How to cook for GIA in English. Effectively Preparing Students to Successfully Take the Oge in English

How to cook for GIA in English.  Effectively Preparing Students to Successfully Take the Oge in English
How to cook for GIA in English. Effectively Preparing Students to Successfully Take the Oge in English

WITH 2020 English exam will become compulsory after ninth grade, from 2022 a foreign language will become compulsory in the USE. Let's hope that by passing the compulsory exam in a foreign language, students will be able to choose their own level - basic or advanced. But in the meantime, we will have to prepare absolutely everyone for the tasks that we have today. We need to prepare and understand what problems students in grades 5-7 have, because they will already take a foreign language without fail.

Indeed, there will be an exam and no one will escape it. The problem is that children and their parents do not fully realize this. It is already necessary to begin capital preparation for the exam now. I am sure that with a strong desire, you can prepare well for the exam in two years of intensive work.

The OGE schedule for 2018 is already known. Students will take English on the following dates:

· On April 28 (Saturday) early delivery of the English language is scheduled. The reserve day will be April 30, 2018 (Tuesday);

· The main OGE will take place on May 25 (Friday). The reserve day for the main exam will be June 20, 2018 (Wednesday);

· An additional day for delivery will be September 14 (Friday). Booked as a reserve on September 21, 2018 (Friday).

How is the preparation for the exam in grades 5-7, where I teach English.

First, you need to acquaint each class with the structure of the OGE. To do this, you can use the material of Internet resources, for example Introduce the grading scale. And start preparing.

You can start listening with the elementary school manuals. Best suited books by E. N. Solovova "Final Attestation" for grade 4. The assignments develop your listening skills well.

This manual presents all the tasks for practicing all the skills. You are looking at the level of preparation of the students, perhaps these manuals will be too easy for the children. Then you can go to the manuals focused on students in grades 5-6. For example E. Khotuntseva "Improve your language skills".

Here are all types of tasks to train all skills. I use this manual in the elective class in the 7th grade and I must say the work on this book does not cause difficulties for children, they like to complete tasks and the exam no longer seems so scary to them. I recommend this book to be adopted in all classes. In a lesson, you can devote 10 minutes to one type of workout.

For training grammatical skills, test works are well suited to all the well-known Barashkova E.A.Tasks have already been drawn up according to the type of OGE. When there is time in the lesson, and this happens, I give them such sheets and we quickly insert the necessary words. All children have a separate notebook for preparing for the OGE, in which they make the necessary notes. For example, given the word one, you need to convert it to first. Some students need to remember the ordinal exceptions. Then we open the notebooks and write the exception the first, along with all the others.

The work on word formation is more difficult. I print out to students the basic methods of education for all parts of speech. And we do the training exercises from the aforementioned tutorials.

Preparation for the letter. Here it is important to give the very structure of the letter, the necessary clichés, to advise them to learn their own writing scheme. Thus, we compose "Letter Writing Reminders". I opened an envelope in which I collect assignments for writing letters and invite students to choose an assignment from the envelope.

And the oral part is the hardest part. The first oral assignment is reading aloud. It seems that there is nothing complicated, the students say. But when we start to read, some students are not doing well on the assignment. Why? Deliberately difficult words are hidden in the text. How can you work with this type of assignment? It is necessary to find and emphasize these words. Students are interested in this. We check if the selected words are the same for the students. This simple exercise teaches you to see the difficulty in the reading text and pay attention to the difficulty.

It is also necessary to acquaint children with intonation in different types of sentences, questions, exclamations, enumerations, etc.

The second task is the questions of the electronic assistant. Starting in grade 5, every lesson, every day, I write one question on the chalkboard. But first, I choose a topic for the week. For example, the topic of the week is "Keeping fit" and at the beginning of the lesson all the children in a chain answer questions on this topic.

To prepare for the third task of the oral part of the exam, teach the children to start their retelling, the report with the phrase "I would like to tell you about ... .." and end it with the phrase "That’s all I wanted to say". In principle, answering the questions of the second task, we formulate thoughts for the third. Here we still have to work out an algorithm of work.

I remind you that all the necessary tasks for training can be found on the website

Dear Colleagues!

Our section "Preparing for the OGE: Questions and Answers" continues to work. In it you will find useful tips and tests, publications in the media and links to webinars, information on manuals for preparing for the final certification.

The results of the OGE for the 2013-2014 academic year showed that the most difficult section was “Speaking”. Therefore, the new heading will be devoted to the preparation of students, strategies and the successful completion of assignments from the oral part of the OGE. Spotlight textbooks have great potential for developing speaking skills.

Respectfully yours, teacher-methodologist, head of the MMO of English teachers of the Khimki City District, Honored Teacher of Russia, Winner of the PPPO 2006, Laureate of the personal award of the Governor of the Moscow Region 2005, 2012, expert of the OGE and the Unified State Exam.

Teaching oral speech in preparing students for the OGE based on the materials of the EMC "English in Focus"
Link to view

How to Teach Hearing and Listening: Problems of Learning Listening in Preparing Students for Listening Assignments in the GIA
Link to view

A good knowledge of vocabulary and grammar contributes to the development of writing skills. Preparing students for the GIA. Vocabulary, grammar and writing.
Link to view

What is a Securing Sentence and How to Search for Keywords: Preparing Students for Reading Assignments at the GIA
Link to view

Technologies for preparing students for the successful passing of the SIA in English (in a new format)
Link to view

State final certification in English (in a new form) 2013
Link to view

English language.
State final certification.
Training tasks
(with keys). Grade 9
Authors: V. Evans, E. A. Gashimov, A. E. Kurovskaya.

The study guide with audio application contains 8 variants of tests in the GIA format in English. The manual will help to ensure the preparation of students for the final certification as efficiently as possible.

Distinctive features of the manual:

Variable assignments corresponding to the 2013 demo version;
Diverse by genre texts for listening and reading;

Keys to all tasks manuals and audioscripts.

Modern grammar
in English
to prepare for GIA
Authors: Jenny Dooley
Virginia evans
& nbsp

Author's program

Collections of training
exercises in the format
for grades 5-9
Authors Yu. E. Vaulina,
O. E. Podolyako
& nbsp

The collection offers a system of tasks for the development of reading, writing, lexical and grammatical skills as the basis of speech skills. The collection not only solves the problem of training the established formats of examination tasks, but also serves the development of universal educational actions in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education. The materials of the manual can be used in English lessons and at home on your own.

oral topics
for the preparation of
to the GIA.
5-9 grades
Author Yu.A. Smirnov

Collection of oral topics for preparing for the GIA. 5-9 grades. The collection covers all topics included in the specification of the State Final Assessment in English. For convenience, the topics are presented in the order suggested in the specification. After each topic, an answer plan is provided to help students prepare for the oral presentation of the topic and a list of questions. After those that do not require memorizing factual information, a list of useful words and phrases is offered that can be used when composing a monologue statement.
After studying the materials of the collection, the section "Speaking" of the State Academy of Arts in English in the 9th grade will not present any work for students. In addition, the materials of the collection can be used in preparation for tests and exams in English in grades 5-9.


PET for
Express Publishing

Collection of training tasks. Grade 9. An innovative course for preparing for the international PET exam, which includes ten test papers. The manual is intended for primary school students with a Pre-Intermediate level of language proficiency.

I. V. Tofel.
English language.
Grade 9

Collection of training tasks. Grade 9. The collection presents various types of test tasks in English, which allow you to check the level of students' proficiency in a foreign language for all types of speech activity. The collection is intended for the organization of training sessions in the 9th grade of secondary schools in order to prepare for the state final certification (GIA), and can also be used as a practical material to consolidate what has been learned. The collection includes tasks of three levels of difficulty, basic, advanced and high to differentiate students by the level of language proficiency.

Practice Exam Papers
Secondary School
Training tasks
Authors: E. Gashimov,
V. Evans, A. Kurovskaya

Practice Exam Papers Secondary School. A textbook with an audio application contains 8 options for tests in the GIA format for grade 9 in English.

Distinctive features of the manual:

Variable assignments corresponding to the demo version of the GIA 2011;
Samples of assignments for all types of speech activity;
Detailed answers to all tasks.

Hello dear teachers and tutors!

They often come to me in the mail through the form of many letters, where readers ask to help them or tell them what interests them. Recently, we have received similar requests related to the preparation for the exam.

In order not to answer everyone in the letter, I decided to combine all the questions into one article and analyze everything in detail. I will write what I personally think about this and of course I do not pretend to be correct, I will just state my thoughts, how I would have done.

So, where to start preparing for the exam if you've never done it before? What do you need to have for yourself and your students first?

Why are teachers afraid

to prepare students for the exam?

Usually, teachers who study mainly with little ones are afraid to start preparing students for the Unified State Exam in English for two reasons:

  1. Language training is weak

Agree that teaching children, you do not need to master a large number of vocabulary, and the grammar is studied there as well. Everything goes on an elementary level, both grammar and vocabulary.

I do not argue that some of the teachers speak the language well and are constantly developing, but in many cases there is no need for many. And this, by the way, is sad!

2. Never in my life have they prepared for exams (GIA and USE) and have not taken them themselves

So it's time to start! If we follow the fact that English is gaining more and more popularity and there is a tendency that soon it will be compulsory for many, then you just need to learn how to prepare students for these exams.

If only because if you work as a tutor, you will be competitive and one step higher than those who do not prepare for them.

Courses, tutor or self-taught?

If suddenly you are firmly decided that you want to prepare children for the exam, you must, first of all, be well versed in this exam yourself! To do this, you have a choice:

  • to sign up for English language exam preparation courses in your city, if any. If not, then go remotely. Unfortunately, the courses that I took are now gone. And it was already on the site for a long time on September 1
  • find a tutor, who will be able to teach you the intricacies of the exam and will tell you step by step and show you what and how. Perfect option! But there are very few of them and they are hiding))). I am not hiding and you can turn to me for.
  • do self-education and a lot to read, read, read! And then implement all this, practice and draw conclusions! One of the most affordable options, but it requires a lot of self-organization and self-discipline from you!

The first stage is to test our knowledge!

Where to start for a teacher (tutor) who wants to prepare students for exams?

First, you need to improve your language base! To do this, simply test yourself by making one of the USE options.

By checking the answers yourself where possible (ask the more experienced ones to check the letter and essays), you will see the real picture of your knowledge and will see your gaps.

Based on what has been proven, you will already know where to strengthen your work, what types of skills to focus on. This can be a lexical and grammatical part or a letter. Or is it difficult for you to listen or read?

In any case, you must be clear about one thing: you must be confident in your knowledge! (it is clear that it is impossible to know everything, but everyone has their own confidence scale)

If you don’t have this feeling, then improve until you reach the level that is sufficient for you to teach.

Here I will make a reservation that you do not need to know the language at the level of a native speaker, we do not pursue this goal. I am talking now about making it comfortable for you to teach children with your knowledge.

And the level of comfort is different for everyone! What do I mean by this?

For example, it is one thing to explain the grammatical topic to the student (from a methodological point of view, to submit the material so that the student understands everything), it is another matter why the sentence uses this or that time or construction (and here you already show your knowledge, directly linguistic) ...

If you do this with ease and without a twinge of conscience, you can look at something in the dictionary with the student, if you don’t know something, then you have almost reached your level of comfort.

The second stage - we study everything about the USE format

I think that many of you are already familiar with what the Unified State Exam is, many teachers have already passed it. But I have already given some information about what the Unified State Exam is and what it is eaten with.

There you can download the encoder and demo version, as well as get advice on self-preparation for the Unified State Exam in English.

Our task, as a teacher (tutor), is to receive complete information about the exam format, about the sections of the exam! Where can I get it? For instance, . (Verbitskaya's video lectures are very useful and will help you clarify some points)

The third stage is the preparation of materials for students

So, here we have learned with you our level of language proficiency. Now you need some materials on which you will study with children. Of course, you can buy any books where the Unified State Exam is written in English, but sooner or later you will understand that these are just variants of exam tasks and they are all the same type.

We need a more systematic approach. That is, work on each section. I will not talk about listening and reading for now, since these are sections that require more independence from students than our help.

But on the lexical and grammatical part, I will dwell in more detail. Where to begin? What topics do you need to learn? I have prepared for you a list of grammar topics that you must definitely study with your students. All of them can meet at the exam.

From this list, take topics and go through with the students. As you pass, fix it - put a tick in front of each topic or cross it out. So clearly you will see how much you have left to go through, as well as how many classes you can pay attention to them.

You can also give a theory to your home in the form of videogrammatics (for example,) The student will remember the material again if he missed something in class or just forgot a little.

To consolidate grammatical topics, choose special grammar manuals, where there are a lot of exercises. For example, I use the following tutorials:

  • Round-Up 3, 4, 5 (a series where all tasks are in English and theory too)
  • New Round-Up 3, 4 (Russian-language series, theory in Russian)
New Round-Up: Student "s Book: Level 3 / English Grammar 3 (+ CD-ROM)
New Round-Up: Student "s Book: Level 4 / English Grammar 4 (+ CD-ROM)
"New Round-Up 5 (+ CD-ROM)"
  • Grammarway 2, 3, 4
  • New Grammar Time 3, 4, 5
  • Russian collections of exercises by such authors as Muzlanova E.S., Fomenko E.A.
  • Interactive English exercises... There are a lot of tests on different grammar topics. It is convenient to use, since the program itself checks for errors. I wrote a review in detail about this

These are the materials I use to work out grammar topics.

In general, when you take ready-made versions of CMMs, I recommend you a manual, where there are not only ready-made answers, but also comments on why this particular answer was chosen, with a detailed explanation.

Such a guide can be the Oxford English tests to prepare for the exam. I believe that it will greatly help those tutors who are preparing students for the Unified State Exam for the first time.

At least you can then explain this to the children too. And then you’ll develop a habit.

Take a 10th or 11th grader in this new school year and work with him for free, hone your skills and thus prepare yourself! Well, or for a small fee)

Most importantly, take action and don't be afraid!

If you have questions that are not covered on my blog on the topic of the GIA or USE, write in the comments. I will try to answer right away or in the next articles!

It is not surprising that knowledge of a foreign language is important and valuable today. This forces our clients to work hard to achieve the best results. We warn you that this is a matter that should be taken seriously and persistently. So please be patient and start:

  • tune in to intensive work, devote at least 20 minutes of time a day to classes;
  • try to organize the work competently and treat the teacher's tasks responsibly.

Still looking for a good curriculum that delivers results? EngForMe offers the best OGE preparation courses in English

Many are wondering which teacher to choose, because classes with native speakers are often more effective. They will make your speech and writing "lively" as well as dynamic. Professionals will tell you how to quickly and efficiently prepare for the OGE in English in 2018.

Preparing for it will not bring you any difficulties, the main thing is the first step. When you start learning, try to follow simple rules:

  • from simple to complex, start small and keep track of your results;
  • gradually develop existing skills, including learning new material.
  • motivate yourself correctly by communicating with people who have reached the summit you want;
  • rehearse, so you will feel more confident;
  • practice the adverb in your daily life and train yourself to think in this language.

We not only give you recommendations on how best to prepare for the OGE in English in 2018, but also provide a trial lesson

The first lesson will allow you to assess the level of service, as well as the rationality of online preparation for the OGE in English in 2018 from the EngForMe team. We are ready to provide the best start right now. This article, as well as the thematic information presented on the pages of our website, will allow you to enroll in preparation courses for the 2018 OGE in English without leaving your home. Contact us - we are always glad to new clients.

The general state exam is a test of students' knowledge at the end of the 9th grade. At the same time, English is not a compulsory subject for passing the OGE, but it should be chosen if the candidate wants to continue his studies with in-depth study of the language, or enroll in a specialized college.

The OGE in English has its own characteristics and nuances that should be taken into account for the successful completion of all examination tasks.

The structure of the OGE in English

There will be no innovations or radical changes in the structure of the English language exam this year. As before, the set of tasks on the subject will be divided into two categories - written and oral... Some nuances will arise only in the field of checking the work performed. For the students, everything will remain the same.

All written and oral tests are aimed at testing the knowledge and skills of students in the field of communication in a foreign language. Those who demonstrate the best proficiency in speaking and grammar will be enrolled in classes with a linguistic bias.

Schedule and results of the OGE-2018

At the moment, there is already a schedule of examinations in English for 9th grade students. The main English exam will take place on May 25. As before, in addition to the main day, additional and reserve numbers for change are allocated. These will be: early delivery on April 28 with a reserve day on April 30, as well as an additional day of delivery - September 14, with a reserve day on September 21.

The results become known within 10-14 days after delivery. You can check the results online on the GIA website by selecting the desired region.

What are the parts of the OGE in English

The written work includes four blocks of assignments. You need to show knowledge and skills in listening, reading, writing, and using English grammar and vocabulary.


This type of work is based on a written presentation of the material heard. In each of the listening subsections, the student will need to choose one correct answer from the suggested ones. The execution time for this block is 30 minutes, the possible points are 15.

To cope with this part of the OGE, start regularly listening to audio materials in English. In this case, it is necessary to diversify the nature of the audio data. Let it be scientific performances, films, entertainment programs, and even songs. Watching programs with subtitles will also be effective.


All tasks of the section, from 9th to 17th, are aimed at the perception of text material. As a result, students will have to answer questions related to details, as well as select the appropriate heading for the texts. The time allotted for the decision is also 30 minutes with the maximum possible score - 15.

Experience in reading text materials in English is required to successfully pass this part of the exam. To do this, it is enough to read independently selected texts, books, articles, publications. Thus, the vocabulary will also be replenished, which will be useful for passing the oral assignment.

Grammar and vocabulary

Includes 15 questions of assignments aimed at identifying the grammatical knowledge of students. Here you will need the skills to form correct grammatical structures and knowledge of vocabulary. The solution to this section is also given 30 minutes, the maximum possible score is 15.

Studying and reviewing the rules of grammar and vocabulary is an important part of preparing for this part of the OGE. The meaning of suffixes, prefixes, parts of speech, patterns of word formation and inflection is something that you definitely need to study properly. However, you should not limit your knowledge only to theoretical rules. Be sure to practice solving problems by topic in grammar textbooks or online resources.

Written speech

In this section, there is only one task, but it will have to apply the skills of grammar and vocabulary, spelling and punctuation, as well as the ability to build a variety of structures. In addition, by responding to the letter suggested in the assignments, students can demonstrate their ability to write logical and ethically correct texts. The task is given 30 minutes, the largest number of points that can be collected is 10.

Oral speech

Oral verification includes three types of assignments:

  1. Reading aloud. The main purpose of this test is to check the oral pronunciation of the text. The material provided in this assignment is of a popular science nature. For initial acquaintance, 1.5 minutes are given, and 2 minutes are allocated for subsequent reading aloud. The main assessment criteria are easy perception of the text, the absence of unreasonable pauses, the number of phonetic errors. Possible score - 2.
  2. Dialog. The student will be asked 6 general questions on a given topic. A maximum of one point will be awarded for each answer, but only in the case of a complete and comprehensive answer that does not contain stylistic or other errors.
  3. Monologue. In 1.5 minutes, the student must prepare a short speech on a given topic. You can get the maximum score of 7 if the monologue is competent, understandable, eloquent, with an introduction and conclusion at the end. The time for the monologue is short - only 2 minutes, during this time 10-12 sentences need to be expressed.

To improve your oral skill, practice is essential first and foremost. Speak, sing, communicate in English. Recording your speech on a voice recorder is also an effective way to improve your pronunciation. From the outside it will be easier to hear their "problem" places and fix them in advance.