Biography ET A Corpman's brief content. Mysterious and Multician E.T.A.

Biography ET A Corpman's brief content. Mysterious and Multician E.T.A.
Biography ET A Corpman's brief content. Mysterious and Multician E.T.A.

German literature

Ernst Theodore Amadeus Hoffman


Hoffman, Ernst Theodore Amadeus (Hoffman, Ernst Theodor Amadeus) (1776-1822), German writer, composer and artist, in whose fantastic stories and novels embodied the Spirit of German Romanticism. Ernst Theodore Wilhelm Gofman was born on January 24, 1776 in Konigsberg (East Prussia). Already at an early age, I found the talents of the musician and draftsman. He studied the right in Konigsberg University, then twelve served as a judicial official in Germany and Poland. In 1808, the love of music was a raped Hoffman to take the post of theatrical chapelsuser in Bamberg, six years later, he conducted an orchestra in Dresden and Leipzig. In 1816, he returned to the public service by the adviser of the Berlin Court of Appeal, where he served up to death that followed July 2422.

Literature Gofman was late. Most significant collections of fantasy stories in the manner of Callo (Fantasiestcke in Callots Manier, 1814-1815), night stories in Kallots Manier, 2 Vol., 1816-1817) and seropions Brothers (Die SerapionsBrder, 4 Vol., 1819 -1821); Dialogue on the problems of theatrical case Unusual suffering of one director of theaters (SELTSAME LEIDEN EINES THEATERDIRKTORS, 1818); Story in the spirit of the magic fairy tale Baby Tsakhs for Nicking Cinnober (Klein Zaches, Genannt Zinnober, 1819); And two novels - the elixir devil (Die Elexiere des Teufels, 1816), a brilliant study of the problem of twins, and everyday views of the Murr cat (Lebensichten des Kater Murr, 1819-1821), partly the autobiographical work, performed wit and wisdom. Among the most famous stories of the Hoffmann, who were in the mentioned compilations belong to the magic fairy tale of the Golden Pot (Die Goldene Topf), the Gothic Tale of Mayorate (Das Mayorat), a realistic reliable psychological story about a jeweler, who is unable to part with his creations, Mademoiselle de Schuderi (Das Fruulein Von Scudry) and the cycle of musical novels, in which the spirit of some musical writings and images of composers are well recreated. A brilliant fantasy in combination with strict and transparent style was provided by Hoffmann a special place in German literature. The effect of his works almost never happened in distant edges - as a rule, he placed his incredible heroes into a daily atmosphere. Hoffman had a strong impact on E. software and some French writers; Several of his stories served as the basis for the libretto of the famous opera - Taijak Korofman (1870) J.ofenbach. All works of Hoffman testify to his talents of the musician and the artist. Many of their creations he illustrated himself. From the musical writings of Hoffmann, the Opera Undine (undine) was most famous, first delivered in 1816; Among its writings is chamber music, mass, symphony. As a musical critic, he showed such an understanding of the music of L. Beethoven in his articles, which few of his contemporaries could boast. Gofman so deeply read Mozart, which even changed one of his names, Wilhelm, on Amadeus. He had an impact on the work of his friend K.M. Phone Weber, and on R. Shumanov writings of Hoffman made such a strong impression that he called his crayslerian in honor of the Craisler's drop-driver, the hero of several works of Hoffman.

Gofman Ernst Theodore Amadeus, a German writer, composer and artist, was born on January 24, 1776 in Königsberg in the family of Prussian lawyer. In 1778, the marriage of the parents collapsed, so Hoffman with his mother moves to the house of Derferov - relatives on the maternal line.

Having found musical and artistic talents at an early age, Hoffman, however, chooses a lawyer's profession and enters the University of Konigsberg in 1792. Intelligent attempts to make money on the bread with art lead to the civil service - for 12 years he takes the post of judicial official. He is a passionate Meloman, in 1814 he still receives the post of conductor of the Orchestra in Dresden, but in 1815 he loses the position and returns to the hated jurisprudence. It was during this period that Gofman is fond of literary activities.

In Berlin, he publishes the novel "Elixir Devil", the novels "Sandy man", "Church of Jesuit", which are included in the Night Story Collection. In 1819, Hoffman creates one of his most prominent stories - "Tsakhs's crumb to Nick Zinnober."

The artistic word was for the writer the main means of expressing the inner "I", the only manifold of his attitude towards the outside world and its inhabitants. In Berlin, Gofman wins literary success, he is published in the Almanachah "Uraniya" and "Notes of Love and Friendship", its earnings increase, but it is enough only for a visit to the Pitery establishments, to which the author fell by weakness.

An extraordinary fantasy, told by a strict and clear syllable, brings the literary glory to Hoffman. The author puts his paradoxical heroes into a non-remarkable household environment, such a contrast creates an indescribable atmosphere of the Gofman fairy tales. Despite this, famous critics do not recognize the work of the Hoffman, since his satirical works do not correspond to the canons of German romanticism. Abroad, Hoffman acquires higher fame, Belinsky and Dostoevsky speak about his creations.

The literary heritage of the Hoffman is not limited to phantasmagoric stories. As a musical critic, he produces several articles about the works of Beethoven and Mozart.

Ernst Theodore Amadeus Hofman was born in 1776. Place of his birth - Cenigsberg. At first, Vilhelm attended his name, but he himself changed his name, as Mozart loved very much. His parents divorced when he was only 3 years old, and his grandmother was raised - his mother's mother. Uncle him was a lawyer and a very clever man. Their relations were quite complicated by them, but Uncle influenced the nephew, on the development of its various talents.

early years

When Gofman grew up, he also decided that he would become a lawyer. He enters the university in Koenigsberg, after studying served in different cities, his profession is a judicial official. But such a life was not for him, so he began to draw and musitizing than and tried to make a living.

Soon he met his first love Douro. At that time, she was only 25, but she was married and already gave birth to 5 children. They entered into relationships, but in the city they began to gossip, and relatives decided that it was necessary to send Hoffman to Glogau to another uncle.

Start of a creative path

At the end of the 1790s, Gofman becomes the composer, he took a pseudonym Johann Craisler. There are several works that are sufficiently known, for example, - written in 1812 Opera called "Aurora". Also, Gofman worked in Bamberg in the theater and served as a dropmeister, and was also a conductor.

So the fate was formed that Gofman returned to the civil service. When he passed the exam in 1800, he began to work by the Assistor in the Supreme Court of Poznan. In this city, he met Michaelina, which married.

Literary creativity

THIS. Gofman works began to write their own in 1809. The first novel was called "Cavalier Glitch", it was printed by the Leipzig newspaper. When he returned to jurisprudence in 1814, there was also fairy tales at the same time, including the "Nutcracker and Mouse King". In times, when Hoffman worked, German romanticism flourished. If you carefully read the works, then you can see the main tendencies of the romantic school. For example, irony, the perfect artist, the value of art. The writer demonstrated a conflict that took place between reality and utopia. He constantly raises his heroes who are trying to find some freedom in art.

Researchers of Creativity of Hoffmann are united in their opinion that it is impossible to separate his biography, his work from music. Especially if you watch the novels of the example "Creisleriana".

The thing is that in her the main character is Johannes Creisler (as we remember, this is a pseudonym author). The work is essays, they have different themes, but the hero is one. It has long been recognized that it is Johann who is considered a twin of Hoffman.

In general, the writer is a rather bright person, he is not afraid of difficulties, ready to fight the blows of fate to achieve a certain goal. And in this case it is art.


This fairy tale was published in the collection in 1716. When Gofman created this work, he was impressed by the children of his friend. The kids called Marie and Fritz, their names Gofman gave their characters. If you read the Hoffmann "Nutcracker and Mouse King", the analysis of the work will show us the moral principles that tried to transfer the author to children.

In short, the story is as follows: Marie and Fritz are preparing for Christmas. The godfall always makes a toy for Marie. But after Christmas, this toy is usually taken, as it is very skillfully made.

Children come to the Christmas tree and see that there is a whole bunch of gifts, the girl finds a nutcracker. This toy is used to turn the nuts. Somehow Marie played in the doll, and mice appeared at midnight, led by their king. It was a huge mouse with seven heads.

Then the toys led by the clutch come to life and come with mice into battle.

Brief analysis

If you make an analysis of the work of the Hoffmann of the "Nutcracker", it is noticeable that the writer has tried to show how important the good, courage, mercy, which cannot be left for anyone in trouble, should be helped, to show courage. Marie was able to consider in a non-zeisted clutch his light. She liked his good nature, and she tried with all their mights to defend her favorite from the nasty brother Fritz, who was always offended toy.

In spite of everything, she is trying to help the clutch, gives sweets to the naked mouse king, if only he did not harm the soldier. Here are demonstrated courage and courage. Marie and her brother, toys and a nutcracker are united to achieve the goal - victory over the mouse king.

This work is also quite famous, and Hoffman created it when the French troops approached Dresden, who led Napoleon. At the same time, the city in the descriptions is quite real. The author tells about the life of people as they rode a boat, went to visit each other, spent folk walking and much more.

Fairy tale events unfold in two worlds, this is a real Dresden, as well as Atlantis. If you make an analysis of the work of the "Golden Pot" of the Hoffman, then you can see that the author describes the harmony, which in the usual life of the day with fire you will not find. The main character is a student Anselm.

The writer tried to beautifully tell about the valley where beautiful flowers grow, amazing birds fly, where all the landscapes are simply gorgeous. Once there was the spirit of Salamander, he fell in love with Lily and inadvertently served as the destruction of the Garden of Prince Phosfora. Then the prince kicked out this spirit into the world of people and told what Salamander will have a future: people will forget about miracles, he will again meet his beloved, they will have three daughters. Salamander will be able to return home when his daughters will find beloved, ready to believe that a miracle is possible. In the work of Salamandr, too, can see the future and predict him.

Works of Hoffman

I must say that although the author had very interesting musical works, nevertheless, he is known as a storyter. Works for kolofman children are quite popular, some of them can be found a small child, some teenage. For example, if you take a fairy tale about the Nutcracker, then it will suit both for those.

The "Golden Pot" - a fairy tale is quite interesting, but filled with allegories and a double meaning, where the basics of morality are demonstrated, which are relevant and in our difficult times, for example, the ability to be friends and help, protect, show courage.

It is enough to remember the "royal bride" - a work that was based on real events. It is about the estate where one scientist with his daughter lives.

Vegetables ruled by the underground king, he and his retinue come to the garden of Anna and occupy it. They dream that one day there will be only human facilities on the whole earth. It all started with the fact that Anna found an extraordinary ring ...


In addition to the above-described fairy tales, there are other works of this kind of Ernst Theodore Amadeu Hoffmann - "Baby Tsakhas, on the nickname of the zinnober." He lived, there was one little freak. Fairy regretted him.

She decided to give him three hairs having magical properties. As soon as something happens in the place where Tsakhas is, significant or talented, or someone says, then everyone thinks that he did. And if the dwarf does some dirtyness, then everyone thinks on others. With a similar gift, the baby becomes among the people of the genius, he is soon prescribed by the Minister.

"Adventure on New Year's Eve"

Once on the night, just under the New Year, one wandering friend got into Berlin, where a certain magical story happened to him. He meets Yulia in Berlin, his beloved.

Such a girl really existed. Gofman taught her music and was in love, but their relatives were sanging Julia with another.

"The story of the missing reflection"

Interesting the fact that in general in the works of the author, the case somewhere looks through mystical, and there is no one about unusual and talk. Skillfully mixing humor and moral beginning, feelings and emotions, real and unreal world, Hoffman seeks the full attention of his reader.

This fact can be traced in an interesting product "History about missing reflection." Erazm Speaker very much wanted to visit Italy, which was able to achieve, but there he met a beautiful girl Juliet. He committed a bad act, as a result, he had to go home. Talking all Juliet, he says he would like to stay forever with her. In response, she asks him to give his reflection.

Other works

It must be said that the well-known works of Hoffmann of different genres and for different ages. For example, a mystical "History of Ghosts."

Gofman is very strong to mysticism, which is traced in the stories about the vampires, about the fatal monk, about a sand man, as well as in a series of books called "Night Etudes".

Interesting is a fun fairy tale about the Lord of Bloch, where it is about the son of a rich merchant. He does not like what his father does, and he is not going to go along the same path. This life is not for him, and he is trying to escape from reality. However, it is unexpectedly arrested, although he does not understand what. The secret adviser wants to find a criminal, and the criminal is guilty or not, he is not interested. He knows exactly - each person you can find any preggie.

In most works of Ernst Theodore, Amadei Hoffmann has many symbols, myths and legends. Fairy tales are generally difficult to divide by age. Here, for example, take the "Nutcracker", this story is so intriguing, filled with adventures and love, events that occur with Mary, which will be quite interesting for children and adolescents, and even adults are happy to re-read it.

For this product, cartoons are removed, repeatedly put performances, ballet, etc.

In the photo - the first execution of the "Nutcracker" in the Mariinsky Theater.

But other works of Ernst Hoffman may be a little hard for perception by a child. Some people come to these works are quite consciously to enjoy the extraordinary style of Hoffman, its bizarre mixture.

Hoffman attracts the topic when a person suffers madness, makes some kind of crime, he has a "dark side". If a person has imagination, there are feelings, he can fall in madness and commit suicide. In order to write a story "Sandy man", Hoffman studied scientific works on illnesses and clinical components. Novel has attracted the attention of researchers, among them Sigmund Freud, who even devoted to this work its essay.

Everyone decides himself, at what age he read the books of Hoffman. Some do not quite understand his too surreal language. However, it is only worth starting to read the work, as you will be involved in this mixed mystical and crazy world, where in the real city there is a dwarf, where spirits walk in the streets, and the charming snakes are looking for their beautiful princes.

Ernst Theodore Wilhelm Hoffman (Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann). Born on January 24, 1776, Konigsberg, the Kingdom of Prussia - died on June 25, 1822, Berlin, Kingdom of Prussia. German romantic writer, composer, artist and lawyer.

From respect to Amanda, Mozart in 1805 replaced the name "Wilhelm" on Amadeus (Amadeus). Notes on music published under the name Johannes Creisler (Johannes Kreisler).

Gofman was born in the family of the baptized Jew of Prussian lawyer Christopa Ludwig Gofman (1736-1797).

When the boy was three years old, his parents diverged, and he was brought up in the house of grandmother on the motherboard under the influence of his uncle-lawyer, a man of smart and talented, prone to fiction and mysticism. Gofman early demonstrated the ability to music and drawing. But, not without the influence of uncle, Hoffman chose himself a path of jurisprudence, from which all his subsequent life was trying to break out and earned with art.

1799 - Hoffman writes the music and text of the TRAKH-Zingspil "Mask".

1800 - In January, Corrugation is unsuccessfully bothered about the production of its Singspil in the Royal National Theater. On March 27, he passes the third exam in jurisprudence and is appointed to the position of Assesor in the Poznan District Court. At the beginning of the summer, Hoffman travels along with Hippel in Potsdam, Leipzig and Dresden, and then arrives in Poznan.

Until 1807 he worked in different ranks, in his free time engaged in music and drawing.

In 1801, Hoffman writes Singspille "Joke, trick and revenge" on words, which in Poznan put on stage. Jean Paul sends score with its guide recommendation.

In 1802, Hoffman creates caricatures on some of the Poznan Supreme Society. As a result of the scandal that followed this scandal is translated into the order of punishment to the Plock. In early March, Hoffman ruins the engagement with Mine Durfer and marries Polka Mikhalin Roer-Tzhachinsky (he gently calls her Misha). In the summer, young spouses are moving to Plock. Here Gofman is sharply experiencing his forced insulation, he leads a closed lifestyle, writes church music and works for piano, studies the theory of composition.

In 1803 - the first literary publication of Hoffmann: Essay "A letter of the monk to his metropolitan friend" was published on September 9 in the "straight way." A unsuccessful attempt to participate in the competition Kotseb for the best comedy ("Prize"). Gofman cotton on the translation into one of the Western provinces of Prussia.

In 1805, Hoffman writes music to the spectral of Zakharria Verner "Cross on the Baltic". "Cheerful musicians" put on stage in Warsaw. On May 31, "Music Society" arises, and one of his leaders becomes Gofman.

In 1806, Hoffman is engaged in the design of the Palace of Mnishkov acquired by the "Music Society", he himself paints many of its premises. At the solemn opening of the Palace, Hoffman conducts his symphony Mi-Bf Major. On November 28, Warsaw is occupied by the French - Prussic institutions are closed, and Hoffman deprives.

In April, 1808 Hoffman holds the position of Kapelmeister in the recently open Bamberg Theater. In early May, Korofman arises the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Cavaller Glitka". At this time, he very sharply needs. On June 9, Hoffman leaves Berlin, visits Hamp to Glogau and takes Misha from Poznan. On September 1, he arrives in Bamberg, and on October 21, unfortunately debut as a conductor in the Bamberg Theater. Saving the title of Kappelmeister, Gofman is consistent with themselves the duties of the conductor. It earns in private lessons and random musical writings for the theater.

In 1810, Hoffman acts as a composer, decorator, playwright, director and assistant Director of the Bamberg Theater, worried about his flourishing. Creating an image of Johannes Craisler - Alter Ego Hoffman ("Musical suffering of the Craisler's Kevelster").

In 1812, Gofman thinks Opere "Undina", begins to write "Don Juan".

In 1814, Hoffman finishes the Golden Pot. In early May, the first two volumes of "fantasies in the manner of Callo" are published. August 5, Hofman completes the Opera "Undina". In September, the Ministry of Justice Prussia offers the position of the state official, at first without the salary, and he agrees. On September 26, Hoffman arrives in Berlin, where he gets acquainted with Fuce, Shamisso, Tikom, Franz Horny, Philip Feit.

All the attempts of the corrugation earned by art led to poverty and disasters. Only after 1813 the case went better after receiving a small inheritance. The seat of the dropsuser in Dresden briefly satisfied his professional ambitions, but after 1815 he lost this place and was forced to come again on the hateful service, already in Berlin. However, the new place gave and earnings, and left a lot of time for creativity.

In 1818, Hoffman wonders the book "Master of singing - a novel for friends of musical art" (not written). There is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe collection of stories of "Serapionov Brothers" (initially - "Serafimov Brothers") and the opera "Lover after death" on the work of Calderon, the libretto to which Concesses writes.

In the spring of 1818, Hoffman is seriously ill, he appears the idea of \u200b\u200b"crumbs of Thahsa". November 14 is established a circle of "serangement brothers", which includes, in addition to the Hordeman, Hitzig, Concesses and the Border.

Feeling disgusting to the Meshchansky "Tea" societies, Hoffman spent most of the evenings, and sometimes part of the night, in the wine cellar. Upset about the wine and insomnia nerves, Gofman came home and sat down to write. The horrors created by his imagination sometimes led him to fear. And in the legalized hour, Hoffman was already sitting in the service and worked hard.

In his temper, German criticism was not a very high opinion about Hoffman, they preferred romanticism a deep and serious, without impurities of sarcasm and satire. Much more popular by Hoffman was in other European countries and in North America. In Russia, called him "one of the greatest German poets, painter of the inner world," and re-read the entire Hoffman in Russian and in the original language.

In 1822, Hoffman is seriously ill. On January 23, by order of the Prussian government, the manuscript was confiscated and already printed sheets of the Bloch Lord, as well as the writing of the writer with the publisher. Anti-gofman was charged with regard to ridicule over officials and dysfunction of official secrets.

On February 23, the patient Corpman dictates speech in his defense. On February 28, he dictates the end of the "Lord of Bloch". On March 26, Hoffman makes a will, after this, his paralysis comes.

At 46, from the genus Hoffman, he was finally depleted by his lifestyle, but also on the mortal window, he retained the power of imagination and wit.

In April, the writer dictates the novel "Corner Window". The "Lord of Bloch" (in a trimmed version) comes into the world. Approximately June 10, Hoffman dictates the story "Enemy" (left unfinished) and anecdot "Naivety".

June 24 Paralysis reaches the neck. On June 25, at 11 am, Hoffman dies in Berlin, buried in the Jerusalem cemetery of Berlin in the Kreuzberg district.

The circumstances of the biography of Gofman were originated in Opere Jacques Offenbach "Tales of Hoffman" and the poem M. Bazhan "Night of Hoffman".

Herrnst's personal life of the AMADEY HURNIST:

1798 - Harfman's engagement with cousin Mine Durfer.

In July 1805, the daughter of Cecilia appears on the world - the first and only child of the gofman.

In January 1807, Minna and Cecilia are leaving for Poznan, to relatives. Gofman sets up in the attic of the Palace of Mnishkov, who became a residence to give, and he is seriously ill. His moving to Vienna is broken, and Gofman rides in Berlin, to the Hitzig, to the aid of which he really counts. In mid-August, his daughter Cecilily dies in Poznan.

In 1811, Hoffman gives the lessons of singing Yulia Mark and falls in love with his student. She does not recognize the senses of the teacher. Natives arrange the engagement of Julia and Gofman is on the verge of madness and thinks about double suicide.

Bibliography Hoffmann:

Collection of Novel "Fantasies in Manner Callo" (it. Fantasiestücke in Callot "s Manier) (1814);
Jacques Callo (Jaques Callot);
"Cavalier Glitch" (it. Ritter Glück);
"Craislerian (I)" (him. Kreisleriana);
"Don Juan" (DON Juan);
"News on the further fate of the dog of the Berganz" (it. Nachricht Von Den Neuxen Schicksalen Des Hundes Berganza);
"Magnetizer" (DER MAGNETISEUR);
"Golden Pot" (Der Goldene Topf);
"Adventure on the night of the New Year" (it. Die Abenteuer Der Silvesternacht);
"Craislerian (II)" (Him. Kreisleriana);
Piez fairy tale "Princess Blondin" (PRINZESSIN BLANDINA) (1814);
Roman "Elixirs Satan" (it. Die Elixiere Des Teufels) (1815);
Tale-tale "Nutcracker and Mouse King" (it. Nußknacker und Mausekönig) (1816);
Collection of Novel "Night Etudes" (it. Nachtstücke) (1817);
"Sandy man" (DER SANDMANN);
"Vale" (Das Gelübde);
"Ignat Denner" (it. Ignaz Denner);
"Church of Jesuits in" (it. Die Jesuiterkirche In G.);
"Mayorate" (Das Majorat);
"Empty House" (it. Das Öde Haus);
"Sanctus" (it. Das Sanctus);
"Stone Heart" (Das Steinerne Herz);
Essay "Unusual suffering director of the theater" (it. SELTSAME LEIDEN EINES THEATER-DIREKTORS) (1818);
Tale-tale "Chrushka Tsakhs, on Nicking CynNober" (Him. Klein Zaches, Genannt Zinnober) (1819);
The story-tale "Princess Brambill" (PRINZESSIN BRAMBILLA) (1820);
Collection of the novel "Serapionov Brothers" (it. Die SerapionsBrüder) (1819-21);
"Fermat" (DIE Fermate);
"Poet and composer" (Der Dichter und der Komponist);
"Episode from the life of three friends" (EIN Fragment Aus Dem Leben Dreier Freunde);
"Arturova Hall" (it. Der Artushof);
"Falun mines" (it. Die Bergwerke Zu Falun);
"Nutcracker and Mouse King" (it. Nußknacker und Mausekönig);
"Singers' competition" (DER KAMPF DER SÄNGER);
"History with ghost" (it. Eine Spukgeschichte);
"AUTOMATES" (DIE Automate);
"Dam and Dogaress" (it. Doge und Dogaresse);
"Old and new spiritual music" (it. Alte und Neue Kirchenmusik);
"Maister Martin-Bochar and his subset" (it. Meister Martin der Küfner und Seine Gesellen);
"Unknown Child" (Das Fremde Kind);
"Information from the life of a famous person" (it. Nachricht Aus Dem Leben Eines Bekannten Mannes);
"Selection of the bride" (it. Die Brautwahl);
"Ominous guest" (it. Der Unheimliche Gast);
"Mademoiselle de Schuderi" (Das Fräulein von scudéry);
"Player's Happiness" (SPIERGLÜCK);
"Baron Background B." (it. Der Baron Von B.);
Signor Formic (Signor Formica);
"Zakharias Werner" (Him. Zacharias Werner);
"Vision" (Erscheinungen);
"Interdependence of events" (DER ZUSAMMENHANG DER DINGE);
"Vampirism" (it. Vampirismus);
"Aesthetic tea drinking" (it. Die ästhetische Teegesellschaft);
"Royal Bride" (it. Die Königsbru);
Roman "Lights Cat Murra" (LEBENSANSICHTEN DES KATERS MURR) (1819-21);
Roman "Lord Bloch" (ME. Meister Floh) (1822);
Late novels (1819-1822): "Highimatohare" (HAIMATOCHARE);
"Marquis de la Pivader" (him. Die Marquise de la Pivardiere);
"Double" (it. Die Doppeltgänger);
"Robbers" (it. Die Räuber);
"Errors" (it. Die Irrungen);
"Secrets" (Die Geheimnisse);
"Datura Fastuosa" (it. Datura Fastuosa);
"Master Johann Wakht" (him. Meister Johannes Wacht);
"Recovery" (it. Die Genesung);
"Corner window" (it. Des Vetters Eckfenster)

Elaboration of the works of Hoffmann:

Nutcracker (cartoon, 1973);
Walnut Krakatuk, 1977 - the film Leonid Queenihidze;
An old wizard error (film), 1983;
Nutcracker and mouse king (cartoon), 1999;
Nutcracker (cartoon, 2004);
Nutcracker and rat king (Film in 3D format), 2010

Music works of Hoffmann:

singspil "Merry Musicians" (Die Lustigen Musikanten) (Libretto: Clemens Brentano) (1804);
Music to the tragedy of Zacharyas Verner "Cross in the Baltic Sea" (it. Bühnenmusik Zu Zacharias Werners Trauerspiel Das Kreuz An der Ostsee) (1805);
Sonates for Piano: A-DUR, F-Moll, F-DUR, F-Moll, Cis-Moll (1805-1808);
ballet "Harlequin" (him. Arlequin) (1808);
Miserere B-Moll (1809);
"A large trio for piano, violins and cello" (it. Grand TRIO E-DUR) (1809);
Melodrama "Dirna. Indian melodrama in 3 acts "(it. Dirna) (Libretto: Julius Background Zoden) (1809);
Opera "Aurora" (it. Aurora) (Libretto: Franz von Holbayn) (1812);
Opera "Undina" (it. Undine) (Libretto: Friedrich de la Mott Fuka) (1816)

Ernst Theodore Amadeus Gofman, with a brief biography of which a wonderful reader can find on the pages of the site, is a bright representative of German romanticism. Diversified gifted, Hoffman is known both as a musician, and as an artist, and, of course, like a writer. The works of Hoffmann, mostly incomprehensible to contemporaries, after his death inspired such great writers as Balzac, by, Kafka, Dostoevsky, and many others.

Childhood of Gofman

Gofman was born in Königsberg (Eastern Prussia) in 1776 in the family of a lawyer. When baptized, the boy was called Ernst Teodor Wilhelm, but later, in 1805, he changed the name Wilhelm on Amadeus - in honor of his musical idiot Wolfgang Amadeu Mozart. After the divorce of the parents, a three-year-old Ernst brought up in his grandmother's house. A great influence on the formation of a boy's worldview, which is clearly manifested in the further milestones of the biography and creativity of the Hoffman, had his uncle. Like Ernst's father, he was a lawyer by profession, a man talented and smart, prone to mysticism, however, according to Ernst himself, limited and overly pedantic. Despite complex relations, it was uncle who helped Hoffmann to reveal his musical and artistic talents, contributed to his formation in these areas of art.

Youth years: university training

According to the example of uncle and father, Hoffman decided to engage in jurisprudence, but the commitment of the family case played a keen joke with him. By brilliantly graduating from Konigsberg University, the young man left his hometown and served as a judicial official in Glogau, Poznan, Plock, Warsaw. However, like many talented people, Gofman constantly felt dissatisfaction with the quiet boss, trying to escape from the tightening routine and start making a living with music and drawing. From 1807 to 1808, living in Berlin, Gofman earned the living with private music lessons.

First love E. Hoffman

During training at the University, Ernst Gofman earned the living lessons of music. His student has become the Dora (Cora) Hatt - a charming young woman 25 years old, a spouse of the merchant wines and mother of five children. Gofman sees a relative soul in it, understanding his desire to escape from the gray monotonous everyday life. After several years of relations around the city, gossip crashed, and after the birth of the sixth child, Dara's relatives of Ernst decide to send it from Konigsberg to Glogau, where his uncle lived. Periodically, he returns to see the beloved. Their last meeting took place in 1797, after which their way was divided forever - Gofman, with the approval of relatives, entered into the engagement with his cousin from Glogau, and the Dora Hutt, interaced with her husband, married again, this time for the school teacher.

Start of the creative way: musical career

During this period, Karofman's career begins as a composer. Her musical works of Ernst Amadeus Gofman, whose biography serves as evidence of the statement that "a talented man talented in everything" wrote under the pseudonym of Johann Craisler. Among its most famous works are a set of Sonatas for Piano (1805-1808), Opera "Aurora" (1812) and "Undina" (1816), Ballet "Arlekin" (1808). In 1808, Hoffman holds the post of theatrical chapelsuser in Bamberg, in subsequent years serves as a conductor in theaters of Dresden and Leipzig, but in 1814 he has to return to the public service.

Also Gofman showed himself as a musical critic, and he was interested in both contemporaries, in particular, Beethoven and composers of the past centuries. As mentioned above, Gofman deeply read the work of Mozart. He signed his articles, he also pseudonym: "Johann Creisler, Kappelmester." In honor of one of his literary heroes.

Gofman's marriage

Considering the biography of Ernst Hoffman, it is impossible not to pay attention to his family life. In 1800, after the delivery of the third state exam, it is transferred to Poznan for the position of Assesor in the Supreme Court. Here, a young man meets his future wife - Mikhaelina Roer-Tzhachinskaya. In 1802, Hoffman ruins the engagement with Kuzina, Mine Derfer, and, adopting Catholicism, marries Michaeline. The writer later did not regret the writer. This woman, which he gently calls Misha, until the end of his life supported Hoffmann, was his reliable life partner in difficult times, which there were many in their life. It can be said, she became his quiet harbor, which was so necessary for the soul of a talented person.

Literary heritage

The first literary work of Ernst Gofman - Novella "Cavalier Glitch" - saw the light in 1809 in the Leipzig Universal Music Gazette. Next, came the novels and essays, combined by the main character and bear the common name "Craislerian", which entered later in the collection "Fantasy in the Kallo manner" (1814-1815).

The period 1814-1822, noted by the return of the writer to jurisprudence, is known as his heyday as a writer. These years, such works are written as the novel "Elixirs Satan" (1815), the collection "Night etudes" (1817), the story-tales "Nutcracker and Mouse King" (1816), "Kroashka Tsakhs, Nicking Cinnober "(1819)," Princess Brambill "(1820), a collection of novel" Serapionov Brothers "and the novel" Life beliefs of the Murra Cat "(1819-1821), Roman" Lord Bloch "(1822 ).

The disease and death of the writer

In 1818, the well-being of the Great German Fairy Tale of Hoffman, whose biography abounds with takeoffs and falls, begins to deteriorate. Day work in court, requiring significant mental tension, followed by evening meetings with like-minded people in the wine cellar and night vigils, during which Gofman sought to write down all the thought events, all fantasies generated by the trimmed wicked brain - such a way of life significantly He undermined the health of the writer. In the spring of 1818, he develops a spinal cord disease.

At the same time, the relationship of the writer with the authorities are complicated. In their later works, Ernst Gofman rises a police officer, spies and diagrams whose activities were so encouraged by the Prussian government. Hoffman even achieves the resignation of the Chief of the Kampets police, which was confined against himself the entire police department. In addition, Hoffman protects some democrats, which are obliged to attract to court on debt.

In January 1822, the state of the writer deteriorates sharply. The disease reaches the crisis. Hofman has paralysis. A few days later the police confiscates the manuscript of his story "Lord of Bloch", in which the prototype of one of the characters is just CamcC. The writer is accused of disclosing forensic secrets. Thanks to the intercession of friends, the trial was able to postpone for several months, and on March 23, already chained to the bed of Hoffman, dictates speech in defense of himself. The investigation was discontinued under the conditions of editing a story in accordance with the requirements of censorship. The "Lord of Bloch" comes out the same spring.

The paralysis of the writer quickly progresses and reaches the neck on June 24. Died E.T.A. Hoffman in Berlin on June 25, 1822, without leaving his wife anything other than debts and manuscripts.

The main features of the creativity of E.T. Gofman

The period of literary creativity of Gofman falls on the era of the heyday of German romanticism. In the works of the writer, you can trace the main features of the Jena School of Romanticism: the implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200bromantic irony, recognition of the integrity and versatility of art, the embodiment of the ideal artist. E. Hoffman also shows the conflict between the romantic utopia and the real world, however, unlike the Ian romantics, his hero gradually absorbs the material world. The writer is ironic over his romantic characters seeking to find freedom in art.

Music novels Gofman

All researchers agree that the Biography of the Hoffman and his literary creativity are inseparable with music. This topic can be most brightly traced in the novels of the writer "Cavalier Glitch" and "Creislerian".

The main hero of the "Cavallar Glitka" is a musician-virtuoso, the author's contemporary, a conspirator of the creativity of the composer glitch. The hero creates around himself an atmosphere surrounding the "one" glitch, in an attempt to renounced the bustle of the modern city and man in the streets, among which it is fashionable to be considered a "connoisseur of music." Trying to preserve the musical treasures created by the Great Composer, an unknown Berlin musician as if he had his embodiment himself. One of the main topics of the novels is the tragic loneliness of a creative person.

Creisleriana is a series of essays on a different topic, united by a common hero, dropletaster Johannes Craisler. Among them, there are both satirical and romantic, but the red thread through each slip the theme of the musician and its place in society. Sometimes these thoughts speak out with a character, and sometimes directly the author. Johann Creisler is a recognized literary twin of Hoffman, his incarnation in the musical world.

In conclusion, it can be noted that Ernst Theodore Hoffman, a biography and a brief content of some works of which are presented in this article, is a bright example of a person of an outstanding, always ready to go against the current and fight life adversity for the sake of higher target. For him, this goal was art, solid and inseparable.

Brief biography of Hoffman It is set out in this article.

Gofman biography briefly

Gofman Ernst Theodore Amadeus- German writer and composer.

Born January 24, 1776 In Königsberg (now Kaliningrad). Son official. Parents diverged when the boy was three years; He was brought up by Uncle - a lawyer by profession.

In 1800, Hoffman finally graduated from the course of law in Königsberg University and connected his life with the public service. Until 1807 he worked in different ranks, in his free time engaged in music and drawing. After the university, he received the place of assesor in Poznan, where he was welcome in society. In Poznan, the young man was so addicted to the kits, which was translated into Polotsk with a decrease in position. There, Gofman married Polka from a good bourgeois family and cooled.

For several years, the family was distressed, Gofman periodically worked as a conductor, composer and decorator in the theaters of Berlin, Bamberg, Leipzig and Dresden, wrote articles about music for magazines.

After 1813, it went better after receiving a small inheritance. The Kappelmister Place in Dresden for a while satisfied his professional ambitions.

He was one of the founders of romantic aesthetics, represented music as a "unknown kingdom", revealing the meaning of his feelings and passions.

He owns the romantic opera "Undina" (1813), symphony, choir, chamber compositions, etc.

During the battle at Waterloo, Hoffmans were in Dresden, where they survived all the horrors of war. It was then that Gofman prepared a collection of "fantasies in the Spirit of Callo" (in four volumes, 1815), which includes the "Cavalier G'lyuk" novels, "Musical suffering of Johann Craisler, Kapelmeister", "Don Juan".

In 1816, Gofman received a justice adviser in Berlin, providing solid income and allowing to devote time to art. In literary work, he showed himself as a classic romantic.

In the novels, the titles of the Golden Pot (1814), "Kroashka Tsakhs on Nickname CynNober" (1819), the novel "Elixir Devil" (1816) The world is presented as if visible in two plans: real and fantastic, and Fantastic constantly invades real (Fairy drink coffee, sordlenda trades with pies, etc.).

The writer attracted the area of \u200b\u200bthe mysterious, proceedable: nonsense, hallucinations, without fear - his favorite motives.