Dream Interpretation interpretation of dreams why a friend is dreaming. The Magic of Numbers

Dream Interpretation interpretation of dreams why a friend is dreaming.  The Magic of Numbers
Dream Interpretation interpretation of dreams why a friend is dreaming. The Magic of Numbers

Interpretation of dreams: what a friend dreamed about A long-awaited meeting with a good friend always pleases and sets you in a cheerful mood, in anticipation of a good conversation and an interesting pastime. This is exactly what happens in real life, but what about when this meeting takes place in a dream? Different dream books give their own interpretation of such a vision, based on many years of observation and analysis of dreams.

A friend in a dream - sometimes better than in reality

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

When a former friend appears in a dream, this may be a harbinger of a quarrel with current friends. If he is in good health and in a good mood, then you can expect positive news and unexpected gifts. If the old comrade appears sick, gloomy and sad, this signals possible troubles and sad memories from the past. A former friend can constantly dream if there are some unfinished business between you. In this situation, it is best to meet with each other and resolve differences.

English dream book

Seeing a friend in a dream with anxiety and concern means that he is in distress or suffers from some serious illness. If a friend who appeared in a dream is satisfied with life and calm, you can expect good news. The beloved, who has gone to distant lands, dreams of a quick return and a wedding ceremony. Sick and infirm friends who are currently separated from you testify to your quarrelsomeness and excessive temper.

Women's dream book

For the fair sex, to dream of a friend who is in a good mood means good news and meetings. If your friend in a dream is upset or sick, this is a sign that unpleasant events or illness are approaching. When a girl leaves her boyfriend, it means that she needs new experiences, and the old relationship has already become obsolete. For the upcoming separation, you may also have a dream in which you shake hands with a sad and sad person.

Eastern dream book

In this dream book, a friend who radiates happiness and a good mood dreams of great news and long-awaited meetings. If he is in trouble or suffers from some kind of illness, then health problems are possible ahead. In the event that your friend is dressed in red clothes, this can serve as a warning of impending losses and troubles. When in a dream a person tries to hide his face, it means that in reality he only wants to seem like a good friend and is always ready for deception.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

The appearance of a friend in a dream is a kind of reflection of events that may soon occur in reality. Help given to a friend in a dream means receiving unexpected support from kind people, and a desperate argument with a friend indicates his infidelity and resourcefulness. If you dream that a good friend has died, you need to prepare for unexpected news. A conversation with an already deceased friend portends very important news, and all his words must be taken as the truth.

Family dream book

According to this dream book, a friend portends good news when he appears healthy and joyful in a vision. If your friend looks distressed, then you need to listen to your body, since the appearance of various diseases is not excluded. When a friend appears in the form of an animal, this serves as a warning that there are people who want to bring discord into your friendship. If in your vision you are moving away from your friend, then these friendships are no longer so important to you, you are striving for change and new meetings.

The probability of the fulfillment of dreams

Since some people are more influenced by the Moon and others by the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 25th day of the month. The dreams that occurred on the night of today are full of lies and deceit.

Today is the 29th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today can come true within 24 days.

Today is Monday. Monday is considered a difficult day because it is ruled by the planet - the Moon. Monday dreams, whatever you see, reflect your emotional and psychological state and can be associated with everyday life and everyday chores, with family, relatives, especially with your mother and other women, with small children.

If Monday's dream is long and saturated, if there was water in it, then you have to redo a lot of daily homework. It is better when the dream is mean, "short". It means that there will be little fuss, you will be able to be collected and restrained, you will be able to maintain a good mood.

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FRIEND - Miller's Dream Book

If you see your friends in a dream, and they are healthy and happy, such a dream portends good news. It is possible that soon you will meet someone dear to you.

To see that your friend is upset, or that his face has darkened, promises illness and suffering.

If you see your friend in the form of an animal, it means that the enemies will soon separate you from your loved ones.

If a friend, unexpectedly for you, is dressed in bright red clothes, this promises you anxiety, and your loved ones - various unrest.

If you dream of your friend standing high on a pedestal - you have to do a lot of what you have planned, and you will always have a sense of justice.

If you see him far below, then this portends that you will soon experience success, but luck, unfortunately, will make you turn your back on your old friends.

If in a dream you leave your friend, this is a sign that, breaking the bonds of friendship, you will begin to look for new experiences.

Shaking hands with a sad and dejected person - to separation from a friend or his loss.

FRIEND - Modern Dream Interpretation

Having a close friend in a dream means that you can count on the help of friends in a difficult situation.

A dream in which you unexpectedly meet a friend predicts that you will soon receive news about him.

Eating or drinking with a friend in a dream is a harbinger of great trouble. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will have to share his hardships with a friend.

To see a girlfriend in a dream - to gossip, strife and family squabbles, sometimes to receive news about this person.

To dream of a friend who has not been seen for a very long time means that he remembers you.

To find out in a dream that your friend has died is to receive news of his marriage.

Seeing your friend joyful in a dream - to receive good news and a good day. Seeing him sad is a bad day and bad news.

Being in a dream in the company of friends and enemies together is a sign that soon either one of your friends will become your enemy, or vice versa.

Seeing your friend in a dream in a different guise - expect deception from your loved ones, the disclosure of which will lead to a break. Pay attention to how your friends are dressed in a dream. If their clothes attract your attention in a dream, then see clothes.

Looking at a friend from the bottom up - to the realization of the bold hopes that you will strive to achieve, as well as the same position that your friend has reached; looking down is a harbinger that, due to your arrogant behavior or selfish motives, you may lose friends.

Leaving a friend in a dream (or seeing a friend leaving you) is a sign of separation from a friend.

Your friend sits motionless on a chair and does not pay attention to you - you will receive bad news about your friend. You will try to help him.

You quarrel with a friend - you will quarrel with him in real life. Another interpretation of sleep: You are tired of the familiar environment, you want new experiences, you want a change of "decoration".

You shake hands with a friend, and he is sad, silent, looks away - there is a possibility that your friend will die or leave forever. Either way, you will lose your friend.

You see that your friend is dying - well-being awaits you.

FRIEND - Slavic Dream Interpretation

Seeing a dying person is well-being; many friends - separation.

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Sometimes our dreams give us incredible surprises, there are dreams that remain in our memory for a long time, and you suffer all day long, thinking what it could mean. Especially often this happens when a person comes to our world of dreams, about whom you have not known anything for a long time.

It is not surprising that the question - what is the dream of a person with whom you have not communicated for a long time, remains one of the most relevant for interpreters of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe human psyche. Let's see what is behind this.

Sometimes we dream of things that are impossible in life, and life presents us with something that we never dreamed of.
Ilya Nikolaevich Shevelev

Subconscious game

It is known that our brain cannot store absolutely all the information in the halls of the mind, so it often sends old acquaintances and past events to an area called.

At the same time, it is important to understand that forgotten cases and people have not necessarily played a negative role in our lives, just the clock is ticking, and it is time for them to leave. However, at certain points in our lives, old acquaintances and loved ones sometimes come back to us during sleep.

Why is this happening? Psychologists give several explanations for this:

  • If you come across someone or something that reminds you of that person, your brain quickly picked up an association, created a connection and decided that it was time to remember this man.
  • There is also a possibility that your feelings for this person, even despite a rather long period of time, have not yet faded away, you would like to meet him, at least by chance, and your dreams give you such a great opportunity. Thus the brain tries to reduce stress caused by a feeling of melancholy and reduce stress levels.
  • Perhaps you have some unfinished business with this person, so in your dreams you return to him again and again, trying to put an end to it. It may not be necessary, much more often we dream of former lovers, the connection with which ended in something indefinite.

Energy version of sleep

A long-gone romance Often girls puzzle over the question: what is the dream of a guy with whom you have not communicated for a long time. Psychics, like people who see through distances and times, are sure that even if you broke up with someone, this does not mean at all that your energy connection is broken.

Thinking too much about someone, experiencing, we give a person a part of our life force, which he gets used to using. Have you noticed that the people they fall in love with seem to blossom - everything starts to argue with them, and they themselves are getting prettier right before their eyes. But any feelings, as you know, are not eternal.

If we do not see a person, we try to erase him from our heart and gradually stop thinking about him, he understands on an instinctive level that no more access to energy. So its thin shell comes to us in dreams trying to refresh the memories and make our love resurrect.

In this case, psychics believe that it is necessary to do the following:

  • thank the universe for sending you such an amazing dream;
  • remember this person and wish him all the best;
  • then you should look at him from a distance, making the image more and more faded, it is advisable not to experience any emotions, taking a neutral position.

What do dream interpreters say?

The interpretation of a dream about a person is a responsible task. It is quite possible that the appearance in a dream of a person with whom you have not communicated for a long time is an omen of some future events in your life.

The simplest interpretation in dream books says that perhaps squabbles and troubles await you in relations with the older generation or relatives which you have not seen or heard for a long time. Think about what problem you have in family circles, most likely, it needs to be solved as quickly as possible.

If you dreamed of an old friend, in the near future you get some serious news that can turn your life in a completely different direction.

In this case, you need to remember what emotions the person who came to you experienced:

  1. If there is joy on his face, you communicated with him easily in a dream, and after sleep there was a feeling of joy, then future news will be pleasant.
  2. It is much worse when your friend cries in a dream, begs for salvation, says bitter things, or just stands with a sad face. In this case, big troubles are possible in the near future.

This interpretation is also true with the weather:
Met a friend in bright sunlight - very good.
Overcast, raining - the wait is delayed.

Why dream of former friends with whom you have not communicated for a long time?

If you do not communicate with one of your friends because of accumulated grievances, then a dream involving former friends is a sign that it is time for you to learn to forgive:
  • Meeting old friends with whom you don’t communicate now - survive separation from someone close in the real life.
  • If you and your friends just for a long time dispersed in different directions, then the dream means important meeting or news.

In any case, if you dream of an old friend with whom you have not communicated for a long time, this means that he is now in a difficult situation and needs some help. Find him, restore communication and help a friend in any way you can, if necessary.

Telling what friendship is about in a dream, the dream book proceeds from the fact that it is, first of all, a warm relationship, common memories, an unwritten law of mutual assistance. Friends can appear before us in a dream in the most unexpected situations and images: grow up, as if out of the ground after many years of painful separation, dress in an incredible way, stun them with some trick, and even rise from the dead.

Interpretation largely depends on the mood of the dreamers and the dreamer himself. If unfamiliar or frightening images have crept into a dream that are trying to gain confidence under the guise of comrades, such signs should be taken as a warning. Perhaps the sleeper is facing a test, or something is already wrong with his life.

What does it mean if you dreamed of friends with whom fate scattered you around the world for a long time, the dream book explains by the recognition of your past merits. Once you made a lot of efforts, perhaps you continue to this day to move in this direction. Now is the time to reap the rewards.

It happens that in a dream you are surrounded by an abstract company of friends. You do not know any of them, however, according to the plot, friendships develop between you. In this case, the dream book believes that the dream is inspired by a completely natural need for easy communication.

What is the dream of a dead friend

If you dream about dead friends, the English dream book is in a hurry to dispel the anxieties caused by such a vision. Despite such a depressing plot, the dream, oddly enough, has a positive meaning: soon you will be at the wedding, it is possible that as one of the main heroes of the occasion.

Miller's dream book offers its own interpretation of what dead friends dream of. The dream speaks of your need for friendly support to resolve some pressing issue, or of an acute lack of human warmth in relations with others.

I dreamed of a feast in a friendly company

Dream Interpretation Hasse believes that a dream about a carefree feast with friends is often a harbinger of very real troubles. It will soon become clear that one or more of them cannot do without outside support, you volunteer to help.

Why drunk friends dream depends largely on the dreamer's reaction to their behavior. If these wakingly quite decent people, under the influence of alcohol, lost control of themselves in a dream, and their behavior causes an acute feeling of indignation and shame, the dream book warns of impending disappointment in real life.

A very common dream - drinking with friends - often symbolizes the irresponsibility and frivolity that you or one of the participants in the feast risk showing. However, what you see in a dream can be interpreted in another way: a dream is nothing more than echoes of real gatherings that took place in the past.

Why dream of meeting friends

The astrological interpreter believes that a dream meeting with friends can be inspired by a meeting with real people who are somewhat similar to them. The fact that the friends from the dream are very dear to you, besides, you haven’t seen each other for a long time, only confirms the assumption of the dream book.

If you had a chance to meet friends dressed in an unusual manner in a dream, Miller's dream book sees this masquerade as a cause for concern. It is possible that one of the dreamers is about to get into a bad story, and his relatives will have to worry a lot about him.

Old, new and unusual friends in a dream

When it happens to see many friends in a dream, the Slavic dream book explains what they saw by the fact that someone from your environment plans to go on the road. Or a loved one's life plans have changed, in connection with which he will not be able to devote as much time to you as before.

What close friends dream of is often associated with the upcoming addition to the family. For those who have not yet had time to start a family, the interpretation promises a permanent relationship that will develop in the near future. What you see in a dream portends a very successful union.

If you happen to see old friends in a dream, pay attention to their mood. Saddened friends are trying to warn about the dangers hanging over the source of income. The illness or failure of a friend symbolizes your neglect of him. Cheerful associates seek to cheer you up even in a dream.

Why dream of meeting old friends

Why dream of meeting old friends after a long separation is often associated with the upcoming departure of someone close. Dream Interpretation Longo offers to understand literally what you saw in a dream: you will indeed soon see those with whom so many warm memories are associated.

When you dreamed of old friends, acquaintances whom you already met the other day in real life, it is quite possible that something was left unsaid between you at the meeting. The dream interpretation hints that it would be nice of you to initiate a new meeting: what if they need help, which they did not dare to ask for last time.

Interpreting what school friends dream about, the dream book advises to delve into your past. Perhaps it is in it that one should look for the true causes of the current failures. Often, such an excursion into one's own history helps to bring the dreamer's long-standing aspirations and forgotten talents back to life.

New and mysterious friends in a dream

Often, new friends appear in a dream to those who are not too satisfied with the quality of their lives in reality - everyday life is very monotonous and monotonous, and I want to shake them up properly. Why not? - asks the dream book. Surely there is a way out of the vicious circle, the main thing is not to go past it.

Sometimes in dreams there are strange and mysterious entities who are trying to make friends. It is advisable to stay away from such people even in a dream, because they are a complete nuisance. For example, if friends are vampires, the dream book warns that health may fail in the coming days.

Interpretations of quarrels with friends in a dream

If you dreamed that you were abandoned by friends, it is very likely that you yourself will become the initiator of the break in previous relationships or alienation. It is no secret that people tend to change over the years, and each in his own direction, which is why the paths can diverge.

When you dreamed that your friends turned away from you, be prepared for rapid changes, the dream book warns. Old connections in this case symbolize the past, which will fade into the background as soon as you find yourself in the cycle of events.

What does the dream book say about the perfidy of associates

The dream interpretation considers the dream to be very allegorical, how friends betrayed you. In reality, the plot has nothing to do with the characters that appeared in it. At the same time, the dream calls for paying attention to people who depend on you: subordinates, children, disabled relatives.

Everything that dreams of betrayal of friends, in the future, paradoxically, will turn into friendship, growing stronger day by day. Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will have the opportunity to demonstrate the best human qualities in relation to each other.

Your reaction to quarrels and fights in a dream will predict events in reality

Interpreting what the quarrel of friends is dreaming of, the dream book mentions self-sacrifice on your part. You may need to be smart, it is possible that you will have to give up principles in the name of the interests of a friend.

The dream of a fight of friends, during which the dreamer manages to maintain his composure, testifies to his remarkable intermediary abilities. By the way, the dream book promises that soon there will be an opportunity to find a worthy use for hidden talent.

In dreams, even those things that are familiar in reality acquire a different, distorted meaning. Everything in the world of dreams is not as real as in everyday life, everything changes and becomes blurry.

But more importantly, what visions and images in dreams mean, why and why they come to us at night, and what they portend. Everyone can interpret a dream - for this there is a dream book. Whatever a person sees in a dream, it is always a symbol, a sign that should be correctly interpreted. Because often simple things in dreams mean very important events in reality.

How many friends do you have? How often do you communicate with childhood friends, do you keep in touch with them? Waking up communication with friends and acquaintances is an integral part of every day, but what do they dream of - real or fictional, old or new, those whom I saw not so long ago or have not seen for many years, since childhood?

What these meetings promise in dreams, and what to expect from them - the dream book knows and will tell us. But first of all, it is worth remembering important details and taking them into account, because its direct meaning depends on the details of sleep. The dream book describes the following options:

  • A distant friend is dreaming, a disturbing dream.
  • An old friend has a cheerful, bright dream.
  • I dreamed of a loved one who is far away.
  • The man in the dream is crying.
  • A friend died in his sleep.
  • Friends, acquaintances are dreaming.
  • Hug them.
  • Dead friends dream alive.
  • I saw childhood friends.
  • Old acquaintances in dreams.
  • Strangers dream as friends.
  • I saw a quarrel with a loved one.

The interpreter will help to find out what friends are dreaming of and what to expect in reality. Do not miss the details and try to listen to your intuition in order to correctly interpret these symbols.

Friendship is strong...

It should be understood that people, in principle, never dream of us just like that, for no reason. And if someone has visited your dreams, this is always an important sign. What does dreaming mean?

1. If you dream of your friend, and at the same time the dream is disturbing, restless, and you woke up the next morning with a feeling of vague anxiety, be sure to call this person. The dream book warns that he may have some difficulties or problems, and perhaps this person really needs your help.

Or maybe you just forgot about your loved one, and in this way he reminds you of himself, so that you remember and contact him?

2. If an old, distant friend appeared to you in a dream, and he was happy, cheerful, you talked pleasantly and in general the dream was positive, know that soon you will receive good news from him or a pleasant surprise.

3. The dream book says that if you dream of a beloved, close person who is far away, whom you have not seen for a long time, this is a good sign. He remembers you and will do everything so that you meet soon. Surely you will have a quick date, and your meeting will end with very happy events for both of you.

4. A friend or acquaintance crying in a dream is a good sign, and there is nothing to worry about. In general, tears in dreams rarely speak of something bad and do not portend tears in reality. Such a dream says that everything will be fine with a person, a new stage of life awaits him, big changes.

Perhaps he will move or change the type of activity, or some other significant events will occur in his life. Ask, it's not in vain that you dreamed it!

5. Do not worry if you dream about how your friend or buddy died. Nothing bad will happen to him! On the contrary, the dream book says that this person will have a happy turn of fate, and perhaps you will become a witness or participant in some bright, happy events in his life. This is a reason to rejoice!

6. If you just dreamed of friends, they remember you. The dream book says that a person is always dreaming, because you don’t pay enough attention to him in reality, or you don’t notice something. Perhaps these people need your support, or you offended, hurt, and did not even notice it. Spend more time with your acquaintances, and even more so if people are dear to you and treat you well.

7. If you dream about how you hug your friends - be more careful in reality, a quarrel is possible. The dream interpretation says that you are not attentive enough to your surroundings, and are focused only on your desires. You need to be able to listen, to get accustomed to the feelings of others, otherwise a quarrel is inevitable. Moreover, not just a quarrel, but one that can lead to irreparable consequences.

8. If the people you knew and who died suddenly appeared to you alive in a dream, this is a very important sign, even a message from above. If this person told you something in a dream, be sure to remember what it was, think it over, listen carefully to this information.

Such dreams often represent a warning, advice, or an important warning. You can not lose sight of them, it is worth remembering and listening.

9. If you dreamed of old friends whom you had not seen from an early age, this indicates a lack of support and warmth. You return to your bygone, carefree childhood in dreams, because in real everyday life you get lonely.

Maybe you spend too much time in business, and do not build personal relationships with people? It is worth being more open, trying to be friends with kind people and be able to be friends.

10. Friends whom you have not met or communicated for a long time always dream of some kind of news and new meetings. Open up to new acquaintances and do not move away from people, and you will make a lot of interesting and pleasant acquaintances!

11. If you dream of strangers as friends, this is a good sign. He speaks to you about support from above. You are not alone, even if sometimes you feel sad and you feel like no one needs you. Such dreams often come to show you that you should not give up and that higher powers are supporting and protecting you.

12. A quarrel with a friend or girlfriend in a dream is a good sign, and do not be afraid, this will not come true in reality. On the contrary, such dreams always promise happiness, pleasant experiences together, adventures and all the best that you have to experience together. Your bond will be strong and friendship will not break.

Often people appear to us in dreams to remind us of ourselves. Always pay attention to whether you pay enough attention to your loved ones, whether you are fair with them and know how to be friends. Appreciate friendship and take care of those with whom you communicate and who trust you! Author: Vasilina Serova