The Tungusian meteorite is a phenomenon that remains a mystery for modern science. Tunguska meteorite

The Tungusian meteorite is a phenomenon that remains a mystery for modern science. Tunguska meteorite
The Tungusian meteorite is a phenomenon that remains a mystery for modern science. Tunguska meteorite

Tungusky meteorite (place in the fall of the Tungusian meteorite)

The Tungusian meteorite (Tungusian phenomenon) is a hypothetical body, probably cometic origin or part of the cosmic body undergoing destruction, which presumably caused the air explosion in the area of \u200b\u200bthe River River Tunguska, (about 60 km north and 20 km west of Vanavara village). The coordinates of the epicenter of the explosion: 60 ° 54 "07" S.Sh., 101 ° 55 "40" VD.

June 30, 1908 at 7 o'clock 14.5 ± 0.8 minutes local time. The explosion power is estimated at 40-50 megatons, which corresponds to the energy of the most powerful of the blown hydrogen bombs. According to other estimates, the explosion power corresponds to 10-15 megatons.

About seven in the morning over the territory of the Yenisei pool from the south-east, a large fireball flew to the north-west. The flight ended with an explosion at an altitude of 7-10 km over the uncomplicated Taiga district. The explosive wave was recorded by observatory around the world, including in the Western Hemisphere. As a result of the explosion, trees on the territory of more than 2,000 km², window windows in the houses were knocked out a few hundred kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion. For several days in the territory of the Atlantic to Central Siberia, there was an intensive luminescence of the sky and glowing clouds.

Several research expeditions were sent to the catastrophe area, starting from the 1927 expedition under the leadership of L. A. Kulik. The substance of the hypothetical Tungusian meteorite was not found in Something significant quantity; but microscopic silicate and magnetite balls were discovered, as well as the increased content of certain elements, indicating the possible space origin of the substance.

In 2013 in the journal PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE The results of a study conducted by a group of Ukrainian, German and American scientists, which was reported that in microscopic samples found by Nicholas Kovalov in 1978 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe subchanging Tunguska, the presence of Lonsdaleit, Troilitis, Tenitis and Sheibersit - minerals characteristic of diamond-containing meteorites . At the same time, an employee of the Australian University Curtin Phil Blend noted that in the studied samples there is a suspiciously low concentration of iridium (which is uncharacteristic for meteorites), and also that peat, where the samples were found, was not dated 1908, which means the stones found Could get to the ground before or later than the famous explosion.

It was established that the explosion occurred in the air at some height (according to different estimates, 5-15 km) and was hardly point, so we can only talk about the projection of the coordinates of a special point called the epicenter. Different methods for determining the geographical coordinates of this special point ("epicenter") of the explosion give several different results.

It is noted that even three days before the event, starting from June 27, 1908, unusual atmospheric phenomena began to be observed in Europe, the European part of Russia and Western Siberia: silver clouds, bright twilight, solar halo. British astronomer William Denning wrote that at night June 30, the sky above the Bristol was abnormally bright in the north.

On the morning of June 30, 1908, the fiery body flew over the central Siberia, moving in the northern direction; His flight was observed in many settlements in the terrain, the bulk-like sounds were heard. Body shape is described as round, spherical or cylindrical; Color - like red, yellow or white; The smoke trail was absent, however, describing some eyewitnesses include striking bright rainbow stripes.

At 7 o'clock 14 minutes local time over the southern marsh near the river Podcast Tunguska body exploded; The power of the explosion, according to some estimates, reached 40-50 megaton of the T-natal equivalent.

Observing eyewitnesses:

One of the most famous evidence of witnesses is the message of Semyon Semenov, a resident of the Vanavara Farm, who was 70 km in the southeast of the epicenter of the explosion: "... Suddenly in the north heavened the sky, and there was wide and high above the forest, which covered the whole Northern Forest Part of the sky. At that moment I was so hot, like a shirt caught fire. I wanted to break and drop off my shirt, but the sky slammed the sky, and there was a strong blow. I was dropped from a sled porch for three. After hitting such a knock as if Stones fell from the sky or shot from guns, the earth trembled, and when I lay on the ground, I pressed my head, fearing the stones to break your head. At that moment, when the sky was revealed, from the north, a hot wind was drunk, like a gun, which Left on Earth traces in the form of tracks. Then it turned out that many glasses in the windows were knocked out, and the barn broke the iron bookmark for the door lock "- the magazine" Knowledge-force "- 2003. - № 6.

Even closer to the epicenter, 30 km from him on the south-east, on the banks of the Avarkitty River, there was a Chogenchi Chuchard Shanagir Brothers: "Our chum then stood on the shore of the Avarkitta. Before the sunrise, I came with a quarple with the river Dilushma, We visited Ivan and shark. We fell asleep. Suddenly, both have been woken up - someone was pushing us. We heard a whistle and hurt a strong wind. Chekarin still shouted to me: "Do you hear how many gogols flies or crochali?" We were After all, it was still in the plague and we were not visible, what was being done in the forest. Suddenly, someone pushed me again, yes so much that I hit my head about the plague pole and fell on the hot corners in the focus. I was frightened. Chekarin was also frightened, I grabbed the puss. We began to shout my father, mother, brother, but no one answered. For the Chum, there was some kind of noise, it was heard, like Lesin fell out. We got out with a cheklar from the bags and already wanted to jump out of the plague, but suddenly very much hit the thunder. It was the first blow. Earth began to twitch and swing, a strong wind hit In our chum and threw it. I was firmly pressed by six, but my head was not covered, because Ellyung was imposed. Here I saw a scary Divo: Lesins fall, the needles on them burn, drying on the ground burns, the moss of deer is burning. The smoke circle, the eyes hurt, it is hot, it is very hot, you can burn. Suddenly over the mountain, where the forest had already fallen, it became very light, and how to tell you that the second sun appeared, the Russians would say: "Suddenly suddenly shine", the eyes hurts, and I even closed them. It was like that the Russians call "Lightning." And immediately there was Agdyllane, a strong thunder. It was a second blow. There was a sunny morning, there was no cloud, our sun shone brightly, as always, and then the second sun appeared! "

An explosion on Tungusk was heard 800 km from the epicenter, the explosive wave was sophisticated forest on Square 2000 km², within a radius of 200 km, a glass of some houses were knocked out; Seismic wave is registered with seismic stations in Irkutsk, Tashkent, Tbilisi and Jena.

Soon after the explosion, a magnetic storm began, which lasted 5 hours.

Unusual atmospheric light effects preceding the explosion, reached the maximum on July 1, after which they went to the decline (individual tracks were saved until the end of July).

The first message about the eventwhich occurred near Tunguska was published in the Siberian Life newspaper dated June 30 (July 12) in 1908: "At about 8 am in several seats from the railway canvas, near the Filimonovo connecting, not to reach 11 miles to Kansk, according to the stories, Huge meteorite fell ... passengers of the train approached during the fall of the meteorite to the train drive were amazed by the extraordinary goer; the train was stopped by the engine, and the public jumped to the place of falling a distant wanderer. But it was not possible to inspect her meteorite, since he was rushing ... a meteorite almost all crashed In the ground - only his top ... "

It is clearly seen that the content of this note is extremely far from what happened in reality, but this message entered the story, since it was it that L. A. Kulika woke up in search of a meteorite, which then he also considered "Filimonovsky".

In the newspaper "Siberia" from 2 (15) July 1908, a more appropriate reality was given description (by S. Kulesh): "On June 17, in the morning, at the beginning of the 9th hour, we had some kind of unusual phenomenon of nature. In The village of N.-Karelinsky (verslet 200 from Kirensk to the north), the peasants saw in the north-west, pretty high above the horizon, some kind of extremely strong (it was impossible to watch) luminous white, bluish light, moving for 10 minutes from top to bottom. The body was presented in the form of "pipes", that is, cylindrical. The sky was cloudless, only low above the horizon, in the same side in which the luminous body was observed, it was noticeably small dark cloud. It was hot, dry. Approxing the land (forest), The brilliant body seemed to be broken, on the spot it was formed a huge club of black smoke and heard an extremely strong knock (not thunder), as if from large roughening stones or cannonal flips. All the buildings were trembling. At the same time, the flame began to escape from the cloud indefinitely form. All residents of the village in panic fear escaped to the streets, women cried, everyone thought that the end of the world comes. "

However, no wonderful interest in the fall of extraterrestrial body at that time did not show. Scientific research of the Tungusian phenomenon began only in the 1920s.

Expeditions L.A. Culika. In 1921, with the support of academicians V. I. Vernadsky and A. E. Fersman, the first Soviet expedition on checking incoming messages on the fall of meteorites in the country was organized by the mineralogs of L. A. Kulikov and P. L. Drahret. Leonid Alekseevich Kulik showed a special interest in studying the place and the circumstances of the fall of the Tungusian meteorite. In 1927-1939, he organized and headed six expeditions (according to other data - four expeditions) to the place of falling this meteorite.

The results of the expedition to Central Siberia in 1921, having a relation to the Tungusian meteorite, were only collected by her new evidence of eyewitnesses, which allowed a more accurate place to determine the place of events where the 1927 expedition went. It has already been made to more significant finds: so it was found that the forest was found at the place of the alleged fall of the meteorite on a significant area, and in the place that was the epicenter of the explosion, the forest remained standing, and any traces of the meteorite crater were absent.

Despite the absence of a crater, the Kulik remained a supporter of the hypothesis about the meteoric nature of the phenomenon (although he was forced to leave the idea of \u200b\u200bfalling a solid meteorite for a significant mass in favor of the idea of \u200b\u200bits possible destruction during fall). They discovered thermal players, which he mistakenly accepted for small meteorite crater.

During his expeditions, Kulik tried to find the remnants of meteorite, organized an aerial photograph of the fall site (in 1938, on the square 250 km²), collected information about the fall of the meteorite in witnesses of the incident.

Preparing L. A. Kulikova The new expedition to the place of falling of the Tungusian meteorite in 1941 did not take place due to the start of the Great Patriotic War. After the death of L.A. Culika in war, the results of the work on the study of the Tungus meteorite was summed up his student and a participant in expeditions on Tunguska E. L. Krinov in the book "Tungusian meteorite" (1949).

To date, none of the hypotheses explaining all the essential features of the phenomenon has not been generally accepted. At the same time, the proposed explanations are very numerous and diverse. Thus, an employee of the Committee on Meteorites of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR I. Zotkin published in 1970 in the magazine "Nature" article "Guide to help compilers of hypotheses associated with the fall of the Tungusian meteorite", where I described seventy-seven theories about his fallknown as January 1, 1969. At the same time, he classified hypotheses according to the following types: technogenic, antimatistry, geophysical, meteorite, synthetic, religious.

The initial explanation of the phenomenon is the drop in the meteorite of the considerable mass (presumably, iron), or the Roy Meteorites - quite quickly began to cause doubts from specialists in view of the fact that the remnants of the meteorite never managed to find, despite the significant efforts taken by their search.

In the early 1930s, the British astronomer and meteorologist Francis Whipple suggested that Tungusky events were associated with a drop in the nucleus of a comet (or a fragment of such). A similar hypothesis suggested Geochimik Vladimir Vernadsky, who suggested that the Tungusian body was relatively loose bustics of cosmic dust. This explanation was then accepted by a rather large number of astronomers. Calculations showed that to explain the observed destruction, the celestial body should have a lot of about 5 million tons. A cometary substance is a very loose structure consisting mainly from ice; And almost completely crumbled and burned at the entrance to the atmosphere. An assumptions were expressed that the Tungus meteorite belongs to the β-tauride meteor flow associated with Comet Enk.

Attempts were made and attempts to refine the meteorite hypothesis. A number of astronomers indicate that the comet would have to collapse high in the atmosphere, so only a stone asteroid could act as a Tungus meteoroid. In their opinion, his substance was sprayed in the air and was carried out by the wind. In particular, G. I. Petrov, having considered the problem of braking bodies in a low mass density atmosphere, revealed a new, explosive, the form of an atmosphere of a space object that does not give, in contrast to the case of ordinary meteorites, visible traces of the broken body. Astronomer Igor Astapovich suggested that the Tungusian phenomenon can be explained by a large meteorite with a dense layer of the atmosphere.

In 1945, the Soviet writer-science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev, based on the similarity of evidence of eyewitnesses of Tungusky events and the explosion of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, suggested that the available data is not about natural, but about the artificial nature of the event: he suggested that the "Tungusian meteorite" was space The ship of extraterrestrial civilization, the victim of a catastrophe in the Siberian Taiga.

The natural reaction of the scientific community was the complete rejection of such a hypothesis. In 1951, an article on the analysis and defeat of Kazantsev's assumptions was published in the magazine "Science and Life", the authors of which were visible astronomers and specialists in the meteorite. The article claimed that it was the meteorite hypothesis and only it is correct, and that the crater from the meteorite fall will soon be discovered: "At present, the most plausible place of falling (explosion) of meteorite is considered the southern part of the depression, the so-called" southern swamp ". The roots of the fallen trees were also sent to the swamp, which show that an explosive wave was spread. There was no doubt that at the first moment after the fall of the meteorite at the site of the "Southern Swamp" there was a crater-like deepening. It is possible that the crater formed after the explosion was relatively small and soon This is probably even in the first summer, was flooded with water. In the following years, he dragged into the sludge, covered with a layer of moss, filled with peat bumps and a part of the grinding by shrubs. " - About Tungusk Meteorite // Science and Life. - 1951. - № 9. - P. 20.

However, the first post-war scientific expedition to the place of events, organized in 1958 by the Committee on Meteorites of the USSR Academy of Sciences, has denied the assumption of the existence of anywhere near the place of the event of the meteorite crater. Scientists came to the conclusion that the Tungusian body was able to explode in one way or another in the atmosphere, which excluded the possibility that it was an ordinary meteorite.

In 1958, Gennady Plekhanov and Nikolai Vasilyev was created a "comprehensive amateur expedition to study the Tungusian meteorite", which later became the core of the Commission on Meteorites and Space Dust of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The main purpose of this organization was permitting the issue of the natural or artificial nature of the Tungusian body. This organization managed to attract a significant number of specialists from the entire Soviet Union to the study of the Tungusian phenomenon.

In 1959, Alexei Zolotov found that the forests of the forest on Tungusk was caused by a non-ballistic shock wave associated with the movement of a certain body in the atmosphere, but by the explosion. Traces of radioactive substances were also found at the site of the events, but their number turned out to be insignificant.

In general, despite the rather fantastic nature of the hypothesis about the artificial origin of the Tungusian body, starting in 1950s, it enjoyed quite serious support in the scientific community; On trying to confirm it or refute relatively large means. The fact that this hypothesis was considered quite seriously can be judged by at least for the fact that her supporters were able to call sufficient doubts in the scientific community when the question of the award of the Leninsk Prize K. P. Florensky for the hypothesis was discussed in the early 1960s The cometic nature of the Tungusian meteorite, the premium eventually was not awarded.

According to NASA specialists, expressed in June 2009, the Tungusian meteorite consisted of ice, and its passage through the dense layers of the atmosphere led to the release of water molecules and ice microparticles, which formed silvery clouds in the upper layers of the atmosphere - a rare atmospheric phenomenon observed after Falls on the land of the Tungusian meteorite over Britain in English meteorologists. The same opinions are both Russian researchers of airspace from the Institute of Physics atmosphere of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The hypothesis about the ice nature of the meteorite has been expressed long ago and was quite reliably confirmed by numerical calculations D. V. Rudenko and S. V. Ironzhikov in 1999. It was also shown there that the substance of the meteorite (he could not consist of pure ice) did not reach the earth's surface And it was distributed in the atmosphere. The same authors explained the presence of two consecutive shock waves, which heard observers.

According to Academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. K. E. Tsiolkovsky Ivan Nikitievich Murzinov, expressed in an interview with the New Gazeta correspondent on June 8, 2016, the Tungusian meteorite was an extremely massive stone meteoroid of asteroid origin, which entered the Earth's atmosphere on a very common trajectory, which was an angle at an altitude of 100 km About 7 - 9 degrees with a surface, and had a speed of about 20 kilometers per second. After the flight in the earth's atmosphere, about 1000 km, the cosmic body collapsed due to high pressure and temperature and exploded at an altitude of 30 - 40 kilometers. The heat radiation of the explosion was set fire, and the shock wave of the explosion caused a solid wooded in a spot with a diameter of about 60 kilometers, and also caused an earthquake of magnitude to 5 points. At the same time, small fragments of the Tungusian meteorite with dimensions up to 0.2 meters burned down or evaporated during an explosion, and larger fragments could continue the flight along the trajectory and fall over the hundreds and thousands of kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion, among other things, the largest meteoroid fragments could achieve The Atlantic Ocean and even reflected from the Earth's atmosphere, go into space.


In the early morning of June 30, 1908, an explosion rang out an explosion over the taiga in the river area. According to experts, its capacity was about 2000 times more explosion atomic bombs.


In addition to Tungusky, an amazing phenomenon was also called Khatanga, Turukhansky and Filimonovsky meteorite. After the explosion, a magnetic outrage was noted, which lasted about 5 hours, and during the flight of the Tungus, bright glow was reflected in the northern rooms of nearby villages.

According to various estimates, the Tsindyl equivalent of the Tungus explosion is almost equal to one or two bombs blown over Hiroshima.

With all the phenomenality of the incident, the scientific expedition under the leadership of L. A. Kulika in the place of "Falls of Meteorite" took place only in twenty years.

Meteorite theory
The first and most mysterious version existed until 1958, when the refutation was made public. According to this theory, the Tungus body is a huge iron or stone meteorite.

But now her echoes do not give peace to contemporaries. Even in 1993, a group of American scientists conducted research, making the conclusion that the object could be a meteorite that exploded at an altitude of about 8 km. It was the traces of the meteorite fall that Leonid Alekseevich and a team of scientists, although embarrassed by the original absence of a crater and a fan from the center of the forest.

Fantastic theory

Not only the inquisitive minds of scientists occupy the Tungus mystery. The theory of science writer A. P. Kazantsev, who pointed out the similarity between the events of 1908 and the explosion in Hiroshima is presented.

In its original theory, Alexander Petrovich suggested that the wines of the entire accident and the explosion of the nuclear reactor of the interplanetary spacecraft.

If we take into account the calculations of A. A. Sternefeld, one of the pioneers of cosmonautics, then it was 30 June 1908 that a unique opportunity was created for the departure of Mars, Venus and Earth.

Nuclear theory.
In 1965, the Nobel Prize laureates, American scientists K. Kowenni and V. Libby developed the idea of \u200b\u200bColleague L. Lapase on the antimatical nature of the Tungussian incident.

They suggested that, as a result of the collision of the Earth and some mass of antimatter, annihilation and the release of nuclear energy occurred.

The Ural Geophysicist A. V. Zolotov analyzed the movement of the car, the magnetogram and the nature of the explosion, said that only the "internal explosion" of its own energy could lead to such consequences. Despite the arguments of opponents ideas, the nuclear teria is still leading the number of adherents among specialists in the field of the Tungus problem.

Ice comet

One of the latter is a hypothesis of an ice comet, which he put forward a physicist's scientist. The hypothesis originated on the basis of the Tungus problem researcher's diaries, Leonid Kulika.

At the site of the "Fall", the latter found a substance in the form of ice, covered with peat, but did not pay special attention to him. Bybin also declares that this compressed ice, found 20 years later at the scene, not a sign of permafrost, but a direct indication of the Ice Comet.

According to a scientist, consisting of water and carbon ice comet simply scattered about the Earth, in touching with it at speed, as with a chipped frying pan.

To blame Tesla?

At the beginning of the XXI century, a curious theory appeared, pointing to the connection of Nikola Tesla with Tungusky events. A few months before the incident, the Tesla argued that Robert Pear's traveler could highlight the road to the North Pole. Then he requested the "least populated parts of Siberia".

Allegedly on this day, on June 30, 1908, Nikola Tesla conducted an experiment with the transfer of energy "by air". According to the theory, the scientist was able to "splint" the wave filled with pulsed energy of the ether, which resulted in the discharge of an incredible power comparable to the explosion.

Other theories
Currently there are several dozen diverse theories corresponding to various criteria for what happened. Many of them are fantastically and even absurd.

For example, the disintegration of a flying plate or departure from under the Gravocolida Earth is mentioned. A. Olkhovatov, a physicist from Moscow, is absolutely convinced that the event of 1908 is a type of earthquake, and the Krasnoyarsk researcher D. Timofeev explained that the cause was the explosion of natural gas, which was set on fire to the atmosphere by meteorite.

American scientists M. Grain and M. Jackson stated that the destruction was caused by a clash with a "black hole", and Physics V. Zhuravlev and M. Dmitriev believe that the whole wine breakthrough of the solar plasma bunch and the next explosion of several thousand ball lightning.

For more than 100 years since the incident failed to come to a single hypothesis. None of the proposed versions was able to fully comply with all proven and irrefutable criteria, such as the span of the high-altitude body, a powerful explosion, an air wave, the burns of trees in the epicenter, atmospheric optical anomalies, magnetic perturbations and accumulation of isotopes in the soil.

Interesting finds

Often, the versions were based on unusual finds taken near the territory studied. In 1993, the corresponding member of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts Y. Lavbin, as part of the Research Expedition of the Public Foundation "Tungusky Space Phenomenon" (now he is his president), found unusual stones near Krasnoyarsk, and in 1976, in the Komi ASSR found "Your iron" recognized by the chylter fragment or a sphere with a diameter of 1.2m.

The abnormal zone of the "Chertova cemetery" is also mentioned by an area of \u200b\u200babout 250 sq.m, located in the National Taiga of the Kezhemy district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

On an educated something "fallen from the sky", the plot of plants and animals are dying, people prefer to bypass him. The consequences of June 1908 also include a unique geological object of Patomic crater, located in the Irkutsk region and discovered in 1949 by a geologist V. V. Kolpakov. The height of the cone is about 40 meters, the row diameter is about 76 meters.

Podcatent Tunguska - River in Russia, which is the right influx of Yenisei. It takes place in the Irkutsk region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where the Tungusian meteorite fell. This event Not received due attention in those times. However, later studying it closely. And did not find anything.

On the right bank of the river there is a village Podcamanny Tunguska. After an unusual incident, this area has become known to the whole world. The event still worries researchers. And not only in Russia. The phenomenon of the Tungus meteorite worries the minds and overseas scientists.

The most famous phenomenon of the XX century

In which year and where did the Tungusian meteorite fell? The fall occurred on June 30, 1908. But old style is 17th of June. In the morning at 7 o'clock 17 minutes, the sky over Siberia was lit upside down. An object with a fiery tail was noticeable, which flew to the ground.

An explosion ranged in the Podcaming Tunguska pool was deafening. It has 2 thousand times the power exceeded atomic explosion in Hiroshima.

For reference, in 1945 2 atomic bombs were reset on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They did not fly to the ground, exploding in the atmosphere, but the power of the explosion destroyed many people. The desert formed on the place of flowering cities. Today, 2 cities are completely rebuilt.

Consequences of the catastrophe

An explosion of unknown origin destroyed 2,000 km of 2 taiga, killed all the living things that lived on this forest site. The shock wave forced to shudder all Eurasia and rented the globe twice.

Barometers at Cambridge and Petersfield stations recorded atmospheric pressure jump. The whole territory from Siberia to the borders of Western Europe admired white nights. The phenomenon lasted from June 30 to July 2.

Scientists from Berlin and Hamburg in those distant days attracted silver clouds in the sky. They were a cluster of small pieces of ice, which abandoned there eruption. However, no eruption was recorded.

But due attention did not attract the incident. About him somehow quickly forgotten, and then the revolution followed, war. Returned to the study of the Tungusian meteorite only after decades.

And did not find anything, in addition to the consequences of the explosion in the area where the Tungusian meteorite fell. Neither the fragments of the heavenly body, nor any other traces of the Space Guest.

Evidence testimonies

Fortunately, to poll the inhabitants of the podcatent Tungusca still managed. A few days before the explosion, people watched unusual outbreaks in the sky.

The explosion itself shook the entire Siberia. Local residents saw animals sustained in the air of his power. Houses shuddered. And in the sky a bright flash appeared. The hum was heard for another 20 minutes after the fall of an unknown body. By the way, many say that in fact the blow was not alone. This was told by Old Tungus Chocha. At first, with the same frequency, 4 powerful impact followed, and 5 rang out somewhere in the distance. Residents of the village, where the Tungusian meteorite fell, to fully felt the strength of the explosion.

At this time, all seismographic stations of Russia, Europe and America recorded a strange concussion of the earth's crust.

People argue that after the explosion there was a strange, frightening silence. There were no birds and other familiar forest sounds. The sky sweating, and the leaves on the trees first purchased a yellow shade, then red. By night, they completely shocked. In the direction of the subframe Tunguska for 8 hours there was a solid silver wall.

What exactly people saw in the sky, it's hard to say - each has its own version. Someone tells about the heavenly body (each of the narrator tells about different shapes), someone about the fire that covers all the sky. "The shirt on me like caught fire," the events told the eyewitness.

God thunder

Today, trees are growing at the fall of the meteorite. Their enhanced growth immediately after the catastrophe indicates genetic mutations. They are never found in places of meteorite fall, which refutes the logical version. Perhaps where the Tungusian meteorite fell, a strong electromagnetic field was formed.

The giants affected by the explosive wave still lie with even rows, indicating the direction of the explosion. The burned trees with the corrected roots resemble a strange catastrophe.

The expedition that arrived at the explosion in the summer of 2017, examined the fallen trees with a specialist. Locals, representatives of the peoples of the Nizhny Amur (Evenki, Orcohol) believed that they met with God the thunder of the Agdy - the Eater of People. It is noteworthy that the place where the Tungusian meteorite fell, really like a gigantic bird or a butterfly.

Where did the Tungus meteorite fall in fact?

The heart of the catastrophe in the taiga resembles a crater. However, it is not. Space body (most researchers believe that it was it), probably scattered on small pieces when a collision with an atmosphere. They could scatter in different areas of Taiga. Therefore, there were no traces of the space body in the epicenter of the explosion.

Cheko Lake is just 8 km from the Fall of Meteorite. Its depth reaches 50 meters and has a cone-shaped form. Italian geologists suggested that the lake was formed as a result of a meteorite strike.

However, in 2016, their Russian colleagues took samples of lake sediments and gave for examination. It turned out that the lake at least 280 years old. Perhaps even more.

One correspondent wrote that one of his neighbors observed a flying star that fell into the water. Does the meteorite particles ever be found?

Comet burned before falling

One of the most popular and plausible versions is a comet burnt in the atmosphere. The body, which consisted of dirt, ice and snow could simply not fly to the ground. During the fall, it warmed up to several thousand degrees and scattered into small pieces at an altitude of 5-7 km above the ground. Therefore, the remnants were found not.

However, in the soil, at the place where the Tungusian meteorite fell, traces of cometary dirt and water were preserved. They were installed in sphagnum moss, which form peat. The layer formed in 1908 contains in its composition an increased content of cosmic dust.

Black and white?

The theory that put forward Andrei Tynyev, Already managed to publish in the journal. It is based on the fact of the existence of black and white holes.

The black hole absorbs microparticles. No one will ever know what is happening with them after entering her mouth. A black hole transforms a substance into space. White hole is able to form this substance from the space. Both of them perform the function of the substance. That is, they perform opposite tasks. Tyunyev is confident that all celestial bodies are formed due to the white hole.

Perhaps the Tungus meteorite really became the result of the work of a white hole. But where did she come from in Siberia? There are 2 theories: either it was formed in outer space, near the earth, or emerged from the depths of our planet. And the explosion could provoke a hydrogen contact, which stands out in the process of white hole, with oxygen. During the explosion, only water is formed, which in the area of \u200b\u200bthe incident is very much.

White hole - phenomenon while little studied and even devoid of sufficient theories. How her black sister is formed, scientists are known. Perhaps they work together and complement each other. Perhaps these are two sides of one object, which is connected by the moleside.

Damn cemetery

Strange phenomena in the form of coming silence and blackened leaves can talk about the distortion of time, physicists tell. The fact is that not far from the place of falling the Tungusian meteorite (facts confirm this information) anomalous zone. It is called a damn cemetery. This place has gained terrible glory in the middle of the thirties.

Shepherds lost a few cows during the terrain of the herd to the Kova river. Puzzled, they began to look for them together with dogs. And soon came to the desert terrain, completely devoid of vegetation. There were crushed cows and dead birds. Dogs, pursing tails, ran away, and men managed to pull cows using hooks. But the meat turned out to be unbearable. Dogs fled to the clearing, also soon died of unknown diseases.

This zone examined many expeditions. Four disappeared in the taiga, the rest died shortly after visiting the Chert Cemetery.

Locals argue that they see strange lights in those places in those places and hears heart-dye cries. Lesteries are confident that they see the ghosts in the forest.

Sensational assumption

The science fiction writer in 1908 voiced the version that an alien ship fell to the ground, which did not cope with the Office. Therefore, the explosion occurred in the middle of the taiga, and not in the city or village - the ship deliberately sent to a deserted area to save human lives.

Kazan founded his version on the assumption: the explosion was not nuclear, but air. Surprisingly, this theory was confirmed by scientists in 1958 - the explosion was really air. Medical examinations were conducted. And local residents did not find any signs of radiation sickness. Perhaps experts consider, together with a meteorite on the ground, an unknown science fell into a substance. It kills all living things and distorts the time of time.

Secrets of the Tungusian meteorite and interesting facts about him

To date, none of the hypotheses (and more than a hundred) is not able to explain all the features that the explosion accompanied.

Several interesting facts about the Tungus meteorite:

  1. If the catastrophe occurred 4 hours later, but in the same place where the Tungusian meteorite fell, the city of Vyborg would be destroyed. And St. Petersburg is significantly damaged.
  2. 708 eyewitnesses of the event indicated a different direction of the movement of the cosmic body. Most likely, two were collided at once, and maybe three objects.
  3. The glasses trembled, the items fell, the dishes fought. Women ran into the street in horror, cried. They counted that the end of the world came.
  4. There is a version that the catastrophe has become the consequence of the Russian revolution of 1905-1907. God was angry at St. Petersburg, so the direction of the shock wave indicated this city.
  5. Thunder sounds were heard both during the flight of a bar and before, and after its landing. And his light was such a bunch, which was superior to the sun.
  6. The power of the explosion is estimated by specialists in 40-50 megaton. This is thousands of times the power of the atomic bomb that America dropped on Hiroshima.


The place where the Tungusian meteorite fell (what the area of \u200b\u200bthe epicenter of the events is indicated above is the Krasnoyarsk Territory), still interested in researchers. Perhaps this phenomenon is one of the most mysterious events of the last century. Whether it will once be delighted - unknown.

The TV channel "360" was understandable why not a single fragment of the Tungusian meteorite has not yet been found, provoked the most powerful explosion.

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Exactly 109 years ago, a powerful explosion caused by the fall of the Tungusian meteorite occurred in Siberia. Despite the fact that over the moment more than a century passed, there are still many white spots in this story. "360" tells what is known about the fallen cosmic body.

Early in the morning of June 30, 1908, when residents of the northern part of Eurasia still saw dreams, a terrible natural cataclysm was barely broken down above them. Nothing like this did not remember many generations of people. Something similar could be seen after almost 40 years at the end of the terrible war in history.

In the morning over the deaf Siberian taiga in the area of \u200b\u200bthe river, the monstrous force of the explosion thundered. Its power subsequently scientists were estimated at 40-50 megaton. Only the famous Khrushchev "Tsar Bomb" or "Kuzkina Mother" could highlight such energy. The bombs that Americans dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were much weaker. People who lived in those days in the major cities of the North of Europe are lucky that this event did not happen over them. The effects of the explosion in this case would be much worse.

Burst over Taiga

The place of falling the Tungusian meteorite, which occurred on June 30, 1908 in the River Basin Podremenny Tunguska (now the Evenk National District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of the RSFSR). Photo: RIA "News".

The fall in the land of an unknown cosmic aliens has not passed unnoticed. Little eyewitnesses, taiga hunters and herders, as well as residents of small settlements scattered in Siberia seen the flight of a huge fiery bowl over Taiga. Later, a break was heard, the echo of which was caught far from the place of events. At a distance of hundreds of kilometers from him in the houses were knocked out the glass, and the explosive wave recorded the observatory of various countries of the world in both hemispheres. A few more days in the sky from the Atlantic to Siberia, shimmering clouds were observed and an unusual glow of the sky. After what happened, people began to remember that strange atmospheric phenomena, glow, halo, bright twilight noticed before two or three days. But whether it was a fantasy or truth, just not to install.

First expedition

Soviet scientist A. Zolotov (left) takes samples of soil at the site of the fall of the Tungusian meteorite. Photo: RIA "News".

What happened on the site of the catastrophe itself, humanity learned much later - only after 19 years in the area of \u200b\u200bfalling the mysterious celestial body, the first expedition was sent. The initiator of the study of the place of the meteorite of the meteorite, which was not yet called Tongussian, scientist Leonid Alekseevich Kulik acted. He was a specialist in mineralogy and heavenly bodies and headed the recently created expedition to search for them. On a description of the mysterious phenomenon, he came across the pre-revolutionary issue of the Siberian Life newspaper. In the text, the place of the event was clearly indicated, and even showed evidence of eyewitnesses. People even mentioned the tip of meteorite "sticking out of the ground."

Honor of the first expedition of researchers under the direction of Leonid Kulika in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fall of the Tungusian meteorite. Photo: Vitaly Bezplus / RIA "News".

In the early 1920s, the Kulik expedition managed to collect only the scattered memories of those who remembered the blazing ball in the night sky. This made it possible to approximately establish the area of \u200b\u200bthe fall of the space guest, where the researchers went in 1927.

Consequences of the explosion

The explosion place of the Tungus meteorite. Photo: RIA "News".

The first expedition found out that the consequences of the cataclysm were ambitious. Even according to preliminary estimates, the forest was sainted on the square of more than two thousand square kilometers. Trees lay roots to the center of a giant circle, pointing the road to the epicenter. When I managed to get down to him, the first riddles appeared. In an estimated area of \u200b\u200bfalling, the forest remained to stand "on the root." Trees stood dead and almost completely devoid of bark. The traces of the crater did not observe anywhere.

Attempts to solve a mystery. Funny hypothesis

A place in a taiga in the River area Podcamanny Tunguska, where 80 years ago (June 30, 1908) fell a fiery body called Tungusky meteorite. Here, on the Taiga Lake, there is an expedition laboratory for the study of this catastrophe. Photo: RIA "News".

The search for the Tungus meteorite Kulik devoted his whole life. From 1927 to 1938 several expeditions were held to the epicenter area. But the heavenly body could not find, did not find a single fragment. There was not even dents from the blow. The hope was given a few large deepends, but with a detailed study it turned out that these were thermal players. It did not help in search even aerial photography.

The next expedition was scheduled for 1941, but she was not destined to take place - the war began, which moved all the other questions in the life of the country into the background. At the very beginning, Leonid Alekseevich Kulik went to the front volunteer as part of the folk militia division. The scientist died of a rapid tit in the occupied territory in the city of Spas-Demensk.

Washed forests in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fall of the Tungusian meteorite. Photo: RIA "News".

Returned to the study of the problem and search for crater or meteorite itself only in 1958. In Taiga, a scientific expedition was sent to the subframe Tungusk, organized by the Committee on Meteorites of the USSR Academy of Sciences. She also did not find a single fragment of the heavenly body. For many years, the Tungus meteorite attracted many different scientists, researchers, and even writers. So, the fictional Alexander Kazantsev suggested that the interplanetary starrel was exploded over the Siberian Taiga, who did not manage to make a soft landing. Other hypotheses were nominated, serious and not very. The most ridiculous of them was the assumption that existed among the explorers from the place of fall, tortured by midges and mosquitoes: they believed that a huge ball of winged bloodsuckers exploded over the forest, which got a discharge of lightning.

So what was it

Diamond-graphite arresters from the fall of the Tungusian meteorite on the River Poded Tunguska in the area of \u200b\u200bVanavara village in Krasnoyarsk Territory. Photo: RIA "News".

To date, the main version is the cometic origin of the Tungusian meteorite. This explains the lack of finds of fragments of the heavenly body, because comets are made of gas and dust. Research, searches and construction of new hypotheses continue. Mysterious meteorite, repeatedly mentioned in books, comics, films, TV shows, and even in music, perhaps still waiting for someone who finds his fragments. It is waiting for the final attenuation and the mystery of the origin and the "death" of the celestial body. Humanity thanks the case for the fact that the Tungusian meteorite (or comet?) Fell in a deaf taiga. If this happened in the center of Europe, most likely the entire modern history of the Earth would have seriously changed. And in honor of Leonid Alekseevich Kulika - Romance and the discoverer - named Malaya Planet and Crater on the Moon.

Alexander Zhirnov

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