Garik Martirosyan: Interesting facts from the life of the "resident" Comedy Club. Biography Garik Martirosyan that Garik Martirosyan

Garik Martirosyan: Interesting facts from the life of the
Garik Martirosyan: Interesting facts from the life of the "resident" Comedy Club. Biography Garik Martirosyan that Garik Martirosyan

It reports) Born in the city of Yerevan, in (February 14), in 1974. In childhood, he delivered a lot of concerns to his parents. The boy was noisy, restless. Shalun was given to a music school at a six-year-old to temper him a little. But it did not help. Soon Garik was excluded from the musical institution for bad behavior. In school, he, naturally, was a start-up, big inventory and just a cheerful guy. And already during these years the artistic talent of Garik manifested itself - in the sixth grade, he received his first role in the school play.

And where else did Garik Martirosyan studied? His biography reports that after school he graduated from the State Medical University in Yerevan. Few of the artist fans know that he worked for several years in his specialty, namely a neuropathologist-psychotherapist. And, perhaps, life would have flowed in this line if one day he did not meet the participants of the famous KVN team "New Armenians". Humor has always been his "skate." And since 1993, the life of Garik coolly changed - he began to play KVN. He himself claims that it was KVN who made him strong, purposeful, taught to a mad rhythm and the tempo of life, the ability to work in a team.

Garik Martirosyan (his biography tells about it) first appeared on television in 1997. He was a screenwriter of a good evening of a good evening with Ubernalnik. Gradually, he became a member of many projects, shows, programs. And one of his victories on this field is in the project "Two Stars". Excellent vocal data and talented partner led him to success. But in the role of the TV presenter Garik first appeared on the screens in the program "Minute of Glory". It was a grandiose project for him.

Of course, it is impossible to go around the attention and transfer of "Comedy Club", one of the founders of which Garik Martirosyan became. His biography says that it was clean water experiment. Several talented and active people met once and decided to slightly modify the Russian humor, habitual. Among the founders of this program and Pavel Volya, and Garik Harlamov, and many others. However, residents were not immediately able to lay their way to television screens. And when the audience was able to see the first release, despite the huge number of positive and enthusiastic reviews, there were still unfriendlies who did not suit the frankly arrogant humor of the guys.

Many are interested, whether Garik Martirosyan is married. Biography (personal life, by the way, is not too advertised by the artist) reports that his wife is called Jeanne Levin, and a couple met in 1997. And in 2004, the talented artist became dad. Children Garik Martirosyan are his daughter Jasmine. Although many believe that the resident of the gum has other offspring. Despite the tight schedule, Garik always tries to maximize the time to pay his family.

The biography of this person is a vivid example of how humor and charisma help to succeed in life. And no matter where you are registered, in which city was born, where he studied. The main thing is a dream, perseverance in achieving a goal and a bright look at life, optimism.

Today, the name of Garik Martirosyan is well known to the Russian TV viewer. Show mechanics conducts active creative activity, develops its own projects, often appears on the big screen. Our article will tell about this person, his life and family, the path to glory.

Martirosyanov family

Currently, his mother, Jasmine Surenovna, has a doctorate degree of medical sciences. She worked his whole life with a gynecologist. Father, Yuri Mikhailovich, built a successful engineering career. Garik has a younger brother Levon, who works in the administration of the President of Armenia.

Grandfather from the mother, Suren Nikolaevich, worked as the Deputy Minister of Culture of the USSR, and the grandfather of the Father, Mikhail Arkadyevich, headed the school and taught Mathematics.

Garik was born on February 13, 1974 in the heart of Armenia, in Sunny Yerevan, in a friendly intelligent family. At the local tradition, wanting to protect the firstborn from the dashing fate, the birth certificate did not record the number 13. Therefore, the birthday of Martirosyan is considered to be February 14. The artist is joking on this that this fact gives him the full right to celebrate two days.

Yerevan childhood

Parents tried to give sons all the best. But the "talents" of Garik manifested themselves in early childhood. He was a real tiphel and knew how to arrange the pogrom anywhere. In the company of the company, Yunets has always been the winding and chief invention.

Grandson Brezhnev

At school, Garik stated his comrades and teachers, which accounted for by the ssenter's native grandson. Someone believed, and someone is not, but the boy paid attention to the acting talents. The first breakdown on the stage was the role of Archimedes in the school play.

Garik studied nicely, but his behavior left much to be desired.

Acquaintance with music

When the boy was 6 years old, the parents gave him to the music school. Surprisingly, the music was fascinated by the Unreasonable Timber, and he began to do certain successes. Over time, he himself began to try to compose melodies and songs.

Garik Martirosyan may have successfully graduated from a music school, but his explosive character and pellement caused deductions. However, the young talent did not like the insult - Garik continued to study independently, successfully mastered the game on the piano, guitar and drums.

Dr. Martirosyan

After graduating from school, Garik became a student of Yerevan State Medical University. Today he speaks in an interview that knowledge of the foundations of medicine is necessary to every educated person.

Having received a diploma of a psychotherapist-neuropathologist, Martirosyan worked for several years in the specialty.

He never even hinted that he chose a profession under the influence of a doctor or under the pressure of the family, always responded to his medical practice with warmth and gratitude. According to him, the experience of working in psychiatry even now gives its fruits: he knows how to see people, feeling well.

But whatever his progress on a medical field, love for the scene turned out to be stronger.

"New Armenians"

Like many iconic figures of the modern Russian show business, Garik Martirosyan began his way with KVN, back in 1992.

For his homeland, these were difficult times. The war for Nagorno-Karabakh was in full swing, in the settlements there were freeways with light. Today, Garik remembers how the scenarios were written in the light of candles, the dialogues were worked out, the images were thought out, the scenes were rehearsed. According to his team colleagues, it was their intense, the way to be made creatively, to stand in difficult conditions and cannot succumb to Handre.

A fateful acquaintance with the team "New Armenians" occurred in 1994. Garik began the ordinary player, and in 1997 he headed the team.

KVN held all his free time, lacking for the medical practice. From the late 90s, the main income was the fees for the KVN tour. At the same time, Garik Martirosyan began to try himself as a scriptwriter. Still continuing to play in KVN on stage, he was engaged in and producing. When the team "Burnt by the Sun" (Sochi) appeared, Martirosyan participated in the creation of scenarios for her.

In total, the team "New Armenians" Garik Martirosyan performed 9 years. During this time, the team became the champion of the highest league, twice won the summer cup, was noted at the festivals "Voting Kyvin".

Martirosyan on television

Start took place in 1997, when Garik spoke to the Writer of the Igor Ugolnikov Program "Good evening."

Then there were shooting "Guess the melody", where Garik Martirosyan, Garik Harlamov and Polina Sibagatullin reached the third round.

Music talents were useful in the popular show "Two Stars". Martirosian duet and Larisa Valley won.

In 2007, the artist debuted as a leading project "Minute Glory". In the same year, another new project was held for Garik Martirosyan: Pavel Will with his help released the musical album "Respect and Reshuha".

As a leading artist, and on other shows: "Home Scene", "Dancing with the Stars." In addition, Martirosyan launched several own projects that deserve a separate mention.

Comedy Club.

In an interview, the artist says that this show is the fruit of painstaking teamwork. But his comrades on stage more than once mentioned that he modestly, and in fact he invented and created "Comedy Club" Garik Martirosyan, and the rest only supported his idea and helped to implement it.

It all started in 2005. The format of American show in the genre of Stand-Up has become the basis of a new project. Garik not only became one of the residents, but also acted as a producer and scenario "Comedy Club".

Garik Martirosyan, Garik Harlamov, Pavel Volya, Timur Batrutdinov and their other teammate quickly won the hearts of the viewers and became the favorites of domestic youth. But Glory did not fall on them from the sky. For more than a year, the first edition of the "comedy" could not break through to the big screen, everywhere the young team was responsible for refusal. Fortunately, the program nevertheless was allowed.

Talking about the project, Martirosyan admits that it was originally not so worked in success. Incidental cheek jokes liked (and now I like) not everyone. But his audience show definitely found.

Initially, Garik was the only lead, personally represented guests, sometimes balancing on the verge, but never breaking "in Chernukhu" and not allowing himself jokes "below the belt". Since the second co-support became Pavel Will, Garik Martirosyan continued to go to the stage during the greeting of the audience, sometimes suggested a colleague, helped to go out of the spicy situations (it is worth noting, sharp in the language "Snowball" manages to fall into them with enviable constancy).

Martirosyan's skate is considered musical numbers. He has a magnificent voice, he masterfully performs the most difficult parties on the piano, improvises with ease.

Permanent spectators probably noticed another talent of Martirosyan, thanks to which he is an unchanged performer of the roles of foreigners. Garik freely speaks English and knows a few more languages \u200b\u200bwell.

In March 2018, the team of residents "Comedy" acted as experts on the transfer "What? Where? When?". Garik Martirosyan and his comrades won the team of television viewers with a score of 6: 4. According to artists, the fight was complex and very exciting.

Producer, Writer Leading

In 2008, the yumoric series "Our Russia" was released on the screens, in which Martirosyan is producer and performs one of the roles of the second plan (Operator Rudik). The rate is made not only on the specific humor of A la Chelyabinsk so harsh ... ", but also on the stellar composition. A colleagues of Garik Martirosyan on "Comedy" were starred in the series, as well as some famous KV cameers.

Another prominent project designed for another target audience can be called "ProjectorParishilton", in which Alexander Tsekalo, Sergey Svetlakov and Ivan Urgant became partners of Martirosyan. The show was broadcast on the first, managed to love many to the viewers, but in 2012 the project was closed. To the joy of fans, after a four-year break, the magnificent four "spotlight" returned to the ether. Garik is not only leading, but also producer show.

In 2008, the Russian viewer saw the first full-length film, the producer and the Writer of which Martirosyan became "Our Russia. Eggs of fate. " Prove the producer talent Garik managed repeatedly, the project "Show News" was another confirmation.

Approximate family man

Garik Martirosyan is married to Zhanna Levina, which is engaged in jurisprudence. Couple raises the son of Daniel and Jasmine daughter.

Acquaintance took place on one of the KVN games, and Zhanna was a fan of a completely different team. Young people met the banquet after the game, but the stormy novel did not happen. Only a year later, they met again and understood: this is fate.

The wedding took place in 1998 in Cyprus. All team members performed as witnesses.

Since then, the couple does not part. The spouses never pleased the yellow press with a loud scandal, a promise of a quick divorce, a reason to talk about the intrigues on the side and similar leavards, so often for many colebritis. It seems that this family is truly happy.

Bald fan

For a long time, Martirosyan declared that he had no accounts in social networks and did not plan to start them in the future. But it seems, Garik surrendered. One of his projects is ACC in Instagram, where the artist asks the questions daily, and after personally chooses that whose comment turned out to be the most witty to give him a cash prize.

In addition to this, Battle Martirosyan is divided with subscribers with news, family images, creative plans, reflections. By the way, the number of folloviers exceeded 1.4 million.

Subscribers know that Show men love football. Lokomotiv is his favorite team, but Garik is watching other matches. For example, in front of the game "Manchester United", in which Heinrich Mkhitaryan plays, and Tottenham, Garik promised to nagged himself, if his countryman's team wins. Manchester won the match, and Garik kept the word.

Revenues and awards

According to Forbes, Garik hiked three times in the top of Russian celebrities receiving significant income. According to experts, its condition is estimated at about $ 3 million, and Martirosyan earns at least $ 200,000.

The artist in 2007 received a prestigious Award from Radio "Humor FM"; And also awarded the title "Man of the Year" in the nomination "Face from the TV" from the GQ magazine.

Garik Martirosyan is, no doubt, one of the best comedians of Armenia and the entire post-Soviet space. Due to his many years of work, our today's hero managed to become a real legend of many comedy projects, including such programs as "KVN", Comedy Club, ProjectorParisHilton and some others. Currently, Garik is in the zenith of his fame. He is popular, successful and loved by millions of television viewers. Looking at how organically, this talented Armenian looks like on stage, you might think that all his achievements were given to him very easily. But is it really? Of course not. After all, any success is the result of painstaking work and big effort.

Early years, childhood and family Garik Martirosyan

The future famous showman was born in Sunny Yerevan on February 14, 1974. As noted in some sources, the genuine date of birth of the famous humorist is the 13th of February. The thing is that, after immediately after the birth of the mother of our today's hero, he asked somewhat to fix the documents of the Son. The reason for this was a banal superstition associated with the number 13.

Perhaps this is the small episode that predetermined the entire further fate of the humorist. He grew up an extraordinary child. And in the end, became a famous comedy artist and a successful Moscow producer.

However, we will not unnecessarily rummage ...

Despite the fact that in the family of the future actor, no one was directly connected with the art, the parents of the future artist always paid great attention to the moral education of their sons. From early childhood, Garik Martirosyan and his brothers Ambratum and Levon visited a music school. However, for our today's hero, training in this institution ended soon enough. The thing is that in childhood Garik was a very mobile and a fussy child, and therefore often simply fond of profile classes. For such behavior, he was expelled from the music school, but this annoying misunderstanding did not force the future artist to throw music. Subsequently, he independently learned to play a piano, guitar and percussion instruments.

In addition, at school years, Garik began playing in different semi-drying productions. As noted in some biographical sources, a debut role for the future humorist was the role of Archimedes in one of the children's performances put on the scene of his native school.

KVN Garik Martirosyan ruined the hall

Garik loved art, but his mother had the most significant influence during this period on our today's hero. By profession, Jasmine Surenovna was a doctor, and therefore looking at her, Martirosyan also decided to choose this particular profession. After receiving documents on graduation, the future artist entered the Yerevan State Medical University, where he began to study at a neuropathologist-psychotherapist. However, closing a little ahead, we note that as a doctor, Garik worked only three years. Already while studying at the university, His main passion was the game KVN. Thus, choosing between the doctor's career and the career of the artist, our today's hero chose the latter.

Star Path Garik Martirosyan: KVN, Comedy Club

During his studies at the university, Garik Martirosyan joined the young team KVN "New Armenians." In this team, our today's hero acted a total of nine years, during which he managed to become the champion of the Higher League (1997), the two-time owner of the Summer Cup (1998, 2003), the Triumph of the Jurmala Festival "Voting Kiwin", as well as the laureate of many others The prestigious awards of the club cheerful and resourceful.

A brilliant career on the scene of KVN opened before Garic Martirosyan door to the world of Russian show business. In 2005, our today's hero, together with other teammates, decided to organize a new comedy project, which was launched as soon as possible. So on the TNT channel, the humorous transfer of the Comedy Club, created by the type of American Stand-Up show, began to leave. As part of this project, Garik Martirosyan worked as a producer and one of the permanent participants. And very soon, such efforts brought a serious success in artist. The talented Armenian became known in all states of the post-Soviet space, and also earned a name in the producer circles of Moscow.

In November 2006, Garik Martirosyan decided to start a new project, which would drastically differ from everything that was created before. The British show "Little Britain" was taken as the basis, which was very soon organically transformed into the Russian project "Our Rasha".

A new show brought to his creator a new success, and as the leading transfer of the "Minute of Glory" Garik Martirosyan appeared already in the status of the established star.

Garik Martirosyan now

Late period in the work of Talented Armenian was remembered by many new victories and new successful projects ("laughter without rules", "show news" and others). Garik is all as well as before, worked on the creation of fresh issues Comedy Club, "Our Rasha", and some time later began to appear as a permanent lead project "ProjectorParisHilton". For work on TV show Martirosyan received the prestigious Tafe Prize in the nomination the best information and entertainment program of the year.

Currently, Garik Martirosyan is working on new ambitious projects and builds plans for the future.

Personal life Garik Martirosyan and political aspirations

In recent years, there have often been reports in the press that Garik Martirosyan is going to enter into the United Liberal-National Party of Armenia, which is headed by his native brother Levon.

Garik Martirosyan with his wife in the transmission "Smak"

According to the artist himself, his family is the only obstacle to the political career. And therefore, with the adoption of the final decision, Garik is still medical. The fact is that the political career in Armenia will mean his imminent moving to Yerevan and parting with relatives and close people - Zhanna Levina's wife (works by a lawyer in Moscow), as well as daughter Jasmine (2004) and son Daniel ( 2009).

Currently, the entire comedian artist family lives in the Russian capital.

Garik Martirosyan is a Russian showman and a TV presenter who acquired broad fame, primarily thanks to the "Comedy Club" project, in which he is a co-generator and artistic director. Also, during its activities, Martirosyan has implemented several other television projects that have become very popular.

Martirosyan is a native of the Armenian city of Yerevan, it was there that he appeared on the world of the thirteenth of February 74 of the last century. The superstitious parents of Garik considered that 13 is a number that brings misfortune, so they asked to overwrite the date of birth of the Son for the Fourteenth of February. Now the artist has a whole 2 birthday.

The Martirosian family was very secured according to Soviet standards, his father worked as the main engineer of the automotive factory in Yerevan, and Mom gynecologist. According to the memoirs of Garik himself, they had the most "deficit" things of that time, such as a color TV and a VCR. Also they could always afford high-quality clothing. There were no problems with food problems, Garik, and his two brothers ate that most people were not available.

Parents sought to bring love for art from an early age in the sons, so they sent them to engage in music school. But Garik was unreasonable and did not listen to anyone, as a result he was kicked out from there due to unsatisfactory behavior. True, thanks to the talent, the future comedian was able to independently master the art of the game at once on several musical instruments - guitar, piano and drums. Moreover, Martirosyan studied writing his music.

Garik from childhood loved jokes and draws, for example, only coming to the first class, he began to tell everyone that his grandfather himself Leonid Brezhnev.

In the school, Martirosyan played in performances, in the 6th grade, he first went on stage, fulfilling the role of Archimedes.

Carier start

After graduating from high school, Garik decided to follow in the footsteps of the mother and entered the Medical University in Yerevan to the specialty of the psychotherapist.

There he began to play in KVN, becoming a member, and then the captain of the team "New Armenians", which in the 97th year won the Higher League.

Having received a diploma, Martirosyan worked in a specialty for only three years, because by this time he realized that he would like to associate life with television and show business.

Garik became one of the brightest stars of the KVN end of the nineties and the beginning of the "zero", he not only spoke, but also wrote jokes, including someone else's teams.

Martirosyan immediately declared itself on television, becoming a screenwriter of the television program "Good evening with Igor Ugolnikov."

Career flourishing

In 2003, Martirosyan, together with other former participants of KVN, created a new project called "Comedy Club", the feature of which was tough and frank humor. According to Garik, he did not think that the project would succeed and generally considered him unpromising.

At first, Comedy Club did not fit on two TV channels, but in 2005 they became interested in the TNT channel, where he began to go from April. The project rapidly acquired enormous popularity throughout the country, and its participants as a result became real generation symbols.

In 2007, Comedy had its own producer "Comedy Club Production". A year before, Martirosyan launched a new project called "Our Rasha", which also quickly gained popularity.

Now Garik continues to work on the new issues of "Comedi Club", and is also the leading humorous show on the first channel "ProjectorParisHilton".

Personal Information

Martirosyan is married to Zhanna Levina - lawyer by profession. They have two children - daughter Jasmine and the son of Daniel.

Garik's growth is 186 centimeters, and a weight of 92 kilograms.

Many believe that celebrities sacrifice happiness in a personal life for fame and are so inconstant in relations that they cannot create a friendly and strong union. Family Martirosyan Sredests this established stereotype. Famous TV presenter is guarding his family and is experiencing the most tender feelings for the spouse. Jeanne Martirosyan is noticeably standing out against the background of wives of the rest of celebrities. What is the secret of her charm? This will be discussed in the article.


Jeanne Martirosyan (in Majan Levin) met Garick at the Festival of KVN. The girl rose in the city of Sochi. After graduating from school, became a student of the State Law University in the city of Stavropol. Zhanna Martirosyan was a fan of the KVN team of his native university and went to support his idols for this trip in 1997 she became a fateful for her, because at one of the parties she was at one table with Garick Martirosyan. Young people immediately liked each other, but at the end of the festival parted. The girl went to Stavropol, without leaving the future spouse even the number of his phone. A year later, Garik and Jeanne Martirosyan met again, and a few days later decided not to part.


The Zhanna family did not expect such a rapid development of events, but he did not oppose the desire of his daughter. The engagement of the lovers occurred in Yerevan, after which they went on tour with the KVN team "New Armenians", in which Garik spoke. The busy schedule allowed the young to play the wedding only in two years. But it happened in Cyprus. Jeanne Martirosyan, whose photos are published in this article, very easy to rise and favorably adopted the fact that she was taken under the crown from the hotel, and not from home. The wedding ceremony took place on a spacious villa with a swimming pool, guests were friendly "New Armenians", and hardly the only moment reminiscent of the Motherland became the wedding ceremony held in the local

Family life

Jeanne Martirosyan, whose biography interests many, defended the lawyer's diploma. However, it is not in a hurry to start your own career, because every minute of her life belongs to children and her husband. Two heirs will be grown in the family of Martirosyan: Jasmine's daughter (2004) and the son of Daniel (2009). Perhaps because Garik provides his family completely, Zhanna does not have to work. She enjoys family happiness and helps her husband in everything.

Home traditions

In all an interview, Garik argues that his wife is a magnificent mistress. She cooks perfectly, remarks up children and knows how to create a real comfort in the house. The famous showman admits that he is always pleased to return from work to the home hearth and relax in the circle of loved ones. Jeanne Martirosyan, whose photos often appear in the press, can make everyone with great pleasure makes gifts relatives and makes it with great ingenuity. For example, Martirosyanov has a tradition not just to give presents, but to hide them in different places. Thus, the culprit of the celebration should find a gift herself. Although once Jeanne presented a surprise Garica, which was very difficult to hide - she bought a piano spouse. Knowing the musical preferences of her husband, the girl wished to make him an expensive and a beautiful gift.

Designer talent

Jeanne Martirosyan is easily taken for every new project associated with the life of the family. For example, when the spouse gave her an apartment in the capital, she took up the arrangement of the new housing. She managed to transform the room that Garik advised his wife to engage in interior design professionally. Zhanna really was able to create a unique atmosphere of home comfort in the apartment. Apparently, truly talented people show their abilities in everything, for which they are taken.

Help husband

Jeanne Martirosyan not only perfectly copes with the role of mistress and mother, but also is considered to be a girlfriend on the workshop of his husband. She first hears jokes, which then go to the screens. Garik is highly appreciated, although it recognizes that the wives did not appreciate immediately. Zhanna tries to be close to her husband at all secular events: she goes to the premiere of films, presenting premiums, takes part in an interview. At the same time, it is fresh and tightened at all photos from secular events. Perhaps this woman is the most active "second half" among the wives of former Cavanechikov. Joan know and love no less than her famous spouse.

Zhanna Levin-Martirosyan, whose biography is worn safely, absolutely happy. She has everything that women are usually striving for: Favorite husband, smart and beautiful children, a cozy house. I want to wish her strong family happiness and in the future. Perhaps, in the future, Zhanna wants to loudly declare himself in show business or another of course, a loving husband will support her in all endeavors and will make his own career.