Cheap vacation in Crimea: where are the lowest prices. Cheap vacation in Crimea

Cheap vacation in Crimea: where are the lowest prices.  Cheap vacation in Crimea
Cheap vacation in Crimea: where are the lowest prices. Cheap vacation in Crimea

By climatic conditions Crimea is suitable for all vacationers... In this regard, those who have not yet been to Crimea, but are planning a trip, have a natural question: where is it better to relax in Crimea in the summer of 2019? Many tourists consider vacationing on the peninsula expensive and compare the costs with foreign resorts, but still considering the cost of the flight and paperwork, the cost of recreation on the domestic peninsula is much lower... Let's see how to make good use of the time on the peninsula this summer.

Where can you relax in Crimea in 2019

In addition to hotels and boarding houses, rational travelers prefer to settle in a camping or rent accommodation from local residents in the private sector, and this practice, by the way, is quite justified.

On a note: Accommodation in the private sector is also rented by Crimeans themselves, who come to the seashore for holidays or weekends.

As for the beaches themselves, the length of sandy and pebble beaches on the peninsula is 343 km. A large number of ancient monuments and excursion zones are concentrated in different parts of Crimea. Therefore, vacationers often manage to visit all four parts of the republic in a week: the southern, eastern, western coast of Crimea and even its central part with the capital Simferopol and the former residence of the Crimean khans - Bakhchisarai.

Benefits of rest on the southern coast of Crimea: tips for tourists

This part of the peninsula is the most popular among vacationers, since a large number of sanatoriums and children's health camps are concentrated here. Also, this side attracts with the warmest climate. Often, residents of megacities go to winter Yalta for the New Year holidays. The air temperature on the South Coast does not drop below zero, so at this time you can visit the sights and enjoy walks along the uncrowded coast.


In summer, all party-goers and family companies prefer to rest on the southern coast of Crimea. The most popular cities are the resorts of Yalta, Alushta, Alupka, Simeiz. In addition to sanatoriums, must-see places are Nikitsky Botanical Garden, a crocodile farm, aquariums, etc. There is a large number of open-air discos and nightclubs for young people.

In Yalta, there is a large number of palaces and cathedrals that are simply impossible to get around in one vacation. Therefore, lovers of cultural entertainment each summer strive to settle near the city in order to gradually explore the rich heritage.


Not far from Yalta is Alushta - a small town with a pebble beach and a large number of entertainment venues. The cultural capital of Crimea can be reached by trolleybus in just half an hour, so it is in this town that families and tourists prefer to relax, who prefer to combine calm beaches with an active excursion program.


Diving enthusiasts definitely choose Sudak because of the large number of water caves and tunnels. This small town is quite calm; its greatest attraction is the ancient Genoese Fortress, in the exhibition hall of which there are a large number of valuable artifacts. A knight's festival is held annually in summer, where you can admire the medieval military fun. In addition to observing the competitions of participants from all CIS countries, spectators have the opportunity to try on armor and buy unusual souvenirs in the form of handicrafts or pottery. The most interesting events take place at the end of July.


Divers also prefer to visit Balaklava. This small cozy town is located near Sevastopol. In Soviet times, this city was closed to tourists; only local residents could enjoy the beauty of the bay near the rocky coast. Now tourists, after visiting the Genoese fortress, stroll through the territory of the former secret military base. This town has everything you need for a comfortable family vacation, cozy boarding houses, a large number of stone, pebble, and sandy beaches. Here you can go fishing and wander through the ancient ruins.

There is a large number of ethnic restaurants on the embankment where you can taste fresh Crimean fish.

Video: Southern coast of Crimea from a bird's eye view

What cities are worth seeing on the West Bank of Crimea

Traveling along the western side in order to have a good rest from everyday life and work, be sure to visit the historic city of Chersonesos. Here is the Vladimir Cathedral and the ruins of an ancient settlement. Now it is a large reserve on the territory of which scientists archaeologists work.

The West Coast is the destination of choice for tourists to regain health. Due to the absence of forests, the air is maximally saturated with salts and ions. There are a large number of medical sanatoriums specializing in procedures based on mineral water and mud.


The resort town of Evpatoria in Soviet times was famous for children's health camps. Their construction was facilitated by sandy beaches and shallow waters. Now vacationers are increasingly choosing this city for themselves, because during the entire period of its development, a very good infrastructure has been formed here. Vacation in Evpatoria is much cheaper than in resorts in the South Coast. Due to the shallow water, the water warms up much faster, therefore the swimming season in Evpatoria is much longer.

The most popular attractions in this city are the Turkish baths, built in 5 centuries ago. Now this place is visited only for viewing, since these ancient structures are in a dilapidated state.

During a trip to Evpatoria, it is recommended to visit the Armenian Church built in the 19th century. Also, this city is famous for its love of theater. In the summertime, the actors of the theater of living statues stage unforgettable performances, which have recently become the hallmark of the city of the health resort.


During the Soviet era, the city of Saki was popular among wheelchair users with disabilities. Now in this area there are a large number of sanatoriums specializing in different directions. Saki, besides the sea, is famous for its salt lakes, in which medicinal muds are extracted, which are used for all diseases. The beaches are mostly sandy, so this city is chosen by families with children and everyone who has not yet learned to swim.

What the North Crimea offers to tourists

People come to the northern and central Crimea most often for the sake of the excursion program. It is undoubtedly picturesque nature and cultural heritage, but there are no famous resorts, so the number of tourists here is much less. But nevertheless, bypassing stereotypes, on the northern coast of Crimea there are places of rest, where staying will be much cheaper.

There are no grandiose festivals and discos in this area, but in small towns, even in the hottest months, the temperature is comfortable. In these parts, you can enjoy the privacy, breathe incredibly clean air and buy safe products for yourself from local farmers.

Where can you relax in the northern part of Crimea:

The northern part of Crimea can surprise you with its landscapes. Don't underestimate your holiday in this area. Of course, there is no color of the South Coast: palm trees, cypresses and other exotic vegetation, nevertheless, the landscapes will not leave anyone indifferent!


A small town, which is washed on one side by the gulf of the Azov Sea by Lake Sivash, on the other by the Black Sea. Despite the fact that this city can be considered a small village, it has historical sights - Perekop fortifications built in the Middle Ages. Rest in Armyansk is inexpensive for tourists.


A small village with the cleanest seashell beach on the peninsula. Accommodation can be rented in small pensions, mini-hotels and local residents. The area is suitable for a relaxing holiday. All the necessary entertainment points and souvenir shops are present here. The disadvantages include the short duration of the swimming season from June to August. At the end of summer they come to the shore.


An ideal place for a budget holiday for families with children. Attracts the gently sloping sandy beach with a shallow bottom and healing waters saturated with iodine. Local healing clay effectively treats most diseases. It is purchased by various mud baths for procedures, the residents of the village use it free of charge. A significant drawback in this area is the complete lack of tourist infrastructure. It is necessary to take umbrellas and a complete set for rest on the beaches. In the village there is nothing but a few recreation centers, so people often travel to the nearest cities.

Eastern Crimea: rich history

Eastern Crimea can surprise not only with its sights. There are beautiful white sandy beaches, bizarre cliffs, quiet picturesque bays and large, amazingly beautiful mountains.

City port Feodosia

The most acceptable option for a budget tourist and an active excursion program. Housing in Feodosia is much cheaper than in resorts on the South Coast. In addition to the sea, this city has something to see. It is a large industrial and administrative center. Despite the presence of a port, the water in the sea is clean, except for the central beach, which is located near the railway.

Also, vacationers are attracted by a large number of wild beaches, for lovers there is also a nudist one. The coast in Feodosia is not rocky, but sandy. The influx of people is much less than on the southern side of the peninsula. Most tourists come to see the aeronautics festival in May.

In Feodosia there are more than a dozen sanatoriums specializing in the treatment of the respiratory, circulatory and excretory systems. You can also stay in mini-hotels, boarding houses or rent an apartment from local residents.

In addition to recreational activities, it is recommended to visit the most beautiful Museum Square in Crimea, and the Tower of Constantine. Also in the city there are several museums of wax figures, antiquities, money and dedicated to the work of Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaev.


Koktebel is a city of youth and creative personalities. In summer, various music festivals are often held in this city, so vacationers will not be bored. The biggest attractions of Koktebel are the "Karadag" reserve, which can only be visited by ordering an excursion. Also in this area is the famous rock "Golden Gate". Vacationers pass through the mountain arch on a small boat and make their deepest desires, which will certainly come true. The bottom of the sea near the cliff is thrown with coins.

The beaches in Koktebel are small-pebbled, while the bottom is sandy. This town was previously considered the cultural capital of Crimea, since the poet Maximilian Voloshin lived there. To this day, creative evenings and even the International Literary Festival are held in his house.

City of creative people: Koktebel is a city of contrasts, where people come who, even on vacation, are engaged in their own self-education. Here you can study literature, biology in the reserve, where a large number of ancient expositions are kept.

Families with children visit Koktebel for an excursion to the bird park, to see what the world looked like millions of years ago. In addition to historical facts, you can admire wild birds and animals that freely walk around the territory. Nearby is the famous one, in which more than five dozen lions live. There are no cages here as in the usual zoos; visitors watch cats from high bridges. You can also visit the dolphinarium and the water park with children.

In addition to cultural recreation in Koktebel, you can get rid of the complexes and become bolder. This is where the nudist beach is located. You can also try paragliding, and enjoy the beautiful views from the high.

New World

The most picturesque place on the entire peninsula. This village is famous for its landscape-public sanctuary. The area is covered by mountains, so there are no strong winds, the climate is uniform at any time of the year.Despite the proximity to Sudak due to the rocky mountains that surround the New World, the water in the sea warms up much faster, so the swimming season is longer here. It is necessary to visit this village to get acquainted with the rare vegetation. Here you can admire the relict Sudak and curved Crimean pine, juniper.

For vacationers, note: Experienced tourists recommend settling in Sudak, and coming to Novyi Svet to admire nature. The sandy and pebble beaches in the village are not very comfortable and are not often cleaned, the bottom is too rocky, but if you wish, you can choose a good place to stay. There are no canopies on the beaches, so it is better to take an umbrella with you or wait out the midday heat in one of the cozy restaurants or on the territory of the reserve.

There is a different opinion it is desirable to settle in the village, since the healing air saturated with juniper has a beneficial effect on the body. For vacationers, there are several options for choosing housing:

  • To live in a hotel. At the same time, all the necessary conditions are provided with a shower, air conditioning, a nearby dining room and vital WiFi. The disadvantage of this choice is to travel far to the sea;
  • Private house in the woods. The most beneficial choice for the body. Living in such conditions is comfortable and romantic. The sea is much closer. The disadvantages include the lack of a refrigerator, TV, personal shower and air conditioning. You can do without the latter, since the coolness that is comfortable for the body is always maintained in the pine forest.
  • You can rent housing from local residents. This type of accommodation in the private sector is the cheapest.

It is a pleasure to be on the territory of the reserve, but besides that, it is recommended to visit the Golitsyn Trail, Chaliapin's Grotto and Cape Kapchik. From above you can admire the famous Tsarskoe beach. It is officially closed as there is little risk of a collapse. The most daring tourists break this ban.


A unique city, which is washed by two seas Black and Azov. This is the oldest settlement on the peninsula, so history buffs prefer to spend their holidays here. At the same time, there are not too many vacationers in Kerch due to the geographical features. There are no beaches and no sea in the city itself... For active recreation, you need to go out of town. This makes it much more difficult not to have your own car.

Almost all boarding houses and rest houses are located in remote villages, therefore, to visit the sights, you should spend money on carriers. Young tourists are saddened by the lack of a water park and extreme sports. There are several summer discos along the coast. At the same time, you will be pleased with the low cost of rental housing and a lot of impressions from visiting attractions.

During your stay on the peninsula, it is recommended to visit the Ruins of the Ancient Panticapaeum, the Yeni-Kale Fortress, the Church of John the Baptist, the Crypt of Demeter, the Museum of Oceanography. Even if vacationers are not interested in history, the sights of Kerch will not leave anyone indifferent. It is hardly possible to visit all the historical places in one vacation, so there will remain a reason to visit this beautiful city again.

Around the city there are a large number of sandy beaches on the shores of the Black and Azov seas. Popular among vacationers:

  1. Youth,
  2. Kiev,
  3. Turtle,
  4. Water Station,
  5. Arshintsevo,
  6. SunDali.

For lovers of secluded recreation on the Kerch Peninsula, there are a large number of wild beaches. The depth of the sea is shallow, which allows the water to warm up quickly. You can start the swimming season near Kerch from mid-May.

Video walk in Kerch:

Best accommodation options

Every year the peninsula is actively being built up and new hotels and holiday homes appear. The highest prices on the South Coast in Yalta and Alushta... In order to save money, most tourists go to the Western coast of Crimea. It should be borne in mind what you prefer to get from your leisure time.

The Nikitsky Botanical Garden and the Swallow's Nest monument are most popular among vacationers who first visited the peninsula. To do this, you should study the transport interchange and it is enough to spend a couple of days to visit these attractions.

The advantage of the southern coast of Crimea is an intercity trolleybus that connects Simferopol, Yalta and Alushta. For a symbolic cost, you can drive a path 96 km long. This saves a lot of money. You can get to other cities by minibus, so it doesn't really matter in which settlement to settle.


In order not to spend money on rental housing, vacationers prefer to settle in tent camps. This type of temporary housing is most suitable for companies with cars, since they have to take tents, dishes, electric ovens with them. More recently, camping in tents had to be carefully thought out. Now the tourist centers have everything you need for guests who travel around the Crimea on bicycles or bikes. Modern campgrounds have gas and electric ovens, running water, lighting, a place for washing and drying clothes, benches, and gazebos.

Most popular camping sites:

  1. Vympel tourist shelter, Alushta;
  2. Krymtrantour village Foros;
  3. Blue Bay of Simeiz;
  4. White Russia, Alupka;
  5. Capsel, Sudak;
  6. Dolphin, Evpatoria;
  7. Autocamping in Olenevka Cape Tarkhankut;
  8. Heraclea Laspi Bay near Sevastopol;
  9. Meridian Rybachye village near Alushta.

Video: Wild camping on the South Coast

Pensions and private sector

Most of the residents living near the sea rent out their own homes. The cost of renting a bed directly depends on the season, location and living conditions. You can find inexpensive housing using the Internet or on the spot.

It is safer to settle in boarding houses, since the risk of getting caught by swindlers is much less. You can find out in detail the living conditions by reading reviews on forums and travel sites. With private owners of housing, this is problematic. Therefore, it is better to settle with the owners who are trusted and recommended by friends.

If we compare prices, it is much cheaper than the private sector or boarding houses. Having studied the reviews of vacationers, we can conclude: The most favorable prices in Crimea are in May, June, September and October. July and August are characterized by overpriced rental housing, as well as a large flow of people to beaches, parks, public transport and historical sites.

Video: how to have a rest in Crimea

Are you thinking how to have an inexpensive vacation in Crimea? Which city is the cheapest to stay in? In order to save money, you need to choose not large resort cities like Yalta, Gurzuf or Sudak, but small villages where you can relax and not worse, and much more profitable. So, we will open you TOP-5 places where it is cheaper to relax in Crimea.

Nikolaevka - an economical resort of the Western Crimea

The village is located on the Black Sea coast between such major tourist centers as Evpatoria and Sevastopol. The capital of Crimea, Simferopol, is only 40 km away.

Its advantage is the clean, warm sea and free beaches. The prices for housing and food here are strikingly different from the cost on the southern coast of Crimea, and there are also many excursions and entertainment for tourists. In Nikolaevka there are both large boarding houses and mini-hotels, cottages, apartments and rooms of the private sector.

Housing prices: an apartment in the summer season will cost from 200 rubles. per day, in cottages - from 400 rubles. per day.

Nikolaevka resort is well suited for families with children: the sea is shallow, the entrance to the water is gentle, there are no sharp cliffs. On the main street of Nikolaevka, called the Embankment, there are a large number of cafes, restaurants and shops, there are also many discos and attractions in the village. The largest water park in the region, Banana Republic, is located half an hour's drive from the resort. For lovers of outdoor activities: diving, water hunting, excursions to anywhere in the Crimea.

There are only two drawbacks: if you are a fan of the South Coast of Crimea (SCC) and love mountainous terrain, Nikolaevka will not be able to please you with steep slopes and descents, the resort is located on gentle terrain. In addition, fans of big cities and noisy megacities can get bored here.

Solnechnogorskoye, Malorechenskoye and Rybachye - places on the South Coast, where you can relax inexpensively

True lovers of the southern coast of Crimea will like rest in these villages. The three resorts are in many ways similar to each other and they are located next to each other. The advantage of these places is a large selection of affordable housing and freer beaches, which, even in the height of the summer season, are not overloaded with people.

Solnechnogorskoe is the first settlement located from Alushta, it is located in the valley of the Ulu-Uzen River. Its main attraction is the 15-meter Jur-Jur waterfall. This resort is favorable for the treatment of people with respiratory diseases, as well as cardiovascular insufficiency. The central beach of the resort is small-pebbled, mixed with gray-red volcanic sand. For those who want to relax here cheaply, you can advise the private sector, where prices for accommodation start from 200 rubles per day.

Malorechenskoye is located 45 km from Alushta. Its main advantages are a good free beach and picturesque nature around. The village has a unique temple-lighthouse, which was built on a high cliff above the sea itself. In Malorechenskoye, tourists can go to a wine-making enterprise with a tasting, where the famous Massandra wine is produced. As for accommodation, in this town you can find a mini-hotel with a cost of 200 rubles per day, and an apartment is even cheaper. From Malorechenskoye, along the coastal serpentine, you can easily get to the next village - Rybachye.

The resort town of Rybachye is famous for its wide pebble beach, along which there are numerous cafes and private hotels, the prices of which are more than democratic. This resort is famous for its Bay of Love - you can get there by going to the right along the central beach, and then turning onto a steep path through a rock ledge. The resort is suitable for those who wish to fully enjoy nature and the clear sea, take a break from the usual bustle of megacities.

These villages are intended for a relaxing holiday, but if you want noisy entertainment, you can easily get to the large entertainment cities of the South Coast, such as Yalta, Alushta and Alupka. Regular buses constantly run along the route, and excursion and pleasure boats leave from the quays.

Evpatoria is one of the most affordable resort towns

If you still wanted to relax in a larger settlement, then Evpatoria is a city that can be noted for its relative cheapness, it is suitable for an inexpensive vacation in Crimea. This resort, due to its climatic features, is extremely popular for families with children. Its beaches are sandy and small pebbles with a length of almost 30 km. In high season, the coast is filled with tourists almost to capacity, so it is better to sunbathe and swim closer to the outskirts.

If you value the cultural component of your vacation, be sure to walk along Old Yevpatoria, it has preserved the layout of the past centuries, here you can find buildings that are 300 years old. It is worth visiting the Khan-Jami Mosque and the Dervishes Monastery, which is located between the street. International and st. Karavaeva, to see with your own eyes the Karaite kenassas on the street. Karaimskaya, 68 and the museum of antiquities Kara-Tobe.

On the most famous places in Evpatoria, double-decker sightseeing buses run, it is in this way that it is most convenient to explore the whole city. If you want to get around the city by taxi, then the price of such a trip will start from 70 rubles.

The cheapest housing is also in the private sector, its price starts from 400 rubles. Here, as in any other resort town, the rule applies - the closer to the sea, the higher the cost of living.

Koktebel - a resort where you can have an inexpensive vacation in Eastern Crimea

This place is located in the southeastern part of the peninsula, 15 km from Feodosia, while it is located in a natural area of ​​unique beauty. It is here that the Crimean steppe flows into the mountainous area, and its main asset is the extinct volcano Kara-Dag. Koktebel's climate also combines features of both steppe and Mediterranean. This resort is good for families with children - the sea is clean and with a safe entrance, and the beaches are pebbly and sandy.

This place is the main center of gliding throughout the peninsula, jumps are organized near the village itself on Mount Klementyev. Here you can also go scuba diving, horseback riding or hiking. The cost of renting housing in Koktebel is lower than on the South Coast, you can find an apartment for 300 rubles, so this resort is suitable for those who want to relax in Crimea at an affordable price.

Sunny is an inexpensive resort at affordable prices

This resort town is located on the western coast of the peninsula, 50 km from Simferopol. Every year the level of the service is improving here, and the price of housing in Solnechny remains within affordable limits.

Here you can stay inexpensively in a boarding house (from 250 rubles per day) or in the private sector (price from 180 rubles), prices for food and sightseeing tours are also among the lowest among the Black Sea resorts. From the bus station of the resort, you can easily get to Simferopol, as well as Sevastopol and Bakhchisarai, in the summer, regular buses run every 15 - 30 minutes.

  1. You should not take accommodation with meals, it often turns out that it is more profitable to eat separately.
  2. Do not book in advance rooms in hotels and hotels - look for accommodation upon arrival with local residents.
  3. Do not go to rest during the high season.
  4. If you are used to eating in cafes and restaurants, ask the residents of the resort, where the most affordable prices and high-quality food, and the most economical option is to cook your own food.
  5. Sightseeing tours are quite expensive, it is better to think over the route yourself and get to the place of interest to you.
  6. If you go on an excursion by taxi, it is advisable to find fellow travelers and share the fare with them.
  7. You should not buy homemade wines in the most popular tourist places, it is better to scout out from the locals about where they get such drinks for themselves cheaper.
  8. Beware of rash purchases. Most often, on vacation, tourists buy an unthinkable amount of magnets and other trinkets, which leads to large waste and does not allow them to have an inexpensive vacation in Crimea.

Hello to all lovers of travel on the site "I and the World"! Today we go to Russia and consider the best vacation in Crimea. According to the reviews of vacationers there are places of amazing beauty, but prices are a little "bite". Well, let's consider where it is better to rest and how much it will cost to travel to the Russian Crimea.

It is better to relax in any resort in the summer. And if there is no such opportunity and you have a vacation only for the winter month? It's okay, in Crimea you can have a good rest in winter too, having seen many sights. And if you are not too worried that you will be left without swimming in the sea, then go ahead to the snowy Crimea!

The weather here is quite pleasant all year round, and winters are warm and short without extreme cold. There is a lot of sun, and the temperature very rarely drops below zero, and even then usually at night. And in the south it even rises to +15 degrees. In the coldest February, there are snowfalls and fogs, but blooming spring begins at the end of the month. And in March, the whole island begins to smell fragrant with the aromas of flowering fruit trees, and the air is warmed up by warm winds.

Traditions and architecture of many cultures are intertwined in Crimea: the baptism of the Russian tsar, oriental beauty in the Bakhchisarai palace, the Italian Middle Ages in the Kafa fortress, Cimmerian culture in the Scythian barrows. Pushkin, Chekhov, Nikolay 2, Alexander 3 ...

And rest in the winter months is quite inexpensive. You can rent a room per person for 300 rubles. per day, and luxury - for 1000 rubles. You can go on excursions by paying 2 times less than in summer. Winter tours, except for New Year's, for two will come out for only 5-10 thousand rubles.

Tourists' reviews, of course, differ. Many people do not like the service, but they all agree on one thing: the peninsula is beautiful at any time of the year and its beauty fascinates. And although it is impossible to swim, but calmly strolling along the beach is a unique opportunity for lovers of a quiet and relaxing holiday.

If you are going to relax with children, visit Evpatoria... Toddlers will love the cobbled beaches with white sand.

Water parks, a dolphinarium, parks with a variety of attractions - an ideal city for a family holiday. After swimming, you can stroll along the old, narrow streets and breathe in the air of antiquity. In the western part of the city there are many children's camps, health resorts, sanatoriums. Therefore, if you have not chosen the private sector for recreation, then you can safely settle in one of the boarding houses.

Alushta- one of the largest cities in Crimea, where many hotels and sanatoriums have also been built for a comfortable stay, and many entertainment centers attract tourists at any time of the year.

The city is surrounded by mountain ranges, so the climate here is more favorable and milder. The sea becomes the warmest in late June and early July until September (+23 degrees). Here you can not only relax, but also improve your health: 70 health resorts to choose from are perfect for a spa vacation.

On the territory of the city, directors love to shoot films. Here they saw the light of "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Hearts of Three", "Ships Storm Bastions" and many films about Indians. This resort is most suitable for young people: surfing, kiting, diving - the most advanced water sports here.

Small village Foros famous for the cleanest beach on the southern coast of Crimea.

The name of the village was given by the Foros Church, built on a steep cliff by the Greeks who inhabited these places almost 2000 years ago. It was these lands that Catherine 2 granted to her favorite Potemkin, and he, in turn, sold Foros to the tea magnate, who turned the place into one of the best resorts in Crimea. There are no enterprises in the village and the population lives off the income from tourism.

In a small area, a large number of attractions are Balaclava.

There is definitely something to see here! The city is located in a bay surrounded on three sides by rocky shores. It is practically invisible from the sea, and in a storm of 4-6 points, there is a slight calm in the bay. Temples, fortresses, hunting lodges, submarine museum are the most interesting places to visit.

Simeiz one of the quiet and calm villages of the southern coast of Crimea.

The beaches are small and you need to get up early to get a better seat. And there is not a lot of entertainment - a standard set: walks on the sea, diving, water park.

Small town Partenit with the famous Bear Mountain is located in the south of the peninsula. The first settlements have been discovered since the Stone Age.

A magnificent place here is the Paradise Park with its 200 year old grove of olives. Next, visit the Stone Museum, which displays over 1000 items. And, of course, have fun in the dolphinarium.

The beaches are very pleasant and equipped with umbrellas, massage tables, sun loungers. The entrance to the sea is even without sudden changes in depth.

In the southeastern part of Crimea, near the city of Sudak, there is New World- the village is rightfully considered a "paradise".

Three bays, named for the color of the water: Blue, Blue and Green, are considered the most beautiful. In Novyi Svet there are beaches for every taste, with warm water and hidden from the wind. And the seabed is just a treasure trove for divers: underwater caves, sunken ships, interesting flora and fauna. These are pluses, but of the minuses - rather high prices.

Large port city Feodosia- the industrial center of Crimea . The beautiful name translates as "given by God."

Summers are hot and the sea warms up quickly, so you can swim until mid-autumn. There is a special Children's City Beach for families with children. In the evening, you can visit discos and entertainment centers located right in the water. Unusual hang gliding and money museums can be visited if you want to learn something out of the ordinary.

West of Feodosia there is a resort town Koktebel. This is the "land of blue peaks", covered with wooded mountains.

People come here mainly as "savages": sit by the tent under the starry sky, sing songs by the fire. Of course, there are wonderful pebbly and sandy beaches that are safe for families with children.

Alupka considered the blue pearl of southern Crimea. Initially, the city belonged to the Ottoman Empire, and in the 18th century Grigory Potemkin became its owner.

The most beautiful place was visited by famous artists: Shishkin, Aivazovsky and others. Alupka park, Vorontsov's palace, holy temples, Karst caves - this is little that the resort town offers.

Village Olenevka perfect for a quiet and cozy holiday by the sea.

Without industrial factories and large highways, with clean air and ecological beaches, families with children usually rest in Olenevka. There are many hotels, hotels, boarding houses where you can choose the best places.

In the 19th century, a tiny town Livadia noticed Alexander 2, who ordered to build a palace here for the rest of the royal family.

And in 1945, it was here that the Yalta conference of three allies took place: the USSR, Great Britain and the United States. The healing climate can help heal the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

The once beautiful beaches do not attract visitors now: everything is old and crumbling, only the sea remains clean and beautiful.

Located at the foot of the mountain Gurzuf, has several dozen different sanatoriums and hotels.

For the beauty of extraordinary landscapes, wonderful climate and ecology, tourists fell in love with the city. City beaches are good, but you have to pay for comfort: the cost of a sun lounger or umbrella is up to 600 rubles. There are very clean and cozy little beaches where you can retire, but you need to get to them by boat.

Picturesque Miskhor for 100 years it has been chosen by tourists for summer holidays. The village stretches for 10 km along the coast.

Holidays here are available to people with any budget. Renting an apartment with children for couples will be quite profitable, many homeowners make discounts. There are sanatoriums and boarding houses. Miskhor is a fairly ancient settlement, inhabited by the Greeks, and during the period of joining Russia, the Dolgoruks, Naryshkins, Shuvalovs built their residences here.

For Muslims wishing to visit Crimea, special Halal tours have been developed, including visits to Muslim attractions of the peninsula. This unforgettable journey in time through the places of life of the Crimean Tatars will last 10 days for those who wish.

Recreation center Batiliman is located in the tract of the same name.

The health resort does not work in the off-season, but as soon as the air warms up, the base receives tourists. There are only 200 beds here, with different number of beds in the rooms. Three meals a day, private beach, summer cinema and library.

Massandra- a small cozy village. The warm sea, hot but mild climate, picturesque nature have always attracted vacationers here.

The hallmark of the town is the wine cellars and the most delicious wines listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

In Massandra, the nearest public beach is located 2 km from the village, which can be reached through Massandra Park or several bus stops. The beach is divided into several parts: from the simple to the VIP zone.

On Azov coast Crimea rest is slightly different from the Black Sea.

There are no high mountains and lush vegetation. But there is a steppe, a mild climate and a warm wind. The sea begins to warm up in April and the swimming season lasts until mid-October - a good holiday for couples with children.

One of the sights of Crimea - Bird home - it is not only a popular and magnificent palace located on a steep cliff, but also a boarding house in Sudak and a guest house in the village of Solnechnogorskoye.

Now the palace is an architectural and exhibition museum with a terrace and a small park.

The Crimean peninsula has become very popular and therefore the prices for vacations and tours have increased by almost 10%. How much will a stay for two cost? Tours with a flight from Russia to various resorts of the peninsula will cost from 24,000 rubles. or from $ 400.

What to choose as a vacation in Crimea is up to you. We can only give a little advice - the air of the peninsula heals and fills with freshness for the whole year. The beauty of Crimea is known far beyond its borders, but you should definitely see it with your own eyes. How much money you need to take with you depends on your capabilities, but you can relax for any amount.

See also the video:

We say goodbye to you and maybe meet at one of the resorts of the Crimea, somewhere in August. Like the information, share with your friends.

Crimea is a beautiful peninsula, where everything is conducive to a serene rest. Having visited it, even the most spoiled tourist will not remain indifferent. Even just looking at the pictures, you can understand what a wonderful place this is. It is not surprising that every year hundreds of thousands of people from different countries spend their holidays here.

Crimea: the best places to stay

New World

It is the pearl of the peninsula and is definitely worth a visit. The landscapes of this small village are picturesque; juniper groves peacefully coexist with mountains and beaches. There is a unique microclimate, many rare plants that are listed in the Red Book grow. This is a good place for outdoor activities.

There is a champagne factory in Novy Svet, where exciting excursions are organized. Lovers of the sea will find here the cleanest beaches with white sand. They are located in three bays: Green, Blue and Blue. All three bays are named after the color of the water.

The city is located in the heart of the mountains, respectively, the views there are simply amazing. The main attractions include the attractive promenade and the Genoese Fortress. The only drawbacks are the absence of sandy beaches; they are pebbly along the entire length of the city. As for the prices, they are quite adequate.


A very popular resort, the name of which is always heard. Since ancient times, this city was loved and sung in their works by writers and poets. Clean air, fabulous mountains, stunning landscapes - all this every year attracts a huge number of people who want to fully and beautifully relax.

The location of Yalta is very convenient, you can easily and quickly get to the Botanical Garden or visit the Swallow's Nest and the famous Mount Ai-Petri. The Yalta embankment is simply teeming with entertainment: from the dolphinarium to the theater with sea animals. Small children can ride ponies and donkeys here.


It is a small village, conveniently located between Yalta and Alushta. It is famous for its sanatoriums and health resorts. Not the most suitable option for a noisy holiday, it is quiet and peaceful here. Only a few restaurants are open in the evening. For many people, this is a favorite vacation spot, where at the same time you can improve your health.

The main attraction of Partenit is the powerful and majestic Bear Mountain. In general, this is a city with a rich history; you can visit mosques and other historical monuments. Here you will find many attractive clean white sandy beaches, a dolphinarium, a water park.


This city has a long history. In addition to beauty and grandeur, Evpatoria is also a very cozy place. There are many large sandy beaches here. You can also walk along the spacious and luxurious promenade, visit the sights located in the center. In addition to the sea, the famous Moinaki Lake is located here. Near it there is a mud bath, which uses healing mud extracted from this lake. Therefore, every year many people flock here to improve their health.


There is an excellent promenade, beautiful nature and a large number of entertainment for every taste. In Alushta, you can visit the zoo, the Aluston fortress and various old estates. The famous Valley of Ghosts and the Jur-Jur waterfall are located nearby.


This village is located near the volcanic massif Karadag and is famous for the fact that it produces unsurpassed cognac. Lovers of secluded relaxation can find wild beaches and unexplored bays here. Interesting sights are the house-museum of the poet Voloshin and the Karadag reserve.

Koktebel is the most suitable resort for young people. There are many clubs and night discos, restaurants with live music, foam parties and the like.

The peak of the season is July, when life in the city is literally in full swing. Clubs and restaurants are open until the morning. During the day, you will not be bored either. Interesting leisure options: horseback riding in the local area, paragliding or hang-gliding, diving, quad biking.


This town is steeped in oriental atmosphere. There are mosques, hammams and even a palace where the khan once lived. The oriental bazaar, located in the center, offers exotic foods and spices.


The city is located in the southeast of the Crimean Peninsula. There are many interesting places in it: the Aivazovsky Gallery, the Alexander Green Museum. Ilyinsky lighthouse.

Feodosia is a mecca of hang gliding. Therefore, for lovers of extreme recreation, this city is ideal for an unforgettable vacation.

Where is the best place to rest in Kryu in the summer?

You need to choose a resort for your vacation based on what is your priority: a sandy or pebble beach, the availability of entertainment, attractions, and so on. Also, for many, the price is of great importance.

The most expensive vacation will be in Alupka, Gurzuf, Yalta, Alushta, Partenit.

The average option for money is the eastern coast of the peninsula (Ordzhonikidze, Koktebel, Novy Svet). There is a large number of comfortable hotels at affordable prices.

The most affordable options are cities on the western coast of Crimea, far from the promoted resorts: Olenevka, Chernomorskoe, Rybachy, Sandy, Zaozernoe, Saki, Nikolaevka.

This is a very beautiful place located not far from Yalta. Many creative personalities liked to rest here (Gorky, Kuprin, Chekhov). Here you can walk through an old park with relict trees and visit a local landmark - the Vorontsov Palace.

This is a good choice for families with children, since the sanatorium has its own clean beach, and in general it is calm and serene here. It offers guests a gym, swimming pool, parking.

Tourists are happy to visit this place, comfortably located between the villages of Privetnoye and Rybachye. In the evening, you can stroll along the beautiful promenade, and in the afternoon visit the local market. The beaches are pebbly, and the sea water is clear.

In this former military town, you can have a very good rest with your family and children. There are restaurants, cafes, shops here. But at the same time, it is quite quiet and calm here. The beaches here are sandy, and not far from the village there is an artificial bay Donuzlav (former lake), where the water is two to three degrees warmer than in the sea.

To Crimea with children

For holidays with children, the western part of the peninsula is well suited - the places that run from the town of Chernomorskoye to Sevastopol along the Kalamitsky and Karkinitsky bays (Saki, Evpatoria, Olenevka, Nikolaevka, Inkerman, Zaozernoye, Peschanoe, Uglovoe, Balaklava). There are many shallow bays with clear water, a gentle entrance and white sand.

If you want to acquaint your children with the history of the Great Patriotic War, then you can choose the hero city of Sevastopol for your vacation. It hosts a lot of excursions to places of military glory, where you can learn about the heroes of the war and the defense of the city. Of the sights that are definitely worth visiting - the submarine museum in Balaklava, the Black Sea Fleet Museum.

If your kids have a sweet tooth, they will probably want to go to the Marmalade Museum and the Ice Cream Museum. Also of interest may be the Lukomorye ecopark, an aquarium, a dolphinarium, and a Zurbagan water park.

Evpatoria will also have something to do for both adults and children. You can take a health course in a sanatorium, visit the dolphinarium, take a walk in the Frunze park.

A large amount of entertainment will not let the little adventurers get bored. Here is the Museum "Pirates of the Black Sea", the water park "Banana Republic" (photo below). In addition, you can find attractions for every taste, ride around the city on the "Tram of Desires".

The Dinopark is worth a visit. This is a large-scale entertainment complex with life-size figures of dinosaurs. Modern lighting and sound effects make them look like life.

In Yalta, you can visit the "Glade of Fairy Tale" - a museum with sculptures located in the open air. Surrounding landscape - mountain ranges, Uchan-Su waterfall, Stavri-Kaya rock.

A relatively new attraction of Yalta - "House upside down". In this unusual structure, all objects are located contrary to the laws of physics. Once here, you feel the unreality of what is happening.

A good place for a family vacation is the city of Alushta. There are excellent climatic conditions, many beaches, hotels, dispensaries. Children will be interested in visiting the Dendrozoo, a water park in the entertainment complex "Almond Grove".

In Alushta there is a park "Crimea in miniature", which presents the attractions of the peninsula in a reduced form. There is a corner for children where heroes of their favorite cartoons will meet them.

For lovers of outdoor recreation, there is a rope park "Treasure Island". It is located right by the sea and is made in the form of a pirate ship with three decks. There are several tracks that are designed for people with different backgrounds.
Sanatorium "Alushtinsky" is located not far from the city. It has its own pebble beach and many buildings to accommodate guests.

Where to relax in Crimea inexpensively?

The most budget holiday resorts are Kerch, Feodosia, Evpatoria and Sudak. The price tag for accommodation will differ depending on the distance of the hotel or private accommodation from the beach.


In ancient times, the ancient Greeks lived in this city, so there are many historical and archaeological relics here. For vacationers there are many shallow sandy beaches. The region is famous for mineral springs, curative mud. As entertainment, you can choose beach attractions, boat trips on yachts. Informative bus excursions to the most beautiful places are provided.

This is an ecologically clean recreation area, since it is significantly removed from the city. Here is a good place for those who love history and the Middle Ages.

The Genoese Fortress is a place where knightly tournaments are held, where you can not only look at the battles, but also take part in them yourself.


In Evpatoria, in order to save money, you need to choose suburban settlements. A good option would be, for example, Shtormovoye and Nikolaevka. There are clean beaches and warm sea. Of course, in the summertime there are a lot of tourists here, so if you don't want a hustle and bustle, then it is preferable to come here in September.

From entertainment in Nikolaevka you can ride a jet ski, go diving or fishing, as well as ride a yacht. Children will not be bored here either, as animation programs are held daily for them. In addition, there are many attractions here.

Another good place is the village of Zaozernoye. There are a lot of inexpensive boarding houses with their own fenced beaches. They are cleaned regularly so they are clean and comfortable. Lovers of the private sector will also easily find apartments to their liking.

Budget vacation in Crimea (video)

The following video tells about the places where you can have a good rest on the peninsula at affordable prices.

Crimea beaches for families with and without children

According to statistics, June is considered the most successful month for recreation in Crimea. By this time the sea water is well warmed up and suitable for swimming. There is no sweltering heat yet, so you can stay in the sun longer. There are many hotels, sanatoriums and boarding houses for families with children of different ages throughout the peninsula.

The most popular cities for such a vacation are considered to be Alushta and Evpatoria. Their value lies in well-developed infrastructure and good beaches.
  • Quiet Bay Beach in Koktebel is a long arc with coarse sand. It is easy to get here from the city, by car or public transport, it will take 10 minutes. The water here is clear, and the shallow water stretches over a long distance. Nearby there is a place where you can find healing mud. Tourists willingly flock there.
  • The beaches of Feodosia They are distinguished by thick sand of a golden hue and clear azure water. These places are very popular among couples with children, as here you can find a gentle entrance to the sea, and the sea itself is quite shallow at the entrance. The beaches of Feodosia are deservedly considered one of the best in Crimea. In the photo: The Golden Beach of Feodosia.
  • In Evpatoria there are many gently sloping sandy beaches, where, when entering the sea, the bottom is flat and the depth grows slowly. Even babies can go into the water without fear, as there are no pebbles and sharp stones. It is very convenient, which is why so many tourists with small children flock here. There are a lot of water activities on the beaches.

As you can see, there are many good and interesting places for recreation on the Crimean peninsula. Therefore, it is suitable for both young people and families with children. Beautiful nature, warm sea, exciting excursions and entertainment - all this fascinates and makes you come back here again.

Want to go south on vacation but don't have enough money? No problem! There are a lot of interesting places on the Crimean peninsula, where the influx of tourists is not so big. And the prices are absolutely democratic. If you do not know where to have a cheap vacation in Crimea, we invite you to a virtual trip to budget resorts.

The village of Peschanoe is located at a distance of 50 km from the Crimean capital. If you need a budget holiday option in Crimea, then you can safely go here. In summer, fixed-route taxis and buses run from Simferopol every 30 minutes, so you can get there without any problems.

Sandy is chosen by families with children, there are ideal conditions: silence, tranquility, shallow and warm sea, excellent sandy and pebble beaches with an impressive range of entertainment. Catamarans, pleasure boats, boats, diving, kiteboarding, windsurfing equipment, children's trampolines and attractions are all available. In the evenings, people hang out in cafes and bars on the waterfront. Young people are kindling at local discos.

These are the beaches in Peschanoe village - there is enough space for everyone both on the shore and in the sea

“Sandy is a nice and quiet place for family vacations. It has everything you need: holiday homes, hotels, boarding houses, cafes, shops, a market. I cannot fail to note the friendliness of the locals. The infrastructure is well developed, but it is not enough for active leisure. When the soul asks for a holiday, you just need to go on an excursion to the nearest resorts (or). "

As for housing prices, they are approximately as follows (per day):

  • hotel - 1400-1600 r. for a double room;
  • mini-hotel - 2000 rub. for a 3-bed room;
  • recreation center - 400-500 rubles per person;
  • cottage - 1500-1700 r. per person with meals, 800-1000 p. without food;
  • boarding house - 400-500 r. per person;
  • rest in p. Sandy, private sector - from 300 rubles. per person.

In principle, it is fun to have a rest in the village and "savages". For the convenience of tourists on the outskirts of Sandy, a tent city is equipped.

Now about leisure. From the village it is convenient to go to Bakhchisarai for an excursion, the distance is only 24 km, a little more than 30 minutes. bus ride. You can choose another route, waving to Sevastopol (35 km). Some tourists also visit Evpatoria, but it will take longer to get there, the distance is about 70 km.

But since we are looking for where you can relax in the Crimea inexpensively, then you can not leave the village anywhere. Moreover, there is something to see here - the ruins of a Scythian settlement near Mount Lucullus. It is definitely worth visiting this place. You will see not only the Ust-Alma settlement, but also the Alma River, which flows into the sea. The nature here is incredibly beautiful. You can just walk through the pine forest or have a picnic by the river.

A stone's throw from civilization: an inexpensive vacation in Nikolaevka

Well, about the number of steps, of course, it is loudly said. But among other inexpensive resort settlements, the closest to (40 km) is Nikolaevka. There is a large selection of accommodation options (the price is indicated per day):

  • guest houses - from 300 rubles. per person;
  • mini-hotels - from 1500 r. for double occupancy;
  • cottages - from 2600 r. for a double room;
  • You can have a cheap rest in a Crimean village in the private sector - from 250 rubles.

Nikolaevka is perfectly adapted for leisure. There are restaurants, bars, cafes, youth clubs, attractions, there is a water park not far from the village. The beach area is spacious and free, a good choice for a budget holiday with children. The coast is shallow, with a shallow bottom, just for kids.

Sand and pebble beach of the boarding house "Energetik", Nikolaevka

What to do in Nikolaevka? Well, with beach activities everything is clear - in all resorts they are almost the same. Therefore, let's go through the exclusive, so to speak:

  • Rope park "Mowgli". This is a multitude of rope constructions, some of which are fixed on trees, at such a height that the children feel comfortable.
  • Excursion to the Grand Canyon of Crimea. You can choose a route with a surface survey of the canyon or a hike with an experienced guide through difficult terrain.
  • Black Sea aquarium. Here you can get acquainted with representatives of the underwater world of the Azov and Black Seas, as well as with exotic fish from other seas and oceans.
  • Excursion to Scythian Naples. This is an ancient settlement of the Scythians, the ruins of which have been preserved in the region of Simferopol.

Where is the best place to relax in the Crimea inexpensively with excellent diving?

Our answer is Chernomorskoye, located in the northwest of the peninsula. The resort is located at a considerable distance from Simferopol - about 200 km. But this does not prevent him from being one of the best for tourism. Here are approximate per day per person:

  • guest houses, recreation centers, the private sector - from 200 rubles;
  • private boarding houses, mini-boarding houses - from 300 rubles;
  • private hotels - from 1200 rubles. with breakfasts.

As you can see, you can have an inexpensive vacation in the Black Sea with children, enjoying the spacious beach and shallow sea. The local bays have the purest water. But it is worth considering that the swimming season is most comfortable during the period from May to July. You can also grab the first half of August. Later, swimming is no longer so interesting - the coastal waters are "attacked" by algae.

Spacious and uncrowded beach in the village of Chernomorskoe

Well, for active adults, the best entertainment is diving at Cape Tarkhankut. At a depth of about 15 m, there is an underwater museum called the "Alley of the Leaders". The name fully justifies itself - the bottom is strewn with busts and sculptures of leaders and famous figures of the former Soviet Union.

Things to do? At leisure, you can go on an excursion to natural and architectural monuments: Kalos-Limen (settlement of the ancient Greeks of the IV century BC), Dzhangul landslide coast, Big Atesh and Small Atesh (capes made of limestone).

Have not yet decided where to relax in the Crimea inexpensively? We read the reviews and decide:

“We stopped at a guest house on the street. Meadow. A great place away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Moreover, the village has everything, from cafes and shops to discos. And most importantly, there are no exorbitant prices. "

Where to relax in the South Coast inexpensively in the summer?

In Maly Mayak - of all the resorts on the southern coast, this village is the most budgetary, the most environmentally friendly, with unique climatic conditions and small pebble beaches. It is located between and. Entertainment here is about the same as in large resorts, only cheaper.

For a double room in a wooden cottage with a mountain view, you will pay about 600 rubles. per day. Accommodation in a comfortable boarding house will cost 3000 rubles. Cheap holidays in the private sector - from 200 rubles. per day.

You will definitely not be bored in Maly Mayak, because you can always go on an excursion. The sights here are very interesting: the princely estates of the Gagarins and Raevskys, the Utes Palace, Karabakh Park, Cape Plaka.