Unknown facts from the life of the mystical Bulgakov. Interesting facts from the life of Bulgakov

Unknown facts from the life of the mystical Bulgakov.  Interesting facts from the life of Bulgakov
Unknown facts from the life of the mystical Bulgakov. Interesting facts from the life of Bulgakov

Mikhail Afanasevich Bulgakov(1891-1940) - Russian writer, novelist, playwright. The author of four novels, several stories and collections of stories and feuilletons, about two dozen plays.


Mikhail Bulgakov was born on May 3 (15), 1891 in Kiev in the family of an associate professor of the Kiev Theological Academy Afanasy Ivanovich Bulgakov (1859-1907) and his wife Varvara Mikhailovna (nee Pokrovskaya). In 1909 he graduated from the Kiev First Gymnasium and entered the medical faculty of Kiev University. In 1916 he received a doctor's degree and got a job in the village of Nikolskoye, Smolensk province, then worked as a doctor in the city of Vyazma. In 1915 Bulgakov enters into his first marriage - with Tatyana Lappa.

During civil war in February 1919 Bulgakov was mobilized as a military doctor in the army of the Ukrainian People's Republic but deserts almost immediately. In the same year, he manages to visit a doctor in the Red Army, and then in the White Guard The armed forces South of Russia. For a while he has been with Cossack troops spends in Chechnya, then in Vladikavkaz.

At the end of September 1921 Bulgakov moved to Moscow and began to collaborate as a feuilletonist with the capital's newspapers ("Gudok", "Rabochy") and magazines (" Medical worker"," Russia "," Renaissance "). At the same time he publishes individual works in the newspaper "Nakanune", published in Berlin. From 1922 to 1926, Gudok published more than 120 reports, essays and feuilletons by Bulgakov.

In 1923 Bulgakov joined the All-Russian Writers' Union. In 1924 he met Lyubov Evgenievna Belozerskaya, who had recently returned from abroad, and soon became his new wife.

In 1928 Bulgakov travels with Lyubov Evgenievna to the Caucasus, visits Tiflis, Batum, Cape Zeleny, Vladikavkaz, Gudermes. The premiere of the play "Crimson Island" is taking place in Moscow this year. Bulgakov has the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe novel, later called "The Master and Margarita". The writer also begins work on a play about Moliere ("Cabal of the Sanctifier").

In 1929 Bulgakov met Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya, his future third wife.

In 1930, Bulgakov's works ceased to be published, plays were removed from the repertoire of theaters. The play "Running", "Zoykina's apartment", "Crimson Island" are prohibited from staging, the play "Days of the Turbins" has been removed from the repertoire. In 1930 Bulgakov wrote to his brother Nikolai in Paris about an unfavorable literary and theatrical situation for himself and a difficult financial situation... Then he wrote a letter to the Government of the USSR with a request to determine his fate - either to give the right to emigrate, or to provide an opportunity to work as an assistant director at the Moscow Art Theater. Bulgakov receives a call from Joseph Stalin, who recommends that the playwright apply with a request to enroll him as an assistant director at the Moscow Art Theater. In 1930 Bulgakov worked in Central Theater working youth (TRAM). From 1930 to 1936 - at the Moscow Art Theater as an assistant director, on the stage of which in 1932 he staged "Dead Souls" by Nikolai Gogol. From 1936 he worked at the Bolshoi Theater as a librettist and translator.

In 1936, the premiere of Bulgakov's "Moliere" took place at the Moscow Art Theater. In 1937 Bulgakov worked on the libretto "Minin and Pozharsky" and "Peter I".

In 1939 Bulgakov worked on the libretto "Rachel", as well as on the play about Stalin ("Batum"). Contrary to the expectations of the writer, the play was banned from printing and staging. Bulgakov's health condition is deteriorating sharply. Doctors diagnose him with hypertensive nephrosclerosis. The writer begins to dictate to Elena Sergeevna the latest versions of the novel "The Master and Margarita".

Since February 1940, friends and family have been constantly on duty at the bedside of Bulgakov, who suffers from kidney disease. On March 10, 1940, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov died. On March 11, a civil funeral service was held in the building of the Union Soviet writers... Before the funeral service, the Moscow sculptor S. D. Merkurov removes the death mask from Bulgakov's face.


Bulgakov wrote his first story, in his own words, in 1919.

1922-1923 - publication of "Notes on cuffs", in 1925 a collection of satirical stories"The Devil". In 1925, the story " Fatal eggs", the story" Steel Throat "(the first from the series" Notes of a Young Doctor "). The writer is working on the story" dog's heart", plays" White Guard"and" Zoykina's apartment ".

In 1926, the play "Days of the Turbins" was staged at the Moscow Art Theater.

In 1927, Mikhail Afanasevich completes the drama "The Run".

From 1926 to 1929, at the Yevgeny Vakhtangov Studio Theater, Bulgakov's play "Zoykina's Apartment" was staged, in 1928-1929 in the Moscow Chamber Theater rehearsed "Crimson Island".

In 1932, the production of Days of the Turbins was resumed.

In 1934, the first complete version of The Master and Margarita was completed, including 37 chapters.

Major works

  • Steel Throat (1919)

  • White Guard (1922-1924)

  • Cuff Notes (1923)

  • Blizzard (1925)

  • Star Rash (1925)

  • Zoyka's apartment (1925)

  • Cabal of the Holy (1929)

  • Baptism by Twist (1925)

  • Fatal Eggs (1924)

  • Rooster Towel (1925)

  • The Lost Eye (1925)

  • Egyptian Darkness (1925)

  • Heart of a Dog (1925)

  • Morphine (1926)

  • A treatise on dwelling. Storybook. (1926)

  • Running (1926-1928)

  • Crimson Island (1927)

  • The Master and Margarita (1928-1940)

  • Bliss (1934)

  • Ivan Vasilievich (1936)

  • Moliere (Cabal of the holy man, post. 1936)

  • Theatrical novel (1936-1937)

  • The Last Days ("Pushkin", 1940)

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov was born in Kiev into a professorial family, so a good education was not a luxury for the future writer, but rather a compulsory necessity. Despite the fact that most sources claim that Bulgakov came to writing in adulthood, this is not entirely true. Since childhood, Bulgakov gravitated towards literature, his sister, already in old age, repeated more than once that having learned to read on his own, even before entering the gymnasium, Bulgakov mastered The Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris, and at the age of seven he created his first own work under the title "The Adventures of Svetlana". In the fifth grade of the gymnasium, he wrote a feuilleton "The Day of the Chief Physician" future writer willingly wrote epigrams, satirical poems, however, he considered medicine as his main vocation and dreamed of the profession of a doctor.

Bulgakov and morphine

Mikhail Bulgakov really studied to be a doctor and was engaged in medical practice for quite some time. At the end medical university in 1916, student Mikhail Bulgakov was sent by assignment as a zemstvo doctor to Smolensk, where he went with his first wife Tatyana. A year later, Bulgakov took morphine for the first time. Full time job with diphtheria patients forced the young doctor to take anti-diphtheria drugs, which in turn unexpectedly provoked severe allergies, to ease the pain Bulgakov used morphine. According to some reports, he could not give up the life-saving and deadly drug until the end of his life.

On the very first day of service in the hospital, a woman in labor was admitted to the young doctor Bulgakov, accompanied by her husband, who, waving a loaded pistol, threatened Bulgakov: "If she dies, I will kill!" The story, fortunately, ended well.

Bulgakov and Stalin

A mysterious relationship connected the writer with Joseph Stalin. Stalin was very fond of the Turbins, watched the performance at least fifteen times, enthusiastically applauding the actors from the government box. Eight times the "father of peoples" was at the "Zoyka apartment" at the Theater. E. Vakhtangov. And at the same time, according to the assurances of historians, searches were carried out in Bulgakov's apartment more than once, the writer was practically a regular at the Lubyanka, and the novel "The Master and Margarita" was not destined to see the light at all. The presence of such a sworn friend weighed down Bulgakov, made it impossible to be heard, and yet there was no way to break out of the vicious circle. Mikhail Afanasyevich has more than once compared his relationship with the Leader to friendship with Satan, believing that submission to a tyrant is tantamount to selling a soul to the devil.

Absent character

In 1937, on the anniversary of the death of A.S. Pushkin, several acting playwrights presented plays dedicated to the poet to the attention of the general public, among them Bulgakov. True, unlike his colleagues, he decided to take sophisticated critics with his originality. Considering that the play about Pushkin could well do without one character, he immediately excluded him. Bulgakov believed that the appearance of this character on stage will be vulgar and tasteless. The absent character was Alexander Sergeevich himself. This play is played in the theaters of the country to this day.

Shot from the film "The White Guard"

Treasure in the Turbins' house

In the novel "White Guard", Bulgakov quite accurately depicted the Turbins' house, as a basis he took his memories from his youth - the descriptions fully corresponded to the house where he lived in Kiev. True, there was one detail in the novel that did not exist in reality, but, nevertheless, greatly ruined the life of the owners of the house. The fact is that, having familiarized themselves with the work of the writer, the owners almost completely destroyed the building in an attempt to find the treasure described in the "White Guard". It is only natural that unlucky treasure seekers were left with nothing.

Margarita and her prototype

Mikhail Bulgakov and Elena Shilovskaya

Mikhail Bulgakov was married three times, but only the third wife, Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya, whom the writer took away from influential official, became not easy for him true friend but also a muse. Their meeting took place in the apartment of the artists Moiseenko. 40 years later, Elena Sergeevna recalled this meeting: “... When I met Bulgakov by chance in the same house, I realized that this was my fate, in spite of everything, in spite of the insanely difficult tragedy of the rupture ... we met and were close. It was fast, unusually fast, at least from my side, love for life. "

It is she who is the prototype of Margarita from famous novel, and the Master, as you might guess, is Bulgakov himself. In the society where Bulgakov moved, Shilovskaya was treated ambiguously. Of course, the times of the Holy Inquisition have long since sunk into oblivion, but no one could forbid the rumors. They were sincerely afraid of Mikhail Afanasyevich, and together with him Elena. Still, after the appearance of a surprisingly realistic text about the devil, which, moreover, in one of the first editions was called "Satan", coupled with the complete absence of problems with power (in comparison with other artists, Bulgakov lived practically in paradise), the writer and his the spouse was often accused of being connected with evil spirits.

Woland's story

The cult novel "The Master and Margarita" was originally conceived as an apocryphal "gospel of the devil", and love line absent from it at all. Over the years, a simple and at the same time eerie concept has become more complex, transformed, absorbing, like a sponge, the fate of the writer. Woland, central character works, got its name from Goethe's Mephistopheles. True, in the poem "Faust" it sounds only once, when Mephistopheles asks evil spirits to make way and give him a way: "The nobleman Woland is coming!" In the old German literature the devil was called by another name - Faland. It also arises in The Master and Margarita, when the employees of the variety show cannot remember the name of the magician: "... Maybe Faland?"

By the way, in the first edition, where there was no Master or Margarita, as many as 15 pages were devoted to a detailed description of Woland (now this text has been irretrievably lost). Those who had a chance to familiarize themselves with the first option had no doubts: such details about the devil can only be written by those who know him personally.

Oleg Basilashvili as Woland

The story with the primus

There are many legends about the novel "The Master and Margarita", the longer Bulgakov's creation lives, the more rumors and all kinds of mystical and eerie details. One of the stories associated with the creation of the work is told so often that it is likely that it actually happened. We all remember very well the incredibly charming scene with the cat Behemoth, who annoyedly declared to the citizens shocked by his stern appearance: “I'm not naughty, I'm not bothering anyone, I'm fixing the primus”. It turns out that at the moment when Bulgakov was once again editing the episode, a fire suddenly started in the apartment on the floor above. They managed to put out the fire in time, but when trying to find the source of the ignition, it turned out that the most ordinary primus caught fire in the kitchen of the writer's neighbors.

Shot from the series "The Master and Margarita"

Mysterious death

Just like life, the death of Mikhail Bulgakov is shrouded in mystery. Of course, there is also an official version - the writer died of hereditary kidney disease, in this regard, before his death, he was practically blind and experienced unbearable pain, which made him start taking morphine again. Often, however, they claim that Bulgakov died from an ordinary drug overdose. There is another version, mystical: remember the finale of The Master and Margarita, where the Master and his beloved moved into oblivion, where they could spend eternity together, they said that Satan took his “clerk” Bulgakov to himself in reality, really without a wife.

Today, May 15, marks the 123rd anniversary of the birth of the genius writer and playwright Mikhail Bulgakov. His life and work have always been full of mysteries that are of interest to modern connoisseurs of literature. Therefore, today we recall the most interesting, little-known and controversial facts from the biography of the great eccentric.

Since childhood Bulgakov was an avid reader, and, according to the testimony of his older sister, at the age of eight he read “Sobor Notre dame de paris". At the same time, since childhood, having an exceptional memory, he memorized much of what he read by heart.

In many biographies of the writer, the authors often say that Bulgakov was able to define himself as a writer by the age of 30, that is, already in adulthood. This is an erroneous opinion - Bulgakov began to write very early. The first story "The Adventures of Svetlana" was written by him when the writer was only 7 years old,

As known, the renowned writer had a medical education and practiced as a physician. After graduating from medical university in 1916, student Mikhail Bulgakov was sent by assignment as a zemstvo doctor to Smolensk, where he went with his wife Tatyana. On the very first exit to work, or rather at night, they brought a woman in labor, and her agitated husband, threatening the young doctor with a pistol, shouted: "If she dies, I will kill!" Childbirth was taken together: Tatyana found the right page in the gynecology textbook and read it out, and Bulgakov followed the instructions. Everything ended well.

Counts, that Bulgakov's apartment had been repeatedly searched by NKVD officers, and they knew about the existence and content of draft version"The Master and Margarita". Also Bulgakov in 1937 had telephone conversation with Stalin (whose content is unknown to anyone). Despite the massive repressions of 1937-1938, neither Bulgakov nor any of his family members were arrested.

Few people know that the novel "The Master and Margarita" was dedicated to the beloved writer Elena Sergeevna Nurenberg. It was his last love and the strongest, she brought a lot of suffering and happiness to both. By the time they met, they already had families that had to be destroyed in order to forever unite their destinies by marriage.

Bulgakov kept theater tickets to all the performances that he attended.

1917 year- a hard time of hunger for the Russian people. Bulgakov then worked as a doctor in a small rural hospital. Having contracted diphtheria from a child, Bulgakov injected himself with an anti-diphtheria serum. The effect was unexpected - the young doctor developed a severe allergic reaction, which manifested itself in a terrible rash on the skin and intolerable itching. Bulgakov suffered all night, after which he could not stand it and asked his wife for an injection of morphine. Repeated injections over the next days helped him cope with a terrible allergic reaction, but caused his body to become addicted to the drug.

By that time, when the first complete edition of the text of "The Master and Margarita" was created, Bulgakov was already terminally ill, and he dictated some chapters of this novel to his wife E.S. Bulgakova. The novel was completed in February 1940, a month before the writer's death.

According to the message the writer's widow, Elena Sergeevna, last words Bulgakov about the novel "The Master and Margarita" before his death were: "To know ... To know."

Originally on the grave of Gogol in the monastery cemetery there was a stone called Golgotha ​​because of the resemblance to the Jerusalem mountain. When reburial in another place, it was decided to install his bust on Gogol's grave. And the stone from the grave of Gogol, subsequently, was installed on the grave of Bulgakov by his wife. And here Bulgakov's phrase is remarkable, which he often addressed to Gogol: "Teacher, cover me with your greatcoat."

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov (1891-1940) is a famous Russian writer and playwright, who has written many famous works, including the famous Master and Margarita. In this article we will try to highlight the most interesting facts from the life of M.A. Bulgakov.

1. Mikhail Bulgakov was the oldest child in the family. In addition to him, 4 sisters and 2 brothers were brought up in the family.

2. On October 31, 1916, Mikhail successfully graduated from the medical faculty of the Kiev University and received a diploma in medicine. At the beginning of the First World War, he worked as a doctor, then was sent to Vyazma (Smolensk province).

3. Mikhail Bulkakov had 3 wives (Tatyana Nikolaevna Lappa (1913-1924), Lyubov Evgenievna Belozerskaya (1925-1931) and Elena Nikolaevna Shilovskaya (since 1932)), but he had no children from any marriage. But it was the 3rd wife Elena Shilovskaya who became the prototype of Margarita in famous work"Master and Margarita".

4. Many loved to collect stamps, but Bulgakov collected theater and concert tickets, and he collected only those tickets that he bought himself and which he used to go to the performance in person.

5. In 1922, Mikhail Afanasyevich was presented with a book by Alexander Chayanov, "Venediktov, or Memorable Events of My Life." The main characters of this gnich were Satan and a student named Bulgakov. According to the confessions of his second wife Elena Belozerskaya, it was thanks to this book that 7 years later he started writing the novel The Master and Margarita.

6. Bulgakov wrote his first work when he was only 7 years old and it was called "The Adventures of Svetlana".

7. On the grave of the writer lay a granite block of Calvary, which previously served as a foot for the cross on the grave before his reburial.

8. The famous Soviet comedy Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession (1973) was based on Bulkakov's Ivan Vasilyevich, only in the play of the engineer Timofeev it is called Nikolai, and in the film Alexander (Shurik). In addition, to date, more than two dozen works have been filmed, and these films were released not only in Russia. The Master and Margarita alone has been screened 9 times (Russia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Italy, Great Britain, Israel, Germany, Hungary).

9. In 1917, Mikhail Bulgakov was so afraid of diphtheria after one of the operations that he began to take antidephthyria drugs. But these drugs began to cause severe allergic reactions and in order to alleviate these reactions, Bulgakov began to take morphine. But as you know, morphine is not a medicine for children and is addictive. So Bulgakov began to take morphine regularly. But already in 1918 he gave up morphine and even began his private practice as a venereologist. In 1939, the writer's health deteriorated sharply and doctors diagnosed him with kidney disease (hypertensive nephrosclerosis), after which he continued to use morphine to relieve pain symptoms.

Mikhail Afanasevich Bulgakov - famous writer not only in Russia, but all over the world. This article contains some interesting facts from the life of Bulgakov.

How did he become a writer? There are many rumors about his talent. After the release of the novel "The Master and Margarita", it was said that Bulgakov's abilities were nothing but a devilish character, like a common person can describe the devil himself and his retinue so clearly. But we are unlikely to find out the truth about this.

The heroes of Bulgakov's Works have a charm that makes them fall in love with them and feel the special charm of unrevealed thought, and it is this thesis that can be applied to the entire work of the great writer. Interest in his personality is enduring, his works are constantly being filmed. Not so long ago a movie was released "Master and Margarita". It is believed that the novel about the master and the margarita can be treated either well or badly, but it does not leave anyone indifferent. The same applies to the personality of the author himself. Bulgakov's personal life, the stories of the creation of his works are shrouded in a kind of halo of secrets and mystical events.

An interesting fact, that in many biographies of the writer, the authors often say that Bulgakov was able to define himself as a writer by the age of 30, that is, already in adulthood. This is an erroneous opinion - Bulgakov began to write very early. The first story "The Adventures of Svetlana" was written by him when the writer was only 7 years old, a little-known biographer of Bulgakov wrote about this.
“He was a passionate reader, from his infancy. He read a lot, and with his absolutely exceptional memory he remembered a lot from what he read, and absorbed everything into himself. It was becoming his life experience- what he read. " The elder sister Vera claimed that at the age of 9 he had read Notre Dame Cathedral.

Of interest are the events that took place with Bulgakov in March 1917 - then he was a young zemstvo doctor. He returned from vacation (from Saratov and Moscow) to his native village. What he saw during his vacation, like a knife, wounded Bulgakov's heart. In addition to the revolution on the streets, he always saw patients with symptoms of syphilis. He had to treat such patients every day, just as the doctor treated soldiers fleeing from the front in "crowds". And once he had to suck diphtheria films with his mouth with a tube directly from the throat of a seriously ill boy.
Apparently the film got into the doctor's own mouth. He fell ill and from the terrible pain only an injection of morphine could help, which he immediately gave. Several days have passed Bulgakov cured, and morphine was no longer needed, but he was in no hurry to give up this "miraculous medicine." Bulgakov began to take it 2 times a day. After several months, Bulgakov could calmly write only after a dose, he sat down at the table and tried to convey on paper what was then opening to his mind's eye. Fortunately, Bulgakov's wife quickly noticed his addiction to morphine and helped him to quit the drug.

At Bulgakov's desk hung antique engraving, on which there was a "ladder of life" - the history of a person from birth to death. The writer loved this engraving, because it corresponded to his view of the fate of a person: each age has its own “prize of life”.

“These 'prizes of life' are distributed along the ladder of life - everyone grows, approaching the summit step, and from the summit they descend, gradually disappearing,” he explained the image depicted on it.

In the late 1920s, Bulgakov was sharply criticized. His prose works were not published, and the plays were removed from the repertoire. In the early 30s, there were no works on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater that were not seriously censored.

At this time, Bulgakov wrote a letter to Stalin, in which he asked to be given the opportunity to leave the country or to be allowed to earn a living in the theater. A month later, I called Bulgakov and let him work, after which the writer became an assistant director at the Moscow Art Theater. However, his works, as before, were banned from publication.

In 1936, Bulgakov earned money with translations and wrote a libretto for The Bolshoi Theater, and sometimes played in performances of the Moscow Art Theater. By the time the first complete edition of the text of The Master and Margarita was created, Bulgakov was already terminally ill, and he dictated some chapters of this novel to his wife E. S. Bulgakova. The novel was completed in February 1940, a month before the writer's death.

In history Bulgakov's life is interesting for such a fact: originally on the grave in the monastery cemetery there was a stone, nicknamed Golgotha ​​because of its resemblance to the Mount of Jerusalem. When reburial in another place, it was decided to install his bust on Gogol's grave. And the stone from the grave of Gogol, subsequently, was installed on the grave of Bulgakov by his wife. And here Bulgakov's phrase is remarkable, which he often addressed to Gogol: “ Teacher, cover me with your greatcoat».