth circle. By the received contour, spend a pencil. To draw a larger diameter circle, you need to bend the little finger, as if you are trying to squeeze a fist. Next, the procedure is repeated, as with a smaller circle, leaf twist and spend the boundaries of the circle. If it is necessary to create a circle even more, then place your hand so that it touches the bone of the wrist to the sheet. Recommended for circles drawing, choose unshaw pencils.

These methods are considered light and simple. They cut down when there is no circular at hand. The main thing is to be able to keep your hand evenly and so that it does not move.

Draw a circle with a ruler

For those who have a ruler at hand, the next way to create a circle is useful. To the sheet of paper, you need to put a ruler, at this point there will be a center of the circle. Put another mark near the figure indicating the radius. Then you need to put the third point, for this move the edge of the drawing tool. But so that the 0st mark remains on the spot, and above the second mark.

Repeat these actions so that in the end it turned out a circle. It will consist of dasheds. The more small dashes, the easier it is to carry out smooth solid. This light wayBut rather long.


Draw one of the sides of the angle. To do this, first put the point that should be the vertex, and mark the letter A. Spend the line starting from it - the side of the angle.

Build auxiliary perpendicular to the side. On paper it is easy, and for unlike paper and in the absence, you can use the circulation. This method is convenient and for cases when on paper in the cell side of the angle is located obliquely. Draw two intersecting circles whose centers lie on the side of the corner. Spend direct across the intersection of circles - this will be perpendicular. The point of its intersection with the side of the corner designate the letter V.

Measure the length of the segment AV. The resulting number will be involved in the calculations, so construct a perpendicular at such a distance from the point A so that the number is round - it will simplify the calculation.

Postpone on the perpendicular distance, which is equal to the product of the number obtained in the previous step on the tangent of the desired angle. To calculate the tangent, use trigonometric functions or calculator tables - for example, built into operating system software calculator. For example, if the length of the segment Av is 20 cm, and it is necessary to draw an angle of 55 °, then perpendicular it is necessary to postpone 20 * Tg (55 °) ≈20 * Tg (55 °) ≈20 * 1,428 \u003d 28.56 cm.

Instead of tangent, you can use another trigonometric function - For example, if you choose a cosine, the length of the segment AV should be divided into the mole of the desired angle. But in this case, you will receive the length of the second side of the angle, and the point of its adjoining to the perpendicular will need to be determined using a circulation. For example, from the previous step, the calculation in this case will look like this: 20 / COS (55 °) ≈20 / 0.576 °) The circle of the deferred radius.

Having measured on the perpendicular one of the described methods of the segment of the desired length, put the point and mark it with the letter C. Then draw the second side of the corner - connect it to the vertex (point A) with a point C. On this corner, you will be completed.

Good when there is at hand standard set for drawing - ruler, pencil, circus, transport, various triangles, thanks to which you can get on paper any geometric shape. However, if there is nothing suitable for work, then in this case you can get out of the position - it is enough to apply non-hard techniques that will help to make a conceived drawing.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - thread or rope;
  • - Round form items;
  • - Needle, nail, peg.


The easiest way to get any diameter is to use objects. a circleloi form, which usually happens enough. For a circleand the middle diameter is suitable for kitchen utensils - diverse plates, mugs, discs, glasses and even pans. If there is a spinning chair, then you can go into the move and it is just to flip out and circling on paper. If the diameter is needed smaller, then use wine glasses, coins of various advantages, vials.

If the figure is needed big sizeIt does not help even the circulor, and therefore it is necessary to make a homemade device. Thanks to this it is possible to draw a circle any diameter, for example,. Take a pointed peg and tie a rope to it. Insert the peg in the center of the alleged a circlebut. If the figure is on the asphalt, then you will need the help of another person who will hold the peg in the center. Memore on the rope or strong thread (it is possible on the wire) the desired length (radius). Tie a new peg or chalk in this place. Now holding it in the hands and, slightly pulling the rope, go along a circleu, leaving on Earth or asphalt notice.

Put the resulting long narrow cone and make markers on it. To do this, the beginning of the improvised line is combined with an acute part of folded paper. This will be the center of the future figure. Measure the radius using the ruler a circleand first on one side of the cone, and then on the other. Now fulfill the same action throughout the segment that resembles a piece. The obtained points that mark as you can closer friend To a friend, join each other. It turns out a line as an arc. Cut along the contour and expand the sheet that will acquire the view a circlebut. Ready "pattern" can circle on a blank sheet.

Drawing circles of various diameters - far from the most necessary skill in life. However, sooner or later, the need to draw a circle without a circulation and other auxiliary items of a round shape caution all by surprise. Therefore, it is better to know in advance about without a circulation, regardless of its diameter.

How to draw a smooth circle without the help of a circula

You can be a schoolboy who came to the lesson of geometry, forgetting the tools for drawing, a student, an adult man, forced to draw the perfectly smooth circle, - there are different situations.

Every person useful will know how to draw a flat circle without a circulation. We offer you several ways to solve this task.

Replace the Circle can easily be another tool located in the penalty for each schoolboy, namely - the transport. Put it on paper, marking a central point on a direct part, it will be the center of the future circle. Circle the inside of the semicircle, then turn the line to about ninety degrees and draw a third of the circle. Turn the shipping time again and complete the circle.

If you are at a meeting or in the workplace, but at hand I did not turn out to be the desired tool, simply use the CD. Circle it from the outside or with the inner to get a smaller figure.

In the office atmosphere you can also use a glass. To do this, take a glass with water, take a sip and put on a sheet of paper, circle a slight movement. Get ready and retain him aside.

All of the above items can be found in any office, the transport will be available to students. With the help of them, you can smoothly draw a circle without a circulation.

Draw circles of different sizes without auxiliary items

What should I do if you want to draw a circle of different diameter?

It is not at all difficult to cope with this problem, having only paper and a simple pencil at hand.

Take a pencil in one hand, Put the second on a sheet of paper. Mysiline of the first hand placing on the sheet so that it is the center of the future circle. Well lock this position. The second hand start turning the paper around the mother's. You will see how the smooth circle is obtained, as when using a circulation.

A circle bigger size It is also drawn, but in this case the little finger bend, as if all my fingers were cleaned. Left hand start rotating the sheet until you see the resulting circle. It is advisable to use a pencil with a soft blade.

The circle with a large diameter can be drawn, repeating all the above tips, but now the right hand should touch the leaf of the protruding bone on the wrist.

It's the very simple methods how to draw a circle without a circular. The most important thing in these ways is to learn to keep right hand Still (left, if you are left-hand).

How to draw an ideal circle with a ruler

If you have an ordinary ruler at hand, you can use another advice as you draw a circle without a circulation. Take the line and attach it to paper, the mark "" 0 "" will be the center of the circle, so put it in right place. Draw the second point near the digital value corresponding to the circle radius. Slightly shift the second edge of the line so that the middle remains on zero, and the third point was slightly higher than the second.

Do this procedure several times. As a result, you should get a circle drawn out than more often the dotted line, the easier it will be to connect everything into a solid line.

This is perhaps the easiest, but at the same time the longest way to draw a circle without a circular.