How to draw roses in a vase with a pencil. How to draw a beautiful rose with a pencil

How to draw roses in a vase with a pencil.  How to draw a beautiful rose with a pencil
How to draw roses in a vase with a pencil. How to draw a beautiful rose with a pencil

Rose is an amazingly beautiful flower with an interesting bud shape, graceful petals, and a rich palette of colors. No wonder the queen of flowers is present on many greeting cards, and artists love to depict her. Schoolchildren also like to draw roses to please their mother, grandmother, beloved teacher, or just admire a beautiful composition. Of course, children's masterpieces are simple and spontaneous, but adults can help a child improve their visual skills. So, for example, step-by-step drawing can be successfully used in various techniques.

Required drawing tools and materials

For fruitful creative activity of a student, adults, first of all, must equip him with a workplace - provide a spacious table. A comfortable chair is of great importance: a young artist cannot sit bent over.

To work with different techniques, you will need the following tools:

  • A4 sheets of white paper;
  • colored loose cardboard (for painting with gouache);
  • a simple pencil (soft or hard-soft), always sharply sharpened;
  • eraser;
  • colored pencils (as an option - wax crayons);
  • gouache;
  • watercolor paints;
  • brushes of different thicknesses.

You can draw a rose using graphic technique, colored pencils, paints

Another task for an adult is to prepare in advance flow charts with step-by-step drawing schemes so that they are always at hand for the child (these may well be photographs from thematic sites).

How to draw a rose with a pencil step by step

A rose is not only a very beautiful flower, but also a rather complex object to draw (a bud consists of many petals nested one inside the other). But if the child draws it with a pencil in stages, then he will succeed.

Don't press too hard on the tool when drawing the first strokes. The approximate outline of the flower should be such that the student can easily erase them in case of an error. You can draw brighter lines at the final stage of the work (for this purpose, you can use a soft pencil).

Rose buds

A flower arrangement can only consist of a bud (or several), without a stem, surrounded by petals.

  1. First, you should outline the center of the bud.

    The first stage is the designation of the central part of the bud

  2. After that, we build petals of various shapes around the center, below and above, on the sides. The degree of fluffiness of the flower depends on how much the artist extends the lines of the bud.

    From the center in different directions, petals of arbitrary shape should go

  3. Gradually the rose becomes more and more lush.

    The queen of flowers is becoming more and more magnificent

  4. Finally, the adorable bud is ready.

    The lush bud is already drawn

  5. The next stage of drawing is the image of the leaves. They should also be of different sizes and differ from each other in shape: some are fancifully curved, while others are more straight.

    Leaves of different sizes and shapes are depicted around the bud

  6. And the final touch - you need to mark the veins on the leaves to make them more realistic.

    To make the image more realistic, you need to mark the veins on the leaves.

Another way to depict a bud is to start with a spiral, gradually building petals around it.

The center of the rosebud resembles a spiral

Unblown rosebuds also look charming. In this case, the base will be a small semicircle - it is from it that the stem stretches, at the bottom, the bud is surrounded by small green leaves. In the upper part, you need to add a few petals: the degree of splendor of the flower depends on their number.

Drawing a half-closed bud begins with a semicircle, inside which the petals are depicted

Rose with stem

The next version of a rose is a flower with a stem and leaves. Let the bud be nearly closed again.

  1. Let's start with the base of the bud and stem - this is not a big deal.

    First, we depict the stem and skeleton of the bud

  2. Next, draw the flower bud and its stem, designate the leaves.

    We outline the leaves and bud

  3. Then we make the leaves carved, and the bud is more luxuriant. The flower is ready, it remains only to paint it.

    The only thing left to do is paint it in a suitable color.

Drawing a rose in a vase

Roses in vases or pots look great on drawings. Starting the creative process, a young artist must decide where he will start work: with a flower or a vase.

  1. The bud is depicted according to the already familiar scheme: loose or undisclosed.

    First, we mark the buds at some distance from each other

  2. Then neat, pointed leaves are added.

    We finish drawing beautiful small leaves

  3. At the last stage, a vase is depicted. You can play with its shape: make it more convex in the middle, in the form of a trapezoid, a long rectangle, etc.

    The last stage is drawing a vase

Coloring a sketch with colored pencils

After the child learns to realistically draw roses with a simple pencil, you can start painting the silhouette with colored pencils or crayons. The following important points are taken into account.

As for the colors used, children most often depict roses as red. But this flower can have many other shades in the composition: pink, yellow, orange, lilac. Roses, painted in a very dark shade of red - almost black, look spectacular.

Note that younger students in their drawings often simply fill in the intended outline with the desired color.

In the drawings of a younger student, there are usually no shadow transitions

A small shadow on the petals looks much more interesting in the picture.

At an older age, children can already indicate a shadow.

Also, a spectacular artistic solution is the edging of the petals of a different color (for example, purple or brown, if it itself is pink or red).

The edging of the flower can be made in a different color - it always looks beautiful

Photo gallery: step-by-step drawing of a rose with a pencil

The basis for drawing a bud is a large circle. Drawing begins with a spiral. Petals are formed around the oval. The bud is drawn on the basis of an oval. You can start drawing both with a flower and with a pot. The shape of the bud resembles a heart

Specificity of drawing with gouache for beginners

Children love to paint flowers with gouache. After all, the compositions always turn out to be bright and expressive. This technique is ideal for aspiring artists: mistakes and inaccuracies can be masked without affecting the painting.

Since gouache is opaque and contains white, you need to paint from dark to light, but not vice versa. First, the child must decide on the composition and color palette, and then begins to paint in the dark areas. Light highlights and color accents are indicated at the end of the work.

In gouache drawing, the background is of particular importance. It can be of two types.

  1. Uniform shading outside of the pencil sketch: the rose itself and the background are indicated by specific colors.
  2. Fill. First, the background of the picture is drawn up, and when it dries up, the flower is drawn directly (as an option, you can initially use not white paper, but colored cardboard).

Let's consider specific examples of drawing roses with gouache.

Bouquet of roses

  1. Making a pencil sketch of the flower arrangement.

    Future roses are indicated by circles

  2. Fill the background with shades of green and draw the leaves.

    The entire surface of the paper, with the exception of roses, is painted over with green shades.

  3. The next stage is the design of the buds. Each of them is first painted over with white gouache. Until it has dried, petals are indicated with red strokes.

    Rosebuds are painted over with white gouache and complemented with red strokes

  4. The final part of the work - with the help of a thin brush with white gouache, individual petals, leaves, grass blades are highlighted. The composition is ready.

    Subtle decorative details are applied with white gouache

Rose on a green background

The good thing about gouache is that it allows you to paint on a dark background. So, for a rose, you can choose a dark green base.

  1. Draw a red rosebud with a thin brush.

    Draw a red bud on a green background with a brush

  2. We blur the resulting image with water.

    Blurring with water will create an overflow of shades.

  3. With the help of light green gouache we depict a thin stem and graceful leaves. The thorns and veins on the leaves are marked with a darker shade of green.

    Draw the stem and leaves in different shades of green

  4. Next, we make the bud more voluminous: we mark the borders of the petals with a light pink color.

    We decorate the petals in the bud with a pale pink color

  5. The final stage of the drawing is working on the background. Create beautiful overflows using green strokes of dark and light shades.

    Light and dark green strokes will make the background more expressive.

Features of watercolor painting

Painting with watercolors is a more demanding job, since the flaws will already be obvious. But this technique allows you to create delicate and sophisticated flower arrangements. After some practice, the student will be able to draw rather realistic roses, from which they seem to breathe freshness.

First, a pencil sketch is made again. In this case, the drawing should be slightly noticeable (no need to put pressure on the tool). Then comes the work with watercolors. The paint must be washed off with water: it should be almost transparent, without a pronounced color. When painting a bud, it is better to use several shades to make the rose look natural.

It is better to secure the paper with tape or buttons: when it gets wet and then dries, ugly waves may form.

Let's look at a specific example.

  1. The first step is a pencil sketch of the rose.

    The lines of the pencil sketch should be thin and soft

  2. We dilute the raspberry paint with water and apply it to the surface of the bud with a thick brush. The lower part of it is marked with light green watercolor (also very diluted).

    The bud is painted with highly diluted crimson paint

  3. When the initial layer dries up, the edges of the petals are shaded with warm colors. The background is indicated by a dark cool tone (for example, purple). This will visually brighten the rose. In this case, the light parts of the rose are shaded with a dark tone, and the dark ones, respectively, with a light one. Color inconsistency is encouraged: the image will be more natural. You will need a thin brush to mark the veins on the petals. She works on the base and the middle of the bud. It is important not to overdo it with dark shades: otherwise the pattern may become "cartoonish".

You can give flowers not only in bouquets, but also in drawings. Favorite and unique roses are the most popular model for such images. Drawing a flower may seem like a daunting task, but in many respects it is a matter of technology. So, it's time to practice the skills of creating an image of a beautiful rose on paper, using the recommendations of professional artists and simply art lovers.

Tools and materials

Inspiration, patience and time are the main conditions that are necessary for both professional artists and simply lovers of this type of fine art. However, to create a beautiful drawing, you need to take into account several important requirements regarding the necessary tools and materials.

Tricks to help a beginner

For inexperienced artists who are just practicing their skills in the visual arts, it is useful to follow the recommendations of experienced artists.

How to draw a rose

If there are perfection on earth, then roses can rightfully be attributed to them. And how else to explain such incredible popularity of this plant.

It is interesting. Roses are native to Persia (Iran). In the Persian language, rose is translated "gul", which is derived from the second name of this state - Gulistan.

Petals can be directed towards each other, and not chaotically

To make the flower realistic, the lines must be soft, arched. It is better to draw such a rose with pencils: either simple or colored. This way of adding brightness will allow you to create the desired volumes and shadows in the image. Moreover, coloring a flower is a necessary stage in creating a realistic picture.


  1. We sketch the stem tilted to the right and show the oval of the future rose.

    Contour lines should be thin and smooth

  2. We draw the outlines of the leaves, including the sepals.

    Usually depicts four sepals

  3. Detail the veins on the leaves and draw a second line of the stem to make it thicker.

    Thickening the stem

  4. We pass to the image of small petals on the flower.
  5. We finish drawing the thorns on the stem.

    Add thorns to the leaf locations

  6. We show the characteristic teeth on the leaves.

    Detailing the outlines of the leaves

  7. Working on the tone of the rose.

    We start by toning the sepal

  8. We tint the flower stem with light strokes. If you plan to draw in pencil, then take a hard-soft simple pencil. If in color, then use the desired shade.

    Make the thorns a little darker

  9. With the help of an eraser, we make gaps to give the drawing volume.

    You can use a piece of blotting paper instead of an eraser.

  10. We blend the lines and make the tone of the flower saturated.

    Darkening the flower head

  11. Lightly rub the tone with an eraser to give the flower a natural look.

    Rub the tint with an eraser to add naturalness to the picture

It is interesting. To see the location of the shadows in the picture, you need to squint a little and look at the picture: the dark areas will be the location of the shadows.

Video: draw a rose in 7 minutes

Photo gallery: how to draw a rose in a bud

With a hard pencil, draw the outline of the rose. Add leaves and a stem. With a soft pencil, apply shadows on the rose petals. Draw the upper petals. With a soft pencil, draw the leaves. Detail the stem.

Video: attention to shadows, or drawing a rosebud

How to draw a blossoming flower

Roses can be recognized from thousands of other plants by their multi-layered flower. So you should pay special attention to the process of drawing it. The most straightforward option would be to depict a flower using an auxiliary circle.


  1. Draw a circle, divide it in half with a vertical line. Draw a horizontal line so that the ratio of the upper and lower parts is 1: 2.

    The circle is easier to draw with a compass

  2. From the center, that is, the upper left quarter, we make a turn that turns into two medium-sized petals.

    Getting started drawing the inner petals

  3. Draw a large petal at the bottom, connect its top with the edge of the one above, and use an arched line to separate the center of the rose from the edges, "growing" three petals on the right and one on top.

    Add two petals at the bottom left

  4. Draw the petal on the bottom right side, add greenery: below and on the left and right leaves.

    Detailing the greenery around the flower

  5. Color the drawing as desired.

    We remove the auxiliary lines and, if desired, paint the rose with pencils or paints

It is interesting. The ancient Romans considered a rose a symbol of silence, since if a white rose was hung over the guests during a feast, then everyone understood that what was said at the table was a secret. It is to this belief that we owe the expression Sub rosa dictum (“I said under the rose”).

Photo gallery: how to draw a rose with a pen

We draw an oval of a bud and a stem of a rose Around the center of the oval we make lines that resemble a spiral - future petals Draw petals from spirals, paying attention to all the folds and folds We clarify the drawing by thickening the lines Add shadows to create volume

How to quickly and easily draw a bouquet of roses

It turns out that drawing a bouquet of roses is sometimes easier than choosing a live composition in a store. Only 5 steps are required.


  1. We sketch out the outlines of the bouquet, vase and bow.

    To show the outlines of the bouquet, draw auxiliary lines of geometric shapes.

  2. We show rosebuds with ovals, draw a stem and a bow. We make the bottom of the vase round.

    Draw roses with ovals

  3. Give the flowers the shape of roses, making irregular ovals. We thicken the stems with repeated lines.

    We give the buds a natural look and the stems thick

  4. Draw the petals inside the buds. Add sepals under the flower heads.

    Detailing the flowers

  5. Finishing the leaves without skimping. The vertical lines mark the shape of the vase. Shading the container.

    At this stage, we delete auxiliary lines.

It is interesting. Roses very often became the images of legends. One of the most beautiful myths is the story of the Greek goddess of beauty Aphrodite. When she learned about the death of her beloved Adonis, she went to the mountains of Cyprus to find his body. But the thorny blackthorn, sharp-angled stones wounded her legs to blood, and from these droplets falling to the ground, red roses grew.

Draw roses in a vase

The image of flowers in a vase only at first glance seems more complicated than just a drawing of a stem with a flower. In fact, there is nothing complicated about it. You just need to decide where to start: with roses or with a vase. It will be easier for novice creators to first depict flowers, and then choose the appropriate shape for the vase. In our case, it will be a bouquet of three roses in a round, simple vase.


  1. We start with the rose that will be the bottom. We make a curl on which we build up the petals. In the same way we sketch the second flower, placing it slightly higher than the first.

    We start drawing with a large rose, which will be located just below the rest.

  2. Now we finish drawing the rose, which is located above the rest.

    Add a sketch of the color above the rest

  3. We draw the stems of flowers. We do this with thin lines, since most of them will have to be erased - it will be covered with a vase.
  4. Add leaves to the top half of the stems.

    We show the stems with thin lines, but we direct the leaves a little harder.

  5. On the half of the lower flower, we lower a straight line down, and draw the same at the level of the leaves. These lines will be the top of the vase. We draw a line below, defining the height of the container. We draw the outlines of the vase.

    Add the outlines of the vase

  6. You can color the drawing with simple pencils. We do the shading with a hard-soft pencil, shade it. We hatch the leaves with a soft slate to make the tone richer.

    When painting a flower, do not forget about shadows

  7. For the background, you can use diagonal shading.

    Finish the drawing by shading the background

Video: master class on the image of a vase with roses

How to paint roses in watercolor

Watercolor is a great way to paint any color. These colors give the image a unique grace. Moreover, when it comes to such refined colors as roses.

It is interesting. The basic rule of painting with watercolors: you can apply a layer of paint only when the previous one has dried well. Therefore, working with these paints takes a lot of time.


  1. Sketching the flowers.
  2. Apply the first layer of paint to each petal separately.

    We sketch the flowers with a hard pencil so that the contours can be easily erased or painted over.

  3. We use pink, orange shades. To add brightness, add blue, cherry, purple.

    For the stem and leaves, use a green palette and blue.

  4. After complete drying, we proceed to the background, which is created in the form of color spots. First, we will slightly wet the paper, then we make strokes.

    Spots on the background to create a blurry background

  5. Add the flower shadows using yellow, blue and purple colors.

    Add shadows to the outermost rose petals

  6. Give the background some depth by adding another layer of paint.

    Brighten up the colors with another layer of watercolor

  7. We detail the roses by adding shadows and veins on the petals to some flowers.

    Leaf veins are one way to make an image look natural

How to draw roses with gouache

Professional artists recommend covering the sheet with contours with zinc white before painting the drawing with gouache. They act as a primer for the subsequent application of paints, in addition, they allow you not to leave unpainted areas on the finished image.

It is interesting. Zinc white is used for the production of non-aqueous paint and varnish compounds. This white pigment has found use in all areas of artistic creation to create a base for applying paint, as well as to obtain a light tone of color.


  1. Sketch a flower with a pencil.

    We start drawing in gouache with a pencil sketch of the contours of the flower

  2. We cover the sheet with zinc white.

    After applying whitewash, there is no need to wipe off the pencil contours at the end.

  3. We work on the background with wide multidirectional strokes, making them more saturated as we approach the flower.

    We start work by working out the background

  4. At the bottom of the picture we make a green background, which acts as a figurative representation of the leaves of the flower.

    Green background is a blurred image of leaves

  5. We are looking for darkened areas of the rose, apply darker paint on them.

    The elaboration of the flower goes from the center to the edges

  6. We work on the medium darkened parts of the flower with the same shade, but with the addition of white.

Rose drawing technique for children

Children who do not have the ability of adults to inscribe all images in strict and understandable geometric forms, therefore, have a significant advantage in the visual arts, especially when creating flower drawings: the outlines of their images are as natural as possible.


  1. We start by drawing the loops in the middle of the rose. Add the top petal.
  2. Draw the petals to the right and bottom.

    Use teeth to show the uneven edges of the petals and paint the picture.

Roses by cells

It is not for nothing that this type of creativity is called small steps to great art, because the drawings in the cells:

  • train mathematical skills;
  • bring up patience and perseverance, since you have to spend a lot of time on calculations;
  • develop the ability to navigate in space;
  • work to stimulate the imagination;
  • have calming properties (therefore, even adults sometimes do not mind drawing in this way).

Drawing in cells will especially be liked by those who are not on friendly terms with smooth lines and soft transitions.

The drawing technique can be:

  • from the center (if there are many rounded shapes in the drawing, for example, unblown buds, this is the best option);
  • from right to left;
  • top down.

To better navigate the scheme, the first work should be done in a notebook in a large cell. And also for beginners it is better to take on plain pictures, gradually expanding the color palette of the image.

Photo gallery: samples of roses painted on cells

The fewer colors in a drawing, the easier it is to work with it.As you train, you can take up drawings with shadows It is better to color drawings by cells with bright pens, felt-tip pens or pencils It is easier to start a drawing with a flower, not with a stem

Video: we draw a rose on a stem by cells

Even beginners can draw roses. The image of a beautiful flower is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. You can create images of individual flowers, bouquets in a vase, painting them with watercolors, gouache. The main thing is to maintain the smoothness of the lines, remember to respect the proportions and, of course, be patient. Lovers of geometric shapes will like the technique of making a drawing in cells.

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Photo gallery: How to draw a rose with a pencil

Rose is a beautiful flower loved by many. That is why it is the object of close attention of artists. There are several ways to draw a rose with a pencil in stages. For beginners, it is suggested to use step-by-step instructions.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a rose with a pencil

Before you can draw a rose or other flowers with a pencil, you need to familiarize yourself with certain recommendations.

To draw a flower correctly, you do not have to graduate from art school and acquire any special skills. It is enough to stock up on desire and patience. And talent can be revealed in the process of drawing.

Before drawing a beautiful rose, it is advisable to practice depicting individual elements of flowers. This will help to fill your hand and gain some experience. In addition, as you know, pencils differ in hardness, this should be taken into account at different stages of drawing.

The main thing in drawing is to concentrate on the details. Before you start drawing, it is best to spend some time studying the drawing, which is taken as an example. It is important to think over every detail to get beautiful flowers.

And if you want to learn how to draw at a level close to a professional one, you need regular classes.

On a note! Before you start drawing a rose with a pencil, it is advisable to watch the tutorial videos. Drawing lessons will help you master the basic basics. For example, it will be possible to understand how shading is done, a sketch, paper is selected, shapes and contours are correctly drawn.

Instructions 1: how to draw a rosebud

Since the bud is the most difficult element of flowers, you should first learn how to draw it. You can draw it with a pencil in stages as follows.

  1. First you need to draw the top of the rosebud. It is not completely dissolved, therefore it is presented in the form of a spiral. It is enough to draw it, as in the photo.
  2. Then you need to step back down from the spiral and draw the first rose petal. It is horizontal.
  3. The upper part of the rosebud must be connected to the horizontal petal with straight lines.
  4. At the last stage, you should add volume to the flower bud by drawing the side petals. Depending on how many of them there will be, the degree of licentiousness of the rose depends.

Step by step, the whole drawing process can be seen in the photo.

Instruction 2: how to draw an unblown rose

To draw an unblown rosebud, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. First you need to draw the base of the rosebud. To do this, you need to draw a small semicircle. It is from him that the stem will stretch.
  2. The flower bud should be placed on this base. You need to draw an arc, as in the photo below.
  3. The rosebud is surrounded by petals. They should be drawn step by step, gradually increasing the volume of the flower.
  4. Then you need to draw a stem extending from the base of the rosebud. You can also depict several leaves surrounding the flower petals.

How to draw an unblown rose with a pencil in stages is shown in the photo. You can add or remove petals as desired, adjusting the splendor of the bud.

Instruction 3: how to draw a beautiful rose with a stem

And here is another way how to draw a rose with a pencil step by step.

  1. First you need to draw a circle and a stem extending from it. It is represented by two winding lines. Draw a horizontal oval above the circle.
  2. Next, you need to connect a circle and an oval with a pencil using two wavy lines. This will be the rosebud. On both sides of the circle, you need to draw two more winding lines. It is from them that flower petals are created.
  3. Leaves should be painted on the stem.
  4. Inside the oval, you must carefully draw a spiral with a pencil.
  5. The drawing is almost ready. It remains to erase the circle line inside the rosebud with an eraser, and also to blend with a soft pencil.

The article will tell you how to draw a rose with a pencil.

Rose is one of the most difficult, but at the same time, beautiful colors for an artist. If you are just starting to learn how to paint, it is better to do it with simpler colors. But there are several secrets and master classes that will help you draw a beautiful rose with a pencil.

Tips for those who are going to draw a rose with a pencil:

  • It doesn't take too much to learn how to draw. The main thing is the presence of desire and free time. With diligence, talent will open up even for those who cannot draw at all.
  • Read a few basic tutorials on the drawing tutorial sites. for example, what strokes can be done with a pencil, how to feather and choose good paper. Pencils come in different degrees of hardness. This also needs to be taken into account when drawing.
  • Learn to draw on simple objects. This will help you understand how to arrange objects on paper and get your hand filled.
  • Mindfulness is central to drawing. Before you sketch something, be sure to study the drawing. It should appear in your brain in every minute detail.
  • Draw what the soul is in. Even if it sounds daunting, give it a try. With regular exercise, you will definitely see results.

How to draw a rose in stages with a pencil?

Bud Is the hardest part of the rose. It is from him that we will try to learn how to draw this flower.

  • First, draw the top of the bud. In roses, it is not completely dissolved and has the shape of a spiral. Step back and draw the first large petal below.
  • Add volume to the bud and extend it down a little. How far you extend the lines of the bud will determine the degree of promiscuity of the flower.
  • Now draw side petals on either side of the bud. Add petals as lush as you want your flower to be

Now let's draw unblown rosebud:

  • First, draw the base of the flower. This will be a small semicircle. A stem will stretch down from it
  • Place the flower bud on this base. We draw the leaves that will surround it
  • We draw a slightly opened bud, as shown in the pictures. Add volume to the petals
  • You can adjust the degree of splendor of the bud yourself by adding or removing petals

When you learn how to draw a rose with a simple pencil, try to add color. Tips for working with colored pencils:

  • Colored pencils are difficult to erase. Therefore, first a sketch is made with a simple pencil.
  • Choose soft colored pencils. They will injure less paper and are easier to work with.
  • Pencil drawing is applied in several layers. No need to apply a thick layer right away. This way you can combine different color layers.
  • White is difficult to convey with a pencil. So just leave the areas of the paper untouched.
  • Start painting the picture with the lightest tones, and end with the darkest.
  • Detail the objects at the very end. For this, you can use thin hard pencils.

Video: Draw a rose with a pencil

How to draw a bouquet of roses?

If you have already learned how to draw individual flowers, then it makes sense to draw a bouquet of roses.

  • First sketch the drawing on a draft. So you decide what size the drawing will be, where on paper it will be located
  • The bouquet can be an independent element, or be part of a still life. Often the bouquet is painted in a vase.
  • A bouquet of roses consists of roses of various sizes and not of opened buds. It will be appropriate to combine roses with other flowers.
  • Consider where the light will come from. All details of the drawing must be proportional
  • If you can't imagine a bouquet of roses well, you can draw it from any picture you like.

Drawing a bouquet of roses in stages

Drawings of roses for sketching

Video: How to draw a bouquet of roses?

I have prepared for you interesting master classes for drawing roses in pencil and watercolors: from simple to the most difficult. Therefore, rather arm yourself with colored pencils and a paintbrush - let's start!

How to draw a rose with a pencil

1. Draw a sketch of the rose with light pencil strokes: draw an oval bud and stem.

2. In the center of the oval draw the petals that look like a spiral.

3. Draw each petal clearly. Pay attention to all the curves and folds.

4. Make the necessary thickenings, highlighting the main lines on the flower and stem.

5. Great! Now, in the places of the shadows, perform shading. This will make the rose look fuller and more realistic.

Our masterpiece is ready to try on and decorate one of the walls of Your room.

Interesting! The birthplace of the rose is Persia (Iran). In the language of the Persians, the name of the flower sounds "gul", and the country itself has a second name for a long time - Gulistan.

The interest of the Persians in growing roses was picked up by the Greeks. One of the Greek myths says: “When the goddess of beauty and love Aphrodite learned about the death of her beloved Adonis while hunting, she went to the mountains of Cyprus to look for the body of a handsome man. Thorns of thorns and sharp stones wounded her fragile legs, and drops of blood falling to the ground turned into red roses.

How to draw a rose step by step

If you are not a beginner in drawing, and paper and pencil are your best friends, I suggest a difficult version of drawing a rose with a pencil. Take the following image as an example:

1. Draw a long arch - the stem. Mark the top and bottom borders of the bud, as well as its center.

2. Now draw the middle of the bud. It consists of many curled leaves.

Gradually add more petals to the rose. Pay attention to the severity and geometricity of the forms.

You will get a rose like this:

3. Draw the stem and leaves to the rose.

4. It's time to add shadows and make our flower volumetric. Take a close look at the photo of the rose and start hatching the dark areas of the image. A soft pencil is ideal for shading.

5. Now add penumbra with light pencil movements. Note: the petals that curl outward must necessarily have highlights and get darker towards the edges.

6. Detail the leaves and add shadows to them.

That's all! The queen of flowers is ready.

Interesting! In ancient Rome, the white rose was considered a symbol of silence. If during a solemn meal in the hall a white rose flaunted above the guests, everyone understood: the conversation at the table was not subject to disclosure. The catch phrase "Sub rosa dictum" ("I said under the rose") has survived to this day. This means that everything said is a big secret.

Roman soldiers wore rose wreaths to relieve their fear of battle. In Rome, prominent figures were also awarded with rose wreaths.

How to paint a rose with watercolors

Roses painted with watercolors look especially sophisticated and graceful. The artist used professional paints to create the next image. You can take the most common ones.

1. Select an image of a rose and make a subtle sketch. If it is difficult to do it yourself, on a sunny day, attach the drawing to the window and interrupt it on paper.

2. Apply an initial coat of paints. Color each petal separately. Before painting a neighboring petal, let the previous one dry well, otherwise the colors will flow.

So that the colors blend harmoniously:

  • wet the petal with water, and then apply paint,
  • apply one color, then add another.

3. In addition to pinks and oranges, add purples, blues and cherries. So you will be able to make the drawing rich.

4. When the roses are completely dry, go to the background. The role of the background will be played by colored spots. Paints should be applied to wet paper.

5. When the first coat of paint is completely dry, start working on the shades of the colors. Along with coral, pink and red colors, add yellow, purple, blue shades. The flower will become beautiful and expressive.

6. Make the background deeper by applying another layer of paint on the previous one. But make sure that the background does not stain the flowers or overshadow them. It is not very good if the environment is brighter than the depicted subject.

7. Detail the image by adding streaks and shadows to some of the petals.

Congratulations! The picture is ready.

Interesting! Today there are 6,000 known species of roses bred by man. But most of all, the Japanese were amazed. They managed to grow a chameleon rose. This amazing flower changes color depending on the light. Scarlet rose during the day, white in the evening.

How to quickly draw a bouquet of roses

No wonder they say: if you want to win a girl's heart, give her roses. But do not be sad if there is not enough money for a luxurious bouquet. Rather, run for a drawing paper and colored pencils - a bright picture will be an excellent birthday present and, unlike fresh flowers, will remind the birthday girl of a caring author for a long time to come.

1. Draw a drawing of a bouquet, vase and bow.

2. With light pencil strokes, sketch the buds in the form of ovals, draw the stems and the bow. Make the bottom of the vase round.

3. Shape the buds into a rose shape. Draw a second line along each stem to make them thicker. Detail the bow.

4. Draw petals inside the buds. Don't forget the sepals.

5. And the last thing - finish drawing the leaves. There must be a lot of them, because we have a whole bunch of roses. Draw vertical lines on the vase. Make shading in the right places.

Color the picture with colored pencils and give it to someone you love very much.