Meladze Konstantin and Valery biography. Meladze brothers - Konstantin and Valery

Meladze Konstantin and Valery biography. Meladze brothers - Konstantin and Valery

Valery and Konstantin Meladze are brothers not only by blood. Their creative tandem has been successfully existing for the past 13 years, all this time the music has inextricably linked these talented individuals and steadily secured the role of a romantic hero for Valery Meladze.

Both brothers were born in Georgia, Batumi, in a workers' settlement.

The older brother Konstantin was an obedient and calm boy in childhood, he collected records and listened to them with Valera, who by nature complemented the quiet Kostya with his complete opposite.

After receiving secondary education, Valery graduated from a music school in piano, to which his mother took him and his brother. Konstantin attended classes without much enthusiasm, not even assuming that in the future he himself would write music in demand.

Then the brothers went to the city of Nikolaev. Valery entered and graduated from the Shipbuilding Institute, continued his postgraduate studies. Konstantin, studying with his brother, got into the ensemble at the institute.

In the 1990s, the Meladze brothers became part of the Dialog art-rock group. Valery recognizes in his voice its wide range and rare attractive timbre. The group is touring the Kemerovo region.

In 1991, at the Melodiya company, the composition released the disc “In the Middle of the World”.

1992 Valery becomes the winner of the TV competition "Step to Parnassus".

1993 in Germany, Solo Florentin releases the album "Autumn Cry of the Hawk".

In 1993, "Dialogue" found the collapse. Valery's solo debut took place in Kiev. A. Pugacheva noted the talent of the new performer and invited her to her annual "Christmas Meetings".

In 1994, thanks to the hit "Do not disturb my soul, the violin", Valery becomes the "Discovery of '94". Composer and producer Konstantin Meladze writes wonderful lyrical compositions, not wanting to follow the beaten path of "pop", his arrangements are fresh, with elements of jazz and art rock, everything is done competently and honestly.

1995 - the birth of the song "Sir" and the album of the same name, which becomes a bestseller.

In 1996, Valery Meladze's second album, The Last Romantic, was released.

Dec. 2003 creative tandem releases the album "Nega".

Ukrainian producer, composer, arranger Konstantin Meladze shares the success of his brother, in 2000 he creates the famous VIA Gru. Manages to work with Ani Lorak, Alla Pugacheva, Taisiya Povaliy, Verka Serduchka, adding real hits to their repertoire.

In Sept. 2006 Valery becomes Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 2007, the brothers act as producers of "Star Factory-7".

The Meladze brothers found their listeners with good taste and remain faithful to them.

- Childhood with Valera was exactly the same as that of millions of our peers in the Soviet Union. We have three parents. I am an older brother, Valera is two years younger, and sister Liana is six years younger. We were born in a workers' settlement near the city of Batumi, a small settlement where all the inhabitants, including our parents, worked at an oil refinery. How did we live? Yes, like all children. From morning to evening they ran on the street, played something, invented something and did not stand out in any way from the company of boys like us. We lived modestly, dad and mom were engineers, and nine people lived in our three-room Khrushchev: grandmother, father's brother with his family, and the five of us. And in the summer, relatives came to us, they lived on a glazed balcony, and it happened that in our

a small apartment gathered about twelve people. So, you know, there was no special opportunity to sit at home, and we rushed free.

The main duty was the lessons, we did them in haste before going to bed, I must say, without much zeal. And, as a result, they studied, to put it mildly, averagely. They were triplets. In addition, Valera and I were mischievous and strong guys. Our pranks and fights ended not only with abrasions and bumps, but also with broken dishes, glass, broken doors, beds and ironing boards. Now I understand what it was like for our parents. Mom constantly taught us the mind, took us to a music school and various sections, trying to keep us busy and give the most comprehensive education possible. Dad practically did not scold, he came home from work tired in the evenings, and we tried not to upset him. The weekends that he spent with us, I still remember - how we went to the park or played football. These were very bright events for us. A couple of times he was called to school, and even after that he never cursed and, God forbid, did not raise his hand to us. He said some phrase like: "Well, shame on you." Very quiet and serious voice. And I wanted to sink through the earth from shame. It acted much more effectively than my mother's teachings, to which we are accustomed.

When did you realize that your life would be connected with music?

The first time I fell in love with music was when I was six years old. I heard Oginsky's polonaise in the cinema, and, as they say now, I was simply overwhelmed. I still remember this fantastic state. I ran to my mother and told her that I was going to learn to play the violin. The boy in that film played the polonaise on the violin, and he did it so easily that I decided: I would take the violin and immediately play it just as beautifully. It was with great difficulty that they took me to a music school, because during the exams it turned out that I was completely mediocre, that I had no hearing, no sense of rhythm, no voice - nothing. “Give the boy to football,” the teachers advised mom. But our mother is a persistent and purposeful person, she objected: “The boy wants to study music, and he has the right to do so!” The school was at our plant, and all children really had the right to study there, regardless of their knowledge. There was an acute shortage in the violin class - for some reason there were few people in the workers' settlement who wanted to play this instrument - and they took me.

I studied poorly, because all the time I felt a skeptical attitude towards myself from the teachers, and the violin was a work for which I was not in the mood at that time. Studying practically discouraged me from any desire to study music, but, fortunately, in the last grade I was given a piano teacher, who changed my attitude towards music. She was young, a few years older than me, and she had a very different, non-academic approach to learning. With her help, I rediscovered music. Fell in love with Bach, Mozart,

and then I suddenly realized that on the piano you can select the compositions that I liked, including not at all classical, but even rock or pop music, and just went crazy on this basis. He played from morning to night and as a result became a pretty decent pianist for his age. Nevertheless, I was sure that there was no way for me to get into some kind of musical circles from my village. And I didn't even have such plans. And there were no plans at all. And at that time, mom and dad had only one dream on our account with Valera: that we would safely finish school and not end up in a colony for juvenile delinquents, like some of our classmates.

- As a child, nothing foreshadowed that Valera and I would work together. With parents and brother. Photo: From the personal archive of Konstantin Meladze

— What were you doing?

- They were hooligans. They made some kind of explosive packages, ran away from classes, drove teachers to white heat with their tricks, etc. Instead of going to school, the guys and I ran to the river in the morning, where we had a hut built, and played cards. It was boring at school, but in the hut it was wonderful, warm and interesting. And so they walked slowly but surely along an inclined line. I was even accepted into the pioneers in the seventh grade, when normal children were already becoming Komsomol members. But they didn’t take me to the Komsomol at all. Why, I still don't know. Although I was a bully, I was not the most notorious, and the teachers apparently believed that it was in my head that the most insidious ideas were born and I was the instigator. Maybe it's because I was the tallest in the class, the quietest and rather gloomy.

by the look. So it was believed that I was the coordinator. And that's not why I was gloomy. I just didn't have much of a relationship with the team. I stuttered a lot, which made me unsociable. In general, a strange guy was, to be sure.

But he finished school with a sin in half and went to Moscow to enter a medical institute. Mom dreamed that I would become a doctor, and without thinking twice I went to the 2nd Medical School, where the competition was 10 people per place. And I’m a round three student and, moreover, I’m not yet a member of the Komsomol, which at that time was unheard of. The person who accepted the documents looked at me for a long time and sadly, and then said: “How did you manage to come to us? Do you know what your certificate is? I say: "Of course I know, the average score is three and a half." “Why aren’t you a member of the Komsomol?” To which I, looking somewhere in the sky, replied: “It didn’t work out.” Nevertheless, they accepted my documents, and, having received a couple at the very first exam in physics, I went home and got a job as a laborer at a factory.

Did Valery follow in your footsteps?

“At that time, he was my antipode. Everything was easy for him, playfully. He also studied at a music school. And when he came to enter the piano class, the teachers were delighted: “That's who has talent! That's who needs to make music. And give this dunce (a nod in my direction) to football!” No wonder they say that a talented person is talented in everything. Everything that Valera did in the future - science, music, sports or business - he did excellently. He even sewed his own clothes. In those days, there was nothing in the stores, but I wanted to look decent. And Valera got out - he bought some cheap trousers and altered them so that they became trendy. He reshaped shirts and looked fantastic in all this. Even I sometimes got it, but it was already at the institute.

So, did you go to college anyway?

- At the age of 18, a strange metamorphosis happened to me. I suddenly woke up like Ilya Muromets. I realized that I need to take on my own life, because otherwise I will miss it. I went to another city again, this time I chose Nikolaev, entered the Institute of Shipbuilding and clearly realized that this was my only chance to start a new life. There, the glory of a gloomy hooligan that haunted me from school did not follow me, I was surrounded by new people, interesting, advanced, young and ambitious. I took up my mind, tensed up, began to study well. Parents, hearing about my academic success, flatly refused to believe. Dad at some point could not stand it, personally came to the institute, went to the dean's office and, in disbelief, leafed through my grade book. There were only fours and fives. Plus, it turned out that I was also the headman. He was in complete shock. At the family council, it was decided to send my brother to me the next year - for re-education. By that time, Valera had become a worthy successor to me in the business of hooliganism and school absenteeism, only, having got used to doing everything with great dedication, he also hooligans with soul and enthusiasm and risked dropping out of school. In general, I accepted my brother, he entered the course younger than me, and we began to study together.

- And then your joint work began?

- A little bit later. Course on the third. I, like all students of that time, went to the collective farm, “for potatoes” (in our case, these were tomatoes). We spent two months on the collective farm, it rained continuously, and around our barracks, where we lived 20 people in a room, there was impassable mud. When the rain was pouring quite mercilessly, we did not go to the field, and since there was absolutely nothing to do, we played the guitars and sang. By that time, I had already mastered the guitar tolerably, and my senior comrades recommended that I try to join our institute amateur club “Korabel”. I went. It was November 4, 1985. I came to the rehearsal, I saw some not very

well-played guys and realized that I play better than all of them. They hired me as a keyboard player. And that's it, my fate was sealed. A month later, Valera came to the rehearsal to see what I was doing there. We played for an hour or two, then we had a smoke break, and while everyone was resting, my brother took the microphone and sang something a cappella. At first we did not understand anything, we thought that this radio was playing. And this is Valera, it turns out. He was immediately taken, first as a backing vocalist, and then as the main soloist of the ensemble. I'm telling you, he did everything effortlessly. So, since 1986, we have been working in a friendly tandem: I write songs, and my brother performs them.

- 30 years have passed. How do you manage to maintain a strong brotherly relationship?

- From the very minute we began to make music together, our childhood differences were removed as if by hand, and no contradictions have ever arisen in 30 years. We support each other in everything. We have clearly assigned responsibilities, I write and produce, Valera sings, gives out ideas, tours, and my sister Liana is in charge of our management. So the three of us go through life. How does it work? I can’t remember that our parents somehow specifically inspired us: here, they say, brothers and sisters should be closest to everyone in the world, should help each other. No. In childhood, nothing foreshadowed that we would be together and become adults. Like all children, we sometimes quarreled and fought, but the example of our parents was always before our eyes. Dad is the eldest in his family, he has two sisters and a brother. And we saw that dad was the wisest, he always gave some advice, guided them through life, took care of them, helped them, never abandoned them. And my mother and her sister are very close, we often went to visit my aunt, they came to us. Probably, the personal example of parents is still the best means of education. I hope that I also managed to pass this on to my children: 16-year-old Alice, 12-year-old Leah and 11-year-old Valera. They already treat each other very reverently, love and help each other.

Leah: dad never scolds us, only sometimes he says: "Disorder!". Photo: Arsen Memetov

- Do you remember your feelings at the moment when you found out that you first became a father?

- I'll be honest. Some things that are really important in life came to me very late. At that moment, to be honest, I did not have time to feel the importance of having children, I did not really enjoy this incredible happiness. I was obsessed with work, music, career, I lived in some kind of illusory world, sitting in the studio from morning to evening. I was always in a hurry somewhere, I had only self-realization and a bunch of all sorts of projects in my head, there were more and more of them. In addition to his brother and the VIA Gra group, he took up television musicals, Star Factory, and film music. Projects multiplied every year, and this maelstrom

pulled harder and harder. I didn't understand what was going on around me. And only when I was over 45, I suddenly came to my senses. Gradually began to realize what is important in life and what is secondary. My eyes opened, I began to see the world around me, I began to somehow slowly crawl out of this submarine. And only then did he begin to really need children and in his personal life, in his relatives. My children are just amazing.

Alice: Dad is great too. And the fact that he's a busy man doesn't matter. We have a great time when we go to the country for the weekend - we watch movies there and chat, listen to music together. I can say that I had a very happy childhood. I never got bored. I also began to study the violin, however, after a while I realized that I went there only because I liked the shape of this instrument. And since I, like my dad in childhood, didn’t have much of a hearing or a voice, I left it without finishing one year before receiving a diploma. Most of all I liked to experiment with my appearance - to make up and do hairstyles. (Laughs.)

Konstantin: When Alice turned 13, these experiments took on the scale of a real revolution. For two years she rebelled and fought with her own parents. She resolutely rejected everything that came from our side - ideas, suggestions and advice, and categorically did not understand why she was limited in anything. Argued with us about everything. But now, two years later, everything is gradually getting better. And during these two years I learned so much about the transitional age, I read so many books, I talked with so many experienced people. This comforted me to some extent: in principle, everything that happened to Alice fit into the framework of the notorious transitional age. And I realized that only patience is required from parents during this period. Methodically, every day, slowly untie those knots that arise inside a growing child. Without aggression, without pressure, without irritation, try to scrupulously, persistently justify certain concepts and truths. It takes kindness and patience, patience and kindness.

- Like all parents, I worry about the children, I worry about what they will grow up to be. Photo: Arsen Memetov

- Leah, as I understand it, has not yet entered a dangerous age?

So far, we have no disagreements with her. And the views coincide in almost everything. Leah is a collected, disciplined person to whom you can explain something, and she is able to accept your point of view. But she is not yet 13 years old, she just turned 12. And speaking formally, she is not even four years old yet.

Leah: My birthday is February 29th. There are very few such people on the planet. And the feeling, to be honest, is a bit strange. I understand that this is ridiculous, but it seems to me that in those years when February 29 is not on the calendar, I do not grow up. That is, I'm all eight and eight. And then suddenly - time! - and 12. It's hard to get used to it. Maybe that's why I still have a favorite toy. This is a teddy bear I bought in Austria and it reminds me of fun. Austria is incredible, it is beautiful and very cold there, however, perhaps due to the fact that we go there all the time only in winter, to ski. Dad rides with us, but he hasn’t got up to ski yet. He doesn't ride anything, neither a scooter nor a bicycle. We tried to teach him, but he only laughs: “Where has it been seen that such a huge

a man rode such a small two-wheeled device.” But we do not give up hope that we will teach him. In the meantime, dad only swims. Like a walrus. He also taught us, we were engaged in swimming with Alice. Dad never scolds us, only sometimes he says: “Disorder!” But in general, I don’t give reasons to be scolded: I study well, I do my homework. I do vocals, I want to become a singer or an actress.

Konstantin: I, like all parents, worry about them, I worry about what they will grow up to be. But they are reasonable, thank God. They have a very good and modern taste in everything, be it the selection of books, movies or clothes.

— What about the music?

“I am very pleased with them in this regard as well. They listen to trendy, interesting music, and I try to be sympathetic to their choice. Clearly, these are not the groups we grew up with, which is natural. Their music is well made, well played and I learn a lot from listening to their favorites with them. And, to be honest, I never tried to impose my taste on children. They, the poor, got it. When they were little, I worked at home, I had a studio there, they had to listen to my music from morning to evening. They fell asleep under it, and woke up.

“I never forced my taste on children. They, the poor, got it. When they were little, I worked from home. They fell asleep to my music and woke up. Photo: Arsen Memetov

- How did it happen that Konstantin Meladze, who always worked with the women's team, assembled a boy band? Where did the idea to make MBAND come from?

- I started my career by working with Valery Meladze, then, after the Star Factory, I had the BiS group, so I know firsthand how to work with men. The idea to make a boy band has been ripe for a long time, but I understood that in order to conduct a full-fledged casting, a large-scale television show is needed. And when everything grew together, I began to work with the guys with great pleasure. The sensations are amazing - with them I seem to relive my youth. I remember that 30 years ago I had similar goals and aspirations. Of course, the women's team and the men's team are, as they say, two big differences. Guys mostly go into music because of their career. To be an artist, to make it your profession - that is, with understanding and for a long time. And some girls have a screen, a stage, a podium - a kind of transit point, thanks to which they will move to the next social step, get married successfully, meet interesting people. In VIA Gre, there were also enough such cases when, after working for a year and a half, the girls got married

and stopped making music, finished all these tours, nomadic artistic life. The family was more important. This is normal, but with the guys in this sense it is easier for me, I understand them better. I'm happy with how things are going in the group. Now we are launching another new song and video, we continue to shoot a reality show, and at the end of April a feature film called “Fix Everything” will be released, where the guys played themselves. Directed by Anton Kalinkin made a movie for teenagers, and I think it will interest them. In addition to the MBAND group, wonderful actors Daria Moroz, Igor Zhizhikin, magnificent are playing there. But even next to such masters, the guys from MBAND look organic. I try to develop them comprehensively, giving them the opportunity to work not only on stage, but also in television shows and films. Hope they have a great future.

Family: wife - Vera Brezhneva, singer; children from his first marriage - Alice (16 years old), Leah (12 years old), Valery (11 years old)

Education: Graduated from the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute. Admiral Makarov

Career: since 1986 he has been writing songs for his brother Valery Meladze. Also, his songs are performed by Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, Grigory Leps, Polina Gagarina, Ani Lorak, Valeria and other artists. In 2000 he created the VIA Gra group. Composer and producer of the television musicals Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, Cinderella, music producer of the film Stilyagi, author of music for the TV series The Thaw. Producer of "Star Factory-7" and the show "I want to VIA Gru" and "I want to Meladze"

Born on May 11 in the city of Batumi (Georgia), the producer is a representative of the Taurus sign, which is quite noticeable in his demeanor and appearance. The growth of Konstantin Shotaevich is approaching the mark of two meters, and his calm manner of speaking only confirms the impression of the producer as a solid and courageous person.


All senior representatives of the Meladze family received an engineering education. In addition to Kostya, two more children grew up in the Georgian family, all three will choose a creative path in the future.

Being impressed by the films, the future producer decides to choose a creative path in life and connect his activities with music. The results of visiting the music school, which young Kostya began to go to, brought disappointment. Meladze had to leave training because of the teachers' opinion that the young man was deaf and had no sense of rhythm.

Being a modest and clumsy young man, Konstantin did not argue with the teachers and calmly left his piano and violin studies. In the future, the producer will independently master the guitar and other instruments.

After graduating from school, the young man goes to receive the next level of education in the city of Nikolaev. Growing up in a family of engineers, Kostya, following the tradition, receives a higher education as an engineer at a shipbuilding university. Subsequently, Meladze works in a design bureau as a designer. It should be mentioned that Valery will also follow in the footsteps of his brother, enrolling in the same institute.

During student life, both Meladze brothers participate in the institute ensemble. In the late eighties, having heard the performance of the brothers, the currently famous producer Breitburg invites the family contract to participate in his group. The group recorded their first album with the participation of Konstantin in 1990. Recording of the disc took place in Kim's German music studio.

Three years later, after parting with the musical group, Meladze begins his solo career as a musician. His further future determines the rapid development of his brother as a solo singer. Thus begins the main path in creativity, Konstantin acts as a songwriter of his brother.

Musical career

  • One of the most popular projects of Konstantin Meladze was the VIA Gra group, founded at the beginning of the new millennium, which existed for twelve years. Developing first on the territory of Ukraine, a popular project later won the Russian audience. Many of the group's songs became hits and topped the charts at different times.
  • The next major step in the career of a music producer was participation in a well-known television show that produced young performers. Participating as a producer, Meladze was actively involved in the education and development of young musicians, then creating a new musical project. In addition to the Russian show, Meladze's older brother brought up musicians in the Ukrainian version of the TV show similar to this project.
  • In 2007, the producer founded his own center for producing artists, which he calls Meladze Brothers. From the name it becomes clear that his younger brother is also involved in this activity. A couple of years after the creation of the first center, Konstantin Shotaevich opens a second production center.
  • This direction is a well-known area for the prudent musician. During his career, he took part in several more musical television projects, which he successfully produced. Among them were both Russian and Ukrainian broadcasts.
  • One of the projects that was remembered by the Russian audience was a new show, headed by Meladze's older brother - “I want to Meladze”. Released four years ago, the show introduced the Russian audience to the guys from the new boy band, who are the new wards of the production center Konstantin Meladze.
  • In 2015, the Meladze brothers recorded the first duet in their creative thirtieth anniversary.
  • Possessing a good professional flair, Konstantin predicted the victory at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2016 for a Ukrainian singer performing a soulful and sensual song. His bet turned out to be correct.
  • A year after the success of Jamala, a big concert took place, at the evening of his work, the composer's songs were performed by famous Russian performers.

Family life

The personal life of a musical figure causes a stormy and genuine interest of the public. The marriage of the producer and his wife Yana Summ, which broke up after nineteen years of cohabitation, made intimate information about Konstantin's life more open to viewers. The press discussed a lot about the unexpected end of what seemed to be such a happy marriage. In the marriage, the producer had three children. The reader of the tabloids also knows that Konstantin's son has autism. Divorced from his wife Meladze continues to take care of her children.

Having moved from Kiev to Moscow after a break in relations, Konstantin opened a new relationship to the public, which led to a wedding two years after the divorce. The famous singer Vera Brezhneva became the new wife of the producer. The age difference does not prevent the artists from finding a common language well, building a new family.

Four years have passed since the divorce of Konstantin and Yana Meladze. In 2013, the news of the end of their relationship came as a surprise to everyone. Almost 20 years of marriage, three minor children, the reputation of an exemplary family. And the reason for everything was, as it turned out later, "VIA Gra".
After the divorce, Konstantin and Vera Brezhneva began to live together, and in 2015 they secretly signed in Italy, without inviting either the press or friends to the wedding. Even now, the couple talks little about their family life, although they do not deny it.

But few people know that the ex-wife of a famous producer was able to find new happiness even earlier than himself. After the divorce, she met another man who fell in love with her and offered to marry her. He is engaged in business, not creativity, so he is little known to the public.

A good gift from fate. Yes, and given the fact that 10 years of life, as she believed, was taken from her. They went to fruitless and useless trials.

In an interview, she spoke about this: “I guessed, but I didn’t know for sure. In 2005, being pregnant with my youngest son, I attributed the crisis in our relationship to betrayal, instinct, temporary weakness. I was able to forgive the change. And confirmation that I serve as a picture behind which my husband lives a different life, I received in 2007. I can openly say: I am one of those women who, suspecting deceit, can look at their husband's phone. And then I could not stand it, dialed her number.

“She said: “I have no reproaches, no complaints. Calling you is a humiliation for me. But I do this for one reason: I need to understand what is happening in my family. The answer was insincere: “We have a working and friendly relationship, like a father and daughter ... He is my mentor. There is nothing…” Five years later, at the beginning of 2013, Konstantin had a very difficult period. I even asked for a short delay in the divorce proceedings. Kostya went into himself, did not answer calls. And then this woman came to my house.”

"Why? She said she wants to help. And I think she came to get out of the "underground". I had one question: “In the name of what did so many broken destinies take? I called you. Count how many years of my life you have taken from me. Almost 10 years!” In response - wide-open eyes: "It's just that then I thought that it would be better this way ...".

Now Yana is happy with her new husband, behind whom, as they say, is like behind a stone wall. And Konstantin - with his muse Brezhneva. She is not tormented and does not cry: “My father taught me in childhood: love can only be happy. If that makes you unhappy, then it's not love anymore." But Vera's communication with her children is not entirely positive!

“There are two options. Or this woman will be his punishment, retribution. Or he will find his own happiness. Then I won't be an obstacle. I wish everyone happiness, ”Yana concluded.

The famous composer and producer Konstantin Meladze was born in the Georgian SSR, in the city of Batumi, in a family of engineers. Valery has a younger brother, the now famous singer Valery Meladze and sister Liana. The sister is also close to the world of show business, she heads the Velvet Music production center.

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The father could not devote much time to raising children, as he worked from morning to night to feed a large family. Even in early childhood, Konstantin was drawn to music. Under the influence of the film Oginsky's Polonaise, Meladze decided to become a violinist. The boy himself asked his mother to take him to a music school. First he studied the violin, then the piano. But without much success. The teachers did not see outstanding musical talents in young Meladze. As a result, Konstantin left the music school. But with pleasure at home he played four hands on the piano with his younger brother. And when he bought a guitar, he independently mastered the instrument and spent all his free time playing. Unlike the nimble and cocky Valery, Konstantin grew up as a quiet, calm child. But it was impossible to control him, so his mother often scolded him.

After school, Konstantin decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents - to become a "techie". He moved to Ukraine, entered the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute with a degree in mechanical engineer of ship power plants. A few years later, the younger brother, Valery, also pulled himself up here.

Once Konstantin accidentally got to the rehearsal of the student ensemble "April". The group needed a keyboard player, the guy was offered to try his hand. Could Kostantin then think that participation in an ordinary student VIA would be a turning point in his whole life? By the way, Valery was called as a soloist in the group.

In 1989, Kim Breitburg, lead singer and producer of the Dialog group, noticed the talented brothers and invited them to his place. In 1990, Dialogue released a full-fledged music album in Germany. Three years later, Konstantin and Valery decided to leave the group and go on a free voyage. Valery chose a solo career, and Konstantin undertook to produce and write songs for him. This tandem turned out to be very successful.

In 2000, Konstantin Meladze, together with producer Dmitry Kostyuk, created the VIA Gra group, which became incredibly popular not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. The composer accurately guesses the demands and trends of the times. A provocative name, sexy singers who, in addition, incendiary dance, revealing outfits. This group left few people indifferent.

In 2007, Meladze widely appeared on the Channel One television project in Star Factory - 7, becoming the producer of the show with his brother.

At the end of 2012, Meladze announced the dissolution of VIA Gra. By some instinct I realized that “there is no more attraction” and the topic in its current form has become obsolete. Or maybe even then new ideas were born. Literally six months later, his talent show “I Want V VIA Gru” was launched on the NTV channel. Telecasting has become international. It was stormed by girls from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan. The producer did not stop at creating a girl group and decided to create a boy band as well. In 2014, a new TV show “I Want to Meladze” was released on NTV.

The songs of Konstantin Meladze, in addition to his brother Valery, are performed by Vera Brezhneva, the Yin-Yang, BiS groups, Polina Gagarina, Anastasia Prikhodko.

The composer admits that his musical creations are born not in the quiet of cabinets, but behind the wheel of a car. Meladze leaves the city, on the highway, drives a car with one hand, and records music with the other.

Personal life of Konstantin Meladze

For a long time, the composer and producer remained in the shadow of his star brother. But popularity inevitably gives rise to interest in personal life, which until recently no one would have called stormy. Konstantin Meladze lived in an official marriage with Yana Sum for 19 years. The couple had three children: two daughters - Alice (2000) and Leah (2004) - and a son Valery (2005). Children, like their dad, play the violin and piano, but do not show much zeal for music. In 2013, the couple announced their divorce. Konstantin moved to live in Moscow, and his ex-wife remained in Kiev with their children.

The reason for the divorce is the long-standing, 10-year relationship between Meladze and his ward, the former soloist of VIA Gra, Vera Brezhneva. Meladze's wife knew about her rival, forgave her husband a lot, but, apparently, the woman's cup of patience overflowed. After the divorce, Yana got married a second time and found her female happiness.

Konstantin and Vera Brezhneva explained for a long time in their interviews that they have a high relationship, that they are just friends and each has their own strong families. But in 2012, the singer broke up with her second husband, businessman Mikhail Kiperman. They started talking about the romance of the producer and the singer with renewed vigor, the paparazzi caught Meladze several times at the singer's house. And in October 2015, Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva secretly registered their relationship in Tuscany. There were no guests at the wedding. Painted a couple personally mayor of the town.