Isaac Levitan. Quiet abode

Isaac Levitan. Quiet abode

Quiet abode

On this all known and popular picture Depicted in all its glory Russian nature. With all its values \u200b\u200bthat are so roads every Russian man.

This is a thick forest, church, river and bridge over it. Looking in the picture, as if we are transferred to this piece of all the most important and necessary for the Russian person.

Looking at the landscape, on the river and shaky, old bridge, I want to be there and go through this bridge for a moment. Go to the other side of the river and run into the forest, breathe clean and transparent air.

And walking through the forest to go towards the church and go to pray, thank God for all this beauty of nature, which characterizes the latitude of the Russian soul.

The picture is so realistic and sincerely conveys all the beauty of the forest and the sealing path on the other bank of the river. As if people enjoy this bridge and now, go to the forest for mushrooms and berries.

In the foreground, the painting is also visible a path leading to the bridge. People came here, who just admire coming. Who is in the forest for mushrooms and berries, and underwear to wash.

Many pronounced in this picture, written in a beautiful Russian style. You can watch the picture for a long time and find all the new details that did not consider earlier.

Painless sky above his head, looking at the tone of the paints, it can be seen that now the evening. In the pure beautiful silence around, all serenity is preserved, and the calm of the human soul.

In the water, the domes of churches and the forest are reflected, so around quietly, that there is not even a small breeze. The water is calm and pure, the forest envelops everything with their power and fascinates with its beauty.

Carefully examined the picture, you understand why the author called her quiet abode. And for each person, this picture is perceived unequal, everyone sees it, something close and native for himself.

Someone will see her a piece of their homeland, someone will remind parental House. Everyone who considers it will find something native and useful for his soul. Therefore, the picture is very popular for many years and does not lose its relevance and now.

Writing Description of the picture Quiet Abwitch Levitan

I. I. Levitan is one of the most famous Russian landscape players, and his "quiet monastery" is one of the most famous cloths with the church image. It was it that brought a colossal fame to the artist at the exhibition of the Mobile.

Beautiful and simple painting with a summer morning image, a calm river with a reflection of small tuckers, a light and clear sky. Viden the old, shabby life, the bridge, which leads to the other side. A small path comes from the river to the dense of the trees. Because of the high grove of mighty trees, the domes of the church and a small monastery seem to be, the ringing bells will sound.

On this shore there are snow-white flowers between the juicy dark green grass, all the freshness and purity of nature are felt. Looking at this picture, I had a desire to choose fresh fragrant colors, cross the river with an old bridge and attribute a bouquet to church.

From the picture deeper silence, calm, peace, it can be seen as the author appreciated nature with what accuracy and love he created this masterpiece. Everything seems some fabulous, not quite real.

This paradiseOne of its views, gives strength and vigor, somewhere in the depths of the soul, the sounds of nature, birds singing and the rustling of foliage are heard.

Grade 9, 4th grade

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    Most recently, I had the honor to get acquainted with the picture Vasnetsov "Ivan - Tsarevich on gray wolf." Its author took the basis of one of my favorite fairy tales and depicted Ivan-Tsarevich with Elena's beautiful, which rushed on the woods on the wolf.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan is a Russian artist, the master "Landscape of the mood." His picture "Quiet Abode" is very interesting for fans of painting, and for all people too. It is filled with fresh paints, and unusual technique Performance gives it special outlines.

Landscape is executed in green - blue tones. There is a clear distinction between the sky and the earth, green and blue flowers.

On the foreground We see a bridge that stretches along a small greenish river. In the water you can see the reflection of trees and the church, which is not far from the shore. Interesting is that the picture is executed oil colors And, thanks to this, the artist managed to achieve the effect of relief on canvas. Before you see the volumetric clouds, which seem to be about and jump out of the paintings on us. The sky is made in rather unusual color gammaSince purple clouds are a kind of interpretation of the author. Thanks to the fuzziness of the depicted, Isaac Ilyich managed to achieve a realistic transition of water into the ground and vice versa.

In the background, we see a huge abundance of trees, perhaps it is some kind of forest or boron. Among the trees, there is a small church with its golden domes, which as if stretching to heavenly light. A little further depicts another temple, which because of all this amount of vegetation is practically not visible, only the tips of the domes look out of the tops of the trees, trying to look around.

In general, you can talk about this picture for a long time. There is no doubt that Levitan is one of outstanding painters - landscape players. And his canvas "quiet abode" is a wonderful embodiment of peace of mind and nature. Looking at this picture, you can relax in the soul, to get enough calmness and unshakable that this canvas carries.

Essay in the picture "Quiet Abode" Levitan

One of the most famous canvases Isaac Ilyich Levitan has a picture "Quiet Abode." This canvas refers to the so-called church landscape. It brought a deafening fame to the author at the exhibition of Mobile.

Both in all the paintings of the author and here, our eyes discloses a beautiful view of the immense nature. Large mighty trees with their puff and green of greenery create a view impassable forest. A small quiet river divided the shores of its cold water. And now they are connected only to the wooden bridge located on one tropic path to another. Judging by the tropal paths and the bridge itself, they have long been here. Greens is no longer trying to break through the running ground, and the wooden bridge details are quietly losing their power.

In the stroit of water, as in a huge mirror reflects the light blue sky with fluffy touches, dark green trees and bushes of the coast, the dome of the Church and some buildings. By overflowing flowers on the water it is clear that already the evening. Silence and peace fill the circle. Only soon the ringing of the bell tower will break silence, inviting everyone to evening serviceAnd will disagree again by passing the ownership of the evening twilight.

As far as the simple seemed to us the picture, it is hidden very important in it. inner world. And for each viewer, he has his notes and sounds. This is its feature and insight. The canvas is worthy of the highest praise.

Writing Description of the painting "Silent abode"

I. I. Levitan is one of the most famous Russian landscape players, and his "quiet monastery" is one of the most famous cloths with the church image. It was it that brought a colossal fame to the artist at the exhibition of the Mobile.

Beautiful and simple painting with a summer morning image, a calm river with a reflection of small tuckers, a light and clear sky. Viden the old, shabby life, the bridge, which leads to the other side. A small path comes from the river to the dense of the trees. Because of the high grove of mighty trees, the domes of the church and a small monastery seem to be, the ringing bells will sound.

Description of the painting of Levitan "Quiet Abode"

Levitan Isaac Ilyich is a famous Russian landscape.
A significant role in his work is occupied by a church landscape.
One of the most famous works This genre is his work "quiet abode."

This picture is simple and at the same time beautiful.
Beautiful summer morning.
Calm river smooth silently reflects the beauty of nature.
The weather is calm and windless.
On the light sky, where small tuchs swim anywhere.
Through the river there is a wooden bridge.
On the other shore among the densely planned, green trunks of the trees can see the dome of the church and the bell tower of a small monastery.
In the whole picture there is silence and calm.
The author admired and enjoyed such a beautiful view.
He with such love handed over the beauty seen on the canvas.
It is felt in a small path, which leads to the bridge, and then continues to the monastery itself.
In the color of trees.
They are so dark green as the shrine guards stand on all parties.
Very nice on a green grass background. Little white flowers can be seen.
They, like pearls, shimmer in the morning sun.
The whole landscape is some kind of fabulous, not even real.
These overflows of paints of white-gold temples, pink-blue sky, greenish crustacean forest.
It is incredible that ordinary people live in such a wonderful place.
That they are watching such beauty every morning.
To get there at least for a minute ...

The whole picture is filled with freshness, purity, pacification.
Looking at the picture, like a boot, by opening the window, feel the fragrant air of the summer morning.
So I want to walk along the bridge, collecting white flowers and attributed to the Holy Church.
From the seated landscape in the picture the mood rises and more cheerfulness and forces are added.
Quiet and wonderful corner of Paradise on Earth.

"Quiet abode" is one of the most famous works of Isaac Levitan. The picture was written immediately after the artist's return from the passage trip in 1890. The canvas had a huge success at the exhibition of travels in 1891, bringing a deafening fame to the author.

The work of the "quiet abode" was created in the genre of the "church landscape" (another famous picture Levitan written in this genre - "Evening ringing").

The canvas depicts no remarkable corner of nature - a small monastery, sheltered in a green grove on the river bank. But Levitan seems to reveal our eyes - we see how surprisingly beautiful is that we have seen many times.

In the foreground of the canvas, a small river, through which the log pavement is shifted. The surface of the water barely fluctuates, reflecting the far bank with a grove and white church buildings. On the far shore - a path that calls us to the monastery. The path goes through the field, crosses a piece of forest ...

Evening. There is a silence look around, and nature is slowly given to the mood of rest, rest. Evening lighting, which so skillfully passed Levitan, accurately reflects the feeling of peace, silence, peace and some thoughtfulness. The general mood of the picture is quiet joy, imperceptibly turning into bright sadness. The feeling of the beauty of a moment, so thinly notched by the artist, fills the picture with a special charm.

Picture "Quiet Abode" is loved by many generations of people. Simple, at first glance, the landscape generates many echoes in the soul of each person, and each heart is reminded of something very important.

In addition to the description of the painting I. I. Levitan, the "quiet abode", there are many and other descriptions of paintings by various artists, which can be used as in the preparation for writing an essay in the picture, and simply for more complete acquaintance with the work of the famous masters of the past.


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Written in 1890, the painting of Levitan "Silent Resident" was not intended to become a "portrait" of some particular area. For the first time, write a similar picture originated by the artist in 1887. It was then at Levitan, a strong impression was made by the poetic sight of the sunset, which illuminated the bright, scars of the Savinno-Storozhevsky monastery, which is close to Zvenigorod. When writing a picture on the memoirs of Sophia Kuvutynikova, Levitan the basis of the monastery took the monastery on the Volga near Yuryevts. But this did not prevent the artist to create a picture that distinguishes the immediacy of the feeling and reproducing " live life». Alexander Benois, which was among the first spectators who were represented by the picture "Silent Resident", shared his memories later: "The feeling is, exactly the shutters removed from the windows, the openness of their indestructible, and a jet of fresh, fragrant air broke into the old exhibition hall."

For the first time, the picture found "Big Viewer" on mobile exhibitionheld in Moscow in 1891. After her, the name of Levitan was on the mouth of the entire intelligent Moscow. Many people came to the exhibition several times, in order to admire the picture once again, which talks about something important, which affects the heart of each viewer. Many thanked Levitan for the spiritual sweet calm and the blissful mood, which arose, looking at this quiet corner, isolated from everything external world, all fussy and hypocritical cases surrounding a person in life. Levitan's work was not passed, in particular, the Cechow's Creativity of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was not passed. In his story, "three years" he inserted an episode where the paintings consider the heroine who visited art exhibition. She selflessly looks like a loved picture, the description of which Chekhov is strongly reminiscent of the canvas "Quiet Resident": "On the main plan the river flows through which the log bridge is thrown on, on the other side of the trapping, which leads and disappears in dark grass. Far on the horizon trample evening Zorka... and for some reason this feeling is. What these forests and clouds and the field, she has already seen a lot, many times. She wanted to walk along the path where the evening dawn flickers and, where the reflection of something eternal, unearthly was stored. Levitan, as it were, reveals the viewer of his eyes, as well as what he saw many times, did not notice the legs.