Where was Dmitry Kogan born? Violinist Kogan dies after being treated for cancer in a private clinic

Where was Dmitry Kogan born? Violinist Kogan dies after being treated for cancer in a private clinic

Earlier, a close friend of the musician, Elena Tereshkova, admitted that she was offended by Dmitry's father for not canceling the concert on the day of his son's death.

Singer Iosif Kobzon, who knew well the violinist Dmitry Kogan, who died this week, spoke about how hard the outstanding musician passed away.

According to the singer, oncological disease, which Dmitry suffered, caused him great suffering - both physical and mental.

“Everything was familiar to him. For a painfully long time, the cursed disease struck his heart, ”Kobzon shared with journalists from StarHit. “He prepared everyone who knew him for the fact that the problem was incurable. He prepared us for his departure."

Even on the most difficult days, the performer noted, Kogan did not lose hope for recovery.

“This is so unfair! At 38, to leave for another world, when he had so many ideas. He dreamed, he wanted to live,” said Iosif Davydovich.

In its turn famous conductor and pianist Maxim Shostakovich, who had a close long-term friendship with Kogan, shared his memories of the amazing, bright character of the artist.

“He understood music very deeply. I understood and fell in love with him for this, - said the musician, who is the son of the great composer Dmitry Shostakovich. - He was a radiant person, always walked with a smile. He loved people and enjoyed them. I always wanted to say something good."

A close friend of the musician, Elena Tereshkova, daughter of the first Russian female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, also spoke about Kogan's difficult struggle with cancer. According to the woman, some time ago, doctors diagnosed Dmitry with melanoma - skin cancer. This summer he underwent another course of treatment.

“For a whole year he was stubbornly treated,” Elena noted. - Last treatment took place in Israel. On August 17, he was transported from Israel to Moscow. The doctors made recommendations. He was expected at the Herzen Research Institute of Oncology, where the best specialists in this field in our country work. But Dima went to a commercial clinic and died there a week later. The doctors of a private clinic took responsibility and for some reason changed the appointments of Israeli doctors. In the situation in which Dima was, it was impossible to make sudden movements. But now what to say about it. You won’t return Dima ... ”Tereshkova added.

She also admitted to reporters that she was offended by Dmitry's father, conductor and violinist Pavel Kogan, for not canceling the planned performance on the day of his son's death.

“I still feel sorry for Dima that on the day of his death, his father did not cancel the concert. He has performed and is still touring. He went on tour when Dima was already in intensive care ... ”- stated daughter Tereshkova.

It is known that Pavel Kogan has long been divorced from Dmitry's mother, Lyubov Kazinskaya, and he practically did not engage in raising his son.

The day before, on September 2, fans of Dmitry Kogan said goodbye to him in Moscow. The funeral ceremony was held in the Moscow International House music; the violinist will be buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

TASS-DOSIER. On August 29, 2017, it became known that the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, violinist Dmitry Kogan, died at the age of 39.

Dmitry Pavlovich Kogan was born on October 27, 1978 in Moscow in the family of Pavel Kogan and Lyubov Kazinskaya. Father is a violinist and conductor, National artist Russian Federation, chief conductor of the Moscow State Academic Symphony Orchestra. Mother is a pianist. Paternal grandfather was Leonid Kogan - one of the most prominent Soviet violinists, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR.

From the age of six he began to play the violin at the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory. Tchaikovsky. At the age of fifteen, he performed with an orchestra in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. Graduated from the Central Music School in 1996.

In 1996-1999 he was a student at the Moscow State Conservatory (he studied with Igor Bezrodny and Eduard Grach), in parallel, in 1996-2000, he studied at the Academy. J. Sibelius (Helsinki, Finland), where his mentor was Thomas Haapanen.

In 1997, Kogan made his violin debut in the US and UK. In the future, the musician has repeatedly performed in the most prestigious concert halls in Europe, Asia, America, Australia.

In 1998 he became a soloist with the Moscow State Academic Philharmonic. He took part in prestigious international festivals held in Austria, France, Switzerland, China, etc. He also performed at festivals held in Russia " cherry forest"," Russian Winter "," Musical Kremlin ", etc.

In 2010 he was a soloist-instrumentalist of the federal state unitary enterprise "Gosconcert".

Was artistic director Primorsky Regional Philharmonic (Vladivostok, 2004-2005) and Samara State Philharmonic(2011-2013).

In 2014, he was appointed artistic director of the Moscow Camerata orchestra.

In total, he released 10 CDs during his career. In 2013 he recorded a charity album "Time high music". It was published with a circulation of more than 30 thousand copies and donated to music schools, children's art schools, colleges and higher educational establishments in all subjects of the Russian Federation.

The violinist was active in charitable, cultural and educational activities, regularly giving master classes.

Was the organizer and artistic director International Festival them. Leonid Kogan, artistic director of the festival "Days of high music".

In 2011, together with entrepreneur Valery Savelyev, he created the Fund for Supporting Unique cultural projects them. Kogan. The main direction of his activity is the acquisition and restoration of rare instruments around the world for transfer to Russian musicians for free use.

In 2012, he was a confidant of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin.

He headed the Board of Trustees of the Ural College of Music (Yekaterinburg).

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2010).

Honorary Citizen of Nevelsk (2008, Sakhalin Region; the title was awarded for holding charity concerts in support of local residents after the earthquake on August 2, 2007).

In 2009-2012 he was married to Ksenia Chilingarova, daughter of polar explorer Artur Chilingarov.

On Tuesday, August 29, the famous Russian violinist Dmitry Kogan died. This was announced by his personal assistant Zhanna Prokofieva, reports TASS.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation died of cancer. He was only 38 years old.

Words of condolences in connection with the death of Kogan were expressed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky, pianist Alexander Gindin and others.

Farewell to violinist Dmitry Kogan will take place on Saturday, September 2, in the Hall of Columns.


Dmitry Kogan was born on October 27, 1978 in Moscow in the famous musical family. His father is conductor Pavel Kogan, his mother is pianist Lyubov Kazinskaya. The musician's grandfather is the legendary Soviet violinist Leonid Kogan, and his grandmother is the violinist and teacher Elizaveta Gilels.

At the age of 10, he began performing with symphony orchestra, and at the age of 15 he gave a concert in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. In 1997, the musician made his debut in the UK and the USA. He constantly performed in the most prestigious concert halls in Europe, Asia, America, Australia, the Middle East, the CIS and Baltic countries.

Dmitry Kogan became widely known thanks to his charity event "Time of High Music". In 2013, he recorded an album in the Hall of Columns of the House of the Unions, which was released in 30 thousand copies and all of which was donated to children's schools by musicians.

The musician was the first person in his profession to give a concert for polar explorers at the North Pole (2009), performed with charity concerts in Beslan and after the earthquake in the city of Nevelsk.

Since 2002, he began to organize various festivals and events that promoted classical music.

May 26, 2011 in the Hall of Columns Kogan gave a concert in which he played five violins the greatest masters past - Amati, Stradivari, Guarneri, Guadanini, Vuillaume.

In 2010 he was awarded honorary title"Honored Artist of the Russian Federation".

Dmitry Kogan, the most talented violinist of Russia, who conquered Europe and the world, People's Artist of our country, died on August 29, 2017. There was no legend of Russia because of prolonged illness. The cause of death is cancer. The assistant said that he was no more. She informed the public about the cause of death.

Dmitry Kogan, violinist: personal life 2017, children, wife, divorce - biography

Dmitry Kogan was born on October 27, 1978 in Moscow into a family of violinists. Grandmother - Elizaveta Gilels, grandfather - Leonid Kogan, both talented violinists. Parents: father Pavel Kogan, mother Lyubov Kazinskaya, conductor and pianist. He followed in the footsteps of his family and also devoted himself to this profession. Everyone knew that he would talented musician since childhood. Already at the age of 6, the boy was sent to study at the Moscow State Conservatory. And in 1996 he became a student at the Moscow Conservatory. He studied there until 1990.

At the age of 10, Dmitry already began performing with a symphony orchestra, and at 15!!! years conquered Big hall Moscow Conservatory. And at 19, he had already conquered America! From this began his legendary musical way. The world of music does not know how to cope with such a loss.

Posted by Dmitri Kogan/Dmitri Kogan (@dmitri_kogan) Dec 24, 2016 at 12:46 pm PST

Little is known about the violinist's personal life. His wife was Ksenia Chilingarova. Married to her, the musician lived for three years. In 2009 they played a wedding, but already in 2012 they were waiting for a divorce. The father of Dmitry's wife was a polar explorer and State Duma deputy. The couple had no children.

We remind you that the funeral will take place in Moscow on September 2. The location is not yet known. Probably, this information will appear later.