Will read poems. Will read poems Cherry Forest Schedule

Will read poems. Will read poems Cherry Forest Schedule
Will read poems. Will read poems Cherry Forest Schedule

Fans of the Open Art Festival "Cherry Forest", as well as new viewers, can make the date of events in their schedule - the program 17 on the festival's account announced. The "Cherry Forest" this year will last longer - until the anniversary of the October Revolution, and, it means there are many interesting events ahead.

Exhibition "Georgio de Kiriko. Metaphysical insights" will become one of the main events of the "Cherry Forest". Photo: RIA Novosti

On April 20, the festival will open by the exhibition "George de Kiriko. Metaphysical Transportation" in the Tretyakov Gallery on the Crimean Shaft. Regarding the opening of the exhibition, a press conference was held in the TASS, in which the General Director of the State Tretyakov Gallery of Zelphira Togulov, Curator of the exhibition Tatyana Goryacheva, Director of the Italian Institute of Culture Olga Strada and Organizer of the Open Festival of Arts "Cherry Forest" Mikhail Kosnirovich.

This is the first large-scale retrospective of the Italian artist George de Kiriko in Russia. At the exhibition, organized jointly with the Georgio Foundation and Island De Kiriko, more than 110 pieces of painting, graphics, sculptures, theatrical costumes, made by the artist for Sergei Dyagileev's entreprise to the Ballet "Ball" of 1929, as well as archival materials and photos.

"This exhibition we prepared a year and a half, the first exhibition de Kiriko in Russia. Before that, there was a 1929 project, where only three works of the artist were shown. One of the works was bought and kept in the GMIA. A. S. Pushkin, Which now kindly provided us with this work, "Torwillov said. According to her, the Italian de Kiriko was quite closely connected with Russia: "He was friends with Dyagilev, a lot communicated with Russian emigrant artists, and was also married twice in our compatriots - like many great artistic genius of the 20th century."

"Chronologically creativity de Kiriko will be represented by a period from 1910 to 1970 and divided into several thematic sections," said Tatiana Goryachev's curator.

In addition to the grand exhibition, which also developed a special ticket program, the Cherry Forest Festival together with the theater of Nations will present the premiere of the play "Circus" directed by Maxim Didenko. The main role in the stage version of the famous Soviet music comedy Grigory Alexandrova will fulfill Ingeborg Dapkunayte. Maria Tregubova is responsible for the design of "circus", the musical component is created by the composer Ivan Kushnir. This year, the festival program also includes a play "Cherry Pych", which will be held together with the Charitable Foundation "Galkonok". "Each scene of the performance is a poem about some common childhood memories," says the actress of theater and cinema Julia Peresilde. The play is the poems of young authors: Masha Rupasova, Natalia Volkova and Anastasia Orlova.

Another exhibition of one of the most famous representatives of naive art in Russia, self-taught artist Kati Medvedeva, whose work Western collectors call "painting a naked soul" will be presented in May in Petrovsky Passage.

In the music program "Chereshnevoy Forest" in the year of Stravinsky on the stage of the concert hall. P. I. Tchaikovsky will host the performance "Damn, soldiers and violin" based on the fairy tales of Alexander Afanasyev. The idea and one of the main roles belong to the famous violinist and conductor Dmitry Sitkovsky.

The leading performers of the new version of the musical production will be: Vladimir Pozner, Andrei Makarevich, Vladimir Varnava and others. A concert of young musicians will be held on the stage of the Moscow International House of Music, accompanied by the National Philharmonic Orchestra under the control of Vladimir Spivakov. In the first department, the Young Musician Alexander Lafeev will perform, who last year played at the Oleg Yankovsky awards ceremony, in the second - Daniel Losakovich, a talented violinist from Sweden.

The traditional planting of the cherry forest, on which celebrities, with pleasure, retrain in amateurs gardeners, will be held on the territory of the Sport Complex "Luzhniki".

And in the final of the festival, the winners of the Oleg Yankovsky "Creative Opening" premium will be announced. Their names will be known only at the ceremony in the Moscow International House of Music. In their honor, they will present the poetic program "Bella Blues" with the participation of Chulpan Hamaya.

By the way

This year, the Open Art Festival "Cherry Forest" continues its touring tradition: here for the sixth year in a row in Moscow are tours of St. Petersburg State Academic Ballet Theater Boris Eifman. On July 16 and 17, the world premiere of the play "Russian Hamlet" will be presented on the historical scene of the State Big Theater of Russia.

In the diplomas of the winners of the "Creative discovery" award, which is handed over to the open festival of arts "Cherry Forest" at the open festival of arts, is worth 32 May. This day introduced into the calendar of the hero of the film "That Münhghausen", brilliantly played by Oleg Yankovsky. The festival premium is the name of the Great Actor, which for many years he entered the Board of Trustees. The laureates are handed figurines in the form of cherry berries, created in Venice from the famous Murano glass. But before collecting the fruits, you need to plant a tree, and not one. Report by Anna Shcherbakova.

The queue of starryse gardeners behind canes and shovels - this is possible only once a year, in the framework of the festival "Cherry Forest". The task is maximum - to plant 330 seedlings, create another extraordinary cherry garden, this year - on the territory of Luzhniki.

Famous actors, musicians, athletes. Experienced gardeners - with a serious approach to business. Planting trees - what is not art? "Someone loves Zen, someone loves Japanese, someone - cacti, like Yves Saint Laurent in the trendy Garden of Mazhorel in Marrakesh," said the historian of fashion Alexander Vasilyev.

For 17 festival years, the cherries bloomed in almost all Moscow parks, as well as in St. Petersburg, Sochi and even Sorrento. Watering seedlings, artists enter the excitement. "And we have with flowers! I asked our trees to be with flowers, "said the actors of Ksenia Alferov and Egor Beroev.

Theater, cinema, classical music, exhibitions, art projects. At the festival - all the most relevant. "Thanks to this festival, a huge number of performances appeared. You can always meet the entire "top" theater, movie, music, sports, "- explained the deserved artist of Russia Daria Moroz.

On the red carpet star guests pass in helmets, and it is no coincidence. These are the very first guests of the Luzhniki stadium, where reconstruction is completed. It is here that the long-awaited world football championship will be held. In the meantime, sportsmen adorn their presence the territory of Luzhniki.

"Sport is the same part of art, it seems to me that one should not exist without anything," the figure skater, the two-time world champion, honored master of sports of Russia Irina Slutskaya.

On the scene one after another artists climb. In the hall - Matra Oleg Tabakov, Emil Vernik. This means that the time has come to "creative discovery." This is the name of the Oleg Yankovsky Prize. "I am very happy that my father's memory lives, he was the president of the Cherry Forest for a long time, I am glad that my father's business and now exists," the actor explained the film director Philip Yankovsky.

The awards this year went to the son and grandson of the actor: the Board of Trustees of the Prize insists that there were no concerns, everything is deserved. Filipp played Evgeny Yevtushenko in the film "The Mysterious Passion", and Ivan in his 26 had already managed to get the "Golden Eagle" for the role in the thriller Paul Lungin "Lady Peak". Among the winners - and actress Julia Peresilde.

"I, in fact, did not expect. It came to sing here a couple of songs and for simply for the first time in his life to plant a cherry tree. I would wait until it grows up, I will go to collect a cherry, "said Honored Artist of Russia Julia Peresilde.

Planting trees is completing only the May Festival program. "Cherry forest" will continue in the summer. Tours Boris Eifman Ballet Theater are expected. Artists will present the world premiere of the play "Russian Hamlet".

Christina Khomyakova

Conducted with the support of BOSCO DI Ciliegi

Festival "Cherry Forest". Photo source: Bosco di Ciliegi site

The organizers of the XVII Cultural Festival "Cherry Forest" presented their program. In 2017, exhibitions, theatrical performances, concert and traditional landing of symbolic trees will be held within the project. April 20 Exposition "George de Kiriko. Metaphysical insights "In the Tretyakov Gallery on the Crimean Shaft will open the festival. This exhibition is a collection of the best 110 exhibits of the Italian surrealist. In the Petrovsky Passage, the exhibition of Katya Medvedeva will open. Then the theater of Nations will show the play "Circus" director Maxim Didenko. Also in theaters will be held showing the musical performance "Damn, soldiers and a violin" (with the participation of Vladimir Posner, Andrei Makarevich and others) and the play "Cherry-old poems", created with the support of the Galkonok Foundation. Music connoisseurs will be able to visit the joint concert of V.Spivakov and the National Philharmonic Orchestra. And at the end of the festival, the Winners of the Award "Creative Opening" solemnly will be presented the image of a cherry fetus.

In the seventeenth time, Bosco Di Ciliegi holds one of the most anticipated events of the year - an open art festival "Cherry Forest". Every year Mikhail Krynirovich and his team represent the best and interesting of the world of art, and this year was no exception.

One of his main events will be the exhibition "George de Kiriko. Metaphysical inspections ", with which the" Cherry Forest "will begin on April 20. In addition to painting, theatrical costumes for Dyagilevsky ballet, sculptures, archival materials and photos created by surrealist will be presented on it. "This exhibition, which we prepared a year and a half, is the first exhibition de Kiriko in Russia. Before that, there was a project of 1929, where only three works of the artist were shown. One of the works was bought and kept in GMI them. A. S. Pushkin, who now contributed to this work now, "said Zelfira Togulov, General Director of the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Avoidable theatrians will be able to enjoy the premiere of the play "Circus" Maxim Didenko with Ingeborgiy Daequente in the lead role, the musical formulation of the fairy tale A. Afanasyev in the concert hall. P.I. Tchaikovsky or the play "Cherry Pochroom", the scenes of which are built on poems about children's memories. Fans of painting will appreciate the work of Kati Medvedeva, self-taught artist and a representative of naive art.

By tradition, the festival of landing of cherry trees will be completed, this time - in the territory of Luzhniki. Each year of the star, the stars are involved in this event, symbolizing the recovery of the lost Chekhov "Cherry Garden" and the continuity of the cultural tradition.

Last Sunday participants XVII Open Art Festival "Cherry Forest" -famous artists, athletes and officials - High cherry garden in "Luzhniki" And there was awarded an annual Oleg Yankovsky Prize "Creative opening". This place was chosen by the organizers of the festival on the eve World Cup. 330 seedlings - exactly as many "Cherry Motion" activists, among whom were Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Pavel Kolobkov, General Director OJSC "Luzhniki"Alexander Nikolaevich Pronin, ambassadors World CupAlexander Ovechkin, Alexey Nomov, Ilya Averbukh and others, landed along the long-established festival tradition.

And although I'm not accustomed to gardening, I can not say that many trees planted - for me, almost all landscaped work on the site did specially trained people, otherwise my plot would not get on the list of the best log Tatler. But I put a lot of bushes, even Kalina with currant and three capricious rhododendrons were accustomed. At the expense of the trees, I can not boast - only one thuja, however, I expected that she would remain small, as when buying, but for some reason, the village was withering, it became three times more and a little spoiled a picture. There was still a tonya birch, crossed with a fern with a fern, which bent in a month ... I remember only that I had a pit under her root as for half a century oak. Girlfriends laughed: "If you present you in the garden, then only in gloves from Chanel." I could not believe in my passion. Here I had experience in horticulture. With regards to colors, radishes, zucchini, and even strawberries, I am with this "you". But after the husband decided that from the lower site I should make the garden, my interest in gardening was disappeared, and very unexpectedly and quickly for everyone around.

bOSCO press service

But the skill, as they say, do not lose. So on the landing of sweets, I walked quite prepared. And there was fulfillment, even brought with me gloves and preserved fertilizer sheds.

Vika Lockarev planted trees - as it believes the most beautiful girl - in diamonds. Why not? After all, they are our best friends. And to part with friends even for a while sad. And then, our beauty and heart fell, it was not necessary to plant something: the men who wanted to help her in this business was abuse.

Maxim Kashirin, head of the company Simple, the largest alcohol importer, and the owner of the same name wine, came to land not alone, but with the whole family. "Happy people," I thought. - Apparently, they did not come across gardening so close as my family. " His husband, after communication with our gardeners, I would not attaches to Arkan ... On joys, Maxim was tied on a planted cherry, "Kashirini family," drawing a big heart and listed by the name of all households. Someone came not only by families, but even with pets, like Valery Syutkin, seen in the society of the charming companion Juliet, seven-year-old Bishon Frieze.

At leading actress Theater on a small armor Yulia Peresilde was a rich day, she ran at the ceremony immediately from the charity race "Running Hearts". The actress managed to plant a tree, to speak to the guests of the festival and get the Yankovsky Prize, which, according to her, she did not expect at all. Boss himself, Mikhail Krynirovich at the opening of the event acted as a conductor, but not an orchestra, but the stadium "Luzhniki" Helped him in this Yana Churikova - Ambassador World Cup 2018 . Under their leadership, the tribune smoothly chant: "Cherry forest", "Luzhniki", "Russia". Thus, those present tested the acoustics of the stadium, rehearsing in addition to several traditional "crocheters" of fans.

At the solemn opening ceremony of landing Alexey Nemov - the pride of the country, our famous gymnast, four-time Olympic champion - decided not to utter a long speech, but to fulfill the corporate flip. Moreover, on this day, Alexey celebrated the 41st birthday.

At these events, Skinirovich always reigns such a relaxed atmosphere that no one was surprised when, during the speech of the orchestra Igor Butman, the son of the musician brought ice cream on stage to treat dad.

Famous actor Camille Larin, who came to land with his wife Catherine, secretly told the whole world that the replenishment was coming in their family. Paul offspring artist did not specify.

The tireless energy of Mikhail Susnirovich has connected people of various addictions, professions, ages. For the seventeenth time, he collects the team to plant a new cherry forest. And we can help him with pleasure!

The next day in the restaurant Cristal Room Baccarat. represented a new collection of perfume house Chopard Perfumes.. Sex Moscow met there with four flavors Haute Parfumerie CollectionThose who worked well-known perfumers Natalie Lorson and Alberto Morrilas. The organizers of the evening were inspired Cannesfilm Festival, history and philosophy close to this view of the house Chopard. Then I met an old girlfriend Ilona Lanceman, the owner of the salon L "Oréal.on Kutuzovsky Prospect, which was the last time I saw last summer on the Cote d'Azur. Ilona moved from New York to Moscow, where she studied her with Boris Lantzman's daughter Eve. Boris - General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise "Center City" And the father of the famous metropolitan restaurant Igor Lanceman. Still, native expanses closer to us, Russians. In the Girld Treps it turned out that the TV presenter of Christina Leviewee, who was sitting at this party, whose Mama - CEO foundation "Academy of Russian Television" and general producer CJSC "Top SecretTelecom " - studied with the older daughter Ilona Nora in one class. Still, I do not know the village less than Moscow.

But the nail of the evening was my meeting with Katya sandy. That the most former spouse Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of our president. Rathering with me, Katya introduced me to his impressive satellite: "Meet the best secular chronicler - Irina." A clever woman always knows how to flatter another. Katya looked stunningly: after all, many women young cavallers are beneficial. I concluded that they are a couple, because for the second time I see them together. The first time - at the premiere of the play "Audience" in Theater Nations. Katya comes to Moscow now only on business trips. And works in France - not ababa who, and director Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris. "For me now all France and Monaco," Katya said modestly.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.