Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze - a secret novel, wedding, joint photo. Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze: love story from first person

Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze - a secret novel, wedding, joint photo. Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze: love story from first person
Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze - a secret novel, wedding, joint photo. Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze: love story from first person

Last years In the media repeatedly published the news about the ambulance wedding of Albina Janabaeva and Valery Meladze. But the rumors remained rumored, especially since the singer himself put a bold point in this story. But apparently that in 2016 something has changed. The other day the couple came to congratulate the anniversary of Anita Tsoi and many managed to replace the beautiful wedding ring on unnamed finger Albina. Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze -, whose photo so want to see fans, details of the secret novel and how the relationship developed star couple, we assure today.

Albina Dzhanabaeva: biography

Albina Dzhanabayeva was born in a simple family, but it did not prevent the girl to tie his life with music. After school, she entered the music school. Gnesinic. In parallel with the study led active theatrical activity, Removed in advertising and performed small roles in the movies. Musical education And the stage experience allowed her to get a job in Korea, the girl signed a profitable contract with one of theaters.

Upon returning to Russia, she receives an offer to work back-vocalist in the team Valery Meladze. Later becomes one of the soloist of the group "VIA Gra". Participation in the group brings a girlfriend fame and a big breakthrough in a quarry. In 2013, Janabaeva leaves the group and deals solo Career Under the auspices of Valery Meladze.

Valery Meladze: biography

Valery Meladze was born in a small village of Georgia, in a large friendly family. Despite the fact that Valery did not like to study at school, he gladly engaged in music class. After school, he could not go to the institute, tried to work at the factory, but later decided to follow the example of an older brother. He went to Ukraine, where he entered Nikolaev Institute Shipbuilding, in which his brother, Konstantin Meladze, has already studied. By the way, it was this city that played in the life of the future singer important role. It was here that he met his future wife and began to seriously engage in music. Together with his brother and ensemble "April" he begins his creative way.

After the premiere of the song "Do not disturb me the soul, violin" in the program "Morning Mail", Meladze woke up famous. His album "Sir" became the most discovered in the country, because such music in Russia has not yet heard. Since 2000, the creative path of Meladze is inextricably linked with the VIA Gra Group. In the short term, the group was able to gain popularity and millions of fans.

Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze - Wedding, photo

Not only creative, but also the personal life of stars is connected with the VIA Gra group. We will remind our readers that Valery Meladze lived 20 years old with his wife Irina, who gave him three charming daughters. In 2000, rumors began to walk that in the family Meladze there was a breakdown due to the novel of the Irina spouse with one of the soloist groups. The news that Dzhanabaeva gave birth to Konstantin's son from Valeria Meladze, put a cross on a twenty-year-old marriage.

After a divorce with his wife, Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze began to live together, where the wedding of the stars was held while there was a mystery, but the producer is no longer hidden, because in 2001 she gave him the second son-onion. The fact that the stars legitched their relationship were rumbled for a long time, but in early 2016, Paparazzi could notice the ring on the finger of Albina, which she diligently hid a massive decoration from Cartier.

Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze: Wedding, photo, living together These stars are diligently hidden from a curious eye of the public. Apparently, they are really happy together and do not want to smooth family well-being, together raising their children.

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Having taking a new back vocalist, Valery Meladze strictly warned it: he has a man's team, the novels at work are unacceptable. Albina Dzhanabaeva with such a layout was agreed. After a few months, she was broken by both.


In the life of Valere Meladze, Brother Kostya always attended. Over two years older, he looked a little wrong of this world, but all attempts to fight invariably ended the victory of the bone. When Valera graduated from school and came to study at the same ship Institute of the city of Nikolaev, where Brother had already studied, he immediately cooled his youthful desire for freedom: the parents-engineers are not easy, so you need to earn a scholarship.

Already then Kostya tried to write songs and play keys in the student ensemble. Soon he attracted his hobby and Valera - he fought with the equipment and once tried to sing something into the microphone. His voice liked everyone - and Meladze Jr. became a soloist.

Irina Valery, Irina Valery noticed the first and long sought her location. After several months of relationship, she even tried to leave him, but the guy was persistent. Played a student wedding.

When the newlyweds have a daughter inha's daughter, they settled in the 18-meter room, from which they could be expelled at any time. After a few years, the musical experiments of the Meladze brothers noticed, and they moved to Moscow.

It became even more difficult: household unpleasuries imposed in a huge unfamiliar city. But exactly then Valery and Irina were happy with each other, more than ever after.

"A small removable apartment in Khrushchev somewhere for" Vojovskaya ", in the area of \u200b\u200bthe poultry farm. There were very soulful people there, and one woman from a neighboring entrance sometimes looked after ingi. She was then three years old. I now remember it now with the great tenderness ... "- recalled the musician.

"... While everything was bad - it was good. As soon as it became good, everything rolled into Tartarara. Fire and water people pass, but copper pipes Almost never, "Irina said.

And - fame and treason

Valeria Meladze noticed after participating in the "Christmas meetings" Alla Pugacheva. Creative tandem with a brother-composer turned out to be extremely successful: rehearsals began, performances, tour. Irina saw her husband at home in less often, but he thought that it was in the order of things: he was engaged in creativity and earns money, she devotes to home and children. By that time, Ingi appeared junior sisters Sophia and Arina.

In the late 90s, the place of the back vocalist was released in Valery Meladze's team. Familiar recommended him to look at the graduate of Gnesinki Albina Janabaeva. She worked in Korea for a four-month contract with one of the local theaters, but the sake of Meladze returned to his homeland.

She fully accepted his conditions: only work, no flirt with other members of the team. Valery violated the rule first, falling in love with Albina, according to his own words, "to madness". Two years later, she gave him a son's son.

The singer's son acknowledged, but his fatherhood was kept in the strictest secrecy. Meladze loved Albina, but was not ready to sharply throw a family even for her. His daughters were 3.5 years old, 7 and 15 years old - only the eldest could understand something, and Sophia and Arina were still too small. The life between two families was a hell, and once Meladze told Irina about the extramarital son.

For a while she hoped that the story with Albina was temporary, and one day the husband would completely return to the family, continuing to support the Son. But the boy is adulted, the media was a naply rumored, and Valery did not take any steps.

"I let go of the situation, stopped saving and build altogether. Having removed, I revised all my life. True, the play was delayed, and it was greatly annoyed, "Irina recognized.

Meladze was lucky: both of his women turned out to be quite patient and decent. Only when Albina became pregnant for the second time, he filed a divorce and declassified his relations with the ex-soloist "VIA-GRA". Irina turned out to be quite wise, so as not to interfere with communicating daughters with their father, and soon herself established her personal life.

Now Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabayeva brought up two sons: 14-year-old costume and 4-year-old onions. With older sisters, the boys almost do not communicate, although Valery never ceases to hope that one day they still will be enabled.

On the eve of the registry office on December 18, Starkhit met with Dmitry Kulakovy, who saw more star celebrations than anyone. He worked all his life as a driver and was in parallel, he was fond of pigeons - a pensioner more than a hundred birds, he travels to them on his own pigeon to feed and serve in cells. The spouse and children of Kulakova, his hobby approve, like the fact that the last ten years five days a week he spends from the Kutuzov registry office - offers newlyweds to launch a couple of snow-white birds into the sky.

Among his clients - Ketie Topuria and her husband Lion Gayhman, Lera Kudryavtseva with Igor Makarov, Ekaterina Volkova and Andrei Karpov, Gennady Zyuganov and others.

Run, Valera, Run!

Most of all Kulakovo remembered resident Comedy. Club Garik Harlamov, who was combined with a marriage with actress Christina Asmus in August 2013.

"And he, and his bride were respectful, turned to me on you, smiled a lot," says Dmitry Ivanovich. - offered them pigeons, Garik agreed, asked how much it would cost. I replied that 2500 is a standard fee for my services, and he handed me money. I did not recalculate, but I felt that there was more in the palm than. Already later I saw that Garik gave two times more - so far for it good word I remember. After all, this work is a good increase in a pension that I have only 15 thousand, there is not enough birds and vaccinations. "

With a smile, the pigeon remembers the wedding of the TV presenter of Kudryavtseva with a hockey player Igor Makarov.

"As soon as the organizer of the celebration saw me, immediately screamed:" No pigeons! " - tells Dmitry Ivanovich. - Well there is no way. I got up aside and watching the ceremony. Here comes to me a man. I extended my hand: "Hello, I'm Sergey, Father Groom. Do not listen to anyone, we must have pigeons! " He paid, and after the newly-made spouses came out of the registry office, I gave him birds to give them to young. Lera was delighted - the pigeons flew in one direction, she walked into his hands, kissed her husband. "

But the singer Valery Meladze Dmitry Ivanovich himself, not wanting, scared.

"Two years ago at their celebration with Albina Janabaeva almost there were almost no guests, only a couple-triple friends," the pigeon continues. "It was clear that Meladze did not want to attract attention to himself - he entered the building, looking around. I decided not to approach him and just watched. Valery looked at me disapprovingly, while something spoke to friends. And after the painting, they immediately went to the exit, then Valery accelerated the move at all, ran to the car, holding an albin by his hand. I did not understand anything ... "What is it with him?" - I ask for the passage workers. It turned out that Valery decided that I was a photographer, I stand here for exclusive pictures from his wedding. "

People of another level

The poverty notes that the stars with whom he had to communicate - people are brave. "Everyone without fright took birds in hand," Dmitry Ivanovich shared. - And right, what to be afraid! I have been trained, besides, I do not feed them before going to the registry office. For 10 years of work only one day a dove on wedding Dress Moved. But this is not dangerous - these birds have a special litter, on it with a clutch with a water, he will rolling down. "

Among the clients of Dmitry Ivanovich not only the stars of film and pop. He had to work with politicians. On the eve of Victory Day in 2013, Kulakovo called the representative of Gennady Zyuganov.

"He asked May 9 at the Lubyanskaya Square to deliver 68 white pigeons to the Chairman of the Council of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party 68. That's exactly what I did. I did not take money with politics - in honor of the Great Holiday. And the pigeon, which in the hands of Zyuganov held, I still live - it is considered an elite. "

But not all celebrities are kindly react to Kulakov's offer to use its services. For example, Marat Basharov on May 31, 2014 - on the day of marriage with the actress Catherine Arkharov - considered "pigeon service" by obsessive. "This was told about the girls-saleswoman from the neighboring store," recalls Dmitry Ivanovich. "There is no on the Internet on the Internet, and they read in social networks that Basharov wrote in his blog - they say, some uncle came, he had 15 pigeons with him, he tried to sell them very much. Where did I get them from? I always stand with two ... and I don't impose my birds to anyone - I will offer it once. "

Also remembered the pigeon's case at the wedding of the scandalous singer of Prokhor Shalyapin and businesswoman Larisa Copenkina.

0 11 May 2017, 13:00

Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva

Fans of 38-year-old Albina Janabaeva and 51-year-old Valery Meladze know perfectly well that the couple prefers to hide their relationship from the public. Apparently, the artists begin to change their opinion on this matter, because more and more often joint photosgraysis appear on the network. At the end of April, Albina Dzhanabaeva for the first time a joint photo with his wife Valery Meladze in his Instagram. At that picture, the couple was preparing dinner in the restaurant "Brighton". And the other day, another picture of Albina and Valeria appeared - this time in the photoblog of the Meladze brothers in Instagram.

Now Valery Meladze is toured in Russia and neighboring abroad within the framework of the anniversary tour. It seems that Albina decided to accompany the spouse during the entire tour. Family photography It was made after the artist's speech in one of Valery's concert cities - Tbilisi. Judging by the picture, the couple decided to celebrate the successful speech of the singer on the stage of the Tbilisi Palace of Sports. Later, the artist also performed in his hometown - Batumi.

Meladze and Dzhanabaeva began to meet in 2003. At that time, the singer was married, but only in 2011, having lived with the first wife, therefore, almost 20 years old. From the first marriage, the artist remained three daughters. New beloved gave birth to Valery two more -

The topic of Roman Valery Meladze and Albina Janabaeva has been mutating for many years. Some condemn the star couple due to the fact that the singer first deceived his wife, and later he left the family. Others sincerely wish beautiful couple Happiness, because they will grow up with two sons. The other day the Internet blew the news that the wedding of Valery Meladze and Albina Janabayeva took place. Is it true or another mystery of the media? Read in our material.

Fans upgraded the news about the faith of Brezhnev

Ex-soloist group " VIA Gra"Vera Brezhnev, who recently married Composer Konstantin Meladze ( native Brother Valery), published a photo of a wedding cake with letters "VA" on his page with instagram. Faith signed a snapshot like this:

"Happy day V. and A.".

Fans instantly responded to the picture and suggested that the initials of Albina and Valeria were depicted on the cake. That is, a couple, finally, legalized the relationship.

After this photo on the Internet, another picture appeared - Janabaeva makes Selfie, and on her unnamed finger bangs wedding ring. The singer comment on rumors refused. A day later (after multiple congratulations and articles in the media), Valery Meladze made an official statement. He said that the wedding cake with the initials V and A does not have any relationship with them. The singer stated:

"The photo and what is depicted on it, is not connected with us!".

It should be noted that the fans of the Star Pair still do not believe this categorical statement. Many argue that Meladze and Dzhanabaeva wedding hide and do not want their relations to be public.

The beginning of the relationship of Albina and Valery

Albina and Valery met many years ago, while Janabaeva came to Moscow to become famous. She was accepted for the post back vocalist famous singer And fell in love with him at first sight. Despite the fact that Meladze was married, he succumbed to temptation and began to meet him in secret.

In 2003, Albin learned that was pregnant. She came for advice to the eldest brother of his beloved - Konstantin. Producer, listening to the girl, noted that his brother's wife on demolitions should give birth to Valery of the Third Child, and he is unlikely to leave the family. He advised to keep the relationship secret as long as possible and, as soon as the children are growing, declare them out loud.

So Albina and did. She gave birth to a child and hid the name of the Father until Valery himself decided to tell about all legitimate wife. The girl answered the annoying questions of journalists:

"Yes, with the father of the child, we are not married. But we are fine. I think the wedding will not change anything in our relationship. We are already forever connected with each other by our child. "

How the love triangle "Valery - Irina - Albina" unleashed

In 2009, the news thundered about the divorce of Valery and Irina (after 18 years of marriage). According to one of the versions, the wife knew for several years that Meladze had a mistress and could no longer hide this fact from daughters. Once Irina told reporters:

"Valera told me about the" third party "a few years ago. Of course, I reacted acutely. It seemed to me that a nuclear bomb was broken in the soul. "

In January 2014, the marriage process of Valery and Irina finally ended. In February of the same year it became known that Albina was again pregnant and Meladze will again become a father. In one of the interviews of Janabaeva, the story:

"Many loves to say that I am delight. Yes, you can argue anything. But no one, in essence, does not know what is happening in a relationship. So I will not discharge myths and someone to prove someone. "

Now Albina and Valery live together, bring up two sons - Constantine and Luka. It is not surprising that fans are waiting for news about the wedding. After all, this pair had to survive a lot.

Watch in the video below the heartfelt video with the participation of Albina Janabayeva on the song Valery Meladze "She never be mine."