How old is Olga Ushakov leading. Olga Ushakova: "Supervice people told me that I was basting my daughter

How old is Olga Ushakov leading. Olga Ushakova:
How old is Olga Ushakov leading. Olga Ushakova: "Supervice people told me that I was basting my daughter

Name: Olga Ushakova (Olga USHAKOVA)
Date of Birth: April 7, 1982
Zodiac sign: Aries
Age: 36 years
Place of Birth: Crimea, Russia
Height: 172
Activity: TV presenter
Tags: TV presenter
Family status: Married

Olga Ushakova - TV presenter of the "Channel One", the coordicking Program "Good Morning", the owner of the Tafi-2015 award.

Olga Ushakova was born in the Crimea. The future TV presenter was born presumably on April 7, 1981. In addition to the girl, another 2 children grow up in the family.

Ushakovy led the "nomadic" lifestyle: the father was a military. Transfer accounted for quite often. In one place, the family was delayed no more than six months. Therefore, life herself taught Olga community. The girl had to look for new friends at every new place, to establish contacts with teachers and classmates.

For other children, such "migrations" wrapped in stress, however, for Olga, moving became adventures. The girl liked to pretend in a new place and make friends. Olga had a good relationship with new classmates, she learned to quickly conquer authority in the team. Sometimes it was necessary to use fists for this.

As Ushakov said, conflicts arose on national soil. When the family moved to the city, located on the territory of Ukraine, Olga called "Katsapkaya", when in the Russian city - "Hochlushka". Being the most weighty argument, won physical strength. Parents were called to school, but the authority of Oli in the team became stronger.

The "nomadic" Childhood of Olga Ushakova became an excellent soil for the development of the qualities necessary for the profession, which the girl dreamed of a young year. Olya often, playing, portrayed television speakers. Taking into the hands any item, remotely resembling a microphone, the girl could have long "to cover the events in the world" or "lead a concert".

And Olga Ushakov could talk for a long time and on any topic. The girl was fond of reading and "swallow" books instantly. To school went at the 6th age and was an excellent. Any "four" or especially the "Troika" was perceived as a tragedy and was subject to instant correction.

Ushakov graduated from school at sixteen years with the Golden Medal. But she had to forget for a long time about the children's dream. Olga entered the University of Kharkov. At the end, along with a loved one, she began to engage in business. At 23, Ushakov led the branch of the trading company specializing in the promotion of European brands in Ukraine.

After moving to Moscow, being in a new place, Olga suddenly thought: whether to continue the entrepreneurship or better switch to something new. And then Ushakov remembered the children's dream, which predetermined the creative biography of the girl. Olga did not go to a decisive step, but the civilian spouse convinced to try.

The main federal channel of the country, Ushakov came in 2004. Olga passed samples and took it intern. At first glance, the girl's career on television developed quickly. In fact, Olga, a man without journalistic education, had to work hard before it was allowed to ester.

First of all, Ushakova had to get rid of the accent and develop diction. Olga has passed an internship in several departments to better get acquainted with television "kitchen". She learned to write articles and create news stories. After that, the journalist entrusted the news transfer than she was engaged in 9 years.

For the TV host it was interesting every day to face the news of the day, which demanded from the speaker of efficiency and excellent memory. Work in the transfer "News" demanded from Olga reactivity, which the girl had developed in the youthful years. Olga very much loved to jump from Bunji, climbing the mountains, dive into the sea depths, but with the beginning of work on TV studio "Ostankino" these desires moved to the background.

Then Olga began to appear in the "Good day" block, where the frequent guests of the studio were famous speakers of the Soviet Union Igor Kirillov, Anna Shatilova - Childhood idols Olga Ushakova.

In 2014, Olga Ushakov "Dorosla" to the leading program "Good morning" on the "First Channel". Charge the positive people, configure the working mood - with this task, spectacular and charming presenter coped wonderful. This is evidenced by the Thafi premium, which the morning program was received in 2015 for the first time in the history of existence. This is the merit of TV presenter Olga Ushakova.

On the days of the "Good Morning" days, Olga Ushakova's working day begins in half the third night, as the transfer goes to the air at 05:00. Get to work, grated and tune in to a positive need to have time in a short time. The presenter notes that such responsibility is cheery and mobilizes, so it is possible to get up from bed, nor dawn a girl quickly.

For Olga Ushakov, television work is a drive and regular portion of healthy adrenaline. A journalist jokingly says that there appeared "spinner dependence", which is no longer getting rid of.

Olga Ushakov is a versatile and fondant person. The girl loves his own home, garden and animals. Practicing yoga and loves horse riding. And Olga Fidget and easy to rise. Probably, the quality of the girl is instilled from orphanage. Olga easily can go to the weekend to go to Austria to visit the Vienna Opera.

In addition to the sea coast, which is well affected by Olga's mental state, the TV presenter loved Moscow. When Sister Ushakova arrives in the capital, Olga will gladly drive a relative for museums and galleries who attended herself.

Olga Ushakov's personal life is an unloved topic for discussion. TV presenter is not voicing the name of his children's father. According to some data, the couple lived in civil marriage. About a man leading responds only in excellent colors. The husband supported Olga when a girl after moving to the capital decided to try his strength on television.

From the words of Ushakov, it is known that the spouse was older and was a support that every woman dreams. A man gave a lot of Olga in terms of spiritual and intellectual development. According to the TV presenter, it can be understood that now the spouses support friendly relations at a distance.

Olga Ushakova will grow 2 daughters. Girls wear different surnames, although they have one dad. Why so - Olga does not tell. It is known that daughters - weather. On the second pregnancy TV presenter learned less than three months after the birth of Dasha's older daughter. The first girl soon discovered the features of development, but this did not prevent Olga for the second time to be a mother. The second daughter, Ksyusha, was born in one year with an older sister. They go to school together in the same class.

Yashakov's daughter is the same versatile, as well as mom. Dasha and Ksyusha are fond of horse riding, go to musical and choreographic schools. I am pleased to go to the chess circle and a ballet studio. And the girls are the same fidget, like a mother: they love to travel and are easy to rise.

Dasha has already decided on the choice of profession - the girl wants to be a translator. The youngest daughter is engaged in drawing, including the image of clothing and accessories and declares the intention to master the profession of designer. But recently, Ksenia began to show uncommon vocal abilities, because of this, he decided to devote more time to singing.

At the beginning of last year, there was information that Olga Ushakov is a relationship with a new chosen one who works in the restaurant business and does not live in Russia. The pair could maintain harmonious communication at a distance. Olga's daughters immediately revealed with the new chief of Mom. Olga Ushakov said in an interview that she was not in a hurry to register marriage, but already thinking about the third child.

In the summer, the media surprised fans of the TV presenter of the news about the wedding of Olga and its chosen one in Cyprus. Later, Ushakova itself posted a wedding photo on a personal account in "Instagram".

Currently, Olga Ushakov's professional qualities are increasingly rising. Last year, TV presenter led a "direct line" with Russian President Vladimir Putin. For Olga, this direct ether was already the 5th in the account. Work in emergency mode, taking into account the coverage of a very large number of information, accurate names, the numbers became for Olga Ushakov integral part of life. The girl does not represent existence without adrenaline, which gives work live.

Remember the girl and holidays. In November last year, pictures made in the hotel pool in the United Arab Emirates appeared on a personal page in the "instagram" of the TV presenter, where the Ushakov rested this year. In the photo, the girl appeared in a seductive swimsuit in a playful pose, that the admirers of the television star were appreciated.


  • 2005 - "News" on the air program "Good morning"
  • 2010 - "Night News"
  • 2013 - "Good afternoon"
  • 2014 - "Good Morning"

Olga Ushakova (in Instagram - @ushakovao) - Russian TV presenter on the first channel. Born in Crimea on April 7, 1982. Dad was a military man, so the family did not stay anywhere for a long time, but she didn't even like it: she quickly learned to decorate in an unfamiliar city and conquer authority, even if it was necessary to defend their interests by force. After school, she entered the university in Kharkov, after which it was engaged in business with his young man. But since childhood she dreamed of going to television and become leading.

In 2004, Olga Ushakov came to the samples and passed, but without journalistic education could not immediately be allowed to ether. At first, she was in danger in different departments, learned to write the plots, worked out the diction, and after all this she began to news, where she worked for 9 years. In 2014, she fell on the first channel, to the program "Good morning", and a year after her arrival, the transfer first received the Thafi Prize.

For the first time, Olga Ushakov married at a young age, but some sources argue that it was a civil marriage. From the first husband, she gave birth to two children: a senior daughter Dasha and younger Ksenia. The eldest daughter is sick of autism, but Olga, as soon as he learned about it, began to do everything so that this disease does not progress. As a result, now she goes to a regular school and even more: she has a photographic memory, it is fond of different themes, constantly reads books and encyclopedia about stars or dinosaurs (depending on what is enjoyed at the moment), also teaches languages \u200b\u200bin dictionaries And dreams of becoming a translator.

The youngest daughter Ushakova discovered other talents - she loves to draw and create images with the help of clothes and accessories, so it is quite logical that her dream is to become a designer. The host herself in July 2017 married again. On the second husband, Olga Ushakov does not like to tell, so it's almost nothing unknown about it. The wedding of the TV presenter was very romantic: in Instagram Olga Ushakov, there are some photos from the bacheliness and the ceremony itself - the newlyweds held it on the seashore.


As in the program and on the official website, Instagram Olga Ushakova promotes the positive always in everything. She often lays out photos from work, and on them it looks perfect, despite the fact that every day she has to get up at 02.30 am to arrive in place by 5 in the morning.

Also in Instagram Olga Ushakova often appear the photos on which it is engaged in yoga. It helps her to keep himself in shape. In general, judging by the posts in Instagram, she is engaged in sports at home. One post in Instagram was completely devoted to the fact that it is not necessary to look for justification, if it is not possible to go to the gym: you just need to take a rope and go to do.

The leading and solar channel of the "Channel One" - about raising children, the secrets of the female attractiveness and personal secrets of the early birds of the "first button".

- How to manage to mom's two children: and upbringing, and career, and still look beautiful?

- My girls are now 7 and 8 years old. In modern children, such a rhythm of life is that it is rather necessary to distribute time between classes and parents. School, mugs, home classes - they have so many interests that I literally stand in the queue for reception (smiles).

If seriously, then I plan all your business for the time, while my daughters at school. Of course, with the exception of working days, when I leave for almost a day, but here we will definitely call up before they fall to bed, we speak how the day went.

Sometimes, when a very dense work schedule is built, it is necessary to hear their complaints about my work, but as soon as the weekend comes, we are inseparable, we walk together, play, do lessons or go somewhere.

- I know that with the eldest daughter you have a rather dramatic story.

- It's true. When I gave birth and sat on the maternity leave, the idea came to create a charity foundation. It seemed terribly unfair that very few organizations that would help children would, so to speak, with "unpopular" diagnoses - epilepsy and other, neurological, which are difficult to treat, require a very long rehabilitation.

My friend and I founded the foundation that was engaged in these issues. I, as a meticulous person, plunged completely, studied medical superstitious people

- What are your secrets of women's attractiveness and beauty?

- I have no secrets of beauty in principle. That is, everything I do is not a secret and is available to everyone. First, sport. I quickly borne everything, so sports change quite often, but invariably one thing - the physical activity should be regular.

You can not go to the gym - go on a jog, you can not run - go, just move. I am Adept Yoga, but this is not limited to this activity. I love to run in good weather, play tennis, I am engaged in horse riding, if there is an opportunity, then I swim. Secondly, sleep.

I have more difficult with this for obvious reasons. But I already learned myself to go to bed at 11 pm, even if I do not work, and I was convinced of yourself how the scientists are right, who claim that sleep until midnight is much more useful than after.

Thirdly, of course, no one canceled skin care. I defined two main points for myself: cleansing and moisturizing. In addition to home remedies, once every 1-2 weeks I make ultrasonic facial cleaning. And for moisturizing, I use homemade masks and salon procedures. In the offseason, be sure to take vitamins.

Internal mood takes the last place. I will say a banality, but from the inside the glowing you will not force you the same magic cream.

- You work in the Morning Program. Is it difficult to wake up at 5 in the morning?

- This is the ether from us begins at 5 in the morning, and waking up now in half the fourth. And even before. I will not lie, it is very hard, I still have not used to it. Ether I have once a week, I still try to live in normal days. Therefore, early waking up every time is stress for the body.

In the studio, sleep sometimes overcomes, we struggle how we can. On long plots or news releases, we are squeezed, we make any asans from yoga, we drink, dance.

About how we spend time behind the scenes, one could remove a separate program, sometimes it is very funny (smiles). The whole day, of course, after the air it is difficult to hold out, so, having come home, I go to bed for another a few hours. The best thing we can do for your body is to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, it is advisable to go to bed no later than 23:00.

- Tell us about interesting meetings with fans.

- Fortunately or chagrin, do not know me on the street. There was even a funny case when I arrived at the Gorky Park in a summer studio at the summer studio, I fell, and there are some young people and ask me: "Girl, and you do not know when Ushakova comes?"

On the set, they ask and take a picture, and sign, but when, outside of work, I tie the tail and put on jeans, I become an ordinary person. Or maybe I do not notice attention, just because I'm not waiting for him subconsciously. Probably, this is again the influence of work in the news.

We somehow do not perceive yourself as public people. So much work should be done to the output itself, that work in the frame seems only such a cherry on the cake. Therefore, almost no one suffers from star disease - there is no time.

- What are you dreaming about? What see your life in 10 years?

"Everything I dream and ask God is the health of my children and loved ones." Everything else is in our hands. There are plans, yes. I want to develop in the profession, and in life. It is interesting to try yourself in documentary. There are ideas, but it is still early to talk about them. I love to experience myself for strength, master new territories, even if scary, therefore, it is open to everything new.

In general, after 10 years, I see myself as before the young and active mom, maybe no longer two, but three children, successful in the profession, and most importantly - in harmony with you.

- Your recipes of the right rest: how, resting, not to get tired?

- For me, the main thing on vacation is not to rush. The habit is always hurry, the fear of being late is the diseases of the Big City. Therefore, on trips, I try to spend time as a soul. I just want to lie on the beach - lying, I want to climb somewhere - I scrape. And of course, the main thing is that the favorite people were near.

Olga Ushakov - Russian TV presenter, known for work in the news of the First Channel and the Program "Good Morning". Finalist of the prestigious television award "Tafee 2017".

Childhood and youth

Olga Ushakova was born in Crimea on April 7, 1981 in a large family. Since Olga's father was a military man, the family had to change the cities of Russia and Ukraine every six months, and even less. Naturally, at school, Olga had problems in relationships with new classmates, and the future TV host had to defend her honor even fists, often conflicts were national. However, Olga has quickly found a common language with other classmates, and in high school it easily sought authoritative.

The establishment of communications with different people turned out to be a very useful skill for a career on television, which Olga dreamed of very much from childhood. She took another little girl in the hands of the newspaper and imitated the manner of television speakers, and for the sake of the improvised interview with Olga took the ball (as a "microphone") and dismissed acquaintances, falling asleep their questions.

Already at 16, Olga graduated from school with a gold medal, moved to Kharkov and entered the university. In fact, she began independent life, and she had to work out, and over time, together with his young man (whose name Olga did not name), began to do business. By the age of 23, she became the head of the Ukrainian branch of the international company, which was engaged in the promotion of large brands.

TV presenter career

The head of the branch of Olga was long, because, together with a young man moved to Moscow. He then she remembered his children's dream and decided to try his hand on television, especially the capital opened great opportunities. On the samples in the television center "Ostankino", the photogenic Olga paid attention to, however, they pointed to its southern accent.

The girl still took to the position of the train, in which she trained the technique of speech, was engaged in finding informational reasons for news stories and wrote them.

In 2005, Olga became the leading morning news of the First Channel, things about the eastern regions of Russia (weekly with Andrei Ucharev).

In 2009, Olga Ushakov again appeared on the screen, but already as the leading night news of the first channel broadcasting to Central Russia. After a year, Olga's duties added to Olga's duties, the main skate of which was the apolitical stories.

From 2013 to 2017 Ushakov was one of the annual "straight line with Vladimir Putin".

In 2014, Ushakov moved to the work of the "Good Morning" program. At that time, the program has undergone significant changes: the composition of the leading "grumbled", the headings and themes for plots were also updated. Such innovations went to the benefit of the program, and in 2015 the "Good Morning" program received the Teffi Prize. After 2 years, the program was again encouraged by this prestigious award, and Olga Ushakov itself (together with Sergey Babaev) fell among the finalists of the nomination "Leading Morning Program" (Julia Vysotskaya with the program "Eat at Home" received).

Personal life Olga Ushakova

Olga Ushakova infrequently gives an interview, and even trying not to advertise his personal life. With a young man, which was written above, the famous TV presenter in his youth consisted of a civil marriage. In the Union with him, two girls appeared with the difference in the year - Daria (2005) and Ksenia (2006).

Dasha appeared neurological problems: the child spoke ahead of time, but he was silent a year, and so she continued until five years. Doctors diagnosed to her Kanner Syndrome, an aututic spectrum disorder. Dasha had to go through the method of raising children with special development, however, this did not prevent the girl to live a full-fledged life. She went to school on time, subsequently showed interest in foreign languages \u200b\u200bthat were given to her with ease. Ksenia really like to sing, she studied vocals.

In the summer of 2017, Olga Ushakov played a wedding in Cyprus. Its chosen was the restaurant Adam Karim. Spouses got acquainted in London in 2013. Olga was in line in the wardrobe of the restaurant, on the other hand came Adam with a friend; They did not notice the girl and ahead of her in line. Olga was indignant, but hearing the hot apologies of Adam, realized that they were not on purpose. The whole evening a man watched Ushakova, and when she was going to leave, I realized that I could not let her go just like that.

In April 2018, their common daughter appeared. During pregnancy, Olga still led the "Good Morning" program, and also made the plots about exercise during childbirth.

To maintain yourself in good shape and the necessary setting for the morning ether Olga occasionally engaged in yoga and gymnastics, and in his free time it really loves to read and travel along with the whole family. In addition, the well-known TV presenter does not fund meat and occasionally practicing raw foods.


In October 2018, the football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev beat the driver of Olga Ushakova, the man was in intensive care with Chmt. The TV host filed at the athletes to court, saying that "suffered only materially". "And outside, and in the salon blood. And in the side of a strong dent. Apparently, the driver hit the car's body, "said Olga, without commenting the condition of the victim. However, later the host wrote in Instagram, which gathered the team of lawyers who would defend the rights of the victim in court.

Kokorin and Mamaev beat the driver of Olga Ushakova

Olga Ushakova now

Despite the mode of operation of the leading morning program, in which you need to wake up at 3 o'clock and breakfast literally on the go, Olga Ushakova likes his own work. It is still filled with solar optimism, which she is ready to share with all the country.

Olga Ushakova - TV presenter of the "Channel One", the union of the program "Good morning", the owner of the prestigious TV show "Tafi 2015".

From this article, you will learn the main events of Olga Ushakova, and also learn interesting facts from TV presenter.

So, in front of you a brief biography of Olga Ushakova.

TV presenter Olga Ushakova

Biography Olga Ushakova

Olga Ushakova was born on April 7, 1982 in the Crimea. Since her father was a military personnel, the family had to change the place of residence.

According to the TV host itself, she never experienced discomfort or stress due to numerous moves. On the contrary, she liked to get acquainted with new people and establish relationships with them.

Childhood and youth

As a child, Olga Ushakova had a lot of cases when she had to stand for herself using fists.

Sometimes the teacher raised her parents to school so that they had explanatory work with her daughter. Nevertheless, the girl has always managed to use the authority among classmates.

All these difficulties in this period of biography only have ordered Olga and helped her to acquire the qualities necessary for the future profession.

Interestingly, as a child, Ushakova liked to take any thing that resembles a microphone, and comment on different events.

Already then she dreamed of becoming a famous speaker on television. She also loved to read and recognize any interesting information.

At the 16th age, Ushakov graduated with honors from high school. After that, she continued his studies at Kharkov University. Having received a diploma, she began to develop his own business with a guy.

At 23, Olga was already the head of the branch of one trading company engaged in the promotion of large brands.

Soon in the biography of Ushakova there was a sign event: she went with the beloved in.

It was there that Ushakova remembered his children's dream of television, but she felt uncertainty in their own power. To believe her young man helped her.

TV presenter Olga Ushakova

In 2004, the biography of Olga Ushakova change dramatically, as she successfully passed the casting on the "First Channel", after which she was hired intern.

The girl who did not have journalistic education had to work a lot to get a speaker's place. For a long time she produced the right diction and got rid of the accent.

Olga eventually entrusted the news transfer "News". Every day she had to memorize many important information and behave directly.

In 2014, Ushakov became the TV presenter of the Morning Transmission "Good morning." She helped people tune in for the working day, and also charged them with their positive mood. Olga coped so superbly with his work that in 2015 the program she was led was awarded the "Teffi" award.

In his interview, TV presenter Olga Ushakov repeatedly admitted that before the depths of the soul in love with his profession. Today, she can not even imagine how her biography without television developed.

Personal life

By nature, Olga is a very versatile and cheerful man. In his free time, she likes to care for the garden and. In addition, she loves to go to different museums and theaters.

Ushakova prefers not to talk about his personal life. It is only known that she has two daughters - Daria and Oksana, but there is practically no information about their father.

In any case, TV presenter Ushakov always responds with a spouse that is already worthy of respect.

Olga Ushakov with her husband Adam and daughters

In 2017, the press began to appear about the fact that Olga Ushakova has a new chosen one. According to some sources, a man does not live in and works in the field of restaurant business.

In the summer of the same year, it became definitively known that young people officially legalized their relationships.

Olga Ushakov today

To date, Olga Ushakov is one of the most popular and popular TV presenters, as evidenced by her whole biography.

In 2017, she was trusted for the fifth time to lead the "straight line" with. According to the girl, she has long been accustomed to working live, as a result of which it is ready for various kinds of changes and force majeure situations.

Periodically, Olga, together with his family, travels to the resorts. Having been in a particular country, she posts their photos on the Internet, thanks to which her fans can follow the personal life of the TV host.

It is safe to say that we will again see Olga Ushakov in rating TV projects.

Photo Olga Ushakova

Below you can watch the best photos of Olga Ushakova. According to many of her fans, she has a very unusual female beauty. Is it really - you can check, looking at the proposed photos of Ushakova.