In which group did Natalia sing. Natalie - biography, family and personal life of the singer

In which group did Natalia sing.  Natalie - biography, family and personal life of the singer
In which group did Natalia sing. Natalie - biography, family and personal life of the singer

Natalia Minyaeva was born on March 31, 1974 in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region. Father - Anatoly Nikolaevich, power engineer. Mom - Lyudmila Pavlovna, laboratory assistant. Younger sister and brother - Olesya and Anton.

The future star began to sing in early childhood. Studying in the third grade, the girl herself enrolled in a music school in the piano class, which she later successfully completed. Natasha also independently learned to play the guitar, actively participated in competitions and amateur performances and composed songs based on her own poems, which she successfully performed at school holidays and concerts.

As a schoolgirl, Natasha became very popular in her hometown. At the age of 15, she was invited as a soloist to a vocal and instrumental ensemble, where her younger brother Anton was the drummer. Her first concert took place at a local recreation center. After the performance, she met her future husband, sound engineer Alexander Rudin, in whose studio her musical career began.

In 1990, Natalya played the main role in a documentary and publicistic film dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the city of Dzerzhinsk, which was filmed by Moscow filmmakers.

On August 24, 1991, Natalia Minyaeva and Alexander Rudin got married. In marriage, the spouses had sons Arseny (2001) and Anatoly (2010).

Natalie: “I got married at 17, I have been married for 22 years. We met when I was still in school. I was 16 years old, and Alexander was 20. By that time I was already tired of being friends with boys, and in general I was looking for a husband since the age of 13 ... My future husband came up to me at a rock festival, where I performed for the first time, and said: "Girl, let's record songs." This is how it all began ... "
Quote taken from site site

After the pedagogical school, Natasha worked for some time as a teacher of elementary grades, but then she nevertheless decided to drastically change her fate and went to Moscow with her husband. At first Natalia was a soloist of the Chocolate Bar group, and then she became a member of the more famous Pop Galaxy group, where she recorded a number of songs.

In 1994, Natalia Minyaeva's debut album "The Little Mermaid" was released, in which she performed as a performer and author of almost all the songs. She also took the creative pseudonym "Natalie".

Real fame came to the singer in 1998 after the release of the super hit "The Wind Blew from the Sea", which for many years was the singer's calling card and immediately entered all the charts of that time. The arrangements for the compositions were written by the musician of the "Ladybug" group Vladimir Volenko. The sponsors were the authorities of Dzerzhinsk - they allocated funds to help the aspiring singer to record the first album.

In 2008, the singer took part in the Russian National Team at the Superstar-2008 show. Dream Team "(NTV). Natalie also graduated from the Moscow University of Economics and Statistics, where she received the profession of a specialist in personnel management.

Natalie recorded albums: "The Little Mermaid" (1994), "Snow Rose" (1996), "Wind from the Sea" (1998), "Counting" (1999), "First Love" (2000), "Beauty is not a beauty" ( 2001), Don't Fall in Love (2002), Everything I Need (2003), Seventeen Moments of Love (2009) and Scheherazade (2014).

Released clips: "Snow Rose" (1996), "A Star Called the Sun" (1996), "Clouds" (1998), "The Wind blew from the Sea" (1997), "Counting" (1999), "First Love" ( 2000), "Beauty is not beauty" (2001), "Often, often" (2001), "Everything I need" (2003), "The wind blew from the sea" (Remake, 2006), "Oh God, what the male!" (2013), "Nikolay" (duet with Nikolay Baskov, 2013), "Scheherazade" (2014), "Dress with straps" (2014), etc.

In 2013, after almost fifteen years of hiatus, the singer returned to the stage with the hit "Oh my God, what a man!" (text by Rose Siemens). This composition gave the singer's career a second wind and brought her to the top lines of the charts, became the most ordered song on all radio stations. In February, a video for the song was released, which collected over a million views on YouTube.

In the same year, the first duet in the singer's creative career took place with Nikolai Baskov. The joint work was named "Nikolay". In it, Basque and Natalie play a toy couple and star in different looks. The main decoration in the video was a greatly enlarged copy of the doll's box, which was made of natural wood. For this composition Natalie and Baskov became laureates of the RU.TV channel award in the Best Video Clip nomination (2014).

Natalie: “I confess, Nikolai dressed me for the prize. For a long time I didn’t think what to choose. I completely trust his taste. Kolya and I have a wonderful stylist who has chosen these wonderful sets for both of us. Well, Kolya, of course, carefully followed everything! "
Quote taken from site site

In 2014, the singer Natalie took part in the new show of transformations "Just the same" on Channel One.


▪ “Fashion People Awards” in the special category “Return of the Year” for the song “Oh my God, what a man!” (2013)
▪ Music award of the TV channel "RU.TV" in the nomination "Sometimes they come back" for the song "Oh my God, what a man!" (2013)
▪ Music Box "Music Box" nomination in the "100% GOLD" nomination for the song "Oh my God, what a man!" (2013)
▪ “Golden Gramophone” award for the song “Oh my God, what a man!” (2013)
▪ “RU.TV” TV channel award in the “Best video clip” nomination (together with Nikolay Baskov) for the song “Nikolay” (2014)

In today's article, we will introduce our reader to the life of a very popular, at the moment, Russian singer Natalie. She began her career as a singer back in the distant 90s of the last century. It is surprising that Natalie skillfully used the moments of calm to bring the listener something new and memorable - we will talk about this in more detail below.

Many people have heard this name, but what can we say - it is difficult to find a person who would not know the main hit from the singer. But not everyone knows what the star had to go through to succeed. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a small excursion into the biography of Natalie.

Height, weight, age. How old is Natalie

Of course, first of all, new admirers, and those who have long been familiar with creativity, but have never gone into the singer's life, are interested in external data. This information is not secret, and it is easy to find it in the public domain on the Internet.

We will single out height, weight, age separately. How old is Natalie? - a frequent question that can be heard from those who are interested in the singer's work. Well, you asked, and we answer - at the moment, Natalie is 43 years old. She is 165 centimeters tall and weighs approximately 57 kilograms. Natalie was born under the sign of Aries - for those who are fond of astrology, the information will be interesting.

Natalie's biography

Natalie's biography will be able to interest not only fans of her work, but also just people who are interested in the life paths of Russian stars. The future singer was born in Dzerzhinsk, which is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in March 1974. Natasha began her studies in her hometown, in secondary school at number 37. As she herself will later mention more than once, it was an unforgettable time. Since childhood, many noted her organizational talent, which later greatly helped the singer.

During her school years, she tried not to sit in one place, and in addition to the training itself, she participated in various theatrical performances, campaigns and KVNs. The teachers predicted a great future for Natasha, and at parent-teacher meetings they could not at all reproach her for anything.

Face to face, for the first time, Natalie encountered music while still in summer camp. It was there that she learned to play the guitar, and along the way came up with various poems for her. After that, she decided to get an education at a music school. As you may have guessed, the school years for the future star were not in vain, and thanks to sufficient knowledge in various sciences, she began to look closely at the teaching profession.

Without wasting time in vain, immediately after receiving secondary education, she begins her studies at a pedagogical school. After studying there, she returns to her own school, in the role of a teacher. So it would have continued, if not for a long-standing passion for music.

After some time, she was invited to the "Chocolate Bar" group, where she played the role of a vocalist. In this formation, Natalie records several songs, which, to a large extent, she invented herself. Again, a year later, she finds herself in a rather famous, at that time, group "Pop Galaxy".

Then, the singer has a choice - to remain a provincial performer, or to try her luck and move to the capital. Natalie decides to take a chance and goes to Moscow to start gaining popularity among representatives of the capital's show business. The first who noticed the talent of the star is producer Valery Ivanov. From this moment on, a musical career begins.

This event took place in 1994, not without the help of Natasha's husband, who brought the producer together with the future star. Ivanov approved her notes, and decided to take "under his wing." The first real record was poorly replicated, but the discs sold out faster than expected. After some time, the single "Pink Dawn" was released, which included several new songs and reworkings of old ones.

A year later, the album was released, and then the clip "Snow Rose". It is noteworthy that no one called Natasha to concerts yet, and she had to "warm up" more famous performers of that time. Here, too, it was not without the help of Ivanov, and he often contributed to the slightest, but the promotion of Natalie on the stage.

And yet, in 1998, the long-awaited glory comes - the album "The Wind blew from the Sea" and the song of the same name did their job. This is not to say that she just achieved her success - Natalie gained wild popularity and celebrity, almost instantly. It was difficult to find a person who did not know this song and did not listen to it in those years. Natalie attracted fans every time, thanks to new songs, and concerts have become a kind of routine.

Creativity continued to develop, and the next few years new albums were released - "First Love", "Beauty is not a beauty". In 2002, the producer and Natalie cease cooperation. Until 2012, albums are released that are warmly perceived by fans and attend live performances with pleasure. In the same year, the song "Oh my God, what a man" was released, which literally creates a new wave of fans of the singer's work.

Natalie's personal life

Natalie's personal life is not full of various scandals that we are used to seeing in show business. However, there were situations, despite which the singer was able to continue her creativity and delight the fans. First of all, several miscarriages, which affected her health, but did not break Natalie.

At the moment, the star is married to Alexander Rudinin - this marriage dates back to 1991. Also, the singer has three sons who were born at different periods of her life. In various interviews, Natalie always says that she wants a daughter and hopes that faith in God will help with this. Since the release of the song "Oh God, What a Man", many fans have been waiting for any personal statements. But nothing of the kind followed.

Natalie's family

As for relatives, if Natalie's family was connected with art and creativity, then it was very distantly. Mom and Dad worked at a local chemical plant. Anatoly Minyaev worked as the head of the energy service, and Lyudmila worked as a laboratory assistant in an adjacent workshop. Some time after the birth of Natalie, two more children appeared in the family. These are twins named Anton and Olesya.

This information is not particularly distributed, but in the global network you can find joint photographs. Parents from an early age predicted a great future for the girl, so they contributed to many endeavors - they helped to enter a music school. Where, by the way, Natasha studied singing and playing the piano.

Natalie's children

As you know, fans are always interested in the offspring of stellar personalities. Of course, Natalie's children are no less interesting topic for those who follow creativity. Despite several unsuccessful pregnancies, the singer did not despair, and soon, she managed to give birth to her first child in 2001.

Nine years later, another child is born. It is noteworthy that the star did not show them to journalists for a long time - as she herself claims, she was afraid of the evil eye. But after a while, the veil fell, and in the spring of 2017, the headlines again began to "talk" about Natalie, the singer gave birth to her third child.

Natalie's son - Arseny

Natalie's first son, Arseny, was born in 2001. The parents were very happy with their first child, because, as mentioned earlier, the singer could not endure the pregnancy to the end. Before the birth of her first son, Natalie often went to the hospital, because she was afraid for her health and the health of the baby. But fortunately, everything worked out, and Arseny was born.

As she herself mentions in many interviews, faith in God helped with this. For some time, the singer did not want to show it to journalists, but this period has passed, and now there are enough photos on the Internet in the family circle, among parents and two brothers.

Natalie's son - Anatoly

Natalie's second son, Anatoly, was born nine years later, after the first child, in 2010. Already with her second child, the singer began to participate in various photo shoots, and at the moment you can clearly see the similarities between the star mother and her son.

Natalie is even dedicated to one of the issues of the popular program "Let Them Talk", where she was invited along with the children. Many fans have been looking forward to this release, and everyone interested can find it freely available on the Internet. There, the singer talks about her personal life, about the life of a star and a simple mother, who always has time for her family.

Natalie's son - Eugene

Natalie's third son, Eugene, was born relatively recently, in the spring of 2017. Despite this, you can already find photographs of a happy married couple. If requested, fans find footage directly from the hospital after discharge, along with the newborn Eugene.

By the way, the latter, at the moment, the child broke the tradition in the singer's family - all male names began with the letter "A". Natalie decided to deviate from such principles. The rest of the children and husband were looking forward to the return of the star mother from the hospital and carefully prepared for this event.

Natalie's husband - Alexander Rudin

Natalie's husband, Alexander Rudin, was born in 1970, and he knows the future singer from school. Despite the turbulent times, the wedding took place in the summer of 1991. It is noteworthy that the age difference was almost four years, so Natasha's parents had to submit false certificates regarding their daughter's pregnancy. The wedding took place, and the happy family lives together to this day.

Their relationship began to develop after Alexander's proposal to record several songs, and subsequently, let them into the world. The husband did not stand aside, and in every possible way helped the aspiring singer to conquer Russian show business.

Many fans will certainly try to find Natalie's photo in Maxim magazine, but as far as the general public knows, she did not appear for men's publications. In addition, fans do not get tired of looking for frames where the singer would be naked.

Many people celebrate the video for the song "Scheherazade", where Natalie appeared in front of the audience in a swimsuit. Fans consider this work very daring, and do not languish in anticipation of more candid photos of the star that surfaced somewhere. It is difficult to say whether they will be able to find something, the main thing is to beware of fakes that can ruin the reputation of this or that publication.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalie

Fans are often curious about the stars' lives outside of the stage and studio. In this case, they start pages on social networks if they want to please fans with new pictures.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalie contains a large amount of information that will be of interest to her fans. This includes photographs with the family with children, and various shots from regular photo sessions. And in the free encyclopedia, you can find enough data that reveal the biography of a star.

Natalie (singer)

Natalie (real name - Natalya Anatolyevna Rudina, nee - Minyaeva). She was born on March 31, 1974 in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region. Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer, songwriter.

Natalya Minyaeva, who became widely known under the stage name Natalie, was born on March 31, 1974 in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Father - Anatoly Nikolaevich Minyaev, Deputy Chief Power Engineer of the Dzerzhinskoe Plexiglas chemical plant.

Mother - Lyudmila Pavlovna Minyaeva, laboratory assistant at the Monomer plant.

Has a younger brother and sister of twins - Anton and Olesya (born in 1978).

According to Natalia, she grew up as a "hyper-obedient child", never argued with her parents, and at the same time was very serious: "Mom told me: they play with me, laugh, and I look with such a heavy, serious look, not a shadow of a smile on my face."

She studied at high school number 37.

From an early age, she was distinguished by a good ear for music and voice. She graduated from a music school, piano.

In 1990 she became a soloist of the school vocal and instrumental ensemble "Chocolate Bar", where she was brought by her younger brother Anton, who at the age of 12 was already the drummer of this group. In May 1990 she took part in the ensemble at the city rock festival.

In the same 1990, she was noticed by employees of the Lenfilm film studio, filming the film "My City" in Dzerzhinsk, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the city, played one of the main roles - schoolgirl Natasha.

Natalie in the movie "My City"

In the summer of 1990, she recorded her first compositions at a local recording studio, incl. and songs of my own composition. Then, even before leaving school, she released two magnetic albums called "Superboy" and "Pop Galaxy".

In 1991 she became part of a more famous group "Pop Galaxy".

In 1991 she graduated from school and entered the pedagogical school of Dzerzhinsk. After graduating from college she worked as a teacher in the elementary grades of secondary school number 22 in Dzerzhinsk. In parallel, she continued to write songs, performed them with colleagues, students and their parents.

In 1993 she came to Moscow and a year later, under the pseudonym Natalie, released her first album, The Little Mermaid, in which she performed as a performer and author of almost all the songs.

In 1995, the single "Pink Dawn" was released. In 1996, the second album "Snow Rose" was released, which was sold in large circulation. In the same year, her first video clip for the song "Snow Rose" was released.

Wide popularity came to the singer in 1997 thanks to the song "The wind blew from the sea" (the album of the same name was also released). According to the results of 1997, the composition entered the top five most popular and became the singer's hallmark. The album "Wind from the Sea" was released in 1998 with a record circulation.

Natalie - The wind blew from the sea

In 1999, the album "Counting" was released. Video clips were filmed for three songs from the album, including the title one. The album, among other things, included a rehash of Arkady Khoralov's song "New Year's Toys", performed in a duet with the composer himself.

In September 2000, Natalie released the album First Love. In the same year, the singer had a new hit - the song "Turtle". In 2002 she released a new album “Don't Fall in Love”, in 2003 a video for the song “Sea of ​​Jeans Color” was released.

In 2008 she took part in the "Russian team" at the "Superstar-2008" show. In 2009 she released the album "Seventeen Moments of Love", and also wrote several songs for her brother Anton, who performed under the pseudonym Max Volga. In 2011, in the Musical Ring on NTV program, she played for the Queen of the 90s team.

In 2013, Natalie released the song "Oh God, what a man!" On February 6, 2013, the official video was released, which immediately gained immense popularity.

Natalie - Oh my God, what a man!

In 2013, Natalie was awarded the RU TV Russian Music Award in the "Sometimes they come back" nomination. At the Fashion People Awards-2013 she was awarded a prize in the special category "Comeback of the Year".

At the end of 2013, the author's composition "Nikolai" appeared, performed by the singer in a duet with Nikolai Baskov, a video was released for the song. On May 31, 2014, at the fourth music award of the RU TV channel, Natalie, together with her, was awarded the nomination "Best video clip" with the song "Nikolai".

In 2014, the singer took part in the TV show “Just the same” on Channel One, where, according to the results of the jury's voting, in 6 episodes out of 14 she scored the maximum possible number of points (25) for the images of the following artists: Marina Ladynina as Galina Peresvetova from the film "Kuban Cossacks" with the song "What You Were"; Masha Rasputina with the song "Tea Rose"; Kristina Orbakaite with the song "The World I Live In"; Sergey Zverev with the song "Alla"; Lyudmila Senchina with the song "Cinderella"; C.C. Ketch with the song "Heaven and Hell".

In addition, in the show "Just the same" she presented the following images: Lyubov Orlova in the image of Anyuta from the movie "Merry Boys" with the song "Tyukh-tyuh-tyuh-tyukh"; Nadezhda Kadysheva with the song "The Stream Is Flowing"; Valeria with the song "Hours"; Valentina Tolkunova with the song "I'm Standing at a Half-Station"; Tatiana Bulanova with the song "Don't Cry"; Olga Zarubina with the song "Music is playing on the ship"; Alena Apina with the song "Electric Train"; Alsou with the song "Sometimes".

It is worth noting that in the image of Natalie herself in 2015, the participants of the third season of the show, Elena Temnikova and Anna Shulgina, performed.

On March 31, 2014 Natalie released a video called "Scheherazade". Also in 2014, the album "Scheherazade" was released, which became a jubilee - the singer released it in honor of her 40th birthday.

In 2014 she took part in the television show "HIT", in the final of which she won the song "Come with me for the stars" (words and music by Alisa Bushueva).

She acted as the main role in the animated film "Puzzle" (the role of Joy).

In 2015, she was a co-host of the talk show People Will Judge on the Russia-1 TV channel.

Singer Natalie's height: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of the singer Natalie:

Married. Spouse - Alexander Rudin.

How, while still a teenager, I tried to quickly jump out of marriage and build a strong family: "From the age of 13 I was looking for a husband. I was friends with boys in this direction."

Her future husband approached her with a teacher from a music school with a proposal to record a song in the studio. The singer appreciated the extraordinary and pleasant gesture from the young man. “I look: he didn’t seem to have any such ambiguous looks at me. I immediately appreciated that he was not a womanizer. Moreover, he didn’t invite me anywhere. He just went to see me home. And then I got a closer look at him. , and it became more and more interesting for me to communicate with him, "the performer shared. At the same time, Natalie admitted that she had carried out a kind of check on her lover, telling Alexander that she had a young man with whom she wanted to be. And her future husband let her go without scandals. After that, she, of course, returned to Alexander. Soon, the young people decided to legalize the relationship when the artist was still underage, so her mother got a certificate that Natasha was pregnant, after which their marriage was formalized.

The children were not easy for the singer - in total she lost four kids. She first became pregnant at 17. However, she had a miscarriage. Soon the girl managed to become pregnant again, but they also lost this child. Moreover, the singer developed mastopathy, she even had a puncture. A few years later, Natalie again tried to learn the joy of motherhood, but for the third time she could not bear the baby, she was diagnosed with fetal fading.

And Natalie gave birth to her first child at the age of 27. According to her, Natalie begged her son - she stood in line for the relics of St. Panteleimon. The first-born Arseny was born in 2001.

Nine years later, in 2010, she gave birth to her second son, Anatoly.

She really wanted to give birth to a girl. Soon after the birth of her second son, the singer found out that she was in an interesting position. However, constant stress, according to Natalie, led to the fact that she had another frozen pregnancy. The star took this news very hard. The artist had to urgently go to an abortion, otherwise she was threatened with blood poisoning.

Natalie with older children

The singer carefully monitors her appearance. She said that: "After giving birth, I straightened my breasts, and this is the only plastic on my body so far."

According to the artist, she was especially uncomfortable with a big belly. "I redid everything that I didn't like! For example, my belly, like for an Indian dance, went away when I got to the healer-chiropractor. She in a special way" straightened "my insides through the navel so that the belly" rooted "to the back" , - she said.

In her youth, she really did not like her lips, as she believes, too thin. “I was even happy when herpes appeared, because his lips were enlarged. Over time, of course, I solved this problem differently,” she said.

"I do Botox regularly. If it weren't for him, I would have a stern face. And after the procedure, such a cute expression appears ... Usually, if I'm tired, a wrinkle appears between the eyebrows. And Botox does not allow this wrinkle to form. Or is it not fun for you - and the tips of her lips are still raised, as if in a smile, "the performer confessed.

Natalie - Secret to a Million

Filmography of Natalie:

1990 - My city - Natasha, schoolgirl

Natalie's discography:

in the "Pop-Galaxy" group:

1990 - Superboy
1991 - Star Rain


1994 - The Little Mermaid
1996 - Snow Rose
1998 - Wind from the sea
1999 - Counting
2000 - First love
2002 - Do not fall in love
2004 - Everything I need
2009 - Seventeen Moments of Love
2014 - Scheherazade
2016 - Oh, God, what a man!

Singles Natalie:

1995 - Pink Dawn
1996 - Snow Rose

1997 - "The wind blew from the sea"
1998 - Clouds

1999 - "Counting"
1999 - "New Year's Toys" (duet with Arkady Khoralov)
2000 - Turtle
2000 - "First Love"
2001 - "Often, often"
2002 - "Candy"
2002 - "The World Without You"
2003 - "The Sea of ​​Jeans Color"
2003 - "Everything I Need"
2004 - That's How

2009 - "Do not carry away my happiness, the wind"
2012 - "Oh God, what a man!"

2013 - "New Year" (Version 2013)
2014 - Scheherazade
2014 - "Dress with straps"
2014 - "Come with me for the stars"

2015 - Volodya
2016 - "Ask Prigozhin"
2017 - "I only have you"

Natalie's videos:

1996 - Snow Rose
1996 - A Star Called The Sun
1997 - "The wind blew from the sea"
1998 - Clouds
1999 - "I couldn't bear it, I didn't fall in love"
1999 - "Counting"
2000 - Turtle
2000 - "First Love"
2001 - "Often, often"
2002 - "Candy"
2002 - "The World Without You"
2003 - "The Sea of ​​Jeans Color"
2003 - "Everything I Need"
2004 - That's How
2006 - "The wind blew from the sea" (Remake 2006)
2013 - "Oh God, what a man!"
2013 - Nikolay (duet with Nikolai Baskov)
2014 - Scheherazade
2014 - "Dress with straps"
2014 - "New Year" (Version 2013)
2015 - "You are so" (duet with MC Doni)
2015 - Volodya

Name Natalia, Natalia, Natalie, Natasha very common not only throughout the post-Soviet space, but also around the world. I have selected fifty of the brightest, unforgettable actresses and singers and present this list to your attention.

Natalia Georgievna Gundareva(1948 - 2005 ) Is a famous Soviet, Russian actress. Very talented, majestic and versatile. When appears on the screen Natalia Gundareva, it is impossible to take your eyes off her, you are so imbued with the sufferings, hardships and joys of her heroine that the feeling of time is simply lost. Natalia Georgievna died quite young, aged 56 years. She could still play a lot, please the audience with more than one dozen roles, but there was a stroke, after which she could no longer recover.

The most striking film roles Natalia Gundareva became Anna Dobrokhotova in "Sweet woman", Katya Nikanorova "Citizen Nikanorova is waiting for you", Nina Buzykina "Autumn marathon", Nadya Kruglova "One day twenty years later", Belief "The lonely is provided with a hostel", Alexandra Vaneeva at "Mistress of the orphanage"... In motion pictures "Dog Feast" Gundareva played a drunken and degraded cleaning lady, if you have not yet seen this tragicomedy, then you should definitely see it. I also liked a little-known film to the public. "Hen", where Natalia Gundareva plays a boorish actress of a local seedy theater. In general, it is very difficult to list even a small part of the roles played by this actress, there are a lot of them and they all leave a good memory not only in our hearts, these talentedly created multifaceted characters will live for many years in the history of cinema, it will not soon be possible for someone to rise to those heights that have been reached Natalia Gundareva.

Natalia Leonidovna Krachkovskaya (1938 - 2016 ) Is an amazing actress of Russian and Soviet cinema and theater. More than ninety roles were played by her. The brightest images are Madame Gritsatsuyeva from "12 chairs", Ulyana Andreevna - Bunshi's wife from the movie . The actress died at the age of 77, but she will not be forgotten for a long time, this famous Natasha left too bright a trace in the cinema.

Natalia Vladimirovna Varley (1947 ) in her youth she was a circus actress - an equilibrist, but was remembered by most viewers as Nina from the movie "Prisoner of the Caucasus", by the way, she voiced the well-known Komsomol member Nadezhda Rumyantseva, that's it! Natalya Varley was married to the son of Vyacheslav Tikhonov and Nonna Mordyukova, gave birth to his son Vasily.

Natalia Igorevna Selezneva (1945). Famous, well-known Natalia gladly accept this worthy, beautiful comedic actress into their ranks. We all remember the beautiful freeway Zina from the movie "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession", and an excellent student Lida from the movie "Operation Y" and other adventures of Shurik "... But for the first time Natalya starred in a movie when she was only 8 years old.

Natalya Dmitrievna Vavilova (1959). You've probably seen the movie "Moscow does not believe in tears", this Natasha is famous first of all for playing the adult daughter of the main character. Schoolgirl Natalia Vavilova lived near the film studio Mosfilm and, of course, such a charm could not fail to be noticed by the workers of the film studio. The girl's parents did not really want their daughter to become an actress. At least, over time, Natalya became disillusioned in her profession and in the cinema world, now she leads a secluded life, she is married to a director who is 20 years older than her, the couple has no children.

Natalya Nikolaevna Fateeva (1934). This actress Natalia is famous not only for her roles in films, but also in connection with the scandal associated with her grandson Eugene. Fateeva forced her sixteen-year-old daughter Natasha to leave her newborn son in the baby's house. But if we still talk about the work of the actress, then she became famous for the role of the professor's daughter in the comedy "Gentlemen of fortune" and the role of trainer Zoe in the film "Three plus two".

Natalia Evgenievna Sedykh (1948 ) - Soviet ballet dancer, actress, figure skater. At the time of filming "Morozko" Natasha was only fifteen years old, she was engaged in figure skating from the age of four, it was at the rink that I noticed her Alexander Rowe- film director "Morozko" and invited to the role Nastenka.

Natalia Eduardovna Andreichenko (1956). Mary Poppins Soviet screen. This famous Natalia has a lot of bright and interesting roles. For example, in the movie "Field novel" she played a rude pie seller, a former nurse Lyuba, in which the intelligent timid guy Alexander was unrequitedly in love since the war.

Natalya Nikolaevna Kustinskaya (1938-2012). This actress is known to us primarily for films. "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession" and "Three plus two"... Natalia was married six times. Her son Dmitry Egorov starred as a schoolboy in the film "Scarecrow"... Dima had a sad fate, he passed away young, Natalia Kustinskaya the death of her only son was very broken, but despite this, the actress always tried to be optimistic. This famous Natalya lived in the world for 72 years.

Natalia Sergeevna Bondarchuk (1950 ) - Soviet and Russian actress daughter Sergey Bondarchuk and Inna Makarova, sister Fyodor Bondarchuk... The most popular role brought her Hari in the greatest science fiction film by many polls Solaris.

Natalia Arinbasarova- this actress was born in 1946, her father was Kazakh by nationality, and her mother was Polish. This famous artist is the second of five wives. Andrey Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky she gave birth to a son from him Egor Konchalovsky.

Natalia Igorevna Negoda(1963 ). Once upon a time, back in 1988, a film was released on the screens of Soviet cinemas "Little Vera", the event was a sensation, American citizens were surprised - what is the noise? What could Soviet citizens see so unusual in this motion picture? The fact is that in those days such scenes in the film industry were banned. This famous Natalia after the film "Little Vera" became a Soviet symbol of female attractiveness, although she had the appearance of an ordinary provincial girl. She was the first Soviet actress to grace an American magazine with her face.But it should be noted that this Natasha is an excellent actress and earned her popularity not only due to the fact that she threw off her dress in front of the audience.

Natalia Segeevna Egorova- Russian, Soviet actress 1950 year birth. She starred twice as an empress Catherine the First... In 2011, Natalia Sergeevna under unknown circumstances, the only son died in India, most likely it was a murder.

Bogunova Natalia Vasilievna (1948-2013 ). You probably know this actress from the movies. "Big change" where she played the wife of a loser Ganji and on the film "Spring Tale" where she played Snow Maiden.

Natalia Fedorovna Gvozdikova (1948 ). Few people know that during the filming of the film "Big change" where the actress played Polina- the wife of the protagonist, she was harassed by the main screenwriter, who, in revenge for her refusal, greatly curtailed the role Gvozdikova... On the set of the film "Born by the Revolution" Natalia met her future husband - we heart Evgeny Zharikov.

Natalia Horokhorina- Russian actress 1954 year birth. You could see her in films "Pirates of the XX century", "White Dew" and others, as well as in numerous serials.

Natalia Alexandrovna Rudova one of the most beautiful famous actresses Natasha of the Russian film industry. Born in 1983 year v Uzbek SSR... This Natasha is a lover of nightclubs, she wonders - how can you not love such a fun pastime? I believe that Natalya Rudova is a worthy decoration not only for Moscow dance floors, but also for Russian TV shows. The face, texture, light temper, disarming charm, confidence in her irresistibility - everything is with her! This girl is a born leader who knows how to take the bull by the horns at the right time! If a man seems interesting to her, she will not waste time, she will come up and get to know him. How could we doubt it?

Natalia Sergeevna Zemtsova(1987) - TV series star "Eighties"... Yes! I readily believe that the main character Vanya of this nostalgic epic lost his head when he saw Inga, played by this famous Natalya.

Natalya Alexandrovna Gudkova (1977 ) became famous for playing Victoria Kolobkov in the series "Soldiers"... Natalya has a twin brother, with whom she studied together at the Moscow International Film School, the guys graduated from school when they were 17 years old, and Natalya was getting ready to enter the Moscow Textile Academy, but changed her mind in time and ended up at the Moscow Art Theater School, right, there is no need for this a talented lady to hide from the general public and live an unremarkable philistine life.

Natalia Mikhailovna Vodianova(1982 ). Russian supermodel and actress. Born in Nizhny Novgorod, and now lives with her husband a millionaire Antoine Arnault in Paris! Someone will say - lucky, someone will decide - this is fate, and someone will shake his head and say: "Models always have more chances to arrange their lives great." But there are a lot of ideal women, and not every one of them is happy in their personal life. But at least there are few such beauties among the working proletarian class, they are all like cream in milk - sooner or later they surface. The main thing is to use your chance on time and correctly. Well, this famous Natalia is not just a model, she is a beloved wife and actress. Natasha is the mother of five children! And, probably, this prolific woman will hardly stop at five - after all, she is still so young, full of strength and enthusiasm!

Natasha Koroleva(real name Natalia Vladimirovna Poryvay, date of birth 1973 ) - perhaps the most famous Natasha of the post-Soviet space. This singer is beautiful, talented and successful. She drove me crazy at first Igor Nikolaev then she fell into a powerful embrace TarzanaSergey Glushko... In 2002, Natasha gave birth to her only son from her beloved man. Arkhipa.

Natalia Yurievna Podolskaya (1982 ) not only wife Presnyakov Jr., she is also a talented singer. Natasha was born in the city Mogilev of the Republic of Belarus, has a twin sister, Juliana, an older sister, Tatiana, and a younger brother, Andrei. In 2015 Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov became the parents of the long-awaited son Artemia.

Gluck'oZа- she Natasha Ionova... The first fame of this Natalya was brought by her participation in the filming of the Yeralash newsreel. Natasha became glucose in 2002, when she met her future producer and composer Max Fadeev. Clockwork, bright, feminine and famous throughout Russia, Natalia is today the mother of two wonderful daughters, is happily married to her husband Alexander Chistyakov and continues her solo career.

Natalia Vetlitskaya- Soviet and Russian singer, actress. Born in 1964 year... Did you know that this Natalia there were four official husbands and at least five civilians! Her most famous song "Look in the eyes".

Natalia Senchukova- Russian singer 1970 year birth, wife Viktor Rybin- group leader "Dune".

Natalia Bochkarev The famous Natalia are gladly accepted into their ranks! We know this Natasha from the TV series "Happy together", where she played the spectacular red-haired housewife Dasha Bukina. In real life, the actress prefers her natural dark hair color, does not dye brightly, and wears classic, off-color outfits. The now divorced actress has a son, Ivan, and a daughter, Maria.

Natalia Lesnikovskaya- Russian actress, starred in a great variety of TV series, at the time of this writing, I counted 32 of them! It feels like no Russian soap opera can do without this diva, Lesnikovskaya is in demand in her profession. Natalia is married to a simple engineer. And this is amazing, her husband is young and handsome, the couple has two sons.

Natalia Gromushkina became famous thanks to the series "Doomed to become a star", where she played the journalist Albina, who is mutually in love with an oligarch. It is also worth noting her participation in the musicals Notre Dame de Paris, Chicago, 12 Chairs. Natalia was the wife of Alexander Domogarov, with whom she scandalously divorced, having given birth to a son from another man. The actress recently divorced actor Ilya Obolonkov, her husband was 6 years younger than her. Natalia and Ilya have a joint child - daughter Iliana Ilyinichna Gromushkina-Obolonkov.

Natalia Guseva, she is Natalia Murashkevich. Everyone knows Alisa Selezneva from the movie "Guest from the Future". Natalia acted in films until the age of 16, she did not enter the theater, but decided to connect her life with science. This famous Natalya became a professional biochemist, gave birth to a daughter, Alesya, and is very happy away from the film industry.

Natalia A. Yeprikyan- performs under a pseudonym "Natalya Andreevna", judging by the surname and patronymic - Armenian by nationality. Idea author, producer and presenter "Comedy Woman"... A beautiful, charming, cheerful strong woman, "Deity on matches", a sea of ​​charm and wit.

Natalia Belokhvostikova- an amazing talent and beauty actress. This famous Natalia known not only for her roles in films, but also for her kind, noble heart. Somehow she after filming a movie "Year of the Horse: Constellation Scorpio" she took a horse from the set, which the owners, due to old age, wanted to use for sausage. At 23 Natalia married the director Vladimir Naumov, who at the time of this marriage was already 46 years old, six months later the spouses had a daughter, who was also named Natasha... V 2007 year couple Belokhvostikov adopted a boy Cyril, who at that time was three years old.

Natalia Trubnikova- Soviet actress 1955 year birth. Natalia was extraordinarily, fabulously beautiful, and it is a pity that the film "June 31" became the only film where we can admire this actress. Trubnikova is eye-catching, it is impossible to tear yourself away. Why is fate so unfair? Why was such a face a little filmed? But still, thanks to the film "June 31", this Natalia will be known for many years to come.

Natalia Lapina- Soviet actress Born in 1963... You could see this diva in the movie "Don Cesar de Bazan" she played the queen there Spain Maria-Anne of Neuburg.

Natalia Antonova- Russian actress born in 1974. This charm not only starred a lot in films and TV shows, she is also a mother of four sons, a loving wife and an excellent hostess. Natalia bakes pies and knits in her free time!

Natalia Oreiro- Uruguayan actress and singer, she was born in 1977. Even if you have never watched the series with the participation of this artist, then you still probably know about the existence of this Wild Angel!

(1981 the year of birth ) Is an American actress of Israeli descent. This lady with a mole on her cheek is undoubtedly one of the prettiest and most talented inHollywood. became famous after starring in the film"Leon" With Jean Reno, after which she had a lot of successful films.Portmanis a vegetarian and animal rights activist. V2011 yearthe actress gave birth to a sonAleph Portman-Millepieu from Benjamin Millepieu- dancer of the New York ballet. V2012 yearhappy parentsNatalie and Benjamin got married.

Natalie Dormer(Date of Birth 1982 )

This Natasha starred as a queen Margaery Tyrell in the series "Game of Thrones". Natalie Dormer, of course, is admirable, she tries so hard to go down in the history of the cinematographer, she puts so much effort into it. Each of her appearances on the red carpet makes a splash, her posture, the ability to keep herself, as if they say: "Directors, look at me - I am exactly who you need, I can play anyone: zombie, swindler, queen, kavarunya a seductress and even a naive sheep! "

42 actresses and models with bushy, wide, un-plucked eyebrows

50 photos of Taisiya Povaliy, husband of Igor Likhuta, son of Denis, former husband. What did this singer do to her face?


The country Professions Years of activity since 1990 Singing voice soprano Tools vocals [d] Genres Variety, pop music, folk Awards Golden gramophone (2013, 2014) Official site Audio, photo, video at Wikimedia Commons

Natalie(full name - Natalia Anatolievna Rudina, before marriage Minyaeva; genus. March 31, Dzerzhinsk, Gorky Region) - Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer, songwriter.


She was born on March 31, 1974 in Dzerzhinsk in the family of workers of the Dzerzhinskoye Plexiglas chemical plant, laboratory assistant of the Monomer workshop Lyudmila Pavlovna and deputy chief power engineer of the enterprise Anatoly Nikolaevich Minyaev. Natalia has a younger brother Anton and sister Olesya, twins born in 1978.

In 1980, Natalya entered the first grade of secondary school No. 37. She graduated from a music school in the piano class.

In 1990, she was noticed by cinematographers of the Lenfilm film studio, who were filming a film in Dzerzhinsk dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the city, and was approved for the main role in it. In the same year, she became a soloist of the school vocal and instrumental ensemble "Chocolate Bar", where she was brought by her younger brother Anton, who at the age of 12 was already the drummer of this group. In May of the same year, Natalya participated in the ensemble at the city rock festival. In the same summer she became a member of the amateur youth group "Pop-Galaxy". Together with her in a local recording studio she recorded a number of songs, including her own composition, and before leaving school she released two magnetic albums: "Superboy" and "Star Rain". Some of the compositions from the Pop Galaxy repertoire are cover versions of the German singer C. C. Catch, such as Dreams in a Dream, Superboy and To Heaven or Hell.

After graduating from high school, in 1991, Minyaeva entered the pedagogical school of Dzerzhinsk and married Alexander Rudin (becoming Rudina), who, a year earlier, was one of the initiators of the first recordings of Natalia's songs in a local recording studio.

After graduating from the teacher's college, she worked as a teacher in the elementary grades of secondary school number 22 in Dzerzhinsk, continuing to write songs and sing them with colleagues, students and their parents.

In 2013 Natalie was awarded the RU.TV Russian Music Award in the "Sometimes they come back" nomination. At the Fashion People Awards -2013 she was awarded a prize in the special category "Comeback of the Year".

At the end of 2013, the author's composition "Nikolai" appeared, performed by the singer in a duet with Nikolai Baskov, a video was released for the song.

In 2014, the singer took part in the TV show "Just the same" on Channel One, where, according to the results of the jury's voting, in 6 episodes (out of 14 broadcasted on television from March 2 to June 8) she scored the maximum possible number of points (25) for images of the following artists:

She also presented the following images:

In addition, in the image of Natalie herself in 2015, the participants of the third season of the show acted - Elena Temnikova (1st edition) and Anna Shulgina (9th edition).

On March 31, 2014 Natalie released a new video called "Scheherazade". In 2014, the self-titled album was released; It was released on iTunes on May 1. This album became a jubilee, the singer released it in honor of her 40th birthday. The album is the 12th in a row in the discography.

On May 31, 2014, at the fourth music award of the RU.TV channel, Natalie, together with N. Baskov, was awarded the nomination "Best video clip" with the song "Nikolai".

Since October 25, 2014 she took part in the television show "HIT", in the final of which she won the song "Come with me for the stars" (words and music by Alisa Bushueva). She acted as the main role in the dubbing of the animated film "Puzzle" - the role of Joy.

In 2015, she became a co-host of the talk show "People will judge" on the Russia-1 TV channel, which was broadcast from Monday to Friday from June 15 to July 9. On October 7, 2015, on the birthday of the President of Russia, she presented the song "Volodya". In 2016, Natalie released the single "Ask Prigozhin" and in the same year, on June 25, she opened an official Instagram account, which as of February 2018 has more than 140 thousand subscribers.


Has 3 sons:

Studio albums

As part of the Pop-Galaxy group Solo albums
Name Information
the little Mermaid
  • Release:
  • Label: Zenith Records, Master Sound Records
Snow rose
  • Release:
  • Label: Bekar Records
  • Format: CD, digital distribution
Wind from the sea
  • Release:
  • Label: Jeff Music
  • Format: CD, digital distribution
  • Release:
  • Label: Jeff Music
  • Format: CD, digital distribution
The first love
  • Release:
  • Label: Video Service
  • Format: CD, digital distribution
Do not fall in love
  • Release:
  • Label: CD Land
  • Format: CD, digital distribution
All i need
  • Release:
  • Label: Super Music
  • Format: CD, digital distribution
Seventeen Moments of Love
  • Release:
  • Label: Kvadro-Disc
  • Format: CD, digital distribution
  • Release:
  • Label: Digital Project
  • Format: All Media
Oh God, what a man!
  • Release:
  • Label: Digital Project
  • Format: All Media

Official compilations

Name Information
Provincial girl
  • Release:
  • Label: Jeff Music
  • Format: Compact Disc | CD, digital distribution
Beauty is not beauty (remix album)
  • Release:
  • Label: Video Service
  • Format: CD, digital distribution
The Best: Best hits
  • Release:
  • Label: Music Attack
  • Format: CD, digital distribution
  • Release:
  • Label: Extraphone
  • Format: CD, digital distribution
I love you: New and better
  • Release:
  • Label: Super Music
  • Format: CD, digital distribution
Best songs
  • Release:
  • Label: Grand Records
  • Format: CD, digital distribution


Year Single Album
"Pink Dawn" Snow rose
"Snow Rose"
"A Star Called The Sun" Wind from the sea
"Wind was blowing from sea "
"Clouds" Counting
"New Year's Toys" (duet with Arkady Khoralov)
"Turtle" The first love
"The first love"
"Often-often" Beauty is not beauty (remix album)
"Sweetie" Do not fall in love
"A world without you"
"A sea of ​​jeans color" All i need
"Everything I need"
"That's how"
Seventeen Moments of Love
"Do not take away my happiness, the wind"
“Oh God, what a man! " Oh god what a man
"Nikolay" (duet with Nikolay Baskov)
"New Year" (Version 2013)
"Dress with straps"
"Come with me for the stars"
"You are so" (duet with MC Doni)
"Ask Prigogine" TBA
"I have only you"
"I am without weapons" (duet with Sultan Hurricane)

Video clips

Year Clip Director Album
"Snow Rose" Gregory of Constantinople Snow rose
"A Star Called The Sun" Igor Zaitsev Wind from the sea
"Wind was blowing from sea"
"Clouds" Counter
"I couldn't bear it, I didn't fall in love"
"Turtle" The first love
"The first love"
"Turtle (remix)" Beauty is not beauty

(remix album)

"Sweetie" Sergey Antonov Do not fall in love
"A world without you" Georgy Toidze
"A sea of ​​jeans color" Igor Zaitsev All i need
"All I Need"
"That's how"
"The wind blew from the sea" (Remake 2006) Albert Khamitov Seventeen Moments of Love
"Oh God, what a man!" Maria Skobeleva Oh God, what a man!
"Nikolay" (duet with Nikolay Baskov) Sergey Tkachenko
Scheherazade Maria Skobeleva
"Dress with straps"
"New Year" (Version 2014)
"You are so" (duet with MC Doni) Rustam Romanov
"I have only you" TBA
"I am without weapons" (duet with Sultan-Hurricane)

Awards and nominations

Year Reward Nominated work Category Result