Composition based on the text of V. Soloukhin

Composition based on the text of V. Soloukhin

Korableva Irina, student of grade 10, MBOU secondary school number 60

Sample composition according to the text by V.A. Soloukhin. Option number 5.

(Unified State Exam - 2015. Russian language. Typical examination options edited by I.P. Tsybulko)

С 1 Interesting text. I read it with great pleasure.

In my opinion, one of the problems of this text is the problem of the perception of nature. The author of the text, Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin, claims that he cannot but “charm a night like this, such a silence ... if it doesn’t charm, then the person himself is to blame”.

There are many examples of works in the literature that raise this problem. For example, the story of Vladimir Krupin "Throw the sack". It tells the story of a girl who was forced to work with her father to feed the “ten mouths”. Once the father saw an unusually beautiful rainbow, but his daughter did not understand his enthusiastic words. Then her father made her throw off the bag and straighten up. A beautiful sight appeared in the eyes of the girl: in the sky, as if "a horse was harnessed to a rainbow." The beauty of nature seemed to revive the girl. Here it is, the influence of nature on man!

Another literary example. The story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Forest and Steppe". The author describes the beauty of a July morning, the attractiveness of a foggy cold day, the grandeur of a forest in late autumn. This beauty could not fail to charm a person who did not in the least doubt the greatness of nature. This means that Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin was right.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Unified State Exam - Soloukhin conscience

Each of us makes many mistakes in our lives. Naturally, we all then regret the misdeeds committed, that we did not act according to our conscience.

But really, to act not according to conscience is terrible. We do not deliberate actions, and then we regret it for a long time, so we also pay for negative offenses: "We are ashamed."

It was not by chance that the author touched on the topic of conscience, because it was relevant, not only during the war years, but to this day. Soloukhin in his work shows the reader how bad it is to commit rash acts, which we regret after a long time: “Only now, two years later, only now, many years later, I thought that we left the dining room then without saying thanks ... ".

It should be noted that not only Soloukhin addressed the topic of conscience, but in Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita, the image of the procurator of Judea symbolizes how a person can be punished for cowardice. Because of a shameless act, he sends innocent Yeshua to execution, to terrible torment, for which he suffers both on earth and in eternal life.

And if you recall Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment", then you can see that the main character of this work did not act according to his conscience. Rodion Raskolnikov killed the old woman pawnbroker, just because of his theory. He destroyed human life, and then suffered from a perfect offense.

In conclusion, I want to say that each of us should act only according to our conscience, because in this way neither those around us, nor ourselves will suffer.

Once in my life I happened to be a real swindler. We were in practice in a foreign city, at a large aircraft factory. It was the second spring of the war, and, presumably, the aviation plant had enough worries besides being confused with yellow-faced trainees. And here the ancient wisdom was confirmed once again: idleness is the mother of all vices. If we, having defended our shift, tired, even three times hungry, came to the factory canteen with the workers, sat down with them at tables, dined, talking about our own work and feeling equal among equals, we, I am sure, will it would not have occurred to me to do what we did once. It is known that teenagers are the most voracious people. This means that we have not yet emerged from adolescents, if we could, as it seemed to us, eat continuously from morning to evening. But alas! .. We coped with breakfast very quickly, lunch - too (not counting delays due to the waiters), and dinner ... We didn't have to have dinner at all, because we ate everything that could be eaten much earlier ... And one day after dinner, Yashka Zvonarev took out of his pocket a crumpled coupon, the same as when we were given bread. - I picked it up on the floor. You can cut a thousand of such from one sheet. However, bread! This piece of paper contains two hundred grams of bread. Do you know what ... We will have a bunch of bread, brothers, look ... - With these words Yashka drew in ink on his palm: "June 13, 1942", let the ink dry, breathed on them , as they breathe in the office for printing, and attached to paper. Numbers and letters appeared on the paper. But they were pale, and besides, they were read the other way around. Once Genka Serov, without saying anything, went out and disappeared for about two hours. He appeared mysteriously shining and put on the table a device with which in cinemas they put the date, month and year on tickets, with the help of this device we printed a whole mountain of tickets, indistinguishable from those given to us in the factory cafeteria. When we came to the dining room, Yashka looked around everyone with an anxious look. -Risking? After, do not regret it. - Put, - Genka Serov answered for all. The waiter — a black-eyed, pale, thin girl — brushed all our tickets onto her tray and disappeared. We looked at each other again, and each, probably, in the face of the other read the alarm. No, we didn’t think about who would ask for the four kilograms of bread that we’ll get now: from this black-eyed and seemingly translucent girl, or from the distributor, an elderly woman with some kind of persistent fatigue in her eyes. the fact that perhaps these four kilograms will not be enough for twenty workers who have stood at the machine for ten or twelve hours. But for the first time, we thought about what would happen to ourselves if we were unexpectedly exposed. I suddenly saw clearly that they would immediately be expelled from the technical school. Moreover, we, of course, would be judged according to the laws of martial law. They will not give much, but even one year in the camps is enough for the whole life to break and go out of rut for tens of years. The girl's movements slowed down. She started going through all the papers again. The distributor, an elderly, tired woman, bent over the pieces of paper with her. They went over them once; they began to sort it out again - apparently, they were counting carefully. Then the distributor asked the girl something. The girl nodded her head in our direction, and the distributor began to look for us with her eyes, and found, and looked at us for a long time, as if pondering. How will everything go on now? Probably, the distributor will now go somewhere in the back rooms and make a phone call. The distributor dried her hands with a towel and leaves. Instead of her, a substitute appears at the distribution - another, also elderly and also tired woman, and the black-eyed one as if nothing had happened puts plates of soups and cereals, as well as a plate of bread on a large wooden tray. There are eight hundred grams of bread on a plate. On a plate with bread, at the bottom, under neat black slices, are our coupons. The old dispenser reappeared in the window. But we didn’t look in her direction. We are ashamed. Burning, not understanding the taste, we eat pea soup, burning ourselves, we swallow tasteless sago porridge ... Only now, two years later, only now, many years later, I thought that we left the canteen then without saying thank you to any black-eyed girl -the servant, nor an elderly woman at the distribution, with hopelessly tired, wartime eyes.


1) There are such deaf and secluded places on our river that when you wade through the tangled forest thickets filled with nettles, and sit down near the water itself, you will feel as if in a world fenced off from the rest of the earth's space.

(2) In bird cherry, future berries have grown to their size. (3) They are now smooth, hard, like carved out of green bone and polished. (4) The leaves of the rakita are turned now with their bright green, now with their back, matte, silver side, which is why the whole tree, its entire crown, everything, so to speak, a spot in the overall picture seems light. (5) Grasses grow sideways at the water's edge. (6) It even seems that further the grasses stand up on tiptoe, stretch with all their might, so that they must, at least from over their shoulders, look into the water. (7) Here and nettles, here and tall umbrella, the names of which here we have no one knows.

(8) But most of all, our closed earthly world is decorated with a certain tall plant with lush white flowers. (9) That is, each flower individually is very small and would be completely invisible, but the flowers on the stem are gathered in countless numbers and form a lush, white, slightly yellowish cap of the plant. (10) And since its stems never grow alone, the lush caps merge, and now, as it were, a white cloud is dormant among the motionless forest grass. (11) Also, therefore, it is impossible not to admire this plant, because as soon as the sun warms up, invisible clouds, invisible clouds of strong honey aroma, will float from a white flower cloud in all directions.

(12) Looking at the lush white clouds of flowers, I often thought about the absurdity of the situation. (13) I grew up on this river, I was taught something at school. (14) I see these flowers every time, and I do not just see them, but I single them out from all other flowers. (15) But ask me what they are called - I don’t know, for some reason I have never heard their names from other people who also grew up here. (16) Dandelion, chamomile, cornflower, plantain, bell, lily of the valley - we still have enough for this. (17) We can also call these plants by name. (18) However, why generalize at once - maybe I am the only one who does not know? (19) No, whoever I asked in the village, showing white flowers, everyone shrugged off their hands:

- (20) Who knows! (21) It grows fully: both on the river and in forest ravines. (22) And what are they called? .. (23) What do you need? (24) Flowers and flowers, you can't harvest them, don't thresh them. (25) You can sniff even without a name.

(26) Actually, I would say, we are a little indifferent to everything that surrounds us on earth. (27) No, no, of course, we often say that we love nature: these copses, and hills, and fontanelles, and fire, in half the sky, warm summer sunsets. (28) Well, to collect a bouquet of flowers, and, of course, to listen to the singing of birds, to their chirping in the golden forest tops at a time when the forest itself is still full of dark green, almost black coolness. (29) Well, go mushrooming, well, fish, and just lie on the grass, looking up at the floating clouds.

"(30) Listen, what is the name of the grass on which you now lie so thoughtlessly and so blissfully?" - “(31) So how is it like? (32) Grass. (33) Well, there ... some wheatgrass or dandelion. " - “(34) What kind of wheatgrass is there? (35) There is no wheatgrass at all. (36) Take a closer look. (37) In the place that you occupied with your body, there are two dozen different herbs, and each of them is interesting in something: either a way of life, or healing properties for a person. (38) However, this is a subtlety, as it were, incomprehensible to our mind. "

(According to V.A.Soloukhin *)

The work of Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin, a Russian writer and poet, author of village prose, touches on the problem of human indifference in relation to the surrounding nature, which is important for many.
Who, if not a representative of village prose, should raise such a problem that worries us? In the proposed text, the author gradually brings the reader to the topic of interest. In the first paragraphs, the author describes his native land in which he grew up. With the help of various lexical and grammatical means of expressiveness V.A. Soloukhin draws the reader's attention to the wondrous beauty of the native flora. A certain unfamiliar plant with white flowers deserves special admiration (sentences 8-11). Further, the author, with the help of several sentences (20-25), conveys the thoughts of fellow villagers, the meaning of which reflects their indifference towards flowers and nature in particular. This prompts the writer to think about the indifference of people (26-29).
In the end, the author comes to the conclusion that people are very often indifferent to nature, despite their apparent love for it.
I agree with the author's point of view. Indeed, many people are indifferent to nature, and now, in the age of high technologies and technological progress, there are more such people. We are moving away from mother nature. In my opinion, this is not good ... To confirm the author's correctness, I will give examples.
For example, in the work of Viktor Astafyev "Tsar-fish", a human indifference to nature is shown, which has turned in the main character, a poacher, into a predatory attitude towards it. In this work, the author tries to convey the idea that such an attitude will not bring people to a happy end, because the main character almost dies from the Tsar-fish, which personifies an angry nature. This attitude is a derivative of human indifference.
Another example is contemporary Russian reality. For example, today's youth is practically impossible to "pull" out of the virtual space into nature. They became indifferent to her. This is a sad situation. in my class such people are half of the total.
I conclude that the author was right in arguing that many people are indifferent to the surrounding nature. I would like to believe that a revolution in thinking will take place in human consciousness, and they will again return to the bosom of nature.

(was it possible to reveal the problems of just human indifference to everything around him? or is this an extension of the topic? thanks for checking.)
and another question (do the arguments prove the position of the author or mine?)

Answer accepted


V work(remove) Vladimir's text Alekseevich(Put away) Soloukhin, Russian writer and poet, author of village prose, affected by(remove) ADDRESSED is the problem of human indifference in relation to the surrounding nature, which is important for many.
Who, if not a representative of village prose, should raise such a problem that worries us? In the proposed text, the author (This is not the author, not Soloukhin, but the narrator) gradually brings the reader to the subject(the word for this composition is forbidden: PROBLEM)... In the first paragraphs author describes his native land in which he grew up. With the help of various lexical and grammatical means of expressiveness V.A. Soloukhin draws the reader's attention to the wondrous beauty of the native flora. Particular admiration is given to a certain unfamiliar plant with white flowers and.( sentences 8-11). Further author with the help of several sentences (20-25) conveys the thoughts of fellow villagers, the meaning of which reflects their indifference in relation to flowers and nature in particular. This prompts the writer to think about indifference people (26-29) (FOR WHAT?).
Finally, author comes to the conclusion that people very often indifferent to nature, despite their apparent love for her. ( Remove repetitions of thoughts and words, straighten everything!)
I agree with author's point of view. Indeed, many e people indifferent to nature, and now, in the age of high technologies and technological progress, such of people getting bigger. We are moving away from mother nature. In my opinion, this is not good ... To confirm the correctness the author I will give examples.
For example, in the work of Viktor Astafyev "Tsar-fish", a human indifference to nature is shown, which has turned in the main character, a poacher, into a predatory attitude towards it. In this work, the author tries to convey the idea that such an attitude will not bring people to happy ending, because the main character almost dies from the Tsar-fish, which personifies an angry nature. This attitude is a derivative of human indifference.
Another example is contemporary Russian reality. For example, today's youth is practically impossible to "pull" out of the virtual space into nature. They became indifferent to her. This is sad situation. in my class such people - half of the total . (THE ARGUMENT DOES NOT COUNT!)
I conclude that the author was right in arguing that many people are indifferent to the surrounding nature. I would like to believe that a revolution in thinking will take place in human consciousness, and they will again return B camping in the bosom of nature.
K1-1 K2-2 K3-0 K4-2 K5-1 K6-0 K7-2 K8-3 K9-2 K10-0 K11-1 K12-1 = 15 points

The arguments prove your position: after all, you can disagree with the author's point of view.

Answers (8)

  • Answer accepted


  • Answer accepted


  • Answer accepted


    In the text (is the work a hackneyed word?) Vladimir Soloukhin, a Russian writer and poet, author of village prose, poses an important problem for many of human indifference in relation to the surrounding nature.
    Who, if not a representative of village prose, should touch upon such a problem that worries us? (Abrupt transition?) In the proposed text, the narrator gradually brings the reader to the question of interest. In the first paragraphs, he describes his native land in which he grew up. With the help of various lexical and grammatical means of expressiveness V.A. Soloukhin draws the reader's attention to the wondrous beauty of the native flora. A certain unfamiliar plant with white flowers deserves special admiration (sentences 8-11). Further, the narrator, with the help of several sentences (20-25), conveys the thoughts of fellow villagers, the meaning of which reflects their indifference towards flowers and nature in particular. The replies of fellow villagers play an important role in understanding the problem of the text.
    In the end, the author comes to the conclusion that people have become indifferent to nature (or not A.P.)
    I agree with his point of view. Indeed, many people are indifferent to nature, and now, in the age of high technologies and technological progress, there are more such individuals (or the book word does not look good in this context?). We are moving away from mother nature. In my opinion, this is not good ... To confirm the correctness of my judgment (then it is necessary to write not “the correctness of the author”, but “my judgment”?) I will give examples.
    For example, in the work of Viktor Astafyev "Tsar-fish", a human indifference to nature is shown, which has turned in the main character, a poacher, into a predatory attitude towards it. In this work, the author tries to convey the idea that such an attitude will not bring people to a happy end (what is the mistake?), Because the main character almost dies from the Tsar-fish, which personifies an angry nature. This attitude is a derivative of human indifference.
    Another example is another work of V. Astafiev "Lyudochka", in which, in addition to acute social topics (or is it also impossible?), The problem of interest to us is also raised. The park is a refined piece of nature, a place for spiritual relaxation. This is how the named place appears in our imagination, but in a completely different way it is displayed in Astafiev's story. Dirt, garbage, stench - this is such a park. And all why? Because people have become indifferent to nature. What's the bottom line? Moral and moral degradation.
    I conclude that the author was right in arguing that many people are indifferent to the surrounding nature. I would like to believe that a revolution in thinking will take place in human consciousness, and they will again return to the bosom of nature.

    (or A, P is a judgment that every part of nature (plants, flowers) has an interesting history .....?)

  • Answer accepted


    In the text ( this is an excerpt from the work) Vladimir Soloukhin, a Russian writer and poet, author of village prose, posed an important problem for many of human indifference in relation to the surrounding nature.
    In this passage, the narrator gradually brings the reader to the question of interest. In the first paragraphs, he describes his native land in which he grew up. With the help of various lexical and grammatical means of expressiveness V.A. Soloukhin draws the reader's attention to the wondrous beauty of the native flora. Some unfamiliar ( is it unfamiliar?) for him a plant with white flowers (sentences 8-11). Further, the narrator with the help of several sentences (20-25) conveys thoughts fellow villagers, the meaning of which reflects their indifference towards flowers and nature in particular. Replicas fellow villagers play an important role in understanding the problem of the text.
    In the end, the author comes to the conclusion that people have become indifferent to nature (or not A.P.) (Don't be original! Write according to the template!)
    I agree with his point of view. Indeed, many people are indifferent to nature, and now, in the age of high technologies and technological progress, there are more such individuals. We are moving away from mother nature. In my opinion, this is not good ... RUSSIAN CLASSICS WRITTEN ABOUT THIS MORE ONCE.
    For example, in the work of Viktor Astafyev "Tsar-fish", a human indifference to nature is shown, which has turned in the main character, a poacher, into a predatory attitude towards it. In this work, the author tries to convey the idea (TO WHOM?), that such an attitude will not bring people to a happy ending ( Speech, find another expression.) after all, the main character almost dies from the Tsar-fish, which personifies an angry nature. This attitude is a derivative of human indifference.
    Others an example is other V. Astafiev's work "Lyudochka", in which, in addition to acute social topics, the problem of interest to us is also raised. The park is a refined piece of nature, a place for spiritual relaxation. This is how the named place appears in our imagination, but in a completely different way it is displayed in Astafiev's story. Dirt, garbage, stench - this is such a park. And all why? Because people have become indifferent to nature. What's the bottom line? Moral and moral degradation. (WHOM?)
    Thus, many people are indifferent to the environment. nature... I would like to believe that a revolution of thinking will take place in human consciousness, and they will again return to the fold nature.

  • Answer accepted


    The text of Vladimir Soloukhin, a Russian writer and poet, author of village prose, poses an important problem for many of human indifference in relation to the surrounding nature.
    In this passage, the narrator gradually brings the reader to the question of interest. In the first paragraphs, he describes his native land in which he grew up. With the help of various lexical and grammatical means of expressiveness V.A. Soloukhin draws the reader's attention to the wondrous beauty of the native flora. A certain unfamiliar (is it unfamiliar? Proposition 8) plant with white flowers deserves special admiration for him (Propositions 8-11). Further, the narrator, with the help of several sentences (20-25), conveys the thoughts of fellow villagers, the meaning of which reflects their indifference towards flowers and nature in particular. The replies of fellow villagers play an important role in understanding the problem of the text.

    The author comes to the conclusion that people have become indifferent to nature
    I agree with his point of view. Indeed, many people are indifferent to nature, and now, in the age of high technologies and technological progress, there are more such individuals. We are moving away from mother nature. In my opinion, this is not good. (RUSSIAN CLASSICS WRITTEN ABOUT THIS MUCH TIME)
    For example, in the work of Viktor Astafyev "Tsar-fish", a human indifference to nature is shown, which has turned in the main character, a poacher, into a predatory attitude towards it. In this work, the author tries to convey the idea of ​​the reader that such an attitude will not bring them to good. The main character almost dies from the Tsar-fish, which personifies an angry nature. This attitude is a derivative of human indifference.
    Another example is another work of V. Astafiev "Lyudochka", in which, in addition to acute social topics, the problem of interest to us is also raised. The park is a refined piece of nature, a place for spiritual relaxation. This is how the named place appears in our imagination, but in a completely different way it is displayed in Astafiev's story. Dirt, garbage, stench - this is such a park. And all why? Because people have become indifferent to nature. What's the bottom line? Moral and moral degradation of people.
    Thus, many people are indifferent to the surrounding nature. I would like to believe that a revolution in thinking will take place in human consciousness, and they will return to it again.