Proverbs agree to any Mila. Magician

Proverbs agree to any Mila. Magician

Some of my own side.

Bien SE Está San Pedro EN Roma.

Russian proverbs and sayings and their Spanish counterparts. - SPb.: Karo, 2004 .. A.V. Kiselev. 2004.

Mira Otros Diccionarios:

    Some of my own side. - See. He loves and begging his humps ... V.I. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

    He loves and begging his hollow. - Every sweet face. He loves and begging his hollow. See Motherland Khorsina ... V.I. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

    Motherland - Alien - And the bones in their homeland cry (according to legend, that in some graves heard bones). I will go out on the path of the tears flow; I remember my and nauseous about them. From the native side and crow (and dog) Mila. And Penza in Moscow have learned their crows. On someone else's kat ... ... V.I. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

    Its own - your own, your own; MN. His east. its own; places., attraction. Instead or for my strengthen, yours, its, our; equally applies to all persons and numbers; own. I live in my house, and he is in his. Keep your tobacco, and on someone else's not napping. All sorts ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    motherland - ▲ region The origin of the birthplace place of birth; home country. Getting from where (where do you come from?). Native side. Side. motherland. Native edges, places. Major region. native land. Native soil. motherland. Fatherland. domestic. Expliction. ... ... ideographic dictionary of the Russian language

    HUSBAND WIFE - Damn on the devil married. Ivan, Cow Frake! And he himself will die. Ivan, wife died! One Satanum is less! A good broom wife, and losing a broom (that in the house, this home-house). Three more: Father, yes Mother, and a faithful wife. My wife is not Baba, the children of my ... ... V.I. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

    Loneliness - marriage - And in paradise to live sichen one. Family Cashkit pushing. In the family and porripe. Family pot always boils. Guard pennant more visible. A kind wife yes fat soup of another good is not looking for! Longs with one head, and dinner cook awkward. Two coats warm, two ... ... V.I. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

Proverb: His land and in the handstone of Mila.

Similar by the meaning of the proverb, analogues:

  • There is nothing in the world more painted than our homeland.
  • In Russia, holy every bush is yours.
  • On someone else's kat, pleased with his villain.

Continue the proverb ...

If the school was given the task to continue the proverb "Siberiana of Earth and ...", the answer will give a dictionary of proverbs and sayings of the Russian people. In the original, the proverb is written like this:

  • His land and in the handstone of Mila.

Table of contents [show]

Interpretation of the meaning, value

This proverb is a wonderful expression of love for the Motherland. A place where a person was born and spent his childhood, where the closest people live, will forever remain in the heart, wherever he is. When a person
Loading, any thing, somehow connected with the native edge, awakens warm memories in it and gives strength. In ancient times, Slavs, going to the long road, always took a handful of native land. She was worn in special bags as an overade.

Why exactly the earth? It would seem that it can be special in it? The fact is that our ancestors were mostly landpashers, so the land had great importance for them. Earth - Kormilitsa, mother of cheese Earth. Therefore, even a handful of native land for a Russian person is a particle that he has grown, because he fed her fruits. Therefore, she was sweet to His heart ... Perhaps it is that the origins of this statement.

Now this proverb "His land and in the handstone of Mila" can be interpreted as follows: for a person who truly loves his homeland, any of its manifestation. Everything that has a connection with the place where you were born,
It becomes special. The same idea is expressed by the following sayings: "There is nothing in the light of the world than our homeland", "in Russia, every bus", "on someone else's kat, glad to his crown."

Elena Kozlova
Cognitive development. "Every Mila has its own side."

Cognitive development

« All kind of sideways»

(Senior group)

Occupation « All kind of sideways»

purpose: Summarize the presentation of children about the interconnection of labor of adults; Tell to understand the possibility for the village. Continue to bring up in children the love and feelings of attachment to the family, the native home, Native Selu; Respect for people living in the Alexandrovskaya Earth, interest in the work of adults - Alexandrovchev (on the example of their parents); Continue to form sensations of belonging to children to his native village - their small homeland.

Preliminary work:

Viewing albums, pictures, articles about professions, "Our village"

Parent meeting (acquaintance with the annual task - the impulse of love for a small homeland - the basis of moral and patriotic education).

- Consultation for parents "Where does the homeland begins?" "Talking coat of arms."

Conversations, reading fiction, memorizing poems, proverbs about the family, work, homeland.

Travel course:

Educator: Guys, I want to ask you a very important question:

What is homeland?

(children's responses)

That's right, the Motherland is a place where we were born, where our house is located, where our friends live, where we are warm and cozy.

No wonder they speak (people says): « All kind of sideways»

Children What is the name of the village in which we live?

That's right, Aleksandrovskoe.

What are the inhabitants of our village called. (Alexandrovtsy)

And how was your village before? (Lumpokolka Lumpokol, and the first inhabitants of the bottom - Lumpokol were khanty).

What kind of fishing did they do? (hunted, fishing, collected mushrooms, I am years, cedar nuts).

Why our village called so - "Alexandrovskoe" (children's responses).

The village grew, the first wooden houses appeared. With the time, the Russians began to settle down, a school and a small church appeared. People walked, drove out of the neighboring villages to Batyushka Alexander. Named Batyushka Alexander the village began to call "Alexandrovskoe".

Many years passed the village became big and beautiful.

Educator: There is perhaps the corner of beautiful,

There is richer, wider there is a village,

Only me from all my Russia

Closer to the heart of Alexandrovo My.

Word "Motherland" It looks like words like "native", "relatives", "Darling", "Native", "relative".

Children, about whom we say so? (o mom, dad, shave, sister, about grandmother, about grandfather, about loved ones)

And what is family?

Of course, this is when close, native people live together. The family is big and small, the main thing is that in it there are always peace, friendship, love and respect for each other.

Poem "My family" (Children tell):

Mom with dad - my relatives,

There is no relative relative to me.

And sister - relatives, and brother,

And the puppy of the Lopouchius - Tishka.

I love my relatives very much.

I will buy all gifts

Pope will be a motorboat,

Mom in the kitchen - a magic brush,

The hammer is a real - brother,

Ball - sister, candy - tishka.

Guys who want to tell about their family (Children along with their parents made family work - pedigree).

The story of children:

1. Surname, the name of the child, how many years, and which group goes, which kindergarten).

2. Name middle name Mom, where it works, profession.

3. Name The middle name of the Pope, where it works, profession.

4. If there is a brother (sister, how much he (to her) years?

5. Is there a grandmother, grandfather, what is their name (work or not deserved rest - pensions?

6. What are your hobbies than you (a family) Do you like to do?

Musical Piz. Minute "Assistants"

About the family is folded (there is) Many proverbs, let's remember them.

Do not need a treasure when in the family of the way.

The family is stronger when the roof is alone.

The whole family together and the soul in place.

Family strong Lada.

With the sun warm, with the mother is welcome.

No nice friend, than native mother.

Gold and silver are not aging, father, and mother do not know how.

Guys like you understand the proverb "Needed where was born" (children's responses).

Many adults - Alexandrovtsy were born in Aleksandrovsky, someone came, grew here, learned and returned to their village to make our village still more beautiful, richer, more beautiful.

You called so many right professions (pays attention to family work) How many enterprises where your dads and moms work. How many labor of people of different professions is required that our village is beautiful, clean, beloved, relatives.

Guys, now we will learn what profession the most necessary?

Let's play in the game "If it were not ...". I will ask you questions, and you will guess (respond).

1. If there were no builders, then ... there would be no (what) houses in which we live, shops, kindergartens, schools, etc.

2. If there were no doctors, then (that was) No one who was treated.

3. If there were no police, then ... there was a mess in the village. Would have violated the rule of law, traffic.

4. If there were no bake, then ... we would not eat bread, loaf, rams, buns, etc.

5. If there were no firefighters, then ... in a fire, people would be left without housing, would burn forest: The animals died, birds, there would be no berries, mushrooms.

6. If there were no electrician, then ... we would stay without light, could not cook, stroke your clothes, watch TV.

7. If there was no janitor, then ... it was dirty, a lot of garbage, ugly.

Of course, all professions are important, all professions are needed!

Guys, while you still go to kindergarten, and when growing, who would you like to become and work (maybe in our village). (children's statement)

Children tell poem:

Very believe we all together

That the hour will come,

And there is a lot of

Important cases for us!

New roads, new places

The main thing is in the heart

Dream glow!

Girls and boys will grow

And choose your favorite work!

For everything that is done for us

We are grateful to people!

It's time for an hour will come,

And we will work!

    Some of my own side. He loves and begging his hollow. See Motherland Alien ...

    And the bones in their homeland cry (according to legend, that in some graves heard bones). I will go out on the path of the tears flow; I remember my and nauseous about them. From the native side and crow (and dog) Mila. And Penza in Moscow have learned their crows. On someone else's kat ... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

    Your own, your own; MN. His east. its own; places., attraction. Instead or for my strengthen, yours, its, our; equally applies to all persons and numbers; own. I live in my house, and he is in his. Keep your tobacco, and on someone else's not napping. All sorts ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    motherland - ▲ region The origin of the birthplace place of birth; home country. Getting from where (where do you come from?). Native side. Side. motherland. Native edges, places. Major region. native land. Native soil. motherland. Fatherland. domestic. Expliction. ... ... The ideographic dictionary of the Russian language

    Dami on the devil married. Ivan, Cow Frake! And he himself will die. Ivan, wife died! One Satanum is less! A good broom wife, and losing a broom (that in the house, this home-house). Three more: Father, yes Mother, and a faithful wife. My wife is not Baba, my children ... ... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

    And in paradise to live sichen one. Family Cashkit pushing. In the family and porripe. Family pot always boils. Guard pennant more visible. A kind wife yes fat soup of another good is not looking for! Longs with one head, and dinner cook awkward. Two coats warm, two ... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

There are many bizarre comparisons in the riddles. Associate, it would seem very unlike items and phenomena:

Two brothers

let's go swimming into the water.

The shoulder, as brothers, are similar to each other, and the fact that they are "bathed", explains simply: waters do not dial, without dipping buckets.

Riddles are affected by bizarre pictures. The sky is a blue fur coat and is so great that "covered the whole world." Giant bird waves wings, but does not fly:

on the wind looks

wings waving,

he herself.

This is a windmill. She is named by a lawyer, because it stands on Yura - in the open winds. Here again a kind of word game: with the designation of the open space "YUR", the invented name of the non-existent bird is connected - the lawyer.

The sewn buttons are compared with the pack of the skills, which flew and sat down on the side on the sixth - Kime:

Full of six


The imagination of a man "dressed up" sheaf in Golden Caftan, subsidered him and laid a side:

Lies a peasant

in Gold Caftana,

subjected, and not a belt;

do not raise, never stand.

In the riddles, the image often becomes fabulous.

Rough thunder compares with rye and hitch hitch:

Horse runs -

earth trembles.

Blue stallion

on the whole kingdom rzhet.

Cloud in the sky, huge orlitsa - covers the sun with wings:

Orlitz flies on blue sky,

wings molten

sun stuck.

Nowadays, they also create riddles, but they are others. It used to be unknown who folded one or another riddle - yes it was impossible to say, since each of them passed from the mouth to the mouth and changed greatly. New riddles are created by individuals, although invent a good mystery to one person is definitely difficult.

A strong tractor appears to us with a powerful employee:

Walking soda

get the Kalach

Radio - a wonderful invention of our time - opoetized in a riddle:

In Moscow they say

and we can hear.

About the plane made out:

Lucky and not a horse

flies, not a bird,

buzz, not a bee.

Proverbs, sayings, worships and riddles for the collection are extracted from vintage and new collections. This is a genuine folklore. His roots rise to long-standing old. In all types of this creativity shrinks the human mind and captivates poetry.

V.P. Anikin

Proverbs and sayings

Ancient proverb will not be pushing

A saying lives on Echorka.

Not every pillar - the Ocean, not any speech - the proverb.

There is a proverb.

From parables and on horseback do not leave.

The stump is not a gloom, stupid is not a proverb.

Talk - Flower, Proverb - Berry.

All kind of sideways

The stupid of the bird that the nest is not cute.

Where pine adult, she is red.

Every pine to her borou noise.

Without root and wormwood is not growing.

Houses and walls help.

Moscow to all cities Mother.

Mother Volga and wide and debt.

His land and in the handstone of Mila.

The birthplace side is a mother, and someone else's stepmother.

A stranger side is a dense boron.

A stranger side and without wind dries and shine without winter.

Teach the Goryuna is a stranger side.

Mountain in someone else's land is an infamous.

On someone else's kat, pleased with his villain.

Alien - Kalina, Motherland - Raspberry.

From the native land - die, do not go.

For the right thing, stand

Take care of the dress dream, and the honor of the Smalod.

A comprehensive classes in the preparatory group.

"Some Mila - your own side"

Educator Boev E.S.

Software content:

  1. To summarize and systematize the knowledge of children about Russia, to form a valid attitude towards state symbols, consolidate the names of large Russian cities.
  2. Expand the presentation of children about their hometown, about the symbols of Vsevolozhsk, maintain a cognitive interest in the sights of the hometown.
  3. To acquaint children with museums of the city of Vsevolozhsk. Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe appointment of museums.
  4. Promote the development of the grammatical system of speech, connected speech, enrich the vocabulary.
  5. Fasten the ability of children intonational, expressively telling the poems.
  6. Form skills to work with templates (learn to circle stencils); expand the spectrum of technical techniques of pouring appliqué (breaking, breaking), develop a small motorcy; Develop a feeling of shape and composition.
  7. To give the opportunity to each of the children to show independence in choosing ways to decorate work and creative abilities.
  8. Calling a sense of admiration and pride in their hometown to bring up the love of the native city.

Wordwork: Explain the meaning of the proverb "Man without a homeland - that nightinglets without a song.

Visual material: image of the arms and flags, the map of the Russian Federation.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, tape recorder, easel.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the Russian symbolism and G. Vsevolozhsk, reading poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, viewing photos of the architecture of the city of Vsevolozhsk, viewing the presentation of the Museum of Vsevolozhsk.

Educator: Guys, let's smile to each other and welcome our guests. There are so many different countries on the planet and our country's largest. What is it called?(Russia) . Let's go to the map.

Showing map of Russia

No country in the world has such a huge territory as Russia (The educator shows kids map of Russia.) This is how much space occupies the territory of Russia. When at one end of our country, people fall to bed, the morning begins on the other. At one end of our country there may be snow, and on the other shining the sun. To get from one end to another by train you have to go 7 days, and on the plane to fly for almost a day.

And what is our Russia? (Big, beloved, beautiful, huge, rich, strong.)

Russia - Nasha Rodina. Guys, explain how you understand what is "homeland"(Motherland is a place where we were born; the country in which we live. Motherland has one person.)

Guys, who knows the poem about the Motherland?

What do we call the birthplace?

House where we grow with you.

And birchings by the road

For which we go.

What do we call the birthplace?

Sun in the sky blue.

And fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table.

What do we call the birthplace?

The region, where we live with you.

Educator: Many proverbs and sayings folded the people about their homeland. Let's remember them.

"There is no beautiful in the world, our homeland",

"A man without a homeland is that nightinglets without a song," explain the meaning of the proverb.

"One person's mother, one and his homeland,"

"Behind the sea is warmer, - and in the homeland lighter",

"On someone else's kat - I am glad to your villain,"

"On someone else's side - and spring is not red,"

"Some Mila - your own party,"

"Everywhere is good, - and at home is better"

Educator: What do you think children teach us proverbs? (All these proverbs teach us good, love to the homeland, the ability to defend it from enemies) Everyone loves his homeland, the city in which he lives. The more we will know about our native country, about our hometown, the more you will love them. And today I offer you a journey in Russia.

Guys, what can you travel on? (By plane, bus, etc.)

- I suggest you travel by train. We go. We occupy places in the car.

(Music "Locomotive Bukashchka" sounds.)

Educator-station "State"

Name the capital of Russia.(Moscow.)

Name the president of our country? (D. A. Medvedev.)

What state symbols do you know?(Coat of arms, flag, hymn.)

Find the flag of our country among others. (Images of flags are laid out, children choose from the proposed flag of Russia.)

Well done! And who will tell the poem about the flag?


White color -beres
Blue sky color,
Red stripe
Sunny Dawn

And now find the emblem of our country. (An image is laid out, children choose from the proposed coat of arms of Russia.)

Who knows the poem about the coat of arms?


Russia has magnifier
On the coat of arms, the eagle double-headed
To west, east
He would see immediately
Strong, wise he and proud.
He is a free spirit free.

- What is anthem?(The hymn is the main song of the country. The anthem is listening to standing, etc.)

Right! Each country has its own anthem.

We arrived at the Malaya Motherland station

Educators, guys, I suggest you answer some questions

Speech game with the ball "pick up the word"

  1. What is the name of the city in which we live?
  2. What are the inhabitants of our city?
  3. What is the name of the street on which you live?
  4. Name the address of the kindergarten, where do you go?
  5. What commemorative places of our city do you know?

Educator: Guys! You know that each city has its own coat of arms. And in Vsevolozhsk, he is? And who can explain what the oak and laurel sheets mean, the prince's crown?

Physical traffic.

Children read words and perform movements. (Slideshow ....... Vsevolozhsk.)

I love to walk around the city, I love to watch
I love to count.
Fortress - Once, the Museum is two,
Three high houses.
Four - Park, five - Stadium,
Six - Area, Seven - Fountain.
Here is eight - long bridge,
And Lobye flows under it.
Nine House Culture,
And ten administration.

Children look at the slide,

We came to the Museum of Cats. (View Slides "Cat Museums")

Here we can see live cats, pictures of cats, a collection of cats, drawings of children to get acquainted with the structure of cats, learn about the variety of fillers for the toilet.

And now I suggest you to replenish the collection in the museum and make cats yourself.

Remind rules for working with scissors. Independent creative activity of children. The tutor follows the work, advises, shows work techniques.

After the end of work, the children show their work, talk about them. The educator sums up the classes.