Riddles on folk musical instruments. Thematic musical lesson "Musical instruments

Riddles on folk musical instruments. Thematic musical lesson
Riddles on folk musical instruments. Thematic musical lesson "Musical instruments

Everyone around the kids is a riddle, everything causes a million questions, and often heard answers do not satisfy small researchers. After all, they have their own worldship with their concepts and definitions. They need to understand himself, to learn something new in their imagination, add your vocabulary New words, and fantasy enrich the images and reach everything for everything else, with the help of an insurmountable force to know and explore. Riddles for young children are very important because they allow the kids to recognize the world in interesting images, new words and curious ideas.

Riddles - Useful Exercises for Mind

The riddles left to us by the previous generations carry the poeticity, tradition, cultural element. Riddles are miniature folklore artHelping from childhood to learn many necessary concepts. It is thanks to the mysteries of the kids learn to reflect and analyze everything they see, hear and speak. These encrypted in words of concept helps to expand kids knowledge. The experience of teachers has proves for many years that new knowledge is perceived and digested much more efficiently when accompanied by an active mental process.

Gaying mysteries, rebus and Scharad becomes a kind of intellectual charge, mobilizing and training mental potential for kids. To guess the riddles, it is necessary to be more observant, follow the vital process around, be able to recall once seen, compare, merge phenomena and facts, mentally divided, highlighting valuable moments, be able to generalize, synthesize the found. Raunting mysteries for young children contributes to the development of resourcefulness, improves the smelting, increases the reaction rate and mental activity, produces independence of thinking and the habit of deeply and comprehensively understand the world.

A variety of mysteries

The riddles appeared very long ago and therefore their many varieties are both folk, and author's literary, and in poetic form, spoken and in prose, and thematic riddles, and in the way of riddling, for example, puzzles, shaft, shaped or plot, metaphorical, Mathematical, logical, humorous. Modern riddles differ in the following features.

  • Riddles-descriptions that describe a phenomenon or object, and it must be guessing on the specified characteristics.
  • Riddles Questions. When in the riddle, the question is asked for which it is necessary to answer or in rhyme, or any other option, depending on the continuation of the riddle.
  • Riddles-tasks. When it is necessary to solve an unusual, logically built task described in the riddle itself.

Children's riddles about piano

Such riddles belong to thematic and help better recognize the necessary topic, in this case the king of musical instruments - piano (or piano).

Riddles about piano for children with answers to rhyme.

High music loved

Two sisters - Nyura with Nina.

And therefore bought

They are a big ...

Divo wondrny

In the hall at the concert "WORLD".

The mouth is open - the teeth there.

Fingers for those teeth.

And having all three legs,

I will not remember along the path,

"Gas" does not hurt, even though there is a pedal ...

High name? ...

He stands on three legs,

Feet in black boots.

White teeth, pedal.

What is his name? ...

Which tool has strings and pedal?

Undoubtedly, this is a wonderful, this is our white ...

He knows how "Forte" and "Piano",

Therefore, call him ...

Keyboard black and white row

Pedals yellow gold burns ...

I will not take me with you in the case.

With mighty forte, gentle piano,

And he is extremely right

Who calls us ...


Descriptive riddles

It is very important to interest children. Trying to invent your riddles describing the tool studied, thus significantly increases the effectiveness of the mastering of the material, because in the process of creativity it is remembered everything is much better.

In the riddles about the piano, the essence of which all power is sent to little work, Concentrating the attention of the kid.

Cow worth

Saw ready.

How to give the teeth - I will not turn out.

Giant musical instrument for the hall.

His name I would suggest you

I am sure you guessed yourself.

With a big wing, he and three legs.

With riddles about the piano, the game is easier and learning the game on this beautiful tool, which fills the hearts of children with love and beauty.

Elena Shadrin
Thematic musical lesson "Musical instruments"

purpose: Develop timbre rumor


Teach children to guess riddles about musical instruments;

React to shift parts musical Game , in line with movements;

Distort the timbra musical instruments: harp, cello, double bass, violin, pipe, organ, guitar, accordion, musical triangle, metallophone, drum, doodle, tambourine;

Introduce the sound of kastannet and the way of playing them;

Expressively perform a song by passing a cheerful joyful character;

Transmit rhythmic pattern with musical triangle and drum;

Learning to voice Russian folk speech on children's musical instruments(harp, twin, whistle, drum, ratchet, plates, etc.)

Perform the Russian folk tune orchestra.

Methods of aesthetic education:

Teachments, exercises in practical actions;

Convictions in the process of forming the initial manifestations of taste

Children enter the hall, sit on the chairs.

Music leader: Guys, today we will talk about musical instruments.

On earth each

There is a birthday house.

Good and fun

And cozy in it.

The dog is a conserve,

In fox - Nora,

Malinovka has a nest,

Owl has a hollow.

Guess a riddle,

My little friend

Where does it live, in your opinion

Musical sound?

Maybe in the cry of seagulls,

In an eagle cage?

Or in the pipe call

Good elephant?

Children: Musical sound lives in musical instruments.

Music leader: Right, musical sounds live in musical instruments. And sound musical instruments Start thenwhen they play on them musicians.

Guys, I have magicianin which there are riddles about musical instruments. Want to guess them?

Children: Yes!

Music leader: Come on one and pull the riddle.

1. If you want to play

Need to take her

And pour into it slightly -

Will be music is heard.

Think a minute ...

What is this?

Children: Dude!

2. He has a fold shirt,

He loves to dance in the jury,

He dances and sings -

If you get into your hands.

Forty buttons on it

With pearl fire.

Children: Bayan!

3. He sits under the hat,

Do not disturb it - silent.

It is only in the hands to take

And sill a little

Heard will be chime:

"Dili-Don, Dili-Don."

Children: Bells!

4. Tool - Like a huge violin.

The sound is thick as a baritone.

The musician plays sitting.

How, tell me, is he called?

Children: Cello!

Fraction knocks off

Walk helps.

Children: Drum!

6. In the hands of the hammer took

On the records were stuck.

Hear musical ringing,

So sounds ...

Children: Metallone!

7. There are bubber on it,

On him we beat loudly.

We will play with him now,

Give a ringing ...

Children: Tuben!

On the table in front of the children lie pictures musical instruments. Children guess the riddle, find the image of this musical instrument And hang it on a magnetic board.

Music leader: And now I suggest you play with a tambourine in musical game"Who will easily hit the tambourine"

The game "Who will easily hit the tambourine" Ukrainian folk melody

Music leader: Now I suggest you listen to the timbres musical instruments and determine their.

"Determine tool»

The tape recorder recorded on the tape musical instruments: harp, cello, double bass, violin, pipe, organ, guitar, accordion.

1. Sounds harp

2. Cello sounds

3. Sounds of double bass

4. Sounds violin

Anya Elkin performs a play on a violin

5. Sounds trumpet

6. Organ sounds

Children look on the screen video game on the organ.

7. Guitar sounds

8. Sounds Accordion

Nurse Tatyana Fedorovna performs on the Accordion of Pieces "

Music leader: How well do you define the timbres musical instruments. And now I suggest you determine the timbres of children. Let's play the game "Learn voice"

Music leader: And now we will come to this unusual shirma, where you are waiting musical riddles.

Music and didactic game"Merry instruments»

1. Sounds doodie

2. Sounds drum

3. Sounds musical triangle

And now let's do the song "Triangle and drum"

4. Sounds metallophone

5. Sounds Buben

6. Castagnets sound

Music leader: Castanets - Spanish People tool with ringingClicking sound. A clear rhythm is retained on the casstans.

Children watch a video about the reception of the game on the kastagnets.

Music leader: And now I suggest you try to play the casstans.

Experimentation with casstars.

Music leader: Guys, and tell me what is the sound of kastannet?

Children: On the centrot hoofs, the woodpecker knocks on the tree.

Music leader: Kids, please tell me with what musical instruments Can we portray rain?

Children: Bell, musical triangle, Metallone.

Music leader: Rassed thunder?

Children: Drum, kastagnayt.

Music leader: And now I suggest you voiced Russian folk speech on children's musical instruments.

Like our neighbor

Cheerful was a conversation:

Ducks - twin

Geese - in Gusli,

Sheep - in the Donets,

Cockroaches - in the drums.

Chechets - in a rattling,

Sweetsellers - in Swirls,

Cuckoo in Kojothushki

Skvorts in the Bubares,

Two crooked cinemas

Played in spoons.

Play, play

All rush

Boots by music Triangle in the rhythm of verse.






Wooden spoons

Tutti on all tools

Music leader: And at the end of our musical Living room Let's play in the orchestra.

Orchestra "Quadrille" Russian folk melody

Their seven sisters
On the muscle Stan.
All of them are important
Without them there will be no music. (Notes)

This is a six-string tool.
The fire is played on it,
Songs together compose.
How is the company going
Without it there is no fun. (Guitar)

All day marching and knocking on the beat.
And glad that they bought ... (drum)

Played all day
Sang, danced under ... (Dudge)

From within the harmonica collected,
Sounds are pouring.
Then pass through
Then zadorly dancing. (Harmoshka, Bayan)

On violin plays? (Violinist)

Songs performed gently.
To him come to the concert,
Give bouquets, applause,
All admire ... (singer)

On the guitar he plays
Romantic songs performed.
He is always in the center of a noisy company!
Our favorite ... (guitarist)

In kindergarten without his music
No holiday will pass!
Maybe polka, can waltz,
Executes quickly, ringing,
No in the flaw tool,
Melodic ... (piano)

Bow moves back forward.
And she is the sounds!
No less motive,
What does ... (violin)

White keys,
Black suit.
It settled many

Remember guys!
If music is executed
Four musicians
Then the group is called ... (Quartet)

Without sleep and rest
Compound melody
Our famous ... (composer)

Head of Orchestra
An experienced master
This ... (conductor)

Dudge, Clarinet, Bayan
Together musical ... (Tools)

On top of a circle
Below is small plates.
We will play all day to play
In the ringing ... (tambourine)

Just three strings,
Triangular shape.
Well - ka, play ka
Cheerful ... (Balalaika)

This key can not open the door!
He is written at the beginning of the music ... (treble key)

What is common between the passenger car
And piano?
They have a common detail
Called ... (pedal)

Talent, patience,
And the ability to play the harp.
It turned out ... (musician)

Without it can not
Musician play!
Silently he stands
Holds a totebook. (PUPITER)

This is a stray musician
Walks, he turns his scarmer,
And it rises early ... (Sharganger)

To learn to play on
You need a desire and ... (patience)

Hear to us from all sides
Melodic chime.
It sounds in the morning ... (Bells)

Thin sound threaters
We will play ... (bell)

Is the accordion playing? (Accordionist)

Violin brother, a little more,
Wooden housing.
Strings four,
Sound on tone down
Playing ... (Alt)

This complex tool
Decorates the whole cathedral,
As will play, the entire orchestra replaces! (Organ)

How many notes in music? (Seven)

How do you want to play
So to the lips of bringing the tube
And blow in ... (dull)

Magic tube
Expayed the army of mice.
Called ... (Dudge)

He loves blows,
The bigger you hit,
So louder he plays! (Drum)

You can have soup,
But, put a rib to each other,
And we are under them the chastushki we sing! (Wooden spoons)

He has a fold collar
Forty buttons on it,
Ringing and cheerful,
We feed the choir!
Wonderful ... (Bayan)

Composers satisfy
For notewings, the road is paving! (Treble clef)

That's so noisy toy,
But, just not a rattle! (Maraca)

This key is not simple.
Opens the way to us
In the world of magic melody. (Treble clef)

Inside the air
On the sides stretched the circle.
Pulling loud noise,
With a strong impact.
If we slightly knock
That will be quiet sound. (Drum)

Magic tube,
Inside the hole.
How to dinner into it
So the sounds are poured. (Dudge)

Small dots
Top hooks.
Sat on seven lines,
If they are executed,
There will be music to play. (Notes)

Melody connected with verses,
It turned out ... (song)

Without her melody bad
This is a note -... (la)

The tool is very useful,
He, of course, well-known.
Checks the sound and tone.
This is ... (Camerton)

If you can't sing,
So, stepped in the ear ... (Bear)

In the song Quarters repeats,
What is it called? (Coupling)

Tool with a skirt in a fold,
See playing bello
It will stretch the sound
It will quickly lose ... (harmonica)

We eat them, fold food,
Putting the edge to each other
We will play bougie - Bugs. (Spoons)

We dare to you,
On the whistles lost,
Four - nice ... (quartet)

Round like rattle.
This is ... (Maracas)

Tender sound
So plays ... (violin)

Note this we will find:
In the word secret
Hid and in the winegree.
Very close,
Settled in a redist! (Note re)

This note is salted,
And find in words:
Beans, Solfeggio. (Note salt)

Special notebook
To write music to.
Think carefully,
Look, let's call ... (notebook)

Pheasant, beans, sundress,
Torch, Frame, Pharaoh,
Contain a note -... (FA)

Hid in words:
Cabaret, kara, mashed potatoes, rattle,
Harem, Terem, guys.
Our favorite note ... (re)

Music riddles with answers for children 5-8 years

Sedova Vera Olegovna, Piano Lecturer, Midudo Djshi Concertmester, Department in Dmitrov, Moscow Oblast
Description. Copyright riddles on musical instruments can be used on musical classes in preparatory group kindergartenIn the preparatory, first and second classes of the Children's School of Art and Educational School in the process of familiarization with musical instruments, in which the guys play in the Children's Orchestra, when conducting quiz, competitions, KVNs to expand the horizons of study in the field of art. Riddles are available to children 5 - 8 years old and can be used in the work of educators of kindergartens, teachers of general education institutions and teachers of institutions additional educationinterested in the versatile education of his child parents, children themselves as useful entertainment and self-study.
Purpose: Acquaintance with musical instruments through folk creativity.
1) teach children to see and hear signs of objects;
2) develop the curiosity of the child, smelting, thinking, memory, attentiveness;
3) to educate interest in creativity through the writings of their own mysteries.

1. I look like a drum,
Thunder sound remind you.
Copper dress on me,
Beat on leather back.
Sounds of different frequency
You will achieve from me.
And in the orchestra two of us:
We play bass for pipes.


2. I am an old tool,
I already have a lot of years.
Watchman in the court walked
And he broke into me.
Evil people he distilled off
And the order kept.
I am from wood and skin,
With a beater, we are similar.
Ball beats me and knock
With a machine gun similar sound.
The ball is a great assistant ...
What is my name? .. (Kokoshnik)


3. Lined together in a row:
If you blow, they are buzzing.
Made from Kamyshem,
Pussy call baby.
Women playing us
And, playing, sang.
Good sound with a sweater
Violin and pity.
Tights we play
In the dance, we involve people.


4. In the old days I appreciated me:
If drought, then by me
People are struggling with trouble.
Causing rain and wind
Il frightening the power of the evil
Just quietly bind ...
In our world modern
I'm from clay Ile Plenne
For fun at the guys.


5. On the belt in a row Vissim,
Dry, having fun.
Rhythm retreats clearly
Ring tool ... (ratchet)


6. Wooden plates
Hammers knock.
Sound deaf tone
Gives us ... (xylophone)


7. hit the plates -
We are light sound - ringing,
Like an elves, speak.
Campanella we call
Little crystal laughing.


8. And on it shepherd plays
The herd quickly collects.
Slim it takes a trill,
This doodie - ... (Swirl)


9. I am a shepherd horn,
Overall, bent.
I'm thin, slim like a snake.
And call me ... (pity)


10. Big and Small Drum
Friends - do not break water.
Sounds you play rhythmically
Remove them without difficulty.


11. She has a shirt in a fold,
You dance with her all right.
Many buttons on it
Press - ka beds!
Can bring songs -
Shatterly talk.
Merry to top leg,
This is Russian ... (harmonic)


12. I am a Cuban tool,
I come from Africa.
Hand holding a hand,
And the other for me is knocking
Clearly chopping rhythm ...
The tool will speak.


13. They beat each other,
And they sing in response.
Copper brilliantly brilliantly
In turning fingers guys.
(Music plates)

Music plates

14. In the hands of the hammer took,
On the records were stuck.
Hear metal ringing?
So sounds ... (glockenspiel)


15. I knock like a heel,
Like a horse - cast.
I am inside completely empty,
We say on me, playing.


Teachers and educators can use as reinforcing the addition to mystery images with tools, audio and video recording of data tools, as well as comprehensive copyright riddles, based on the signs of items.

Riddle pro alto

Name without error
The tool is a little more violin.
He is her closest friend,
But slightly lower sound.
There are strings, and bow,
In music is not a newcomer!

Riddles pro balayku.

Three strings playing bello
The tool is "the triangle".
Seek learning-ka
What is this?

Three strings hit
Chastushki to sing.

I am merry than fun
Chastushki singing could be herself.

Riddles pro drum

With me hike easy to go,
With me having fun on the way,
And I'm crying, and I Buyan,
I'm ringing, round ...

Rising small and puzzat,
And speaks -
One hundred screaming guys
Immediately muffle.

In the way it does not cease,
In the distance is fascinated
He himself does not walk
Walk helps.

Riddles pro accordion

He has a stroke shirt
He loves to dance if
He dances and sings -
If you get into your hands.
Forty buttons on it
With pearl fire.
Meschak, not Buyan
Ours ours ...

That gets fat, it loses weight.
On the knee sits,
On the whole courtyard is hung.

He does not sing himself - plays
People sing helps.

Riddles pro harmonic

In the hands you take her,
It will stretch, then you can eat!
Ringing, elegant,
Russian, double row.
Will play, only Trim,
What is her name?

Riddles pro guitar

What kind of miracles?
In the forest we hear voices,
The guys at the fire are sitting,
Saw and look at it.
So that she suddenly sound
Plugging the string you for starters.
And the string is seven il six,
Her advantages do not consider us.
Everything is easy for it,
Tell me, how is she called?

Rings string, she sings,
And the song is heard to everyone.
Six strings play anything,
And the tool is always fashionable.
He will never become old.
That tool call ...

Riddles pro airger

I'm on the scene in the twilight
I will go out in an elegant phrak.
Thin wand wave -
Violins will sing
Struff the harpist,
Pipes will respond.
How the orchestra plays nice!
Well, I'm in it - the most important!

Riddles pro dudge

In the forest carved
Smoothly wipe
What is the name of?

Riddles pro composer

He writes music for us,
Melodies plays
Poems will put on the waltz.
Who composes songs?

Riddles pro double bass

Violin he is like an older brother
To help her in the orchestra is glad.
He and Alta true friend,
He has a bass sound.
He is a bow gicker
Large important gentleman.
(Double bass)

Riddles pro musical spoons

For lunch soup eating,
By evening "Conspiring"
Wooden girls,
Musical sisters.
Play and you are a little
On beautiful bright ...

Riddles pro organ

Is that what a tool is height in a whole house?
In the pipes, the tree is dressed, decorations on it.
Votes have a lot of this sonor.
He is affectionate, then strict, and his name is ...

Riddles pro gramophone

Musician, singer, narrator,
And total - the pipe is yes drawer.

Riddles pro piano

I'm standing on three legs,
Feet in black boots.
White teeth, pedal.
What is your name? ...

Riddles pro saxophone

He will take the sun
Tender sound Approaches.
In Jazz, the very first one

Riddles pro violin

As if the girl was singing,
And in the hall as if he was glad.
Slip melody so flexibly.
Differed everything: playing ...

Movement smooth bow leads in the trembling strings,
The motive is murmur of far away, sings about the wind Lunar.
How clear sounds overflowing, in them joy and smile.
The dreamful motive sounds, it plays it ...

Riddles pro mUZ. plates

Know, they are with a drum neighbors.
They are made of copper.
On time you need to wave
Walking to hit, then relax.
The party is not a trifle, not balancing,
In music, too ...

Riddles pro piano

Tool call piano,
I hardly play on it.
Louder, quieter, louder, quieter -
My whole game will hear.
Bring the keys I zealo,
My tool - ...

Riddles pro khor.

Song with a drink all together
Sounds on school song.
Foldfully, cooler and friendly.
Together to sing, guys, you need.
Songs Polon Corridor -
So try our ...

On the page collected riddles about musical instruments Music and those who are involved in it. Riddles will be useful first of all music teachers, teachers of kindergartens, teachers primary classes. Rogueing riddles, children in gaming form Get acquainted with unfamiliar musical instruments. It is desirable to give the opportunity to see and listen to the sound of a new tool for them, and perhaps play yourself, for example on musical spoons.