What happened to Andrew. Andrey Gubin: everything hurts, nothing helps

What happened to Andrew.  Andrey Gubin: everything hurts, nothing helps
What happened to Andrew. Andrey Gubin: everything hurts, nothing helps
June 17, 2017 10:02 pm

I was left at a loss, to be honest.

Text from the site Vokrug.tv

Singer and sex symbol of the 90s Andrei Gubin has long disappeared from television screens. The artist had to leave the stage due to a neurological disease. For fifteen years now he has been leading a hermit life and thinks only about how to improve his health. The author and performer of the hits "Liza" and "Such girls as stars" tries, unnecessarily, not to leave his apartment in the east of the capital and not to meet with journalists. However, yesterday Gubin still made an exception and appeared on the Live Show, where he talked about his health, love relationships and future plans for life. We have collected the most heartbreaking statements of the singer.

About health

Andrei Gubin spent an impressive amount on his treatment abroad, but no one was able to help him. Here are just pains in the muscles of the face - not all that worries the artist. The performer admitted that society is making fun of him:

“I have pains that have not stopped for 15 years. 15 years old and still bullied me to a heap. Here, hurt yourself, zhituha, fir-trees, sticks. ”“ What I'm doing now is called “swallowing a nail”. I do not destroy myself, I create myself. "

Moreover, Gubin is convinced that someone wants to kill him. The reason for the paranoia was an accident that happened to the artist in Sochi:

“I was in a taxi, I was not driving and I was sitting next to the driver. It was an attempt on my life. I just ask for some kind of cleanliness, so that they don't kill me. Podlyanki addressed to me began a long time ago. I did not notice them then, I was small. What are you doing ?! Well, at least you don't have to crush me with KamAZ trucks on the street. "

Experts sitting in the studio suggested that the cause of Andrei Gubin's illness was the use of illegal drugs. The artist himself categorically denied this assumption:

“I have never suffered from alcoholism, drug addiction, too, I think. I ride a bike here every summer in Moscow. A drunkard here goes for a drive 40 km a day. "

Andrei Gubin also claims that he has black stripes on his face. However, except for the artist himself, no one saw them:

“What are you doing, Christmas tree-sticks? What do you think, I do not see these black lines that go here? I understand what it is and why it hurts. "

At the moment, Gubin assesses his condition as follows:

“I need to recover or bend over completely.” “I am gradually losing my hearing and now I feel happiness from this that I will not hear all this nonsense.”

Andrey Gubin

About women

Despite the past popularity, now the personal life of Andrei Gubin is not going well at all. In some women, the singer cannot discern the mother of his children, while others simply do not catch on. And about some, the singer even speaks like this:

“A woman is seven times more patient than a man. And since you need to work there, write songs, and if a woman comes and whips you there it is constantly one-time-one, then in 5-7 years you will turn into this type of dude, beaten by someone who: “yes, dear, good dear. "" The third one just feel like a bulldozer will walk over me, I got scared. I'm cowardly, I say right away. "

However, Gubin does not consider himself a tyrant:

“I am not the destroyer of my beloved woman. If I ever get lucky to get married, I don't want my woman to be there like my servant. It's never like that. But then I really met one. She was a good girl. Well done. I'm really proud of her. This time gets up in the morning. Here is my mother sitting, that means the kitchen, and so she came in once washed the dishes, so she looked in the kitchen that everything was in order, chick - she left. Well done, I behaved correctly. ”I like a lot of girls now, at the moment. I'm tough enough, despite my modest size, guy. And, of course, I am looking for a girl for myself, not the kind there, so that you know this, and I am looking for a girl for myself, so as to admire her, as it were. You look closely at yourself then. What are you thinking about? Now? And my face hurts. In general, I think about what my face hurts and what to do.

By the way, Gubin still has fans. When Boris Korchevnikov asked the artist: Was there a chance to become a father? Husband? Gubin answered without hesitation: "There were chances every year, in principle, several times."

But the idol of the 90s is not at all up to love, health needs to be dealt with.

“After all, for me it's a family: caring for a woman, caring for a child. And then what kind of concern for a woman? What is child care? I only care about myself! I can hardly get out of bed in the morning. And you want me to get married now. Andrey, get married! How am I going to get married here, why are you out of your mind, or what? "" When you have pains for 15 years to continue, what support is there? You’ll be stunned here. ”

Andrey Gubin

About career

Andrei Gubin continues to write songs, but everything is on the table. The fact is that the artist is offered too little fees for his work. The singer himself cannot perform due to pain and to the question:

"When are the concerts?" He replies sharply: “I wouldn’t die here. No time for concerts. "

About relationships

Andrei Gubin did not make contact with the doctors and guests of the studio. When one of the experts offered him his help, the artist said that he did not suffer from depression.

"If you are trying to teach me how to love women, then I will also sit further away, but in principle I returned, because, as it were, like, you simply cannot be heard from there."

And the artist did not really listen to the remarks of his colleagues: “Listen, take the microphone away from Andrei Razin, I ask you. This is my competitor, I do not want my airtime to be spent on Andrei Razin. Take the microphone away from him! "

Andrei has long since disappeared from the gossip column. Once his hits sounded from every iron, but now the performer lives as a recluse. Fans following Gubin believe that this is due to a serious diagnosis that doctors gave him. The singer's ailment is called "left-sided prosopalgia".


Gubin himself is sure that he has ill-wishers. These enemies allegedly have been pursuing him for ten years and provoked an accident in Sochi, in which the artist was almost injured. This is what he told the audience in the program of Boris Korchevnikov. Andrei thinks that his life could be attempted. From the frames of the machine flattened from the impact, the hair on the head stands on end.

“It was scary. For no apparent reason - the road was empty, and then the car flew out, came to the front. Taking into account all the events that are happening around, I seriously say:“ These are no longer toys, ”Gubin caught up with fear.

According to the singer, he was in a taxi. "I was not driving and was sitting next to the driver. It was an attempt on my life. I just ask for some kind of cleanliness, so they don't kill me. The podloki addressed to me began a long time ago. I did not notice them, I was small. What nonsense is this, what are you doing? " - Andrey is indignant.

Partly because of his fears, partly because of his ill health, Gubin is lonely. However, the performer still believes in love and hopes to meet his soul mate, unless, of course, he is killed by the mysterious ill-wishers that the singer is so afraid of.

"I like a lot of girls. I am quite strong, despite the modest size, guy," Andrey reassured the alarmed public. "Naturally, I am looking for a girl for myself so that I can admire her for a long time ... Something I do not meet anyone. A year pass. , two, three ... And then the sores began, it was not up to that, but the girls still like it. The same as before. "

And Gubin also spoke about health problems. "I am gradually losing my hearing. And I feel happiness from this. That I will not listen to this nonsense. Can you imagine what it is possible to bring a person to that he, losing his hearing, is happy that he can go deaf?" - the artist joked and added that he does not have depression.

Recall that at the end of April, the artist scared the fans with his interview for the program "Oh, Mommy!" Gubin said that he ended his musical career due to the fact that he allegedly "floats" the entire left side of his face, "some stripes" on his neck, his lips "turn blue" and, in general, "everything."

In the 90s, the name of Andrei Gubin thundered throughout the country. His songs were known by heart, it was impossible to get to his concerts. Today he rarely appears in public and prefers to lead a hermitic way of life. And one of the reasons for this behavior of Andrei Gubin is a disease of the nervous system.

What is a popular singer sick with?

Today Andrey Gubin is 42 years old. He still lives alone. The singer does not work and does not engage in creative activities. According to him, he lives on copyright money. In addition, he still has some of the money left from the time when he actively toured with concerts.

In April 2017, Andrei Gubin came to the program "Oh, Mommy" to talk about his illness. The audience immediately noticed that something was wrong with the artist. He behaved very strangely, claimed that fans were following him. Facial features have also changed. And the point is not at all that many years have passed since the time of its popularity. Gubin's face looks asymmetrical and stale. Andrei Gubin's face disease can also be seen in the photo:

On the air of the TV show, the singer said that now he feels very bad. And in this he does not see anything surprising, because his fans are hunting him.

He has to hide from them. As a result, he is under constant stress. In order not to see annoying fans, he travels even outside the country. At the same time, Andrei Gubin claims that he still loves people.

The singer complains that the left side of his face is "floating", stripes have appeared on his neck, his lips turn blue. He is tormented by constant pain in the face. Recently, it generally began to seem to him that his whole body was falling apart. Due to the fact that Andrei Gubin developed a face disease, others began to pay attention to him, although before that he did not feel such attention to his person. The singer is not surprised at this, because instead of a face he has a "mug" to which it is simply impossible not to pay attention.

In the program "Oh, Mommy", the singer also said that he did not regret that by the age of 42 he had not started a family. “Children are a responsibility. You need to follow them. And I can't keep track of myself. So it’s good that I don’t have them. ” There were also rumors that Andrei Gubin was suffering from Parkinson's disease, but they were not confirmed.

Andrei Gubin developed a nervous system disease in the early 2000s. This is what caused him to leave the stage at the peak of his popularity. After leaving the stage, he went to the doctors for a long time, spent a lot of money on treatment, but this did not give much result. The disease still worries the artist as before.

Andrey Gubin also came to talk about himself and his illness on the “Live broadcast” program. Here, he also claimed that they were not only hunted for him, but also wanted to kill. In support of this, he told about a terrible accident that happened to him. According to him, it could have been rigged.

Andrey Gubin said the following: “I was in a taxi, next to the driver. The road was empty. And then, all of a sudden, a car flies into a meeting and crashes right into the forehead. Considering all the events that have happened to me during this time, these are not toys. I worry about my own life. What are you guys doing? I want to live in peace! "Sneak" in my direction began a long time ago, but since I was too young, I did not notice them. Now it all became obvious. "

Now Andrei Gubin's medical record contains the disease "left-sided prosopalgia." This disease can be caused by several reasons: nerve damage, diseases of the vascular system, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, constant tension of the facial muscles, etc.

Which of these reasons influenced the development of the disease in Andrei Gubin is unknown. At least, the artist himself claims that he went to the doctors for a long time, but they did not answer anything intelligible to him.

The main symptom of the disease is persistent or paroxysmal pain in the face. It can occur only at certain times of the day, and intensify when chewing or swallowing.

Other symptoms are added to the pain in the face:

  • headache;
  • temperature increase;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite.

To cure the disease, it is necessary to block the pain in the left side of the face. Pain pills, unfortunately, will not help relieve pain. Physiotherapy is sometimes prescribed. Which of this is used by Andrei Gubin to treat the disease is unknown. However, in an interview, he said: "The only thing that saves me from constant pain is rest."

Here are some photos of Andrei Gubin's face disease today:

The artist often travels abroad. He does not use the services of travel agencies, but simply rents budget housing in one of the countries and lives there for several months. In the program "Secret for a Million", he said that he does not live richly, so he does not have the opportunity to relax in five-star hotels. However, a calm and measured rest suits him. He has time to reflect on life, gain strength.

Despite the fact that Andrei Gubina's face disease is actively discussed in 2017, not everyone believes that the artist was correctly diagnosed. It is believed that the reason for the singer's strange behavior is a disease of the nervous system, and the use of illegal drugs. The well-known narcologist Yakov Marshak commented on these rumors:

“I carefully watched the program with the participation of Andrei Gubin. He behaved fussy, constantly fingering something in his hands. If he was a drug addict, he would behave differently. For example, I would try to exalt myself at the expense of others. I think that Andrey has strong emotional experiences that he cannot cope with. He just needs a good doctor to help him cope with them.

It will not work to impose help on the artist, he needs to want to work on his problems himself. I like him very much, so I will be happy to help him cope with all life's difficulties and find peace of mind. You can give it to him. "

Russian pop singer, composer, producer Andrey Gubin(real name - Klemetyev). Was born in Ufa in 1974. My first song "Tramp Boy" wrote in 1986, and released the first professionally recorded album in 1996 with the support of Leonid Agutin.

Biography of Andrey Gubin

In 1982, the Gubin family moved to Moscow, where Andrei became interested in chess and began to play football professionally. Parents had to work hard and often move in search of cheap rental housing. Andrey's sports career would have gone uphill if he had not received a knee injury and had not played for the Moscow team. Gubin switched to journalism, but abandoned it after an unsuccessful, in his opinion, interview with Andrei Makarevich.

The creative path of Andrey Gubin

Having decided to realize myself in music, Andrey Gubin entered the Gnessin State School of Music, but was expelled due to poor attendance. The musical career for the young singer began on the program "Up to 16 and older" in the late 80s. Already at the age of 15, Gubin recorded his first disc "I am homeless", where he performed author's songs of a socio-political nature with a guitar. The disc was recorded at a non-professional studio and was released in a circulation of 200 copies. This was followed by two more such non-professional discs. "Ave Maria" and "Prince and the Pauper".

In 1994 Andrei Gubin met Leonid Agutin at the Slavutich-94 competition. Already known throughout the country, Agutin helped young Gubin record his first professional album "Tramp Boy" in his own studio in Tver, which was released in 1996 and instantly became popular. The debut album sold over half a million copies.

Since 1998, the singer began touring Russia and the CIS with a new album "Only you"... In 2000, the PR company and the artist's tour moved abroad - Germany, Israel, Latvia, USA. A year later, Andrei Gubin suspended his tour, in 2002 he released his last solo album "Always with you".

In 2004 he wrote a song "La-la-la" for Zhanna Friske, who is just starting her solo career. Since 2007, the singer has been producing Julia Beretta but they quickly parted.

Before, I went on stage and felt that I did everything sincerely, from the heart, - said Gubin in an interview. - What I liked, people liked too. I was happy about that. And at some point I realized that I could not do the same as before. Therefore, I am not performing on stage now. I cannot deny myself this pleasure. Well, yes, it's hard for me, I don't live as luxuriously as before, but I don't have much regret. It is not a fact that such existence as it was, is better than the one in which I am now. I am interested in living, I can afford to move in the mode in which I want. I live as a free person, and this is the most important thing.

Song Anton Zatsepin“Only Gubin is shorter” aroused the singer's indignation. He was offended by its author - Igor Nikolaev, and even wanted to sue.

Andrei Gubin's disease

In 2004, Andrey Gubin discovered a disease of the nervous system, due to which the artist experiences constant facial pain. The cause was constant stress, overwork.

I don’t think the path I’m walking is so wrong. There were, of course, mistakes, what is there to hide. But the direction, it seems to me, was chosen correctly. If I could start all over again, I would most likely become a musician too. We should not be afraid that we make mistakes, we should be afraid that we do not correct them, that is the point.

Gubin recorded his last song in 2009, after which he stopped appearing in public and communicating with colleagues. Once the girls' favorite began to lead a reclusive lifestyle and abuse alcohol. For many years Andrei was treated in various clinics abroad, but none of the doctors could understand what his health was. In Moscow, Andrei Gubin was treated in psychiatric clinics. Gubin left not only the stage, but also stopped communicating with friends and family. In the summer of 2014, his mother Svetlana died, the singer was worried for a long time.

September 23, 2017 Gubin became the main characterprogram "Secret for a Million" with Lera Kudryavtseva. The singer spoke frankly about his departure from the stage, about his life after. AndreyGubin does not work, but said that he was offered millions of rubles for a solo concert. For the first time he told about their parting with women and their claims to him.

Personal life of Andrey Gubin

According to Andrey, he wants to get married, but believes that now is an incomprehensible time in the country, in which there is no time for weddings. He also wants to have children only in the family.

In an interview that Gubin gave on the show "Live", he claims that several attempts were made on his life. The musician also talked about his personal life and that he is not going to tie himself in a relationship in the near future due to an intensified illness.

Andrey Gubin:

“After all, for me it's a family: caring for a woman, caring for a child. And then what kind of concern for a woman? What is child care? I only care about myself! I can hardly get out of bed in the morning. And you want me to get married now. Andrey, get married! How am I going to get married here, why are you crazy, or what? "

Some of the participants in the program, including Otar Kushanashvili, suggested that the musician may have mental problems or illegal drugs.

Maxim Kvasnyuk appeared in the show "Stars converged", who declared that he was the illegitimate son of Andrei Gubin. During one of Gubin's concert tours, the artist had a casual relationship with Maxim's mother, which she told her son about. On the air of the Secret in a Million program, a DNA test was made, which did not confirm the relationship between the 21-year-old guy and the idol of the 90s.

A real legend of the 90s, the dream of all schoolgirls, a singer whose songs are still known by heart, and whose name has already become a household name - Andrei Gubin, after a meteoric rise and loud fame throughout the country, at one point became a real hermit, forcing many fans to wonder about what is happening to him. But recently, the artist invited StarHit journalists to his home and talked about his deep loneliness.

“I have no relationship with women. Although I love them very much. Nobody communicates with me. I always go to contact girls in life and in social networks, but they all merge me. Once, in order to reduce the time spent on the dating process, I left an ad: “I'm ready to become a sponsor. Andrey". And you know, not a single answer. On the one hand, it made me happy. This means that women are not yet so corrupt, ”the singer told reporters.

Leaving the big stage Andrei Gubin explains by serious health problems. More than ten years ago, he was diagnosed with left-sided prosopalgia, a disease of the nervous system, due to which the artist experiences constant facial pain. Doctors called the cause of the disease lack of sleep, overwork, chronic stress.


At the same time, the singer has not been visiting doctors for several years, sports help him cope with the disease: “They could not understand what was wrong with me. I gave away $ 40 thousand - the result is zero. I lay at home for a year, read books, and then it dawned on me and began to ride a bike. Everything began to improve. "

Andrei trains in a sports club: “They fenced me off there, crawling like a VIP client. My back hurts, but I do not reduce the load to develop the muscles. Sometimes I don’t want to go, but I understand that water does not flow under the lying stone. What can a guy do in my situation? He can at least move. "

In general, the artist has taken seriously his recovery and is trying to monitor any changes in the body: “I try to play chess on a computer, I watch my intellect. Until the level falls. "

The singer does not forget to write music, travel. He said that, tired of noisy Moscow, he lived for several years in Egypt, in the mountains: “But I did not take root there ... There is a mosque nearby, where prayers are sung five times a day. I wanted to write music and could not listen when the notes fall by. "

In general, he admits that he now lives on what he earned during the years of his career. “I've been plowing for ten years. The earned is enough then. " At the same time, the artist admits that he does not need much: he spends nothing on entertainment and lives alone: ​​“I am lonely. I don't communicate with anyone, because I'm shy, I'm afraid to bother someone. The flip side of this is that I don't like being disturbed. "