Games and contests for prom in elementary school "Cheerful shop". International Distance Contests and Olympics Competitions Competitions for elementary school children

Games and competitions for graduation in elementary school
Games and contests for prom in elementary school "Cheerful shop". International Distance Contests and Olympics Competitions Competitions for elementary school children

Two players in secret from other players agree on the topic for which they will communicate with non-verbal means. Take a conversation. Eyewitnesses, guessing what we are talking about, connect to the conversation. When everyone is involved in the game, from the last connected start to find out the subject of communication - who as understood the topic of the conversation and what information passed himself.

Walked down the street
All players are assigned numbers. No. 1 begins: "Four Crocodile Street", №4 answers: "Why 4?, №1:" And how much? ", №4:" A 8 ". The game takes No. 8:" Why 8? ", №4:" And how much? ", №8:" A 5! ", Etc. If anyone was mistaken or stood, gives Phanti. Collected phantas at the end of the game

Naked banana
Children sit in a circle. Everyone has something hidden in a shirt. One of the children is trying to make a touch, what is there. The game becomes more interesting if the rule is true: it is not possible to call out guessing items right away, but to feel everything that is hidden and only then to call what is hidden.

Representatives from teams or their captains are called. The lead offers them in turn to start talking on the first line of the joke. If someone from those present in the hall can continue the anecdote on the player attached "beard". Wins the one who has them less.

Starting from a neighbor, on the right, on the chain, we speak a compliment, necessarily with a smile, and the attractive faces can come true.

Games for identifying the leader.
For this, the guys are divided into two or three equal in the number of team members. Each team chooses a name. The counselor suggests the conditions: "Now the teams will be fulfilled after I started" started! ". The wider will be considered the co-mand that faster and more accurate task." Thus, you will create the spirit of competition, which is very important for the guys.
So, the first task. Now every team must tell Khorom some one word. "Started!"
In order to fulfill this task, it is necessary for all team members somehow agree. It is these functions that takes on a person striving for leadership.
Second task. Here it is necessary for anything, without negotiating, the half-teams quickly got up. "Started!"
Third task. Now all teams fly in a spacecraft to Mars, but in order to fly, we need to organize crews as quickly as possible. The crew includes: captain, navigator, passengers and "hare". So who is faster?!
Usually, the functions of the organizer again takes on the leader, but the distribution of roles often occurs in such a way that the leader chooses the role of the "hare". This can be obscured by his desire to convey the responsibility of the commander on the shoulders of someone else.
Task fourth. We flew to Mars and we need to somehow accommodate in the Marti Anxian hotel, and in it only a triple room, two double rooms and one one-pricer. You need to quickly distribute someone in which room will live. "Started!"
After spending this game, you can see the presence and composition of microbroups in your team. Single rooms usually go either hidden, unbearable leaders, or "rejected".
The proposed number of rooms and rooms in them is drawn up for a team consisting of 8 participants. If there are more or fewer participants in the team, then make up the number of rooms and rooms yourself, but with the condition so that there are three-bed, double and one single.

To carry out this game, it is necessary to divide for 2-3 teams and prepare 2-3 ko-timid matches. More precisely, not all boxes are needed, but only the upper part of it. The inner, extended part along with matches can be postponed.
In order to start the game, all the teams are built into the column, the first person wants the boxes on his nose. The essence of the game is that as soon as possible to re-give this boxes from the nose to the nose to all members of your team, the hands should be behind the back. If someone has fallen boxes, the team starts the procedure again.
Accordingly, the winner is the team that will finish the transmission box faster.
The lack of laughter in this game will not be!

This game is again associated with the transfer of the item with two or several commands. This subject will be an apple, and it will be necessary to keep it, clinging between the chin and the neck. Hands behind the back, so ... started!
If you did not have an apple under your hand, you can use the same success with an orange or tennis ball.

For this game you need to organize at least three teams. Teams are built in Ko-Lonny, located on the same line, having previously swollen. After the co-manda build, the leader collects all the shoes guys, dumps it into a bunch and stirring. The leadership is offered: "This is a small fun relay. Now, by Ochrich, each of the participants should run up to this heap, go to your shoes and reach your team to your team, passing the relay to the following. Win you who know how to quickly shift!"

Toucan is a fish that fishermen are often dried by riding long rings. Now we, like Tukanu, will be "to drive" for a long, about 15 m. The length of the rope, at one end of which the pine bump is tied. All members of the team must turn this bump through all the clothes from top to bottom, passing the cone to each other in turn. Naturally, the team, the team, the last participant of which first of all teams pull out a pine bump with fifteen rope meters, tied to it from the pantic pants, believed.

It is better to spend this game on the "light of dating" when the guys are sitting in a big close circle. Start the game should lead, calling his name. Sitting to my left should be called the name of the charge and his own. Next further clockwise will be called the two previous names, its own and so on in a circle. Finish must again, calling the whole detachment by name. The task is complex, but real and executing. Try - mustache is provided.

Children sit in a circle. The counselor gives the assignment: "We'll start counting in a circle. The one at whom the number is the number, a multiple of three, pronounces his name instead of the numbers."
This game can be used to develop memory and attention. Play, and you make sure that this is true.

To carry out this game, take the rope and tie her ends so that it is an imaging-valbo ring. (The length of the rope depends on the number of guys participating in the game.)
The guys get up in a circle and take two hands for the rope, which is inside the circle. Task: "Now everyone needs to close the eyes and, without opening the eye, not releaseing from the hands of the priest, to build a triangle." First, there is a pause and the complete inaction of the guys, then someone from the participants offers some kind of solution: for example, it is possible to settle and build a triangle on the ordinal numbers, and then leads actions.

The next game will be the game "Karabas". For the game of children, seedlings in a circle, along with them the counselor sits down, which offers the conditions of the game: "Guys, you all know the fairy tale about Pinocchio and remember the bearded Karabas-Barabas, who had the theater. Now all you are dolls. I said now The word "ka-ra-bass" and show some number of fingers on the elongated hands. And you will need, do not agree to get up from the chairs, and so many people, how much I will show your fingers. This game develops attention and speed of the reaction. "
In this game test, the participation of two counselors. The task of one thing is to spend the game, the second is to carefully observe the behavior of the guys.
Most often there are more sociable, seeking to leadership guys. Those who get up later, at the end of the game, less decisive. There are those who first get up and then sit down. They constitute a group of "happy." The misinterpretation is the group from-row, which does not get up at all.
It is recommended to repeat the game 4-5 times.
The practice of this game shows that these functions are usually taken by leaders.
The game can be continued, complicating the task, and suggest the guys to build a square, star, hexagon.

Big family picture.
It is better to spend this game to organizeriod to identify the leader, as well as in the middle of the shift, and use as a visual material in your team.
It is proposed that the guys presented that all of them are a big family and you need to take pictures to all together for a family album. It is necessary to choose a "photographer". He must arrange the whole family for photographing. The first of the family chooses the "grandfather" he can also participate in the alignment of the family members. No one for children are not given for children, they must decide themselves who can be and where to stand. And you wait and watch this entertaining picture. The role of "photographer" and "grandfather-neck" is usually taken to fulfill the guys who are committed to leadership. But, however, the elements of the leadership and other "family members" did not exclude. It will be very interesting for you to vote for the distribution of roles, passive activity in the choice of location.
This game spent in the middle of the shift can open you new leaders and reveal the system of sympathy-antipathies in groups. After the distribution of the roles and alignment of the "black family" "Photographer" considers up to three. At the expense "Three!" Everything is together and very loudly shouting "cheese" and make simultaneous cotton into your hands.

Relay on the bus.
To put on each row cardboard with a pencil, and each participant must write on the cardboard, bruised in his row, the word out of four-five letters. When calculating, the number of letters and time is taken into account.

What I saw.
This game is on attention. In it, the guys must count the number of illogical judgments in the poem, which will read the council:
I saw the lake on fire,
Dog in pants on horse
On the house hat instead of the roof
Cats that mouses catch.
I saw the duck and fox,
That plow plow meadow in the forest,
How Bear Meril Shoes,
And as a fool believed everything.
(S.Ya. Marshak)

Due to the forest, because of the mountains
Dr. grandfather Egor.
He is on Peg on the cart,
On an oak horse
He was drunk
Shuffling on the Kushak,
Boots on a crusher,
On Bosu's foot jacket.

Rushed the village past a man
And from under the dog goes gate,
Knut grabbed a horse
A peasant is grooming
Black cow
Leads a girl for the horns.
(K.S. Stanislavsky)

Crunching "Petki - Vaska" .
The leader plays the role of the lead, and the guys are divided into two teams: one - "Petki", the other - "Vaska". Further, all together on the motive "Smallinka":
On solar cleaner
It is a green house.
And on the porch house
Sits funny dwarf.
Next, the leader screams: "What is your name, dwarf?" And shows the hand to one of the commands, which as long as possible corresponds to the patter.
PE-E-DAC! I have a shirt in Clean-E-TKU!
I came to you, de-e-tki,
To eat the Konfe-E-TKU!
Va-a-twist! I have pants in a mountain-sock!
I came from SKA-A-Zki,
Because I'm a good one!
All this is held several times, the leader shows that one, then to another team, and at the end of the game - on both teams at once, and one of them should shut down another.

Crunching "Zagniki".
These cries have a large number of options. Their peculiarity is that they do not mean any absolutely anything and thus like children.
Everything is very simple: children repeat for the counselor who sings:
Calabamba la-oh!
Oh, I eat bananas!
After each line, drinking counselors, children shout: "Hay!".
Chica Chica-Chi - Hay!
Chicari Chiri-Cheki!
You can come up with our guys, the detachment of the crurch, which you, for example, will be gathering together.

Everyone stands in a circle, holding an elongated arms in front of them. The novice game throws the ball through the Circle Center to one of the participants and calls his name. After the throw, he lowers his hands. After the ball costs everyone, and everyone will devote their hands, the game begins on the second circle. Each of the participants throws the ball to the man to whom he threw the first time, and again calls his name.
The third round of this game is somewhat changed. Again, everyone stands in a circle with an elongated Rou-Kami, but now the participant who threw the ball should call his name that caught the ball about-and deems the same thing, etc.
After this game (10-15 minutes is spent on its conduct), it is quite real - but remember to 20 names.

Competition fans .
Acting Competition
the fans of the team that loses the decisive match.
the fans of the team that argue among themselves in the stands.

From Valentine's name to make new names. Time for a 1 minute contest. Viewers are also divided into two teams and when their names will end with their names, help them.

Competition Rhymes.
From the audience they say the Word, the playing must quickly come up with rhyme.
fans team that wins.

The cabin bus is divided into two teams. "The competition is announced for the best crew of Ko-Rabl. For this, we need to know a lot of songs. What the team will sing them most, that and it will be the winner! But the main thing is that in the song there were words about the sea, sailors, maritime co-rollers." This game is very variable and its conditions depend on your imagination. This is Mo Gut Being Songs about Moscow, there may be songs in which figures are found: "Million, Million, Million Scarlet Roses"; "... Girl from Apartments 45"; "... times Loudly, two Sloves ...."
A more difficult version of this game will be the game "Question-answer", where the team takes turns takes the question from one song, and the answer is from another.
"What are you standing, swinging? .."
"... shakes, shakes sea wave."
It is possible that one team in a song form set the question, and the second again, again, chooses the answer.

Competition trap.
Competition is carried out without ad immediately after the commands. Before the teams, the girl passes and how accidentally drops the scarf (approximately in the middle between the teams). The team wins the team that guess to raise the handkerchief and politely return the girl. After that, it is announced that this was the first competition.

Tightening the rope.
Teams pull a rope with a central ribbon. The team wins, pulls the rivals to their half (to determine the half in the middle of the room, a chalk is carried out on the floor).

Competition "Chain".
Very quickly call food, which are often used in everyday chain. Other chains topics are possible.

Competition compliments.
A girl is invited to the middle of the hall. The teams alternately tell the girl compliments without repeating. The team that has made a greater number of compliments will be defeated.

Competition of Chastushki.
For one minute, compose a chastushka with your name and feed it.

Stop the fairy tale "Ryabina", if she:
1) Comedy
2) Melodrama

Two people from the team. Changing each other for the waist, with free hands you need to immediately unleash and get lacing from the boot, and then on the team to lace them and tie a bow

"Catch the groove".
Children become a circle, choose "Sparrow", "Cat". "Sparrow" in a circle, "Cat" - for the circle. She is trying to run into the circle, catch the "Sparrow". Children are not allowed

"Love house".
Children are divided into pairs, take hands - these are houses. A group of children - birds, their more than the houses. Birds fly. "Crane rain", birds occupy houses. To whom did not have enough house, drop out of the game, and then change with children - "houses".

"Sparrow, Chikini!"

All participants are sitting in a circle. They are issued a ball. The first player comes up with the word and throws the ball to someone from the participants. I caught the ball should come up with my association with this word and throw the ball to the next player. The main thing is to come up with associations quickly. The one who will not be able to come up with her quickly comes out of the game.

Guess by clothes

The presenter comes with a large bag. In the bag - attributes of clothing of famous people, literary heroes, cartoon characters. Then the presenter pulls out of the bag on one thing, and the rest should guess who owns this thing. If you guess, then takes this thing to yourself forever.

Sophisticated football

This competition resembles the usual football game, but somewhat complicated. Two players are associated so that the rights of the first player's leg be associated with the left foot of the second. It is exactly the participants of the contest and must beat the balls into the opponent's gate. Two for one.

Battle bags

Two players are awarded bags stuffed with soft material. Players enter the circle that serves as the ring. At the signal of the lead they start the battle. Each player must displace another player from the circle. To each fighter you can attach my intermediary who will tell him what to do.

Ice cream

Two chairs are put in the center of the hall. On the first chair a plate with ice cream, a guy sits down on the second chairs. To each guy "attaches" his girl who will feed it with ice cream. The girl should go to the chair with ice cream, score ice cream into a spoon, clamp a spoon with lips and so feed the guy.
Wins a couple who fastest ice cream ends.


Participants are broken by pairs. Each pair is issued a bottle of milk with a nipple at the end. One representative of the couple must feed with this bottle of another. Wins the case that faster empties a bottle. As a prize for this competition, a bottle of milk is suitable.

Battle in Circle

On the floor, the circle is drawn in which the participants will stand. However, they will stand on specially decomposed cards. All players pull hands forward palms down. The task of each participant is to hit the other along the palms so that he falls out of the circle or at least touched the hands of the floor.
Who will be able to push the opponent from the circle, he won.

Tailor of arrows

It is better to spend this competition on the street in winter when drifts are lying. Each player is handed over with a stick, preferably with a pointed end. The player throws a stick in a small snowdrift so that it came out from the other end of the snowdrift.
Who will have more hits, he won.

Catch Lisitsa

It will take three people for the game, two of whom are catchers, and one - a fox. Covens are issued a long scarf, which is tied in a large loop. Cathes should catch this scarf fox, and the fox's task is to slip through the loop before the catches are tightened.


Two guys and two assistants are invited to the competition. Guys go to the ring. The ropes are tied to their belt, for which assistants will hold. The task of assistants is to guide your boxer. The boxer wins the first to make three easy impacts.

Several pairs of "Guy Girl" are invited to participate in the competition. The girl is issued clothes with a lot of buttons, and the guy is mittens. The task of the guys is that they should fasten as much buttons on the clothes partners.
Who fastest fastens, that and declare the winner.


Players are in the rank. The first player behind the back holds the cucumber. His task is imperceptibly transferred to the cucumber neighbor, the neighbor transmits his neighbor and so on. The presenter must guess who has a cucumber.
The complexity of the competition is that it is necessary to have time to bite the cucumber. If the lead is guessing, who has a cucumber, he becomes the player's place, and the player becomes the lead. The game ends when the cucumber is eaten.

Championship of cross-tag

Earlier, every second schoolboy knew this game, but for some reason modern students prefer more and more computer strategies or shooters. Therefore, it will be useful to argue your mind interesting and entertaining game in noliki cross. Everything is very simple: 2 rivals, board and chalk, draws a simple lattice, optionally, 2 to 2, 3 to 3 and so on. The task of each of the participants is faster than the enemy to put your cross or a zolik in one line and cross it. The winner is the prize. At the end you can spend the battle of the strongest and find out which of the guys is the coolest in this matter.

Mark on history

The presenter makes the sheets of paper and distributes them to the participants. Each participant should leave his mark in history for half a minute. How he will do it - this is a question for his fantasy. You can leave your mark in the literal sense, you can leave the print imprint, you can sign and so on.
After that, the presenter causes two volunteers who will pull on the sheet and guess who exactly left one or another mark in history. At the same time, volunteers must explain their choice.


Participants are divided into pairs. Girls take guys for collars, playing the role of riders. Guys - Horses. Girls try to push guys so to knock them down. The girl, whom the first managed to knock down his boyfriend, gets a prize.

Take a gift

In the center of the hall is drawn the circle. Several participants enter the circle. In the center of the circle - a gift. The presenter gives various teams to its players. For example, "sit down", "get up" and so on. Then she sharply says "Take!". One who has time to take a gift to themselves, he won.


Two players become in a circle, but become one foot. The second leg should be bent in the knee and stick with hand. Players start jumping on one leg. The task of each of them to try to push out the circle of your opponent. Who will succeed, in addition and declare the winner.

Get into goal

Players are divided into two teams and get from the leading ball. The task of players of the first team is that it is necessary to knock out as many participants as possible another team, hitting them with the ball. The second team has the same goal.
However, if the player catches the ball in his hands, it does not mean that he was knocked out, on the contrary, he gets a privilege to throw the ball. The team, which, after the expiration of the time, will remain more players, won.


Players are divided into two teams. Each team is handed over a balloon. The gate is installed in the hall. Players begin to play football. One is not one ball, but two: every one. Who will score more balls into the opponent's gate, he won.


A group of players become in a rank, tightly holding hands. On the contrary, the same chain is formed. The player of the first team call the name of the player from the second team. That whose name is called, accelerates and runs right on the enemy chain, trying to break it. If it does not go out, the opponent team takes this player to himself. If the chain is still breaking, the player chooses for his team any player from the opponent team.

Not so easy . But even more difficult to choose the games and contests for school-age children. After all, the interests and hobbies of children have changed. And entertainment must correspond to the age of children. Games for schoolchildren not only perform entertainment function, but also play a non-small learning role in the game form. So, with the help of games, we develop attention from children, fantasy, thinking, communicative skills.


Game on the development of memory. At the beginning of the game, players negotiate, from which group will be called words: trees, birds, furniture, transport, animals. The first player calls the word and transmits the ball to another player: for example, hare. The next child repeats the first word and calls its: hare, fox. The next player must repeat the first two words and add their word: hare, fox, bear. The one who could not reproduce the word leaves the game. The task of the last player to reproduce the entire chain of words.

Chains of words

Children sit in a circle. The first child calls any subject (noun), the next player must come up with an adjective that will be combined with the nouns, then it is necessary to come up with a noun, which should be combined with adjectives, etc.

Home - High - Tree - Green - Crocodile - Angry - Wizard, etc.


This is a fascinating surprise game. You can play in it with children of any age. Younger children can be suggested searching the treasure on behalf of some fabulous character. In this case, the character can offer children to guess the riddles. For example, guessing a riddle about the wardrobe, the children find a note with a new mystery in it or with a new task. The game is fascinating kids, and when they finally find a treasure, it will be a real surprise for them. As a treasure, you can offer a treat for all guests or small souvenirs for everyone.

For older children, the game can be complicated. Suggest children in advance drawn up the search scheme or map. In the scheme (map), specify the search direction. For example, from a landmark you need to count five steps forward, turn left, go through three more steps, etc. It is interesting to play this game in nature, you can hide treasure and on the tree, and in the ground.


Children sit in a circle. Each sheet of paper and markers or pencils. The game is better to spend on the music. While music sounds, children draw. Music stops and during a pause, children transmit drawings to each other in a circle. Music plays, drawing continues. And so while the drawings will not return to their owners. In conclusion, it will be interesting to observe what happened.

Competition "Summer-this"

The game contributes to the development of fantasy. The lead calls any concept, and the players in turn should call his signs, for example: summer is the sea; Vacation, heat. Who makes it difficult to answer, dropping out of the game. The winner is the one who the latter will name a sign of the subject.


The game will be interesting to children of middle and older school age. It is well developing the communicative skills of schoolchildren.

From the number of players choose three people - smugglers. Each smuggler will need a book and a marked sheet of paper on everyone is smuggling. Smugglers are prevented and agreed, which of them will be driving smuggling, then hide her in the book. The remaining group of children is customs officers. Their task is to smuggling. To do this, they ask smugglers leading questions. Conclusions are made by analyzing the answers and behavior of smugglers. The suspected smuggler inspect - check his book. You can check only one of the three smugglers. If the customs officers found smuggling - they won, then they choose new smugglers from among the customs officers, but if they were mistaken, then smugglers remain the same. For customs officers, you can prepare standard questions in advance.

Where do you live?

Where are you going?

For what purpose?

On what period?

What do you carry in baggage?

Do you have forbidden items?

What documents do you have?

Source of income?


Game - discharge. From the number of players choose one or two people - these are leading, which will be guessing the invented phrase. After that, the remaining group of children comes up with any phrase. It may be a proverb, a saying, a line of a famous song, i.e. The phrase should be "on the hearing." Then the phrase is divided into words on players, each player will only pronounce their word, but all words will be pronounced simultaneously. The task of leading to reproduce the phrase.


This exciting game analogue of the game "spoiled telephones". Only here the message is transmitted in the form of a fax pattern. Participants of the game are sitting in a circle. On the back of each of them the sheet of paper is attached. The first participant with a wand or closed felt-tip pen draws on the back of his neighbor some simple item: Christmas tree, sun, house, man, etc. The sticking wand must determine what is drawn and draw the same subject on the back of a person who sits ahead of him. In the conclusion of the game, children voiced, what they painted.


This game will serve as an excellent entertainment at the orphanage, while developing imagination.

The presenter throws the ball to the player, calling any item, such as a pencil. The player must quickly come up with another name to this subject - a draftsman, a killer, an idiot, and throw the ball back. If the child makes it difficult, he drops out of the game.

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